Worst Games Ever - X-Squad

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[Music] [Music] do hello everybody and welcome back to worst get sorry games games games ever that's the show where we play what are you doing i don't know i'm sort of interrupting you it's very cool it's the show where we play terrible video games sent in by you my name is ben and my name is peter peter we have two roles on this show the game's victim and the game's master the game's victim plays it the games master brings the game and has some science facts and we all learn as we go along the on this week's games victory oh i suppose that means against master of course when we say weak we mean fortnight don't we we do mean we do mean fortnight what am i playing this week fortnight not fortnite not for no you're not playing fortnite although kind of one of the worst games of all time isn't it it's worth billions of dollars this week slash fortnight you will be playing x squad no that's when all of the girls you used to go out with get together and uh take you down the x square the x squad they'll get you they're going to get you or boys i mean i'm who am i i'm not judging one or the other or both i am different your own decisions [Music] should play the game yeah let's do it yeah but before we get to the gameplay go to patreon.com team triple jump we have new tears and rewards releasing now actually technically at the time of release of this episode it's pretty much bang on now isn't it yeah you get worse games ever two days early at the same tier you get brand new show coming later this month weirdest games ever a whole week early week early there's tons of new rewards please go check it out patreon.com forward slash team triple check if you wouldn't mind could you also just just nip over to facebook you know a facebook account that you may and may or not may or may or may not still use just follow our page follow up page facebook.com thanks please do that and tell your mum and racist uncle but not you know hello ea hey doing bounce you know bounce ba i think it's just silent i did a test beforehand [Music] bianca oh no i've discovered a robot pill that makes you into a robot who is this guy this is you but i'm guessing i've got the facts here on my phone in my box yeah i didn't want to go there but i did classify [Music] can barely see a flipping thing though it's pretty dark melinda swanson son sort of that's another one look at these rad dudes judd johnson six foot eight look at he's not six foot eight unless they're all six foot ex squad squad i'm amazed because ea never avoids the opportunity to yell its name at you didn't do it this time wow look at this challenge everything so go different colors based on oh how innovative um oh x-squad is a playstation 2 launch title developed by and this is going back some electronic art square electronic art square electronic art square electronic art square um and published by ea games challenge everything in 2000 in various countries in different months per country now when it says camera reverse do you reckon that's invert yes oh i'm just go i'm going to just go ahead and put that on normal stick it to normal i don't know why it wouldn't be on normal by normal no but there we go once it was already set to reverse it was already set to reverse oh brilliant do you want yeah what so they say normal but fantastic the default is not normal for some reason okay um by all means play the game but i've got a very interesting fact for you here what would you rec what do you think this game is called again just remind me ex-squad squad in japan the game is known as x fire forward slash and that's in the name it's not just that there's two names aka it's it's xfire forward slash crossfire crossfire is a very different game so i think the x i think you're supposed to actually call this game cross squad or crossfire you know like the x button is a cross yeah because in japan they call it crossfire so it's probably cross squad yeah cross squad so i'm saying they're just really angry yeah furious team team fear at novice historical dudes and girls the grumpy guys whoa livid troop it's judd my favorite the troll goes out of frame because he's six foot eight i should have been impregnable i have a bad feeling about this all right let's stick to our objectives we're here to clean this mess maya who's got the febreze they're all a bit shiny aren't they judd and melinda we'll catch up with you in the control room i hate this art style so much look alive it's up to you to make sure we get all of judd's recon updates judd make sure you pipe in all right judge johnson no less the characters are a bit oh it's a bit sniper isn't it sniper too it is it is a bit the sniper too next stage and it's just a gun that's the gun from the game i think um this is ash maya respond it's maya what's the matter i've sneaked in successfully she pops in that's good okay understood i understood i said that's good am i playing oh there we go you're in you just oh good l two and r two is straight rave it's one of those okay at least right stick is move the camera i want to shoot so now that you reload set camera to normal it is what you would expect it to be right yes up and down right so it was just inverted by default fantastic that's fine may i there we go in this game the protagonist is ash the leader of cross squad along with teammates maya melinda and george george set in 2037. wow w squad has been defeated dr bianca noble has been kidnapped in her experiment project medusa has been stolen yeah he's got your ex-squad that sort of implies that you're the 24th squad out of we're the very last choice yeah well there's two more there's y squad and z squad action but i pressed it you know what's also l1 is used for what sick roles oh yeah so sometimes you can be trying to press a button and you just go whoa whoa whoa we're off oh they're great it's a roll only we're oh that rate is so slowly oh shut up unless that makes you literally invulnerable there isn't there would never be a time to use that role unless he's got iframes oh dead oh he's i like how the whole screen just goes orange oh she does when that happens yeah okay he's dead fantastic this is a ps2 game i mean admittedly a launch ps2 game but still yeah i played a lot better yeah as launch games and crouched through the crawl space i crouched through the crawl space could you be a little more interesting what's going on she didn't say shoot the drug barrels did she you said drum bow oh drum rock shoot the drug but hello explosive drugs um can i oh there we go off we go shut up here we go it's a map paused whoa uh hello what did i even land on nothing i landed on nothing um the player directly controls ash his three companions are controlled by the air off as well but the player can also uh issue general orders to them general oh oh oh it's a bit arcadey what did oh did you go invisible i turned into the silver surface he did that was good he became fantastic i like how much he swings his arm when he runs look at that i like the very simple controls like he's singing a drinking song [Music] funny of me who said that i just they made that was a war crime i did hello i am really good at x squad yeah tell you what i'm feeling very confident yeah yeah i'm cross squad actually sorry what happened to the rest of the team here she is you going to give us some general orders now come on some corporal instructions come on lieutenant directions maya is currently set to follow right oh the d-pad also moves and turns and does that what is it how does that oh you can spin on the spot oh it doesn't even animate him turning he just walks around what are you doing melinda whatever your name was maya the command button this is only on one platform tactics commands um assault just charging yeah you just select it and i then she's phasing through my tumtum yeah little tomtum phase um the game is predominantly would you believe action-oriented is it ash can crouch will also just be an absolute flipping lunatic to evade enemy fire um he and his friends have to deal with enemy soldiers automated guns and boss enemies no other tasks are usually confined to hitting switches in order to open doors i've just done one oh just there you go button don't know what it did hit a switch maybe i go through here like all the doors have a biohazard sign on them as though this entire place is just giving you cancer as we speak games giving me cancer wow the switch is over here i'll unlock the door cover me affirmative what why is she in a different room she's she's right i just rolled through because i am that cool oh no baddies imagine getting your ps2 for christmas 2000 and this being the present i would be that you've got so cross can i where have all the enemies gone i thought they were just shooting or whatever i'm going down i'm yelling oh gosh oh he just flew into frame does um does ash sound familiar to you at all i can't say that ash does should actually be around here i've got a bad feeling about this he said that twice already can i roll through the barrier please i can't see a thing no i can't here we go we are sliding down she's not now she can go if she wants that's your lender oh boy like here comes the lift he's not there where is he dead so he doesn't sound particularly familiar to you i wouldn't necessarily expect him to but no no i can't say that the voice of ash is andrew chaiken chicken c-h-a-i-k-i-n chick catcher andrew chicken andrew chicken um so he played grendel in the wolf among us grendel yeah okay and legolas in the return of the king but not the two towers which was a superior game the game the game as well as those amazing roles and some others he also featured in worst games ever classic csi three dimensions of murder no way sadly not as nathan it wasn't made by studio fine art studio don't worry the x squad is here we'll say here to make you x alive cross dead yes i can't the camera please he rolls into those every single bloody tie is he because it's the same but l1 he just does a little forwards roll what are you doing and but they've taken up some free real estate on the d-pad uh wasn't the bullet that killed him it was that he choked on his own vomit there oh he vanished as well i wasn't looking at my health i didn't realize it was getting that bad yeah games have come a very long way in communicating to you that you're low on health haven't they yeah early games i say early you know exactly what i mean 21 years ago they weren't doing such a great job of communicating low health to the players i mean i know there's a bar down there you literally just have to look at but equally too busy looking at all the high octane it's not going black and white gunfire too busy just rolling into into pounds please please let him get up first right this is where i died last time there wasn't a great deal available for was there not not many facts about facts on the internet so i've copied the entire characters section from the wikipedia page please tell me about judd johnson judd johnson bless you did you see what she did in her character profile oh no i didn't she was going around a corner and she just went understood and just swung wildly uh judd johnson is the recon of the team judd johnson is the recon of the team he searches offices for any copies or data there this is great is this from this is from wikipedia i didn't actually read any of this ahead of time look at this stupid turret oh it's turning around it's an automated turret oh the screen went a bit brown there um hello am i alive yeah she blew it up but it was in my face john g ash connors what's your name john i was gonna say that but khan no no you can't say that is the leader of cross squad and the main protagonist there's a link to the article about protagonists there really what does it tell us about protagonists i can't tell you it's a screenshot that i took uh he has many weapons and much equipment and great hair he insisted on rescuing dr noble and colonel clifford in retreat colonel clifford yeah the big red colonel and retrieving project medusa along with his team colonel clifford [Music] maya is the intelligence of the team with her laptop she can search for any lab or hideouts did she did she write this and maybe so melinda swanson melinda is the surveillance of the team sometimes when she asks questions she answers quickly and likes to start missions quickly what what was just written by a two-year-old she she's sorry i'm gonna need to hear that again right melinda is the surveillance of the team sometimes when she asks questions she answers quickly and likes to start missions quickly that's just a list of things that she likes yeah that's not information that's useful to me we've had judd johnson what what what [Music] james i don't expect you to be writing a hot and fresh science fact for every character by the way um i do it it would actually be sacrilege to recreate to re-type any of this information onto the screen and worst games ever dr bianca noble dr bianca noble is the boss of cross squad after when w squad were killed soldiers kidnapped her and stole her experiment can we get rid of uh oh can we oh god can we get rid of um ce in history you know the common era yeah talking about stuff and replace it with after or before when w squad squad were killed soldiers kidnapped her and stole her yeah after after when aw instead aw after when 200 the year 200 after when i will get to the end of this sentence though that has no comma no you won't after when w squad were killed soldiers kidnapped her and stole her experiment project medusa in 2035 in 2037. was that's the thing yeah in 2037 dr noble contacted x-squad to rescue her and colonel clifford and retrieve project medusa colonel clifford are you joking me do you want to learn about colonel clifford i would love to know all about let's go cc colonel clifford is the boss of i'm sorry i'm gonna have to interrupt you there's a nazi villain whoa there he is he's got a flamethrower he do a nazi flamethrower oh my god she's on fire is she just dead she did she's just died thank god i tell you what jeff in the chat for melinda thank god oh thank god for that the lock on yeah he's just spraying it i mean you would gonna play in pereira to be fair um he's dead i got him fantastic uh colon-l clifford is the boss of the soldiers since 2029 he was dr noble's guardian for a while but later becomes the main antagonist as he betrayed cross squad so he can become the strongest oh my god so he can become the strongest and powerful soldier this is great you'll be pleased to know there's a separate section i brought along for bosses have we learned about judd yet yeah we have he searches offices for any copies or data there must have chin dandruff what dr noble was working on understood nicely that's fine that's fine that's fine if you can't find anything on her try the mainframe there's the main frame i think i've got something what'd you find looks like there are prisoners in some holding cells excellent that's our best lead on the hostages yet i love i love the final shots of him in every cutscene they're great so good oh oh has he got a dongas there what's that between his legs what would you mean what's that oh it's her leg what did you think he was what a weirdly shaped dingle well i did think you know but it's not for me to judge it's not for me to judge my name is judd johnson i can give her a sniper rifle how unhelpful would that be a winchester uh oh westchester the reason you don't remember oh i bought something george johnson is because it was the most normal sounding sentence you just bought two because i didn't realize i even bought one i'm just trying to equip it i just wanted to equip it well you've got two now you were saying so the reason you don't remember me reading judd is because it was the most normal one judd is the recon of the team purchasing just let me equip it he searches offices for any copies of data there yes that was it any copies of data any copies or data there purchase how many i don't know i just want to just just use the guns that i bought you i just they'll just be available in your inventory weren't they when you go into the game but i want her to use it am i not allowed to change her gun because it says equipment you want her to use it yeah that was my that was my thought process and it's just maybe she just like cycles through or maybe in the command section you can oh god request this attack you have to click attack to start the mission it's time to attack attack there's that beautiful gun it's a good gun i've seen some guns just really fast isn't it right who wants some now huh let me tell you about the bosses in this game please do oh that one just fell out yeah lieutenant roger is the boss in level one lieutenant roger lieutenant i think that was the fire nazi um he's the guardian of the waste disposal the guardian oh you see that wiggling around when they're in action it's incredible big fan of that when ash and maya enter the disposal's air room yeah lieutenant roger reloads his flamethrower and begins to fight and that's the end of the description that is what he does yeah tell me about lieutenant roger well he reloads his gun and prepares to fight he begins to fight begins to fight sorry um captain vector that's cool is the boss in level two and guardian of the sewer guardian of the sue is a little bit more interesting saying than guardian of the what was it waste dispense you know the wasted space um the only gun he has is a grenade gun a grenade gun yeah it guns grenades when guardian waste disposal yeah oh i don't know what i'm going to be doing here i pressed a button i'm going back why can't i go what's up how much longer do i gotta wait judd what's up hurry how much longer do i got to wait john please open the door chad jed i really want to play the game george i want to command you judd judd judd please jad i just want to open the door my facts keep going into portrait mode i pressed it before lock is raised this is stupid this is a stupid game yes isn't it just it's a really silly game don't know about the guardian of um level three yeah we'll see the guardian of groups of swat guards that's the he's the guardian of groups of swat guys no the groups of swat guards are the bosses in level three and the guardians of the guard station the guard guardians oh no each of the four groups of guards have strong guns and turrets strong guns stronger these guns have been eating their weeta picks some strong guns out of x perhaps oh i can here we go keep your focus and don't back down don't bite down level four boss team sinner are the bosses in level four and the guardians of the abandoned tramway they dislike intruders no they kidnapped dr noble again for codes the kidnap kidnaps dr noble again for codes this game has a rich law it does doesn't it i want to learn all about it i want to see the uh the youtube channel dedicated to cross squad law agreed i was john oh she's running into a wall oh it's not good it's not good am i going to be helping judd i don't level 5 boss team link are the bosses in level 5. and became the guardians of the laboratory once it was taken over by the soldiers okay good good solid hello level six no is an army tank boss in level six and guardian of the recreation area guardian of the recreation it was colonel clifford's third tank his third how many tanks did colonel clifford have it's called no at least three n.o.e no no uh right level seven rds is a spider bot with many weapons coma the boss in level seven comma and the guardian of the assembly plant it was set by clifford to kill cross squad no i was gonna get them it was set by him yeah to kill it'll take more than they got to slow us down oh it's running through how is it in here all clear get ready to squash the opposition have you got judd now i think we got judd and melinda oh ran to that spot there the x squad are ready to go they're going to cross you off give it to you yeah i got the rear keep going what are you doing oh no judge gotcha he's got a shotgun he's got i want a shotgun why why did it show us that cutscene level eight right this is great private simpson was ash's friend but got turned into a soldier no he got soldier fired he got turned into one is that soldier boy that i've heard so much about yeah uh what's superman that hoe why what uh i own atari it's me it's me the owner of atari i've just made a deal i've got a contract i own atari so he's the boss in level a private simpson soldier boy and is the guardian of the strong facility the strong facility he explains to ash that clifford betrayed the cross squad oh i think i can kick from up close oh oh this kill them can you kick them to death or does it just stagger them [Applause] eventually that's it that's right knight ignite you sweet pieces there's one final boss here and it's someone who was already listed doing kicks again this is a real disadvantage if there's two people and you're kicking one of them there's some barrels at the end of the car i can't see what's going on the final boss is someone who has already listed in the characters section okay you'll be very pleased to learn it's colonel clifford colonel clifford's alive he's back colonel clifford betrays the cross squad and they meet him on the rooftop uppercase r for revenge revenge uppercase r he explains with his dying breath that he betrayed them because he wanted to become the strongest soldier he then drops his gun and dies no colonel clifford who will care for his third tank i'm over i'm over it i can't play it anymore he's done with the whole game i think so we've not even done reviews yet right you're gonna have to reload it and i'll i'll whiz through these the game received mixed reviews according to review aggregation web website metacritic weird i wonder why i got an extra view what do you think the average score was of those mixed reviews average average score average score 60 64 okay uh the highest review comes from heart games uh before i read their line i would like to just just guess what you think the highest review score was for this oh really you know you're going to read me there no i'm not gonna give me that oh that's jud sorry jen um the highest review score was 85 hot games gave this game 90 and said probably one of the top five ps2 launch titles in both graphics and gameplay x squad shouldn't be passed up i just want to say there are about 20 ps2 launchers there are loads so to be in the top five really isn't that impressive there's no they're in the it's not a lot it's in the top 25 percent top four but even then it sounds i don't think that's right i think it's wrong really yeah i don't think this is in the top five it's not no it's not um i also brought along another high-ish review score purely because of the line that they gave maxim online rated this game eighty percent just set two guns up oh god lads mags shouldn't be reviewing videos they always do a terrible job lowest score comes from game pen we don't know that one it's merely a rerun of countless action games that have come before it a futuristic setting with lots of weapons shooting and running around but not much after that when they give it lowest score uh 40 40 on the head that's it um and uh i also brought this this line alongs it just happened to be in the reception section of the wikipedia article randy nelson of next generation called it a concept game that unfortunately doesn't even get its concept right i mean it's about right seems seems fair yeah it do seem fair well thanks everyone for watching uh this episode of worst games ever remember you can get this two days early over a patreon under the same tier you can get weirdest games ever a new monthly show a whole week early so consider going to patreon.com team triple jump if you want to have a look at that and the other tiers you get other things is that him from is that the boss he had that grenade gun oh the grenade gun i just got killed by a grenade gun but i don't know if it's him i'm done there are other things included in that tier as well from the lower tier asking questions on the podcast for example and there's other tiers above it which you might be interested in we've added all sorts of extra rewards so if it's been a while since you've looked uh go and have a look at patreon absolutely stephen seagull dick my chinko roose boss billy ray walrus scandal penguin why not post about this in the exhibit subreddit yeah because sure he'd be thrilled to learn all about cross sibit cross zibit yeah yeah absolutely thanks for watching everyone we'll see you very soon bye
Channel: TripleJump
Views: 63,623
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: x squad ps2, x-squad ps2, xsquad ps2, ps2 x squad, ps2 x-squad, ps2 xsquad, ps2 launch games, ps2 launch titles, playstation 2 launch games, playstation 2 launch titles, worst games ever, worst games of all time, worst games ever made, worst video games ever, worst video games of all time, worst video games ever made, worst ps2 games, worst ps2 games of all time, worst ps2 games ever made, worst games ever triple jump, worst games ever vidiots, worst games ever whatculture
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 10sec (1990 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 03 2021
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