World's most powerful bat goes boom. Made on my new Tormach 24r

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This guy has like $200,000+ worth of machinery in his house. Incredible.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 57 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Kilo_Xray πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 10 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Imagine baseball but everyone has these bats and steroids and drugs are encouraged.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 18 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Digitalmodernism πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 10 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

This guys channel is full of awesome projects! You know there are some Houston Astros calling him right now trying to get their hands on this bad boy.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 64 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/ducation πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 10 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

It wasnt untill he built the stand for it, that i realised this would totally be a unique weapon in the fallout universe.

Probably a quest reward, after being pointed towards a house with a group of rouge machinery.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 10 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/obiewanchrinobe πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 10 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Same "technology" behind the swingless golf club. Those .22 or .27 cartridges are really powerful!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 10 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/fprintf πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 10 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Does he patent everything he makes? He could become filthy rich just on the always in basketball hoop.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 7 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/bill_on_sax πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 10 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

I wanna see an MLB player use this

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 5 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/lasercannonbooty πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 10 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

No lie, I thought the method he used just getting the new milling machine into the shop was amazing! Am I easily impressed? Maybe, but that was cool.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/_Piratical_ πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 10 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

I would think an aluminum bat would make more sense especially after making the muffler out of aluminum. I would also think a lathe would be better for making most of that bat, but hey, when you have an expensive mill why not use it?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/6arn πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 10 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
i call this bat the slot machine every time you swing it you have the chance of getting a massive payday and that's because if you hit it in just the right spot it will unleash a chemical reaction which will send the ball flying way faster than you could possibly hit it by hand and chemical reaction is just a fancy way of saying there's an explosion they talk about bats having a sweet spot they're nothing compared to this this is the sweetest of sweet spots it's like the holy of holies if you hit this it's crazy it's powered by up to three 27 caliber blanks there are so many ways this thing can explode destroy itself destroy me it's so powerful it can punch a hole in a ball this project has been simultaneously thrilling and terrifying it's also the premier home defense bat so we'll be trying that out as well i've been wanting to make this bat for a long time but it's big and has some complicated woodwork i've been doing a lot of machining on my metal cnc but it's really painful makes a huge mess so a few months ago i started saying to myself i need a cnc router and my wife was all like don't you already have three mills how many do you need i told her that's easy i just need one more and she said that's what you said last time also can it even fit down here and i said how big could it be then i said hey tormach do you want to work together and they said yes so long story short a tormach 24 hour just showed up in my driveway and there's no way it's going to fit through my shop door but like a woof with its back to the wall i'm not going down without a fight you can kiss that crate goodbye i also partially disassembled the mill the real challenge now is getting it through this obstacle course to my shop but you'd be amazed what a man a chain hoist a pallet jack and some sheer determination can [Music] accomplish every time i take something down the hill it's incredibly painful and i say i'm never gonna do that again but it doesn't matter how many more big tools could i possibly get and then i let just enough time pass forget how terrible it was and then i get another one this was so much easier to set up than my 1100 mx the hardest part was getting off the pallet there doesn't seem to be good lift point so i'm doing the recommended 4x4 jenga challenge i'm mounting the computer and the instructions say do not use the front mount there's a risk of entrapment and death use the side mount the amount they say not to use is nicer but is a little bit of convenience worth the risk of entrapment and potential death having made many cnc machines i really appreciate just plugging everything in and it working this is the chiller so this cools the spindle it produces a whole lot of heat when it's cutting and this pumps water through if you don't pump the water it will burn the spindle up this is a gigantic vacuum pump it uses way more power than the mill itself when you're cutting sheets it vacuums them down into the table so you don't have to use clamps i wish there was more to show but that's it it's done at first i was thinking two foot by four foot how big could that be this thing is huge you can fit so much into this as an engineer i love getting machinery because i can check it out and see how they designed everything ooh thk ball screws if you have to ask how much they cost you can't afford them i wonder what these mounting points are for on the table maybe a rotary table or a tool changer i really like this vacuum table design with three zones although there aren't valves for each zone so i'm going to have to make plugs but should be really handy it has a tool height setter which is extremely useful if you have a mill or a router and don't have one of these get one so you're probably still wondering how this is different from my other three mills but i would say just look at it it's obviously different but if you can't just tell by the way it is the biggest difference is that it has this luxuriously huge build area it's 48 by 24 inches it has good built-in dust collection the spindle is way faster it goes up to 24 000 rpms the table itself is a huge vacuum and so you can set a piece of wood on here and it'll suck it down it's really optimized for large pieces of flattish soft stuff so with this thing i should be able to punch out big awesome things quickly maybe a full-size version of this backboard in the future want to see a magic trick where'd the 2x4 go all right it's broken in let's make some real stuff for its first real project this router's gonna be making a very special baseball bat from scratch and you might be saying to yourself bats aren't made from pressure treated pine but that's where you'd be wrong i googled until i found someone who said that bats used to be made out of pine this confirmed my world view speaking of conspiracies i'm pretty sure i know what my next project is imagine a device that you could place by the door of a store and when you try to walk in without wearing a mask it forcibly shoots one onto your face and has a high risk of shooting an eye out but it's going to be fun so if that sounds cool you should subscribe and follow along also if you want to support these very important projects you should check out my patreon the coolest thing is the discord i'm very active on it i've got all kinds of great ideas from the folks on there weren't we talking about a bat let's get back to that this bat is designed to use the rounds that go into powder actuated nailers they use an explosive blank to drive nails into concrete and steel mine takes a 22 caliber blank but they make a more powerful version for the largest nails and the hardest materials they use 27 caliber blanks which is what i'm using of course for the amount of energy in these things they are tiny and the idea is to build a baseball bat that will harness as much of the energy in these as possible to give your swing a big kick my calculations suggest that it may be possible to beat the home run distance record with three blanks so that's what i'm targeting so the basic idea is to make a bat with a cylinder that can shoot in and out of it then if a ball hits right at the cylinder i can launch it out really fast and that'll send the ball flying faster than i would get it to fly if i just hit with the bat the way i plan to make the piston move is with a small explosive charge when the ball hits it this charge fires and if this area down here is sealed the expanding gases from firing this charge will force the piston out because it's the only thing that can give after protracted hemming and hawing i settled on a design where the blanks sit in the bottom of a tube and the piston has little pins on it that fire them the pins are hitting the edge of the shell because they're a rim fire that means if you crush the edge of the shell that will set it off it's like they say you can't try it till you make it so let's get this thing done getting this made used pretty much every fabrication technology that i have a lot of my time was spent machining because these parts are really heavy duty this is honing the bore so that i get a nice good seal i have the manual mill because it's so much easier for stuff like these firing pins in the piston the bat is machined out of a solid 4x4 it's a lot of material to remove [Music] and the surface finish is fantastic i didn't need to sand or anything to design this mechanism i needed to know if it was going to explode or not from the pressure of the shells detonating inside of it and depending on how i ran the numbers i could make it look like this thing was totally fine or that it was guaranteed to explode so what i'm gonna do is test it experimentally i built a test stand now let me fire off rounds from the safety of cover and we can see if there's any kind of distortion or anything like that all right three two one what that doesn't make any sense let's try again again it looks like i'm losing most of the pressure through a tiny gap in the shell carrier so i'm going to remake the parts to have proper seals who'd want this piece of crap this is what you want real seals all right let's try again that is much more like it all those tests were with one out of three shells so let's try two now [Music] that was much more violent than i was expecting whoa it totally broke my tester that's a steel rod and look at the extrusion it whacked the ball so hard it bent the extrusion back on itself this really makes me scared to use this bat all right i'm going to try a single cartridge load i've tested a lot and it seems very safe whoa so much power this testing is looking good let's try two shells uh what so upon closer inspection it would seem i broke everything somehow even the firing pins fell out and they were a press fit the force of stopping the piston destroyed the stop bar and ripped the firing mechanism out of the bat there should also not be a gap here it almost ripped out the screws that secure the shell carrier that would have been bad i think my results in the bat were so much different than the test stand because in the test stand the entire assembly could jump which spread the impulse out and in the bad all i could do is rip itself out alright let's redesign and remake [Music] everything [Music] i redesigned the firing mechanism and i made a whole new bat to hold it and this will hopefully fix the bat exploding problem the big changes are that it now has these urethane rods which are very stiff springs so when this piston shoots out it will hit this rod which will have to compress these springs before it can slam into the steel before the rod was totally rigid and when this cylinder would shoot out it would just stop and all that energy has to go somewhere i made this whole mechanism floating inside the bat so as those springs compress the whole mechanism can come out there's a quarter inch plate that holds the shell carrier in so shouldn't be going anywhere i'm hitting off a tee because i don't have anyone to pitch to me i told my wife i'd buy her a full set of body armor which would be awesome but no dice it makes sense though if the piston got loose it'd be going straight for her if the ball hits the corner of this piston it could go flying off at an angle and you would think that has even odds of going in any direction but my experience has taught me that there's a 99 chance it's going to go straight into my face so i have this full face mask shield and i also added this polycarbonate face shield because there's also a chance the bat will explode and i don't want wood or metal going into my eyes this is what someone who really stinks at baseball looks like when they have no technological help [Music] but when you hit the sweet spot whoa [Music] [Music] so so it looks like i'm getting around 350 feet with two rounds and every ball i hit was a home run except for one there's one that i kind of shanked it seems like it just launched the ball so well i really wonder if i could beat the home run record with three shells i don't think i was hitting it perfectly i wouldn't be surprised if i could get up to maybe around 400 feet with the perfect swing with two shells so it seems possible i could get in the 500 foot range with three shells let me know if you'd be interested in a redesign that can handle three shells going for the record bats are popular for home defense so i'm wondering how this bat would do against an intruder or a zombie or something like that so i've got a surrogate for an intruder with a very small fleshy messed up head and we're going to see how it does against the bat our home intruder is teed up and i'm gonna give him a whack on the back of the head see how he fares note that we're not in my house so this is not strictly legal if it were a home intruder oh see how he fared you're alive i think it just removed his lower jaw this might be survivable all right one more just for fun you're live yeah i don't i don't think so there's one last big question which is how will this thing do with three rounds in it let's fix the test stand and find out this whole structure is pretty rickety it's just to keep the ball from flying super fast and anything if it falls apart it doesn't matter i'm protected behind a huge pallet in a sheet of plywood so i'm good and if this falls over it's okay three two one [Music] it whacked the ball so hard it put a hole in it that's incredible so other than totally obliterating the o-ring this mostly survived i'm not sure a bat would survive with this in it given how high the mechanism left into the air i think it would break the bat like it did before i'm super excited to have this 24r it's gonna really level up my capabilities and let me make some things that have been in my list for a long time let me know if you think i should make a v2 going for the record and one last thing whatever you do do not try to recreate what i did here it is very dangerous there's a lot of precautions and calculations on the back end that kept me safe there's a lot of ways you can get hurt or even die doing this other than that thanks for watching [Music] you
Channel: Stuff Made Here
Views: 3,260,936
Rating: 4.9375553 out of 5
Keywords: baseball bat, build, awesome inventions, explosives, diy projects, technology, engineering, make, maker, baseball, build video, stuff made here, ramset, powder actuated tool, powder actuated baseball bat, powder actuated driver, home run, automatic home run, cnc machining, how to, rapid prototyping, tormach 1100mx, tormach 24r, BaseballschlΓ€ger, bauen, Ingenieurwesen, wie man
Id: B3CsOx5U9Gs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 19sec (859 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 09 2020
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