The Creation Museum - Christian Creationist Museum with Animatronics and Stunning Exhibits

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[Music] hey you all carpet bagger here coming to you live from the south more specifically we are in Petersburg Kentucky and even more specifically than that we are at the Creation Museum now it's been years and years since I have been here to the Creation Museum this is um connected with people may be more familiar with the ark encounter a life-size Noah's Arc that was built about an hour away from here in Kentucky that was built by the same organization um led by kenam and this was the original Museum that kenam created it is a young Earth creationist Museum so basically their beliefs are that um that the ible is literal truth that um that the Earth is only 6,000 years old they believe in a form of evolution that doesn't necessarily contradict the Bible but um and again I'm not telling you what to believe here I'm not telling you what to feel I am just here to show this very unique Museum and this we're parked out here by the Welcome Center I think this is new I believe used to park right in front of the building they kind of rerouted parking and I think this section is new so again it's been a few years since I've been here but I think this building is a new addition so please follow me so I guess we enter here through the Creation Museum Welcome Center okay here in the Welcome Center we have a small gift shop get your rain gear here okay uh torrential downpour starts here at the Creation Museum some rainbow umbrellas there a Creation Museum view Master there you take a 3D tour of the Creation Museum and also they have these fearfully and wonderfully made these are view Master slides of it looks to be uh unborn fetuses okay I see some some Penny holders there's a penny souvenir album that means there must be there must be some press pennies here we'll keep an eye out they have their Christmas section here and look at this I'm not sure what this has to do with the Creation Museum but there is like Carousel uh Carousel animals the carousel dinosaur there a carousel pterodactyl this is animal kinds Carousel is there a carousel here now I need to I need to check on that a children's play area over here and it looks like the zoo is currently not available looks like they're actually doing some renovations to their zoo I was looking to see if there was a carousel I don't remember there being a carousel but they were selling a carousel snow globe and um I don't know maybe that is maybe it was more of a theoretical Carousel than an actual physical Carousel okay walking through the gardens here try to find our way to the front of the museum I believe you used to park right in front of the museum but it looks like uh they've kind of rerouted things see the dinosaur there coming through the daffodils looks like we can take this Floating Bridge to the museum looks like it's actually floating on the swamp here oh yeah go up down as we Traverse the bridge and we have made it here to the front of the Creation Museum here we go go where we first enter here see this uh some writing here along the wall about uh dragons it just says here that dinosaurs and dragons could have been the same thing I guess that is uh that is one Theory being posited here talks about Dragon Legends from around the world here's some uh oh yeah some uh champ the uh the sea monster in Lake Champlain there Ogopogo kind of a Canadian uh Loch Ness monster like there's Nessie the Loch Ness monster right there yeah pretty interesting looking at uh some these Legends quad that says here not the stuff of Legend the Bible is authorative without air inspired by God so it talks about uh guess be Behemoth there mentioned in the Bible is like a brosaurus type dinosaur then leithan described in the Bible being some sort of mososaurus here talks about the legend of Bea wolf and the dragon complete with the sword and helmet here's Cowboys and Dragons said in 1890 the tombstone Epitaph newspaper I guess Tombstone Arizona about a uh a flying winged alligator appearing in the desert where Cowboys shot it down wow that is pretty remarkable I don't know if that some sort of crypted I need I I I don't know how I've never heard of this story okay and here we have our Penny Smasher to see literally almost every attraction I've been to in the past couple weeks has had a penny Smasher here is the Creation Museum we got some uh different uh dinosaurs here get us a penny made this one uh this one just takes a dollar you don't have to put your own penny in put our Dollar in there who doesn't want a dollar apparently oh let's try that again all right that's a good dollar turn the crank here also wanted to get uh this one here this actually has the building on it also get one creci museum with a camel on it all right so we got one with the building on it and one with the Triceratop skeleton so here is a dinosaur replica here the Doric hogwartsia the uh dinosaur named after Hogwarts from Harry Potter and uh there it is there and but it says here it says here on the plaque that was originally believed to be a unique species but saying it's not that it was a uh a juvenile uh Pac osaurus so I don't know they are are they disagreeing with it because they don't like that it was named after Hogwarts from Harry Potter I'm I'm a little confused okay see the uh pterodactyl there Soaring Over the lobby and get ready to head into the museum see the Dinos up there on the uh on the Shelf there got some more dinosaurs up there in the rafters I think that's a Dilophosaurus and then the giant Mammoth skeleton here it's Noah's coffee and ice cream there little fish here swimming in this pond and a couple little animatronic dinosaurs there another I do believe that dinosaurs and people lived in the same period this little animatronic girl here next to the dinosaurs you see she's got a little animatronic squirrel friend there as well yeah over here you can see another child playing with the fish like poking at the fish with a stick there another dinosaur there chewing on some greens he is animatronic as well oh yeah you can see his his tail waving over there a little bit a little bit of a Tail Wag happening he munches on his dinner oh yeah you can see a Munch there Munch Munch Munch Munch Munch oh here we have another Penny Smashers you know it is 24 is the year of the penny press here on the carpet bagger channel so I think uh I think we'll get another one I do like uh I do like this uh sweet Dragon here on the penny yeah that's a pretty awesome dragon Penny there so here's kind of a quick overview of some of the beliefs here they kind of divide it into a uh evolutionist Viewpoint and a creationist Viewpoint pointing out that uh creationists believe Jesus is the son of God and it says uh most atheists believe Jesus na is a real person but reject his deity and miracles I don't think atheism is necessarily I don't think an evolutionist necessarily means that they are an atheist are humans and apes related they say that evolutionists believe that humans and apes are common ancestor well the creationists believe that God was was created separately from the animals it's our human races equal says that evolutionists um are mostly not racist but that the philosophy is uh inherently racist and then they say the creationists believe that um all races are uh are equal says that the uh evolutionists believe that at no point there was a global flood or creationists do believe there was a global flood blood and says evolutionists believe that humans and dinosaurs did not coexist while creationists do believe that they were around at the same time all right headed into the main exhibit hall here many people believe this it says they do not believe in evolution they believe in variation within a kind like how traditional evolutionary science says that all animals you know bu and spread out you know common ancestor creates many different species they believe that uh that God creates one kind like one kind of seal one kind of seal and then it branches out and changes from there creating the different uh different kinds of seals shows that the global flood again cuts it down so there was only one type of seal left from there that would have been on uh on the ark and then that seal would have varied over Generations that became these different types of seals here and here is their interpretation of Lucy you see Lucy's skeleton there a major find archaeologically and um you know most museums present uh Lucy as a early human but they argue here that Lucy was just uh just a type of ape um usually when I see Lucy at Museum is standing up on two legs she does not have fur she has skin but uh their interpretation very different much more furry and apik they're showing different variations of Lucy saying that uh you know what can be found from the skeleton can be changed through like interpretation so this is the different versions of Lucy that is apan Lucy the more human like Lucy the uh Gilla Lucy there and then orangutang Lucy there saying that they're all just variations all taken from the same cast and different interpretations uh fill in the blanks all right head into the temple here talking about different biblical figures see David there holding the head of Goliath here they talk about uh Jesus did Jesus rise from the dead I do feel like there's been a large amount of change here at the Museum I I don't remember this exhibit here at all says the relevance of Genesis look at this very interesting mural here with uh these biblical figures all right I'm not 100% sure what they're trying to convey with this exhibit some of the debate Evolution versus creationism there then up above have almost like a library here looks like okay looks like there's like a staircase that goes up here to a study okay it looks like there is some dinosaur bones and posters up there so maybe like a research lab up there I'm a little unclear who who's apartment or office this is up here say about this character he's a giant a giant arcade machine here uh crean Museum's clash of the castle these okay these buttons don't work can I can I touch it [Music] man's Christian worldview right there this is very uh Christian marriage okay I yeah I don't know the there like very uh High concept here oh what what's happening to man's world view there looks like it's starting on fire oh it's being hit by [Music] meteors what is this I still believe in Jesus sacrificial death and Resurrection okay but from there we are headed into the Garden of Eden see all the different animals gathered here in the Garden of Eden it's like it's like almost every species can be found here got little brown bear little friendly brown bear these like horse likee creatures have little birds there on their back analou and llama deer there and oh there's Adam there's Adam there he's in the bushes he's got a a sheep there on his lap looks like he's hand feeding some sort of bobcat look at these other creatures you can find here little penguin walking around the garden of me some [Music] chimpanzees and uh back here we can see that there were indeed dinosaurs in the Garden of Eden is munching on a plant there it says what did dinosaurs eat so it said before man's fall animals were vegetarians so all animals ate plants says in very good creation no animal would die so there were no carnivores all the beasts of the earth uh eight only plants yeah that is a herbivore dinosaur and I guess all the creatures here were herbivores from the bobcat to the Penguins to the kangaroos anosa surus here as we walk through the Garden of Eden oh there he is uh here he is with Eve what are they doing there in the [Music] bushes yeah look at that dinosaur there watching uh watching Adam and Eve in the bushes you can see Adam and Eve there bathing bathing in the water here watch out watch out cuz look what is lurking up in the trees it's the serpent the serpent it's going to lead them into temptation oh wow look at this right here you can see the serpent enticing Eve to entice Adam to eat the fruit of knowledge there look at the fruit of knowledge kind of a crazy looking fruit there caused them to be cast out of the Garden of Eden from there we under the cave of Sorrows we have the uh the door there look at all the locks on this door all these flocks have been applied to the door because apparently the world's not safe any any more yeah here in the cave of Sorrows they show all the things that were caused by man sinning there uh tragedies here all the different tragedies that uh were caused by original sin I think that is oh yeah that's the pain of child birth they said that before Adam and Eve sinned the child child birth was not painful also of sin caused wolf attacks guess attacks from vicious animalside peace okay yeah the cave of Sorrow is definitely a chilling experience but it says there is an answer to the sin problem yeah this is getting very dark see uh provide Adam Adam and Eve there making a blood sacrifice to God see those skinned animals there oh yeah things got dark here really fast and now we experience the world after Adam and Eve left the Garden of Eden you see they wrapped her there the vicious Raptor oh my goodness it's pretty intense says please do not pet the Raptor he's not friendly and it cost a lot to repair [Music] him oh my [Music] gosh okay so clearly things aren't as good as they were in the Garden of Eden but it looks like Adam and Eve making their way here planting in the garden growing some cabbage there you see little little Kanan Abel helping out with the uh gardening oh looks like Eve may have another one on the way sadly more tragedy comes very quickly as Kan and able grow up and Kane kills Abel committing the world's first murder and here is Methuselah the oldest man that ever lived check out the animatronic Methuselah there but along the way they forgot all about God world's oldest animatronic chose to live their own way years ago God spoke to my grandson Noah and warned him that he would send a flood to destroy every living thing that moves on the face of the Earth okay we're heading into the ark section I guess this is the Proto version of The Ark encounter the other uh the other traction related to the Creation Museum oh yeah you can see the animatronics here planning the planning the building of the Ark doing some doing some sawing there of the [Music] nails and make sure the treatment was done as we told them by the way my friend have you thought about our conversation God's word is true hey s far one of those pigs checked by shm before you sld them off judgment is coming my no but if you conducting the construction of the Ark safe the [Music] AR I think these are uh Noah's daughter-in-laws making baskets to bring on the ark heading into the ark here okay they actually have a uh have a video here talking about the ark encounter the other again the other attraction built inside of a life-size [Music] Ark a lot of different supplies to be brought along on the ark oh who's that guy it looks like they're bringing lots of beans on the ark plenty of onions and garlic tableau's here of the Ark you can see the animals being loaded 2 by two on the ark and if you look in there you can see a couple of couple of sorop PODS heading up the ramp there right behind the giraffes there is Noah shutting the door apparently trying to get these last few people to agree to come on the ark but they they mock him and laugh at him God said he would judge the world with a flood didn't you see the animals arve just like God said there the ark set sail can see all the people that laughed at Noah left behind on these Rocky Islands here and apparently you look closely they are doomed to a fate of battling Tigers while they drown this other Island here they are uh instead fighting bears guess this is bear Island here rooms on level two here's Noah that's Noah's pet Crow there he got a crow and a dove I think that's who he sends out after the Ark Lands his pet Crow and his pet Dove the dove brings back the Olive Branch okay we have to ask Noah questions here let's see um see dinosaurs are huge how could they fit how did I fit the dinosaurs this art is huge now I know there are different kinds of dinosaurs with many varieties within each kind but the Lord brought to me two of every kind of L and there's only about 50 kinds of what you call dinosaurs so I only needed around a hundred of them oh I know what you're thinking but dinosaurs are so huge well the average size dinosaur would only come up to about waste high and some are as small as chickens besides God didn't have to bring full grown adults young dinosaurs are easier to handle they eat and they live longer to reproduce after they flood very good question anything else it's a diarama the inside of the Ark see them all taking care of the animals got the cattle there eating some hay are these uh are these cougars supposed to be playing with these Turtles and yeah a couple of couple of dinos there then finally The Ark Lands on Mount Arafat get into these cages here yeah some sort of weasel in there and a whole lot of weasel poop this Tableau we see Noah and his family leaving the ark and um sacrificing an animal to to God now I don't remember I honestly growing up I went to church every Sunday I I don't remember all this talk of animal sacrifice okay you can see in here says natural selection is not Evolution and uh in here talking about uh different variations between animals yeah often you can look at the skulls of dogs and it's remarkable that uh different uh these different types of dogs are all the same species see the uh shows the evolutionist tree here showing all different life forms spanning out palm tree a butterfly a dinosaur but here is the creationist tree where you have like God created like from scratch each one of these and then they varied out from there there three blind mice talks about um talks about mutation says that mice born without uh characteristics will die in uh in the wild so that's pretty much you know I think everyone is in agreement on that you know animals born with un advv mutations um have trouble surviving says that this is Ebenezer one of the most complete Allosaurus skulls ever found say it is the uh is the original skull and uh you have the full body mount here with the replica skull and now we're apparently headed into the Tower of Babel here this box says it contains painful reminders of History marked by abuse and racism this is the Hall of Shame cently Humanity's Hall of Shame here says these are 19th century death shoes worn by uh Australian Aborigines um they guess their shoes made of feathers so they could sneak up on their enemies to to kill them um and this explains that it says that the aborigin had lost their knowledge of God and that's why they were doing this now talks here about Darwin um incorporating racism into his writing now I'm not aware of that um I don't I've never heard that before but I don't know I haven't read everything that he has uh he has written uh it talks here again about about racism uh says that uh that Africans or blacks were labeled as cursed here talks about a human caged as a zoo primate in 1906 this is a true story I I know the the tale of OT banga um he was a a uh African that was brought to America and and uh kept in a zoo really really sad story really tragic tale of what happened to aaba and I think that everyone I think the evolutionists creationists and everyone in between can agree that these guys were a bunch of pieces of crap there is uh Ken Ham the founder of the crage museum the founder of the Ark encounter um you find some videos where he uh debates uh Bill Nye the Science Guy on YouTube that uh apparently um apparently that actually really helped out with funding of the arc encounter I think Ken Ham's actually said that debating Bill NY helped pay for uh for the ark here's a bit of Ken Ham's origin story this is the model of Noah's Ark that uh apparently his father was going to give this to him when Ken returned to Australia and um but his dad passed away before he got there so yeah I could definitely see how that would influence him to create the Creation Museum create the ark encounter and there's uh Ken Ham's father's Bible as well okay it does say that there's dining and more exhibits this way okay so this is the dining area the Palm Cafe here and uh what is this over here okay this is fearfully and wonderfully made it's got a fetus there on the side [Music] this is a exhibit on the biblical view of The Unborn so yeah this is a uh prolife uh exhibit on reproduction can see the that is the uh yeah you can see the uh little sperm going into the egg there okay it shows the different stages of Embry I IC development and uh down here talks about uh talks about Ernest Hackle in 1874 published fraudulent drawings of embryos I guess to uh says that it made them look overly animall likee actually like a effects there where you can see kind of some of the internal operation of the uh of the feus there and there he is 11 weeks and nine weeks there I guess I'm moving [Music] backwards see the brain yeah you can see the BL brain glowing through the skin there that is a 25 week old the 33 week old you can see the I balls there connected to the brain inside the head of the organs glow there inside the 38 we old oh wow look at this giant baby [Music] there umbilical cord then on the other side of the dining hall we have Dr Crawley's insectorum it's a zibit here lots of pinned insects and bugs yeah look at all these terrifying beetles here so many Beetles I I heard somewhere that there's more types of beetle than any other type of animal in the world oh yeah this exhibit really is is mostly beetles mostly just giant beetles oh man look how how big that maggot is there my gosh oh look it's Dr Crawley here in his insectorum I thought I saw a move there a second ago wait let's make a note of that Dr Crawley will certainly find this interesting oh this is not Dr Crawley this is symmetry Arthur pod assistant to Dr Crawley astonishes me oh okay we got to touch the screen to interact with him oh there he goes welcome to Dr Crawley's insectorum I see you've made your way past some of his Exquisite collection I have the good doctor is out traveling the world on another make in search of more fine specimens but he will be so delighted to hear that you stopped by allow me to introduce myself my name is Professor Arthur pod and I've had the privilege of helping Dr Crawley gather and prepare this spectacular collection I've put together a few of our most favorite topics on the monitor below please select which one you'd like to learn about first all right I just what you guys what you guys want to hear about let's do scorpions scorpions ah scorpions are most fascinating he's sliding over here they're quite that's kind of cool he slides over to the Scorpion not insects they're not insects yet I do still love these magnificent creatures do you know know how you can tell they're not insects how why just count the legs oh you may not know this all insects have six legs have and as you can see scorpions have eight legs ooh are spers that might remind you of some other creepy crawlies yeah like spiders like those of despised spiders next up is Buddy Davis's Dino Den this this must be uh Buddy Davis here with his puppet and his guitar we've got uh got a Triceratops relative here and uh yeah it says Biblical history is key to understanding dinosaurs head up the stairs here to see the dinosaurs oh see the massive bulky T-Rex there and uh some questions down here we dinosaurs on the ark I think we covered this already says yes it says could we ever find a living dinosaur probably not caurus there as it asks us did humans live with Dinosaurs I think we've already covered this as well yes say God made Adam Eve on the same day as land animals day six that means the dinosaurs and people lived at the same time see the archo petrix there it a bird-like dinosaur and it says did dinosaurs evolve into Birds I'm going to guess from the ew here what their answer might be says no bible say that God made Birds on day five and land animals on day six dinosaurs were land animals so they were created the day after Birds one day after Birds they welcome us to touch this dinosaur fossil this is a padros surus leg found in Montana that a good uh good touching as we walk past the fizer here looks like it is time to head downward hallway of Bones here here we see a man and an ape skeleton the man is reading the Bible and the ape is probably thinking about bananas so gu finally we head into the dragon Hall bookstore oh look at that just started C at us he going to do it again you saw him do that right his mouth was moving there he [Applause] [Music] goes let's see Creation Museum official t-shirt there some other uh creationist t-shirts yeah there is a is that of baby Jesus snow globe there oh yeah different types of baby Jesus snow globes there is the uh Carousel snow globe in action again I don't I guess this is not a real Carousel they have on property here just a just exists in uh in uh snow globe music box forum some Arc encounter merch in here the ark snow Globe there on top of about a at yeah we do have a uh dinosaur SL Dragon up there reading a book Thank you for joining me here today at the Creation Museum and once again I did want to give a disclaimer that um that these are not necessarily my beliefs on display here this channel really isn't about my religious beliefs or or My beliefs in that matter um you know I do not have an agenda and no way on this channel is the goal to um make people think a certain way I do want to make people think but I don't I'm not I don't have an agenda I'm not trying to make you believe something or not make you believe something I've shown you the Creation Museum and and you are welcome to come to your own conclusions on that I'm very interested in uh in different cultures different belief systems what different people believe and I like going in you know open-minded open eyed and just uh observe observe what people believe and and do to do so in a respectful manner so uh hopefully you guys understand that understand what I'm doing here uh on this channel again not condemning the Creation Museum but I'm not officially endorsing it either I'm just saying it is a fascinating place that um that I be very interested very interested in it definitely pequs my interest uh every time I'm here now it's been I think it's been probably about five or six years since I've been here and they have changed quite a bit they've added some new exhibits I know the um the insect exhibit with the animatronic uh scientist that was new also the exhibit with the fetuses that was new um they also have removed some things I noticed some exib were missing I know I used to go into the museum there was like a big scene that had like an evolutionary uh archaeologist and a uh like a creationist archaeologist you know with with different viewpoints they were both digging together and uh it kind of Contra that was kind of the introduction of the museum that contrasted from there that's gone that that Tableau is gone a few other like scenes and figures um were gone some stuff was exactly how I remember it but some stuff stuff was gone and some stuff was uh was changed around now as far as me as far as me and what I'm thinking I think I'm going home because I have been on the road since uh the very beginning of March um I have been away from home ever since the two headed T-Rex unveiling that was now I think it was was like 3 and 1/2 weeks ago coming up on a month so I am driving home tonight I am after I uh after I end this video here I am going to grab my steering wheel and I am going to drive back to my house so if you don't see me for a few days I may just be sleeping or I may pop back in I don't know I haven't decided yet what I am uh what I'm doing tomorrow but um I appreciate you guys coming along with me on this journey for those of you who watch dayto day it means the world to me thank you so much of course if you do like the videos please subscribe um like share all those things really do help helps YouTube know that you like these videos and want to see them um if you'd like to help the channel other ways consider patreon $3 or more we'll get you a postcard once a month from me to you also selling uh enamel pins and in the Etsy shop and doing personalized messages on Cameo and of course all those things help keep this train on the track this boat on the water and this orible in the air until next time my friends this one's in the bag and I am going home
Channel: The Carpetbagger
Views: 30,106
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the, carpetbagger, jacob, vlog, blog, roadtrip, travel, road trip, road-trip, roadside attraction, roadside america, americana, creation museum, evolution, creationist, creationism, ken ham, bill nye, animatronic, animatronics, noah, ark, ark encounter, monkey, christian, petersburg, ky, kentucky
Id: qKTLmawih90
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 4sec (2644 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 28 2024
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