Wow: Chris Cuomo TAKING INVERMECTIN, Slams CNN Groupthink

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[Music] Chris Cuomo is praising Joe Rogan and Blasting his former network over its Co coverage in the podcast with Patrick B David the former CNN anchor and brother of former New York Governor Andrew Cuomo shared that he's now taking the same drug he used to make fun of that's right let's watch I'll tell you something else that's going to get you a a lot of hits I am taking a um what do they call it like a a regular dose you know whatever they they're trying to build up of ior mechon ivera was a boogeyman early on in Co you couldn't talk about it that was wrong we were given bad information about Ivor mechon the real question is why everyone's going to say Joe Rogan was right no Joe Rogan was saying yeah he was right but that's that's not what matters what matters is the entire clinical community knew that Iver Mech couldn't hurt you they knew it Patrick I know they knew it how do I know because now I'm doing nothing but talking to these clinicians who at the time were overwhelmed by Co and they weren't saying anything as a reminder this is the way Chris Cuomo talked about ior meon in 2020 as ex fluenc ma Moore pointed out people who are getting injecting drugs for animals and horse and people telling them to oh my God what person you you know you talk about like you know cancel culture and who to shame Ivor meon a dormer really they have shaming themselves no one has to shame them they're shaming themselves they need to be sh they need to be called out and shamed brother now Joe Rogan reacted to Cuomo's shift in positions on his podcast let's take a listen Chris quo just came out and said he's got a vaccine injury that guy was pushing that on TV forever and he said he got it with his first dose and then he got it again with his second dose Rogan goes on to criticize the New York Times for their recent reporting on covid vaccine related injuries this is in New York Times thousands believe covid vaccines harm them is anyone listening all vaccines have at least occasional side effects but people who say they were injured by covid vaccines believe their cases have been ignored well they have they have been ignored I have friends that have that have been ignored now many on the right were furious with Cuomo's admitted reversal author and ex influencer John Lefever said quote it wasn't that Chris Cuomo was lied to about Ivor mechon or that Joe Rogan was lucky as he now claims Chris CUO was wrong he was lazy he didn't do his job he was a useful idiot repeating propaganda talking points asking zero questions and shaming anyone who did meanwhile other CNN Watchers are mad at Cuomo for different reasons for example one ex user exchanged tweets with Cuomo writing wow just wow it's always something with you so glad CNN fired you I watched you suffer with Co and you have long on Co now all of a sudden now you have issues related to the vaccine come on man remember this Chris Cuomo got Co early on and shared the news of his illness on TV at CNN the virus wants us to lay down the virus wants us to take it other than the Blessed few the rest of us who get this are going to have an experience unlike anything else they've ever had and of course his brother Andrew was then governor of New York and became famous for daily briefings about covid and then famous for some other things yeah this is tough I remember specifically a bit that they did where they each got giant uh Q-tips and were joking about the size of the Q-tip and the size of the brother's nose and there's all of this pageantry around it and so no wonder people are upset about a reversal of Swords coming so late in the game and after so many people were I think trying in good faith to raise these kinds of concerns the negative ity about the vaccine injuries for one has always been kind of absurd and outsized believing that the cost that the benefit outweighs the cost and making that case to the American public is one thing denying that there are costs at all was I think a Tipping Point of how intolerant the public media space was for any kind of discourse at the time moreover I think for even casual observers the insistence on characterizing um hydr chloroquin orquin yeah as uh horse tranquilizers remember when the FDA came out and said you you know you are not a horse and kind of was joking about this characterization of it as taking an animal drug again these are drugs that are prescribed to humans and you can make a case that this is not indicated for this particular illness these drugs are indicated for this particular illness without trying to cast people who are doing clinical trials to see if the drug has some efficacy in all these other kinds of things as insane and doing things something that is outside of the scientific method and literally just you know eating dog food and acting crazy right I agree 100% just to add some things there um on the vaccine injury front yeah you're you're of course right it could still be that vaccines are good helpful for a lot of people or even are worth it for all of society as a whole now I think what we found out with the vaccine is that they're most important for people who are imuno compromised or if fall into an elderly category who are more risk of Co um but that there will be vaccine injuries as there are with many other vaccines and what uh my colleague at uh Reon magazine Christian britchy has written about this a lot actually we should get him on the show to talk about it he's looked at how the process for claiming a vaccine injury related to covid has been made deliberately different from other vaccine injury processes by this kind of and he can give more detail about it you know the the the protections that were given to the makers of the covid vaccines to um to protect them from liability on those fronts and it's really hard for people who say they have a covid vaccine injury to have their day in court we should probably do a follow up on that I think it' be very interesting um and then on the ion part right exactly it was fine to say that you know well if you look at the totality of the studies on on this issue there are some studies that you know show a not much of a positive effect for these things there are some studies that show a minor positive effect but then it's well how rigorous was the study what were the other factors you know it's hard to but like science is working through those processes so the mistake of the CNN of the world was yes to demonize this as as dangerous it's prescribed for if you have a parasitic worm that's what you take if your animal has a paretic worm that's what it's prescribed for um so that was that was unnecessarily demagoguing this product yeah and and I and I will say I have some empathy for people in the media sphere who were fa a lot of pressure to cover this and to cover it a certain way I remember when I was doing my own show my own podcast at the time I chose to sit it out because I didn't want to be in a position where I was arguing for or against something that I was personally very ambivalent about I I was you know living at home working from home living alone you know didn't feel the same kind of uh urgency to get vaccinated and as quickly as some other people in DC they had um you know when when you were signing up to get the vaccine they asked you what you did and who you came in contact with and I was actually low down on their priority list because of all of the reasons that I just explained so I was kind of late in the schedule and part of that was looking at all the information that was coming in and having I think a healthy skepticism as someone who majored in the history of science about how this was all going to go um but also I don't want to say to an audience when I don't know I don't want to give advice in either direction so I largely set that out and only was forced to start talking about this stuff publicly when I joined Rising you know after much of this has had already abated so I have some empathy for if you are on the news and you're forced to kind of take a side and or at a network that was probably pressuring you um and have a brother who's in a public health capacity as an elected official pressuring you to kind of say a certain kind of thing I have some degree of empathy for that but they didn't just kind of tow the line they went out of their way to demagogue and you know cast kind of very personal aspersions on people who we're asking in retrospect into many people in the at the moment very reasonable questions about what the scientific information that was coming out really said yeah and and so much of that information had to be right had to be updated it was people it was experts giving their best guesses and best Impressions based on the data they had that sometimes disagreed there were smart people on different sides of yeah how important is this how dangerous is it could this therapeutic work there are people reaching you know smart people all of them reaching somewhat different conclusions and then certainly different conclusions about what are the policy implications of that who should should people be required to get it should this me you know this measure of crowd control versus this thing that was all being worked through in real time and the media had this they they'd pick their favorite expert and then bring that person on TV over and over again to to often to demonized people who had approach it was it it was a weirdly partisan moment in time and I think that made a lot of people who were you know good liberals feel like they couldn't say x I mean I remember talking to people like um uh Jeffrey Sachs uh who was kind of an early left leaning person who pushed back against some of the narrative around uh lab leak Theory uh and I remember talking um to uh some some other kind of left leading people sort of early in the lab League stuff maybe say like June you know spring of 2021 and how isolated they felt and how difficult it was to say kind of the bare minimum about that particular issue it really was a toxic environment and and I should say also there's a there's a COR on the other side where I think to date there was a real resistance on the right to being open to conversations about uh injury from Co itself long covid and the like I think what's Difficult about some of the vaccine injury versus long covid injury conversation they're very similar symptoms and everyone's had both right um so I I hope that both sides are a little bit more open-minded about the extent to which they're arguing based on their priors on what their politics are but I I mean I'm glad at the end of the day that there the shift is happen with Cuomo and others and I hope it allows for more open conversations to get to some kind of version of the truth and not just kind of a reshuffling of these deck chairs on the the Titanic Titanic and reshuffling of the teams indeed more Rising right after this [Music]
Channel: The Hill
Views: 152,889
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Progressive, Progressive Politics, Democrats, Democratic Party, Republicans, GOP, Republican Party, Chris Cuomo, Joe Rogan, Podcast PBD, Ivermectin, Maze Moore, Covid Vaccine, rising, john lafevre
Id: XxMfl29Zj7o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 51sec (651 seconds)
Published: Thu May 09 2024
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