Would You Rather Inside Out 2 Edition | INSIDE OUT 2 Movie Quiz

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Hello friends and welcome back to monkey quiz Are You Ready for today's challenge with Coco the monkey would you rather inside out to new movie 2024 coko would like to express her gratitude to all of the viewers who have left comments on our videos these fortunate viewers happily shared their best friend's name and we feature these people in today's video if you want to be called out by Coco please watch the entire video and actively interact by commenting below if you're ready hit that subscribe button for more fun games just like this and let's Jump Right In which character do you prefer Joy or sadness who voices Joy Amy Poler is the correct answer which character do you like more disgust or Envy can you share your choice with us which character do you favor Joy or anger choose your gift gift one write down your favorite character in inside out and we'll shout you out and help you find people who have the same character as you in an upcoming video gift two press the like button three times and write down one thing you expect to happen in inside out too we'll give you a shout out in an upcoming video moving on to our next question which style is your favorite one sadness or disgust let me know in the comments do you prefer Riley's childhood phase or her mature phase what's your choice which emotion do you want to grow up [Music] with what's your choice of emotion do you prefer the old emotions or the new ones I find both versions pretty interesting how about you which emotion symbol do you like the most comment your choice of emotion down below which voice is this Riley's life requires more sophisticated emotions than all of you you can't just [Music] bottle it's anxiety's voice would you rather have joy play with Bing Bong or embarrassment maybe Bing Bong left a deeper impression do you want Riley to play skating or [Music] hockey comment on your choice okay let's spot the different disgust among these emojis [Music] very good she's right here would you rather have Riley play with Bing Bong or her imaginary [Music] boyfriend I would choose Bing Bong can you find the mod bing bong [Music] out amazing you found him who voices Envy that's IO ad de which emotion do you find cuter Envy or fear what's your choice would you help anger to control his Rage or help sadness overcome her sadness let me know in the comments down below would you rather Riley have more funny moments or more touching moments which character is hiding in this picture your eyes are so sharp it's Joy do you want to keep the existing emotions or have new ones H each emotion does have its own role which team would you support write down your choice in the comment section memorize the character placement now locate the an Nei exactly it's number three do you prefer anger's Rage or Joy's happiness surely Joy don't you think so next challenge can you find the right path [Music] wow number four is the right one who do you find more attractive anui or fear let me know in the comments which character's outfit do you like more anger or [Music] embarrassment whose hairstyle is prettier Joy or Envy share your choice with us would you rather have a dress styled after anxiety or Envy I would choose Envy style how about you whose hairstyle do you prefer sadness or anxiety who do you think is cuter do you prefer the old emotions or the new ones don't forget to leave a comment down below would you rather visit the french fries forest or explore the lava region wow both of them sound wonderful would you rather explore imagination land or headquarters comment your choice down below would you rather play with Riley or play with disgust what will you choose which scene is more touching Bing Bong disappearing or Riley going home so sad right would you rather have a dress styled after Joy or disgust which dress is prettier whose hairstyle is prettier Envy or Joy which hairstyle do you like more whose voice is cuter Envy or anxiety I'm Envy look at your hair oh yeah not happening this June I'm anxiety I am just such a huge fan of yours let me know in the comments which island do you want to keep family island or friendship Island what's your choice would you rather Riley spend a day with with Bing Bong or Joy do you see the odd Joy Emoji [Music] [Music] here there she is is would you rather visit the subconscious or the train of thought wow it looks so beautiful would you rather spend time in Riley's mind or in another character's mind would you rather help Joy find a lost memory or help fear avoid a scary situation would you rather explore dream Productions or imagination land do you find sadness' voice or Ani's voice more appealing oh is it all going to be so interactive it's what you would call the bone what's your name what do you think do you prefer anger's fiery temper or disgusts dis earning [Music] taste would you rather have Riley experience more joy or more excitement would you rather Riley spend a day with Joy or play with a new friend would you rather Riley have more embarrassing moments or more touching [Music] moments discover the different Emoji out of these [Music] would you rather see more of Riley's core memories or her new experiences would you rather explore long-term memory or goofball Island did you find [Music] it it's located in the fifth row hunt down the odd [Music] one wonderful it's right here discover the odd Emoji that's different from the rest [Music] where is the odd [Music] Envy good observation try to locate angle [Music] do you want to watch inside out part two with your family or your friends which part do you think will be [Music] better share with us by commenting down below thank you for participating in the puzzle challenge on the monkey quiz Channel with our little monkey Coco you can click on the video currently displayed on the right or the left side of the screen join additional new challenges and become the winner don't forget to drop a like And subscribe to our channel for more quizzes and fun
Channel: Monkey Quiz
Views: 33,710
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: quiz, monkey quiz, quiz game, quizzes, would you rather inside out 2 edition quiz, would you rather inside out 2 edition, would you rather inside out 2, would you rather inside out, would you rather, inside out 2 quiz, inside out 2, inside out, inside out quiz, inside out 2 movie quiz, inside out 2 movie, movie quiz, disney movie quiz
Id: wZGP59hEPzc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 5sec (1085 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 14 2024
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