Most Powerful Lamborghini Ever - Revuelto

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I'm so excited I'm here in Santa guitar Italy home of Lamborghini I've got the key to the brand new revolto that's kind of how you say it but not really you're meant to roll the r but I can't roll ours people are like literally butchering the name of this car some people are saying ruelto which is apparently not true I've been asking Italians they're like no no no I don't have a wild thought [Music] this is the new Aventador but the coolest thing is is it's now hybrid however it has kept its naturally aspirated V12 so don't worry they haven't gotten rid of that they've just added three electric motors guess what this is the most powerful Lamborghini ever made a thousand and fifteen horsepower which is just insane seeing as this is the new event at all right do you remember the Avengers door on the front had that like shark teeth look here on the Bonnet gone it is now super smooth you've also got borrowed from the very first hybrid Lamborghini of the Sian that was when they actually debuted these y lights and so they've used this in the revolto again which I absolutely love you see this like little bubble here and then on this side look a little bubble what they've done is this is actually a radar right and they're like well we only need one radar but we don't want it to look asymmetrical so what they've done is here this is actually a cover for the tow hook and it means that the car at the front is now symmetrical with that design the wing also moves so depending on the mode it'll have different levels now if you're in all electric mode which it does have so you can drive a Lamborghini around in complete silence this is going to be down because of course that is the most efficient for drag this is a sensor to open the door so you can just put your thumb on the sensor and the door opens right now like that how freaking girl what or if the sensor doesn't work because I know a lot of you are like ah yeah but I just want manual stuff as well it does have a manual door open come look at this it's hidden it's under here look there's a little button here so that's that's your manual door open there you have both options which is cool now the interior ready as I said user-friendly just look how slim this is now the door so this used to be like this wide and it was so difficult to get in what they've done is they've transferred that width from this area to the door look now the door look how wide this door is like this wide and they've actually made it this wide on the door so that this can be as small as possible so it's super easy to get in okay look at that look how easy all new interior come check this out look this beautiful screen here you've also got a screen in front of the passenger this Tech does something really cool I'm going to show you in just a sec before we do that though just take a look at how the interior looks these are all your main functions here you've got your classic start stop button like this and then you've actually got your reverse in like hurricane style so this actually pulls up now up here you see this Y Line again which is so cool borrowed from the seon again all the way down here very lamborghini-esque and this all now comes standard in carbon fiber which is very cool so Standard carbon fiber here Standard carbon fiber here you've also got it here all right and also all the way down here so that's pretty cool you don't always get carbon fiber standard in the interior and what I really like is the speaker here look it's behind this perforated Leather So it's integrated into the side of the car which is very cool now in order to get out of the car you actually have a button which is so cool you know I love my buttons handles are old school these days so just push that and up it goes behind you in the Aventador you have very little space behind the seats now you can actually fit I don't know even like a handbag or um they were aiming for a golf bag but they didn't actually manage to make it that big check this out I'm going to push this now we go into Dynamics and what I'm going to do is you've got your Dynamic widgets right I'm going to move this to this screen right here you ready wait and look look at this it actually changes here now over here on your screen I want to change what you have here okay I'm going to change it to this ready ready and it's flashing and boom how freaking cool is that for the first time ever you go into connect you can now connect two phones and use them simultaneously so you and your wife your partner whoever your bestie can both connect your phones one of you can be playing music on Apple music or whatever it is and the other one can be making phone calls through the car that is so technologically advanced for I hate to say this but like a Supercar brand because usually you only get this kind of tech in like SUVs or whatever it is this Tech is in like a hyper car like a Supercar I'm just now the other thing is this you get to actually a personalize your page so down here you can choose which personalizations you want you've got eight to choose from I am going to go like this right now my preferred climate in winter is three level fan okay I also want the temperature to be like really high so I'm gonna go like this look look at this I'm going to go I wanted like 27 degrees okay now instead of having to do that every time I get into the car in Winter I'm going to drag this bragging dragging dragging dragging dragging down into my personal settings boom and it is saved and now I actually can just push on that whenever I need it I'm just ah guys are blowing me away this is so freaking cool on the steering wheel let's take a look at what's happening we've got all these little buttons and stuff you can do this is probably the most important one you can see here this correlates to this right here at the moment it's in cheetah mode so it's not like cheetah like the actual cheetah although that would make sense because cheetah mode is electric only so it's like fast still like a cheetah but actually cheetah means City mode and get this when you are in all electric mode you can drive up to 140 kilometers an hour in all electric mode which is just Lambos everywhere I freaking love it here the thing with all electric mode is it's up to 140 kilometers an hour great however it's only for 10 kilometers that can get you into town and back or maybe just into town however what's even cool is when the car senses that you're running low on battery the engine will turn on automatically and it will recharge to full battery in just six minutes with the engine running which is crazy now look the key even cooler you've got a new holder it's right here in the center very nice little spot now the one thing they are missing is yes you've got space here however this is not a wireless charger so annoying right it's like this is perfect it doesn't work you've got USBC Outlets here which is great I just wish that was wireless charging let's turn her on let's hear what the new railroad sounds like are you ready now we've got two little things here the easiest way to turn on is it always turns on in quiet mode all right we're going to change it over let's do this and to recharge [Music] sounds of Liberty it sounds like an event at all doesn't it v2o well I'm just so impressed by everything in this car all right I've turned into sports mode so we can rev a tiny bit um oh my God [Music] I'm dying I'm actually dying I think that's it all right we can't leave on a higher note than that I hope you guys have enjoyed the bid thank you so much Lamborghini you guys have just knocked it out of the pot with this beauty love you guys we're out [Music]
Channel: Supercar Blondie
Views: 2,991,464
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: ICN6ql2dVM4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 42sec (582 seconds)
Published: Tue May 23 2023
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