WOW! Helldivers 2 CEO has responded to us! - Brand New Fixes and Content

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welcome back hell divers to a brand new news update today we are going to be going through the new information that has come from the CEO Johan it's some pretty good stuff to read through today and uh yeah I think Johan keeps on taking W's to be honest but I'll let I'll leave it up to you guys and see what you think in the comment section down below now if you guys do enjoy today's video as always please consider leaving a like on today's video and subscribing I'm on my road to 250,000 sub subscribers much love to you all and let's get in with the news so it pretty much comes through from Hell divis CEO says after success the goal now is simple make this the best live game you've ever played so yeah um I I actually think hell divers is getting up there now uh in my personal opinion I think a lot of people have agreed with me that they haven't played a live service game that's kept them so sort of hooked on it for years um I can't even remember my last one you guys will have to let me know what you what is your um sort of last best live service game you've played but anyway so a huge part of the hell divers 2 appeal is The Game's ongoing Galactic War a push and pull conflict between the players and the enemy factions that sees planets liberated territories lost and casualties on a multiplanetary scale the conflict um uh is guided and shaped by Major orders which identify targets and offer rewards with with yesterday's being a classic with we were given a week to squish two billion bugs and we apparently we did it in 14 hours some people said it was like a day like 24 hours no it was done apparently in 14 hours which is absolutely crazy work well done hell divers I'm very proud of you all um there are many more layers on to Hell divers and how the game's unfolding um such as how mechs began uh began leaking and uh you know now um now there's been like things of the illuminate that's leaking out which is crazy and the developers themselves in some cases have become personalities the biggest by far is game master Joel who became a community meme if anything goes wrong blame Joel but almost prominent is Arrowhead CEO uh CEO Johan who regularly engages players with winning combinations of straightforward answers and super Earth propaganda we're dealing with the former today after Johan popped up in a response to the gentleman CEO um posting a topic about the um about the game subreddit um writing a fine line between constructive input and whiny entitlement so um the gentleman C goes on to list several ways in which they felt people were misunderstanding the nature of live service development and arrowhead's responsibilities to its Partners such as Sony so um um Johan goes on and says I appreciate your sentiment and post um wrote Johan let me add some context Arrowhead is independently owned by people working at the studio and not swayed by shareholders in the traditional sense of course we're in a great partnership with Sony um where we agree on targets to hit for example but they are there isn't a forcing function or requirement per se which I think is brilliant and I think that's such a great response because what happens with so many of the big games in the future is they just get sort of lost in a space of money making which is never a Bad Thing everyone wants to make money but in the end with like sort of crazy collaborations and losing the identity of your game can actually kill it in the long term and uh I think like as much as fortnite will always be sort of one of the most popular games ever I do believe that it kind of lost like it lost it just lost its appeal I mean I don't know if it's just cuz I'm getting older I played forn when I was 18 17 18 and now 25 so maybe it's just that I lost the I've lost the appeal to it but I just wouldn't really want to play it anymore part of the inspiration for the original topic is an ongoing Community argument about certain bugs that need fixing and whether these should be prioritizing by the studio over the current rapid pace of updates and additions to the game and they went um and Johan went on to say we want to deliver the best in the industry and we are collaborating on our efforts of fixing versus new stuff um it's it's easy just to say just fix don't add but the reality of the competitiveness in this industry is that we have to do both to stay relevant Johan says Arrowhead is still figuring out the demands and expectation on the studio um and they know they're high and all eyes are on us and we have a sole purpose to make this the best live game you have ever played we just need to find our stride and our balance um so yeah I am very happy with Johan's uh response there I think it's very I think as a community instead of all of us sort of like hating too much I think it's if we want this to be our favorite best live service game ever what we can do as a community is just provide very very good feedback to what needs to be changed and what needs to be updated and just keep um keep uh sending through bug reports because the more we do this and the more we come to together as a community the better the games end off I do find that like when people say this game is like trash I can't bear it like this doesn't get fixed that doesn't get fixed it just doesn't help and I don't don't get me wrong there's many games out there I'm not going to name names um uh but have that have had um you know opportunity after opportunity to sort their game out and they've been out for years and they never had hell divers is at that stage where they've only been launched for like 2 to three months and they have that safety bar now to go and prove to everyone that they are going to become the best company and best live service game and eradicate any bugs that come in their way you know that could be a little uh a little inside joke there but it wasn't um so Johan did later return to clarify a few points as well um say uh saying his point about demands on arrowead were not to be defensive but because I know we can do better as a studio the games industry is a comp licated beast and we need to stay relevant and keep everyone entertained while fixing stuff the expectations from our friends at PlayStation are pretty simple make great games we trust you and I didn't realize that was what uh Playstation stance was I'm sure that like was mentioned earlier I I'm sure there is some stuff in there that you know they say what we do need to hit these targets to make certain like you know for income reasons and business decisions and stuff but that's a pretty good way as long as you you know as long as they're out there just trusting develop to do their best and you know if they break that trust then that's a different thing but I think that's brilliant you know no one wants to be locked into these contracts these days and stuff like you know it's there's so many ways that people are being independent and independent work tends to be fantastic you know actually coming from the love the heart the soul from the developer themselves um so there's a whole super Earth of players out there who do um who do too and even making that the gag shows another one of hell divers to ongoing appeals on how we've completely we've bought in to the side of the game and enjoying framing the experienc in those terms it's like you know it it's one of those things where I just believe we're going to look at such a bright future for hell divers and yes I've seen people that have said and and by the way this is said by every big game saying that the player drop uh the player the player count has dropped so much like be but the the thing so many people forget about is the console versions are massive compared to steam so everyone relies on just the steam charts because there isn't an Xbox charts there isn't a steam charts out there but I mean hell divers is still sitting on I mean right now on Saturday they had a peak of 200,000 and right now they've got 159,000 like and yes there was points where hell divers was was up at 350,000 players or whatever but who cares so many people like it it's obviously it you care if you see the game drop down to like 40,000 or something then yeah that's a huge drop but they've steadily kept a high amount of players which they haven't seen drop off now for such a long time and you're going to get so many people that try out a game because the hype's there that's one of the biggest things I've learned about as I've grown up and everything is when the hype is there um when the hype dies down um you know always at a launch everyone's trying something new on that day and then they try it and then they really enjoy it but then they just go off and do something else and that happens so much in the gaming industry it happens with different movies it happens with everything when the Hypes there like the Fallout Series right now it will the hype is crazy for it at the moment and I loved it then we'll be waiting for season 2 so the hype will die down again and the Fallout player base will drop because right now it's at 108,000 players playing Fallout 4 on Steam um which is crazy and I'm sure loads on Console but then the hype will slowly drop for that and then season 2 will come out and the hype will come back it's just the way that the gaming industry the movie industry works and uh and I think hell divers are doing a very good job at keeping their game relevant so much love to you all leave a like And subscribe if you did enjoy and I will catch you in my next news video very soon
Channel: LoadedCrysis
Views: 42,143
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Keywords: HELLDIVERS 2, helldivers, helldivers 2 gameplay, helldivers 2 stratagems, helldivers 2 crossplay, helldivers 2 coop, helldivers 2 playstation 5, helldivers 2 ps5, helldivers 2 trailer, helldivers 2 news, helldivers 2 pc, helldivers 2 updates, helldivers 2 game, pc games, helldivers gameplay, helldivers 2 review, helldivers 2 gameplay trailer, helldivers 2 preview, helldivers 2 tactics, helldivers 2 details, best stratagems helldivers 2, MAJOR ORDER, automatons, loadedcrysis
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 47sec (587 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 20 2024
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