Témoignage Medjugorje | Réveille-Toi France! (English Subtitles)

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I am here in Medjugorje I am with what is your name Monique Monique where do you come from originally from Besançon but I live in Haute Savois and when you listened for the first time to my September 29, 1990 and what is it that to think that well I had to maybe one day I will go where and on October 17, 90 I was a mgorier without without foreseeing it because I am an air hostess or for private jets and I I have passengers who wanted to come to S yes and I had completely forgotten medjorier I don't even know the name arrived in Sarajevo the little lamp lit up yes and I asked the receptionist and he told me but it You have to go to Mostar and so on, so at that time I couldn't, we didn't have a cell phone in 90, we only had beeps and I wasn't allowed to go 1 hour away from the hotel and I skip the details I took the risk but I didn't know how to go about it and by discussing with the receptionist I will give you the car and if your driver calls you and well we come back to the grace of God and we left because that I still risked my job because I risked leaving because I said if I call me and the passenger pays a lot of money he wants to leave and well I lose my job but that's not the case serious Lord the grace of God Providence and in the end it stopped and we arrived at orier for me it was new and I discovered orier first thing I went to church I bought my first rosary I I had others that my mother had given me but it was my first rosary that I bought myself and to learn we went to the poteb because I know where it goes like a tourist and then this kind hotel receptionist took me to the poteb there is a magnificent blue sky like I have never seen, exceptional peace and we climbed the pot brro that is to say the hill of the apparitions at the time there was no Saintefierge which is now on the BR pot which is a beautiful statue of the Virgin with slightly Korean eyes because it is a Korean there is a whole other story about this statue which we will have to look at inquire and there was only one cross and at that moment I went up without any preconceptions because I was a tourist there I was looking I was open but there and there when I arrived at the cross where the tears flowed and I say well listen if you exist do this for my mother she was seriously ill at the time take her arm and so that she can have the sacraments that everything happens in the family and everything and then for my life well I entrust her to you I maybe I won't be religious because I don't have the profile, I don't know, I'm entrusting my life to you and at the time I had a relationship that wasn't very clear with someone who was divorced and everything , so I'm playing pingpong the churisti the confession and that was not clear and I left everything went well the passenger did not ask to leave so I returned to Geneva and so when I returned to Geneva sir jourd I I even have his name who was at the time head of operations in the company in Ker told me ah well if you are going to misrepresent you Take a little wink for me and I will show you this image because if you knew how I love you you would cry with joy and that I experienced so already the C which says here yes if it is the proud saint I experienced it at the cross but that I did not know I did not know this message and I I came back in 1994 and there it was on a pilgrimage so it was another approach and with an extraordinary group and there I experienced something very very strong at the Crisisvac at the 11th station and it was in 1994 and we are in 2004 202 4 so we understood that 30 years ago and there my life was not very adjusted precisely and there I had done things that I which are personal which I cannot say but which were still very serious I went to confession often but I could not detach myself from this sin which is still important and Igor was an extraordinary revelation at the 11th station I received believe me it is very strong the love of Christ mercy I have I looked in the heaven I saw how the holy sacrament the ostens evening exposed and there I felt a torrent of love of mercy and forgiveness which was inexplicable and I said but how can anyone love me like that It was March 25, 94, that's why I'm here on March 25, 194, 2024 30 years later to give thanks because it really was and there I was really freed from this extraordinary joy I really cried with joy and in the evening at mass it was March 25, 94 at the time of the consecration I burst into tears in the church no one could hold me back but it was tears of joy to say but how can we be loved like that really have faith God loves us as we are in the state we are in but even if we take a small step one step forward three steps back he doesn't look if looks at the small step we took and he gives us the hand to do the second and that is really extraordinary the French really need to wake up because mugor is the center of confession I prefer the word reconciliation to be reconciled with us we are reconciled with the Lord with the Blessed Virgin who leads us to her son do not forget the Gospa she is truly the Queen of Peace but of reconciliation 69 so we must not forget this word reconciliation the world needs reconciliation in the family in our communities in our priests in our churches all over the world and if we don't come and reconcile already with ourselves and with our families with our communities with our parishioners and everything but how can V that peace comes we want peace but we want it for others but are we capable of making peace ourselves no it's not possible we can only with the grace of God and cry out to him Lord I can't take it anymore I let go help -me and he can't be deaf to this call really be sure of that so everything they tell you whatever it is is recognized it's not we don't care we come here we feel peace we see people of all nationalities from all situations uh religious politics social young people old people disabled people it's family me I'm at home here I spent 10 days I'm leaving again Samir I don't want to leave I'm already thinking of coming back because it is there is a peace all the sanctuaries have their grace but here it is really the grace of peace the Madonna she is really there the Our Lady she is there and we have our poverty but we put them down when we arrive on the bus or on the plane and we come here we live here with the Madonna with prayer the fields in the streets people kissing who don't know each other this morning I met two Canadian girls in one place we is kissed we took photos that we will perhaps never have again but that's love at the hotel there were Mexicans last night they had an extraordinary party with a priest we sang we danced in Mexican we didn't know he blessed us individually it was joy joy we need this joy currently it's a world of sadness of darkness there is the sky see there are the clouds but also has the blue sky so always look at me who was in aviation I arrived in Geneva it was the layer above we had a splendid sun from the layer we went down into the layer but after we go back up there is the sun everywhere so the sun puts a little spark in the heart will set us ablaze and let's not extinguish this flame because it really is too serious and every French person must wake up I have been in M ​​ggorier for 30 years I come here I celebrated my 50th birthday so in 2014 I'm coming back in 2024 in ceit 14 24 in 2000 4 yes 2 I'm 70 years old no I'm 70 50 70 and yes I have them I feel them I don't do them but I have them and I say to myself but I have that a desire is to come back which the French must wake up because in the shops everywhere I want there are very few things in France but why well because there are not many French but the French people wake up France the fiend of the church you must wake up come to mggornier come listen no one come take a theft there are flights now from everywhere there are trom webs there are lots of associations on the internet to come on a pilgrimage to M Goren it is the mother who is waiting for you she is waiting for you she wants to help you she is crying she is crying from sadness not from joy there is tritess's plan because her children are falling and don't realize she wants to pick them up who is the mother who is going to cause her child to fall who is not going to pick him up so he It is absolutely necessary for the French to wake up the French the French women come to medjigor I recommend you cannot come back to medjigorier without you will leave differently and for me this is perhaps the 30th time that I have come I don't count anymore because that's it for me this is my house this is my second house there and behind you there is a Muslim woman there are Muslims who come here too so if there are French Muslims who are listening come here if there she welcomes all her children the land of love here it is, it's a mother she loves all her children and even in her own family there is one who is a CEO the other who is going to be a farmer the other who is going to be on the street homeless mother she loves everyone so she makes no difference it's us who make the difference it's us who create partitions there are no partitions here in M ​​gorier we believe we don't believe we come and we experience peace and we experience joy so I assure you this joy that this hope that the world needs we listen to all the prophecies right and left at the catastrophe it will collapse the wars yes perhaps but if we do not intervene with the Rosary we have a weapon we do not have a nuclear weapon we know where it is our weapon yes and well I will show it to you our weapon the most powerful weapon is this one it is the Rosary or peace and it is Our Lady of Peace who tells us this and I read to you what she writes on the back of this card there you go and all these cards that I take each time I take around fifty or a hundred I distribute them and all those who received this little blessed card of love were touched and I met a friend that I had known for a very long time who is in Retete House afterward it is a former boyfriend he told me he told me he opened his wallet he was 75 years old and he said to me Monique look it was all damaged but I still have it there and there is also a little rosary if you are lazy which is called the rosary of peace so this one is for beginners it's a cross God it's easy eh on the cross another father one I hail you Maria glory to the Father this time it's not much it's the gifts of the Holy Spirit is the rosary of peace so when you are in the car when you are walking when you have a problem I'm fed up I can't take it anymore ah my weapon so take your small weapon or the machine gun and you start bullets of love and it will fall back into grace, so really, uh, I give thanks with all my heart because despite my weaknesses, my poverty, after all the graces that I have received, I am moving forward with small steps, but these small steps in the eyes of God they are the most important because we will not try to do extraordinary things we are too small we can do nothing without God and little Theresa said it I need a lift from his arms to carry me so we must really be in abandonment but not abandonment I can no longer take abandonment Lord do it and I will finish in myself here and with a prayer from Father Dolindo who is a spiritual son of Padr Piillot there is a beautiful a beautiful neevenaine to do those who are desperate go on the Internet take the father do lindo dolindo and his prayer it is the shortest but the most effective lord Jesus I abandon myself to you it is up to you to think about it for everything and every time you have a problem and everything with your heart really in your heart deeply Jesus I abandon myself to you it's up to you to think about it for everything only even already three times and you will see things will evolve and peace will return and let's do this as a family let's pray as a family let's pray for our priests let's pray for our parishes for our priests politicians for our politicians n here are all the politicians around the world because they are unfortunately maybe let's pray for them God said to pray for your enemies so maybe they are not our enemies but they perhaps do things that they should not do and God knows it but God is victorious but we will have to go through the Cross we must not have any illusions God he is good he is kind everything is fine no God loves us madly he gave his life for us but there is the cross and often we don't want the cross but the cross leads to resurrection must not forget it and all our crosses if they are offered Lord I don't want this disease, this cross, all these problems, but I offer them to you for conversion myself, my family, my friends, my parish, the priests because the priests are in such great demand, attacked and we slander them while There are extraordinary priests who do remarkable work who give themselves completely and we do n't take into account those who make a lot of noise, so we talk about them on all the media but those who do good we don't talk about and evil makes a lot of noise but good does not but it is effective so here it is mgorier today Morier always yeah exa and tell me you have you said the confessionary next to it's the center of all that here it's the center of Morier is the hospital as Surur Emmanuel said I believe the largest confessional hospital in the world yes people who have not confessed for 20 to 30 years who feel the need I managed to migrate first thing that I said on the 24th I am going to go to confession and in this case I did not go there either on the 24th or the 25th and I rethought my life I really knew I made a deep confession lord help me send me the Holy Spirit so that I really veil my life not to make myself feel guilty but so that I can give you all my weaknesses and I thank the Lord and Saint-Joseph it was the feast on May 1st yes because at the end of count every day I postponed my confession afterwards there are not many French priests also pray for the priests who come here bring them offer them their trip and that allowed me to deepen my weaknesses excuse me where and in the end I'm happy to go to confession on the first day because on May 1st I had a good try there was a French priest there was a mother with a little girl a little girl a little boy she encouraged them to go confessing it was so beautiful to see these kids confessing 6 7 8 years old and I said to the little boy are you going he said to me yeah I say what is good the good are you mux receive a kiss or a slap well say a kiss well I say see that it's the kiss it's good the slap it's bad so afterwards he was very attentive and his mother thanked me because talking to children also of confession it is very important because they forget the notion of evil and good and it is often when it comes from another person because when it is the father or the mother sometimes it passes less good but when it's someone who improvises comes and says a child wow it's great you are lucky to have parents like that you realize because the children are also unfortunately not in the have a good trip because the parents do n't use it because they have no religious education, no catechism, we forgot all that, it fell in the trash and that's what's going to make them, they no longer have a point of reference. father is no longer there unfortunately if it's the mother we don't that's sad but let's give back a place to those who no longer have a dad no more mom or family problems put husband back as mother and God as father and Saint -Joseph who is an adoptive father take Saint-Joseph who is in silence but who has a lot so turn to them and you will have a dad and a mom from heaven who will help your dads and your moms on earth to find a little peace of forgiveness forgiveness forgiveness it's a gift given by God and there we find peace we can go see psychologists it will help but the peace of the soul of the mind you will not have it you will have the why and how your problems are there but the healing is done solely through forgiveness it is the only apostolic Catholic religion which gives us this grace of forgiveness I do not know to my knowledge of other religions we offer the parliament of forgiveness and we no longer speak of this sacrament and it is immense and that's why people lend 30 40 years or even years feel the need to go there and I'm appalled to see all these people in the queue every evening waiting in the rain to receive God's forgiveness and who come out with joy who come out liberated and it's a new life that begins we leave everything it's the manure we leave it but what is the use of manure it's fertilizer that grows beautiful roses or that's exactly what we're saying, we stop touching ourselves, I'm not hot, I'm not cold, and let's look at what's happening in the world, we're still privileged despite all the difficult and dramatic situations, we're privileged, let's give back thanks every day for having a roof over electricity still enough to eat and let's think of those who have nothing and give what we can to the masses because the masses are very important also why B the M are very important because which I have already been doing every day since 2014 since I have been here I needed to pray for the souls in purgatory something that I had completely forgotten and I came across a little book called laabbé berliou which is that I found as in a I think it's a Notre-Dame or I know more briefly and it was for the month of the Father's aes the month of November and it's a prayer that we say every day from November 1st until the 30th and it's over after that and we free souls from purgatory knowing that we have completely forgotten them we will perhaps be there one day and perhaps tomorrow for me too and they cannot nothing more for her it's like in the casino the games are made nothing goes right we can't do anything anymore once we're there we still have the possibility of changing to do good evil to ask for forgiveness but once we pass to the other side it's over we are such that we are with our good our bad what we did well what we didn't do what we could have done what we didn't done and God does not judge us but he puts us before the completed celebrations and as God loves us madly nothing negative can return to heaven we have the grace of having purgatory did not know among the Protestants who do not have them just removed books I didn't know there was the me I thought it was like us once we entered a Protestant bookstore there is no purgato what is it is it C or hell what a horror fortunately God gave us this gift this mercy to pass to purify us like when we have done a task and well we go to the dry cleaners for 2 minutes to do the task but it takes more time to remove it eh so the Lord gives us this grace to purify ourselves because he wants us to be in all splendor to receive him okay so if we want to be all beautiful all beautiful well we have to wash so we go through this place which is a moment of suffering of purification but we accept it why because we realize everything we could have done that we didn't do and we hurt Jesus who loves us madly who wants us to well then what do we do and well these souls they can do nothing more for her they suffer in acceptance but on the other hand she counts on us because the communion of saints exists and from the moment we we will pray for these people we will alleviate their suffering reduce their time of purification and open the door to heaven for them and Mary is waiting for them she also comes to purgatory to help them to take on their their suffering refresh them but they they can a lot for us because their prayers for them no longer act but all their sufferings they offer because they are pure they are in love because they realize the love of God and Mercy as he was immeasurably merciful so on the other hand their prayers that they do for us have incredible repercussions and there are many graces that are granted by the souls in Purgatory and that we don't talk about as much and we really have to pray for the HES because they suffer they need us it's like you have your mom your dad your family someone who is suffering and you would leave it like that while you have a prayer pick up something that's on the ground put it in a trash can it's a simple little t but it is that I offer it for the Lord for a soul in purgatory I give a mass for the souls in purgatory remember to reserve some m for purgatory because we might not think those around us may not think of doing it but let's talk about it, let's not be afraid to talk about it because any act of charitable kindness has immense value to the Gods of God and for these souls for my dad for my mom for anyone ilend in in in my family there are the Gregorian masses 30 messes the 31 quite there and the soul is released exceptional exceptional and if you have this little book from the blab berliou so where has C 30 these 30 days for the souls of rot which begins on November 1st I and I started it on November 1st, 2014 and to my great surprise I finished the month I say oh I'm going to continue the month of December month of December and then after well January then after February and then since 201424 I can't stop and I go to bed at 2 a.m. or 3 a.m. or whatever time I can't go to sleep without even if my eyes are close I can't go to sleep without doing the souls in Purgatory and I asked once to be ready and he told me it's that she calls you if you LZ it's sure there they are but even before 'go to bed I can't go to bed if I haven't done the souls in purgatory it's a need it's not even a need it's part of my life so see 2014 myself I say but it's not true it's been 10 years since I did this I prayed and I say to myself but it's my friends it's my friends exactly that's incredible and you said tighten it up it's like a atomic weapon why it's one because it's it's each ch it's as if we take sorrow it's a we enter into a relationship with Maman Marie we her I salute you not I Marie full of grace no I salute Mary full of grace the Lord is with you or with you you are blessed wow among all women and Jesus the fruit of your womb which comes from the deepest is blessed Saint Mary all pure immaculate the Lord is with you you are indeed Saint Mary Mother of God Pr for us and we need so much mother poor fishermen that we are now yours and at the time of our birth that was a brother who told me in private we can say like that otherwise it is now it at the hour of our death but when we are in private we now say yours because I now hold yours and I hold Mary's hand when I have my rosary and at the hour of my birth because 'we don't die we enter life it's a new birth so it's magnificent incredible yes and we have to find peace and joy when things aren't going well for me I sometimes say oh I'm well I'm going to take just another father a Chemarin glory to the Father that's all but slowly with my heart light a little candle to put you in condition uh if you have a lot of work we have more time at home we have more time I don't know PRS we chase time but time doesn't catch up with us eh the minute we live now will never happen again yes we must not forget it it's our choice it's up to us what you do Instagram Youtube Facebook takes us too much time, we can do it with Notre Dame de la Lumière with Alberto Manou, I recommend it. every evening those who cannot pray alone you tune in at 7:30 p.m. Alberto manouf Our Lady of Light every evening he prays the rosire and every Tuesday he makes the four rosires and with one rosire meditates if you can do so become one but with the heart as she says Mary here pray with the heart the monthly confession if you can the more it is even better because the more you wash the more beautiful you are or beautiful the more you the word of God the Bible then there I had a little problem reading the Bible every day a little sentence but I had a friend Alice who really encouraged me who reprimanded me Monique take the word of God it's good to pray but take the word of God and I thank her perhaps not enough but I thank her in C case listening to this interview because she really says there God speaks to you say one two or three lines that's all and these lines read them at low voice reread them and read them aloud and then take a word that touches you a word a word stay for example this morning there is stay well I say to myself yes that's it I take this sentence for today is- what I remain in the love of God do I remain walking seeing people do I bless them do I do it no often I pass by hustle what does he do this one no Lord bless him now I have this little r in the car what is he doing in the car Lord bless him it immediately takes away this aggressive side because we are all tired angry tense with everything that is happening but we have the choice to say NO I refuse that I don't want to be like sheep follow I want to follow the good shepherd not the wolf then the wolf gets angry go ahead aggressive lie violence we see that then it's up to us the little one the little flock that we are currently but that it must grow and it's up to me to set an example and that when I'm angry in my heart Lord bless it bless it and it breaks this aggressiveness otherwise he irritated me I answer him I answer and it catches fire and in the wrong direction so we put out this fire with little prayers all little reflexes where Lord stop stop Lord stop and that's it and the strange guardian also let's not forget that we all have a guardian angel every day my name is Amadeo I gave him a name in relation to Spain a little anecdote that Alice told me do you have a guardian angel yes good well I know it's fine and in the end she the app am find me a place through this it works but find a name I didn't think so bonadous we're in Spainadous find me a place it doesn't work your thing Monique you don't think so I say maybe it's the name that doesn't like it or it's true that I don't really believe in it and then I started to say well we're in Spain Amadeo so I started to say Amadeo Amadeo well listen so if you are here you have to have me here there I have a problem there you see I have to be late I have to be sure there is a problem I don't know how it's going to happen and well I assure you that it works and Amadeo is truly the most beautiful friend of my life and my cousin who doesn't really believe who was raised but who let go of all that a little ah well she tells me your Amado it works well you tell me lend it so I don't have I lend it to you and in the end she m and well listen I'm surprised it works so people who don't have faith start with little things the guardian angel don't ask him for them esoteric angels eh because we also go into things attention be very careful especially at this moment with all the messages that are happening on the internet real ones false ones if it comes down to the Catholic church prayer the Eucharist the Eucharist the Eucharist because it is the bread of life we ​​nourish ourselves for our stomach for physical form but for our soul and for our spirit for our spiritual well-being we need to go to the Eucharist it is a food that will help us grow and and I recommend to you I was recently finally there in 2018 in Lanciano there is the Eucharistic miracle I believe souffire there I don't know if I really remember but that leossi transformed into a bloody heart and it is still preserved in the anciano in Italy in this sanctuary where I went and it is incredible and there is lots of me I'm from Besançon to fan there is the miracle of favererné it was I don't know in what year there was a fire at the time there was they had exposed the holy sacrament in the 'Church it's a small village and well they closed at the time it is lit with candles and well the candles last but his christtin he left he left the candles and it caught fire and for a while during the night he got up it was burning the villagers came they tried to extinguish the monstrance with the Eucharist and to go see on the internet since it would be less useful for something it was raised he stayed I believe 33 hours suspended between heaven and earth without anything and people came from all the surrounding village to see it was noted believer or not believer they noticed and after the monstrance came back down to the hotel so you see the importance of the Eucharist and our lady who burned Christ and the Virgin remained there we can destroy the walls we can destroy everything we want but we cannot destroy the Lord and everything that happens they want to break us 'Catholic Church it's over we make comedy centers everyone is beautiful everyone is kind no yes let's love the brothers who are different let's love each other as the Lord teaches us but with his grace because that we can't but on the other hand what we have to tell you is that without God we can do nothing and we are here and in 2 minutes I will perhaps no longer be able to speak to you and leave where I should go so let's put - we in order in these times which are difficult return to the conversion to the sacrament the word of the euchar the confession also go to the Eucharist thinking of preparing yourself 5 10 minutes before the mass and not running away to go pick up the chicken which burns in the stove after mass stay in silence as Catherine Labouré says rue du Bac stay in internalized silence so that the graces that fall penetrate and do not get lost because when we leave to quickly go and make lunch there has obligations but at least in your heart remains at least 2 3 minutes in relation to the grace which is given to you in your heart to receive the the life what is life is what makes us live otherwise s Eucharist we cannot live and now that we owe the failure of our priests let us pray for the priests for the priestly religious vocations the Christian couples who suffer a lot now because they are criticized because we ridicule them you will the M is nonsense it's all false it's a caricature faith I don't like to say religion because that 's a connotation faith when you have faith in someone you go there them closed and well faith is asking lord I don't have faith but I want to meet you help me heaven is there everything that is beyond me help me and there he doesn't knock VO he comes really really and you can explain a lot of people think that God the Father is an old man with a white B who is angry who wants to put us in hell at all yes no no not at all die is beauty well god is love and mercy so you God loves us he is unmeasurable he is indefinable because it is when we love someone that we have a lover what do we do we are good even without talking about his shoulder we put on his heart and there is no need for words it is silence and that is why we find God in silence and God only wants our happiness he is totally Love he has no judgment he has no Cé and we must stop telling God you want him in hell you want to do that it's maybe it was to scare people at one time but of course God is love but justice must not fall either it's like if parents of children who are terrible they suffer but if for a moment they want to save them oh my little darling my little darling no there is a given moment you will follow otherwise I will put you on the path to intervene with authority if there is no authority it's it's it's a mess so we need they need authority firm love and love it's so that there is a dad because that the authority the mother the gentleness and all these two complement each other and a child can grow only if he has two jokes a father a mother then stopping with everything that happens with all these things freedom of course we think yes if two healthy men two women SAES it's good it's love no the law of God it's not that God wants our good he he created us men and women so that we are united and this union will give the life so it's not the manufacture of LCVs of anything we want of everything that happens afterwards there are particular cases I don't want I don't pass judgment but I say let's go back to the origin all the copies copies copies life here there is life here it makes noise but it's good there it is so that's it so we have to set the record straight at the URE it's like we make copies copied a copypasted it's not it's not the original so the animals in quotes I don't think I know so a dad is made to have the authority Saint-Joseph we celebrated Saint-Joseph humility silence firmness obedience Mary the sweetness love tenderness et cetera and he looked at himself and the virginity of Mary yes because the experience of the of the love of the heart with the love of God which is given to us in the in in the marriage in the sacrament of marriage will consolidate there will be problems with faith or without faith there will be problems but with faith it will be more a matter of putting cement which will weld these two these two bricks which will allow us to grow than otherwise and well without faith and well it's not okay you get out of it me too and we take another one we think it's better and 3 months later or 6 months a year it's the same belotte she 's blonde he's brown and and we goes where like that and we have disappointment after disappointment from injury to injury and all the children who are born from these illegitimate unions unfortunately well are sufferings which carry all their life and how they are going to free themselves from that well through the sacrament I come back from sorry go see the priests and pray for your priests before going to see them before confessing ask for the Holy Spirit to enlighten you internally to really enlighten me I don't know what to say I don't know what really help me here enlightens- me on what I did wrong with this person who irritated me the other who here is me and you will find he will inspire you and then you will free yourself wow but it's great we come out of the confessional we are we are filled what is the joy and and we are going back of course we are going to start again I made my list of my sins there since I was there on the 24th I went first and it's true I say but Lord it's incredible the patience you have with me it's but I know he does n't care about what I do wrong he cares about me coming home every time it's as the Lord fell three times on the way of the cross he fell he the master the divine and human man he fell but he does not care about falling what is necessary is to get up and if we cannot ask for help to help us get up and if we get up we leave again and that's our whole life until the end of our days we will be a fisherman that we will not be on earth even the breasts have not been so it is not necessary to look for holiness in our everyday actions in what we are going to do in the words we say in our looks in our silences and that is how the world may change but we are not going to say you are going to change we are always looking at the dust the straw that is in the other we do not VO the dust so don't ask others to change because we can't change so let's take small steps, small efforts to change ourselves, first of all, question ourselves, lower our pride, recognize ourselves as humble, and well, yes, I planned to do well I didn't do it well yes Lord you see I should have helped this person and well I passed by without looking at her and well sorry sorry and thank you pastard commen ah yes but I should have something that's it accuser from the bottom guilt those who are guilty go and confess immediately because it is the other who wants to destroy you because he depresses you then he makes you depressed that depression pressure in aviation I know what depression is, depression and then we go where depression goes and it falls into suicide and I find it horrible even that in Switzerland at the moment it is exciting and all these everything we are going to do. c you for euthanasia of course the good people good good oh well it's good she is suffering we must we must shorten her life but what we know that at the fatal moment we must help the suffering people we must alleviate the suffering of course but from there peck them to make them die quickly by saying yes but to me we are doing good because like that she suffers more no because you are perhaps taking away her luck grace not luck forgiveness in the 'invisible what happens between duel and perhaps these sufferings through this suffering God will present himself to her she will change she will gain her purgatory her paradise I'm telling you about my mother in she died on November 3, 90 so one first Saturday of the month mom had the time she was bacinating me with her prayers the M I you got me drunk and now mom you must be happy she got me really drunk so now but it wasn't alcohol and in in the end shortly before 2 years before she was in the hospital dying we were told we have to come it's the end so my sister Christian said we call the priest so that she receives the very important sacrament of the sick this that we called before the extreme anction which was scary quickly we call the priest but the priest can no longer dialogue with the person because he is already almost on the way to departure whereas when you took the priest when it has the person who is seriously ill or who has an illness the sacrament of the sick it reconciles with the illness either we heal or we find the strength to carry our illness and my mother received the sacrament of the sick and really she was almost at the end I still have photos I see her skeleton it was and I thank the Lord it was Father Morau who came who gave the sacrament to the sick and she came out of the hospital she got back to life we ​​were able to celebrate her 75th birthday in the restaurant she was radiant she left afterwards here it is on November 3, 90 the first Saturday of the month see I have a disabled person also Marie who left 2 years ago and I asked at this same ready to come because she was towards the end and he came he spent an hour to give her the sacrament of evils to bless her there she could no longer speak being blind but she was able to receive the Eucharist a little little that I shared with her she received along but I was at peace Tom you know what it means to say but Lord but what a grace that she was able to receive the sacrament of the sick well before a little when she was sick at the beginning and well after well at the last moment she died only days a week later and I say but the peace that you have to know that when you receive the sacrament of the sick your whole life is erased the Lord he there is the table it erases everything and it is as if we have just been there and if we have the grace in quotes to die at that moment we go directly to heaven the elevator goes straight then afterwards we go falling again is not serious but do not deprive yourself of the sacrament of the sick if you have families in your family, dads, mothers, sisters, friends which are proposed to me I didn't dare but then I said now you propose after that it's deciding but not that they are afraid if because she will be able to entrust heavy things say to if you have things that bother you in your heart that you have suffered you can confide to it is the secret of confession and it must also remain that we remove this story of telling everything on the market see and there this sacrament of the sick is extraordinary because that you really find in any case the strength to bear your illness where the Lord in His grace and well frees you and you are healed and mom that's what happened and that I really have and for for my brother Robert who also died I am at peace and my brother who had not confessed for so many years when he knew he had cancer he told me my only one I can die so I didn't say no we go save yourself you will heal yourself no I say yes you can die because we don't have the courage to say that yes Michelle you can die but it doesn't depend on you it depends on the Lord now if you have things that are heavy in your heart perhaps you should see a priest and at the time I knew two brother priests the Jacard brothers who knew me when I was little and extraordinary men who have also been wrongly slandered see took care of lepers of the little girls in the street and all that and he hesitated and he came one afternoon to a prayer group with them and he wanted to receive the Eucharist because he still had the respect of those who was not confessed since his marriage a few years and in the evening I saw rhyme I talk to him recently Michel he is very bad could you come to give him the sacrament of the sick so he says to me we will work things out we go I say come unexpectedly to the house you say fa ah well I'll say hello to you and then he takes what he needs and he came and he came to the house ah Michel starts not very well then after I left I left them and he received the sacrament of the sick and the next day it was the listen well it was November 3 he died on November 3, 2010 he died on November 4, 2010 he died in 2000 2010 here it is November 3 he received the sacrament of the sick on November 4 it was the next day I say you received the sacrament of the sick Michel do you want to come with me now to receive the Eucharist it's been so many years years yes we went to the Blessed I Marie Joseph latas who is not far from my home who was bitified he is of Bethany and there he received the Eucharist and my brother after he said the Divine Mercy on Saturday afternoon at 3 o'clock with her little radio in front of the house and I was stunned and afterwards Allit confessed every Saturday I say but Michel she tells me Monique I forgot that again by phone I it doesn't matter no no but I say you you don't want to take a priest every 5 minutes with you to confess you are going to sin all your life but there are venial sins little things we confess when we go to mass so I confess to God here I admit in front of my brothers and sisters and then there are things that are more important than we really hurt the heart of Jesus his family so there we are going to take them to the priest in the confessional and he had this need to go to confession afterwards but it was impressive and he died on Friday wow so for me see he is gone of course I was sad that my brother was gone my dad my mom my sister I am at peace because I know that the Lord in His mercy with this bag of the sick can only welcome them and Mother Mary too and now I hope that he prays for what so that I also grow in that I grow in the eyes of God in the sense of to be better to be more good to stop criticizing to be closer to people to be more silent because I talk a lot but sometimes it's yeah that's it so that's it it comes spontaneously and and it's it is true that for me to laugh at migorier it was a central point here is of this the battery yeah and that's why I come back regularly every year or every two years every twice a year sometimes and that there we came for 10 days I said I can not stay 4 days in M ​​du grer it's too fast a week it's minimum to be able to discover the meaning of M not the shops there are all the shops but everyone VO there are shops there are taxis yes ok but it is necessary because if you want to bring back objects I did my lessons I brought lots of objects souvenirs to my friends so after who believe that believe we pray for these traders let us pray s 'they had nothing here so be careful not to fall too much into materialism because magigorier when I met my j in 94 we came with the buses we brought rice we brought pasta we brought all that we slept with locals so it was in other circumstances also there was more of this proximity with the grandmas with their black headscarves in the church on their knees praying there was a whole other dimension there it's true that it took a a little bit of materialistic scale 1 million people who VI but it's huge we have to welcome them so we have to welcome them in the hotels we have to even when we say yes but there are hotels with jacuzzi but I said but it doesn't matter someone who comes out of curiosity the Lord knows how to catch him so I'm going to go and see but he wants his comfort I like my comfort too eh so he comes and maybe there in this cont the grace where he will eat a good gourmet all that go see the people and everything and gradually the Lord will teleguide him Mary will tell him well my little boy I will take you and then what will he discover well he's going to go back to Chamboulet and then he'll come back maybe he'll go to a 3 star or a 3 star which is my case there we took the hotel was full with Mexicans with Californians where we were where I have had the same thought for 20 years which is great people ext great employees it's in quotes and I saw all these people who were who were gathered and there he told me my that we have more room there hotel is full so they gave us rooms which were less comfortable than usual with a minimum but I learned to accept al so the group left we Monique you want to change field no it's going very well so after we go back down because we go down materially we grow spiritually and we finally say it's secondary I'm good I have a bed I eat well they are nice and everything I do it's nearby we are 5 minutes from the church and everything so everything is there it's the meeting it's what we experience that's what's important it's not so the shops I bought things like that but be careful because we quickly become to be tempted to I unfortunately once missed one or two masses because I stopped in one shop after another and then clothes then I but what you need you have plenty of them the cupboards you don't need so you're going to don't let yourself be seduced succumb to the so come back then right away tac I its Mary full of grace here Jesus I abandon myself to you it's up to you to think about it tac I'm going back to the church see that's why but but really in these extremely difficult times trying for everyone we see everything that is happening in the world it's really we have reason to be depressed there is something aggressive and all that why doubt this violence because people do not turn towards the sky we always look down at the sky see we said go rain and see well I took my Coué my there but he didn't pray in the heart and it stopped of ple and then if it rained yesterday there was more well we took our umbrellas we put our things and then I saw people with the rain on their knees praying in front of the Blessed Sacrament wait and we forget that it is raining because we have a heartfelt connection at heart and and put yourself in your room as the Lord says, withdraw into your room put yourself in your room light a small image of the Virgin a small candle your little guardian angel very small even here is the cross because the cross it is part of life and to say there it is seneur I leave you everything here come and I abandon myself to you because I confided in Jesus I trust in you we celebrated mercy not so long ago no more mercy God said I give you this grace and the last one take it don't miss it at 3 p.m. at 3 a.m. the rosary of Divine Mercy the Lord drops a P grace so let's not lose everything that is offered to us today because tomorrow it may not be presented so you really have to refocus on yourself internally to really go to a church even if there is no one in the silence seek silence turn off the radio turn off the internet turn off the phone because I was the first to let myself be fooled I said I'm not going to take my tomorrow it's Friday I'm going to try to fast on bread the water and I'm going to try to fast it's not so much the bread and the for me it's young it's my phone and I speak for that but for me the first because I say I only watch in the morning because we now we are in a world we need to watch news but in the morning the noon comes out and then you cut it off whatever happens and simply that it's difficult to deprive yourself of a full day of telephone use so if it happens when I forget it at home that I can't do an incredible trick it's a way of fasting like Wednesday Friday fasting good PAL but then if you can't do it if you are sick of course you shouldn't be extreme either but on the other hand fa fasting on cigarettes fasting on TV fasting on a word that I I want to say bad things but I'm going to hold back I'm going to say a word of blessing instead of Malé we can fast in an incredible way yeah and in the end what would you say to people to find hope and joy of living and knowing that we are loved as we are loving loving loving loving it's all given, said the little lady, really to know that we are madly loved whatever we have done whatever we are said this is what I experienced and I say to myself but we will never have enough in all my life to give thanks because it's it's immense when we realize that God us loves madly that he gave his life that Maman Marie is there to accompany us that she loves us that she wants us to be happy in our families she wants us to find our way back to family, it's important we we have lost this path of the family the respect between the parents the children family prayer can save you relearn it to pray no need to say here it is even even a are father Mar glory to the Father that is enough but slowly with your children show them the example if the children send the parents pri well that's it when we see the me I find it magnificent here when we see the entire families with the children who come to mass all these children they bless them and everything but but it's beautiful the family they have 4 C children they are not afraid of having children even if we have the economic situation no life is life it's life children it's the life of tomorrow so let's preserve them let's protect them not like in France everything that happens AC in the schools everything that we don't teach them the TR the theory of gender and all that but stop demonstrating that go see Master Brua who takes care of reaction 19 who made an association for your rights he does not deal with politics he deals with the law the laws the article time the article time êes still free in France you have to react apparently in appearance but you really have to come forward there you go again that's it again that's why we need that there you go but people don't know it so I'm telling you reaction 19 I'm advertising but I don't care it's master brusage I met he is truly a man who is upright and allows everyone to speak, no matter what. qu but he is in the right it is he who had his shoe removed on the highways when there was the p of covid there was get vaccinated it's not the highways are not made for that the signs they are made to say be careful there is an accident be careful slowing down they have not so it is he who succeeded with the laws the article temp to have that removed he is in the right and that is what we must see so the rights we have them and we must respect them like parents with their children who are forced to make sure they attend classes which are not very Catholic in quotes and well they have the right with forms that he made that he included in the law and you present that to your teachers and all that to say here I am, I refuse to allow my child to attend these these classes which you are demonstrating must not be afraid fear kill yes you must you must not hesitate you must also VO France the daughter aé of the there the end of the church there is the little one there is Mar Robin who said that France in March s 39 said the France will fall very, very low, lower than all the other nations, but it will rise again by the hands of Mary. I heard recently from a priest in Geneva where I was at the parish who said 15 days ago, make France accountable. 400% increase in antidepressants is huge so the antidepressants are here in M ​​gorier it's free apart from the flight and then you have small pensions at very affordable prices we eat for €10 a thing so it's it's not a financial side that can stop you you get help but the antidepressant it has a M ggorier yes that's clear antidepression ah antidepression yes of course no when we even people who are not used to it come see all these people in all these nationalities it leaves it wanders the rosaries it's but it's magnificent and you have everything there is rue de B in Paris there are more than 3% of French people what is it called the priest the guardian of all Catholic priests Curé of Ars here are the priests of Ar yes yes really wake up go to the we we are truly blessed there is Notre-Dame du doau the fisherman's refuge this is where I passed the heavy Salette bread Notre Dame du SA for the first time where you are really going to spend your vacation or at least a few days when you have time off to recharge your batteries in these marioot places so that Marie will help you and I am sure as well what is it called where there is the heart of Jesus ah benah the sacred heart ah well the sacred heart by moniel GIST I invite you all to go there because this year is the 350th anniversary of the appearance of Jesus to Saint Margerite Mary who presents her enormous heart and who said to her here is this heart which loved the world so much and which only receives oneness so it needs us it wants to give us its it to us he gave his heart but he really wants to console us and to console us we must go to the heart of Jesus and it is to Parmoniel the city of the heart of Jesus that we must go and that is the feast of the sacred heart this year it is June 6, 7, 8 and 9 and the 6 and Friday it must be the 6 or 7 Friday first Friday month made of the sacred heart 350 years and if you have the courage to go and do the sacrament of Reconciliation you know that the Lord is too good because he gives us the plenary indulgences that means that when we go to reconcile with the Lord with all our heart ask for forgiveness that you will receive the Eucharist that you pray for the Holy Father for his intentions and that you do an act of charity to do a service to someone here is an act of charity all your life all your sins it is how you were just born that when you go to confession the plenary indulgence is a part but the plenary indulgence erases everything whereas when we go to confession and well of course we are forgiven but the fault will have to be repaired somewhere in purgatory okay so that's what makes it necessary already as I told you previously, pray for the souls in purgatory but what is It's also important to know that at the level of the fault the Lord gives us this grace to receive these plenary indulgences so for me it's it's royal what it is he can't do more what so with a heart really of a humble child take advantage of this opportunity because plenary indulgences are not offered often it is when there is a big celebration or special events so there as it is the 350 years I believe that it lasts the whole year so I go there for the month of June because it's a classic of the month of June I always go the feast of the sacred heart and the feast of Claud de la Colombière Saint-Claud de la Colombière which is the at month of February because he is his spiritual father and really there are prayers of trust of act of trust of a friend of abandonment which are royal and simply the prayer what happiness that is so I recommend you in any case we who are in France the Sacred Heart of Jesus in Parel Monial and you will really be touched there is an adoration chapel also which is 24 hours a day we can go there there is a code we can return in the morning in the evening and put in front this benensoir and we radiate in this word sun and we tan inside and we come out not tanned on the outside but tan on the outside inside and it is reflected adoration it's magnificent yeah it's really we really have to become aware and the France will get up again but it won't get back up if we don't move so we favor going downhill as they say in Italian so everyone must where we are as we are we move, it's not our policies that are going to save us that 'we are asked to be firm in our decisions and the faith of the Church must rise but it will rise if we extend our hand to it and it is we who are the hand of others each other it is not alone it there are other French people there are a lot of French people if I help one person the other she will help another there it is a whole chain and that is why we have lost this confidence we have to find this again confidence that whatever it is whatever the darkness of darkness is at the moment in this world which is really that we can no longer what it takes just a little light a little light that lights up there is some a deè a 3rd 4th we see clearly we can start to take the path but if there is more light it's a disaster so we take a ball and we know what there is a great light here at M but there there is also a light in each Parish it is Jesus there you go and ask your priests again to postpone adoration even if there is only one person only a quarter of an hour open the holy sacrament for half an hour take responsibility it's the elderly people now who can no longer me I was asked for my parish the PR to take responsibility for opening the parish I don't like commitments I say it eh and it's been a long time since we asked then I said well Monique it's people they are 80 90 years old there is no relief it's 5 minutes from my house so I have no excuse I go to all the but it is also necessary ask Lord what is it me it's my if it's not your mission it's not your mission VO no but on the other hand I made the commitment I said it's the first time I make a commitment I say ok then I can but once a month the first Tuesday of the month because the first Saturday of the month the first Friday of the month I have a prayer group so I go to this group so I know that on Tuesday I am so I say ok so on Tuesday morning it's me who will open with the key open the Church in in the how we say it's the PRES not not the Pr in the the room where there are the l 'ostens the priest's clothes what in the I don't know what it's called Sarti sacristy here I am not sacristan but I you I was still a little child because she said to me well you take the chalice you take the Pattin there is I also learned that there was the the laundry there is a whole N there is a whole a whole a whole how a school to do that because it's not well we see the calis like that but there is a whole preparation there to take the dares they were not consecrated but I didn't dare take it so much but you fart it there then you take the Pattin on it prepare the water the wine the little one light the candle prepare the table set the table well that it is not damaged and everything there is a whole ceremony find the word of the day and everything wow well it's B I am then I didn't dare I was like a little child everything shy pu lord you give me this gift in the end me who was hanging around to do it and now well I'm very happy you gave me this gift of this grace to tell me but Monique so see the little steps I've been taking since 30 years old they are very small but they are there and I hope to make them the biggest T with that's all every day and even if we Tom we get up and it's true that now I'm happy to go there there you go and then it brings a little youth back to the small parish although we only have mass once on Tuesday so in France that's it so I have the grace to live near Geneva so I have a mass every day when I want I go to Saint-Paul I go to Saint-C believe finally I have the grace to be able to go and I used to go once but now it's almost a need for me vital to go to caristie every day me too I can no longer I made the resolution saw me there no no it's the priority and there I made the commitment to orier it's my second little one commitment to arrive a quarter of an hour before mass because before I was always running al vangile oh Lord you know I was late there are lots of things oh well I had a phone I justified myself I had lots of excuses now no there is the telephone but I leave it first go see Jesus and I will answer after or I will listen to it it's not easy but I with the grace of God because here we can do nothing try or yes or yes Jesus aidei oua or and he does it he will he is too happy he is too happy it's a B God Mister lady in France wake up France so I'm going to tell you a little thing I had when all these difficult periods of covid there I said to myself but it's terrible and I have an inspiration so I don't know if we have the right or not but I take it from the souls to the souls citizens raise your rosaries pray let's all march 'one heart so that God triumphs so I had a friend who sang it well but I don't know how to sing but I said in our campaigns see all your children who come who stand up I don't know anymore finally the chorus was let's work, let's all pray with one heart so that the triumph will come, the storm will come, France will wake up, take our rosaries, let's pray, let's walk together, and here we are, and we'll implore, and we'll get there for sure, thank you for CB Tom, listen, it was a happiness to meet you and then people really realize that these moments are important and serious we are experiencing very serious moments but there is hope so don't forget that and if you really want to go to our blood you can't come to at first but but go to our sanctuaries in your churches in your villages everywhere thank you for my father they need put yourself in their place they are all alone now are valued ah yes yes or really must pray for them because they have me I pray every day for the priests every day every day because I tell myself we have it's them who we who we from the cradle coffin they are tired they are constantly dismantling they have parishioners who are for against parish council which is not for they almost have more authority now it's because the parish council which decides wait we are where we put the church in the middle of the village that's when even the priest who is still in his parish no even though we need lay people to help yes thank you to the lay people who do all that but don't take the place of the priest because I had that in a grave of I like the old one better say the old words of my brother and well there it was the priest he was there he has almost nothing left to say which I did not expect in society there is no longer order you all see there is no longer order absolutely we needs order and authority of respect here and everyone in their place the men for the ROS ah the men the men who take it is extraordinary graces exactly here we see it eh men who are the the Bosnian Croats they are very strong but they are not afraid to get down on their knees eh and you see them collected but it is a joy to but my God sainttiierge Marie come quickly help us to raise up France that we find this hope what and in the couples also give back hope here we have to sow in order to reap eh we have to reaffirm that onemence we can't say well no it's ruined it's lost no because here we're playing into the hands of other he is too happy you make him happy ah well hey hey they come to me no problem no and well no with the grace of God with Mary we are going to pray we are going to start we are going to try and when we take one step well we will take two that's after that's that's it or that's it that's exactly where and you can say I it's every day every moment you make the decision I I am a servant of one of the god of hope and no depression I am a servant of the health by if you feel bad yes there you go God God heals me God heals me internally and from the moment we are going to react like that th indeed you are going to be better and because morale has a lot of impact on health so from moment when you are always in negative negative you attract the negative if you say well yes it's true I 'm not well but it doesn't matter God is with me or and I'm moving forward and well you're going to take it back there it is like sport tells you ah I don't want to go to sport well no I come because it makes me feel good and well I go to sport even if I'm exhausted or I went out partying last night and well I'm going and well with the Lord it's the same I take your hand Mary I don't want to pray and well I'm doing VERY dirty day the husband with my heart but I'll do three but I'll do it 3 afternoon 3 this evening, divide it into your day, well I also get up a little earlier in the morning to say a little prayer to get up and pray your day to the Lord because you do n't know in the evening if you're sleeping in a coffin or in his bed so it's better Lord I entrust you with my day with all that it entails that is much less good and in the evening well a little examination of conscience well Lord saintviergeemie well thank you my Garien angel for everything I have was able to do it's thanks to you and then what I did there I wasn't nice well sorry thank you sorry and I fall asleep and I put my life in your hands I put my mind but what happiness and my angel Garen and Marie you are going to cover me with your coat of love you fall asleep like a baby there is no taking the pill if there is someone who cannot sleep pr ch take the hatter go to sleep in you are going to sleep and then we says it's the guardian angel who finishes our prayers exactly and it's the truth my brother died yeah while sleeping he didn't know before I spoke with him in the evening the next day he died we don't know the day and on the roof to be in love in grace in love and not in hatred because the soul goes to the other side in the state where you are in this world yeah absolutely it's clear it is necessary that the people are becoming aware of that yes because if we lived every day knowing that it might be our last day yes and well there would be a lot of things to sort out so we can't do everything but put ourselves in mind that indeed we get up in the morning all our worries that we have like everyone else they are there of course we are aware also we are not going to say it is beautiful everything is fine no God is there it is fine no but I am here thanks to God with my illness with my financial problem with my relationship which is not going well with my children who are no longer there and so on yes these problems are there but what is the more important well we VI to revolt at being in the in the hatred of being in the depression lord I confide my situation to you I know that it is perhaps not right away but I know that you will intervene in due time because your time is not mine as you say a day is 1000 years and 1000 years is a day so the time belongs to you and if I am leaving this evening but there you go welcome me try to make me be in charity in love and in forgiveness today not tomorrow because I don't know if I could but today at every moment in the encounter let a person pass by to be of service and ask if we people need service and what exa here is a listen thank you to you and long live the gosma France and that's it if you knew how much I love you you would cry with joy amen hallelujah
Channel: Tom Medjugorje
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Length: 62min 50sec (3770 seconds)
Published: Thu May 02 2024
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