The ULTIMATE tractor planter setup

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create a forward and backwards um multi-hybrid planter so he was using the pusher rows on one hybrid and the polar roads on a second hybrid so i have never drove anything other than a john deere tractor [Music] so we're still on vacation uh before you guys get into this video i want to let you guys know that this video is kind of skippy but it gives you kind of like a good idea as to what happens at the pti farm so be sure to go check it out like i said before it's really good really good thing to go look at gives you a lot of insight and a lot of you learn a lot of different things you never thought you'd learn so yeah anyways i hope you enjoy it and i figured i'd put this at the beginning so then that way you know what you're getting yourself into a forward and backwards um multi-hybrid planter so he was using the pusher rows on one hybrid and the polar rose on a second hybrid by having them close enough together they were able to still kind of just jog over a little bit with the combine and they used that to plant multi-hybrid in a few studies and he just loved the fact that technology was getting close enough that he could not have to sacrifice where his hybrid placements were going to be so that was starting to drive it kinsey also was working on it as well and so what we did is we took v-drive and we basically flipped one of them around and we squished them as close as we could together and v set select uses two v set meters with two hopper sections and it drops down the single c tube well as soon as we did that at the same time as releasing speed tube we created a a little bit of a catch-22 do i want hybrid placement or do i want more acres in an hour you couldn't because you couldn't do the motors physically wasn't space if you look at how speed tube slides up against the meter there wasn't the ability to slide in between those two meters and so what we ended up working on was all right how do we do both and so now msat uses just a single vset v drive meter and then at the bottom what we've actually done is we drop in the seed selector into the hopper by doing that at the bottom here of this hopper i'm constantly spoon feeding one side or the other [Music] [Music] [Music] so they're letting us come out here now we're gonna look at this so i have never drove anything other than a john deere tractor and yeah so we're now gonna look at this and i won't let you come any closer than this line right here okay okay so this is a finite on a what'd you say that was defend it on just a john deere flames with uh it's got a 1770 on it we got four different liquid tanks set up and then there's three v apply hp's in every row you'll see that there is a reveal on this side which they must have the airbags hold up right now after pulling off the ground dual sided on the the conceal automated closing on the furrow force it actually would have a b driver insecticide as well okay so fully decked out that's what plants the majority of this farm out here wow so then this is the momentum this is what i really want to so oh that's money that was 14 seconds you ever get nervous when you start to see it get up like 12 13. yeah you're like i got a wrapper no one's going to stick around this long so this 8r here is like what we're getting ready to get ours is a 410 though did you stick your camera on a planter yeah i thought you was going to get running up there nope i don't get run over i don't you haven't yet not yet i will one day don't worry and then i don't know there's just so much stuff going on here and so many different planner setups in general i mean you got four different planters out here plus that one over there i understand they're all they all got something different on them for the most i mean varying varying differences yes that is a a harvest 20-inch row with harvest laser producer units on it um that's pretty much got about everything on it uh from a more basic level like more like the row five where more more common to see an actual farmer have not like this one that has managing every single seed based on infero and actually applying liquid right now is that just water water it's just water yeah so what are the odds that alex could like get up on the white planter and just ride between the ccs tanks and get some sweet freaking panning around like this i would say yes but i don't want you guys to hear that okay well i'll just tell him some people just like to go along for the road okay so uh what's your name eli hey i'm alex so i have never drove a finite i have no idea what i'm doing okay we'll figure it out um that's clutch yeah you probably won't probably need that right off the bat anyway okay i would use that to stop whenever it's time but so there's a little button here on the side okay so he's gonna hit that button and click and push the stick forward and that basically puts it in the gear and then once you're in here then it's just kind of bump it they get to speed it up a little bit so right now so then is it all foot no it isn't okay yeah so you can i'd say okay 13 or so so it's just tracker basically yeah okay yep uh let me get you okay so we're in this pendant planner what what does this white player have on it exactly planner's got v drive uh hydraulic downforce delta force speed tube it's also got a referral force closing system manually controlled from the cab and we do have a couple of our new uh reveal row cleaner units on here and it does have liquid fertilizer sensing as well our electromagnetic flow sense monitoring just a ground drive pump okay so then this is your 2020 right yep and this is a gen 3 display and then you're holding the same thing and you're controlling yeah this so this is controlling that's controlling i can we can each control whatever you want to on both of these displays interesting okay so then you come up here to the end i'm going to guess you hit this yeah you can just pick it up click it up and then you go over to the next line yep so how rough does this tractor get too bad it's pretty smooth out here oh i didn't turn enough you guys need some bigger planters whoa all right i just need to set the gopro down i will say that is a little bit different just clicking that button yeah it is because i'm used to holding the moment yeah and the deers i'm just doing it all down here yeah so yeah it's all right there on the mistake yeah okay can't make it handy okay so right here we're looking at this this one has the uh and for the furrow thing right it is yeah so it is uh it does have infrared liquid and it does have a smart firmware smart firmware that's what i'm looking for and this is what that's what all this is saying it's 32.1 population 99.8 percent popular singularity singulation yep now what i'm going to be interested to see is whenever we get up to speed what it does see what happens yeah so then it's showing your organic matter your furrow moisture even your how clean your furrow is yeah clean is a measure of kind of residue in the furrow okay so right now i mean conventional still don't have a ton of residue so but we do have we got a real cleaners on half the planter but really don't see a big difference just because we're in pretty low residue area here okay so i'm going to try and do this better this time if you want to get up to speed you can jog over a couple lines and we can get past these guys you get on the other side of that that deer and then um speed a little bit so then this one has speed tubes too yeah it doesn't have yeah i have been wanting to get speed tubes on a couple of our planners oh yeah okay so is this in the right spot you think yeah go ahead and hit it yep all right so now we just kind of go for it yep so then we are actually planting seed too yeah they didn't tell us that i thought they was kind of joking around when they said that we were planting steam no we had a real thing we are actually planting seed i wonder how many times this same field's been planted though oh hundreds so how fast will this go with speed tubes oh i mean guys will push 10 a lot of times right now we're eight we're still holding 99.8 yeah so can i touch that should go to a bar graph there you go okay so that's just showing your skips and multiples because right now we're moving right around zero okay and that that's good i mean i kind of know what the simulation and a lot of that stuff is because we have the exact um or maybe eight miles a little bit too fast oh now now you're trying to get her to go fast huh they're going nine wow i'm amazed at how smooth this tractor is though yeah it is the field one i mean the field itself is pretty smooth but it's got a pretty smooth ride to it all right so and then look and start pulling back on that yep keep bumping it back and it'll slow down there's some tile out here so it gets a little bit rough that's why we're only staying on this half okay i got it this time yeah you got it and i didn't go down there far enough turn around either hey this is all just a test track you do whatever i want to out here doesn't have to look pretty okay all right all right all right now we got somewhere so now what what are you looking at there same thing you're looking at so you can tap on the home button home button yeah so it's got all acres all your metrics on it um so there you can tap on standard standard and i'll give you a bigger map okay so there we're looking so that's showing your skips skips multiples and you're good okay yep interesting i'll have to look at i was looking to get one of these things that's fancy yeah yeah it's pretty fancy i will say though it's probably a good thing i slowed down a little bit so anyways thank you for the rundown so can you give me a little bit of a run down on the planter situation here now i know that one up there that one looks rather snazzy it doesn't look dirty yeah so that's a 20 inch planner jason webster does all these 20-inch spots out here on the farm with that one okay the momentum gets used on 30-inch class out here um this one here is new to the farm we just got okay so that's one thing i do find interesting you guys have completely changed around that entire planner right yeah you guys turn that entire player around and i'm going to guess what year is that plan um so it didn't even have a casserole you decided when we got it so it's pretty probably 2003. so it's probably like an 0-1 it's free 2003 and you guys are using that for research now what i find interesting about that is if you guys are doing that that that means that you guys are not just researching for the newer farmers that can really bug out something you're researching for farmers that can do yeah yeah so that's probably an o1 planter we put row units under a cast right from like an 0708 planter uh and then we just rebuilt it all took all the ground drive stuff off put v drive on it of course a lot of different completely dropped yeah my group took off and left me and i'm going to blame aaron and carl i don't think that's a group yeah it is yeah it is there they are deformity of emergence not just emergence but i'm looking at the uniformity and the emergence that occurred and i want to know is there a difference from green to blue what's the difference here so webster did this last year and he did it a little bit more intense because that's what webster does um and he has interns so unlimited he's got unlimited time they did this every 12 hours and actually when you go inside for lunch you'll see the ear board to your right as you walk through 12 hours of difference last year was a 12 reduction in weight are you going to see 12 with your eyes no you've got to see 12 percent with the scale 24 hours we drop back a little bit more 36 we drop back a little bit more so the idea is this when we have a plant that comes up a bit later we know there's a competition effect that takes place the most important part of the farm can be they stick that long it costs like five cents [Music] all right so a few of you guys y'all want to measure depth see how deep we are let's real quick talk through our dimensions and then we'll dive in okay so we've got written up here these are the dimensions that we're going to look for i'll let you all fill these in i'm going to on the first one i'll allow me a softball i ruined it for you yeah what what what's our first one yeah okay why does depth matter moisture profile what i'm looking for is where my moisture profile sits right is it the same at the top of the hilltop as it is in the bottom so as we look at this what changed from the past before to here is there did so they gave us they gave us all these fancy mics and like we're clipping them in are you good there yeah this is the behind the scenes of a i'm going to take this my god i guess you're going to take hey look at this i put it in my pocket we better cover his ears this is the future of autosteer right here human interference all right lego i got this thing [Music] what about soybeans you guys agree the growers are planting soybeans earlier than what we ever have yes you told us but i do think we've been planning earlier and my reason is yield and let me show you something now when we can get out and plan early this year my earliest planting day look at that steak right there it says march 10th it's the earliest i've ever planted soybeans i wasn't quite ready to plant them but it got fit and we went planted now when i can plant early fourth week of march first week april second week april my yields are 16.3 bushel better than what i would call traditional planting dates around the first of may 16 bushel yield on beans that's a lot isn't it that's why guys have been trying to push this are you changing your maturities oh great question are we changing maturities all right we're gonna have a battle of the of the wagons here guys if you could plant beans early are you gonna plant an early maturing bean or a later maturing mean go later what do you guys say oh i knew that was going to happen so i'm going to spend it with everybody get your name brian brian with brian and uh we got these row cleaners on here what do you guys call them exactly reveal the reveal road players from them and he's going to take on this ipad here yeah 2020 and he's going to turn it down you know i gotta go pro ship back here and hopefully you know you'll be able to see it go down so he's gonna go down with it now because that digging it down a little bit yep so we're down 90 pounds down right now and then and then can you go down farther than that or that's what yeah keep going there's 115 down wow that's how amazing how fast that reacts and if i want to lift them all the way i can lift them up all the way as well in case i don't need them pushing down too much so then with the spin it you just kind of hit the go button and it goes up to speed he's got it set up special i guess that's right but we'll see it here and it'll go back in there again if you would please turn it back down yep so i'm at 30 pounds of lift right now i'm gonna slide it down so we're 100 pounds down so you'll see those start to engage the ground a little bit more and then you can see it starting to kick up more dirt back there too sure even from here so i can take it to a preset we'll go back to 30 pounds of that and lift that back up that's pretty snazzy yeah thank you thank you for showing me that so anyways i appreciate it you can do that whatever you want with that now but i had to i had to bug you about it so i did just learn something interesting they got this harvest international toolbar here and he was telling me that basically they make this ball or he they have somebody that makes this bar for them to sell and put basically just precision planting stuff on it yeah harvest international makes the tool bar it makes the road units but they don't sell a planter equipped with technology and so then a number of precision planning dealers make custom planters utilizing various brands harvester national bean one adco tool bars being another some stack folds it's more built or different ones but this is a harvest international planter and row units then with precision planting technology uh to power that the whole planter so downforce control fertilizer control closing metering all that's from precision planting and that's interesting if you really if you really want to get after it this is the way to go this is literally just just precision planning and harvest international and harvest internationals international and precision planning yeah yep there's no other tech on it though you can't buy from precision correct so yeah tell me about this this i've never seen anything like that so that's that's the idea with the all right so you think about a row cleaner sometimes if they're plowing um too much soil or they're moving a large mat of residue sometimes with the angle they're at they'll leave a mound right here of soil and residue and if the outside of your gauge wheel runs on that mound you compromise depth you shallow up you might be planting an inch deep in a one inch deep furrow you've made so this is a concealed gauge wheel that's why the split is there conceal is this fertilizer application product but the reason for this outside ring is this is a narrow gauge wheel so there's three inch gauge wheels and it's the typical gauge wheel on a planter is four and a half inches wide the narrower gauge wheel keeps outside your gauge wheel inside the row cleaner so you don't run the risk of running on that mound but you are also on 20-inch spacing here aren't you yep we're also on 20-inch spacing here that explains all of that you've got a narrow row cleaner that's a narrower angle you want to be inside that you don't want to be riding on the outside of the gauge wheel riding on that residue so let's see yeah it looks like that's a narrow concealed gauge wheel with the split this is just a regular narrow uh three-inch gauge wheel so we basically just have that ring out there to pin residue down and so on but there's also a wide concealed gauge wheel so they basically explained this to me just now as this is an albino row unit is nothing else is an albino row unit but they paint them so then that way you can see the differences in what what you have to put onto these uh units and as you can see there's a lot of stuff through here i mean everything you could possibly think of was on here even furrow force i'm gonna try and we're gonna try and run some of that next year but they got a couple of them set up in here and pretty interesting they even got this new conceal thank you guys for watching uh please remember to like and subscribe follow our instagram facebook page and check out precision planning the link in is in the description below to sign up to go to the pti farm in uh illinois so be sure to check out that link and go check it out like i said very good show to go watch anyways we got one more day on vacation we'll be back in town on monday so yeah
Channel: L&R Rusch Farms
Views: 8,442
Rating: 4.9850745 out of 5
Id: uVdcj-MW0WE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 28sec (1468 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 31 2021
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