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- Good morning, everyone. So this video is gonna be a little bit different. I have one of my groomers that is going to be doing a Bedlington and I've never done one, but I wanted to get it on video. Their coat is real unique and then the cut is unique. Just a reminder that we don't do show grooming. It's in the cut, but it's not going to be show quality because we don't do that here. So let's get started. So we're gonna start with the bath and she did a half shampoo, half conditioner. (water whooshing) But the coat is unlike any other coat I have felt, it's literally like a rug. That's how she explained it to me. And that's exactly what it feels like is it's a very dense rug feel. It's not like a poodle. It's what I would kind of compare to like a sheep. It kind of feels like sheep, sheep's wool. (water whooshing) And you'll hear it. And when you turn it off, it'll go beep, beep, beep. So you there's a beep difference. So you know when it's offer or on. - [Groomer] Okay, - [Marybeth] So the beep is on and then beep beep beep is off. - Okay, so I'm on. - Yep. - [Groomer] Okay. (spray spritzing) (air whooshing) (dog whining) This is a big air dryer. I'm gonna fluff him up. (dryer whirring) (air whooshing) (dryer whirring) (air whooshing) (dryer whirring) (air whooshing) Okay. Gosh, my adrenaline's pumping. (laughs) (dryer whirring) (air whooshing) I'm just trying to separate the curls as best I can. (dryer whirring) (air whooshing) Always comb down and then I brush it back up. (dryer whirring) (air whooshing) (dryer whirring) (air whooshing) Do a 40 blade. (razor buzzing) come on. I'm not digging. I'm just scooping. Just like scooping up ice cream. (razor buzzing) (razor buzzing) I also do a 40 blade on inside of the ears. And, yes, I'll get this clean. (razor buzzing) Now on Bedlington's their ears, on our pet friendly version is doing a 30 blade and I'm gonna go to the top of the ear and then scoop it out. But it comes down kinda like in a triangle. So you leave like this tassel thing. And then the same thing on this side. And just do this triangle. Doesn't have to be perfect. (razor buzzing) Come on. (razor buzzing) Top of the ear. Swipe to the left. And to the right. Yeah. Your makeshift triangle. (razor buzzing) He shakes his head a lot. So I save his ears for last. (razor buzzing) Just to give me a hand for a second. 'Cause he hates his tail. Okay. So still 30 blade. It basically is like a carrot and then this gets shaved But he hates it, so I just, whatever I can get. (razor buzzing) It's supposed to come down like in a V, but most of the time I can't get it. So I just make like a notch most of the time. And then it's only about like this and here's the tip of his tail right here. So I leave all this, like a tassel. (razor buzzing) I think in the show stuff, they do like a 40 and whatever, but. Okay. Okay. (razor buzzing) I know, I know, buddy. (razor buzzing) It's scooping. No digging, just wipe. Just like wiping. (razor buzzing) This is where pin gnats are born, on dogs like this. The hair is so, so fine but thick and dense at the same time. (razor buzzing) (machine whirring) (dog whining) Hold up, buddy. Hold on. It's okay. It's okay. It's okay. (machine whirring) (dog whining) I know. I got you. I got you. (machine whirring) (dog whining) Sh, sh, sh. Okay, we'll come back to that. We'll come back to that. (machine whirring) (dog whining) Sh, sh, sh. Sh, sh, sh. (dog whining) It's okay. It's okay, it's okay. Thatta boy. Thatta boy, good boy. (dog whining) Here, you got it, you got it. Just a once over, it's okay. It's okay. Okay. Okay. All right. (razor buzzing) Okay. Now on him, normally they would have this longer and there's all these different lengths. But on him, I'm just gonna start a little bit down here. (razor buzzing) I may take it up. I don't know yet. I'm doing a five on him. (razor buzzing) Anything longer it just drags in his coat, like you have a dull blade in. We just want it to be simple for him. (razor buzzing) (razor buzzing) I start a line. I go down to the top of the tail and then I start working down. And when I get about halfway or so, I start going down with the body. (razor buzzing) Constantly combing up helps, helps a lot. (razor buzzing) And like I said, when I was shaving his belly, I just literally it's just like wiping it down. I don't, I have the lightest touch on my clippers. Just don't wipe it down and keep everything really light. Okay. They usually respond a lot better to that. (razor buzzing) I'll come back to that. (razor buzzing) And I'm going down the back. I do go down, straight down with my line, but like I started here. I will go over a little bit and then I start pulling it toward me, like, I'm doing like a comb over. It's like you're using your blade like it's a comb. It helps get those extra bits. (razor buzzing) Even with this five blade, it just wants to like slide right over it. (razor buzzing) So if I can't get it down, I will do the same thing. I'll do like this parting, combing type thing with my blade. (razor buzzing) Very gently. I can't stress that enough. It's so easy to cut them or hurt them. I'm just picking his leg up and I'm just letting it fall, like it naturally does so he's not uncomfortable. (razor buzzing) (razor buzzing) He doesn't want to fully come up. So I'll probably have to snip it back. (razor buzzing) It's okay, it's okay. (razor buzzing) I'm letting his elbow rest on my hands. So it kind of locks it out. But I can feel if he's gonna start pulling which he probably will. There we go. (razor buzzing) Work out a little bit, glide 'cause that's the armpit. (razor buzzing) So. There you go. I'm combing out, 'cause there's this armpit near the flap there. Just be very careful. (razor buzzing) Let's see here. I got ya. We're not done yet, baby. Hold tight. I got ya. Okay. (razor buzzing) And just resting his elbow. Burks here doesn't have the most patience in the world. So I literally just try to do it as quickly as I can so that he does not get stressed out and he will not dread it the next time I see him. (razor buzzing) So. Inside I'm just gonna do a swipe, wipe. (razor buzzing) Okay. Now let's go up here. Get some eyeballs here soon. Yeah. Okay. (razor buzzing) Now that I'm up here again, I am gonna go ahead and do that. This is the back of the skull. I'm gonna go down about a half inch and push it back. And that is where I'm gonna start my line. It's behind the ear. So I'm gonna just make a line. (razor buzzing) Gently. (razor buzzing) It's okay. It's okay. Okay. Okay, one more time and then we'll get to the face. Okay. (razor buzzing) Barely cutting that. And. That's about as good as I'm gonna get that. So let's move on. This is a coolant, disinfectant, lubricant, cleaner and rust prevention. Okay, back to the 30. Okay. Now on a Bedlington and this is, of course, a modified version, we're gonna do is just like with my standard poodles, corner of the eye, I'm gonna start a line. And I barely have him so. I'm just gonna start a line and I'm gonna come to the corner of his eye and that's it. And then, corner of his mouth. (razor buzzing) Get my fingers out of my way. (razor buzzing) So. Once you get a line going it sets where you need to be. (razor buzzing) Okay, we're coming to that now. It's like it's a clean face. But he hates this, so I'm gonna see how fast I can do it. (razor buzzing) Hey, buddy, don't do that. (indistinct) (razor buzzing) See. All right, I'm gonna have to get that. All right, I'm gonna put this down here. All right. (razor buzzing) Now I'm just gonna go down pretty deep. And with it define where they need to be and then I'm gonna come back up. Very cottony. (razor buzzing) Okay. (razor buzzing) Okay. Okay. ShowSheen. Okay. Again, he wants to sit so. He thinks he's done. (laughs) I know, baby, I know. We haven't cleaned them out yet. Okay. Okay, let's see here. Okay, so I'm just gonna back comb that up. Shake it. And pretend like I'm doing a V. It's literally just taking ends off. Down that end a little bit. Okay. Comb is your friend. Not to this guy though. Okay. Okay. Ready? I do it a little bit shorter underneath. Okay. And just gonna blend that a little bit. There. And for this, hold tight. Hold tight. This. I'm just gonna find the end, put my finger there and then I'm just gonna pull it down just a smidge Snap. Boom. Done. All right. Let's get him out of that. Okay, now we're just gonna shape him up a little bit. Put it down. Pull it up. Scissor to the back of the pad. And barely going around foot. Just get me a line. See, I don't know if you can say, see, he hates it. But there's like little mats in there, that just hide. So, okay. Hold tight. And this is how I fix that. Or. Okay, I got you. Okay. I'm gonna comb down a little bit and see if there's anything left in there. Oops. Oh, there goes that. Okay. Let's see what it looks like. It's like an imaginary line. I'm just trying to meet to the side of that foot. I mean, he hates his feet, so. (people chattering) There's all that stuff that it couldn't get. So I'm just gonna do this, chunk it down a little bit, thins it out. I'm gonna use my fingers and push that tuck out so I can kind of cut a circle, semicircle. Even with sharp scissors, this hair has a tendency to just, your scissors will just fold in it. It's the strangest thing. And he's not gonna like this, but I'm gonna get my finger underneath that web. And I'm gonna try. Don't do this at home. Cut it out. Again, fingers under there. Please don't do that at home. Can cut really easy. Okay. All right, give that a break and comb this down. Like that and pull it. Ooh, skills. Anytime there's toe mats, don't fuss with it. Just cut it out. If you're a professional, if you're just a home person, just probably should take it in because it's very delicate. Okay. Let's see. Imaginary line straight down. That's really all the blades and lifts are for is to get you to a general length so that you can just make your line. Let's see here. I'm pulling that out. Take it out. Comb. Okay, let's go on. Very careful. Okay. Here you go. I'm pulling that out toward me to expose that. And then I'm making my line. My line goes straight to the side of the feet. That's where I'm headed. And then I do the back. I know. I'm not just yanking it. I'm trying to find it. Okay, baby. (dog whining) Yeah. I don't have any strength. That's why I have to do like grip. (laughs) All right, here's the armpit, straight down. (scissors snipping) Back. (TV chattering) I got ya. It feels a little thick right here. That's why I'm just gonna take a little bit of that. It's definitely not perfect, but little out of practice. Impressionable. That's a good way to describe this hair. It's like, you can look at it and breathe on it and then it just, look. It's already like getting curly there. So. Okay. He definitely looks better longer. Holds his legs a lot better, but this works. All right. Gonna get his head going. All right. So here I am on this. And I'm just gonna go around it. I'll clean those out last. Okay. See? That's a good example right there. I'm gonna. Come here, baby. There you go. Even though I'm on the small side of the comb, look, it just, it doesn't even pick it up. Okay, all I'm gonna do on this is that's the tip of the ear right there. All I'm gonna try to do is just hold it straight down. I'm just going to cut a line. That's it. Okay. There's the end of the ear. I'm just gonna go one line. Now, let me see what it looks like sitting up. I don't hate it. So we're gonna leave it. All right. Let me see what we can do here. This is always matted. So let's do it one little cut. Sometimes here on the beginning, right here? It's out of here. Okay. Okay. Starting with just combing it back. Sometimes I spray my comb, so it's not as heavy. I don't want to just douse this with ShowSheen. It'll make it heavy. Spraying the comb sometimes just gives it enough of a hold. Okay, I'm gonna do this. Okay. Now we're in business. So first thing I'm gonna do, is I'm just gonna take part of it. Not even half. I just want to get some of this over. But you could easily do half if you want. And I'm just combing it straight down to the side. Find his little eyeball and I'm starting a line and I'm going right above the ear. So. Okay. And I can come back and clean that up if I need to. So. So that's the start of that. And then once you get your line, you just start building this line up. I barely have them. I just need it to feel which way he's gonna move. Okay. Let's go over here. I'm gonna comb it up to get it separated and then comb it back down. Okay. Same thing. Find his little eyeball, straight to the side. Still on top of the ear and I'm following it back. And I'll probably come back and do a little more work on there later. So got that started. Turning my curves this way. Hold tight, hold tight. Okay. Then fluff it up. Yeah. Now all I'm trying to do is keep my line. It doesn't have to be perfectly straight because it's basically starts turning into at this point, like a poodle top-knot. So I'm just making myself a line. I don't want it to be straight down. I'm just kind of going with the shape of the head Okay. And I'm just guiding his head in my hand so that I can continue the all-famous line. Okay. Yeah. Turn him around. This is hanging out. Take that, clean it up. Still right out here. And then I'm just going to be basically just shaping the top of the head, I'm just. Okay. Now, I'm here. I'm in the front. I'm ignoring this right now. I'm working on this top part. I find it easier just to take little bits at a time, especially on here that's so impressionable. Now the eyes, I'm starting to take it in. Almost like you would be doing schnells or eyebrows. I'm gonna turn my scissors around. I'm taking it right there. Okay. This side. This is when the artistic aspect really kicks in because I'm not a show groomer. So I just do what I think looks best for his bone structure and hair. Gotta see how all these fuzzies up here and clean them up. Okay. It's still looks heavy over here. Barely have them up front. All right, so I'm gonna leave that for now. We'll come back to it. And then I'm gonna work on his little beard here. Okay, so first. I'm gonna comb it all down. Basically like between the eyes down to the side. There's no hair down there, but I still go through the motion. That lip. And I'm gonna take this beard in line with his jaw. Okay. That's right flush with his lip. Okay. And on this side, same thing. At an angle. Okay. Okay. Coming along. Okay. Now, I could barely hold this. Okay. And now what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna start. I'm gonna cut this in half and I'm gonna start blending this into that. And it's kind of like a circle. Except this, I'm gonna cut a straight line there. Okay. Okay. Come back to that. I'm just combing it up. However, I need to get it to where I get all that hair. Okay. Okay. Let's try the chunkers on this side. Okay. I'm gonna look down and I'm gonna pretend like there's all hair in here, so. Thank you. That's what I needed. The more they shake the better. Okay. Here we go. He's been extremely patient. Let's get him done. All right, so now I'm looking at it. I'm basically just gonna make this like blending up. So it's like a ramp. That's what I see for him. Tilt his head down a little bit. Get in here. So now I look at him. I can just keep pointing this down. There's the corner of his mouth. And I want to see more of his eyes. So I'm gonna take this down a little bit more. And cut this in a little bit more. This is the fun part. You can really just kind of start shaping it. This is why I don't do showrooms because I like the creative aspect of just finding what really works and looks good for them as best I can. Okay. See in the back of the head, I can see there's a big bubble right there. So let's see what we can do there. Okay. All right. His head's looking straight. I can still see a bowing over here. Okay. Okay, one more comb up and then we're gonna put them away. Okay. See? This is what we would call a career dog. You could just, you could just scissor and scissor and in a good way, you can just, you could just really, I would just love to just scissors on this dog all day. You know, because every time he shakes, it's something new to scissor. All right. So let's see where we're at here. All right, I still need more here. Oh, there's an eyeball! I like that. All right. Let's get this. I have nowhere to hold on to. I'm gonna try his nose. Sh, sh. Okay. A little bit more over here. That's why grooming costs money because you're literally working with a moving object. Okay. I'm liking that. I think I'm still gonna come down just a little bit more here. Okay. All right, so it's not perfect, but I know he's getting antsy. So I'm just going to clean up this eye a little bit and do his ears and he is done. Okay.
Channel: Rover's Makeover Dog Grooming
Views: 129,334
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rovers makeover, rovers makeover dog grooming, rovers bedlington terrier, how to groom a bedlington terrier, grooming a bedlington terrier, rovers new employee, NEW EMPLOYEE WITH 30 YEARS EXPERIENCE GROOMS A BEDLINGTON TERRIER, marybeth marr, dog groomer, rover's makeover dog grooming, dog grooming, bedlington groom, bedlington terrier grooming, bedlington terrier grooming rovers, rovers bedlington terrier grooming, bedlington terrier head, sav ur fur bathing system
Id: lY-vFEF83GY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 70min 36sec (4236 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 13 2021
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