WoW Classic Mage Aoe leveling Guide 1-60

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hello everyone and welcome to my classic Mage guide in this guide I'm going to talk about the Aries buds that I use from Level 14 and all the way up to 60. some useful spells as a mage a talent trees that I use from 10 to 60 and also some useful tips and tricks when you're AOE Farm you get your first air respell when you're level 14. this is Arcane explosion at level 16 you also unlocked flame strike you can combine these two and do some decent AOE at level 16. but before you can start area you also need some gear usually I go for items called The Eagle Eagle items increase my stamina and intellect and you need a decent amount of stamina to be able to survive when you go in and pull all the enemies the intellect you need to have a high Mana pool so you can do all the Spells you need in order to kill the targets the talent tree that I use at level 16 looks like this there's a few ways we can do this you can pull what you want and then you run in stack them do Arcane explosions a frost over into a flame strike and then you do a lot of Arcane explosions till the targets is dead to make a successful pool you should try to stack all of them on top of each other to make sure the flame strike hit all the targets another way to pull could be by using your flame strike on pool then you should try to run in to the flame strike AOE damage to keep Dairy damage from the flame strike but you could also just do a few Arcane explosions a frost over into a new flame strike and then you do Arcane explosions till the targets is dead if you're wondering about the location then it's at these marks in Westfall and I do this all the way up to level 18. as hard I would recommend you to go to the Barons and up here at the top left you will find a lot of hobbies these are fairly easy to kill and you can do this area from 16 and all the way up to 20. when you're level 18 as a lions then you can hit a bit South in Westfall and here you will find some other Knoll games this are usually due from level 18 and all the way up to 22. once you hit Level 20 as hard then you could hit to Hill spread here you can find a lot of monsters that you can easily stack together if you struggle to a wheat farm prior to level 22 then I recommend you to try and do this as double Mage as double Mage everything is a lot easier and you also avoid dying as often it's even possible to start a OE farming when you hit Level 14 and unlock Arcane explosion at this point you're also level 22 and now you need to respect three points into Elemental position to increase your chance of hitting the targets two points into Frost warding for more armor in the second line you don't spend any points into eye shots and Frostbite is going to be a no-go no matter what level you are this you never pick because you can make the monsters be stacked at different locations instead spend two points into improved brass nowhere a faster stacking of the monsters three points into permafirst for increase chill duration but also the slow effect last but not least three points into improved blizzard so whenever your blizzard hit a Target they will be slowed by 75 percent and this is how you should spend your talent points all the way up to level 30. next up is going to be how I re-farm from level 22 and after that I'll show you all the spots that I use from Level 22 to 60 as Alliance and horde here's a problem you might encounter quite often one of the monsters is patrolling I need to sheep this target so I can get further in to the rest of the pack this target is also going to be where I need to stack all the monsters to get a good thrust over now I can pull with a fireball and a wand on this Target and this way a pool as many as possible with a strategy like this you also take a minimal amount of damage all you need to do now is to get some distance and use blizzard keep using blizzard since your first maneuver is ready now you can get a bit closer to the enemies and freeze them and then you just repeat with blizzard the sound that I use as Alliance is Wetlands I go here from 22 and all the way up to 25 or 26. if there's a lot of competition then you could always go to Red Ridge at level 22. this Zone you can easily do from double 22 and all the way up to 27. as a level 22 horde you go to the Hillsborough fields in Hill spread here you can easily stay all the way up to 26 or 27. in dashboard you'll find this location with a lot of different skeletons this area you can do as Alliance from 23 and all the way up to 27. at level 26 you will also get a new spell this is called cone of cold it's an instant ability that do damage and slow the targets by 60 percent cone of cold will slow for 11 seconds and this is more than the cooldown of the spill so you could just run around and kite and use cone of cold and kill the targets one shot level 26 as a horde then you can leave the hill spread fields and move a bit South down here you'll find the mine where you can level from 26 and all the way up to 30. here's another sport for Alliance you can go to this location at 27 and leave at around level 31. if the first option is already taken then you could also head to the west and here you can also level all the way up to 31. by the time that you hit Level 30 you can also go to a talent tree and pick ice block when you use this bill then you cannot attack or be attacked for the next 10 seconds this is a great way to stack monsters and then do a frost nowhere now that you're also level 30 then I will show you the talent tree from 31 and all the way up to 40. as a level 30 horde I recommend you to go to this Farm in a refi Highlands here you can easily pull between 10 to 15 monsters at the same time as Alliance you just stick to thus good and at this location you can stay from 28 and all the way up to 33. if the alliance and hotspot is already taken then you could always head to Hillsborough Hills here you can kill yetis from level 29 and all the way up to 33. once you hit Level 32 you can hit a bit north from the yazis this will get you into electric mountains in ultric mountains you can kill the syndicates this you can do from 32 to 36 you can also kill the different lions and this is also the same level range another great spot in Elric mountains is this location these okres you can kill from 33 to 37. the next location is for Alliance only you can come here at level 33 and leave at level 37. this spot is so popular and there will definitely be competition here if that's the case I recommend you to go to another location the location you can go to as Alliance and horde is the swallow Marsh here you can start farming at level 34 and all the way up to level 40. you can find a lot of murlocs on the shore or into small Islands but you can also find them in the forest right next to the shore level 40 will have a huge impact on your AOE farming at level 40 you can get ice barrier at the bottom of the first tree this will give you an absorbed shield for one minute at the same time you also get Mount and mount will make it so much easier for you to pull the monsters your challenge 3 from level 41 to 50 will look like this when you're level 40 or higher always use ice barrier before you pull then you mount up and you start pulling as you see the ice barrier will absorb a lot of the damage pretty much enough for me to stack the monsters and use my Frost over then I run away and I start doing my blizzard at level 40 you can go to swamp of servers at this location you will find a lot of murlocs and these you can Farm all the way up to 45. if this bud is a bit too difficult then you could also e-farm all the spiders right next to you can find these in the forest a second option would be to go to Daenerys at level 40 and all the way up to 44 you can kill the waste wonders at level 43 you should head more to the east in teneres and kill the Pirates this you can do from 43 and all the way up to 50. there's also a lot of Quests for this area those quests you can pick up at this location from double 50 and all the way up to 60 your talents should look like this at level 50 you should travel to Western platelands at this location you can Farm all the way up to 54. at level 52 you could also swap to another farm this you can find right here and once you're at level 56 you can hit even more North up here you can Farm all the way to max level just be careful about the leads patrolling there is a lot of normal monsters and these will easily take you to level 60. next up is some tips and tricks for when you level up your mage at level 24 you'll pick the talent cold snap this reset the cooldown of all your thrust builds so let's say you're going in and you try to fasten over but a Target resist then you could easily use cold snap and recast your first nover now there's a higher chance that all of them will be rooted next up is how I do my pooling at low level achieve a Target that prevents me from reaching other monsters then I use a fireball to pull the Target and I might also use a notifiable then I can use warned or maybe a fire blast to pull another Target the reason why I stack on top of the sheep is because the moment the Sheep breaks all of the targets will be stacked and I can then do my thrust over when that level as a mage I always try to go for items called of the eagle these items is a huge boost for when you have to do your AOE farming the intellect will make you not go out of Mana when you kill targets and the stamina will help you not die when you do the pool so if you struggle to do your OU pulls then you might have to go to auction house and buy some of these items at level 40 you should always make sure to use ice barrier and always have your icon intellect and your armor active at all time if you did a mistake with your pool then you could always try to kite around with cone of cold then you just wait for a frost over and when that's ready you get some distance and then you do your blizzard the first place that you do could always be at rank one this allows you to get the slow effect so let's say someone didn't get slowed then you didn't use a full Rank and not do any damage and if you do this mistake then you might also run out of Mana in no time and then you have to reset the fight next up is how I place a second blizzard the first one is placed on top of the monsters I don't move my mouse but I open up a second blizzard this allows me to see how far they have moved in the first one the moment the monsters get close to you you could go a bit to the left or to the right this allows you to stack the monsters even better before you firsten over now when you do your next blizzard all of them is gonna be stacked way better compared to the first pool next up is leeway and how it works as you see here a strafe the monsters and me is moving and that allow the monsters to hit me from far distance one way you can avoid the leeway is by back pedaling me and the Monsters is both in motion if I was strafing here they would hit me but because of back pedal they can't now I can also cast The Brass nowhere and because they get rooted then the monsters is not able to move this allowed me to move close to them without getting hit by leeway if you're high level and you struggle on manner then you could always use a rank 1 blizzard every time you use the blizzard there's a chance that you get a clear cast proc when you have this product your next spell cause no Manner and then you can just use the max rank often I use my ice block to stack monsters but sometimes you might also get a debuff this debuff drains my mana and health over time so this could be deadly when I tried to do the pull especially if I had a lot of debuff instead of getting drained like this you should always use a ice block to remove the debuff and then you can get back to the fight if you wish to play as rust all the way from Level 10 to 60 so without respecting when you get to level 22 the new talent tree should look like this alright so that's about it for this Mage guide I hope you found some useful information that will make it easier for you to start leveling as always thank you for watching and have an amazing day peace
Channel: GuideMMO
Views: 101,193
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Keywords: classic mage aoe leveling, classic mage, wow classic, classic mage aoe, classic mage aoe farming, mage aoe, mage aoe leveling, classic leveling guide, wow classic mage 1-60 aoe, wow classic mage leveling guide, wow classic mage, wow classic mage aoe leveling, 1-60, mage aoe 1-60, classic mage aoe leveling guide, mage leveling 1-60, classic season of mastery mage aoe, classic leveling 1-60, wow classic mage aoe, classic mage aoe guide, wow classic mage aoe guide, wow mage aoe
Id: 68Ux9I23b1c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 6sec (846 seconds)
Published: Sun May 28 2023
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