World's Strictest Prison: Fuchu, Japan Part 1: Steven Beattie | True Crime Podcast 123

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we've got a fellow northerner in the guildford studio today steve beatty and we've not had anyone yet describe a harrowing prison experience in japan so that's where we're going today so thanks very much for coming on steve how are you people are wondering how the hell did you end up in prison in japan and before your arrest you had a few near misses didn't you yeah what what were you specializing in back then marijuana marijuana smuggling but uh yeah so like four years before i had a bit of a successful mission as we call it and uh how did you get recruited for that we met some iranians what did you do i was living in thailand and met some iranians and uh some of them started doing it with them i mean this was quite quite a few years before what year i did when i did it was 2004 just before the tsunami but probably met them in 2002 yeah so i know it was all going on for a bit and uh how did they pitch it to you uh no they obviously want to make some money marijuana and i was like well at the time i was saying this yeah i mean i'm a bricklayer by trade so i i went i'm like short on money just i thought if i needed money just go back home but then as the i guess years went by we were getting away with it and uh i thought i basically i at the time i just didn't want to go home uh i do yeah yeah so something that happened i'm not going to go into what i thought i'm not going on and this was an option and uh like another man had done it to japan as well and i was going with him so we uh i thought let's have a go prior to that though you've had some near misses in india austria nepal no they saw this the first one so the idea was we've been to nepal first to pick it up i had a jollies there which is quite good fun what's it like nepal brilliant i loved it yeah we went uh white water rafting up from tibet down there for a few days the mountain that big hill up there you know that big a little bit of a hill and uh then the idea was we went from there back to bangkok to change the passports or as you were going into japan they didn't like uh a nepal stamp on so i i went to the maldives so it looked like i'm into the maldives and uh we had a little we were divers so we were gonna we had all the diving equipment we knew for sure that we checked one bag hundred percent did i really strictly uh japan so yeah the plan was get a big bang ba ba ba obviously let's look in this one whereas it was in all or very thinly put in the rest of them so we go from uh there to taiwan we had a week in taiwan we stuck there with the uh uh tornadoes or something was going on the ferry there to okinawa okinawa once when israel canal you're in then it was another ferry to the mainland it was like a it was like a back backwards way in so but so eventually we get us on the ferry we've not seen any english people in taiwan it was pretty uh bleak really on the on the bus also this ferry is like five stories i virtual golf discords and all this kind of thing we're thinking oh this is brilliant guess on it there's a vending machine open over there selling beers and uh pot noodles for like i think it's like 18 hour possibly more although it's a long ones like overnight and all that anyway uh an english guys on our little our bus like i don't know where i mean man just said to me he was a little bit worried about the dogs with the spree they have like a spray on stop the dog sniffing because we'd had the bags about two weeks by then he mentioned something like uh um i'm a bit worried about that you know and i went as though he's just saying i went right all right you went hey all right yeah yeah english guy proper look like a copper straight away i'm going [ __ ] oh and they're going like uh where you from like somewhere down south it was and then he says um so where you going so i'm just going to do me a visa run i live here i'm just doing the visa run you have to do here i'm going all right cool get us on there it's all i say it's probably five stories these huge things but there's us three in about four uh like workers goes through the air your room he's only put the wrong we're only all in the same room three of us we're going so i think there's like two two doubles and he says uh he's saying oh no we're we're not supposed in the same room we go no no probably and anyway next minute he's got his own room and me and me we're going what do you think about him and uh looks like he's just he's i think he was a teacher he said he was a teacher you weren't tempted to throw your stash overboard it gets worse oh yeah yeah believe me we were very close to it so uh we're having a few beers from the thing you're talking away what are you doing oh we're going diving and blah blah blah we've got all our story completely in our heads what we're doing you know we all what we was going to do anyway so it was like a thing and uh my man went to bed and uh he was saying uh he says you know last time i as i came to japan i was smuggling marijuana i'm going [ __ ] off i said how are we doing that so i just put a lot of light i think it was but she says um it's from the philippines it says i'm going i said yes get off your [ __ ] head he saw it and said well blah blah blah i'm thinking oh my [ __ ] god oh my god that's the camera he's definitely a cop i already think he's a copper and he's telling me when do you ever get anybody talk about things like that when you're actually doing it so i casually kind of carried on drinking around thinking oh [ __ ] [ __ ] but you know like but talking about i'm just thinking i'm not going to go straight away finish my beer whatever let's go nip the toilet i'm going to a room he's a [ __ ] copper he's just talking about smuggling what would you do what we're gonna do don't whisper right well what we're gonna do are we gonna throw the bags off now yeah or is it just a my coincidence that uh he's not on i said by the end of the day if he's on us the banks go over we're not gonna be nabbed here i can't see how just throwing the banks over it's just so we're going through these scenarios i had a good i went in for a penny for a pound oh i should have gone your intuition no we gotta no we got away with this oh do you got away with this one oh okay so it was all that okay good guess at the end and we so we yeah he hadn't done this route before but we heard somebody had done it and it was like just a couple of people are about as easy as you can get plus because it was so empty we thought this perfect timing get us there oh no there's about 20 uh officials there and uh everybody else has won through they've only got walking we've got a golf bag um your main bag a smaller bag a computer bag a suitcase bag every one of them is lying with it and are hopefully the bag that needs checking which was the plan c d jim is what we were calling him we get there he's he's wandering through and we just we're you know we were we're going for at this point i said um i think he was going to jump i'm going jim you want to share the taxi just like talking like normal and he said something like he says now man she's you've got loads of bags so when anyone you're thinking you you know oh and uh so now you got you got too many bags well we'll meet in that pub that would arranged in there i think in naha the city there i'm just thinking he's just give the nod he said you know this is what i'm thinking i know it cracks on and uh they loosely default the lining of every single bag x-rayed every single bag i've got probably five on me the other guy's got five on him and i'm just going through it all just uh i was pretty good at it to be fair we were like well you know what can you do the one thing that bothered me was i had a computer backers because i'm absolutely rubbish and computer and this is back then when i've never even been on a computer i said what don't get me a computer don't put me a computer in because they asked me to open that and they're gonna go why have you got a computer you can't even open it so i put her like a cd player in and loads of stuff from two but they're quite good bags i'm thinking i would actually you i you have to do would you re use it for that so um so anyway they've gone through the whole lot i could feel myself drying and drying up i'm thinking oh jesus christ let's just get this over with and then eventually early go through all right they did the golf bag was the one i'll just make sure do the the golf bag again oh my god i think there's like two kgs in the gut in the golf bag and that in the line him so if he x-rayed it and felt it how come they didn't detect it they were done pretty well because uh because they were done so well yeah just like thin or something really like thin and they were like samsonite bags yeah expensive bags and there's like a board in these quite heavy bags so it's basically it was i've seen how to do it the replica the the board for his chocolate the other resin the brown stuff yeah and it's smell proof as well yeah good grief but like later on when i did get caught i got to see the back proper open yeah because they opened it right in front of me and tested it yeah so so you had that mishap so that mess up another one um uh india in india yeah oh man imagine an indian prison yeah well this wasn't too bad compared to what we went through then yeah with the guy i'm thinking we're definitely busted what happened in india so india what they uh used to do is used to go to the hotel then you go out and you swap banks but in in the indian hotels they're real nausea bastards they'll be going oh where'd you get that new bag from and all this kind of thing so when listen there's got to be another way around this so they used to pick us up from the airport and then we get the bag straight away and i was we another guy who had never done him before and um so he gets the bags goes in this hotel the old cell's completely dead right i said uh it's quite an aces oh yeah only you one more people and we end up going downstairs like underneath the fight here opens the door gossip bags in it stinks a bush yeah but it smells a bush i mean i don't smoke it but another difference so distinct yeah they're bushing and that stuff that's quite uh i say it's not the same stuff i said you smoke it this isn't what we're carrying but obviously it's not going to be a good it's not a good sign is it i said somebody must be having a crafty one around here in the vent so we're looking around because it must be like kind of in the back which which must have been the case but the time okay all right so it says right let's stick the bags in the bathroom lock the door expel the bags like there was nothing at all the bags are fine fine yeah but the air is not fine so we put something there we had a beer but we'll give it 10 minutes if we open that door and it stinks right out of here yeah opens the door absolutely nothing it must be somewhere you know um so this is right let let's go and get something to eat and uh so the night before so we've come in from nepal we were coincidentally in nepal when my mate had to do a visa for india so that's why we're in nepal and coming in as well putting the passports in he's there i'm there the woman's saying to me uh your passport is uh is why you have two passports i'm saying i haven't got two passports one passport says no this is a britain and northern ireland when i just noticed it she went away a minute and then she's off i'm thinking jesus christ next minute the big boss comes back and says what's the problem and he's going this is english passport number one passport in the world i'm like yeah it is in it yeah anyway so that was a little bit of a so anyway so we got lost in nepal with the hotel the night before we've gone out we've got the second card we set us off from there just goes get something to eat goes off in the little tuk-tuk things sets off oh forgot the card again go back back back let's not go through all that again wandering around the streets of nepal why are you going oh where the [ __ ] away turns around so this is like a couple of minutes the time we get back to a hotel there's only us and one person in it delhi delhi uh place fan big white but my message we pulled up we don't even see it he didn't say it as we pulled up he's jumped out to leg it in the foyer quite a lot [ __ ] he's already going past the van into the foyer five or six coppers in there at the foyer i'm thinking do i run now am i going for the is it but it's so fast it happened that he's gone past them got the card came back in got on the tucked up and we're driving away i like going whoa why not just grabbed us why you know it's obviously and uh so we set herself into a comic squirt place and we were absolutely bobbing it but i said then i said look it's got to be a mad coincidence this it's got to be there have others i know the place stunk a dope i know we're carrying up there's nobody in there there's the the deli mariah van there anyway so so we sat and thought about plus we've only got enough money on us for a night out no passports not all the rest of the money everything's in there not passports if we'd have had passports on us we wouldn't have gone back because of that you know we talked it out i said right i said well you stay here i'll go back and um i will sniff around and if he looks good i'll just i'll just go for it so i did that i i said i had to be back by one o'clock so i'm not back by one o'clock i'll get onto her and just go on the run i said you'd be safe i'll just get this [ __ ] out of your kind of thing um so i must have been a good hour wandering around these fairly quiet streets a little round about that and there's lots of off streets i'm looking at all cars and and in the daytime i've been playing with these dogs as well these scratches dogs next to me they're seeing me they're all dogs coming home remember you can tell them so i uh anyway about it i've gone past and i fast go for it the guy's asleep on the on the desk are you doing mexican key and uh doing oh yeah i'm thinking this is good he's unless he's very good he's looking good and i said i said what was that problem with the other place before is when i don't know what what i went no all right doesn't matter must be whatever i'm not gonna yeah go straight downstairs i scoured the place thinking nothing's been touched nothing been told i'm going to get the money and get wallops and sod all the rest of it because i got that and i was out i was like over there the one o'clock time my mate i want to meet him in the bars like that oh god so did you abandon the merch no no what went went back for it took them all no so so then we've gone back and says no we're fine yeah they're definitely over out of understand yeah so we decided what we'd do is so we're gonna we had a few beers we were proper thinking about i mean we weren't steaming because you you like doesn't mean you can't seem to get drunk in these situations because you're right you you can't i mean we gotta go with it and so we went back had about a couple of hours sleep as soon as we got light got the bags and just i don't even checked how much got out as we went out obviously a placement there oh yeah oh how do we get a taxi for a conic uh place then it's called and say we know so we've gone that way and then like next we're ignoring that and then we're gonna tell them when we actually got to copenhagen we were going we were separate the idea is we're going to make this hotel all you have to do is go out copenhagen then was known as a like a complete walk through no uh customs and um i've gone through he's gone through no problem or i can't remember i've seen him or not but i've just gone straight out got a taxi gone to this hotel we would arrange to meet up half an hour later he's not there oh [ __ ] he must have been done somehow so i get i go out i am checked in the hotel i'm just like hanging around like outside i'm smoking that i ended up going back to there then ringing up blah blah blah and especially now he instead of going to him going out with getting the taxi he's ended up getting to the train station he was just a mixer but he's one of them like jesus christ so that was uh that one yeah so that was your few near misses then you did your first trip to japan no that the the first one i ever did was japan or the first one then yeah for almost four years later was this episode of the copenhagen london and so you had two days in narita narita station your bag was delayed yeah you're going out with a japanese girl well i wasn't going out with that i randomly met this japanese girl another one i thought copper yeah so as i've landed in we already knew the bags weren't going to come with us i'm thinking oh that's all right it's got to be in my favor get us there it's the last last planet at night and liverpool will play in chelsea i remember this and i just wanted to get an hotel and go find someone to watch the football i was the last person to leave the airport i'm pretty sure there was already a waiting for me because my bag wasn't with me they're kind of going what do we do we're gonna have to let them go do like do swabbing me you're doing everything just go on i'm not i've only got me and luggage then i thought this isn't good i pulled over one of the uh air losses on i says why are they keeping me supposed to i said i'm not being funny i just wanna i need to get my hotel sorry don't wanna watch the football i mean it's carried on as you would this is what you will be doing what's all this about at the same time i'm thinking this isn't good the why goes uh gets a taxi gets his hotel in narita which isn't that far from the airport guess in the lift you remember i've done like a or two week in japan before like so i've been all over japan and the birds are quite hard to get into to be honest i goes on the left hey yeah you're right yeah yeah oh where are you from england where are you from to well i'm like japanese-american half-half blah blah blah by the time i've got to the floor after the reigns to go out with for a beer to watch the football i said i said do you know do you know where there's an english bar or a sports bar someone watched the football soccer he says yes uh i'll show you if you want like i said well i'm just gonna grab a shower i'm thinking that this is nice it's never that easy is it i think it can't be a cat she can't be a copper so now i'm if i'm in paranoid here football i have to go with it i'd already arranged it so i had a quick shower around the corner in the sports bar so i was nutting away she's giving me a story and said what are you doing here and then i give you my story and i said what do you do for a living i said uh i'm a private investigator actually in thailand which i was mad as it sounds i was so she's a private investigator yeah it's like catching it's not like a real one i like catching bar girls out when they when they go home the fellas go home they send the money just to make sure they're the oven that was the idea anyway so but she's thinking she can't understand this she just thinks i'm a real prime investigator so we're watching the football then next minute she says oh steven steven my friend uh i've job for you i'm going job between private investigators he kidding me have a guess what i'm speaking to a copper i'm going hello this is it um oh whatever he's saying these things was pretty bad i'm saying oh no ma'am i'm not working i'm here on holiday i'm visiting and uh blah blah just like i'm going i said why haven't he done that so i just thought he's like desperate he thinks his wife's cheating on him blah blah blah i said he's a policeman she's going yeah he's a policeman i'm thinking are you kidding me at least i'm going outside i'm bringing my mess away what the [ __ ] is going on and uh so actually i thought i called it the finger pie test you know because you can't mess with them can you i thought if i can get her in bed then she's not a copper is she also she's not drinking she said she couldn't drink she's she had a bit of a bad story which maybe it was true i asked them if she was a copper and they said that we don't know anything about it all that but they were a bit shifty anyway she said she'd uh she'd moved from japan because she was abused as a child and then i'm going to america she got um that kind of thing she's wrong all these pills because i read was well [ __ ] up all right it probably wasn't really looking looking back but when i'm like trying to go in at the end of the night we went sat down on the little bench thing i thought copper [ __ ] cop so i i um so what i did i stopped there that night the bags were supposed to come the day after i checked into a hotel across the road that you could see there's like a big uh open so i could see the foyer not the the entrance it was like uh one or two stories up the actual entrance so i'd um i plan to watch them going in so you know and all that kind of thing i even thought of asking her to go and pick the bags up for me i said i went i've got to meet such a buddy in uh in tokyo could you pick the bag up for me i thought no i can't do it because if she is innocent she would have got done for it i thought i can't do it i'm gonna have to uh i mean believe me i was going through i was on the phone going through all the options one of the ideas was to go to uh get a ferry out to where south korea get a new passport blah blah blah but i was i was honestly looking at possibly at the worst two-year sentence i'm thinking probably one year because we knew some people that got caught a few years before twice as much drugs as me and dodgy passport even though man was dodgy i thought man would get get through because it's been used quite a lot since four years before i've been using this passport but it's still in there in it so uh i did think if i just get done for a 2kgs there's only two slightly under kg so if they got if they had 4 kgs and they got uh two years for that two years for the passport by right i should get one year that's my kind of there i've tried i probably didn't know i was really thinking it was that but i'm just defined the gamble of whatever it was for like one year away if i can handle that and uh yeah so so eventually i just thought paul let's go for it it's about 11 o'clock in the morning and i had quite a few beers as well on the last drinking drink and going through it all i did i did me a sim card in in a cork and then they've been ready to go back it was all gone good because i actually i deleted uh any messages but also i've gone through all the i got a full night to go through if you do get caught confirm my story which my my story is i want to stick to because i'm bothered by the four years before it's my first time i just met this iranian guy in bangkok and uh i'm an idiot it's like a first time offense sorry i've done it i thought you know the less i'm involved with anything the you know because i just wanted to be that long uh idiot which i was and uh so i go for it go in there so it's two stories up it's all looking good goes in the foyer oh no sorry just before as well i tried this one i got a taxi driver to go and uh pick it up for me and bring it to this this hotel he's going well i said because go to the hotel there just pick my bag up and bring it here please okay yeah so he's gone through i'm upstairs watching him go through he's in for a couple of minutes comes back out no bag i said what happened when he says all you can do is they need passport oh yeah they do need passport normally so that i'm really confirmed already if anything i thought that's my favorite he's only two minutes up there he's gone if they're saying anything to him the problem i just said to him so now we can't give you the bag for real so i think you're right go for it goes upstairs in the left goes in the uh reception oh it's my baggy here blah blah blah oh no i i was ringing up the um asking my bagger to come yet eventually it came it goes in bags there there's no place and there's nobody around thinking this is good and also there's like a a rapper that goes all the way around that obviously so i got something by and i i didn't have the keys for the locks if you got the keys for the lock from my locked went oh no we we haven't so once oh yeah it's here well that's good ah this is all good there's nobody getting me ah thank god guess there goes the left straight away four people from nowhere in suits again they're a copper but i've gone through this to the [ __ ] copper a few times before hannah so i'm thinking but no i'm just not straight away gets in the lift and uh i didn't press anything and it went i went i see you up or down they're going oh i says where i'm going i just press down i mean cause press down as soon as it opens cameras about 20 people come one guy comes right away he's the policeman there's a translator there straight away um are you stephen beatty yeah um is this your bag yeah what what is in the bag i mean my claws and a lot of cannabis or some cannabis that went oh uh they're a bit light and then within it took about maybe two hours being there and i was absolutely dying for the piss and they said don't let me go toilet because i'm honestly knocking him back building up the uh and um so and as we're in there as well mess always laugh at this one me or friends are ringing up on the phone so they've already got before now and everything now that it's ringing mia theme teams for the phone is a magnum pi and they're saying who's that and i'm going magnum pi but i went nice it's my stamina and then uh yeah actually they were just rooming through everything kind of asking me questions but nothing i think where we come from where we got it from blah blah blah all these things at the same time the room through it and uh and as i said it was cannabis they said they kept on saying that how do you know it's cannabis it's sure it's cannabis i said yeah it's definitely cannabis they went just the way it was worded i thought it's not oh they're trying to say it's not cannabis like heroin or something or uh well crystal meth if it was going to be anything it was going to be that which is on the same last class a in it like going oh my god not the old bag the the switcheroo and we eventually when they tested it he said if it comes out if i've got a blue or one or the other i can't remember which one it is but says blue it was gonna be the bad one it was brown it was the good one i read red so that was a bit of real life that i was off they take off to the uh narita police station then what's the police station like well at first it's uh it's so you're it's all a shock in it you're all you're all you're doing is going oh [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] a bit of an interview there and then he put down we uh i think there was three in the first night which um he's not that bad he he was a airline pilot one of them he was only him for a few days bit of fighting he was a nice block spot flew in japanese so it was he could uh translate what was going on probably what i was going to do was i would have been stuck with the other two guys it had been very uh and so you're in there's about 10 cells all with four in and basically all drug smugglers caught there or something that's happened in narita like he got in this fighting narrator but most of them drug smuggling are they from all over the world smugglers all over the world yeah so you have to go in front of a judge yeah um that goes on for about well i was in a hundred days you go to the um it's called the cyber like the judgment kind of thing you know a couple of uh visits to them or the prosecutor then eventually you get the the first sentence then you get a second the final sentence um which was uh not what i expected but in fact i make the embassy the first day he said you're looking at four to ten years i'm going no no no oh i'm looking at once two year there's no four to ten no no no no four to ten so what i said you don't even know how much i'm carrying this is you've probably come at the worst time there's a big crack down there's some sumo has been caught smoking it some um some people from a famous uh university they've been caught and uh yeah you're at the worst time there's a big crack down so as i'm looking at like four to ten thinking no way it was hard to get your head around like you're looking at that kind of thing and uh yeah eventually on the first hearing so i i probably better explain is what the the older guy was telling me how how i should behave and no more what they say you got to keep you cool and then you have to bow down and say go menacing they say if you've got anything to say about the thing you just gotta bow down say you're sorry go minister now i can remember it pretty easy back then i'm learning it all i'm very confused is that the equivalent of showing remorse yeah it's like a you know coming outside he says um so maxie this other guy that's been in there iranian guy a really nice guy but a bit bit of a [ __ ] he kept on asking for his tea he'd say uh he wanted to fill in and they said how are you saying he said if i for full. oppai for full he'd say ipi the old guy in the cell be laughing he says he's saying big tits every time he says it he's saying i'm going maxie that says oh bye not epi so this joke thing was going on can you see where this is gonna go so as i so i'm i'm really hanging on for the at this point i'm thinking two to three i'll be happy with that none of this four to ten shy the first judgment seven year seven year oh my head was out so i couldn't get me around that seven year and what percent do you have to serve of that you don't really know we're all so much in the unknown there's all rumors and everybody's talking about this and now it's pretty high so when you told seven years you're thinking it's seven years in it and uh so i'm absolutely gobsmacked as i think it back now i'm still gobsmacked he said it and this is is there anything you want to say to the judge i'm just thinking all right no matter what i could bored out bound so sorry i can't remember outside called minnesota i say it by big time but i didn't say it loud oh i can i was like me had smashed it sticking no matter what if by saying what what i said i thought [ __ ] i realized what i've said but i were in that ass but they aren't full i kind of said look i can't remember how to say um sorry in japanese i've tried to learn it but so i'll just say i'm sorry in english i'm sorry i'm not asked about this at that point it's only like looking back now what's a dick classic classic man so uh yeah and then i went back the following two week and i got 100 uh 50's hundred days so was that a relief after the seven i guess so i bet yeah but we didn't know you would do because you're used to people going in saying getting 14 15 year then they get the final one they get 10 year nine year though i was the only one with the cannabis everybody else was in for a ice crystal meth so they're they're all i think eight years for like a small amount but i think average like 10 years no god so then you go to chiba detention center yeah so we end up in chiba we heard about chiba and it sounded good they said oh and chibi there's a radio there and uh the food's a lot better get your own cell um i'm not sure they said there was a tv and uh what was the food so far sorry i was losing a lot of weight by already it wasn't that bad it's certainly the police station was probably the worst one cheaper the food was really good when you say the worst one what did you actually receive do you pick like a burger type things with rice um bits of vegetables nothing amazing but kind of standard but the the the police station was the worst and chiva was that was the only thing was true as far as i know you got a lot quite a lot of food enough and it was decent so the first night goes and uh you put in your own cell so everyone i've heard about it i guess personally so these two other guys are in they're going in their cell it is so cold i cut i cannot tell you how cold it is and i've also got i've got all my claws as well at this point so you got your own you put your own your own suitcase guess everything there it was i put all my claws on got all me on the pound stuck them on my head i was listening but they said like no you can't do that nothing on your head okay so let the i ah the realization the cold and the isolation the silence there's absolutely zero talking because usually in prisons it's just never stopped dead could play opposite it's bizarre no it's not bizarrely quiet yeah if someone talks or they get punished yeah yeah you get you get sent to punishment you get you know there was zero there was just one guy in future later on that night time and these two anointing used to do that and it was that quiet along there he was probably about ten dollars down you could hear this i feel like saying shut the [ __ ] up why are you doing that you can see the guard guards walking past every ten minute where i was in uh future there's a button there so i i could see in here and pressing this button was carpet all the way down they're walking to put like slippers on so like really slightly up and down all the time best listening route so you can see when the this guy's doing that which one is it that's his way over but yeah it was complete silence soon there were three weeks and then you as you're leaving you'd look at the old gatehouse yeah well i say i mean i thought i i need to describe more how bad that three weeks was yeah but like especially the first three days in there there's no view at all you're in a cell i'd say it's so cold i can't even read i've got i've got some books and stuff i cannot get my head around how bad this situation is i just could not get mad around so i couldn't read at all and um it's weird you're not even bored you don't get bored your rent's too [ __ ] to get bored you know there's too much [ __ ] to swear i'm thinking how can i possibly stay here for five years this just isn't possible and um so you just what are you at least i went three days no sleeping by the by the third day was a book uh breakfast in tiffany's remember two minute parties yeah such a very nice simple read and that got me through it took your mind out of there once i read that like smash that book and like oh i found my brains at a break of going oh [ __ ] just literally going oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] how how how can i get around that you know the same time you start then it's just bizarre it's just some bizarre head [ __ ] so i so by that third day i broke a net i got some lettuce finally got some lettuce come through so that was very emotional it was like like ah male's gold isn't it yeah yeah it's unbelievable guy um so you felt like a bit of reality coming back yeah so eventually and also in there you would do doing exercise on dog pen upstairs for 10 minutes a day if it's not raining so it's really i got knows how many times it didn't you you get out there but sometimes you get a little bit of sunlight on it like that oh my god it was bleak bleak in there and when i left there too also you're permanently asking saying because you can write this little it's again sang or you you put the thingy up so can can i get translated please and then it was all no cannot cannot cannot not just and it's like that you don't want to push it but the same time you don't want to sit there and just let them ignore your best unless i was permanently going well why why is no translator i need a translator day after day after day and i said well these days the longest i can't you can't imagine how long a day can be just watching that shadow that's all you can follow is the shadow right and around about the tee time and uh about a clock and uh yeah so i eventually get out of there yeah and this time it's a really old this big gate house old brick like a big dorms outside i look back and hop [ __ ] you i will never go in there again oh and the like what we were going to sounded like paradise compared to the you're going to be together we were people there were going to be a tv in the cell blah blah blah i thought you can't it can't be any worse than that so i'll give the old [ __ ] you set us off goes in there within two week i'm back in there for another three week why because um i can't really go into it too much but there was something else going on i had to go to uh another court case i guess i can really in my in my phone i had a number a friend of mine who sent somebody else three days before me with crystal meth he got caught this is our conspiracy i got caught conspiracy and i don't even know the guy i met the guy once just met the guy until he said what do you do that's i'm investigatory and we're laughing about it it was a bit of a joke putting stickers around everywhere swap business cards i've got his car in my wallet as i'm being arrested going through all the questions i'm thinking it's all going to find this my story they're not too much on the why i was there four years before which would be a big concern they were they were all over the investigations were they were in my favor rubish i'd flown a lot to uh hong kong and macau just from a visa but um i was flying dodgy business classes because um because we had a friend that could uh we could do this so it was cheaper to do that than doing a visa run to cambodia whatever so they're on about stuff like that which i think fine fine there's nothing to do with anything and then then they kept on going about this card this i'm going to i honestly have no idea what the card is after a few days in there seen this guy we talked in the police station i realized i met him in thailand then it all clicks ah that's his card um and the pillar could put my mate's telephone number on his flight ticket which that number is in my form so anyway i had to get pulled back all i had to do was confirm that that number is in my form like i can't deny it so i mean i i give him best shots saying he was he'd been stitched up i'd already been census by then he was looking at 10 here not sure what he got but um as they they pulled me up this is confirming but i said in this like big quarter houses there so i'm pretty sure so now it works but that guy's been set up i like to think he thanked me one day but he did get like 10 years so he didn't do any good at the end of the day and i said the prosecutor came to see me question me about this number i said why was the defense not come to see me ask me about this number so nobody's but it seems to be just one way traffic this is pretty sure i mean he looked really bad as well in the courthouse he looked and i'd seen him like almost two years later just bro i was leaving and he looked bad but anyway i tried my best for him but that cost me like three weeks stuck that's all i'm thinking phone number so you know but indirectly i think that's how i've got caught as well through all this going it's backstabbing put it that way so you end up at fuchu which is known as being the strictest prison in the world yep how's that then two weeks the strictest prisoner in the world so when you first go in there you've got to do two weeks training where uh and you also you're in a room with eight to ten a japanese and maybe one foreigner i got one chinese lad in the iranian lad and the first time the rooms i mean so just coming out of chiba just body warmth in a room makes a difference there's windows at the back there's the sun's coming in that makes a difference and there's a tv there that it comes on hardly but it'll come on get one one film we got to watch there and something like a like a yoga thing that comes on once a day so then as you're in there you're going into the factory to learn how to work in the factory and how it all works how to get showered i had to go through everything it's a long procedure of um you've got like a book like that with the list you're going to go through what not to do so you're like studying really and uh but it that is brutal that that's probably the worst time because you've got these little and lies this big bastard you're really even looking [ __ ] and there's a little loud [ __ ] screaming and shouting right in your face really intimidating but uh yeah i had um i i knew it was going to be like that i was warned it was going to be like that and i just i went in with the attitude of us right [ __ ] it i'm going to be a soldier it's me i always kind of fancy being uh in the army and you know i'm going through that test i thought it's a bit of an extreme version of the test you know they're going to be showering that you're going to do what they're going to do so i'll learn how to march and everything i just did it all instead of like trying to fight it which some people did do and they don't you don't get anywhere where it's pale your thumbs are going to be down the other side you'll look a bit uh anybody else comes you'll close your eyes are you going to face the wall um it's uh it's fairly easy marching do you see other people they're not all perfect the japanese get more [ __ ] for it to be honest they get they're getting pulled down center punishment a lot easier than us because they're they're they think they we can't understand them same as one which is true to a certain extent so we had a little bit of leeway compared to the others but uh yeah he was a [ __ ] that big bastard i seen him on on my last day literally going out and uh he looked at me when i looked at him [ __ ] you get me out of there well i'm not going to say do anything for you so they miss assigned you to the asylum right so just at the end of the training i get pulled back to chiba do that three weeks of that [ __ ] by the way the three the second three weeks were nowhere near was bad i was kind of mentally prepared for it but i had a bit of a break the weather had just broke a little bit and so i were like anyway do that right get back up i was one day off going into the main factory because every step once you get in the main factory it gets a lot easier you get you get your own cell get your own tv go on i think it just sounded like it was getting better and better i think yeah give me some of that so the three weeks of isolation and [ __ ] back and then um gets back there honestly i could i'm sure basically i could have gone left back to there or right and the guy just didn't know which way i was going and i went right it's the only thing i can how i end up in this uh single cells and thinking why am i here for oh maybe i've gone straight into the the main factory what they saw this is good i've skipped all that um all that thing and then uh i think the day after they bring these like court anglers with all the different side you've got to scrape the court hangs off in the room okay this isn't what i'm going to so i'm giving the old excuse me uh i'm think i'm supposed to be in the factory i've just done the training you know nothing nothing day after day after oh what's going on here and also the same so it's completely strict the guys are at the left and right of me when you're shouting the number out i could hear these guys weren't right they just didn't sound right shouting the number around thinking what is going on here i just think have they put me in a nutty wing here that i they put me in the wrong wing here by accident they thought surely they could surely come out oh yeah yeah they did do so i was uh it's like this is how bad it got in there without me ed was that screwed like i said the longest days ever you sat there pissing around doing this job just but just getting on with it it's kind of something to do it got to uh i thought it was going to be dinner time at 12 o'clock though looking right it's 12 o'clock and then he hears them shout tenkan bangor that means number i'm thinking number it's dinnertime why they do it now anyway it wasn't it was the evening so somehow in the longest day ever i've completely missed where i am in the day i know it sounds it sounds small this but at the time it's thought i lost it i've lost the [ __ ] plot how can it not be dinner it's got to be dinner but now it was it was evening and at this point i thought i saw like three weeks in there two or three i almost can't remember and then i was luckily the embassy um is simon he was called he came to see me coincidentally i said man they've got me in the nuts house what is going on here i said look i don't i'd already said to the guards at some point so listen if you don't bring me a translator so i'm gonna have to i'm gonna have to do something i said i'm gonna go on a hunger strike i'm gonna do uh it's hard to do anything because you're stuck in a box aren't you very hard to protest you all the dirty protest kind of thing to be honest it never crossed my mind that but um yeah he says he says whatever you don't go on the strike it says they'll tie you up and they will force feed you see the senate happen and says it's brutal what they do so i said well what am i supposed to do so i'll tell you what i'm going to do so i want to punch one of the guards and i have to uh so there's no he says don't worry i said just he said give me two days it's okay all right day after he got me out well oh jesus there was just one uh one of the guards that and he was the guard that took me to the airport in the end that came to see me at night who could speak english not many can speak english so i'm explaining the situation he was like really look i said what i can do he he had a mask on with a scar there and i remember that scar on his glasses and because he spoke good english yeah i understand i'll see what i can do but um yeah eventually back in that to do the training again start all this rain and again i was like oh i'm expecting any you forever not knowing what's going on of um when you go in when it's going to be you're permanently just thinking what's going on what's going on i had a bit of a few bits of bother with the japanese in there the [ __ ] knots they are the japs as much as i do like them they are [ __ ] nuts when they bring the food or anything it's all brought um on like a system where it all comes out and one's like putting the trays out you eat that really get it down then you put it all one's washing all while one one who's doing the floor you'd have a boss of the cell there's suddenly one one's telling everybody what to do and they've got it so you're just doing it like it's going along with the floor because you don't want to anywhere this boss was not job he's right quite old i don't know if he thought he was a big jacuzzi guy whatever but he acted like that this old guy in that time he had a he had a bag on pissing me and this alex the um the iranian lad we've seen this old guy going to the toilet at night anyway alex has been up all night writing less to his girlfriend day after this boss is going english you you be on uh you're pissing all over the floor in the toilet so i didn't go toilet last night this is the old guy in it he he can speak fluent japanese there so he's explaining it he just wanted to it's obvious it's the old guy and he did stink it's obviously him his bags all over anyway alex ended up leaving night after all guy does it again is that me ew you're doing that again i'm going he killed me this is normal you're always this is this is like a whisper in it you try you can't you raise your voices then it's something's going to happen he's went basically your daddy bastard i went [ __ ] off you say a minute and then that's when uh i think it's just like we met [ __ ] off you know that nice voices are raised and uh he's it was an old all gazer line but he's obviously i'm i'm trying to clearly tell him to [ __ ] off in front of everybody as well and then uh but the it's so quiet any that's the guards are all over the place so they're in dragged his both out get put in a box for hours and eventually come the translator comes and i explained the situation said he's noticed this guy and he says look you won't get sent to punishment this time but as long as you go in and apologize he apologized i'll apologize that kind of scenario i goes in i remembered it this time to come in and thigh he looked at me when i thought he [ __ ] [ __ ] he bastard but i've already thought so i knew that what a punishment was gonna be so he's gonna buy your lip on you so prison transportation was quite interesting then you had to travel in a mini bus with darkened out windows it's like a normal minibus like a blacked out minibus you're uh you're cuffed up like but you're all roped together together you wrote together whoever's like chain gang whatever yeah you're all together in it it's not it's not that bad it was fun you went past disneyland upon your arrival yeah i think i did see it four times going coming back to chiba and then a little more by the way yeah i've seen it a few times oh it's just by the side of the motorway what's the uniform they give you ah it's a shitty um in in the cell it's like a greenish that's not bad material when you go into the factory it's a gray pajama type thing so with pocket there no other pockets just like yeah and when you went to the hospital you saw a dead body first day uh in uh in chiba you've got to go through you get x-rays you get quite the hospitals are pretty decent to prefer it's very hard to get in them dentists um so we're obviously still it's freezing cold i'm sat there with two other guys i sent in the reflection you know like you can see there look i'm going like one he's swinging so you're facing the wall basically and uh but the window there a picture of going past you had a little lock but it wasn't hospital i didn't feel like it was like you're in uh somewhere where they've just been murdered somebody it's like somebody's just died kind of thing but they weren't the best on the first day there you had a medical exam yeah so i this is actually was before going to the uh hospital you went in this box for ages you're putting all your claws your best again all your things sorted in the the main translator the whole prison he ended up being an english teacher but i met him on the first day a nice guy so he's explaining to um what we're gonna have to do is and when we go to the doctor he says now this may seem very strange but uh we're gonna have to have to look down the hole in your penis away the hole in your picking up yeah the way the way is he literally said that the hole in your penis i'm thinking i said give me the hole in your penis i said i said what your jab's eye and he he's going it was i thought oh my god what am i saying well i think it's first time i realized what a [ __ ] that i was yeah well why we call it yeah no because it's not something you think about until you're in a japanese prison you've got to say it so that was bizarre i thought this foreskin search was embarrassing but they lo how did they look down the hole in your piece that was the first one they don't really do they open it no he didn't really do it to be fair yeah do you have to go through the procedure did you just gazed at it yeah you're basically just the gay thing it's called yeah this is bizarre yeah and then it's done like i said the dick doctor would come once a month to look but all you like with him he was a half decent screw he but he kind of laugh about it you know you just get there you go and they go so what contraband do you think you got hidden in there no contraband so i said that's why we all why they shoved things down for jabs for what reason sexual pleasure or somewhere and uh prisoners yeah getting off by shoving things in the japs possibly and one i'm sure they they have they're not the ball bearings oh yeah like they're coming in the thai prisons i don't know is it yeah but yeah the the jewelry so i don't have the jewelry i presume they don't do it through that way but i honestly don't know it was a bizarre situation anyway so you get your own cell yeah with 12 um foreigners and 60 japanese in the factory in the factory and there's a there's a factory bus um but there was also a child molester you weren't a child molester okay she was a young girl as far as i know he'd done what a young girl this is what we were told i think he was a young lad when he did it as well he was fairly young then he looked like he was in his early 20s but looked even younger now that asian look but uh he was the main when you first go in there you got the big boss up there then they put in the first few few chairs so you can see before they kind of move you into the next system of the procedure so and this guy is the one to ex to translate sport perfect english i'm not sure himself with china he was sport chinese english and japanese so like pretty smart ladies seemed all right and uh he was just asking questions and all that you know i said were you in for her he didn't tell me what he was in for eventually when i got to meet the other foreigners they're going what do you think about the translators is it's a pattern so what do you mean it's about him don't whisper yeah sorry i said what do you mean it's the button see i'm going back to the i'm going back to the japanese whisper yeah in fact you you you're tall like that although everything's right yeah um so um yeah they said these are bad and he'd uh done something really bad to this young girl at college or something i mean he don't thought we knew he was in for life he was never going to get out but he used to he just looked he didn't look right in the head and then after maybe two weeks i got my first haircut so in the factory you get your haircut the car need a bit of an aircraft yeah you're well ready for that there's a big there's a mirror there in the factory and he sat there and he's got uh the mask on the guys he's got the scissors and he's cutting nowhere so again you're like you're looking you're looking at the boss uh you know where are you from oh [ __ ] and um he's explaining i thought this is the first one i've met other than the translator speaks really good english i said um i said what's with that guy this translator so he's a bit of a sick bastard a minute i said it looks like he's still got blood on his hands and um i can't remember if he actually said it's him or he just didn't say anything he'd like to stop talking and that was more or less what happened so i'm thinking and i'm looking in the mirror and i thought oh my god it's him he's the same guy i can't recognize him because he's got the finger on and he's got these sharp scissors in me and i was thinking oh [ __ ] and uh anyway he carried on he's like ignored me he later got um as we're going through the factory to the what's called the physical the yard he tried to slip a note to somebody and he got caught and got moved on to the next factory so i was quite relieved of that we were all very he's the only one the real we thought would dodgy you joined the tug of war team yeah so first day i'm used to i started like jogging on the spot in the cells when you could eventually the first day you get to run around the track in the factory i collapsed because my legs weren't used to going forward it was bizarre claps proper like raised all my like anyway the big boss came up to me he said uh so what do you what are you like a rope pull i'm going what's wrong and now they they were they were chimed the new chinese translator he was a good lad he said um wrote paul i'm gonna i took a war i said i'm village champion because you know at the village fair me and my mates with one anime just between us is going oh you're champion i'm going no no no not jumping just philly we just it was all one there it's like oh we've got a champion here oh because i was pretty fit by that as well yeah legs were like steel so doing lots of yoga and stuff and he went up just feel that i swear to god it was like his leg was like ah he was doing uh the martial art with the uh the stick thing that they do that was his thing anyway he's obsessed about tiger war i ended up being the anchor for the middleweight and number three in the heavyweights we won't not have it does not really either that's how uh that's how light we were that i was the anchor at an olympic games day so that was uh this is all like a build up months for building up for one day same that took a while that was like a six month buildup i think once every few weeks were beating other factories all the way to the final i'll tell you about the final as well because this proper pissed me off so we're pretty sure the boss has got money on it they're all saying they must have money on it because they were obsessed about it we're training all the time training training training guess the final i guess is there's two big nigerian lads in as well olympic christie's looking anyway so it's best of three we smash him in the first one our new captain i think he's um i think he's somehow been paid off so we get to uh the second one we've got to win sorry yeah go for it it's the best of three smash the first one second one he's saying right listen what we're gonna do slowly slowly slowly then pull and then pull when we get here they're tied out then we'll just pull and we're in why we're stronger than we can beat them we don't ever smashed everyone but these were strong just about to get to the end with this so where the uh where the line is it's like a mark on it where you get to there and i can see this line going because i'm like third in i'm going push push push also this is one of the few times where all your factory can all scrap shout and scream so you can hardly hear anything you got this the guest there i'm going he went already over so we dropped i didn't realize that we got that far oh my god it's 1-1 right we're all says right we let's just go for it like we did first one the the captain no no no let's do it again but this time why he only did exactly the same thing i threw it through it are you bastard we've got the main all the main officials on the stage and everything in this gym i mean i'm putting stuff forward as well i'm [ __ ] human oh so you had a dispute with a nigerian who had just come out of the punishment block for three months and he hated english and said that god was telling him messages about you yeah it's weird i didn't know the english back then that we'd had some disputes with nigerians in the 50s or whatever you know the full history of realism yeah i didn't realize we had anything to do with nigeria if i'm honest as soon as we met after so you you can't speak at all when you eat then uh so right you can talk and this guy's just come in when you go to punishment you go to another factory so he's a new guard seems like nice as well also got a nigerian american there and uh a cameroon lad so they were like they're all they say the brothers kind of thing and i said oh man where are you from go oh from england they're like oh right i'm thinking it's all about straight away anyway we're in a big thing okay and you too but you've got so little time but you you always have to fall out with anybody oh okay then next week we're in the the train uh the track walk around is he was saying about how the british did this and all i went oh sorry man it's not uh obviously it's history and i was i almost i didn't know says um i know about you anyway god comes and writes on the wall about about you everything so i know everything about you when he said yes yeah yeah like proper looking at me like i said well what's he saying it's bad stuff i can't i can't i said [ __ ] i said you've been in there for too long you're actually singing a bit loopy you said no i know a lot of things about the you know i says i said i'll tell you what i said you tell me my mum and dad's name you know everything about me yeah so i don't know it says god will come and tell me the name he says well i'm going to tell you i forget a ways now i says this is what's going to happen if this is over the weekend says you're going to come in monday and tell me give an excuse you don't have the name it was absolutely 100 he was going to do it i think he believed it himself when it comes to the monday i went yeah i'm going to have you he went i can't even tell you what god said my [ __ ] off well yeah probably a week or so later he did come and apologize to mrs look i've been in that's a yeah i said don't worry about it i mean it's got to be now screwing it up yeah yeah yeah um who was the japanese pig cell mate then the what [ __ ] pig sell meat oh that's that's back to the uh first guy i was in there with permanently wretching i feel like i need to do it myself i'm not gonna do the noise but [ __ ] just wretching yeah constantly this is the main i was in there with him i remember until the 10th of december when he went so i got arrested 28th of october till the 10th of december it was just torture permanently and just talking nattering i just can't wait for him to get out he really did me heading and then you had mad maxie then max comes in yeah that's the iranian yeah the ipaiopa guy he had a pretty good story he came in that first night he's got like two kgs of uh crystal maf as well he's saying uh he he said to me he's given the story was telling the police i'll tell you how he went oh um i don't know how i got this bag and now uh somehow i went to this i said maxi i said look me in the eyes for christ so you're obviously lying i'm whispering again yeah yeah so you're obviously lying there i said in a way he told me the full truth or what happened whatever but he was sticking to it said i don't know but the eder yeah he was tortured he had scars all the iranians that they get up to some [ __ ] because they're all scarred up they may insane who's saying he was scared of the the overlap that i was in with for a bit he was scared oh so he was a hairdresser somebody came in something through his own political thing at the end of arrested him torturing for about six months he said it was a he ended up escaping going over the mountains to turkey and got to um canada he's been canada been there for about 20 years wow canada a character fitness fanatic he had me standing on his knee all the time like because he was he was saying this well my knee is so bad i tried to find him in my own i can't find him paul mccartney spent time in future yeah that's what they said yeah because um they were saying like where are you from like me i'm saying it's not it's not point saying blackburn ish yeah so i say uh whatever either manchester or a liverpool yeah so i see this in all liverpool martial i would say liverpool in america because then the other the beatles you know the one person you know you'll never guess who when you say like were you from england the one celebrity they go gary lineker gary lineker so at the tail end of his football he went there in any other his last year or so and uh he was like a superstar there well yeah never knew that so you weren't allowed to talk in future and to go to the toilet how did that work uh in your cell you could actually just go and use sports to uh put the thingy down last go to the toilet after a while the thing what's the thing yeah what they call it um like a curtain or something no it's like a switch switch outside there's a you pressing you saw the guard noise to come and see you they have the in english ones they have a button on there okay things like a button the light comes on yeah they definitely ignore the english states right yeah whatever yeah but the the japanese is a bit more because walking up and down all the time they'll come and they put it down to go what um yeah what was that about so you violated the no talking rule when you were having a pee what some time so in the factory you were they're doing is like a ongoing conveyor belt like people going for a p four at a time so i goes in our four row goes and so the toilets at the back of the factory there again he's absolutely freezing guys the right major said to me i'm gonna have to whisper this i get a bit nervous it's amazing cold cold i went i i listen to that that bit of a movement went out you two out and then they're all the buttons been pressed they're all screws come on [ __ ] there's a stand there stand there against the wall stand you stand there you stand there close your eyes um so and our big main boss he's i'm not sure if he'd seen it or he it wasn't him it was like a there's a conveyor belt screws coming out there's not a lot of them there they do the panic button then they all come out from everywhere so we're off and he came to see me said look just say you said yeah don't try and lie or anything but getting out of it i know you're just talking about him he's being high and uh so he had like three hours waiting translators to come just to say did you speak in the toilet yeah i just said yeah and yeah and i've never seen the other guy again so you must have got sent punishment so you dodged that one does that one yeah i probably there's another one i'll go back to where one of the worst times in the training factory so a little enlarged there giving it all that and then you go you're learning in the showers the shower rooms you're going in in these blocks it's like a massive bath besides loads of showers down the side with a little a tiny little mirror and it's like a five minute shave twice a week three times in the uh summer shave five minute wash five minute dry down five minute or you know sitting in that big hot tub there but you've got to put your razor out your razor and your soap and it's brought to the somebody's bringing them all you've got your your own number man was 79. something about 79 i can't remember now but it's pronounced differently than seven and nine it just doesn't work fully the same as as you're learning the numbers so i'm getting mixed up outside 79. you you basically gotta so you all you know you're all bola called in front of this guy you're gonna you're marching there you go i've got um nanaku or whatever it was 79 and then you're gonna pick it up and then you go like that turn to the side like that and then turn to your front like that and you go hey there's highs yeah and everything's hi hi hi let me scream and shout here so somehow our monk says i'm getting mixed up with the 79 number one oh oh it's when they say it say it look at this going bango bangor number number i'm going oh [ __ ] you know i can't i can't think i can't think i'll say it and he's a little rat bag this thing like a real nasty look nasty little kid basically screaming shout me proper trying to push me and i'm at the point like you know you can feel the tears coming at me that mad he's like angry thinking oh [ __ ] i can't i can't say i can't say it so i just thought i'm just going to walk away so i just what i thought and also i want to i want to start washing i'm like freezing colder i thought i can't handle it i've gone my head's gone and i just walked away and this other iranian lad that was in the training thing we talked to a little bit he's going no steve no steve i don't know i've come i mean it's gone that's when i sat down and started washing he's screaming his head off and all the panicked buttons been pressed and they can just get a quick wash before they do me so they're the best just come and drag me out not not too bad just like pulled me out i'm saying what what got put in the box and i just said i thought he said go as he was shouting at me i thought he said go and wash so i didn't get a sense of punishment because you are in the training bit then so maybe i've just got away with it just just getting my teeth there so was there any heavy heavy duty violence you've witnessed none at all no everybody's well behaved handbags there was a bit there's a big tall lady alopecia sport pretty good english he came into our factory he was like a james bond villain but nice guy but they always didn't like him because he looked odd that's when something's been said then the whistle is blown within the whistleblower sit down they've just pulled it apart and light ants everywhere these screws coming from everywhere you know sat there yeah it's close like obviously you're looking because there's other things going on you know even though you're not supposed to do a lot of this you are doing it a little bit because you're pushing the ball out all the time aren't you otherwise you've got nuts proper really conforming to it and solitary is a month in isolation no tv radio books writing with minimum food rations you have to sit cross-legged facing the door with your hands on your knees looking forward so i remember i haven't done this but i know a lot of people yeah but i have done the isolation which is the same thing other than yeah you're forced to even normally you can't lean against the wall you can't uh but then you've got you you can read them right in isolation yeah in punishment yeah you've got to sit with your legs crossed have your legs crossed like this or sat on your legs like that you know like you know when you're at school four for them are no good that one gets easier by the time i was finished i was more comfortable sat like that yeah i was sat in the bunk in there in england like i'm thinking oh jesus christ but you know after almost like two years your body does get used to it it does get kind of comforting like that yeah so you sit there hands on there looking forward um i think it's like eight hours solid are you gonna do that you're not allowed to do anything i mean you can go to the toilet twice a day you go to ask again and then basically for sit and think about what you've done wrong month and if you don't do it if you do anything up there yeah i'll get it added on or it starts again from i i was told it starts again so like you can go to the last day and you do something around the goal right start again for your mom because the new one guy um he seemed like a pretty nice guy but obviously a bit a bit loose as well there was something not right about him but he spoke good english he was like interesting to talk to without a little on my little breaks but at one point i was we're in it so in this yard in the nut yard as well when you get the exercise there's like a dog pen system it's like a big round thing with the dog pens with the guy on the top by looking down if you if you went to the far side dog pen you could just see through a gap you could see everybody training like the foreigners and everything like just running and talking they were like oh my god get me in there that looks like ah a heaven compared to what it was so i then i'm in that training yeah we met the um i says see that place that says that's the [ __ ] nut house so i was in there for uh like three weeks he says i was in there four and a half year went no way so how's that possible he stabbed somebody in hokkaido got a sender i said i just i couldn't i just i said [ __ ] him so four and a half years before he finally broke of uh oh i couldn't i couldn't imagine that you had a fight with your boss over food yeah so as much as i had a lot of respect with the boss what'd the boss look like big solid guy very strong very serious there's no there's not cracking that would uh but yeah i felt like we had a lot of his respect because we've got to talk to him a fair bit through this tug of war thing so but so when you're eating we gotta um got to talk he'd be saying lads out come on get training so we'd have the translator there as well translator so he got bit of respect about him and all that but by the end of it i was just starving i was starving all the time you're not even the the food's half decent as well there it kind of makes it worse that it's nice you got a mini portion yeah mini portions i'm just drinking loads of water to try and fill up i mean i've done well since trust me um yeah so um one so my job was sat then um putting ball poi pens together that's what you did in the fact that's all we're doing counting springs um it's it won't like the you have to do this you have to get so many done you just basically crack on don't say anything and just get on with it they're not bothered as long as you're doing something then they're not bothered but your so your classes is a b-class of bread because we yeah we get a foreigner uh you got bread and rice but when if you're a stand-up job it goes from that size bread to that size bread it looks like a massive difference and uh so i was saying look i said i said can i have a standing up job i said i need to eat this bread so i'm so angry no i can't there is no there is no work for you you can't do it and then i thought oh i can't i cause i heard that different factors they were all standing at work by then i don't know if i'm about a year into it i thought i've had enough here i need to uh i need a bit of a break so i says um i said listen now so i want to apply to go to another factory so i want to go and i stand and you like fuming because of this tug of war thing that's pathetic in it it's all honestly it was all about tug of war and and um sorry always going no it's going blah blah blah blah this is the only way out of this uh factory is a shore bash punishment at this point i said okay i said sure bash it is i sent me to punishment so he went right go ow ow they come drag me not drag me but the getting me attention to the box it's like a really small little room it's just like that you're in this box for ages there's little gaps in it hours and hours in this [ __ ] box anyway eventually i'm there hours in and thinking all right here we go punishment for a month and then now i think at least i'm getting another factory at least maybe whatever then he opens the door i was he said yeah you've had long enough time to think about it you're gonna come back i'm not gonna he thinks he's doing me a fair versus i'm not gonna sing in punishment i understand that i thought i said i'm gonna get a job for it and get bigger bread he went no i went i said punishment he went [ __ ] slam the door on me and he was off of oh [ __ ] but i'm definitely going punishment now eventually a few more hours go translator comes in but the translator are always to walk to the boss the boss has said to him says look i really need him for the tug of war get him back in here somehow so he says look i've spoke to the boss he's really sorry he can't get he can't get the job isn't there he realizes how much i said you must realize how much stronger i'm going to be if i get that much more bread i'm going to be stronger anyway nice you can't do so just go back and he's not gonna you're not gonna go punishment also i have had like hours to think about this punishment i'm thinking i don't really fancy the punishment if i'm honest so i was back in the factory it was funny like see me mate so go away oh you're back you end up back again there was a skin in my teeth there was a rumor about someone getting killed with a fire extinguisher yeah so i remember this um i said i i thought it wasn't true but there was one uh officer he just looked like a bastard and somebody said like him says somebody once hit him so then whoever this guy was they took him away beat the [ __ ] out of him and uh shoved her fire extinguisher up his ass and killed him it sounds pretty alone because it's [ __ ] brutal but i don't think it happened it's not that i don't think it happened but how would you know it's complete secret in there this is why nobody knows about the prison it's it's a you don't even know what the next factor is doing you're stuck with your guys but the next factor you have no idea and where you when you're marching from air to b you're all together the other factor can be coming because you'll hear them like you're going one two three or shouting it shouting right off they come to go right stop fix the wall they go past and so you know there is an opportunity for these rooms to get around for them to be true that's what i think in a way and from what i seen there was it's just strict but nobody i didn't see anybody like being hit or anything or well the the because they just kept pulled away but there was suicides rumors of well it's definitely suicide but so this is we saw how people committed suicide in here and said um so when you're marching it's only three floor there's like stirs going up to each whatever this is what the what they've done is uh get our thing run up the three stars and jump off straight down that sound like the most plausible but um they said you'd get your uh you only had chopsticks and you've got a toilet there so there's your toilet here and it's fairly decent-sized wind like a normal sized window with bars and everything was that a little bit of a small cells very slow fist to fist but without winder it was doable really but they reckon that you get from the toilet somehow under a bit of a ledge jump up get the chopstick and land uh through your arc the chopsticks yeah what about hanging the two hangings icing was in the police station um they were basically because the second thing off here where you can you can't get things going somehow one guy did it with toilet paper what yeah um and apparently the guys that were in with him he'd made this um just with toilet paper yeah you can make strong rope well no yeah yeah like a weave like her weave yeah yeah so he made this and uh yeah and he hung himself he didn't kill himself he they pulled him out asked him getting pulled away wow i think he was a peruvian lad again with the crystal math he was uh and uh him and a south african oldest fella he got caught like one kg and his underpants see an eye ambassador so who was damage they called you damage i said my nickname says that i was at school why [ __ ] bit of a dick he's just a nickname that's stuck literally from being about 14. it's a funny name in it and uh yeah the accident prone not really so yeah i am actually yeah yeah what did the top yakuza guy call you so i again one of the team in the uh tug of war he was and he was the main guy in the factory as well mainly he like saw the uh the other japanese out he's um i forget which one he was like a pretty bigish guy when that old but 35 heavily tattooed they're all heavily tattooed as well um so a lot of these things were going on because we're playing lots of silly games like i mean it's hard to say how stupid these things were to make us laugh without getting sent to punishment they were so subtle like flipping your uh flip-flops round like what you you if you're gonna step out your flip-flops there into the sink to wash your feet you have to do that at the end of the night you gotta step back into it with the guards you're going one minute one minute and you're doing that ah it's all like it's all straight everything's like stress stress stress do it don't do it then you've got to get back on put your feet in your flip-flops if you when they're not locking flip the uh flip-flop around when you go to put your foot in you can't do it so you're like panicking as you're trying to do that we'd all do it to each other just put your flip-flops on you like an idiot you can't say it seems that bastard so i was the master of that and also when you're marching as you're marching just grab all of somebody's hand at the start going back you pull it then they're out of sync so you're marching what's wrong with you can't you march yeah so from things like that you went you ichiban son of a [ __ ] so you call me number one number one son of a [ __ ] yeah so did that those humorous moments help you guys deal with it yeah yeah massively yeah i don't think it's like a weird humor in it you're in the weirdest place that you can ever imagine it's just yeah it's weird we'd um saw me and who's saying he was he was worse than me he did get sent to punishment he i think you've been in three times and another iranian guy you're mad so what he do is when you so when you go from one fact our cells to the factory as you go through there's like a changing area you're gonna rag off you've got then bolt your bolt in there because you walk over a mirror we put your hands out like that and give your own number like a young son somebody could need you at your bank and so right next next so you do so you can't hide anything all you can but um you know and then as you get through there you go and stand uh you'll get numbered but before you get numbered there's a little bit of confusion of getting people through then you could slightly go to the wrong place like me and him would do it i go to his place get his old springs and stuff but this will put the springs in your hat and it is hot so as you start there they're going right stood there like all right stan hats on like that so get hot [ __ ] springs everywhere you can hear them dropping it in the silence and he's looking around thinking so that was a favorite little spring one and when you're doing you sat there with the pens like i know you sat over there i'm springing out so someone else played a practical joke then though you guys um were under threat of a nuclear strike from korea the big boss came in no this weren't a practical joke this was uh so that's the climate we've got a newspaper that's day old like uh the tokyo times whatever the english one like it like there so we've got that so we know what's going on in the world to a certain certain extent and the big news over there was we're gonna get nuked off the uh south korean at north korea they're all about they've done this testing to reach so far so it was it was a genuine concern especially if you're there you know it's i don't know how big it would have been here the news but believe me was like [ __ ] i'm thinking that well the chances of that well i'm still beating he got newt in the japanese prison so anyway we're um sat there around the mail and this is this had never happened you're eating away because you've got to eat complete silence as well sit there eat then they'll say right talk like 20 minutes but while you're eating it's dead quiet big boss comes in and he's not normally in there it's normally a second in command that's that's uh watching everybody so we're permanently walking up and down he comes in all concerned he's all right stop stop everybody stop why are the hell that's a bit different this is um and uh so he's talking away and now the people around going oh we were like slightly talking to each other going which i reckon um we know exactly what we're thinking and then uh [ __ ] and the chinese chinese translator he got to tell us he says okay guys michael jackson's died what michael jackson's died so we're not getting nuked by north korea oh jesus thought of all the things to stop uh obviously he's huge everywhere you weren't there by any chance when that um nuclear accident happened no i that weren't that long after i was in in the march and i came back in july i was lucky yeah so my flight when i was told to come back uh the transfer is when the uh volcano went off in greenland or wherever it was remember that yeah it stops all the flights yeah i think you're like what the chance of all the things to stop me getting back a volcano in greenland so on your way out did you get moved to narita back i was back to narita back to narita and what were the cells like though no it's the same same no i no i went from fuchu to uh the airport okay so you have to go back to chiba i know that that once i'd done the police station chiba training factory back to chiba then back to future i was at future all the way until i got transferred okay so how does the extradition work well uh obviously that was the main thing that's all you the biggest the british are way better than any other country by the way and the embassy was really cool yeah so um yeah he came to see me um this last time and pretty young lad but he was alright nice lad you know like pull the schoolboy time time guy waiting the sound uh he says um so i've got good news for you this is um there's good news and bad news it says your flight's come up i'm going oh no way this is um i'm going when when i say i can't tell you now can you tell me anyway no i can't tell you this is bought so the bad news is you've got the most expensive flight that there's ever been from transfer and uh first class or something no just normal um i said how much they said over two thousand pounds honestly they said a million i don't know yeah okay well you have to pay that yeah they take your passport away until you uh pay that you don't get you never get your passport back so you've got to pay it but i'm not asked 2 000 whatever yeah and this is one of the hard things because i said even though you can't say when i'm coming back the world cup i think it was in africa was going to be coming on and i had a god in me i thought i'm going to be home for the world cup to watch the world maybe not i'm not not even that key on football really but i just want to be honest watch the world cup i said will i be on for the world cup he went and says when's the world cup and i'm now i'm pretty sure i said uh june and it went it was in july so i've said june this was like looking back and forth i know where i've gone wrong here i've said june to the july he went it could be give me the wing wing nunch noise you're going on for the world cup yes yes right they'll do me don't long as i know when the world before the world cup comes on i'm off time comes by gets the world cup i'm going nowhere i'm thinking oh my god you don't see him for every three months as well i'm like that what's going wrong so i'm writing the letters and what's gone wrong obviously i can't say i thought when and then last probably from then it was maybe three weeks before i did actually go but then few weeks there was so long a proper wind i went from being like like fitness freak you know as much as i can it's like just walking around i know all my other mates and they're saying what's wrong with you going home so i know i get it i'm going on but i just it's like a it's like you can put up with so long it's like because i knew what was going on before i'm done with all this uh all this do your best and all that kind of come on just get me out of here it's long enough i think i found with a lot of people is like a two-year barrier that you kind of you go a bit daft after two here and i was at that point getting me out of here so how much time had you served by this point 630 days 630 days but um yeah so that we're on the main guys in the office when we're in the changing room or i know that i remember this the other day i forgot what one of the reasons why it [ __ ] me heading in as well at night time we were in the cell um a random uh officer came to see me says uh steven said tomorrow you're gonna be leaving the cell and leaving the factory oh whoa that's me i'm off so i'm thinking brilliant i'm buzzing the day after we eventually get in there because you can this is where you can speak a little bit in change room i'm going i'm going tomorrow i said no i'm going i'm going i'm going and with it i said as the first break comes and i haven't gone anywhere dinner time comes and i got translated to speak to the big boss i said i'm i'm leaving today um huh so yeah leaving that guy come see me last night told me i'm leaving the factory today he looked into he says no he says you're not leaving he says well there oh who's the guy blah blah blah nobody knows nothing about it it made me think i'm well going nuts here that i've imagined somebody coming i mean i'm 100 sure this guy came up and told me that but as the week started going by he started to doubt himself thinking ah i forgot was that just uh i'm pretty sure it wasn't but um so when in the changing rooms after this period gone the guy says to me he said steven um so i think this this was maybe on a tuesday i think is it on thursday thursday yo tomorrow tomorrow um you leave here tomorrow but and then thursday you fly so tomorrow where do i go is when i don't know i don't know when it's a [ __ ] don't worry about that so i'm talking to all the land i'm going i'm leaving tomorrow tell the goodbyes and everything and in the morning the best thing is that as you're going out of the room when you stay there and face to stay there and face the window like a way he dying says they're like you know so a few friends like see you later i did do a little bit but um but then yeah they put me back in the house for the five days no books no nothing no anything because i was so convinced this time that he was telling me the truth it was like it was there was no way they're gonna break me at that point and then uh yeah it eventually came and i was off so you had a valium habit by the time you got back so yeah having to come off the valium was yeah hard was it oh it went too bad but after five days i was like uh i couldn't sleep i was um i again didn't see the doctor for the five days uh onesworth and uh yeah it was pretty bad they eventually got to um and then they weaned me off them uh yeah it was a bit [ __ ] was it nice to be around english prisoners and english guards yeah they got like the screws were sound the screws really sound uh the guys that came picking me up they were good as soon as like we we got changed over like a no man's area they went from like with them guys but these guys were all right the the japanese ones it was the guy with a scar yeah that he would talk to me on the bus and uh so they were alright but the way they treated because they knew they they knew our body looked and now they kind of went get go this is he went you're with us now paul they kind of had that feeling like we're going to look after him proper not like you can't yeah that's what the fella they were saying that's nice yeah it was and then they said to me that i will do get you on the plane no cuffs or anything and uh we'll sit at the banks any troubles we've got a coffee straight away there's no we've never had to do this so like fine by me so just don't drink no alcohol so you can do anything else you know one of the worst people i know was a erdostas they're both asleep we're i was up there i can't sleep i'm just buzzing off real life and everything so i'm just in the normal clause as well i know i said to us excuse me i said uh it's a clever coffee please she went woke up the guys went is he allowed to have a coffee he went yeah so i'm asleep so you were he says that you were totally it just act normal i thought you [ __ ] yeah and then uh straight down like 10 hour flight to uh onesworth the flat was it only 800 quid as well as it turned out that i end up paying for not 2 000 good i don't know i don't know how that worked out i think it was because of the volcano thing i think that was like the original flight the volcano thing happened that flight must have been changed because it was less i didn't have to resign it anyway that's what i paid 500. yeah i spoke at once with the prisoners yeah ones were for i loved it maya first ish it was like an asylum everybody's coming off that coming off down from drugs and screaming and shouting i've gone from complete silence to completely how's that transition psychologically i was alright i was buzzing i'm like were you still like whispering and stuff thank you the one thing that i was struggling today was uh the bowing the bowie yeah um no whispering i didn't i felt i was all right maybe like did you start did you start bowing to people no i didn't do it i don't think you did it but i could feel the ears about people yeah i feel like so what happened in the mount after wandsworth yeah well uh the amount i end up uh working down the block um which is like one of the best jobs you can have down there it means doing what um cleaning the floor giving the flask like a porter a porsche yeah it's a piece of piss good money and everything it was um i said good one it was 20 quid a week or something like that were you uh they're all grasses in there they're not crowded they're all they're only in there for um not normal non-permanent drugs and there was one [ __ ] in there he was on my wing he kicked off and he kicked a woman uh a screw when she was down an older woman as well and just a nice woman as well i i remember when it happened thinking you [ __ ] come on him on camera as well kicking her when she's down and and he's in there doing a daily protest though i am done see this in camera he was the only one i really struggled with him because i had seen and knew exactly what happened yeah but other than that it's just what was it like having fruit prison food in england versus japan ah brilliant better rations canteen yeah i had the bread all the time jam butters all the coffees yeah you know the first meal that sort of goes in there first meal you've got to pre-order the week before but when you're in there you're in there there's like a standard thing gets there i write some korean rice or something there's a massive load of chicks on my lap yeah i said yeah can i have a lot of chips please when sorry man you're on a ration i says i've just done two years in japanese prison i i haven't had chips for two years went oh you're all right and he battled them online last one paul and you got known as the kenko kid because of all your canteen yeah but well that was uh because i was i'm a artist to do portraits that was your hustle yeah that was my hustle i didn't small then as well because i was you can't smoke in there as well i smell like a chimney uh back then first day no smoking so i just stopped so there were a lot of pluses like towards uh like getting fitting healthy uh while i was there i i was good six months back in the system before i started smoking somebody again somebody ordered me for a kenko for the drawing throw me some burn bucky instead of that i've done him a small man and it was christmas that's where and then next minute of roll one did you eventually get moved to the kirkham open prison yeah that was all right that was i could honestly live there now it was that good um i got to be the prison artist in blackwell around that one did you enter the cursor trust then yeah yeah yeah um had an exhibition in london as well walker galaxy yeah that was good you got a few quid off them i got on the mentor scheme they helped me become an author all right yeah yeah they're really good honestly that's the trust yeah they for people watching this coastal trust help prisoners rehabilitate by getting the energy channeled into art and other areas yeah really good people out of london so you had uh your best one of your best mates in kirkham was a crackhead dwarf called glenn from burnley that's nice yeah so glenn will be well known in the prison and this guy got in a situation with purple lackey yeah i'm not sure when it happened but yeah glenn was my little mate in uh kirk and funny guy classic like funny but he was all i was calling meth midge as well he was on the meth in there just have a little box for him to get his uh habit but uh he'd um he told me he got knocked out and waging a chair somehow and uh bum run by purple hacking really because we've had people come on and say stories like this and we've had other people come on say that the bombing allegations are rumors no he got paid out for it he told me he got sexually assaulted he got paid like eight grand for it good grief yeah um did you hear anything i only got swelled as well whether that was true or not um you know the swelling uh apparently went on a wing and a lot of uh lads uh went steamed him swirled him i thought that's true did you hear anything else about aki while you were inside i had never heard of him but maybe they're all on about this uh okay you know and then um next minute i think i'd heard the story that had happened to glenn before i kind of said something is it true about purple hack anyway what was the um cambodian prison escape story well well so this is very recent this this is on the end of last year right yeah so i ended up i've had a bar and uh a pizza restaurant kind of thing on this beach and anyway what a bit of trouble with this guy this is in cambodia this is an island in california i was i'm not going to go through the whole story but he was a troublemaker he ended up getting arrested as he's been arrested he got kicking as well on the way there by the uh the day after we're all kind of talking about it what would happen and everything and uh the little girl and uh in the shop she's saying steven he's drink beer next door i mean no no no he's he's in the monkey house now they call it monkey house over there yeah um no no no he's drinking beer oh that looks over the next door but one bar this guy's there that i'd started this fight with and um he sat there drinking beer we was making his girlfriend now and the big boss is where we're at i'm sat there with this chief uh colonel in the in the navy and our big boss on the island he was in prison for life now as well at the moment there's another story i'm not gonna go there with that but and so before they get he gets banged up he's like the big boss of the island and then he's going i said he's there next door the guy um next member on the phone calling him he's escaped last night he's escaped so how in any way i got to find out through another land what actually happened so they've took him up he's tried to escape on the bike they've roughed him up a bit banged him in a cell which is not that far from us just like literally this small village at the back of us yeah they've put him in there i know his friend's gone to get his toothbrush and whatever to like look after him he's come back the guard's asleep on the side so he can't even wake him up to do this he's gone to the room that the cell is in the doors open the guy didn't even know the door was open he climbed through the window like half an hour before so they left the door open then he's climbing through the window just in his underpants uh and he's roaming the island wow it can be the day after wow so that's me a prison escape story i think you used to think did you like when you're in there i might how could he escape i was never going to try because my sentence definitely weren't long enough to risk but you would think if you're gonna do it how would you do it i mean always ever escaped from future when all that it's well nicely it's as secure as you can get it's an unbelievable skill have you still got this place in cambodia no i i just left there just before the lockdown just literally just before been there all right 18 months so you obviously like foreign adventures there yeah yeah i like it is that you is that what you're going to keep doing for the rest of your life probably yeah yeah [ __ ] it yeah i know it's it's that it is what it is in it yeah you know i i actually other than what it did to me family the old experience i actually don't regret the whole experience did they come out and visit you no no you couldn't no i couldn't have it oh you could do yeah but i didn't want them coming all right it was too long yeah and uh in many ways being over there was a lot better than being in england because you're you're not in england i and if you have a girlfriend whatever a lot of lads in the in the english system [ __ ] going nuts on the phone it's all it's all about this and that over there you kind of you're in a different world like christmas and that was better over there you too it's too real in england yeah yeah really yeah i feel it more yeah you feel it more in many ways there's there's lots of things that are better and worse there some ways if we went for the cold and the food i'd rather be there than here because you do honestly you're just dealing with jeremy kyles he's you know like jeremy carl shaw um just utter knob heads everywhere yeah and i don't know if i'll put in there a lot of them they can tell right i've never been in prison before in it because i'm not used to our things said and everything because i'm of certain age they have me down [ __ ] nuns yeah yeah oh yeah chomo yeah actually a couple occasions um just one line like blatantly i called me a nuns yeah i just see when i was going to wandsworth i didn't yet mean that i would be fighting like [ __ ] i was going to be you know yeah and i'm thinking i was facing anything i was propping up for it yeah [ __ ] but the screw says listen get your head down you'll get your cat d you don't get any trouble or anything within a few months you get a cat d and then you'll be getting on visits and all that so already i'm thinking oh right that sounds good play it safe play it safe avoid anything it wasn't i wasn't angry with anything or anything but i was just like kind of i just couldn't admit it was going to be like that yeah then i thought no sod this so i i did me ultimate best all the way through not to get in any trouble just don't get me to get my cat didn't get the [ __ ] out of all this system and thankfully i touched with it i did do it but it was so hard to do it what about this guy challenge you don't know if i've been we didn't challenge we were somewhat over food whatever i'll put anyway now [ __ ] off your nuns i said i'll tell you what matt says get to because you've got your papers i said come on see i says come on i have a look at my papers in the room so once you say that someone get the [ __ ] out of your lucky [ __ ] yeah some lucky la and a couple of other things were you doing just being dicks and so i'd have to very sly like i said listen but paul is getting me [ __ ] path just don't give him all this [ __ ] in front of your mouth yeah get to me [ __ ] obviously i don't want him to come i don't want him to happen but you've got to do something yeah i was laughing and joking anyway i didn't i don't think he really had that i wasn't trying to be an armed man or anything i was just spamming with uh it's hard to stop the fight in america what's that happen very quickly it's like a miracle i would never go into any trouble wow really was fine liner there were a couple honestly i remember closing that door like that going off yeah [ __ ] fuming i'm just saying cat day cardi yeah just ignoring them just [ __ ] it's always a scumbag it's never the genuine not one case whether some our guy was thinking i mean [ __ ] here i'm gonna get done over by it's just whatever good plans you've got in prison there's always someone going to try and sabotage it yeah is it better to just get off on it it's a very uh down place in there yeah it's all blame maybe he's got blame who's blaming him they want all the random say yeah yeah i [ __ ] up so steve is there anything you'd like to say to people watching this in conclusion perhaps young people who attempted to smuggle drugs around the world yeah good luck doing that uh no it's up to you you know we all know the down it's not it's not a shock that if you get if you smuggle drugs you get caught you're going to [ __ ] present yeah so no i actually the main reason why i want to do it was so much little information for the families of uh so for all my family whatever nobody knows what's going on you can't find what's going on as much as i'm writing like saying don't worry about it it's just like there's no there's no violence there's no this and that it's just strict sorry i'll be fine but you don't nobody really knows what's going on yeah and there's no way i found it still there isn't any way i find out what's going on because it's so high level secret so if even though there's only maybe three or maybe three four maybe two that are in the british that are in there but they will they will be there now go for a bit um but the families can like uh they can get older me and somehow and i can maybe reassure them more what's your preferred method of people contacting you oh this is true because i'm not is it an email address or do you have a twitter or facebook we could put all of your links below this video whatever you want well sorry not after because i'm not very uh sorted out after you're not onto social media very much do you have a book coming out no no books no nothing no uh i've been given this book no i i thought i when i was in i actually wrote three stories because when you sat there on this thing you're doing nothing but thinking you've got so much time to think yeah so i actually wrote three stories i'm not gonna do anything with but it's just a way of passing the time yeah um i'll tell you another book that actually was um that got me through is papillon absolutely brilliant i'll tell you what read it twice but i've read it twice luckily before not that long before yeah when i was in the isolation yeah during rawhide exceeded like five years in the isolation so me after a few days i'm thinking right i remember how papian got it he basically closed his mind off he went to these fancy worlds like a story and i basically did that and now i try to think to myself look i'm fine actually i'm pretty healthy i'm only going to work for a couple of years and i think of all these stupid things i've done in the past and all what i've got got to come and so i'll be imagining these stories and going through like living a fantasy a fantasy world in your head and and then the film is it kind of showed it but in the book there's a lot more so you basically go do it you got to make a world up that's going on yeah and now so grateful for that kind of that way of thinking well books got me out of there and also when you read about other prisoners experiences like yeah the russian goo lag you know ivan de nosovich i mean it makes you feel like you you're blessed really the first time i did the uh the successful one yeah the book damage done oh warren fellows oh god brutality yeah so what's my nickname yeah i when i was going through the airport i was setting off through bangkok i remember thinking it was always there i thought don't look i don't want to see that book damaged on the damage stuff yeah and now as i'm going past i thought i've got to have a look i just looked over yeah box there on the top shelf damage done i thought anyway thankfully that time it wasn't what it was to be yeah yeah so um i don't overall i actually think that their system in many ways is right because nobody's gonna wants to go back there yeah you're not massively treated that bad it's just mentally it's like also like a few years on i'm looking in a different way as well it does but when you are there it is it's it's bad but it's doable yeah it's brutal you've got to be you've got to be positive no negative [ __ ] and it's all about you're going to be right and not trying to beat the system um english prison complete opposite is full of losers in it really and if you're they're buzz off it don't they it's nothing for them they're completely wrong they're saying like somebody's done something to remember your family you would not want them going into an english prison here because they're tossing it off with their mates and pit they go in there they would have time to there's no canteen as well in there there's no there's no extras there's no you name it there there isn't it yeah there literally isn't you get a film comes on twice a week after six months being good yeah like that after three years you get an extra film there's like level of badges uh white yellow uh red and blue and it's uh yeah so well i don't want forever about how strict it is and it it's not something you could ever truly imagine unless you're there sat in that cell thinking of what you what is gonna what you're in the [ __ ] you've got in it's impossible because you're not you're not in there you're not in that say you can sit you go and sit in that room there for an hour and you you just haven't been bored you don't get bored in them situation because your head's too [ __ ] there's too much [ __ ] going on a woman wrote to me while i was in prison and her brother was in prison in japan and she said that he was subjected to an anal cavity search with a glass rod in japan yeah did you ever hear anything like that no might not be in the place you were at them all right so people watching this um we'll put some kind of contact detail in the description box for steve and please let us know in the comments what you thought of this video huge thank you to all the new subscribers subscription logos in the bottom right hand corner huge thank you to people donated as well so we can film these in the podcast studio with james and joe our cameraman and sorry sean yeah go for it they're prisoners abroad yeah i don't even know about them we'll put a link down in the description box of trust and prisoners abroad both charities helped me and prisoners steve who entered my um short story into the curse of trust which won the award which got me on the mental scheme which led to me becoming an offer that's brilliant i couldn't get anything to them but yeah i used to get all the stuff yeah one of the first things that got they were like ah did that they got me into doing yoga and stuff like that you're a huge thing in it yeah over there it was i mean yeah i haven't done it i always thought i'm always going to do yoga yeah no i'm putting back on the piss smoking here though oh man gotta get back on it it's good to do uh this is lockdown so a bit in the morning did my son soldier you still do it yeah i wake up yeah i'm surprised i haven't kept it up actually but can't quite do scoff you know heads down lotus anymore but all right so huge thank you to be donated so we can do these uh record these professionally and we have finally got back up to publishing two podcasts a week right now so let's see how long we can keep that running donation links are in the description box as our links to our other playlists and everything else we're doing all right man give us a hug all right yeah yeah she is thanks for ever well told you've got a very happy disposition you
Channel: Shaun Attwood
Views: 181,630
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Michael Franzese, after prison show, Lee Duffy, krays, fresh out, Charles bronson, Mexican cartel, gangland, el chapo, locked up abroad, London gangsters, mafia, true Geordie, shaun attwood, Pablo escobar, joe pistone, Joe Rogan, Valuetainment, Darren gee, goodfellas, Mafia, Sammy the bull Gravano, Italian Mafia, Mexican Mafia, Gangland, John Alite, John Gotti, the taxman, matthew cox, dave courtney, cartel, james English, London, JRE clips, big herc
Id: yNHmxCw7jDk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 126min 6sec (7566 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 10 2020
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