World's Easiest Chocolate Cake

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today we're going to be making the world's easiest chocolate cake ever and it actually only takes four ingredients first we're gonna take a whole pack of regular Oreos and toss that into a blender we're going to want to blend this 30 seconds to a minute until we get super fine powder the reason I'm using Oreo cookie is because all the flavor is inside the cookie we got the sugar we got the chocolate and we got the cream so all of that will come together and make a delicious chocolate cake now we're just gonna place the crushed up Oreos into a bowl add to the Oreos we're gonna mix in one teaspoon of baking powder this is what helps the cake rise and the last ingredient for the cake is just one cup of milk [Music] now all that's left to do is just mix everything together until it's well Incorporated [Music] a couple of things first it's gonna smell absolutely amazing and second you want your consistency to actually look like this there's one more secret ingredient left so you guys have to check it out at the end but let's go ahead and bake this now the mold I'm going to use is no special mold I found this at my grocery store it's just a tin foil mold and it's a bread loaf mold so this is what you actually want if you have any other mold at home you could totally use that but I'm going to use something that anyone can get [Music] foreign [Music] the time has come we're gonna pop this into a 350 degree oven for about 15 to 20 minutes [Music] so it's been about like 20 25 minutes and the cake is officially ready don't do what I'm about to do and not wear oven mitts it's just I don't have any more feelings in my fingertips [Music] okay once you take it out of the oven do not remove it from its mold just let this kind of fully cool down and it'll be a lot easier to take this out now that is fully cooled down we want to carefully take it out of its mold now I'm just going to carefully flip it back over secret ingredient for that secret ingredient we're going to be using a whole Hershey bar and just place it on top usually a cake comes with frosting on it but a chocolate bar just makes everything so much easier and better and this is our fourth and final ingredient one last step is we're gonna pop this into the oven just for like a minute maybe even less and let the chocolate melt and wrap around the cake cue the time lapse [Music] that looks absolutely amazing perfectly just perfectly wrapped around that cake and there you have it the world's easiest chocolate cake using only four ingredients let's go ahead and taste this and see how delicious it is [Music] that looks amazing Bon Appetit guys thank you wow that's just so rich creamy it's amazing guys super simple chocolate cake here anyone could pull this off wow again only four ingredients you guys gotta try this out if you guys like more simple easy approachable recipes make sure to subscribe like and I'll see you guys in the next one [Music] thank you
Channel: Patrick Zeinali
Views: 2,028,066
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Chocolate Cake, Cake, easy recipes, chocolate cake recipe, chocolate, cake recipe, cake decorating
Id: timKFpg-d0Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 2sec (242 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 18 2023
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