WOW! LIVE CELLS! The Latest Humanoid Robots For 2024

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today we're going to discuss the latest humanoid robots in 2024 it's important not to miss this because these robot show us what the future will be like meet elodia a woman from Central Europe studying at the Technical University of darst she's helping program a special robot and scientists are studying how realistic robots like this can affect people when people first Meet the Robot they feel both amazed and une easy the robot called eleno is 170 cm tall wears 36 clothes and has partially real hair that reaches her shoulders she can move her face arms fingers and hips scientists are using eleno to see how people react to lifel like robots and if they're willing to interact with them during presentations some people take selfies with robot some avoid her and others just watch from afar one cool thing about robot is its warm silicon hands which make it more welcoming to humans than a cold mechanical handshake in China similar robots are already being used at Neo electric vehicle Factory to improve productivity these robots help with tasks like checking door locks and attaching logos to cars even in beauty salons robots are starting to do things like applying eyelashes faster than humans scientists are also making big strides in connecting human brains to computer at Indiana diversity they've grown a brain that can learn and solve complex tasks when linked to a computer they believe in the next decade we might see the first bio computers which combine human brain advantages with computer speed and learning ability this could lead to new technologies in AI Robotics and Medicine however there are challenges to overcome like growing larger brains and connecting biocomputers to our bodies in the USA there's a legal case involving a robot malfunction during surgery highlighting the importance of safety in robotics meanwhile in Russia Advanced robots like Alisa zelen noova are being developed to simulate human emotions and in genetic engineering scientists are working on recreating mammoths and possibly other extinct species although bringing back dinosaurs remain a distant dream due to DNA challenges Boston Dynamics showed a video where a robot called Atlas moves car parts from boxes to a shelf in a factory this kind of robot works well in car manufacturing because it needs to be precise reliable and strong while other robots are used for simpler tasks this robot can do more complex jobs Boston Dynamics now owned by Hyundai is working on this robot for factories and it could be a big step forward in making robots useful for businesses in the future companies might choose between hiring people or using robots based on what's cheaper in China a new pretty thiner called bio architect X can make tissues and organs this printer was shown at an exhibition and can make many different parts of the body experts think it will be important in medicine especially for testing new medicines they also show how it can print a piece of cartilage in less than hour the materials it uses are made to keep cells alive for a long time recent Research indicates that AI development is rapidly advancing showing signs of AI acquiring humanlike abilities this brings us closer to the concept of Singularity where AI could match humanik intelligence scientists foresee the shift from narrow AI to General AI by combining different AI systems mimicking human perception this approach could lead to AI becoming as smart as humans and even achieving super intelligence by rewriting its own code do you think think this is feasible and do you believe in the near future creation of General AI now let's discuss a pixo the robot capable of unloading a th000 boxes per hour or one box every 3.5 seconds developed by anywhere robotics pixel optimizes box handling efficiency and is cost effective compared to the other options another noteworthy development is the successful inter city flight Defan and man air cab by autof flight in China showcasing the potential for autonomous air transportation this air cab Prosperity EV toall has promising commercial applications and demonstrates the growing trend of autonomous aerial Vehicles moreover Walt Disney imagining showcase a fascinating collaboration between two robots depicting characters from zootropolis and Robo kiosk this demonstrates how robots can adapt and interact naturally even outside stri industrial settings through coordinated mve mov ments and Innovative engineering techniques a tiny robot made in China can help with serious diseases like aneurism and brain tumors this small magnetic robot can reduce the risk of bleeding in an aneurism and make a brain tumor shrink it does this by stopping the blood flow to these problems the robot has a special spiral shape that gives doctors more control in accuracy in treating these conditions tests done on models and rabbits have shown great results every year brain aneurysm and tumors cause more than 750,000 deaths one common treatment is embolization which blocks blood flow but it's hard to guide a catheter through complex blood vessels especially when using x-rays during the procedure these new robots could change how we treat these diseases when tested on a Model blood vessel system the robots block blood flow by 88% in healthy branches even after weeks the robots still block blood flow in rabbits without causing any problems there's also a humanoid robot cold Toro from Germany it was first built in 2009 and recently got an upgrade now it's being tested to see how well it can move smoothly quickly and accurately just like a person this includes tasks like opening heavy doors and climbing stairs robots like Toro are being used more in different situations from inspections to helping and emergencies a Chinese company showed off a flying car called X3 this car can drive on roads and fly using attached rods with screws it's a big vehicle weighing almost 2,000 kg and can take off and land vertically during test it flew well and showed that it's stable even if one motor fails overall these advancement in robotics and Technology are making things more efficient and exciting for the future this is David a humanoid robot equipped with special joints called variable stiffness actuators these actuators allow David to handle a drill with expertise even drilling through tough materials like concrete and enduring impacts David uses its head for an effector tracking and both hands to perform complex tasks it weighs 55 kg and has recently showcase Advanced manipulation skills with its flexible arm and articulated hand open AI has introduced the Sora neural network capable of creating realistic video clips based on text descriptions however a survey found that many people couldn't tell the difference between videos created by Sora in real ones this raises concerns about the growing realism of AI generated content and the potential impact on Industries like entertainment Nvidia CEO Jensen Huang predicts that AI will take over programming tasks suggesting that studying Fields like biology or agriculture may be more promising for young people despite this there's a still growing demand for software developers as seen after introduction of chat GPT which increased programming job vacancies by 6% Amira a humanoid robot created by a British company operates in multiple languages and plays a role in shaping future governments by collaborating with humans another development is Roland Justin a wheed humanoid robot designed for various applications including domestic industrial and space exploration tasks as robots and smart computers Advance we're seeing amazing things like realistic robots Advanced Computers and new machines but along with these advancements come questions about safety ethics and how they'll impact our lives and jobs it's an exciting time but we must use these tools responsibly for everyone's benefit
Channel: AITech3000
Views: 793
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: HumanoidRobots, RoboticsTechnology, AIInnovation, FutureTech, CuttingEdgeRobots, 2024Technology, RobotRevolution, AdvancedAI, RoboticCompanions, IndustrialAutomation
Id: 6eK3azFmbW8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 56sec (536 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 31 2024
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