Cold Waters - Love Me Tender

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howdy folks and welcome back to cold waters with Commander jingles Mike jingleberry I decided that I'm feeling reasonably more confident with how this whole thing works that I would have a go of one of the two campaigns there are two one seven or 60s and a significantly harder because you told pee nuns are terrible and the other set in the 80s behind the Cold War which is significantly easier because you get to use much more capable submarines such as the los angeles-class and you get much much better too in PTO's like the mark 48 now one thing that you do need to bear in mind is that I'm still very much anew for this although I'm feeling a little bit more confident and I have certainly learned a little bit more but the first few missions that you're going to see me play through in this campaign were before I started watching joy Turkey there's another youtuber who served for 20 odd years on board 688 attack subs as a sonar male and so actually knows what he's doing as opposed to me who just sat in the ops room taking notes on various different anti-submarine warfare exercises while in the Navy and then read a few Tom Clancy books and watch The Hunt for Red October that's a little bit of knowledge can be a dangerous thing and I do have a little bit of knowledge but we're going to have a go anyway and I didn't do too badly and hopefully you should see me getting better as I take more and more notes for watching jive Turkey play through this game as well I cannot recommend this channel enough by the way need a stream cold waters amongst days I'm going to be putting the link to his channel down below in the video description if you have even a passing interest in this game and want to see somebody who's actually good at playing cold waters as opposed to me who's just looking and jive Turkey former US Navy 688 attack subs solo man who does actually know lead doing anyway war has now been declared the Reds of attacked West Germany so commander jingles mccringleberry commanded the USS Hyman G rickover SSN 709 we have a mission to locate and sink Soviet submarine tendency secondary objectives targets of opportunity we're always going to be any enemy submarines or other surface vessels in the area but the primary target are going to be those submarine tenders to the red banner northern fleets ability to maintain submarine operations in the vicinity of the Greenland Iceland UK gap so cast off Anchors Away from hollyrock now when are you moving on the campaign Madison something's actually mentioned anywhere but which I've found out the hard way holding down I think for the left mouse button means you are cruising at 20 knots and if you run into a contact you will start the game at 20 knots and they will probably hear you holding down the right mouse button or possibly the other way around that cuts the speed down to tendons so when you're transiting to your operations area you want to be going at full speed or cruising speed anyway 20 knots but once you have the target like with submarine contact was just popped up I'm now slowing down to 10 knots to make my approach so I can hopefully begin this engagement at a speed of 10 knots where he's probably not going to have already detected me when the actual battle starts so really depth of 150 feet on a heading of 1 7 degrees in the speed of 10 knots and they have a new sonar contact bearing 337 degrees designated Sierra 1 local conditions are clear with a moderate breeze as a moderate surface duct and a moderate thermal layer 185 feet so first thing I'm going to do is read the boat for ultra-quiet and since I don't actually have a contact at the moment all I know is that he was on a bearing of 337 degrees I'm going to swing the boat around to get the best possible return from my towed array sonar and their contact re-establish with Sierra 1 the tog array sonar is modeled in the game but it's not rendered you can't actually see it it works best if you're at an angle of 90 degrees from where the contact datum is and remember that context here one that's just a datum that's an estimate of where we think Sierra one is we still don't know quite what it is and I'm attending to classifying it now oh and there we got a much much better target solution now and that estimated range just went from nearly fifty thousand yards down to eighteen and a half thousand yards and his target motion analysis does look a lot like a November class so I'm going to go ahead and call that November now my targeting solution is still not particularly good we've got his range we've got his bearing but we don't know his course or his speed so I'm going to continue to refine my target solution you'll notice that I am above the thermal layer and he is below the thermal layer and it looks like he's descending so I'm going to pass below the thermal layer as well and attempt to refine my target solution so still going nice and slow because I do not want to start cavitating we got a better contact on him earlier because he started cavitating he was going too fast and his propeller started creating bubbles in the water now as we pass through the layer we lose all contact now I didn't realize this at the time but I have since learned that this is because there's a thing called the shadow zone just underneath the layer it's actually quite complicated but for all intents and purposes all you really need to understand is that at a depth of around about 20 feet below the thermal layer there's a shadow zone where you are effectively mostly invisible but it's very difficult for you to hear anything outside of the shadow zone as well so I'm going to continue to descend and hopefully we should be able to reacquire this contact now if I'm correct and that is in November this is anything but a fair point the November's were actually the first class of Soviet nuclear powered submarines to be built they ended service in late 1958 and I think the last one was retired from service sometime in the 1990s they were completely obsolete at the time they were retired non-paper they know much whatsoever for a los angeles-class attack boat but if a November gets behind you gets into your baffles and gets the first torpedo off they can take out all the sound just as easily as an Akula or an alfa cam so I'm a little concerned that I haven't managed to reacquire this guy as a contact because November's were very noisy as far as submarines go certainly a hell of a lot noisier than a deal electric boat and even noisier than the early American nuclear attack boats the Russians went to great lengths to try to cut down on the amount of noise that the November's put out rubber coating on the whole low noise variable pitch propellers all the major machinery onboard the boat was connected to the deck by vibration dampening mounts but the problem was the reactor the Soviets had more powerful reactors than the Americans but they pushed out a heck of a lot more mines so I am quite concerned that I haven't been able to reacquire this guy so what I'm going to do now is I'm going to go fishing and a fire torpedo off in these directions laughs contact datum and then we are going to climb above the layer so that if he snapshots a torpedo down the bearing of attack the CETA head should have a hard time finding Lee we stuck to the theory fingers crossed right the range wasn't black and great so something about the mark 48 torpedo is once it goes active it could keep going for another 4,000 yards a very very good range certainly better than the equivalent Soviet torpedo so let's get this thing up above the layer and clear the data which basically means I don't want to be where I was when I fired that torpedo in case there's another torpedo coming back in the opposite direction I'm still not convinced he's ever detected me although he did start cavitating earlier on and why would you start cavitating unless they screwed up which may have happened it could have just been a navigation error but it's possible that he did get a contact on me and started cavitating as he began to descend to get below the layer I guess we're going to find out I am now above the layer so we're going to level off the planes here zero the bubble and again were mostly broadside on to that contact datum to give the towed array sonar the best possible chance picking that guy up again and also to give a warning of any torpedos that have been fired back at me shouldn't be too long now before our weapon goes active I really should have sent that torpedo the initial one I find to active sonar because we don't know where the November is but I didn't so a couple of wires and I'm loading a second torpedo and the tube one I'm setting this one to go acting just in case the first fishing expedition doesn't come up with anything hopefully once he detects that torpedo he's going to start putting the speed on he may even start cavitating and I should be able to pick him up again may not need to use the second torpedo once the first torpedo which is its activation range its perfectly capable of finding and sinking a target by itself but remember once you've cut the wires and that's a repeater goes active it's no longer your friend which is another very good reason for clearing the Dayton area let's have a look and see what the torpedo can see so far nothing nope diddly and squat well a couple of minutes go by and I've got nothing the torpedo still hasn't found thing and I begin to come up to periscope depth to pop up the ESM mast and just make sure we're alone up here when I react wired a contact now he is some distance away estimated let's not forget my target solution is still very very poor but we have a contact based on the sonar return is estimated at being 70,000 yards away now I do not believe that for a second I still have a very very poor target solution it's only 23% but now that we know in roughly what direction he is we can start to refine that contact the November can do 30 not submerge but there's no way he would have opened the range to 70,000 yards so he is a lot closer than that Dayton would suggest the solution keeps firming up we've now got a speed but again I just don't believe that range estimate not for a second I think my torpedo is just about on top of them at this point you see what can happen and I don't pretend to really understand how it all works isn't that the various different layers in the water can cause that sonar return to basically bounce between the surface and the thermal layer so you'll pick up this course will pick up his bearing you may even pick up his speed the range estimate can be wildly off because you're picking up the sonar return that's bouncing off various different water layers so not for once and bingo we got him torpedo founded we got it all slick on the surface yep I knew the range estimate was one oddly off but we got to Tokyo phantom anyway so scratch one November not an incredibly capable submarine but well any submarine is incredibly dangerous if you're in a surface vessel so while that wasn't the mission we are actually out here looking for submarine tenders it's always good to be able to take out enemy sub so no contacts no weapons in the water no vessels nearby we should be good to go and continue on the mission so I'm still trying to locate this submarine tender group which angled what's going on and sorry denmark's am NOT I could do about that huh what's this surface group okay slowing down and bingo we have made contact right what we have we are in depth of 150 feet on a heading of one six zero with a speed of 10 knots and we have a new sonar contact bearing 1-1 formed as he made its here one local conditions on the surface or scattered with a gentle breeze there is no surface duct and there is no thermal layer okay All Hands man your battle stations first thing I'm going to do is rig the boat for ultra-quiet because we are very very close to contact Sierra one in fact I already have a pretty good solution on it there's also a second contact out there Sierra two let's see if we can classify Sierra warm at the same time we're going to turn the boat to port for two reasons one forming a broadside onto them again they get the total array the best possible chance of picking up any additional contacts because there's going to be more than two of them out there and also I'm very close to these guys bingo there we go contact Sierra three just picked up don't know what it is just yet but because I am barely ten thousand yards away once I start putting weapons in the water if they return fire I'm not going to have an awful lot of time before their weapons reach me in which to clear the data and get the hell out let's start trying to classify Sierra 1 let's see what he is that looks like a lock three Grisha classic all there that's another submarine warfare called now he's got the overused 6090 submarine rocket launchers it's got two torpedo tubes I think Ares a lot of depth challenges so I don't really want to be anywhere near him and that's my primary target that's a Don that's a submarine tender very heavily armed submarine tender and has a comprehensive electronic warfare suite onboard as well see if we can get a picture on Sierra 3 trying to refine the target function analysis on the waterfall array now not seeing not seeing a match just yet Colonel it is a bit of a patchy contact but it does it doesn't look like another Grisha 3 I'm going to go ahead and classify it as a Grisha 3 that would make sense you've got one controlling in front of and more patrolling behind the high-value unit which is the Dons submarine tender no further contact detected I did however have a pretty good solid solution on contact Sierra 1 the first Grisha so I'm given him a mark 48 say anything like that but range at 6600 Young's I'm putting as a second weapon into water against the dawn send that one to go active and start searching in a range of just over 13,000 yards and then a third surprised presence in the water for the tail-end charlie the second Grisha that one has a little bit further to go so that one's going to go active at a range of just around about 26,000 yards and now it's time for me to clear the datum because they can probably hear those torpedoes coming remember the first one was less than 10,000 yards away so it's time to get the hell out of here now the bad news is well it's not just that those guys are relatively close but the ambient noise level is only 84 decibels so it's pretty quiet and there's no thermal layer for me to hide underneath so I'm basically just going to have to get distance between myself and them and for that I'm going to even come down in depth because I can't go very fast at this kind of depth without cavitating and blowing my position now in all the excitement when I was releasing my torpedoes I didn't actually notice until round about now that a fourth contact had appeared on a bearing of 50 degrees further to the north designated Sierra 4 and it was only when we lost contact on him because he's pretty much now in my baffles I've turned the submarine around you know in the blind spot which is a sort of 120 degree cone extending from the rear of the submarine where your sonar isn't going to pick anything up so there's a fourth target out there somewhere now if you look at the mini-map you'll see that the Guru sure has turned the North that's fine because they're still going to put it in the path of one of my torpedoes I was a little concerned and remember while I was playing I was kind of concerned that he might also suck up the second torpedo that you can see there but that one has been launched against the grisha designated Sierra 3 and he's a good thirty two thousand yards away so I didn't really have to worry about it too much because that torpedo is not set to go active and start searching for a target until long after its passed by the Grisha but you can see what the grittier is doing is he's putting himself between the incoming torpedoes and the dawn so the torpedo designated for the dawn contact Sierra 2 could also hit the gireesham don't forget I no longer have y command to these torpedoes once they go active they start searching for the nearest target which means I could have expended two torpedoes against a Corvette which would be a bit of a waste there is is nuvaring hard now torpedos have got to be right on him he's definitely going to take one of them so he's no longer worrying about where I am that's good instead he purely concerned with his own survival and trying to protect Madan as well because that is his mission come on come on let's have you he's really piling the speed on but he can't outrun the torpedo all he's doing is delaying the inevitable and that thing is just to call that so a mark 48 is really going to mess him up it's quite surprising that we're seeing them out here actually in the middle of the North Atlantic because the grisha 3 was just to call that it's marked as a frigate here in the game it was only ever really intended to operate in coastal waters oh we got it is he also going to suck up the second torpedo the one that was intended for the Dom now because I changed course to clear the datum and avoid counter-attack I've actually lost contact with one of my weapons it's now in mine battles so I've actually lost contact with the torpedo that's going for contact Sierra 3 the second Grishin I've also lost contact with the Don and needless to say I lost contact with Sierra 4 that I have even classified yet so that's ok I mean I can do 33 knots submerged and providing them deep enough they shouldn't hear me so I've got plenty of time to reacquire these contacts but we're going to wait and see what the torpedoes do I still think that the second torpedo I fly against the dog is probably going to get sucked up by the record degree sure but well there's nothing I can do about that I no longer have control over the torpedo so I'm going to bring the boat around it was only to reacquire least contacts and I'm not detecting any kind of attack so I'm reasonably sure I mean they know more or less in which direction I am but I'm pretty sure they don't actually have a contact they've seen the torpedoes but I haven't seen me so let's see if I can re-establish it out there you go yeah as expected the torpedo designated for the Don did actually get sucked up by the wreck of the first Grishin but I still have a third torpedo in the water that one's going for the second Grisha and it probably hasn't gone active yet but I no longer know where that torpedo is so we've re-established contact with Sierra 3 the second grisha we have not yet reestablished contact with the Don he's probably steaming away from me at full speed and we still haven't reestablished contact with Ciara Forbes still have no idea what that is I do have one torpedo in the water that's still heading for the Griffith three contact Sierra 3 but I have no idea where that talking actually is at the moment it should probably be going live and searching for a target in about a minute or so I don't yep active sonar coming from the direction the grisha so he's he's hunting me but he probably doesn't have me yet it's a very weak sonar pulse so what to do well it looks like that Krisher is charging straight towards me he's desperately trying to establish a sonar contact so he can prosecute me and not sink me at least drive me away from the DOM and if that is the case he's probably going to avoid the torpedo that I've earmarked for him by basically passing overhead that torpedo heading in my direction while the torpedo is heading the other way and getting between me and that torpedo before it goes active and start searching for a target that isn't there anymore so I'm probably gonna have to pop another weapon in the water against the grisha assuming he is heading towards me which you should be doing because at the end of the day that's his job oh hello contacting the water that got a Sona boy now that shouldn't be a helicopter that would be a problem but the Grecians don't carry helicopters the too small so that probably is actually indicating that my contact the datum that I have for the location of the grisha is not as precise as the plot might suggest is probably actually right there where the SONA boy contact is due the search pattern so I'm going to speed up time just a little while I transit further to the north because I want to be clear of the wreck of the first gusher and I had much much better contact on the second Grishin NY but his bearing his ranges course and his speed so firing point procedure cube for torpedo in the water say hello to my little friend about a minute later we established contact with the dawn while the first torpedo is still in the water heading towards the grisha so bearing 87 range 21 and a half thousand yards cube for launched Mach 48 straight away otherwise and reload cube for let's not forget contact Sierra for is still out there somewhere we don't know where it is we don't know what it is but it is still out there and it's probably heading in this direction I'm going to continue transiting the m'naghten 10 knots just to clear the data and although I'm reasonably sure these guys have no idea exactly where I am and we're going to follow the progress of the torpedo designated for contacts here 3 the grisha 3 areas and yet he's beginning to maneuver and surveys in action he's heard the torpedo he knows it's coming there is nothing he can do it's a sad but true fact submariners if you ever speak to a submariner I've spoken to many submariners over the course of my time in the Navy as far as the Submariner is concerned there are only two types of warship submarines and targets right and it's very very true a surface vessel stands very little chance against the submarine if these guys had helicopters I could have had some problems because helicopters with dipping sonar and dropping patterns of Sona boys they can be a very very effective deterrent against the submarine attack but they don't because they just call vents so they're doomed there is no way they are ever going to survive this they're going to do the best they can but right now the best thing these guys can do is bend over and grab their ankles and kiss their ass goodbye because that mark 48 is going to make a serious mess of that tiny little Corvette even more good news I don't have to worry about that guy sucking up the second torpedo there it is but I put in the water against the arrow to the Dom in the same way that the first grisha Sierra 1 sucked up the second torpedo intended that the Dom because that Dom is turned around and he's making really big steps as far away from the area of action as he possibly can and with the second torpedo I made sure that it wasn't set to go active and start searching for a target that's a long after it had passed the contact area so it's not going to get sucked up by the wreck of the second grisha the way the first grisha ate two of my torpedoes however if i knew a little bit more about my mark 48 torpedo is I don't actually know what its maximum ranges and that Dawn's had plenty of time to make his escape so what I'm going to do now is you can see I've loaded a harpoon new GM 84 missile into tube number three and I'm pretty sure because it's a canister launched weapon I'm pretty sure I can fire that from a depth of 100 feet so I'm coming up to that depth and I'm going to send the harpoon in the direction of the Dom just in case not might a little bit of insurance so we're coming up to a depth of 100 feet and we're going to get that harpoon away it's not a bit concerned about contact Sierra 4 though don't know what it is Dona where it is and somebody's pinging away on active sonar and it's not the grisha's because I'm sunk them and I'm reasonably sure there are no more surface vessels up there so is that an enemy suddenly written well there he is he just well it's not a particularly good target solution so I'm not convinced at that estimated range but he could be right there and that's right on top of me and he's pinging away with active sonar I mean to classify this guy because it isn't a particularly good contact but well he's pretty damn close and pinging lasted sonar so do I really have time to refine the targeting solution I think I'm just going to snap a shot range three and a half thousand yards get that torpedo in the water I'm hearing a very very strong active sonar returning he may actually be that close that's point blank range so screw this weapon in the water and let's start getting the hell out of here I'm not 100% convinced he does actually have me however so I'm going to do anything stupid we're still going to stay relatively slow but let's get some depth so if I do need to go fast I can do without cavitating I mean if there's a torpedo coming in my direction I'm just going to go to flank speed and down the cavitation because I need to evade the torpedo but all the moment I am not detecting any torpedoes in the water so let's just assume that he doesn't actually have a solution on me but start prepping for if he does achieve a solution on me you could probably afford to go a little bit faster but not below 300 feet yet and there's no thermal layer for me to hide behind while I wait for that torpedo to do its work oh it's got active it's bound to target it has found the target what is it it's got to be a submarine come on baby where are you I've lost the wire it is it's a tango at the diesel boat no wonder I couldn't hear it those things are practically silent when they're running on berries and the tango had enough batteries to be able to stay submerged on battery power for over a week for how to snorkel but he's been forced to broach the surface oh yeah he's all kinds of screwed yep go on baby have it well the good news for the crew is that they're already on the surface when they take the long 48 so they don't have to worry too much about escaping from they doomed submarine but that is very much he doomed submarine yeah I always dropped a noise nation is it going to fool mark 48 it's no no wait no it's circling around again yeah nice try Ivan nice try but no cigar you my son are going down yeah we've got it smack right in the ass bingo better surprise for the tango that just leaves the Dom which let's not forget is my actual primary target the only thing I haven't sunk yet is the only thing I'm here to sink well we still got that harpoon I mean we're reloading a torpedo in the tube one but the Dons so far away now and we pick them up again it's not a terrible solution yeah let's come up to missile Lord's death and send the harpoon after him I pretty sure I don't have to worry about anything else just now we only ever made the full contacts and I've sunk three of them so let's bring this boat up to missile launch depth which I'm not entirely sure but I think is a hundred feet because the ugm 84 harpoon was launched from a canister actually it's encased in a canister until it reaches the surface and then it has a sort of rocket booster motor which gets it clear of the water and then drops off and then the actual missiles rocket motor takes over oh no we'd simply don't know don't need the father harpoon yeah the torpedo found it just as intended fantastic and there he goes what submarine tender go into the bottom let's see your resupply is subs now Ivan so that is a very successful mission my first in the campaign the 1980s Cold War campaign although warmer really cold it's gone very very hot oh and just as well it's just as well that was the last targets because I accidentally breached the surface wasn't paying attention too busy celebrating oops okay let's get back down to periscope depth and just for the sake of completion we'll get back down at periscope depth will pop the ESM mast up see if there are any other contacts and if not we'll call this one a wrap and see how we did yep we're good let's get out of here and continue on patrol four vessels sunk - Grisha threes a Don and a tango class diesel-electric some not bad no damage sustained I don't think they ever knew where I was and comsublant very very happy with commander jingles mccringleberry of the USS Hyman G rickover superb effort in locating and eliminating the enemy's ability to replace their submarine force at sea keep up the good work stand by for new orders on this downlink and yet the press love me too don't get a medal for this I think I deserve a medal go on boss give us a medal they're only small you've got plenty you can spare one you won't miss it no medal I'm not going to get a medal for this am i he's going to tell me hard work as its own reward or some like that yeah he's got another mission for me huh no medal this time but that's where we're going to be continuing in the next cold waters video in the meantime I hope you've enjoyed this one and as always take care and I'll catch you next
Channel: The Mighty Jingles
Views: 319,214
Rating: 4.958972 out of 5
Keywords: let's play, gameplay, Jingles, gaming, The Mighty Jingles, Cold Waters
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 46sec (1966 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 20 2017
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