WoW Classic - How To Mage AOE Farm for Max Gold / XP per Hour!

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what is up everybody it is awk here back with another video and i'm excited for today's video honestly should have made it a long time ago but i'm going to teach you guys how to do aoe farming now this is going to help you for aoe farming in open world like this is going to help you for aoe farming with mara and other things like that because it's going to teach you some of the fundamentals of some of your abilities such as blizzard and nova and how to make them work towards your best advantage there's a bunch of different sections of this video there's gonna be thumbnails down below so definitely leverage those to see kind of what you want to see but what i highly recommend doing is watching the entire video let me know down in the comments below if this helped you with anything that you were curious about any kind of issues that you're running into because i'm very curious but i try to go through everything possible i show you a bunch of different pools and maybe even a couple deaths which should help honestly illustrate a couple of things that are probably messing up some people as they're going through their pools additionally stay tuned to the video because i'm going to be going over a google doc that i'm making basically to help you guys figure out how to get your talents and like what to spec into as you level up if you guys are enjoying these videos though definitely check me out on twitch at slasher leia's drop follow and here drop a sub if you guys are enjoying this so that you guys can get access to all the videos and get notified of them in the future when i make them hope this helps you guys out and let's jump into it all right so the first thing up that we need to make sure that we do is set up our bars and abilities and every one of our settings properly now this is actually very very important and it's going to help you a ton once you start using this but let's go through the couple little quick ways so first is camera camera following style this is traditionally set to smart automatically and what that means is that if i try to turn my camera around it'll always come back to the front now this is nice when you're just running and freestyling throughout the world what not but at the end of the day when you're trying to have a mob volume you want to be able to see where they are at all times you don't want your camera constantly spasm just running around all over the place so change that to never highly recommend that second thing max camera distance if we're zoomed all the way in here it's going to be a lot more difficult to see the mobs this is max camera distance when it's at basically nothing and this is cool for first person cool for a warrior etc but i want to be able to see mobs that are following me behind me right so i want to make that maximum setting for camera distance this is going to allow you to zoom out much much further there's also a couple scripts you can look online to go out even further but to an extent you want to be able to get comfortable with a specific amount of distance so that you're comfortable with the amount of leeway that you have set up those two things then focus on your bars one through six should primarily be your main abilities we're talking blizzard kona cold arcane explosion frost nova fire blast maybe a counter spell or or wand or frostbolt or something like that you want to have abilities where you don't need to click any modifiers like shift control or alt and you want to have it in an easy position where if i want to target something i just quickly target something and then perform an action i don't need to go and you know move my hands all over the keyboard we want to be as close to our movement keys as possible that brings up the next thing movement keys this is going to be tough for some people qwe is all you should use you shouldn't be using backpedal we'll get into that a little bit later with leeway you shouldn't be using keyboard turn no keyboard turning because you're going to turn very slowly and it's horrible use your right mouse button to turn so right click on your mouse use that to turn whenever you need to turn q to straight to left e to straight to the right w to run forward you want to maximize your auto run as much as possible so here my hands are off the keyboard i'm just auto running this lets me focus on the mobs and i'm still getting to my desired location so definitely make sure you set up an auto run as well but qwe is very very important all right now that we have all that set up we're gonna be ready to start the pools obviously there's somebody else doing pools here as well but we don't need a ton of mobs to kind of show what we want to do make sure that you have enemy name plates on now i have enemy name plates keybound to 1 on my numpad but most people it's going to be v so press v to make sure the enemy name plates are on what that's going to do is when we get close to an enemy you're going to be able to see their red bar on top of their head alright so the very first thing that we want to talk about is we want to talk about how to properly pull because if you don't properly pull mobs kind of like this you can see that they're just coming at all angles and we're getting too close and we're just pulling mobs and they're scattered all over the place and it's probably going to end up being a bad day most of the time so there is a proper way to pull mobs and the way to think about it is that you want to basically position the mobs in a way that you can pull multiple mobs get to one central location and then that is where you go for the novas and it's okay if they hit you a couple times that what's that's what ice barrier is for that's what potentially mana shield is for if you have a ton of mana but the important thing is to make sure that you get them into one central location so here for example we know that we have a couple mobs over there we have one mob over to the left we have one mobile to the right i'm just gonna focus on the two mobs to the left and the right just to illustrate this so we have a mob right here a mob right here so we're going to kind of stand in between skull and x right that way when skull and x get to us they're getting tested about the same time i hit them both with a wand move until they're close let them hit me once so they're perfectly stacked on each other and then i get that nova from here i'm running to a position where i can get the blizzard going get the blizzard going and now here's where a lot of people mess up you can either face away from the mobs like this or turn and strafe but when your first blizzard's done you actually want to move for a second now the reason for that is that you want to create this extra little bit of distance here now look they are close enough to hit me so that by the time that they get close i sit down another blizzard run away rinse and repeat and i can literally do this all day long and here i'll just do this with the rank one blizzard and i'll just keep on doing this but the movement of the slight slight repositioning after the first blizzard right there just one second then replace the blizzard what that does is it lets you get that little bit of extra distance that you need and it actually doesn't impact your blizzard ticks reason being blizzard actually takes one second before it actually does damage and so here i'll show you so here i'm not going to move and now keep an eye on when the blizzards are actually ticking because what you're going to see is that you're going to see i'm going to end my blizzard i'm going to start another blizzard and there's going to be a very like slight pause between the two where it's actually not doing any damage and so what you want to make sure that you do is do that slight little movement gets you that extra little bit of distance the mobs can't get over you and then you're good again so here we're going to do the same thing so right after the last blizzard tick i'm going to refresh and you see that little bit of delay there before the next blizzard goes that little bit of time is what you use to basically move and now you can see because i didn't move i actually get hit by the mob you can do this over and over you will notice however that i am working towards a road a road is going to obviously allow you a little bit of protection because typically mobs aren't going to be along the road that's the point of the road kind of to give you that extra little bit of space and so you can go ahead get that little bit of space get the clearance and that'll help you a ton as well now what i want to do is kind of show you the exact same pool and i want to walk through something else that's really really important for you guys to do and that is exactly how to after you nova get away a lot of people actually mess up here but you see what i do is i nova and i immediately start running away towards my blizzard location that way i can get my blizzard going now one option that you have is to blink during that you can blink away and that's going to get you into position but it's best practice not to blink the entire time because eventually you are going to run out of mana if you're constantly using blink so what you want to do and i'm going to do it right here again is you want to get that nova and as soon as you get that nova you want to just step away for about four seconds that nova is going to last eight seconds giving you enough time to have the one second time until blizzard actually ticks so blizzard doesn't tick for one second after you place it so you gotta basically have the blizzard down at seven seconds so you take four seconds to run position your blizzard and then you're far enough away from the mops this is going to be kind of something that takes a little bit of feeling to get used to the exact amount of distance you can go you can see here that we run for about four to five seconds every single time and get pretty far away like i said when you're first getting started with this go ahead and use blink just to kind of have a little bit of a crutch so you can kind of figure it out and get used to the actual distance itself all right so two mobs is great but who wants to just kill two mobs at once so let's focus on more mobs and i'm actually not going to use ice barrier now obviously if you have ice barrier use ice barrier but i'm going to treat it just like i'm a low level and we're actually going to do five mobs so what i'm looking for here is i'm seeing three months to my left three months to my right i know this mob's the furthest away so i'm gonna pull him with the rank one fireball then i'll pull this guy then i'm going to wand this guy counter-spell the guy over here and you can kind of see that i'm working back into one centralized location and you can see although i'm getting hit i'm able to get off a good amount of damage now it did get dazed and because i got dazed i decided to blink typically if you have you know ice barrier up you're probably not going to get dazed so it's not too much of a worry right there but you can see that i basically use this kind of circular pattern to get them into that central location we pull the furthest mob first he starts moving towards us then we start focusing on some of the closer mods they start running towards us and then we eventually just work into one solid location where we stop and we literally just wait for the mobs to get to us because at the end of the day they're gonna run towards us and then we're going to be able to get them all grouped take a little bit of damage but don't be afraid of taking too too many heads because eventually you're going to be able to live through some hits right you're not just going to plop right on the ground the second you're taking any damage so you'll be able to pull it off but as you can see it's pretty easy to get down these mobs even with just five mobs without any kind of uh you know ice beer or anything i almost just died because i didn't have any wandskill so i just want to review this one more time to kind of show how we do this so we know that we have the three on the left and we have the three on the right so they're pretty well positioned but we know that we can at least get them into kind of one central location use movement usabilities are using counter spell you can cast counter spell no matter what direction you're facing no matter how you're hitting these mobs you can cast counter spell so that's huge you're gonna see here we're gonna open up with this fireball on this mob get that going and then we just go from there right move over a little bit get that wand going get that counterspell going and then we can get them all to stack up right here and then we see that we get hit a couple times and get away and we're perfectly fine all right our lace that's cool and all you know six mobs but i've been doing that for the while i have my mount how do i do the big boy pools with my mount well first off you need to figure out what mobs you want to grab and you want to loop them all up now what you want to make sure that you do is you do not want to stack them up by running straight through them you want to run near them but not straight through them and you can see right here that i group them up and i'm running near them group them all up and then i go for the novas now if one resists i recommend cold snapping and novang again or use basically cone of cold to kind of group them up while you wait so here we can see i grouped them all up i'm using my standard blizzard strategy we rounded them up all up with our mount got them into a good place but let's say one resists and let's just pretend that this guy resists so i'm gonna get him and force him out of the thing okay so now he's chasing us he's gonna hit us once he's gonna get slowed and then we're gonna need to slow the oh no so i totally planned that desk so i could teach you guys a valuable lesson yeah 100 100 look down here at our combat log what do you notice if i can ever get this to go away crushing crushing crushing crushing crushing crushing basically every single one of them cripped me why did that happen my defense level you can see here that my base stats are 245 based on my level and these mobs are between 50 and 51 so their base stats are 250 255. my defense level is 220. higher defense makes you harder to hit and make sponsors less likely to land a crushing blow this is why it's very very important to not let them hit you but also very important to know that if they do hit you they can wreck you if your defense level isn't high enough now defense is automatically going to level up but i did use the zf leveling strat and so that's why my defense is a little bit low because i leveled up with zf where i'm not getting hit and so since i'm not getting hit i'm not leveling up my defense so you need to be extra precautionary if you do something like that when you're grouping up mobs such as this because they could just one shot you when you come out of block or when you just tank them like that but here i'm gonna leverage ice block to come out of here and not take too much damage we could see that we got a couple resist and so what we're gonna do is we're gonna run close to these mobs we get days which is unfortunate but we're gonna get that kona cold and we're gonna swap into kona cold kiting so you can see here that all these mobs are still pretty slow and i'm definitely getting hit a decent bit because i'm constantly dazed but we can basically kite them around in a big circle until nova's back up and then get the nova going so here i just had a resist here you can see that i'm basically dragging him around i let the the uh okay i need to get these guys out of these graves these graves are horrible for a line of sight anyways i let the ice armor that i have kind of keep all the mobs slowed and you can see that i'm just kidding around in a circle so it's a lot easier when you have less mobs you can see that i can kite these guys around as long as i want preferably getting them away from graves if possible but then when i'm ready to go for it i just get that nova and i get right back into that blizzard rotation so that brings up the third point and there's a lot of lessons coming from these pools which it's really good that i'm doing here orange mobs orange mobs even with elemental precision still have a very high chance to be able to resist you right elemental precision six percent which a mob your level is a five percent chance so it brings it back to 99 but when the mob is orange to you i believe it's 11 chance for three levels and then 17 chance for four levels maybe it's 17 and then 34. regardless it's a decent chance to resist you so you're gonna potentially get some resist that's why you need to have cold snap ready again so i purposely didn't cold snap there to try to show you guys the kona cold but in the event that you are going against mobs that are decently higher level than you you definitely want to be leveraging that but here we're just going to focus on trying to get the kill we're not going to mess around with with any of the other stuff and showing you kona cold strategies and things like that but that's what you can use on on less mobs when you're trying to take them out but here we're just going to group up this first half and group them up into a circle because we're going to get resets in this first first loop group anyways if we don't so we're going to dismount right there go for the nova we can see that we get all of them nova so we're going to focus on the blizzard we run away for about five seconds and get that blizzard running from here we're not getting too close to the right mobs so we know we aren't going to pull them but we are going to move a little bit forward and to the right in between our blizzards we can see the blizzard tick is still going and i still have five seconds so i know that i'm safe to get off this next blizzard without a problem we're now going to reposition to the left of the mobs so i take a nice little arc formation get them grouped back up get them into position run away and get that blizzard going again now something really important to note about blizzards when you get to higher levels you can see that there's three mobs in the front here that are a little bit ahead of the wrestling bombs rank one blizzard will never do enough damage to cause a mob to break out of blizzard max rank blizzard will so let me repeat that again rank one blizzard could show here will not do enough damage on one tick to break them out of blizzard or out of nova max rank blizzard will that lends a very very useful tip when boosting which is use one tick of rank one blizzard to get them slowed so that a close that applies to slow effect right then we swap over to max rank blizzard so they get one tick of the slow so every mob is slowed they're all moving the same speed then we swap over to max rank blizzard and then we can do some damage because everything is grouped up but there you can see you just get them all grouped up it's no different when you have six mobs versus 10 mobs the only difference or 11 mobs i guess the only difference is that you're going to be taking some extra damage so watch out for mobs that are too high of a level for you watch out for mobs that are going to potentially daze you and you can avoid days with ice barrier with mana shield or by facing the mobs get them stacked up and get out of dodge as quickly as possible if you get dazed definitely blink out of there so now the next question is going to be the talents obviously so a lot of people are going to be very curious about what kind of talents you use at what levels etc etc and so i'm going to take you through the exact talents now where we're going to go level by level and then i'm also going to have them linked down in the google doc below if you guys do find that useful definitely please let me know down in the comments below i appreciate it all right so level 22 is where we're going to want to start using blizzard we do not want to do that before level 22 because this is the first level that we can get improve blizzard maximized this allows the mobs to stay slowed so we can do our blizzard rotation and you do not want to be trying to do this before then from here we're going to go into cold snap definitely get cold snap going right away do not get frostbite frostbite's just going to cause mobs to be cc'd and then they're going to separate it's not going to be good you don't need ice shards because we can't crit with blizzard so we're not worrying about that so we go down into piercing ice and we get piercing ice for one point from there now we want to be looking for kind of mana regen or range of our blizzard spells and the answer is going to be initially arctic reach we want our blizzard spells to have as maximum range as possible so we can get maximum separation you can see here that we're level 26 so we're not crazy high level yet or anything like that but we're able to get some really really important talents get arctic reach then we're going to go for mana conservation because man is going to be an issue early from there ice block really makes things a lot easier because you can block during pools and things like that and it's just an extra precautionary step so we definitely want to get ice block but then we're going to jump back to piercing ice now some people might wonder why don't we go and do improved kona cold next the idea is that we're not going to be using kona cold too much right we're going to use it sometimes just to finish off the mobs or if we need to kite around for a resist but outside of that we're not going to be using improved kind of cold as much what we will be using is piercing ice for that extra frost damage every single blizzard so i like to double back get that piercing ice and then we'll go from there into kona cold for three and from there it's a gambit and so here's where you can start to think well do i want to go shatter spec or do i want to go uh just pure blizzard spec if we want to go shatter spec then we want to go back up to ice shards and we want to get ice shards going until we can get ice barrier if we want to go pure blizzard spec what we can do is we can work our way towards improved frostbolt and then go ice barrier this gives you a nice unique kind of like single target plus multi-target but what i recommend doing is having the ability to be able to go shatter spec and so we're going to go through ice shards and then get ice barrier from here we're level 40. so we're almost at zf so with zf obviously we're going to be focusing on blizzard again so we want to go over to the arcane tree i want to go for arcane subtly for two three and r key in focus because basically these like top two are pretty useless for us so just three fillers in case we're doing arcane explosion because we're never gonna use arcane missiles but then we want to go for arcane concentration this is why we're at zf this is giving us clear casting spells so we can hopefully retain as much man as possible as soon as we are able to after five points arcane resilience again additional armor so we're taking less damage and then we can start to think about the rest of the farms from there and we're going to think about maybe resisting some mobs to get some mana back if we want to go with the mara strategy maybe we want to go for magic attunement to decrease the amount of damage we're taking from mara and things like that or maybe you want to focus on a cane explosion from here have liberty get whatever talents you want maybe you want to go back into shatter and start using shatter farm kind of things but this is kind of this is going to be basically the main kind of pathway to go from aoe farming at 22 through zf very last thing is the gear basically for the gear it's pretty simple you want intellect and stamina spell power does not help a ton because of spell power coefficients spell power coefficients are basically a percentage of the damage is done based on spell power so blizzard for example every single spell power you have only gives you 33 percent of that spell power in total damage so i have a hundred spell power i'm actually only doing an additional 33 damage with my blizzard so just to repeat that spell power is not huge focus on the intellect and stamina and a little bit of spirit good way to do that is of the eagle gear and of the al gear get the best gear you can find in the auction house make sure you get mine around speed on boots i have some nature resist rings just for mara pools and things like that but you basically can see here that we're just working on intellect and stamina all right everyone that wraps up today's video i hope you all enjoyed it and if you did please subscribe and leave a like and a comment below to let me know so if you guys have any other ideas for any other videos please let me know in the comments below also check out the description for the twitch where i do all this live and also for my twitter and discord where you guys can be notified of any future updates and when i'm gonna go live on stream so i'll see you guys in the next video
Channel: Arlaeus
Views: 78,650
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: classic wow, wow classic, world of warcraft, wow, gold farm, aoe farm, powerlevel, level fast, mage, mage aoe, gold guide, how to farm gold, how to level fast, mage aoe farm, mage gold farm, blizzard, speed clear, arlaeus, mara 1 pull, ZF gy, ZF GY 1 pull, ZF 42, insane xp, pc gaming, how to mage, how to aoe farm, sm 1 pull, sm cath 1 pull, gold farming, power level, gold per hour, vanilla wow, power leveling, speed leveling, best gold farm, speed run, wow gold
Id: NvLQpw1l4mI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 50sec (1310 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 23 2020
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