Worlds Most Identical Twins Do EVERYTHING Together (Even Share A Boyfriend)

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because we eat and drink the same of course we need to grow the toilet at the same time we have one like toilet at home so she goes and then i go oh i'd hate to be the sister that goes after yeah girl i just tore it up in there your turn hello everyone i'm cemetose ken this is buff and today we're checking out what it's like to share the same man we've been with ben for seven years now he's a fraternal twin what we love so much about ben is he understands our bond this filter holy crap freaking me out right now dude it's like there's about to be a jump scare somewhere we got twin sisters here they're the exact same in every single way like they just go out of their way to be the same and they had to have the same dude and this is their their story i guess our dad died of cancer and we kind of thought what's going to make us happier so we thought let's just get our boobs done what could possibly make us happier pop pop this is for you why not you know heck yeah if this is your first or fifth video please hit the subscribe button it helps out a whole lot thank you very very much for checking this video out if you want to check out more above check out buff pro on twitch and youtube all right let's do it we go to the toilet together we exercise together we shower together we share a bed with our boyfriend without each other and we'll die together so yes that's hmm that's strange you know my first impression is well they're actually dating each other but they have a boyfriend so that it's not as weird as weird but they do everything together together i can't i can't tell them apart i really care hi i'm anna and i'm lucy and we're the world's most identical twins that wasn't even creepy how they said that ah yeah it was [Laughter] the world's most identical twin world's most identical twins we won the title of the world's most identical twins at the end of it well there was a i can't understand what they're saying because they're trying to say everything at the same time apparently being in japan is like the most credible way to find out if you're the most identical yeah well they had that they had the facial recognition you know if if it opened the door for her you know then you know maybe she like they can open each other's phone oh yeah yeah yeah you don't have to go to japan for that anymore it's on your phone the thing that's bothered me about this the most is that the amount that they when one's talking the other one like stares at her and tries to like match words and they do it pretty pretty pretty well they do it pretty well but it's just like the amount that they're like it's like grab one word not even like the same sentence to be like yeah well um but they do pretty good on like they're so at the end of the comment you know they got a mat it's their thing they gotta match as much as possible even if it's annoying to listen to yeah we're here to challenge you um because we're gonna stay that way forever we are the world's most identical twins they literally have to have the freaking yeah so i can just read what they're saying it's barbie big bird plastic surgery all you're into is beauty fashion yes we love all that of course and we do think we're high maintenance what are you gonna do have a brain do you like the blaster i wouldn't i didn't judge them at all about like any of that it was more of like you know when they started talking [Laughter] i mean shoot they got their own youtube channel they just they didn't do the react stuff because there would be no like dead air between them at all where's their man there who's the man they share right i want to say they said they're high maintenance where's the sugar daddy our dad died of cancer and we you know fell into last depression we kind of thought what's going to make us happier so we thought let's just get our boobs done [Laughter] you know it's a sad story until you get to the end let's just get our beliefs on oh pop pop he died of cancer what could possibly make us happier pop pop this is for you we're happy again what a what a tearjerker look at this dad here though this dude is a look at that mustache my man there's a boss boss we kind of want to get our boobs bigger sorry yeah that's such a weird segue talking about how their dad died and they're like but yeah we want to get our boobs bigger sorry for your loss i guess well dad died we got inheritance let's let's use that money to you know let's let's pump these puppies up okay that's the only thing that makes me happy that's right that's all we know we're just you know what we're just like that's we just love big birds we've always dressed a lot yeah they're honestly i mean well that says it all i mean you know all right you know what you're about you know you just like it i mean i don't know i'm big boobs small boobs boobies boobs are awesome by the way they're great they make me happy too great got older it got more extreme i think in this one yeah there's shorter and that was i don't know why we did that i don't know why okay well your parents probably did that so they could tell you apart yeah that's like because they're very very very much alike i mean i guess when you're you got identical twins and you're like in the family you know which one's which right you know which one's which yeah i'm assuming you do but then as i got older it got more extreme and i got excited because like that would never happen now that would just even a hair strand now has to be identical they went through a stage where they're like i want to be my own person and then like i don't know why that's crazy oh no the attention we get we act exactly like it's way better making sure our eyebrows are the same yeah making sure our eyebrows is a nightmare trying to make them insane you know living us us a bit hard don't you reckon it is their eyebrows have to be exactly the same i can't think of anything harder than that yeah i mean that's wow [Laughter] god god bless these women right here they they have a hard hard life just throwing it out it might be a little easier if you win the drunken no they can't handle that i kind of wonder if it's like a thing when they're growing up like like every they always have everything split evenly like as two kids like you have to have one so do you you have to have one you want this well you got to get it too and then like probably at one point in their life they did their own thing and then they're like wait you have a boyfriend i don't have a boyfriend we gotta fix this we better we're both dating him all right you're not getting anything better than me i don't know i'm not a i'm not a shrink i can't tell them what's going on here you do you make yourself happy you know i'm just saying that your eyebrows probably isn't the biggest problem in the world true it is kind of hard i just wish they would stop doing that like whatever her name is on the left here she just sat there and watched her and turned on and said life without life you you don't have to do that we get your identical you don't have to like talk at the same time especially when one of them is just like throwing out words like if you just use the other one it would just be like life brows yeah alone boobs babes they want to separate us and they want to take us out separately and well i know that we always want they didn't like these guys trying to get their woman all to themselves yeah how dare they because they they are all about each other you know the guys just you know whatever we've been with ben for seven years now he's a fraternal twin what we love so much about ben is he understands our bond this filter yeah holy crap freaking me out right now dude it's like there's about to be a jump scare somewhere this is the scariest looking photo i've ever seen my man is gonna get murdered here [Laughter] the soulless eyes just staring at us kill kiss anna good night he'll kiss me good night we sit there watching the film he'll hold both our hands um there's just no joke oh my god [Music] oh dude i wish we could do that well look all you got to do is just like stare at me the whole time what i'm saying for a confirmation yeah yeah yeah you did it like what they're doing is some magical bond anybody can do that what they're doing oh imagine um there's just no jealousy people won't think it's naturally but we think it is i think this relationship is beautiful it you know what garrick could learn something from this couple he could he could learn something he doesn't have he's not dealing with twins but he's he is trying to date and marry two women that's true derek and roberta to spend all eight nights together i am sleeping in my own room um right next to garrick and roberta on the other she's the third wheel on their vacation dude she's the third she's the third one she's in the other room listening to him banging there she said they're like god willed this that's true and they ain't happy they got it figured out these two are happy as can be i wonder if the dude's happy oh yeah he's gonna be like he's like hey again yeah he's like he's been watching those although those old movies was an office space or something like two girls at once twins that makes it kind of weird for them but cool for me he just kind of like gets to go away and do his own thing right like yeah because they're together at all times right right exactly it's like well you know your sister she's not feeling too good today oh i think i'm i think i'm coming down with something as well yeah you guys should go in there and get better together i'm gonna shoot some rounds of golf or something go to bed because my left side is a bit longer than where she has to walk she has to catch up to me and do a few more steps looking at us going yes yes wow that's that's a little more extreme than we thought yeah it is imagine because of the bed placement this one walks around a little a few more steps right so this person just stands there and does this back and forth he's like hanging out i can get this steps you get it all right that's like three more all right we'll take three more steps those calories you know those three steps i just took that's going to add up over 40 years what they call that i'm gonna like have everything perfect ocd is it ocd yes yes i think they may just actually have ocd and in the form of they have to do everything the same yes yes yeah uh that would be an easier way to explain this than they do this because they enjoy it right well you know you don't want to have a fat sister and a skinny sister you know because she walked three more steps around the bed that's true because i mean every single night that's you know they're getting some love and then she's over there like counting how many of the other ones getting like you better give me the mm-hmm we gotta burn the same amount of calories can you make sure everything's exactly the same because then i've separated it yeah and make sure because whatever maybe orange juice but make sure everything is wow every time they eat they sit there like oh if they get a piece of pizza you know all right can we cut the slices evenly how many pepperoni you got yours is a place at the top i got to place mine at the top oh you're still hungry i'm not oof haven't solved this oh my gosh our digestion is off a little bit oh boy who decides which side to copy the other one wrong uh whoever i would imagine like whoever's is more full right whoever's got more is like oh i need more uh right and not because who wants less of me i mean that's true man right i like the measurements even in the crumbs if there's crumbs on our plate i'll say to her oh you've still got a crumb can we get it you don't want to be different from each other again because we eat and drink the same of course we need to grow the toilet at the same time we have one black toilet at home so she goes and then i go oh that hates me especially goes after yeah girl i just tore it up in there your turn i can't even imagine if they did weigh themselves it was just like i don't know 120.1 there's like what does your say 119.5 [Laughter] where did we go wrong you've been stressing more than i have and you didn't tell me no i'm stressed if anna falls pregnant i'm telling you i would need to because we need to experience everything together how we're going to get pregnant at the same time that's that's going to be so difficult [Music] yeah imagine like well like you got your babies in like someone has there's like a week earlier and the other one's just over there like i can't believe i cannot i crave god how could you i'll never forgive that baby and it doesn't even look like the other ones it like looks like you know just a little different because the uh the genetic lottery you're like yeah oh what baby is this we wouldn't go out if we had a blemish or a mark time because we know we're gonna get photographed people's going to come up to us and especially the backlash we get on the internet the the trolls they come on us i guess i guess we trolling i thought they were trolling us yeah yeah who's throwing it who's chocolate at this point how dare people be mean on the internet whatever hey we're just saying what everybody else is thinking i mean you're going to go into the effort of doing this and like making yourself you know known you have your own youtube channel and everything you're trying you're trying to push this image so of course people want to pick it apart on the internet this is that's welcome to welcome to the beers thousands of messages don't we about go kill yourself threats don't come here it took over our lives we had a monster on the blind people trying to kill themselves and everything because they look alike okay that's that's not us no no i'm not even close they get a lot of hate jeez all right i'm just gonna say you ain't gonna take them extra steps but yeah yeah yeah you guys are doing great good job you know you went to a bad time in your life what you're making it you know we're just we're having a laugh at your expense you know no don't be upset about us but uh it's it's gotta be very difficult to live your life trying to like have this perfect mirror image right right to where like even something like oh her eye looks darker than yours or something like that it's probably pretty impactful to them it's gotta be yeah it's gotta be tough like to choose to live your life like this for sure and the trolls in the comments at that point wouldn't the troll be like anna's way harder [Laughter] because you know i think because we're with each other 24 7. maybe we can piss each other off something just go away but but at the end of the day we're so lucky to have each other i don't know i think that one on the left was kind of getting a little irritated there for a second like she was she was trying to say something and cut her off and she was just like you're supposed to be looking at me talk right now i'm sorry did you not see that it's your turn and uh hold up a minute well at least they know what they're about right i guess ben is living every man is loving every man's dream i don't know though i feel like it'd be really weird to wear imagine if you had an identical twin brother and you both dated the same woman i don't for you it'd be really weird yeah it would be i don't think maybe for her she'd be like heck yeah i'm living the dream but then for the siblings it's probably like hey but i mean if they're happy whatever like i said they're not hurting anyone it's just to the the common the common the common folk it's weird i bet they can open the iphone x exactly that's what i was saying oh man well anyway like the the way the video went it seems like it's almost trying to force us to like end on like a positive note and like yeah they're great but let's be honest their lives are a lot harder from the way they choose to live it and they got ocd and yeah whatever it's weird to me so yeah i'm just gonna throw it out there it is weird but also you know what i don't think i've heard anybody either to say it's weird so haha that's true lucy is hotter than anna oh what's doing it out there well well today's your birthday happy birthday stay toast my friends leave a like and all that cool stuff and i love you just as much as those two sisters love each other maybe maybe just maybe i love you just as much as
Channel: CinnamonToastKen
Views: 1,162,173
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cinnamontoastken, satire, funny, react
Id: qlbxOBmSP4M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 2sec (1082 seconds)
Published: Tue May 04 2021
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