Worms Eating Our Peanuts

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we found another one there's one [Music] uh-oh not looking good hello everybody hope everybody's having a great day well me and kyle's got to change this tire on this irrigation that's uh not looking too good so uh yeah if you haven't done already please subscribe to our channel give this video a like and let's get started all right release the tire thank you jim toss me the cobalt all right you got it [Music] yeah there we go let me get that cobalt please [Music] okay we got the tire on we were going to get this pivot rolling to get the fertilizer in the ground good but we ended up getting a pretty good rain here last night a couple tenths not a huge rain but enough to get the fertilizer in the ground so win-win we don't have to crank up the pivot all right let's see what else we can get into we got the tire dropped off here um my father owns the chemical feed store you guys know about that but we also have a tire store that a good buddy john owns called town tire and marine so if you guys are local greenwood malone mariana area and you need a tire fixed or irrigation tire or anything like that on your vehicle doesn't matter check them out hello where are you girls headed ellie rose the dentist oh hey ellie cool sunglasses hey splendor okay i'm headed to a pivot we've got now we're putting out some nitrogen on some cotton i'm gonna check on it make sure she's doing good then i'm gonna head jump on the spreader buggy and me and kyle's gonna tag team the cotton we're in the last field of cotton and then we're done with cotton fertilizer for the year so we can get the buggies cleaned up and get them put under the shed get them all down good spray them down with some diesel and oil so they don't rust away and yeah that's what i got going on [Music] check her drum blow pop make sure she's churning so this pump pumps all the nitrogen out of this tank goes through the hose and then it goes to the hose all the way all right back to spreading fertilizer i'm in the field that two videos ago kiki was spraying and you can tell it killed all the grass the nut grass is not working on it too well there's the old orange spots that's where it's working on it got a huge bottom right there will not be able to go through or maybe i should go through it yeah i better turn it around [Music] well you guys have seen plenty footage of us spreading cotton fertilizer why don't we go check on jeff see what he's up to how about it jeff what's up everybody here we are we're out here in one of our dry land fields and we're spraying the peanuts today um it's been about a month since these peanuts have actually been sprayed because of all the rain that we've been getting and we're supposed to have a good week a good dry week this week so we're gonna cross our fingers and hope that we continue to have that dry weed we're using the cadillac of all fungicides today and that would be the latest and elated is good for white mold leaf spots i mean it just it's all around good for it all now you might ask yourself well why don't we use that every time well it's a little pricey all right guys so it's after lunch and um we got rain moving in so we're going to hold off on spraying right now uh the latest has has to have a four hour drive time so we're just going to hold up kind of see what it does in the meantime we're gonna go or we're actually here to fix the gate that i uh destroyed earlier okay tangled up in the sprayer it's not pretty so we got our new gate right there and we're gonna swap them out real quick all right guys so we got the new gate up can't even tell something happened here hi hey everybody it's been a while since i've been on the the videos but daddy wanted me to come out here and check on these peanuts we're afraid we've got worms in them so let's check it out so what you first want to do is take your hand and just start slapping the peanuts like this daddy said what we're looking for is little green worms or little hairy caterpillars let's see if we found anything nothing yet you can tell where they've been eating on them look at that it's either that or somebody's been out here with the magnifying glass using the sun to burn a hole in them this here's the last field of peanuts they planted um walk over here to a different spot we'll see if we can find some more worm [Music] don't say anything yet i don't see anything yet haven't found the first one [Music] airplane y'all look wonder what he's going to let's drive to a different spot and see if we can find some some more worms walk out here and slap him one more time oh oh look at that shadow's all in the way dang it that i think is one of them bad boys is that a tomato back a tomato back a bud worm or maybe that's just a looper heck i don't know look at him usually the loopers are more green he done pooped on me look at him he just making himself at home goodbye we found another one there's one oh there's another one i might as well go and call daddy and tell him to get spray ready there's one dang it bit me ouch hey dad yeah we got quite the infestation looks like we probably need to spray em well there there definitely are worms out here so now it's whether we should spray them or not that's one of the challenges of farming is do you spend the money or do not and then you wake up and you come to your peanut field and there's not a there's not a leaf on the plant because the daggum worms came in here overnight and decided to have all you could eat buffet let's check one more spot jim's gonna be mad at me broke his camera i think we're good we'll jump over here to another section it's pretty wet right here actually a lot of wet daddy said check a bunch of different spots this field's 145 acres so we need to make sure we do a good job we'll check up under the pivot stop all right let's check us one more spot and see what we got oh goodness one two three that's a big one somebody bring the besiege what i want to do now and i hope this is all right i've wrote a country song that i think just may be one of the best farming country songs maybe ever written i'm gonna play it now for you guys it's a rough demo but uh i'm kind of concerned somebody might hear it like a rascal flats or diamond rio and rob it for me but let's go ahead and play it now this song is called no more rain [Music] it's been raining all day it's been raining all night the weather a man said there's no wind in sight we've got a wet week ahead of [Music] us [Music] well you can't keep a farmer started out just perfect until i got bravo in my eye but it's burning i gotta keep the wheels turning on this part of soggy sand oh no i got another tractor stuck i better grab my chain and pray for no more [Music] [Music] well hopefully you guys like that song i'm planning to add a second verse and rework that chorus a little bit but i'm just too excited i want to show you guys what i what i've been working on all right let's head to the cotton field a dryland cotton i'm going to show you some of it and then we'll wrap this thing up jim gave me the camera he's all frolicking at the beach so let's have some fun [Music] all right here we are in our cotton field dry land cotton looks amazing next-gen 57-11 yes let's go check it out i mean get plenty of rain that's for sure and man look at all this [Applause] chest high chest high almost reaching my booby it's five degrees cooler down there than it is up here wow florida dryland cotton make that your pitcher uh that that can make the cover of cotton grower successful farming go ahead and screenshot that make that your uh cover photo i won't even charge you all right everybody well guess that's gonna be it for the video appreciate you guys watching and uh if you guys are new to the channel i'm jim's identical twin brother and uh i'm glad he let me be on the channel again um finally got off his high horse and i guess i want to give somebody else a little piece of the pie but anyway hope everybody has a good day and keep it in the field road [Music] you
Channel: Field Rows
Views: 10,213
Rating: 4.9395247 out of 5
Keywords: farming, john deere, tractors, florida farmer, field rows, Agricultural, peanut farmer, cotton farmer, worms in peanuts, crop scouting, crop scouting techniques, crop scout training, crop scouting guide, agronomy and crop scouting tools, peanut worm
Id: k2yY73P5l60
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 0sec (780 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 19 2021
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