WORST MATTING I'VE SEEN IN 10 YEARS! | Rovers Makeover Dog Grooming [CC] (rev)

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- All right, guys. So before I start, I will let you know that this is the worst shape matting-wise dog I have ever done. Comments will be turned off because I know there'll be lots of hate comments toward the owner and that's not what I'm here for. That's not what this channel is for. I'm here to help the dogs and educate owners. This dog has severe matting and I had to cancel my dog after this because I know it's gonna take me while or reschedule them for tomorrow. So, here's what the dog looks like. I'm wearing gloves because this dog is in rough shape. The dog smells bad for obvious reasons. I have a mask on because you really don't wanna be breathing this stuff in. But you can see all of this is severely, severely, I mean, there's poop on the dog's butt because they can't poop right. So, the front legs and paws are completely matted. Okay. The ears are completely matted. The poor thing can't see. And the belly's matted. So, I'm gonna do what I can do. If it gets to the point where I don't have the right equipment and I need to go to a vet, then I'll send them to a vet and they'll have to pay full price. They signed my client agreement. My client agreement states that if your dog is in such bad shape coat-wise or aggression-wise and I cannot finish the groom, you are still responsible for the full price of the groom. That's how that works. So, I'm not even gonna try with a seven. We're gonna do a 10-blade. And we're just gonna get started. (shaving machine buzzing) This dog smells really bad. Things happen. I've said this, things happen. You cannot judge a person by how their dog looks. Now, this dog has taken... It's taken this dog at least six months to a year to become this bad. (shaving machine buzzing) Okay? This wasn't just happened 'cause of the virus. So, it's easy to judge people, but guys, we really don't know what is been going on. We don't even know if maybe they rescued the dog and the dog was like this. I doubt it. But you cannot judge people and we're here to help the dog. And that's what we're doing. We're here to get the dog back to a healthy coat. (shaving machine buzzing) My table and all the equipment I use will be... Just a minute, Kelby. Will be sanitized disinfected when I am done. (shaving machine buzzing) Baby, I can't do it right now. You're gonna have to wait. Well, you're gonna have to wait a minute. (shaving machine buzzing) So, we're just going to get everything we can off that we can. This dog is liking it. It's, I mean, I can't imagine what it would feel like to get this off. I did take before pictures and I told her, I said, "Hey, it's gonna be a lot more than I quoted," over the phone 'cause she didn't tell me that the dog was matted. (shaving machine buzzing) So, and she just agreed and... (shaving machine buzzing) Come here. Let me do your face so you can see, okay? I'll do your face so you can see. (shaving machine buzzing) Come here. (shaving machine buzzing) Easy. You're okay. You're okay. (shaving machine buzzing) Come here. (shaving machine buzzing) Easy. You're okay. You're okay. (shaving machine buzzing) Come here. You're okay. You're okay. Switch blades 'cause this blade is hot. This is a marble serving table, serving tray. I put my blades on there and it pulls them off faster than if you were just to lay them on the table. Come here. You're okay. (shaving machine buzzing) I have some comments that, oh, you do it for the money or you do... Guys, if this person came to me and said, "I cannot afford this dog to be groomed, "can you please groom it for me?" Of course. I would never let a dog suffer because the owner cannot pay for grooming. That is just, that's not right. Like, my job is not about money. It's about educating the clients and helping the dogs. (shaving machine buzzing) I'm just glad this dog is not aggressive. As far as I can tell, is not aggressive. Is was laying on the tables. He's very chill. (shaving machine buzzing) You're okay. (shaving machine buzzing) You're okay. Good boy. (shaving machine buzzing) When you're doing a dog like this that where you're having to work in one spot with a blade for a while, you need to make sure to change your blades very frequently, they get hot and they can burn the skin. (shaving machine buzzing) Just taking this slow. It's pretty matted in here. (shaving machine buzzing) Okay. You're gonna see all that's matted. Just gonna turn his head. (shaving machine buzzing) Smell is making me wanna throw up. I'm glad I didn't eat lunch yet. (shaving machine buzzing) Change blades. (shaving machine buzzing) You have to be really careful with the ears because if you hit that, the ear leather, like on the edge right here, you will have profuse bleeding. It's really difficult to stop. I've never done it but I've seen it and it's not a pretty sight. (shaving machine buzzing) I may have to go down to a 15. (shaving machine buzzing) I don't want to, but I know it's driving you nuts. Huh? Trying to get it off, boy. (shaving machine buzzing) There's the edge of the ear. So, we've almost cut it off. (shaving machine buzzing) Okay. (shaving machine buzzing) There we go. There's the ear. Hang on. (shaving machine buzzing) And y'all are like, why are you saving that? So I can take a picture of it. (shaving machine buzzing) Poor thing. Poor, poor thing. (shaving machine buzzing) Okay. (shaving machine buzzing) I'm really glad that this dog is so chill. If this was an aggressive or hyper dog, it would take me twice as long. (shaving machine buzzing) My dad came by to get my trash. We don't have a dumpster up here. So, he came by to get my trash. Okay. So, to be able to get down to this leg and fully do this leg right here, I'm gonna have to cut. I'm not gonna use my regular scissors because it'll ruin them. So, these are my straight scissors. I don't use them. So, all I'm gonna do, make sure I know where the leg is. And basically, it's like cutting off a cast. It's just going to cut this. Look how thick that is, guys. Look at all those layers. While he was here, he got my daughter her lunch and that helps me a lot. So... (shaving machine buzzing) We're gonna cut this tail free of these matte so I can do it. (shaving machine buzzing) Just gently wanna try to pull it back so you can keep going down. 'Cause I can't even feel, oh, that's the end of the tail. Oh, that's great. Okay. That guys, that's insane. That is insane. (shaving machine buzzing) Cut this. (shaving machine buzzing) Let me try clean some of this up in here so that... (shaving machine buzzing) Okay. Just going to... (Scissors snipping) Just too thick to... I know. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Okay. Okay. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. You're okay. You're okay. You're okay. (shaving machine buzzing) I may have to muzzle for some of this, guys, just because it is painful. Can you imagine your hair being so this matted and someone having to cut it off, like it's painful. (shaving machine buzzing) You're okay. (shaving machine buzzing) Switch blades. You're okay. You're okay. I'll turn and do some of the other side. (shaving machine buzzing) We're getting there. (shaving machine buzzing) I may have to take a break on this dog, give the dog a break and go finish another dog that just got done in the cage dryer. Again, guys, all of my stuff will be disinfected after this. Okay? Don't worry. (shaving machine buzzing) You're okay, buddy. I'm 100% taking a shower as soon as I get home. I know that. (shaving machine buzzing) This smell is ughh. Makes me wanna puke. (shaving machine buzzing) You're okay. You're okay. Just gonna cut this stuff off. (scissors snipping) I know y'all are like, why am I keeping that? It's to, "Hey, this is what came off your dog. "You need to bring them in more often." Do you hear her back there? Do you hear her? That is ridiculously thick. You're okay, buddy. (shaving machine buzzing) (scissors snipping) You're okay, buddy. (scissors snipping) (shaving machine buzzing) I just don't know how I'm gonna get this off. Just cutting it. (scissors snipping) You're okay. You're okay. (shaving machine buzzing) You're okay. You're okay. (shaving machine buzzing) All right, guys. I'm gonna have to take a break just mentally just 'cause it maddens me like, and it's just... I'm gonna go do this other dog and then come back so that the dog can go home. I'm gonna put this dog in the cage (Marybeth exhales) and just take a breather and give this dog a break too. 'Cause it's painful guys to have this stuff on you. (scissors snipping) You're okay. All right, guys. We're back with this dog. Just finished eating lunch. (shaving machine buzzing) Just don't know exactly how... (shaving machine buzzing) (shaving machine buzzing) (scissors snipping) (shaving machine buzzing) (scissors snipping) You're okay. You're okay. (scissors snipping) You're okay. (shaving machine buzzing) I'm gonna have to go down another blade under 15. (Marybeth exhales) (shaving machine buzzing) (scissors snipping) (shaving machine buzzing) I can just get over this all. (shaving machine buzzing) And for those of you that are saying, "Well, why don't you go report this person?" Guys, I've done that. It doesn't do anything. They see this as the owners trying to better the dog's life by bringing them in for grooming. So, it doesn't do anything. Sorry, buddy. I know. I know. But I've got to pull that down so I can get to... You're okay, buddy. (shaving machine buzzing) You're okay. (shaving machine buzzing) - [Kelby] (indistinct). - Me too. - [Kelby] (indistinct). - Oh, yeah. This dog is... - [Kelby] (indistinct). - Okay. Just a minute. (shaving machine buzzing) I'm only starting to get this off. (shaving machine buzzing) - [Kelby] (indistinct). (scissors snipping) (shaving machine buzzing) - You're okay. (shaving machine buzzing) (scissors snipping) No. (scissors snipping) (shaving machine buzzing) No, no, no, no. Uh huh, you're okay. (shaving machine buzzing) (scissors snipping) (shaving machine buzzing) (scissors snipping) (shaving machine buzzing) You're okay. (shaving machine buzzing) This is a 30-blade. I will not go any shorter than this on any dog ever. But we're almost there and I just want to get this off and it's working. (shaving machine buzzing) You're okay. (scissors snipping) (shaving machine buzzing) You're okay. (shaving machine buzzing) You're okay. (shaving machine buzzing) (scissors snipping) You're okay. (scissors snipping) (shaving machine buzzing) How do I get this foot done? I have a dog that I need to get done and then come back to this dog. (shaving machine buzzing) You're okay. (shaving machine buzzing) (scissors snipping) You're okay. (shaving machine buzzing) Solid matte. Solid. (shaving machine buzzing) I will put a reminder on my desk to message them in eight weeks to let them know, "Hey, it's time to bring in your dog again. (shaving machine buzzing) Gotta get this matte out. You're okay. (shaving machine buzzing) (scissors snipping) Okay. So, I gotta take a break from this dog. I gotta go get this other dog done and then we'll continue. 'Cause this dog is gonna take me a long time. Come here. (shaving machine buzzing) (scissors snipping) You're okay. Come here. You're okay. (shaving machine buzzing) (shaving machine buzzing) (scissors snipping) (shaving machine buzzing) No. (shaving machine buzzing) (scissors snipping) You're okay. Come here. (shaving machine buzzing) Now I got to go down to a 15 or a 30, to a 15. (shaving machine buzzing) I'd be hungry too if I was playing with my lunch and I didn't eat it. (shaving machine buzzing) (scissors snipping) (shaving machine buzzing) You're okay. (shaving machine buzzing) (scissors snipping) (shaving machine buzzing) You need to get down. - [Kelby] (indistinct). - I'd be hungry too if I didn't eat my lunch. (shaving machine buzzing) - [Kelby] Can we go home now? - Nope. I got to finish this poor dog. - [Kelby] Okay. - Get down, please. We can go home as soon as I finish this dog. - [Kelby] (indistinct) I can name that dog, mom. - Name this dog Murphy? - [Kelby] Yeah. - I like it. Okay. - [Kelby] What is his name? - I'm not sure. (scissors snipping) (shaving machine buzzing) - [Kelby] (indistinct). (shaving machine buzzing) (indistinct). (shaving machine buzzing) - No, just his mommy hasn't taken him enough and so it's taken me a long time and it hurts him a little bit. 'Cause it's so tight and so that's why he's whining. (shaving machine buzzing) - [Kelby] Yeah, mommy (indistinct). - I've asked you twice now to not do that. - [Kelby] Mommy, I was (indistinct). (shaving machine buzzing) - Easy, easy, easy. (shaving machine buzzing) Okay. (scissors snipping) You're okay. You're okay. You're okay. (shaving machine buzzing) You're okay. Come here. (shaving machine buzzing) (scissors snipping) (shaving machine buzzing) Hey, hey, hey, you're okay. You're okay. (shaving machine buzzing) I know. You know I'm helping you. Don't you? Trying to give me kisses. But I don't want kisses. (shaving machine buzzing) Hey, easy. (scissors snipping) No, no, no, no, no, no, no. Come here. Come here. Come here. Come here. You're okay. You wanna sit? (shaving machine buzzing) Come here. Come here. You gotta come here, buddy. You're okay. You're okay. (scissors snipping) (shaving machine buzzing) You're okay. (shaving machine buzzing) (scissors snipping) (shaving machine buzzing) (scissors snipping) (shaving machine buzzing) Hey, easy. Easy. (scissors snipping) (shaving machine buzzing) Good boy. Good boy. Yes. (shaving machine buzzing) We're getting there, guys. 30 blade. I gotta check my phone real quick. (shaving machine buzzing) Easy. Easy, easy, easy. Uh uh. You're okay. You're okay. This hurts. I'm gonna get a muzzle. It is painful guys. It's very painful. But I have to get them off and I don't wanna get bit. (shaving machine buzzing) Hey, hey, hey, hey. You're okay. (scissors snipping) (shaving machine buzzing) It's very sore back there. Hang on. Hang on. Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey. You're okay. I don't know why. I mean, I know it's 'cause of the matte, but... Hey, hey, hey, hey. (Marybeth hushes) You're okay. It's okay. Okay. We'll do this leg a little bit then. (shaving machine buzzing) Hey, hey. No. Hurt nobody. (puppy sighs) Hey, hey, hey. You're okay. You're okay. Okay. I'm gonna stop. I'm gonna give him a break. I'm gonna put him in the cage and give him a break for a little bit. 10, 15 minutes and then we'll continue. And if he keeps it up, then I'll just have to push through it and have to get it done. I know. I bet you're super itchy, huh? I have a 30-blade on here. I went ahead off camera and just went around and trimmed that stuff. This sucks. (Marybeth chuckles) (shaving machine buzzing) (scissors snipping) (shaving machine buzzing) (scissors snipping) (shaving machine buzzing) Trying to tell if there's a (indistinct) claw. (shaving machine buzzing) - [Kelby] (indistinct). (shaving machine buzzing) - No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. (scissors snipping) Come here. (shaving machine buzzing) (scissors snipping) (shaving machine buzzing) Hey, hey. You're okay. (scissors snipping) (Puppy barks) Hey, hey, hey, hey. You're okay. You're okay. You're okay. You're okay. (Marybeth hushes) (shaving machine buzzing) Hey. (shaving machine buzzing) You're okay. (shaving machine buzzing) Hey. (Marybeth hushes) Hey, hey, hey, hey. (Marytbeth hushes) (scissors snipping) (shaving machine buzzing) You're okay. It's okay. It's okay. (shaving machine buzzing) (scissors snipping) Hey. Uh uh. You're okay. (shaving machine buzzing) I'm gonna have to go down to a 40. I never use a 40 but this is the time to use it. (shaving machine buzzing) This is the shortest blade I have. (shaving machine buzzing) Easy. (shaving machine buzzing) - [Kelby] (indistinct). (shaving machine buzzing) - Easy, easy, easy, easy. Hey, hey, hey. Easy. Stop. It's almost off. (shaving machine buzzing) (puppy sighs) I know. I know. (shaving machine buzzing) (puppy sighs) Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey. (Marybeth hushes) You're okay. It's okay. (shaving machine buzzing) Hey. (Marybeth hushes) Buddy, buddy. I just gotta get it off. I know. I know. I know. (shaving machine buzzing) (puppy sighs) Hey, hey, hey, hey. It's okay. Come here. Come here. You're okay. (shaving machine buzzing) I just need a look at it, buddy, buddy. (shaving machine buzzing) (scissors snipping) (shaving machine buzzing) Come on, buddy. We're almost there. (shaving machine buzzing) (puppy sighs) You're okay. (puppy sighs) Easy, easy, easy. Hey, you're okay. You're okay. (shaving machine buzzing) Oh, that stinks so bad. (shaving machine buzzing) Just gonna cut that nail. (scissors snipping) Got the fur and remove it. (shaving machine buzzing) (scissors snipping) First thing we need to do is cut these nails. (scissors snipping) Easy. (scissors snipping) (puppy sighs) Hey, you're okay. (puppy sighs) Easy. Hey, hey, hey, hey. Hey, you're okay. (scissors snipping) I'll be so happy when I get this last one off. I'm worn out. No. (puppy sighs) You're okay. (scissors snipping) (shaving machine buzzing) (scissors snipping) - [Kelby] (indistinct). (shaving machine buzzing) (puppy sighs) - I thought I was recording and it wasn't. I'm just slowly going back. (shaving machine buzzing) - [Kelby] (indistinct). - Okay. (shaving machine buzzing) I'll draw the TV on in just a minute. Okay? (shaving machine buzzing) (puppy sighs) So, this nail is stuck in here again just like on the other one. (shaving machine buzzing) (puppy sighs) So, I'm just gonna get what I can here. You're okay. (shaving machine buzzing) Yaay. - [Kelby] What? - Almost got this dog shaved. - [Kelby] Now we're gonna go? - I got to give it a bath and then finish it and then we'll go. Okay? - [Kelby] Okay. (shaving machine buzzing) Give him a bath. (shaving machine buzzing) - That is crazy guys. Just crazy. So, all right. Take this muzzle off, go get him in the bath and then get him in the dryer then get him home so I can go home. He's been here since 10 o'clock. He's been here four hours. It's taken me four hours to shave, get all that off. So, it's been a while. And when a dog walks on that big of mattes, it messes up the way they walk. I mean, you can see that both nails on the inside grew straight out instead of curved. And you feel so much better. Don't you? And guys, these little Nixon cuts, they're part of the job. When you're working with 40 and 30 blades trying to get mattes off, it's bound to happen. That's why I make all my clients sign a client agreement before I start anything. You just wash everything really good and it'll heal. (water gushing) Really wanna scrub them down. There's gonna be some spots where I'm gonna have to put some antibiotic ointment. But that's fine. I'd rather them have a couple of cuts from getting all those mattes off then for them to, where they can't even move around to be in pain. Yeah. Just as suspected, the anal glands are pretty bad. Pretty bad. Look at that. That's not, ooh. That stinks. Not even done with them yet. Super, super, nasty, thick. They can fall. (water gushing) Let that water drain down a little bit for a minute. (water gushing) Rinse the dog, put them in the dryer. Take maybe 10 minutes if that to dry since we're so short and then we'll do the finished groom. I forgot to grab a towel for this dog. So, going to use this one. It makes me kind of suspicious when people bring in such severe, dogs they're in such severe shape. It just makes me wonder if they're actually gonna come back to get the dog. If they gave me the correct number, if they gave me their correct name even. It makes me wonder and I really hope, for the sake of the dog that they come back. (air dryer blowing) But it's always a possibility with any dog even if they're not in bad shape. I've never had it happen, but I've heard stories of it happening. While the dog is drying, I'm gonna take this spray disinfectant and disinfect all of my tools that have been used before the bath, because now that he has been washed, there's no poop or urine or anything, but I don't need all these out. So, here's what I do. Just lay them out. Spray them, flip them, spray them again. And then put everything up. But I don't need right now. Let's try to organize as I go. Okay. I just give these a minute to dry. They're not a hundred percent dry. You can see the film on it but I put everything where it goes. I've had a lot of concern about, you don't clean your blades and you don't do this and that. Yes I do, guys. I just don't do everything on camera. If I did everything on camera that I do from start to finish every day, my videos would be so long. No one would watch them. But I mean, even just going like this, it's disinfecting everything 'cause it falls down on everything. So, I do disinfect everything. And this stuff is specifically made for grooming tools and equipment. So, I'm just trying to clean up 'cause as soon as he's done, we get to go home, My daughter and I. And then for this hair, I will take a glove and put it on and just pick it up, put it in the trash. All right. (shaving machine buzzing) Get the 10-blade and (indistinct). (shaving machine buzzing) And I know there's gonna be some people ask that, doesn't it madden you to give the dog back? Of course, if you're a normal human being, of course, it's gonna bother you to give a new severely neglected dog back to the owner, but it is what it is. And like I said, with animal control, you can call and report. They're not gonna do anything because they see the owner taking the dog to the groomer so, they're trying to better the situation. So, they can't do anything about it. (shaving machine buzzing) One of my groomer friends online said that she had seen a dog come in with maggots and was just in really bad shape. And they called animal control and animal control said, "No, we can't do anything about it. "They're bettering the situation." So, what the heck is animal control for? (shaving machine buzzing) I text the owner and I just let them know, "Hey, he'll be ready in 20 minutes. "and sent the invoice to (indistinct)." So, I know when I get done with this dog, they're actually gonna pick up the dog or not. (shaving machine buzzing) (scissors snipping) (shaving machine buzzing) No, you're gonna come over here, buddy. (shaving machine buzzing) Hey, easy. (shaving machine buzzing) (indistinct) gonna look a hundred percent because it's so short, but it's a hundred times better than what he was. (shaving machine buzzing) - [Kelby] (indistinct). (shaving machine buzzing) (scissors snipping) (dog barks) (shaving machine buzzing) (indistinct) - What? - [Kelby] (indistinct). (shaving machine buzzing) - No, Kelby. - [Kelby] (indistinct). (shaving machine buzzing) (indistinct) - What? [Kelby] (indistinct). - Baby, I can't hear you. You're gonna have to wait till I'm done. Okay? - [Kelby] (indistinct). (shaving machine buzzing) (scissors snipping) (shaving machine buzzing) I'm gonna muzzle him just to make sure he doesn't bite me when I do these nails. Also considering doing the dremmel just to shorten these nails as much as possible to help this dog. Great. Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey. (scissors snipping) (puppy barks) Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey. Hey. - [Kelby] What? What mommy? - Just talking to the dog. (scissors snipping) - [Kelby] (indistinct). (scissors snipping) (puppy sighs) (scissors snipping) (puppy sighs) - Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey. I didn't even hit the quick. I'm going to attempt to do the nails with this. I'm not gonna force this dog 'cause he's been through a lot today. (shaving machine buzzing) Guys, when I spray, it's not just going to this side, it's going all over the dog. Ouch, ouch, ouch. Oh, I forgot to get an after picture. (Marybeth whistles) (Marybeth snaps fingers) All right, guys. That's it. Thanks for watching. And I'll see you next time.
Channel: Rover's Makeover Dog Grooming
Views: 3,433,706
Rating: 4.8202705 out of 5
Keywords: Rovers Makeover Dog Grooming, Rovers Makeover OKC, SEVERE dog matting, severe dog matting removal, WORST MATTING I'VE SEEN IN 10 YEARS!, severe matting rovers, rovers severe matting, matted dog transformation, severe matting removal, most matted dog ive done, severe matting removal dog grooming, dog grooming matted dog, rovers makeover severe matting, rovers makeover matting dog grooming, worst matting ive ever seen rovers, rovers worst matting ever, severely matted dog
Id: wz9u-nR_H04
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 133min 13sec (7993 seconds)
Published: Sat May 30 2020
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