World's Largest Bobblehead - Weightlifting Museum - Gravity Hill - Shady Maple Smorgasbord

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[Music] hey you all carpet bger here coming to you live from the north more specifically we are in paxtonia Pennsylvania I drove about I think about 5 or 6 hours last night we left uh left Cedar Point and headed Eastward of course uh this weekend I am visiting the East Coast haunters convention in Oaks Pennsylvania um it is uh you know every year it's a tradition to go to uh the Transworld uh haunted house Expo in uh St Louis this is put on by the same people but actually it will be a um it'll be open to the public so uh anyone who wants to buy a ticket can come in in so I'm going to be it'll be the first year they're having this I'm really excited so kind of moving in that direction be hopefully be there tomorrow uh to be able to walk the uh walk the show floor but uh today we're going to be headed in that direction maybe making a few stops along the way kind of see what interesting things we can find here in Pennsylvania and we're starting out today here in paxtonia Pennsylvania at alies now they have alies all over the country this this is a store that sells uh discounted Goods this is uh items that were maybe overstocked that did not sell at other stores and Ali Ali takes them in and sells them at a a very discounted rate so you can actually find a lot of treasures here at Ali but the reason we're at Ali's at this specific Ali is inside there inside those doors they have the world's largest bobble head so please follow me as we enter here we see their mascot Ali he's one of the founders of alies and he says caution Bargains ahead so watch out here come some Bargains I do love uh all these signs hanging up in Ali's have the all withy mascot Ali there yeah that Omni present Ali head kind of looks like uh kind of looks like Albert Einstein there as he dangles here above the canned food aisle some overstocked uh cream corn with his looming presence and uh love of puns Ali kind of reminds me of the South of the Border mascot uh Pedro see get Moo for your money cuz there's a cow get Moo instead of more for your money and then the cow is saying Ali is like no utter so instead of saying other saying utter because cows have UTS yeah the pun game is strong it says buy something just for the hbit and it's surrounded by fish because hbit is a type of fish but also sounds like you're saying hell of it some people say we're corny but most just say we're cheap he's a scarecrow in the corn says our only porpose is to save you money and he's writing a porpus cuz porpus sounds like purpose yeah sometimes wondering around here you wonder why this stuff didn't sell originally like who doesn't want pancake flavored coffee and here in the back of the store is the bobblehead the world's largest bobble head there of Ali this please don't feed the bobblehead also keep off so he is apparently a fully functional bobblehead but we're actually not allowed to Bobble him I don't know I wish they gave us like a broom or a long stick we could poke the head and see it uh Bobble I guess the only way to see this Bobble is to be in this store during an earthquake and it's official see the uh Guinness World Records certificate here of course Guinness World Records the authority on what is the EST and see largest bobblehead was achieved by Ali says in Harrisburg although technically we're near Harrisburg but not in Harrisburg uh in September of 2022 so fairly recent that they got this distinction it's always amazing no matter where I go in the country always great to be in the presence of something that is the largest see here in the health and beauty AIDS section you got Ali there uh wearing some lipstick yeah I was here once before I was with Jen when she was filming uh filming for her Channel which is Jenny peny on YouTube she wanted to check out the toys here at Ali's and they do have some very interesting toys speaking of Jen I think she would really love this uh this Stormtrooper here the uh Christmas plushy Stormtrooper oh wow I'm really sad for Ric Flair Why did Why did no one want these uh Ric Flair action figures he's one of the most popular wrestlers of all time and now he's discounted down to four bucks see a lot of toys here from some of the uh less popular Marvel movies like Shang Chi and uh the eternals these action figures over here I don't remember clamp champ from He-Man it's a really creative name cuz I guess he's really good at clamping things yeah he has a big clamp there clamp champ does anyone remember clamp champ remember clamp champ leave a comment in the comment section over here in the uh carpet section looks like there is a Forest Gump Ali say Ali is like a box of chocolates you never know what you're going to get I do like uh these bags here stay away from the fancy tore prices they're abominable there is yeti oi there we have stopped off here in Lewisberry Pennsylvania here at Gravity Hill now there is a multitude of this type of Attraction across the United States so um I'm trying to make a point of stopping and checking out the various uh gravity hills or spook Hills or magnetic Hills you see there that is a pin from Magnetic Hill in uh in Canada and what happens at these anomalies is that uh it is a hill that the car will actually you you go to the bottom of the hill and the car will actually roll back up the hill you put the car in neutral once you get the bottom and then will roll back up the hill so I figured we'd test out uh this anomaly here in the back woods of Lewisberry Pennsylvania now there is a local legend that gives a supernatural a supernatural explanation behind uh this phenomenon now it is said that a school bus actually pulled up to the stop sign there but they actually were going too fast and they kening over that Cliff right there unfortunately ending the lives of all the tiny children inside so it is said that the ghosts of the children actually haunt this area and they are benevolent Spirits so when they see someone parked down there by the stop sign they get worried worry that they will go over the cliff there so they says the ghost children will take your car and push it back up the hill Let's uh let's see if this works course you got to exercise caution now we're testing one of these out on a uh on a public road so we will uh be really careful here we'll go down to the stop sign and put it in neutral all right we're going to drive down you can see clearly driving downhill here to the uh to the stop sign going to hit the brake here and then we are going to put it in neutral make sure no one is behind me and there we go oh my gosh oh jeez that's pretty nuts that oh this is one of the better uh gravity hills oh my gosh yeah look at that you guys see that wow wow wow let's do that again let's do again I'm going to show I have not touched this it has been a neutral the whole time we're going to put it back into drive I'm going to give it a little gas there give it a little gas going to stop here at the stop sign we're going to put it back in into neutral there I'm going to take my foot off the brake and there you go back up backwards up the hill Oh my gosh oh my goodness wow and again foot notot on the gas there there we go that that was spectacular I am I am actually kind of shocked that is very very uh very real now one thing the legend does say is that after the children push your car you are supposed to check the car to see if there's any children's handprints says that sometimes you can find children's handprints of the ghost children that have pushed your car back up the hill I don't see any I don't see any handprints of course these poor ghost children would have got their hands full of bug guts pushing my car up uh up the hill but uh very interesting they definit it definitely works it definitely uh Works some people say it's an illusion it's a scientific explanation some say it's unexplainable some say it's ghost children but uh either way it's a a fascinating phenomenon stopped off here in York Pennsylvania here along I 83 and uh we are here in front of the York barbell company and you see that wonderful fiberglass weight lifter looking out across I 83 here but uh this is not just a store that sells barbells York barbell here it is a uh retail outlet store but it also contains the weightlifting Museum and Hall of Fame complete with free admission and that means it is time to invoke the EM rule my belief that every museum has something in it worth checking out and and uh you know obviously looking at me you know that I probably do not know a lot about weightlifting I know it involves the lifting of heavy objects maybe lifting objects heavier and heavier objects in a attempt to become more muscular and strong but uh it's okay to go into museums where you don't know a lot about the subject that's the purpose of museums to learn so let's head into the weightlifting museum at Hall of Fame all right at least I think we are oh okay York barbell retail store located across the parking lot in the Hall of Fame building so this building is closed and there's plants growing inside so is this not the Hall of Fame here I guess uh guess we'll check across the parking lot see if we can see if we can locate the weightlifting Hall of Fame okay I think I figured it out this is uh a warehouse building over here the museum and Hall of Fame is not in that building it's actually in this separate building across the parking lot all right I think this is our Huckleberry all right we've entered through a weight store where you can buy weights and other lifting and exercise equipment but uh I wanted to check out the museum so I guess that is down the hallway here and as we enter Museum here you can see it is divided down the middle into two sections power lifting on this side and bodybuilding on this side let's start with power lifting says powerlifting is a competition deviced to demonstrate brute strength so I guess basically you show how strong you are through the lifting of uh of Weights of course the only sport that I know anything about is professional wrestling so the only powerlifter I know anything about is Mark Henry who became a pro wrestler not seeing any uh any of Mark Henry here in the powerlifting uh section oh here are uh some female powerlifters there I do like the uh color scheme of this Museum it's actually pretty amazing kind of reminds me I don't know reminds me of like the 70s and I wasn't even I wasn't even alive for the' 70s yeah you can see the history of power lifting here I did not know power lifting went uh went so far back and then over here in the bodybuilding section now I'm guessing the difference is um both Sports involve a lot of weightlifting the powerlifting the competition actually is to just see how much weight you can uh you can lift but bodybuilding I guess is more about uh you know using the weightlifting as a form of exercise in order to create a very muscly body this is uh Eugen Sandow here and uh his uh his chiseled statue and it looks like they've wrapped a toga around probably because the statue is naked says uh these are shoes here that were worn um worn by weightlifters during the 19th and early 20th century it said that they're actually modeled after Greek and Roman shoes like almost like those High sandals there is that intentionally I guess to invoke kind of the uh you know the the the Roman and Greek statues and their muscles that little tiny barbell there it's it's a uh paper weight that was used to advertise the York barbell uh company these are pretty cool these are iron bars that have been twisted by strongman and I like the old tiny like circus strongman there this is John grimi here another strong muscly man and uh fortunately he is he is uh wearing some form of uh of uh groin covering here we have some notable bodybuilders some famous muscly men there is uh John grimi he's the only man to retire undefeated we actually saw him in Statue form just a moment ago yeah look at all these muscly bulging men here this is uh George eierman Mr America 1948 kind of like his style he has a samurai sword that he's using as a walking stick I think uh that's kind of a unique unique bit of flare there here are some of the most well-known uh muslem men there is of course Arnold Schwarzenegger probably the world's most famous musly man and they have Lu farno as well who played the Incredible Hulk uh on the TV show entering the Hall of Fame room here these massive uh barbell here in the in the middle yeah you can see some of the names here on the uh Hall of Fame yeah maybe someday maybe if I started lifting today maybe someday I could make it here into uh the powerlifting Hall of Fame then we head into the story of weightlifting here you can see the the bells and items used to lift there it says please do not lift yeah I don't think I think it probably I probably couldn't even if I wanted to uh try to lift these up probably wouldn't get very far my arm strength leaves some to be desired oh my gosh look at this championship belt of course like I men I'm a wrestling fan so I love uh championship belts but this may be my most favorite championship belt I have ever seen this was awarded by the police Gazette to Warren Lincoln Travis uh saying that he was the strongest man in the world so literally this is the strongest man in the world championship wow so if you wear this you are the strongest man in the world and I that is look at him in the the middle there Warren Lincoln Travis I love how Dapper he is what a Dapper strong man wearing his top hat his neatly Trimm mustache there there's some other faces along the side they look more Burly they look more like the stereotypical strong man but he was not just a strong man I was Warren Trav Warren Lincoln Travis he was a strong gentleman yeah the classic strong man look here you can see he's actually wearing like a leopard skin leopard skin tights he's got like those uh those Greek sandals like we saw and he's carrying a club like a like a caveman yeah look at that with like the one strap there that's what I think of when I think of like a old timey strong man this is pretty crazy here this is a bust of Maurice tillet he was a professional wrestler known as the French angel and this is a like a replica of his head it's absolutely massive you can see the photo of him there arm wrestling uh arm wrestling another man he had uh like giantism much like Andre the Giant but it actually affected his head and face more than any other part of his body he was large otherwise but his head was disproportionately huge and he was a big wrestling Superstar called the French angel until his health got too bad that he could no longer wrestle and the uh the long-standing belief is that uh when they made the Shrek movies that they based Shrek's appearance off of Marice tillet of Mighty Men of old the roots of modern weightlifting and you can see it actually goes back to like the sideshow see him there bending something with his teeth yeah actually I saw some of these same acts when we went to see the sideshow at uh the PEX Joe's American dime Museum see I'm breaking the straps there Breaking the Chain laying on the uh bed of nails yeah so the modern weightlifting directly descended from the old Carnival s shows again there's some bits of metal broken and Twisted by strong men and here is a GU world record certificate actually the second Guinness World Record certificate we have seen today this one awarded to Bill Clark for the most license plates torn in uh in 1 minute so apparently uh he tore 23 license plates in half in uh in 1 minute I you know what I probably couldn't get one apart if I was had a whole minute I probably couldn't rip a single license plate in half here some that he tore in half during his uh his Guinness trial and uh also a deck of cards that he tore in half there's a textbook he tore in half a big nail that he bent and even bent a quarter there to me that's like the craziest even though all this stuff is impressive like to bend something that small to use like your fingers are so strong that you can bend a quarter and half that's probably the craziest one that I could think of this big hammer here it says slim the hammer man that's a 322b hammer and what they would use this for this is an old Sideshow act as well where they swing the hammer like at their own face and be able to stop it in uh in that position so that's one of the Hammers I guess used by slim the Hammerman there and then up here some items this is the Irish Anvil here I guess he has another uh strong man some of the items that he has bent and uh broken again tearing up tearing up decks of playing cards is a popular feat obviously incredibly difficult and a snapped a ranch in half I don't know why this is here but it's pretty amazing this uh this woodcarved bear with a realistic mouth looks like maybe they use a real Taxidermy uh mouth like the mouth they put in a taxy bear put it here on this wood carving okay so the bears belong to Bob Hoffman he is the founder of the York barbell company here are some more of the Bears from his uh Personal Collection some more info on Bob Hoffman so not only did he found the York barbell company but also an accomp lished uh weightlifter in uh in his own right and I said he started some gyms here in uh in New York Pennsylvania and eventually went on to uh creating his own barbell manufacturer out here in the hallway have different uh strong men here circus strong men performing different Feats you can see this guy is holding back four horses literally he's got two horses pulling him that way one horse pull two horses pulling him that way and he's able to stay in one place yikes there is Thomas Topman cracking a coconut with his hand this is uh Milo carrying a four-year-old heer oh my goodness yeah I guess different oh this guy's lifting a get lifting a pony with one hand are these things that really happened how they're how come they're they're made of crayon and not photographs uh Gio hackin Schmid pressing 311 lb in wrestlers Bridge yeah these are these are pretty wild I think this is a great nickname here John grimi the monarch of musom so we come out here in uh The Atrium you can see hanging above us is this chandelier chandelier here made of Weights says this photo here is of uh of three weightlifters this says I guess they are three of the most famous weightlifters here working out at the uh York barbell club and it says that uh I guess this bench here is the bench that's in that picture that I guess that is Tommy koono it says the greatest weightlifter in America is uh is sitting on huh some more muscly statues here says please do not lift the weights again I don't think I don't think with NE with me personally I don't think that's it's going to be an issue oh this is Bob Hoffman here this is the founder of the York barbell Club you know going through the uh weightlifting Museum makes me think maybe I should uh purchase some of these weights maybe I should start uh Pumping Iron if you will well we'll think about it all right we've stopped off here to get a uh get a little bit of dinner here at the Shady Maple smorgus board now uh this is comes highly recommended my friend Shawn told me this is one of his favorite uh places to eat and now a smorgus board is a kind of a Amish word for uh a buffet actually I don't know if there's any an actual distinction between the two words if they're synonyms if uh if they me if you know that there's a difference between smorgas SP and Buffet leave a comment in the comment section but this is supposed to be the largest smorgus board in the world this building actually is pretty massive Let's uh head and side and uh get something to eat and here's some artwork by Abner K zook see a a three-dimensional carving here it's actually really really cool see that uh kasta wagon there and the horses kind of looks like a painting but it's it's three-dimensional yeah these sculptures here absolutely amazing can see the whole scene there with the uh stage coach and of course 2024 the year of the press Penny here on the carpet bagger Channel and we have four pennies here at Shady Maple smorgus board to choose from unfortunately none of these have the word smorgas board on them but I think we'll get a [Music] couple see the penny drop [Music] there we got one with the Shady Maple logo on it and then one uh it says Amish Country Lancaster County Pennsylvania all right I guess we need to get in this massive line in order to uh be seated all right so there's a massive massive dining room here so it was $30 for all you can eat um and it does say this is interesting I noticed this it says uh no tipping please now I know it was part of that $30 there was like a $3 service fee so interesting I mean I would like to leave a tip but I don't want to not follow the rules I guess the tip comes out of the uh price of $30 for all you can eat as long as the food's good that seems like a pretty good deal the buffway goes all the way there down to the end and comes all the way down here says this is their famous tender roast beef little some turkey there some roast por yeah some uh the meatballs look pretty good some fried chicken here and perogi I actually don't know if I've ever had I don't think I've ever had a perogi or not like a traditional perogi at least Grill here where you can get steaks and of course massive salad bar here and I guess this is hot bacon hot bacon dressing for the salad looks like we grab our own uh our own drinks here which is good cuz you can always go get yourself a refill you don't have to necessarily wait and we'll do some Pepsi Zero sugar this is what the first trip to the buffet has yielded got the meatballs the uh the tender roast beef which like falling apart and I got a perogi there I stuck mostly with meat cuz you know I do try to eat low car but I did want to try the perogi and uh there we got a full ribeye steak a some brisket there a piece of salmon and of course some asparagus this looks really good they had so much up there I don't know if I'll even get to uh even get to try it all okay there's so much so much to try here let's do some of the some of that roast [Music] beef very good almost more like a pot roast and roast beef and these meatballs look more like meat loaf M oh that is so good it's actually like somewhere between like a meatball and a meatloaf but that is spectacular M that is that is good enough to make me weave that is that meatball there that is that is something special but let's try the perogi I've not had the perogi before and I know a lot of people love perogies there's perogi festivals all over the country it seems just like bread with potato in it maybe I'm missing something um it's okay it's good although I mean I don't know if I'll eat the rest trying to do low car I don't know if that's worth it let's try this got the brisket briskets good maybe I missed it may have some barbecue sauce I didn't see any barbecue sauce when I was went up there maybe I think I have to find the sauce bar still but a salmon there Salmon's so good the salmon and the steak were like on a grill being cooked being cooked fresh it wasn't in a steam tray it was actually being cooked on a grill and they were serving it right off the grill so everything is everything's good this is really good I think this is more than worth more than worth the money let's try that steak steak has a very unique flavor like unique seasoning I don't know it was called like a like a Delon steak I don't if that's like a a way of preparing steak but that is good everything is amazing here and um I'm looking forward to devouring it all so I got up to find some sauce and I stumbled upon the world's greatest condiment bar they have all these different types the different types of barbecue sauce honey mustard syrup peanut butter with a squeeze top that's interesting you got salsa horseradish got A1 here boom boom sauce tarar sauce any sauce that you could possibly imagine is over in this uh condiment bar all right we have obtained double Clean Plate Club I think my favorites were the meatballs and the uh the salmon was just really good as well steak steak was good um the brisket was good um but I'm spoiled on brisket so generally like barbecue from places that only serve barbecue but I don't know there's so much stuff still up there I want to go get another plate but I'm pretty full all right I decided instead of trying anything new I was going to go back and get some of my favorites I got the meatballs and uh some more salmon yeah I everything was good here but the uh the salmon and the meatballs were the definite standout to me look how flaky that salmon is so good we have entered triple Clean Plate Club territory all right one one more plate I did want to try the hot bacon dressing and uh of course got to have some beets and that's a beet a beet egg which I don't even know what a beet egg is want to do I wanted to give it a try all right let's show this hot hot bacon dressing that is interesting it's warm so bacon in there soon has a little old bacon grease mixed in there the Tomato yeah that is interesting sure what else is in there most maybe like a little lemon maybe I could be wrong the beets I love beets now it's time to try the Beet [Music] egg it's pretty good interesting colors see the pinkness on the inside it's like a hardboiled egg with a mild beet flavor which I don't know I like that all right I think I need to get out of here before I clean another plate so what a wonderful day to be in Pennsylvania I always tell people I think Pennsylvania the most underrated State there's so much so much fun stuff to do in Pennsylvania what have we seen today we saw the world's largest bobblehead we saw a car roll uphill we saw the weightlifting Hall of Fame and Museum the grand history of musly men in the United States and we have ended the day by eating at honestly probably one of my new favorite restaurants this has got to be honestly has got to be one of the uh one of the best places to eat in the United States I was blown away the quality of the buffet was so good the price was reasonable there was so much food everything was good I can't recommend this enough I will definitely uh be be coming back to the Shady Maple smorgus board but now tomorrow going be doing all things spooky as we go to the east coast haunters convention I hope you guys will join me tomorrow either in person or by watching uh the video that I uh that I produce but um thank you so much special thank you to those that follow along daily it does mean a lot um if uh if you do like the videos please hit the Subscribe button ring the bell do all those other things it uh it does help me out we're about 10,000 subscribers away from hitting half a million and that's just a little personal goal I've set for myself so if if if you like these videos if you like roadside attractions amusement parks museums and haunted houses please subscribe and uh if you'd like to help support the channel in other ways consider contributing to patreon $3 or more get you a postcard once a month from me to you also selling pins in the Etsy shop and doing personalized messages on Cameo all that information is in the description of this video and all those things help keep this train on the track this boat in the water this car rolling back up the hill until next time my friends this one's in the bag
Channel: The Carpetbagger
Views: 17,294
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the, carpetbagger, jacob, vlog, blog, roadtrip, travel, road trip, road-trip, roadside attraction, roadside america, americana, worlds largest bobble head, ollies, ollie's, booble head, bobblehead, weightling, museum, weightlifting museum, body building, strongman, strong man, gravity hill, oddity, curiosities, weird, strange, unusual, shady maple, smorg, smorgasbord, buffet, amish, york, harrisburg, penn, pa, pennsylvania
Id: OZe9yE9PFkw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 48sec (2508 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 27 2024
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