WOW! DUAL LOOP, Triple Radiator O11 AIR MINI SNOW Build
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Channel: GGF Events
Views: 179,384
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Keywords: lian li o11 mini, lian li o11 air mini, lian li o11 dynamic mini, ggf watercooled build, ggf custom build, dual loop build, ek flt12 ddc, ek rtx 3080 tuf, ek 3080 active backplate, cablemod pro sleeved cables, seasonic focus white, ryzen 5900x, asrock b550m steel legend, team group white, team group xtreem argb, o11 mini snow, O11 AIR MINI SNOW Build, lian li uni fan sl120, lian li uni fan white, ek satin titanium
Id: ES649jA722o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 10sec (550 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 10 2021
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