Worst Places in the World to Travel

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There are places in this world  that you will probably never see.   Sometimes that’s a good thing as they might be  controlled by insane dictators who will detain   you just for straying from your tour group. Other  places are so remote that you practically have   to swim across an entire ocean to get there. One  island is so hard to reach that the native people   who live on it may be one of the last uncontacted  cultures in the entire world. Unfortunately,   if you try to visit their island, it’s  very unlikely you will make it off alive. Just as a disclaimer, the passport you hold  determines the degree of difficulty you will face   when traveling to different parts of the  world. For example, people with a Japanese or   Singaporean passport tend to have a much easier  time securing visas than most other countries.   If you are a United States passport holder,  you may have a more difficult time entering   some countries like North Korea, Iran, and  Turkmenistan than someone with a Chinese or   Russian passport. Sometimes you need  to be invited to certain countries,   and other times your own government might  not let you travel to a certain region. Traveling to Russia for a vacation from the U.S.  or any European country right now is all but   impossible due to the current conflict. Flights  into Russia from around the world have all but   come to a stop because of this war. Surprisingly,  Russia is not the most challenging place to travel   to, even in the current political climate. What  could be more difficult than entering a country   that is waging war and being boycotted by  nations around the world? Let’s find out. Turkmenistan was formerly a part of the Soviet  Union. Yet, if you try to travel there today, it   may seem that the Turkmenistan government missed  the memo that the Soviet Union collapsed in 1991.   The hardest part about traveling to this country  is that you require an official government invite.   You can’t just decide to travel to Turkmenistan  on a whim. If you get off a plane without an   official invite, you will be immediately sent  home, or worse, detained for questioning. On top of the craziness that is required to secure  an official invitation to visit the country,   once you are there, you will need to be  accompanied by a State-approved tour guide.   The marble architecture of Ashgabat, the capital  of Turkmenistan, is supposed to be stunning.   But even if you manage to get into  the country, it’s unlikely you’ll   see anything that the government doesn’t  want you to. This makes traveling around   Turkmenistan extremely difficult. You get an  eerie feeling that you’re always being watched,   which is probably because you are. Although  the Soviet Union may have collapsed,   the Turkmenistan government still follows in  its footsteps by ruling with an iron fist. The next country is difficult to travel  to, but for all the right reasons. Bhutan is landlocked between China and India. The  country itself lies in the Himalayan mountains,   and the only way travelers can enter is  by taking a terrifying flight through   the mountains. In order to land, the  pilot has to quickly drop in altitude   as there is not much room to work with. The  airport is over 7,000 feet above sea level,   which is nothing compared to the  16,000-foot peaks that surround it. All pilots who fly the route are specially  trained for the flight into Bhutan   as it’s unlike anywhere else in the world. Only  a handful of people successfully pass this test   and are allowed to fly passengers into  the country. But it’s not the dangerous   flight that makes Bhutan so difficult to  travel to; it’s the strict regulations the   government places on tourism to protect  the country's pristine environment. You must purchase a pre-paid tour package that the  government has approved to visit the country. The   bad news is these tours are not cheap, and the  Bhutan government does not care. Their stance is   that they would rather have less tourism coming in  and keep the environment protected than allow more   people to visit just to make extra profit. There  is also a fee of around 200 dollars a day to be   in the country. This money is used to help pay  for restorations and environmental protections. If the difficulty of getting into the nation  of Bhutan isn’t enough of a challenge,   there is a place within the country that  may be one of the hardest places to get   to in the entire world. The Tiger’s  Nest, also known as Paro Taktsang,   is a Buddhist temple located  10,000 feet above sea level. The only way to get to the temple is  by hiking up treacherous mountain paths   and carefully shimmying your way along rock  walls as you look over the edge at a sheer drop   of thousands of feet. You must then cross a  rickety bridge over a sacred pool. Once on the   other side, more dangerous hiking awaits before  you reach stone steps carved into the mountain   that ascend all the way to the temple. Traveling  to the Tiger’s Nest is not for the faint of heart,   and anyone who attempts it needs to be in  extremely good shape and proceed with caution. Although Bhutan may be an island in the mountains,   there are actual islands so remote that  traveling to them is next to impossible. Tristan da Cunha is the most remote inhabited  island in the Atlantic Ocean. It sits 1,750 miles   west of South Africa and 2,000 miles east of South  America. The government does not actively impede   people from coming to Tristan da Cunha, but there  just aren’t a lot of travel options to get there.   In fact, the country’s official website seems to  want to deter people from visiting as they state:   "There are no package tours for  independent travelers, no hotels,   no airport, no holiday reps, no night clubs, no  restaurants, no jet skis nor safe sea swimming." And for an island where there is nothing to do,   traveling there can be incredibly expensive  and time-consuming. There are no airports,   so the only way to reach Tristan da Cunha is  by ship. Unfortunately, there are only around   ten sailings to the island every year. If you are  trying to travel to this remote part of the world,   you also need to receive clearance from the  Island Council, which can take 40 days or longer.   Between getting permissions, finding a ship  going to the island, booking a place on the ship,   and then finding a place to stay, traveling  to Tristan da Cunha is next to impossible. The next island may be tropical with white sand  beaches and plenty of ocean activities, but   it’s just as isolated as Tristan da Cunha. On the  plus side, there is an airplane that flies to it. Kiribati sits almost directly in the middle of the  Pacific Ocean. Interestingly the 30 atolls that   make up this region of Micronesia cover around  1.4 million square miles, an area just over the   size of India. Bonriki International Airport is on  the island chain of Tarawa. The only way to get to   the island is by flying from Fiji, so this makes  for a very expensive trip. The price tag plus   the difficulty of finding flights make Kiribati  one of the hardest tropical islands to reach. Sadly, Tarawa and the rest of Kiribati  might become impossible to visit soon.   These islands are being consumed  by the ocean as sea levels rise.   In the not-so-distant future, Kiribati  may need to be completely evacuated as   storms wipe out the infrastructure of the country.  Eventually, the entire nation will be underwater,   at which point the only way to visit Kiribati  will be by booking a scuba diving expedition. There is another island in the Pacific  that is guarded by ancient gods sculpted   from the fabric of the land. However,  this does not mean it is easy to get to. Easter Island is known to the Polynesian cultures  as Rapa Nui. There are over 900 statues called   moai on the island that were carved from  volcanic ash between 1400 and 1600 C.E.   Getting to the island can be difficult  as only two flights go there each week.   Travelers need to plan their entire trip  around the plane schedule; otherwise,   they could be stuck there for quite some time.  The planes leave from Chile and Tahiti but   aren’t always guaranteed to fly. Weather  conditions or lack of passengers can both   ground the aircrafts. Once on the island, there  is no way off unless the planes are running. Technically, Easter Island is part of Chile.  However, it’s located around 2,200 miles west   of the Chilean coast in the Pacific Ocean. Many  people end up traveling to Easter Island to see   the magnificent statues and get a glimpse  of what the ancient Polynesian culture   that once inhabited the island was like.  However, this trip is not the easiest to   make unless you plan appropriately and are  willing to spend a long time on airplanes. Oppressive regimes requiring travelers to be  a part of a tour group to visit their country   seems to be the norm. Traveling solo is almost   impossible if you plan on  visiting this next country. Iran is currently categorized as a Level 4 risk  for travelers from the United States by the   Department of State’s Bureau of Consular  Affairs. This means the U.S. government   recommends not traveling there at all. Both the  U.S. and Iranian governments will try to make   visiting the other as difficult as possible  for you. When Donald Trump was president and   implemented the travel ban on Iranians into  the U.S., Iran did the same for Americans. Iran is still rated as a Level 4 risk because of  the likelihood of being kidnapped for ransom or   arbitrary arrest and detention. And this  doesn’t just go for the United States;   many European countries and other  nations have also implemented the   same type of travel advisories. Therefore,  if you are trying to plan a trip to Iran,   you will need to secure special permission  and join an Iranian-sponsored tour group.   That is, unless you have business with the oil  companies there, then exceptions can be made. The next nation on our list  probably won’t surprise you   too much as it is known as the Hermit Kingdom. North Korea is not the most welcoming country  for many. In fact, citizens of some nations   like South Korea and the United States are  not allowed to visit at, except for some   special circumstances. Like, for example, if  you are former NBA star Dennis Rodman and have   become best friends with the Supreme Leader. The  government controls everything in the country,   including what is seen and not seen by visitors.  If you somehow manage to secure passage into the   country, you will not be allowed to explore  on your own. All tourists must be accompanied   by a guide provided by the North Korean  government. You are not allowed to wander off,   and you most certainly are not allowed to talk  to anyone other than the people on the tour. The only flights into North Korea are from Bejing.  So travelers must first secure a flight to China.   Once there, you must secure a visa from  the North Korean embassy before getting   on a flight into the country. The embassy  will have to conduct a thorough background   check before granting you your visa, which  could take weeks or even months. And even   if you secure all necessary documentation,  there is no guarantee you will be allowed on   the flight to North Korea. Things  can change at a moment's notice. Getting into North Korea is incredibly difficult,  but the scariest part is that getting out   can be even harder. If a traveler is detained  for any reason, it’s highly unlikely they will be   released unless strenuous negotiations take place  between the North Korean government and their home   country. These can last for years, which means a  vacation could quickly turn into a North Korean   prison sentence. So, it’s probably for the best  that it’s difficult to enter the Hermit Kingdom. The only place that might be more dangerous than  North Korea for tourists is this next location. North Sentinel Island sits off the  coast of India in the Bay of Bengal.   The only way to get to the  island is by chartering a boat,   but most captains will refuse your request.  Even though North Sentinel Island is inhabited,   there are no ferries or planes that go to the  island. And the reason why will shock you. The island itself is surrounded by  razor-sharp reefs that make approaching   it difficult. But even more dangerous  are the Sentinelese people living there.   This may be one of the last uncontacted  groups of people on the entire planet.   They have had interactions with the outside  world, but none of them were very pleasant.   There are accounts of shipwrecked sailors  in the past who were welcomed to the island   but took advantage of the situation. They abused  the island’s resources and people, which led to   the Sentinelese running them off their island.  However, not everyone made it off alive, and this   would not be the only time that the inhabitants  of North Sentinel Island killed visitors. If you could get to the island, you would be  threatened the moment you stepped on shore.   In 2011 it’s believed that somewhere between  80 and 150 people were living on North Sentinel   Island. However, these estimates may be low,  and some think there are around 500 inhabitants   on the island. Either way, when an American  Evangelical missionary named John Allen Chau   stepped foot on North Sentinel Island to try  and convert the population to Christianity,   he was met with hostility. Chau was driven  off the island twice by the Sentinelese. He   returned a third time and wasn’t so lucky. It’s  believed that the Sentinelese people killed   John Allen Chau as they did with  others who visited the island. North Sentinel Island is the only place in  the world that is not only hard to get to,   but the inhabitants will actively  threaten and even kill you.   This is why it may be the most difficult  place to travel to on the entire planet. Other parts of the world are just as  difficult to get to as North Sentinel Island,   but you don’t have to worry about the  people living there trying to murder you. Take Machu Picchu for instance. This  ancient Inca settlement high in the   Andes Mountains of Peru is a bucket  list destination for many. However,   most people go their whole lives without  ever setting foot within its crumbling walls.   There are a couple of reasons Machu Picchu  is so difficult to visit. The main one   is that there is a limit to the number of  people who can see the site each day. This   is because every tourist who steps foot on the  ancient ruins is inadvertently destroying them. The Peruvian government and UNESCO restrict  the number of visitors to Machu Picchu   to around 2,500 per day, but only 500 people  can be on the Inca Trail at any given time   to protect its integrity. The hike to the ruins  is around 26 miles, and many people suffer from   altitude sickness as they make their ascent to  the ruins. This makes Machu Picchu incredibly   difficult to reach if you are not in decent  shape and don’t have a good guide. There is   a train that goes up to the ruins, but this is  expensive, and no matter how you get there, you   have to be one of the 2,500 people with special  permission to see the ancient site that day. There is a place in Arizona that makes Machu  Picchu’s daily permit count seem immense. The Wave is a sandstone rock formation  that literally looks like a wave. However,   only a select few ever get the opportunity  to walk through this natural wonder.   The Bureau of Land Management  only gives out 20 permits a day.   Getting to The Wave is a little difficult  as the roads to the trailhead are not paved   and bad weather can quickly make them impassable.  But it’s not the location or even the 6.2-mile   hike that makes The Wave one of the most  difficult places to visit. It is winning   the lottery system to secure a reservation that  keeps most tourists from visiting this spot. The Lost City in Columbia, on the other hand, may  be the most difficult trek you can take to reach   a destination. There is no limit to the number  of people who can visit this site each year,   but its remoteness and the brutal landscape  of the Amazon Jungle keep tourists out. Ciudad Perdida, or the Lost City, rises out  of the jungles of Colombia and takes three   to six days to reach by hiking. This is the  only way to reach the site as there are no   roads and it sits too deep in the jungle  to allow planes or helicopters to land.   The Lost City was built around  800 C.E. by the Tayrona people. The hike itself is incredibly difficult as  the path that leads to it winds through some   of the densest rainforests in the entire  world. At any point throughout the year,   constant downpours can wash out the  path and cause it to become impassable.   If all goes according to plan, the weather  will hold up, but there are still a plethora   of poisonous snakes, spiders, and other  animals that could kill you along the way. Even after reaching Ciudad Perdida,  you need to make the return trip to   civilization. This is just as difficult  if not more difficult than the journey   there as you will be exhausted. Very few  people make the trip to the Lost City,   and it would be impossible to get there  without a guide. The environment and   remoteness of the site make it one of the  most difficult places to travel in the world. If you thought it was hard to  get to the previous locations,   you haven’t seen anything yet. The next few  places are so difficult to get to that only   a handful of people can say they’ve  successfully managed to visit them. Bear Island sits 400 miles off the northern  coast of Europe at the edge of the Arctic.   The only way to get to the island is by hitching  a ride aboard a Norwegian Polar Institute vessel   or by chartering a boat. But since the island  is in a remote area of the Northern Atlantic,   this can be incredibly hard  to do and very expensive. However, even if you are able to secure passage  to the island, you won’t be able to stay very   long. Bear Island is a natural reserve that has  almost no precipitation and is surrounded by rocky   cliffs. On top of that many tourists are deterred  from visiting the island as there is a nuclear   submarine wreck nearby that is at risk of leaking  radioactive materials into the surrounding waters. Traveling to a barren island  in the Arctic is difficult,   but getting to one of the most isolated  islands in the Antarctic is even harder. Bouvet is about 1,000 miles from Antarctica.  It’s uninhabited due to its sheer remoteness   and difficulty to get to. The entire island is  almost completely covered by a glacier year-round,   and in the winter, the waters around the  island are shielded by pack ice. This   makes Bouvet almost impossible to reach,  and even if you do make it to the island,   there is no practical way of actually  getting on it to explore the landscape. Bouvet Island is also a natural preserve that  is under the watch of the Norwegian government.   If you want to investigate the island, you  need to have a good reason which is cleared   by Norwegian officials; otherwise, you could  be detained as your boat approaches Bouvet.   If you manage to secure permission, the  best way to get on the island would be to   board a research vessel and endure a long,  perilous journey. Once within distance,   you would need to fly aboard a helicopter that  would drop you off on top of the barren glacier. There isn’t much to do other than conduct  studies of the Antarctic climate and its   geological processes. It would be an expensive and  dangerous vacation just to stand on top of a lot   of snow and ice. This is why only a handful  of people have ever been on Bouvet Island,   and this doesn’t seem like it  will be changing any time soon. This next place isn’t as remote as other islands,  but it’s rarely visited for one particular reason. Boreray Island is about 60 miles  from the mainland of Scotland.   The island itself looks beautiful  from afar, but as you approach,   you quickly realize that any ambitions to step  foot on the island could cost you your life.   Boreray is a Scottish World Heritage Site  meaning that even if you could get to the   island, you would need special permission  from the Scottish government to visit it.   These requests are almost always denied to not  only preserve the island but peoples’ safety. It’s the jagged shoreline and intense swell  that makes landing on Boreray so difficult.   Even if you are able to secure  permission to step foot on the island,   you may be waiting for days or even weeks  for the sea and weather to cooperate.   Boats that get too close to Boreray when the  conditions aren’t right find themselves smashed   into the side of the sharp rocks that make up the  coastline and sink to the bottom of the Atlantic.   It’s estimated that more people have summited  Mount Everest than have reached Boreray island   since the 1950s. This just puts into perspective  how difficult this remote island is to visit. Now watch “These Countries Are  Impossible to Invade.” Or check   out “What Americans REALLY  Think of Other Countries.”
Channel: The Infographics Show
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Length: 17min 26sec (1046 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 09 2022
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