The M1 Carbine - In The Movies

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the m1 carbine was a well-liked firearm during world war ii korea and even vietnam however in the movies it doesn't always get the same attention as the powerful m1 garand [Music] or the thompson submachine gun used by comic book heroes beloved science fiction characters and even the king of pop [Music] however it would be the unimposing m1 carbine that would be the most produced small arm for the american military during world war ii and also one of the most successful just ask the apes if there's any more shooting dr says you'll be the first to go you can count on it taylor you are not in command here put down that gun shut up just over 6.1 million m1 carbines would be manufactured during the war compared to 5.4 million m1 garands and 1.3 million thompson submachine guns this is an amazing production feat considering the weapon was only developed in 1941. production was one of the greatest qualities of this weapon costing only 45 a rifle compared to 85 for a garand or a staggering 225 dollars for a thompson i'm gonna get your money for you but if you don't get the president united states on that phone you know what's gonna happen to you what you're gonna have to answer to the coca-cola company the ammunition was also significantly cheaper than the 30 odd 6 ammunition used by the garand the 30 caliber carbine ammunition was cheap easy to transport and most importantly easy to carry m1 carbines often had magazine pouches on the stock holding two spare 15 round magazines an m1 carbine weighed less than six pounds loaded or just about half that of a garand or the surprisingly heavy thompson i have no idea the 30 carbine was a middle ground cartridge it's easy to call this cartridge wimpy compared to the garen's large 30 odd 6 but the 30 carbine had more than twice the energy of a 0.45 acp thompson round at 100 yards the m1 carbine was impressive for its size it's important to remember that initially this rifle was created to replace pistols used by support troops the carbine would give significant firepower to numerous roles such as mortar teams radio men or anyone carrying a rocket launcher in may of 1942 the m1a1 with the folding stock would be adopted by american paratroopers and it was highly popular amongst these overloaded men due to its light weight and small size the bars charms candy powder coffee sugar matches compass bayonet entrenching tool ammunition gas mask reset bag with ammo my webbing my 45 by the end of world war ii the m2 carbine would be introduced which sought to give more automatic fire to a weapon that was seeing far more frontline usage than anticipated this seems to be a bit of a problem a bit fortunately converting an m1 to an m2 was a simple task requiring little change and use the same receiver in fact the majority of m2s are converted m1s often m2s have a 30 round magazine but these magazines could be used with m1s as well the m2 was used significantly after world war ii in korea and around the world even notably by characters such as che guevara in korea m1s and m2s would be used both by korean and american soldiers in vietnam they were still used in limited numbers by american troops but tens of thousands would still be used by the army of the republic of vietnam ask him where his friends are the m1 was also popular at home in america with police departments it was accurate but had less power to penetrate beyond its target it was also small enough to store in a vehicle or use indoors which was ideal in urban environments there are several significant historical figures who do carry m1 carbines in film audi murphy historically used in m1 while holding off german forces in elsas france as represented in hell and back he eventually jumped on a burning tank and held off the german advance for an hour this action earned him the medal of honor take granny envelope bright keep covering fire in band of brothers sergeant lipton would earn a bronze star for his actions with an m1 carbine lipton climbed a tree with his m1 during the brecourt manor assault in the opening days of the normandy invasion from here lipton was able to suppress a machine gun nest allowing for a trench to be successfully charged and attacked by grenades the assault disabled some of the guns firing on troops landing and assembling on the french beaches the m1 carbine is also heavily featured in hbo's the pacific used primarily by eugene sledge a mortarman as well as occasionally by merrell snafu shelton but most notably the m1 carving was used by john barcelona at iwo jima who received the navy cross for his actions in guiding a tank through minefield and destroying an enemy blockhouse why don't you make them out of paper of course i can't discuss the m1 carbine without mentioning carbine williams from 1952 the film loosely follows the life of david marshall williams who designed the gas system used in the carbine with his work beginning during his imprisonment it's an interesting story but expect more of a prison narrative than anything historical or technical that gives proper credit to the rifle's design team it's good work but that's not the question there'll be no test but i find out how to make a gun five pounds lighter than any other guns ever been made before you see what this would mean in war so was the m1 carbine a good rifle absolutely when you consider its objective was to provide a light defensive weapon for support troops and it went well beyond that being loved by paratroopers fighting in urban settings or by marines humping equipment through island jungles logistics is where this rifle truly wins getting here gunny i got to find second platoon then when carbine was easy to ship haul and manufacture just as same it's ammunition this was essential for a nation fighting in fronts up to 5000 miles away place is called guam wake melee peninsula hong kong philippine islands were also attacked all right i'm johnny thanks for watching this quick brief on the m1 carbine and its use in the movies i hope to see you in the next video and have a nice day [Music]
Channel: Johnny Johnson
Views: 1,101,030
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Keywords: m1, m2, carbine, m1 garand, browning, browning automatic, johnny johnson, m1 carbine, m2 carbine, war movies, ww2 movies, war movie clips, war movie scenes, ww2 weapons, ww2 rifle, ww2 rifles, ww2 carbine, paratroopers, ww2 paratroopers, war movie review, m1 training, carbine rifle, paratrooper rifle, automatic rifle, movie rifle, movie weapon, war movie reviews, bar, stg 44, enfield, lee enfield, browning automatic rifle, sten gun, thompson, thompson gun, gun, gun review, war
Id: ewATRw4E3TQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 19sec (499 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 18 2021
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