World's First Hybrid Lamborghini Start Up | Sián FKP 37

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[Music] you guessed it it is the world's first hybrid lamborghini vcr now i have the key let's just light her up here i love these front lights look at this it's actually in a beautiful y shape like the tetso millennial concept car i already filmed that one go check it out link in description below guys i am here in italy lamborghini has invited me here to be the first person to drive the incredible lamborghini sean i can't believe this [Music] this is the most powerful lamborghini ever made let me tell you what is happening with this car i think this is a super special car you guys if i could i would buy this in a heartbeat but there's only 63 of them made in the world and they cost between two to three million dollars each depending on all your optional extras those 63 have all been completely sold the cool thing is every single customer gets to spec their car personally with the head of design meteor they sit down and they get a one-of-a-kind cyan if you're lucky enough to see a cyan you will never see the same one in that exact same color again this actually means lightning or flash in the local bolognese dialect why the bolognese dialect because lamborghini is based in santagata in bolognese italy lamborghini is based in bologna italy and cyan symbolizes the very first time lamborghini uses electrification in their cars this is really exciting to me you guys because as much as you love naturally aspirated v12 i also really really love hybrid cars and the use of electricity because it gives you that instant torque right here is a naturally aspirated v12 so you got that beast in the back plus you now have one electric motor that is attached to the gearbox and for the very first time on any supercar in the world it has a super capacitor i will explain that in very simple terms very soon this is quite cool why line here on the petrol tank a cover and that is quite cool isn't it i love these rose gold rims and i love all of these y lines all over the card that design feature that's really iconic of lamborghini is these y lines so you've got them here in the headlights as well the y shape you have these tail lights one two three one two three and that design is inspired by the kun touch because it has three on either side as well okay who's ready to get in key normal lamborghini key open just a little click here and off we go here we go the interior of the sean okay let me show you the lights and now take a look at the y lines at the front look at this number zero zero of 63. this one is the very very very very first yarn to roll off the production line and this one will never be sold this is used by lamborghini to show off this incredible car around the world i love this rose gold ignition lever or cover that it has start stop you want to head round the back this sounds like no other lamborghini in the world i was shocked when i first heard this you want to hear it chuck her over to sports doesn't it sound so different you guys it's i love it i love the sound of this car [Music] what is cool is this right here see this roof it's opaque now you can't see through but with this button right here i'll pull this up watch what happens go see through it's such a little thing but it's a cool thing right you'd totally show your friends that feature if you had this car look at the room to pull the door down you have this rose gold in this car it's rose gold but look at the shape of this handle it's kind of like floating here i love that there we go we're inside this yarn oh look i love these y lines here as well the y lines run all through this car look how the carbon fiber kind of comes in like this that's a very deliberate design feature as well that could easily just go all the way out to the leather but it doesn't and i really like that kind of attention to detail this is the new display it's all in kind of a rose gold which is cool and if you go to vehicle that's where you can go into the lamborghini hybrid super capacitor menu and it shows you your recharge and your boost meter i love that so if you ever forget you're in the world's first hybrid lamborghini you have this to look at i freaking love that while i'm here let me show you what this is see how it says super cap that is the super capacitor right there the other thing is a super capacitor works with the electric motor and what the super capacitor does is it's like an energy storage unit so when you get 32 horsepower from the batteries it kind of stores all of that energy and what happens is when you push on the accelerator it releases all of that energy in one go like boom you've got it all now what is also really cool is as soon as you push on the brake that super capacitor will recharge instantly so every time you then step on the accelerator again you have this entire electric capacity at your footsteps and the other thing is because we now have an electric motor there's no lag in between gear changes the only thing that i am not a massive fan of is this steering wheel because it hasn't really changed much in design and i would love to see something a little bit more updated wow what do you guys reckon massive thank you to lamborghini for organizing this wow what an honor actually metia's just arrived the head of design here at lamborghini hi alex how are you very good how are you man we've got to keep our distance keep it safe so while you're here i just wanted to like you know talk about the design of this car yeah honestly i have i didn't see it in a long time you know because yeah but of the lockdown but you've been designing all of the customers of course you've been just in the morning you know it's really exciting because now we are at the half of the configurations and you know you should see some of them i've seen some sneak peeks and oh my favorite i think has to be the the the black the very dark one the black i think there was a very dark navy i think you know there's one like john player special it's super cool guys you will see some yeah we'll see them come out onto the road very shortly what is your favorite designed feature on this car we can stay here this is the wing for me this wing area is super cool yeah because it's so unusual it isn't you know how did you come up with this you know it's a kind of celebration on on old race cars oh okay you know like lamar cars or jet fighters also but you know cool i love it i'm gonna grab this moment to say goodbye a massive thank you to lamborghini and to meet you for coming down today um i hope you guys enjoyed the vid give us a quick thumbs up if you haven't smashed that thumbs up button yet go do it right now all right i think we're out love you guys [Music] bye you
Channel: Supercar Blondie
Views: 3,717,048
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: world's most powerful lamborghini, best supercar 2020, hybrid supercars, bologna lamborghini
Id: 6g_kKUh_8DA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 25sec (565 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 23 2020
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