World War 2 Machine Gun Shootout: US versus German (Restored 1945)

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this is the real stuff captured German film showing their automatic weapons in action these are the weapons we're up against in the European and Mediterranean status of operation but we've captured not only the film but the actual weapons and ammunition just what are they like how fast and how accurately to their fire compared to our weapons and most important to you how do they sound well here's their 34 now their 42 and here's their Schmeisser the next time you hear that may be your first time in combat a new replacement in a battle wise line outfit you're in this man shoes you're ready but you've never faced enemy fire listen to that fast that thing sprays a lot of wet and you're scared because the German gun fires faster than anything you've run into before so much faster than the slow steady bark of American machine guns you heard all through training and you can't see them either in combat they aren't sitting out in the open so keep an eye on your squad leader he's a veteran he's tangled with these weapons before and he's going after this one sending men around the flank now he's establishing his base of fire nobody seems especially afraid of that gun nobody but the replacement who can't get over the fast burp of that German gun well so it does have a high rate of fire does that mean it's a better fighting weapon than ours here's where we get the answer these Gunners are all expert and have been hand-picked to give us a fair test the submachine guns will fire first 20 rounds each at 75 yards low the German nine-millimeter machine pistol called the Schmeisser against our Thompson caliber 45 their rate of fire is practically the same but our weapon is more accurate and our new submachine pistol caliber 45 m3 the man firing geeze firing now let's see the payoff here's the German Schmeisser pretty good out of the 20 rounds fired it's snagged 11 hits now let's total up our own tommy gun things are looking up 15 hits only 5 misses and what about our new m3 better yet the gun didn't climb as much on the longer bursts 17 hits out of 20 rounds accuracy your slugs go where you aim them the German gonna pays for his impressive rate of fire but you get maximum accuracy with a rate of fire that isn't just noise here is the backbone of the Infantry's firepower machine guns when your target is out there 300 yards away accuracy really counts in this test each weapon will fire 30 rounds first the American light 30 on the bipod next the American heavy 30 on the tripod now the German 34 on the bipod and last the German 42 on the tripod geez firing there's a lot of lead down there let's go see how much of it hit the target first the German 34 13 hits for the American light 30 22 hits the German gun is good but ours is better and even with the heavy machine guns on tripod mounts the results of the same 16 hits for the German 42 and for our heavy 30 24 hits only six misses accuracy again yours always go where you aim low and another thing about that high rate of fire it eats up ammunition almost three times as fast as our own machine guns and whole loves all that ammunition is the answer here's an American heavy machine-gun platoon 35 men four machine gun here they are in simple diagram form 35 men four machine guns the German heavy machine gun platoon has the identical setup 35 men and four guns but an additional 8 men required to lug all that ammunition for these eight men we can substitute another machine-gun squad with another gun which will deliver its bullets where we want them to go that's the choice we've made more guns which shoot slower but more accurately when you know the drawbacks of these enemy weapons and realize that their bark is worse than their bite you aren't afraid of some unknown thing now the Nazis have their hands full and our men can move in on their flank the German gun shoots fast correction the German gun used to shoot that now the squad can move again that's the way an enemy machine gun position should look their automatic weapons may fire fast but if you know your stuff you can stop em cold remember their bark is worse than their bite you [Music]
Channel: ZenosWarbirds
Views: 242,462
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Schmeisser MP-40, MG-40 Machine Gun, MG-34 Machine Gun, 'Thompson, Submachine, Gun:, M3 Grease Gun
Id: oQwRjZByaok
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 39sec (579 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 01 2012
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