Worldwide Prayer Meeting

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[Music] do [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] do [Music] do [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign so [Music] so it's welcome [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] foreign good evening we're so glad that you are have joined us tonight on this tuesday the first months first day of the month and we just asked that you just join us right now if you're in your home if you're uh in the car and you're listening maybe you just got off of work let's just set aside everything and let's go to our god whose presence is always with us he is always for us and would always walk with us [Music] let the king of my heart be the shadow where i hide [Music] is [Music] [Music] oh he is [Music] my [Music] oh he is [Music] you are good [Music] oh he's good you're never gonna let you're never gonna let me down you're never gonna live you're never gonna let me down no [Music] you're never gonna let me down [Music] you're never gonna let [Music] [Applause] [Music] you're never gonna let me down cause you are good [Music] [Music] stronghold [Music] the mountains [Music] your presence [Music] the mountains [Music] oh jesus oh there [Music] your presence [Music] [Applause] [Music] the mountains [Music] oh [Music] king of heaven [Music] there will be [Music] lord we need your breakthrough oh my god [Music] how we need your spirit lord your strength and love your mercy love [Music] but when you break through and when you come there is healing there is joy there is peace that overwhelms it all when my god breaks through [Music] who jesus we ask for you to breakthrough [Music] oh [Music] foreign [Music] is [Music] alone [Music] oh and jesus [Laughter] [Music] is [Music] and he raised [Music] is us jesus jesus jesus name jesus [Music] insane [Music] church and everybody who is streaming in to watch our worldwide prayer meeting we're so grateful for you guys streaming in faithfully every single week and even submitting the prayer requests to us so that we can join together as one body and and pray to god you know god says bring your prayer request to me and we're so grateful that you guys are joining us with this command from our god to bring our prayer request and tonight i'm really reminded about mark chapter five uh in the in the in the gospel of mark we find a man that was really outcast from his society maybe even forgotten by his family uh the bible tells us he would find himself living on top of the mountains and at times he would be down in the tombs really found himself in two different uh seasons of life and when jesus finds us man he really begins to talk to him and and he comes to find out that this man was dealing with something other than the hard seasons he was dealing with voices voices that he couldn't escape really voices that were powerful that caused him to cut himself and bring a lot of pain into his life and jesus really began to go deep into this man's life and he began to say tell me what is this inside of you what is your name and all of a sudden this other voice began to speak and it said my name is legion which is really referencing thousands of voices and in mark chapter 5 we find this man that seemed to be an outcast from society seemed to be finding himself in high seasons and very much low seasons he seemed to be causing a lot of pain in his life but jesus said you know what your problem is actually there's other voices that are dictating your decisions [Music] and you know what i love about jesus is that he began to speak over those voices and began to tell every single voice to flee and that is the power that is in the name of jesus and the reason why that story struck me tonight is because of some of the prayer requests that have been submitted to us here's one that says i have left my first love i cannot seem to pray or read the bible like i should when i try a heaviness hits me and it's like a no use voice hits me i can't break through another prayer request says this someone please pray my child has just revealed to me that they are living in a very dark sin i am so bereaved of hope another one says this please pray for nathanael he's been diagnosed with schizophrenia he has been calling he has a calling on his life to preach but now he's walking away from the lord another one says as priests play for silas to be delivered from alcohol and pot and save him please pray that the power of the holy spirit comes another one's from joshua that says this i have schizophrenia i constantly hear voices and see hallucinations i feel like i'm living in hell instead of on earth i feel hopeless please pray for me so the reason why i'm thinking about mark chapter 5 is because we see that there are not necessarily outer situations that have caused us to become who we are today but there's voices on the inside that is causing us to be overwhelmed that's causing us to become really a person that feels like we're an outcast from society but what i love about mark chapter five is that we first see mark chapter four this is where jesus is really preaching to 99 the church and jesus realizes that there's one person missing so he leaves the 99 he gets on a boat he begins to cross the lake because he knows that there's one person that he has to go and set free and jesus come to this to this new person this person that has been oppressed and jesus comes up to him and he begins to speak to him and as his words come into uh this man's life those voices begin to fall they begin to flee and tonight guys we're going to pray but we're going to pray for the voices that have been oppressing our family members oppressed in our homes a press in our neighborhoods oppressing our society you know jesus says this as the church whatever we bind on earth will be bound in heaven whatever we loosen in earth will be loosened in heaven and so before we go into a time of praying i'm going to share a quick testimony with you because about 10 years ago my uncle was in the hospital he was about to lose his leg he had been a drug addict his entire life he was about 55 years old at this time he had been smoking his entire life and his arteries his veins were closing up and the doctor said we have to remove his leg and so one sunday i felt like the lord was saying i want you to take anointing oil and go to him in the hospital and pray over his ears and ryan all i want you to do is pray god i bind the lies of the enemy and i pray that you loosen the love of the heavenly father over his life and so i did that me and my wife went into the hospital and we said uncle lamar god told us to come and pray and this is what we're going to do we're going to pray over your ears and i'm sure he's thinking no you need to pray for my leg but god said pray over his ears so begin to pray over his ears and all we did was god your word says to bind the lies of the enemy every demonic oppression that has filled his head for years i bind it in the name of jesus and i pray that you would loosen the voice of the heavenly father over his life and that next day he went in for the surgery and they began to do the test right before the surgery and they said everything's been opened up we don't really understand what's happened but everything is opened up my uncle got released from the hospital on that monday that next wednesday morning he was walking into his living room and all of a sudden he fell down to his knees lifted up his hands to god and he began to call upon jesus christ god had loosened his ears from years of oppression and tonight as we hear these prayer requests that have come in there is many of thousands of voices that are oppressing our family members and the press and our generation and oppression are really bringing this oppression into our cities so tonight we're going to pray as the bible tells us to pray and we're going to pray over these voices father in the name of jesus christ we ask you for the authority the authority that you have given the church to set free those that are imprisoned by these voices that they cannot find freedom from god tonight we're asking you for the authority to bind every demonic oppression every lie of the enemy that says you have no value you have no worth you have no purpose that you will never be considered right in god's sight in the name of jesus we pray this over our family members we pray this over those with schizophrenia we pray this over those with addictions we pray this over those who are in the hospitals right now god that you would bind up lord the the oppression of the voices of darkness god and that you would begin to loosen the voice of heaven the voice of jesus christ the voice of grace that you would begin to loosen the voice so that all that they will hear is the very voice of jesus christ speaking over them i love you i am with you i am freeing you i have a purpose for your life i have a plan i am yours father we're asking that this would be a day god that you would go out to those that that cannot seem to find any victory god and that you would cause them to hear your voice god according to your word the bible says those who have ears to hear what the spirit has to say father i pray that today you would anoint ears to hear god we ask you for this god you have to anoint ears to hear god you've got to anoint our our family members the husbands that are walking away from you you've got to anoint their ears to hear god bind up lord all the lies of the enemy bind it up father our children that are that are that are being caught in all these wrong places god would you bind up every voice god that is leading them aside that is leading them astray bind it up father god jesus christ you left the 99 to go to the one so that today we have the faith to know that you will go and loosen your power over their ears to hear father we just pray for that anointing one more time to open up the ears of our nation god even in the middle of a pandemic open up the ears of our nation god anoint our ears one more time jesus christ we pray this in your name amen thank you god oh thank you jesus there's power in your name oh god yes there was another in the fire standing next to me there was another in the waters holding back the sea and should i ever need reminding of how i've been set free there is a cross that holds nobody where another died for me there is another in the fire yes all my dead left her dead beneath the waters yes i'm no longer a slave to my sin anymore oh should i fall and should i fall in the space between what remains of me and the reckoning either way i won't bow to the things of this world i know i know [Music] there is another in the fire [Music] [Applause] there is another [Music] there is [Music] nothing stands between us there'll be another in the fire standing next to me there'll be another in the waters he's holding back the sea and should i ever need reminding how good you've been to me i'll count the joy come every battle cause i know that's where you'll be there'll be another in my fire standing next to me there'll be another in the waters he's holding back the sea and should i ever need reminding how good you've been to me i'll count the joy come every battle cause i know that's where you'll be i'll count the joy come every battle cause i know that's where you'll be [Music] praise god what a joy to be with you tonight all those that firmly believe in their heart it's time to pray we're just delighted that everyone who has written in no matter how you feel desperate how desperate the situation is we just know that god is honoring the fact that you have typed in a prayer request or you have tuned in tonight and we know that god is going to speak right to your situation and do miracles tonight so welcome each and every one of you family and friends of this prayer meeting to the summit alumni and the summit students and families that are watching too i just want to start tonight with a prayer from maria from astoria new york and she writes it has been too many challenges this time my husband's cancer fractures by a car accident his family abandoned us and here's what she prayed god give us courage you know there's so many things maria you could have asked prayer for but i believe that the lord directed you that we could join you tonight in praying god give you courage because it speaks to me of a supernatural and something beautiful in your heart that no matter how great and how many the challenges are at this time there's still you crying out to the lord and he will be faithful to you you will more than be given strength to meet those challenges the wisdom god gave you that said god give us courage that we will not give up and that's my prayer tonight that god would visit us and we would not give up we would not give up in believing him and we would not give up in the fight why should we there is a god in heaven who loves us and gave himself for us who as we just sang will show up in our fire and show up in our storm and he will get glory by us calling on his name and believing him somehow he will work miracles not just in us but through us and push back the darkness so let us not give up maria we gonna pray with you you be given courage in these two many challenges that have come into your life because they're not too many for the lord jesus christ and he is so pleased you prayed that way i i'm reminded of bobby from kirkland washington he says pray for my son to be delivered from alcoholism and to experience salvation we are going to pray with you bobby that you do not give up in praying for your son no one loves him like you do except the lord jesus christ and prayer never fails and we are going to pray you do not give up praying because god is going to get glory in giving your son breakthrough and breaking off this addiction and not just be free but be a preacher be a man who stands in his generation declaring how good god has been to him and delivered him from alcohol do not give up god has a mighty thing and finally i want to pray for make maria in bakersfield california because maria pastor ryan also read your prayer requests in all the years i've been to a prayer meeting i have never heard the same prayer request read out two times but let me just say i prayed today that you would be listening tonight maria from california and it says i have left my first love and i can't seem to pray or read the bible as i should and when i try something says it's no use it is no use hits me and we just want to say tonight maria that is such a lie the devil is an accuser and a liar the holy spirit is a comforter and an empowerer the very fact you prayed and wrote this prayer request means god has not given up on you you will have breakthrough that you are praying for and the presence of god beloved in this prayer meeting and the presence of god that you are experiencing right now wherever you are the presence of god expresses the longing of god to work in you and through you the presence of god you're feeling right now expresses the longing of god to work in you and to work through you and i'm just reminded of psalm 3 and let me just read two verses lord how they are increased that trouble me how many can say my troubles have increased and many are they that rise up against me it is the time we are living in increased trouble and many rise up many fears rise up many doubts rise up many failures seem to rise up and condemn us many are they these doubts and fears which say there is no help for you in god but you o lord are a shield to me you are my glory and the lifter up of my head do not give up beloved do not give up maria god is our glory our shield and the lifter up of our head we will be given courage and we will be given a spirit not to give up no matter how increased our troubles no matter how many fears doubts and failures want to pull us down we will be reminded the psalmist david with this truth lord they are increased that trouble me there are many that condemn me even my own heart but you o lord are a shield an impenetrable shield the enemy will not win when he puts that arrow against me you will be my shield you will be my glory when i have no hope you will be my hope when i have no peace in the storm you will be my peace when i lord i feel that i'm in a joyless place you will be my supernatural joy your glory you will lift up my head and i will fight again i will lift up my head and be able to look my enemies in the eye and say it is not you you're not fighting me double you'd win but you are fighting the christ in me so you will lose do not give up beloved this is not a time to give up it's a time to pray so let's go together and pray for maria for bobby from maria and for all those that are believing for courage in increased trouble god is hearing us lord we just thank you oh god we lift up your great name and we thank you o god that you promise that when we cry to you you hear us when we pray we are heard when we have no strength o god if that doesn't matter because the answer comes because we are crying to you lord we ask you to enlarge us in our distress make us bigger lord than we are when the trouble and distress come upon us and lord give us the courage to never give up because there's nothing to go back to there is nothing behind us oh god but give us the courage to keep standing and i thank you you will answer that prayer with a supernatural stirring oh god to keep standing in an hour of increased troubles you will be our glory o god you will be our peace you will be our joy you will be our hope oh god that would be so supernatural that people go what has happened to you and we will say we live in a time where god is hearing and answering prayer so i ask you for supernatural deliverance for bobby's son i ask you for breakthrough for maria i ask you for courage for maria in all heart troubles and all who are facing increased troubles you would be glorified by hearing and answering our prayer in a spectacular way o god we will not cease to cry out to you because you are our god and you love us and you are for us do miracles in our midst oh god and then get all the glory then open our mouths to proclaim how good you are you are our glory and the lifter up of our head oh god our heads are lifted up to pray and believe and see you in the darkest of times and the joy peace and love that fills our heart we know will be from you that will push back the darkness we praise you o god thank you for the anointing to never give up in jesus name hallelujah thank you jesus father we just thank you god thank you lord for everyone tonight god whose head lord is bowed down in courage one more time lord one more time to believe you one more time to say yes one more time to call you good oh god thank you for the courage that it takes lord to bow their head one more time and to call you good father we pray tonight that you would strengthen the feeble knees god lord would you lift up the weary heads oh god father we pray for everyone that's overwhelmed god we thank you that what the scripture tells us when our heart is overwhelmed lead us to the rock that is higher god lead us to the rock so rock of ages would you be our anchor tonight oh god lord let us not give up you never gave up god you never gave up o god you endured the cross lord you endured the shame you endured the guilt you endured death itself and you rose again oh god to give us life oh god and because you live we live because you overcame we get to be called overcomers so tonight we pray for everyone who the enemy is telling give in give up your god is not good that prayer is never gonna be answered the promise will never come we say to the enemy you are a liar and the father of lies you are defeated our god defeated you and rose in victory and we stand tonight we stand in our hearts we stand in our living rooms we stand wherever we are and we declare that you are alive god you are alive father for everyone that is broken you are the healer for every death you are life for every impossibility you are the waymaker and we call you that tonight oh god lord let our hearts call you good even when the situation seems bad put a song of praise in our heart god if all we can get out is amazing grace let it ring from the rafters of our home tonight god let us shout god let it stir hell itself as we simply cry out our god is good he is good and your mercy endures forever there's no mountain that you can't move there's no cancer that you can't heal there's no death you can't raise oh god there's no broken relationship that you can't bring back together there's no barren womb that you can't bring forth the light there's no prayer that you can't answer you are god and god alone and no matter what we face god no matter what tomorrow brings and no matter what our yesterday was we call you good because that's who you are you are god and god alone and we will not give up we will keep praying we will keep believing our knees will bow again our hands will raise again our mouth will speak again our god is good and we call you that today let's worship the lord he's so good hallelujah [Music] and now in here [Music] as you are [Music] and your kingdom knows no wind and your praise goes on forever [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] is [Music] is [Music] so jesus came to nazareth where he had been brought up and as his custom was he went into the synagogue on the sabbath day and stood up to read and he was handed the book of the prophet isaiah and when he had opened the book he found the place where it was written the spirit of the lord is upon me because he has anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor he has sent me to heal the brokenhearted to proclaim liberty to the captives and recovery of sight to the blind to set at liberty those who are oppressed to proclaim the acceptable year of the lord and you know times square church family what i love about jesus's quotation of the book of isaiah is that he stops short of a very important line if you read isaiah chapter 61 the passage that jesus is quoting from here the next line says he has also come to proclaim the day of our god's vengeance against the wicked and against the nations and jesus deliberately stopped short of reading that line because he was communicating something about his earthly ministry and his ministry that now continues through his church until the end of the days when he comes back again there is a day of vengeance coming when god is going to hold all wickedness and all evil accountable but this is a moment of mercy this is a day of god's favor when he says the favorable year of the lord it's referring to the ancient feast of the year of jubilee a day when all of israel would forgive debts they would liberate all slaves and bond servants and it was a time to celebrate the freedom that their god had given them and that's the message that jesus was proclaiming in the synagogue and it's still what he proclaims today we just sang about how he is a waymaker there is no prison door that's able to keep people who cry out to him imprisoned it must swing open for them every chain has to break off of the hands and feet of those who cry out to jesus and i want to take a few moments to pray for those who feel bound by addiction tonight we have a few requests that have been submitted i want to read them to you the first is from englewood new jersey pray lord that i love you with all of my heart i chose to look at porn instead of reading the bible i need to surrender and be humble from inglewood california i'm straying away from god and watching pornography again please pray that i be delivered can overcome my flesh and look to god again from washington state prayer to quit smoking and vaping i'm alone and need jesus to see me and embrace me for a home and for hope from knoxville tennessee pray for my husband over the years he used drugs alcohol and vaping he is trying to quit last night he confessed and repented pray for his full recovery and victory from springfield missouri i need god to give his peace in my heart along with his strength and direction my husband is addicted to porn and to gaming he is a christian but is losing his way and from somerset texas no matter how much i try i can't get clean from meth and from pills i have faith but it seems like every time i try the withdrawals just get more unbearable these are people who have said that there are prison doors in front of them but we serve a god we serve a savior who opens every prison door and there's no prison strong enough to keep his love away there is no chain strong enough to keep his freedom from breaking through in the lives of those who cry out for him and those of you that have written in these requests and for those that i can't read or that we haven't had submitted to us yet god sees you jesus sees you in your prison and he loves you and this is not a day of vengeance god is not going to come to you in anger wanting to beat you over the head with the things that you've done wrong and and shaming you for the bondage that's in your life this is a day of mercy jesus wants to set you free he loves you he loves you and we have a host of different kinds of addiction here that have been sent in some of them chemicals some to a screen no matter what kind it is jesus is strong enough to break your chains let's go to the lord in prayer and whether you're praying for yourself or for someone you love you fight with everything in you to see jesus set these people free he loves them lord jesus christ we acknowledge o god that your love is stronger than the bondage of the enemy jesus you are mightier than every chain that the devil has forged that he uses to wrap around human lives everything he uses to keep people in a place of feeling like freedom is impossible lord i pray for this man for this brother who has said i can't get free from meth and from pills god i pray that you would break that addiction off of his life in the name of jesus the world says there is no cure for the drug addict but we serve a god who has overcome the world and all of their diagnoses lord where the world says there is no hope you are able to give hope o god i pray that you would rebuke lord god rebuke these withdrawals that come upon this man when he tries to let go of the drugs oh god jesus i pray that you would break their grip on his life you are stronger than chemical addictions it doesn't matter what research has said about the the reactions in the brain and the pathways that are created because of addiction and because of use lord you are stronger than those things you have raised the dead before you are the god who has caused dead dry bones to come back to life there is no such thing as an addiction that is too strong for jesus the love of god is stronger than meth the love of god is stronger than pills the love of god is stronger than the pull of alcohol and of pornography and of video games you are stronger than these things lord jesus we confess your strength in the face of the enemies lies in the face of his bondages in the face of his chains we confess your power and that this is a day of mercy it is not yet the day of vengeance jesus you didn't come to hurl the world into judgment over its sin you came to rescue the world from the power of sin and god every day that goes by where you don't come back every day that goes by where we don't reach the point of judgment where you delay the day of vengeance it's one more day demonstrating how much you love the sinner how much you love the backslidden how much you love the broken oh god because you want to rescue them out of where they are you want to lift them out of that place and set them at your right hand in the heavenlies oh god jesus thank you for the inheritance and the blessing that awaits those who call out to you for salvation god thank you lord that our brothers and sisters these people that have written in these prayer requests they are not the objects of your anger they are the objects of your love you love them lord and you are anxious to have mercy on them god we pray for miracles we pray for miraculous deliverance oh god lord we don't have time in so many ways we don't have time for first-step programs and long-term counseling and other human treatments we need the power of god lord we need you to do the miraculous lord god it's a dark hour lord it seems that the kinds of bondages and enslavements that we make for ourselves are getting worse and more intense every day lord our human wisdom is at an end and we need you to reach out your hand and do what only you can do show us one more time how much stronger you are than satan lord god it's so easy to look at prayer requests and look at what's happening in the world and see the work of the enemy but god you outshine him lord your workout shines his show us one more time that you are strong enough o god for the things that we are facing in this generation we believe you for answered prayer we believe you for it oh god we appeal to your love and to your character oh god and we pray these things in the mighty holy matchless name of jesus amen and amen praise be to god beloved i hope that your faith is stirred and i hope that your heart is believing god for the impossible he loves you and he will not give up on you at this time we're going to prepare to go into our moment of giving and we want to thank you for continuing to believe in what god is doing through this ministry thank you so much for that again it's our pleasure and our joy to host these prayer meetings for the time being at our bible school summit international school of ministry and god is doing great and amazing things here and if you're curious about what god is doing and you would like to see how you can be a part of it either by supporting us or by enrolling perhaps please check out our website at let's continue to worship the lord with our giving 2020 has been a year unlike any other and unfortunately it has been the busiest hurricane season on record with over 29 named storms the two latest storms to impact coastal areas were hurricane edda and hurricane beta both of these storms brought severe devastation to central america but because of your generosity and faithful giving times square church we were able to step in and provide immediate disaster relief funds to these people when they needed it the most even before this storm because of your generosity we partnered with a feeding program in honduras that provided food for a school made up of the deaf and hearing impaired communities when hurricane eda ripped through their city it left a crippling trail of destruction thousands of were trapped for days without food or water and the death toll is still uncertain some of our very own child cry program kids who are deaf or hearing impaired and already depend on the school for their daily meals lost their homes and the little they had in them maria a single mom said if we hadn't gotten out in time we all would have died she literally had to run with her two kids and abandon her home and everything in it when the flood waters reached waist high in the middle of the night when they returned to see their home they were left in tears because everything was buried in mud maria's story is just one of thousands in honduras these families barely had one meal per day before the pandemic then during the pandemic they're suffering intensified under severe lockdown restrictions and now they've lost everything we're grateful to you tsc that because of your generosity we were able to respond immediately with funds and relief to help families with basic needs like housing clothes beds food and appliances to give them a head start in their journey of rebuilding thank you for giving so faithfully each and every week time square church every time you give you aren't giving to a church or an organization but you're giving to god to use to meet needs for maria and families just like her around the world if you're prepared to give today i want to remind you that there are four ways you can give here at tse you can give on our website give or text give tscnyc at 77977 or download the pushpay app or you can bail your check or money order to our office thank you for being such a generous [Music] church when i think about the lord how he saved me how he raised me how we fill me with the holy ghost how we heal me to the animals when i think about the lord [Music] when i think about the lord how he saved me how he raised me how we feel me with the holy ghost how we hear me [Music] how he picked me up and turned me around how we place my feet [Music] thank you jesus [Music] thank you jesus lord [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] how you hear me the lord how he picked me up and he turned me around how he plays my feet [Applause] [Music] hallelujah [Music] hallelujah [Music] thank you jesus lord you're worthy of all [Music] praise god thank you worship team thank you so much everybody god bless you thank you for joining with us those that are with us online uh this evening and i'm believing god that you are being as as powerfully touched by the presence of god's holy spirit as we are here in the sanctuary now our students here at summit are on break they're at home but we are here and god is here and god answers prayer so i want to really encourage you to get your friends so many that are with us this evening and at other times that you might be listening to this prayer meeting after the fact you have friends on facebook you have friends on social media you've got family that you can contact let them know that we are gathering together people from up to as many as two hundred and one and eleven countries and dependencies throughout the world are gathering together to pray this is a moment to pray this is a time to pray this is this is a a moment in history that i believe where god is going to do something supernatural in our generation one perhaps one more time before he comes as all the powers of darkness are now amassed against the lord jesus christ god will still show himself to be god one more time and we'll still have a people that are a visible demonstration of his life-giving power on the earth so i want to encourage you have your friends and have your family come in to pray with us i'm going to speak this evening on preparing to face your giant preparing to face your giant or your giants whatever the situation is in your life because this is the generation we are now living in i want to talk about some of those giants just from prayer requests that have come in uh throughout the week before i open the scriptures in first samuel chapter 17. some of these were read already tonight which is quite interesting when we consider the the hundreds of prayer requests that do come in every week that those of us who have been leading this prayer meeting this evening we are we are looking and pulling out by the spirit really the same prayer requests i'll you'll see in a minute englewood new jersey lord pray lord that i love you with all of my heart i i chose to look at porn instead of reading the bible i need to surrender and be humble from englewood california i'm i'm straying away from god and washing watching pornography again please pray that i be delivered can overcome my flesh and look to god again from california i've left my first love now this is maria maria this is the third time this evening that your prayer request has has come up without any of us conferring with one another now in the mouths of two or three witnesses let everything be established because god is telling you to put away that voice that's trying to tell you that it's no use i've left my first love i can't seem to pray or read the bible like i should when i try heaviness and it's no it's no use hits me i can't break through you know maria that's not true because you have an honest heart you're not dealing in some kind of a spiritual unreality you're just saying it like it is and the lord is not offended by that never has been never will be you watch what god is going to do for you maria from anchorage alaska i'm from sudan and seeking jesus please pray for the love of jesus and the desire to read the bible and to be transformed from islam so this this person in anchorage alaska who's from sudan has got a a lot of voices going on inside of there a lot of giants inside that would be fighting against the truth that he or she is now beginning to read from the bible about jesus christ the son of god from washington prayer to quit smoking and vaping i'm alone and need jesus to see me and embrace me for a home and hope from new york i'm suffering from severe depression and loneliness i'm not happy with my lonely personal life and unhappy in my job which is becoming stressful please pray and from bakersfield california please pray and fast for my 26 year old daughter ashley who throws violent and blackout tantrums whatever or whoever it is oh lord drive it out immediately brandi we're going to stand with you and believe god for a great great victory in your family and lastly from somerset texas sarah says no matter how much i try i can't get clean from meth and pills i have faith but it seems like every time i try the withdrawals just get more unbearable so we're going to talk about that this evening for a little while and i'm going to ask you to give me your your best ear and your best heart because the lord is going to speak to you tonight those that are struggling with these issues that we're talking about and not only set you free but he's going to do something through your life that's going to bring his own name to glory you see the purpose of your life is much more than the struggle you're facing right now the struggle is just something in secret but god's going to give you power to deal with that in secret and once he does he's going to bring you out into the public and you're going to become a testimony of who god is and you watch and see the purpose that god now has and will have for your life so father as we turn to your word this evening in this season of prayer in the season where as your people we are all aware that we are facing giants in our society in our homes in our schools wherever it is god in our minds we are facing giants god almighty it is time for you to work because they have made void your law it is time for you to take your right hand out of your bosom one more time and show your power again to this generation it is time for your mercy o god even though we have failed yet your mercy o god is everlasting you tell us in your word that you've loved us with an everlasting love and that you've engraved us on the palm of your hands oh lord jesus christ let the power and tenderness of those hands be moved in our direction one more time unlocking prison doors healing wounded hearts giving sight to blinded eyes giving strength to those that are weak and purpose to those who don't seem to know the way forward father thank you god that you've given us these examples in scripture to testify to us about who you are and about what you're willing to do through a surrendered heart god help me tonight and help those of us that are listening in jesus name amen first samuel chapter 17 beginning at verse 1. now the philistines gathered their armies together to battle and were gathered at shoko which belongs to judah and the encamped between shoko and nazika in ephesus demim and saul and the men of israel were gathered together and they encamped in the valley of elah and drew up in battle ray against the philistines now let me set the scene for you the philistines represent the powers of this world the powers of darkness that are always always have been after the testimony of god since the fall of humankind in the garden of eden there has there has been this this work of lawlessness and darkness the apostle paul speaks about it in the new testament it's been at work in the world and it's always standing in opposition to christ to god to his people to to the reality of god to the ways of god to the word of god everything concerning god the devil has always amassed his forces against it and tried unsuccessfully might i add to swallow it throughout the course of biblical history and so here we are one more time this force of darkness is gathered one more time against the people of god now you have to understand under the leadership of a king called saul the people of god are now in a weakened condition and the enemy feels i've got the upper hand just like in our generation there's no debating the fact the church is probably in a weakened condition in our time especially in america and the enemy feels like he now one more time has the upper hand and rises up every morning to challenge the testimony of god among his people the philistines stood on the mountain on one side and israel stood on a mountain on the other side with a valley between them and a champion went out from the camp of the philistines named goliath from gath whose height was six cubits in a span that's nine foot nine inches tall in today's standards so your typical ceiling and your in a home would be almost nine foot tall add a foot on top of that you get an idea of how tall this man was he had a bronze helmet on his head he was armed with a coat of mail which is armor or iron may have put it that way and the weight of the coat was 5 000 shekels of bronze in our terms it's 125 pounds he had bronze armor on his legs in a bronze javelin between his shoulders the staff of his spear was like a weaver's beam and his iron spearhead weighed 600 shekels that means 15 pounds just at the tip or the end of the spear and he stood and cried out to the armies of israel and said to them why have you come up to line up for battle am i not a philistine and you the servants of saul choose a man for yourselves and let him come down to me if he's able to fight with me and kill me then we will be your servants but if i prevail against him and kill him then you shall be our servants and serve us and the philistines said i defy the armies of israel this day give me a man that we may fight together when saul and all israel heard the words of the philistine they were dismayed and greatly afraid so here it is the world has put forth the best they have they've come up against the testimony of god one more time and like a bullfrog all this world can do is kind of puff itself up and try to cause the people of god to think that somehow we're less than we are tried to get us to agree as we heard so many times this evening with the voices that that try to say there's no use there's no hope don't fight don't stand up don't believe you're ever going to be free don't don't ever think your life is going to amount to anything and so the world puts this this giant why does the world go to this extreme of producing these these big displays of its power well james says it in the new testament the apostle james says the devils believe and tremble the devils themselves that are behind these forces of darkness understand the power of god quite often more than the people of god do isn't that something and they know the only way they can defeat the testimony of god is to convince the people of god that we are less than god says we are that somehow the christ that resides inside of us is powerless or insignificant or fed up with us and or we are so captivated that that even if christ is in us that we're never going to amount to anything or ever accomplish anything for the kingdom of god and so this this giant rises up every day and says you will serve us you will serve us you can't fight against us look how big we are look how heavy our spear is look how heavy our armor is look at the size of our forces you can't fight against us so just give up and serve us now the army of saul the scripture tells us was afraid there you you can just picture it all these all these soldiers with all of their armor and all their training and their swords and their helmets and their seals and their spears or whatever they had and all of the the battle strategy that they had maybe embraced over the years suddenly are finding themselves in a very very fearful position now the reason they were filled with fear is because they were under the ministry of a worldly man now this man called saul in verse 24 of first samuel 17 it says and all the men of israel when they saw the man they fled from him and were dreadfully afraid so the men of israel said have you seen this man who's come up this man who has come up surely he's come up to defy israel now here it is and it shall be that the man who kills him the king will enrich him with great riches will give him his daughter and give his father's house exemption from taxes in israel so all the ministry of saul could offer the people of god is wealth power and status in other words their value system was exactly the same as the philistines who are all about wealth power status how big we are how much power we have how much resources we have behind us and it's dangerous to be under the ministry of anybody that that's all they're offering the people of god assuming you're going to increase in riches you're going to be you're not going to be the tail you're going to be the head and you're going to have power over other people it's it's a tragedy because when when the season came where they had to rise up to fight they found they had no courage we're living in the same kind of a a day that they were living in back then where where voices are now being raised every morning the the scripture says goliath presented himself every morning for 40 days and voices are being raised every day and what are these voices saying you will serve us you can't fight against us we now have the upper hand we are bigger we are more we are mightier look at the size of of the of the the gathering we have with us look at the look at the heaviness of our the weightiness of our weaponry look at the the defensive armor we you can't fight against us we are we are stronger than you are and you see the army of god on the other side of the valley and all they're being offered is wealth power and status it's amazing in other words i'll increase you with great riches if you'll fight you'll have the king's daughter which means you have access to power and your father's house will be exempt from taxes in israel which means you'll be given a special status among people that is all the ministry of the flesh can offer the people of god you see the reason god's people couldn't fight is because they're fighting on the same ground as their enemies and they're fighting largely for the same reasons isn't it amazing when we forget who we are when we forget our the reason we we live the reason we have our purpose on this earth what god had to do is he had to bring in a a relatively inexperienced young man in fighting this kind of a battle on this scale now he had had some victories himself in secret against the lion and the bear the scripture tells us but suddenly this young man comes in and and something rises in his heart you see he's not been he's not really been part of this whole saul ministry at this time he's not been under the influence of this this gospel may have put it that way that has has really just focused on the things of this world and the things of this life as if this is what god's purpose for his people is on the earth and this young man a teenager comes in just to deliver food to his brothers who are in the army his name is david and he says and he hears the voice of this philistine and he says who why is nobody fighting this man and who is this uncircumcised philosophy in other words who is this person who's not set apart for the purposes of god who's outside the kingdom of god who's defying the armies of god who is this person that is defying this the armies of the living god and all of the reasons now come why these these other soldiers have no courage and they accuse him of pride they do all kinds of things accuse him of littleness these are the voices we heard about this evening already you're too small you're too proud you're out of your league this battle is too big for you you can't fight this go back to your few sheep in the wilderness stop boasting about yourself you don't have the courage to fight this this situation but david kept speaking these words there's there's something rising in the heart of men and women of god even if you're small you're insignificant maybe you're not of any major ministry maybe you've got battles going on in your own life but there's something rising in you that says it's not right that this is happening in our generation it's not right that evil is getting the upper hand it's not right that good is being called evil and evil is being called good and immorality is on parade and that our children are falling prey and victims to ungodliness and immorality even in our schools it's not right that these things should be happening it's not right that our homes and families should be under siege as if somehow a husband a wife and children is somehow a deficient thing in society it's not right and i'm tired of these voices and i'm tired of their taunts and i'm tired of their threats and yes i might not be the biggest person in the kingdom of god but by the living christ within me i will stand by the living christ within me i will allow god to use my life to make a difference i will allow my voice to count for things that are eternal and the strength whatever it is that i have i will allow it to be used for god's kingdom and for his glory because i'm not going to allow these armies to taunt the armies of the living god and the integrity of our god any longer i'm going to stand up and i'm going to fight back and david kept repeating these words until finally they came into the ears of king saul and david stood before saul and saul said to david you can't fight this giant you're just a boy and he's been he's been trained as a soldier from his youth and look at the look at your size in comparison to his size and your skill level in comparison to his but david said to sell no he said you see king i i had some secret battles that i fought in the wilderness when nobody saw me but god i was given the charge of some sheep and one day a lion came in and tried to take one out of the flock and the spirit of god came upon me and i rose up and with the strength of god in me i grabbed that lion by the mane and i took its life and the same thing happened with the bear and he said to saul your servant has killed both the lion and the bear and this uncircumcised philistine will be like one of them seeing he has defied the armies of the living god so here's the difference david comes into the camp and instead of his own he's concerned about the wealth of god's people he's concerned about the people who are hiding in caves and rocks all around fearful of the philistines he's concerned about them rediscovering the incredible resources of god that are available to those who are engaged in his purposes on the earth david yes is preaching wealth but it's a different wealth it's not for himself it's for god's people it's living for the benefit of others it's allowing his life to be used for the sake of others coming out of this place of weakness and spiritual poverty and into the strength that god has and the honor that god will be given through his people he's concerned about the status of god's army god's army of people god's the voice of god the army of god the church of god in our generation has been rendered in a sense powerless against these voices that are becoming dominant in society of our time and in his time and then lastly david is concerned about the power of god being made known the glory of god the reputation of god and i don't know about you but i share those concerns i live to see you raised up in the power of god i live to see the church of jesus christ becoming a force to be reckoned with in our society again where the presence of god is in the house and no fanciness is needed anymore the presence of god is enough people come in they begin to pray god begins to answer prayer and lives are literally transformed in a moment of time i'm concerned that we need to see the power of god again in our generation i'm concerned about the reputation of god himself i'm concerned about his reputation i'm concerned about his name i'm concerned about his glory i'm concerned about his work on the earth it concerns me when darkness begins to believe that there's that its voice is louder than the voice that created the universe i'm concerned for the honor of god and i don't know about you but i'm offering my life as a living sacrifice for his purposes which my bible tells me are just my reasonable service i want to do what david did i want to go down into that valley with the weaponry that god gives to me now saul tried to put his armor on david and saul had an armor and i suppose for a season it seemed to be doing the job but another moment had arose where this the armor of saul was now deficient it was not going to meet the need of the day saul's armor speaks of strategy speaks of things that we've done maybe for the last two decades even in america that have caused it to look like the church is growing and in some degree maybe it it even did saul's armor had victories it had nicks in it but there was something it there was an evil that rose up and saul's armor was insufficient to meet the need saul tried to put it on david it's like you and i saying well we got to come up with some fancier worship we got to come up with some some other new uh technique or strategy no we need the power of god again in god's house we need the presence of god again we need prayer again in the house of god we need miracles again in the house of god we need testimonies of god's deliverance in the house of god we need young men and women who are willing to go to the ends of the earth for the cause of christ again in the house of god we need people who are more concerned about others than they are about themselves more concerned that others who live in poverty find the treasure of christ than they finding their own treasure more concerned about the honor of god than their own honor david was willing to be a fool for the sake of god's honor by going down with weaponry that looked like total foolishness the things of the spirit the bible says are foolishness to the natural man god led this young man away from saul's armor down into a brook and in that book there were five smooth stones that had been fashioned by the water of god over over centuries no doubt had been fashioned the the water running over preparing them for this moment the five stones always have spoken to me about the five-fold ministry of the church of jesus christ the apostle the prophet the pastor the evangelist the teacher those that are raised up for the edifying of the body to strengthen the church of jesus christ we don't need any more than god has provided for his church to become the voice and the power and the effect of testimony that we need to be again in our generation and with nothing more than a heart that trusted in god with five smooth stones in his pouch and a sling in his hand this young shepherd boy went down into the valley you see it's in our weakness that god's strength is made perfect it's in our nothing that that his glory comes to the surface again it's in our trust in him that the battle begins to be won and the devils know this and tremble that's why you and i have got to get out from under the voices the voices like come to maria that tried to tell you it's no use you see all the devil has against you as an argument and if he convinces you into buying into that argument he can render you powerless you'd be on your side of the valley with all your spiritual knowledge just trembling in fear under the dominion of his voice david runs into the valley with the weaponry that god has provided to him and i love i love i love the fact that as he goes down in faith to face this giant the spirit of god comes upon him hallelujah this is how we're going to win in this generation this is how we're going to see darkness have to give away to light not by any works that we can come up with in our own strength but by the spirit of god moving through us one more time by men and women young and old moving in unison with the holy spirit of almighty god for the right reason remember i said it for the wealth of others for the status of god's church and for the power and glory of god to be made known in our generation again and as david comes down into the valley the philistine mocks him as he's been mocking the people of god the whole time what am i a dog that you come to chase me with a stick come to me says and i'll give you flesh to the birds of the air the beasts of the field you can't fight against me in other words and what an insult it is that you'd even think that in such weakness you could defeat me but then the spirit of god comes upon david and david said to the philistine you come to me with a sword and a spear and a javelin in other words you come to me with all the weaponry that this world in its rebellion against god can produce but i come to you in the name of the lord god of hosts the lord god of the armies of heaven in other words the lord god of all power the lord god of all dominion the lord god before whom every knee is going to bow and every tongue will confess that jesus christ is lord the god of the armies of israel whom you have defied this day now he's speaking prophetically now this day the lord will deliver you into my hand i will strike you and take your head from you and this day i will give the carcasses of the camp of the philistines to the birds of the air and the wild beasts of the earth that all the earth may know there's a god in israel in other words he's saying i'm not just going to defeat you this day now it's the spirit of god now speaking through this young boy i'm not just going to defeat you i'm going to defeat the whole army of the philistines and you're going to become food for the birds of the air and the beasts of the field for this simple reason that all this all the world will know all the earth will know that there is a god in israel it's time again for this world to know that there is a god who sits upon the throne all power all dominion all authority every name that has ever been named is going to bow before him and confess him as lord he was before all things all things were created by him and he will be here when everything of this world is dissolved and remade again by the hand of almighty god all the assembly shall know that the lord does not save with sword and spear for the battle is the lord's and he will give you into our hands god does not fight this this battle the way you do those of the world and every demonic power but he will give you into our hands and so the the encouragement i want to give to you is if you will let the holy spirit come upon you this day you can rise up and your giants will be given into your hand those voices that greet you every morning for 40 days the pornography that says the images we have planted in your mind you will serve us for the rest of your days the drugs the meth the vaping that says we have you you are addicted to us you will never escape us the depressive thoughts that come into your mind every morning and says to you you will never escape the boundaries that we are placing around you you will serve us i'm telling you this night if you will let the spirit of god come upon you they will serve you that is a promise from the word of god that is the pattern of god's victory in his word these things these things that once threatened to dominate your life and your mind will now become your testimony it will now become a story of the power of god remember later in later years when david was being pursued by saul and 400 men who were distressed in dead and discontented came and hid with him in a cave i can just hear them saying to david tell us one more time what does it feel like when the spirit of god comes upon you how did you kill the lion tell us again how you killed the bear tell us again the story of goliath when he went down when you went down into the valley and faced him with just the pebble in the sling tell us again the story of what it feels like to have the spirit of god come upon you and i can see david telling them the story of these great victories the ones that were seen and the ones that were not seen the ones that were public and the others that were private he'd be telling them the story of these great great victories every one of them was a great victory and then finishing by saying to them this power can also be yours the same victories god's not a respecter of persons and the victories that i have known you can know them as well it's time for the church to rise up again it's time for you i'm talking to you tonight i'm talking to you who are suffering from addiction and depression you are the army of god i remind you that later on in life as david shared the story of his victories these same weakened man came out of that cave and began to fight lions themselves and they fought giants themselves and every one of them won their battle because they learned the simple truth the battle is the lord's and it's not by might it's not by power but by my spirit says the lord god will give you strength on your part it's just a matter of rising up now in your living room and take on your lion rise up and take on your bear that's your secret battle get the victory over your secret battle that your your lion is your drugs or your depression or your your alcohol or your cigarettes or whatever it is in your life your your despair your pornography that's your lion that's your bear you rise up and you take that thing by the throat and say by the spirit of god in me i serve you no longer by the spirit of god in me you will not take any lambs out of my flock from this day forward you can't have my children you're not getting my marriage you're not taking my life you're not taking my family you're not taking my brothers my sister nobody goes with you i take you by the throat in the name of god you win that battle and once you've won the battle with the lion and the bear then suddenly you hear this voice coming on the other side you will serve us oh and something just rises up and says inside you no i won't serve you and we're not going to serve you and god's people are not going to serve you not a chance we've never gone down in defeat ever throughout history when there's been somebody of the spirit leading the battle after david took the head off of goliath you can see now these formerly fearful soldiers running down this into the same valley suddenly empowered by the spirit they've seen the spirit of god in operation suddenly they're empowered and they get into the battle suddenly people have been hiding in caves and holes come out and they joined the battle as well even saul the carnal fleshly leader he was joined in for a short season oh you'd be amazed what god will do when you decide to face your giants and so father tonight tonight not tomorrow not next week tonight tonight there is a cause and i'm asking you in jesus name to stretch your hand out through the internet into living rooms into hearts into minds to ears who can hear your word and i'm asking you father in jesus name just like ezekiel did in chapter 37 raise up these bones raise up this army raise up the people of god again in this generation the weak the afflicted the addicted the nobodies the nothings that you've always taken throughout history to confound those things that arrogantly boast of their strength and their prowess apart from the spirit of god oh jesus i just so look forward to seeing your church alive again i look i so look forward to seeing victories again i i look forward to seeing the five-fold ministry raise up again oh god oh god oh god oh god raise up people off their couches tonight and make them evangelists pastors teachers missionaries testimonies of your grace and your power father i thank you it's all my heart tonight let this be the night let it be your night just get something in your gut that says enough of this enough of this enough listening to these voices i'm not going down in defeat i'm going with god and i'm going into the valley to face my giants and if i perish i perish i would rather die facing them than live as a coward on the mountainside you watch what god will do i'm calling you i'm calling you in the spirit do you understand [Music] is not a message there's a point where it goes beyond the message and the spirit of god starts to speak clearly to your heart i am calling you to stand i'm calling you to take your place in christ calling you to become a man and a woman of god [Music] in jesus name we're going to sing one song then we're going to go to communion tonight the communion will remind us that the price was paid for you and i to have access to the power of god through jesus christ the forgiveness of god the life of god and the power of god the price was paid you can know the victory i'm talking about tonight it's not just something consigned to the pages of history in the scripture this can be your story and by god's grace it will be your story in jesus name see you in just a moment if you can get some juice and some bread or crackers and we'll have communion together god bless you [Music] and there's the place [Music] there's a place where mercy reigns and forgiveness where all the love i've ever found [Music] i surrender my [Music] in my [Music] i surrender my life [Music] to you [Music] is [Music] i surrender my life [Music] white [Music] for i received from the lord that which i also delivered to you the lord jesus on the same night in which he was betrayed took bread when he'd given thanks he broke it and said take eat this is my body which is broken for you do this in remembrance of me [Music] in the same manner he also took the cup after supper saying this cup is the new covenant in my blood in other words i'm going to redeem you and i'm going to be god to you and i'm going to be god in you and i'm going to be god through you you have access to forgiveness you have access to life and you have access to the power of god for the purposes of god this do he said as often as you drink it in remembrance of me for as often as you eat this bread and drink this cup you proclaim the lord's death until he comes hallelujah hallelujah i'm going to be speaking to you over the course of the next season that we have this prayer meeting and i'm not going to be calling you a drug addict or depressed or down or discouraged any longer i'm going to be referring to every one of you as a mighty warrior in the kingdom of god until you rise up and believe it yourself because that's who you are that's who god says you are that's what god calls you and it's time that we begin to pray it's time we begin to believe the word of god and it's time that we begin to stand as the army of god and so father thank you again tonight god for all that you have been doing and will continue to do but lord we anticipate a great spiritual awakening in the days ahead beginning in your house and with your people and beginning with the least of us lord god that you would raise us up again my god oh jesus jesus jesus simple men and women who just know you they know your power they know your love they know your life they know your purpose god help us to be delivered from the professional ministry that has left the church so powerless help us to get back to basics help us to begin to walk with you again my god that we can take down the giants in this generation we thank you for it and we praise you for it in jesus name we're going to go rejoicing we always do at the end of this prayer meeting every tuesday night now remember i said tell your friends tell your family tell everyone we're going to we're only 25 countries short or con little dependencies short of a worldwide prayer meeting right now tell tell your friends let's begin to pray let's begin to believe god we'll see you again next week same time same place god bless [Music] your faithfulness you never changed and you never felt o god true are your promises true all your promises i believe jeru are your promises you never change you never change and you never fail oh we god our holy hands to praise holy hands to praise [Music] is love and crazy you never change you never change and you never fail so we sing white is your love yes why is and grace today why is your love and grace i believe you never change you never fail this is what we'll do we'll [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] you were you are you will always be we believe you were you are you will always i know that [Music] [Applause] you will [Music] to praise the holy [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] you
Channel: Times Square Church
Views: 7,906
Rating: 4.9857144 out of 5
Id: dSSN9IN5gOk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 114min 31sec (6871 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 01 2020
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