World Water Rams, Middlebush Project.

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all right success here so we've just come down from little bush the boats in Vanuatu cargos and them of the boat and our gears in the hold so we've got a six-inch ram pump space in there the stainless steel Drive pipe so it's just to wait and see you know we're here but as everyone else to pick up their gear so it's just you know damos are gonna see if we can get on this is the challenging part is they all ER and we have got three more items to come off right and which order they come off depends on the squeakiest wheel I suppose okay as well finally get out of here and it'll get better [Music] it's just having fun with these guys he's causing every low enough these are 40 kilo bags of cement this is 210 were on lighter than digging into this kitchen [Music] we've got our platform down there which we see behind me and rent pump place is going to sip spring line coming up through here and we just got some trees here some roots here that we need to take out to straighten up this line you go up with such things you know it may look like you know wrecking a virgin forest you know but hey we've got to do what we've got to do to get the RAM pump in we work in with what's naturally occurring with nature and then and then we've got to adjust and fit to that so with us here we're just digging a trench here for the drive pipe to go in once we've got our pipes in about what we need for the ram pump then we'll just smooth everything over plant trees trees that grow really really quick and it'll hold the bank and everything together again we're run lowing them down on some rope through the bush it's heavy pipe it's a bit of a task on the vertical for a lot of men power base coming down next it's going to be a bit of a mission that's about just over 500 kg it's bit of weight so this has nothing been erupting and these guys are just absolutely amazing you know they they really really do challenge well [Music] we're just leveling up the base here we've got our first bit of dry pipe on and then we're just going to fill this and we're here to hold the base so it's level and got the drive pipe in the right place and then we're gonna start eating the drive pipes on us and head on up [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] today I think that we've moved probably about five or six ton of material getting this dry pipe in a lot of manual labor [Music] [Music] [Applause] what makes working here in Vanuatu or any developing countries so exciting is the challenges we just love it you've got a complete change in culture and food the language just everything so this this last project that we've been working on here at lapping Ewing is going into a system that's providing 200,000 litres a day to 20 communities to around about 6,000 people and the delivery pipe line is 34 K line every person in that community is receiving 33 litres a day now that's pretty good that's pretty epic this is this is a big project and we're we're very proud to be a part of it [Music] we want the work to be done right now so you have to carry Shannon weather here before we came to the drop right now no there's not much time left okay [Music] ten days into it and we've finally got the search sink on just this afternoon I expected the whole job was going to take ten days so we've got a 35 meter vertical cliff to work off alongside the waterfall here to bring our feed pipe into the back of the surge tank so you know sometimes just goes the way it goes [Applause] [Music] nobody's just got this we're in this afternoon or this morning better and we've just got two weeks of feed pipe on and just asking the young boys here who's going to tie a vine off themselves and go over the edge so here we are at the top of the water source at the top of this waterfall and we're working at it's about 40 vertical meters and it is a vertical drop [Music] so that's two four inch feed pipes down there PVC pipes tomorrow I put down there 100 millimeter we've gone 18 meters so three links have been joined up and then the guys here have just fitted over so we've had a really great day the day was very good and excellent the boys happy the very could walk the day down there someone Kevin and I'm keeping the security tight in here so no one gets over the line thank you Domo and Kevin Peter a very excellent walk down there and so now I'm trying to keep the lion very tight here to go sir so we'll be getting to the end so I appreciate I love the way you [Music] okay so here we are bolting up the waste bail to this ram pump bass first stage in commissioning our Rambo 600 here and lapping Ewing time out Vanuatu [Music] now we're going to turn on the water stage tanks so this is coming from the top of the waterfall which is about 15 meters above us through to the back of the surge tank you okay so now it's the moment of truth this is the first time we're going to Commission this pump all right success this pump will be pumping 135,000 meters a day this is really rewarding we great working with the people it's been great working with Domo here and you know it's just so satisfying [Music] so the moment of truth is coming when we head up there and see the two small in the faces of the women and children of the community [Music] [Music] [Music] why do we do the job we do this is why we go through everything just to get this this is what it's all about our future goals are to take over the world with Ram punks man that's what we'd love to do you know you've got a machine it's environmentally friendly uses no electricity no fuel I just I just can't sit on this simple technology here in New Zealand and not do anything about it you know I gotta take this to the world you know we go transform life in these communities we bring water to these people boy you know it's just so humbling it's just so satisfying there's no better feeling [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: World Water Rams - New Zealand
Views: 28,286
Rating: 4.9452887 out of 5
Keywords: science, gravity, energy, free, rampump, humanitarian, philanthropic, water, 3rd world, sanitry, health, drivepipe, fall, velocity
Id: q-LoATviPQI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 37sec (817 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 26 2019
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