Special Streets of Medjugorje Friday Night Tour

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start our evening tour here in maoy you see our lady over there Victor over there Friday night in magoya a peaceful day it has been check out I went to cross Mountain I did a beautiful beautiful interview with aene from Belgium check it out there is English subtitles and international subtitles amazing what he's talking about Guided by the Holy Spirit and look we are going to discover a little bit met in this Friday evening in the sunset hello you see it's quite windy I hope it's okay I didn't get the microphone out I [Music] [Music] every for I know I'm walking on steel at the moment come out spe you see the beautiful sculpture you see God is one fingertip away from you you just have to open your heart and he will be right right there with you and let's continue the evening tour here in magoya we go a bit outside that you see what's going on in the outskirts I put on the microphone now though so that it's easier for you to listen you don't hear so strongly the wind as there is wind going on here and you have Hotel Lane over there on this side we are passing we are passing parall to the hotel and pension Lane so you can see how it looks from the side and not in the dark and look at the sunset isn't that beautiful and the birds singing these moments of total peace I love that so much for you feel the peace I hope this Friday night here in magoya look some children playing on the spots ground another Pilgrim bus is coming from let me see Slovenia and look at the clouds over there what colors amazing I hope we can see the the colors over here as well oh look at these clouds as well over there and I will keep on going the bus is stopping there at the hotel and we keep on going doing a little bit more the tour here in muga in the evening so check out the video I did to a nice coffee shop also in the morning tour I ended in a nice coffee shop sweets coffee shop they have nice healthy food when you come here and then cross Mountain amazing I did a lot of interviews for you people coming down from the mountains that you can experience what happens to them and then I went to the tomb of father slco barar that's amazing The Franciscan frer who invented the Youth Festival Mother's Village so many the the house for women who are mistreated he did so many stuff for Mago our lady said when he died doing doing the stations on the cross on the last station up on Cross Mountain kerat which you see in front of you he said down and he died of just of an heart attack The Visionaries asked our lady and she said he went directly with them into heaven so you can go to the tomb ask for intercession Hello nice to see you I did a little pilgrimmage to his tomb then look there over there we have Hotel Leon and I'm going on the other side of the street for you guys and just have to check something if they have the water I'm looking for but they don't have it and then I did a little historic tour with you guys it's at 9:00 it will be uploaded so it's uploaded already because I will post this video after that other video discover the history of maoan pictures so it has been an interesting day with interesting videos check it out and here we have again St James Church the end of the veneration of the Cross which is happening every Friday night it's already at the outdoor altar again so [Music] nice our lady said you receive a lot of Graces kneeling before the cross I experienced that myself in Mago try it out wherever you are around the world you can do it kneel before the cross and venerate the cross just for a few minutes a Spanish grou he has this special piece tonight somehow it's amazing to see and there's Vito restaurant and we are going to go on the left hi hi and you see people have a nice dinner a tomato restaurant some I also love to crab a pizza I will see like a slice I show you where I can do that we want to have fast just a slice of pizza you go straight on you know there's a nice restaurant agaba over there as well for a nice slice of pizza I will show you at the corner here here you have the best ice cream in town Kempy ice cream chelato homemade it's over here yummy yummy and for just for the pizza you go here they have like slices of pizza in there that's a lot of people do that the C there they are look at that just a slice of pizza if you want somehow I love to have a slice of pizza look at that looks nice or should I resist the pizza and they keep on going a little bit more more hotels here just show look on Airbnb booking.com and you will find your hotel you have all different kind of price [Music] ranges in the background here have the music of the renovation of the Cross and cross Mountain again in the back here I hope you enjoy enjoyed this evening tour if you did subscribe to the channel hit the Bell button for notification of new videos and give a like and leave comments from where you're watching I love to hear from you you see belissima Cafe is getting ready step by step refurbished and again look at the sunset over there e can we see what's going on here I need to go to the supermarket that's over here namx and you have bywood restaurant over there with Tiano see it's over there oh let's see what's going on at the restaurant here it is vegan option you have can eat vegan vegan or vegan how do you say that at byot restaurant and let's make make a little pa maybe here by restaurant SE still quiet because veneration of the Cross is still going on people will come a bit later and you see come to by restaurant and also tisano is looking for a a server a local if somebody local listening come to bywood restaurant and he has a job for local people to help him serve the food and I go now tunic you see the evening program is finished a lot of people coming now from the church and you have a little impression what's going on Friday night after the veneration of the Cross here in [Music] Magan hello father just [Music] [Music] and you see that is metoya family life with pilgrims together just beautiful young and old together happily joyfully and you see a lot a lot of people I will pass on this side [Music] Enough by and is that beautiful nuns eating ice cream and to next till cre bus [Music] you see again the snack the pizza is over there if you wanted to have just a slice of pizza it's baked at the bakery San niola and you see our Gaba restaurant full Friday night oh a tomato restaurant the terce is full that is Burrito restaurant lot of local people go here and for me it is time to go home [Music] and you see Mago is full again with pilgrims and this this is magoya on the 10th of May 20 24 the night tour Friday [Music] night we have St James Church over here and you look over there the shops again [Music] and hotel Leon and up hill where the lights are over there shton bling and you see the buses over there 1 two three check that out over there you see Hotel Luna huge group now the supermarket over here you know it by now I know over there as well you see high season Meto I started another bus at the entrance of Hotel Lane and again subscribe to the channel hit the Bell button for notification of new new videos and give a like and leave comments from where you watching and your prayer intention and requests I'm so happy to hear from you all and God bless you all from Meto on this beautiful Friday evening peaceful evening here in maoy and I leave you with the few on hotel sulage and hotel Lane the first Lane and the second lane is coming here you see the buses are back and God bless you all from magoya please pray for me as I pray for you here in metoya have a joyful day or peaceful evening depending from where you are watching let's stay United in prayers and I leave you with the few on the hotel Lane on on the sky of Meto God bless you all
Channel: Tom Medjugorje
Views: 1,143
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: TSfh6s2Ek2U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 32sec (1712 seconds)
Published: Fri May 10 2024
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