World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King Play-through

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[Music] good morning i'm tom vassell i'm zoe garcia what's up and i'm roy kennedy welcome to a random live play we do these occasionally um just decided to play this live today uh this is world of rap world of rats world of warcraft wrath of the lich king a pandemic game i think is that part of the title i'm so full of wrath actually pandemic is not in a title at all that's crazy i think on the box does it say what does it say in the box yeah the pandemic system oh the pandemic system yeah yep i've heard of such games so this is a cooperative game in which we're trying to defeat the lich king i like to clear something up right now i don't know anything about world warcraft i mean i shouldn't say i don't know anything i don't know anything about the the setting or the theme i know some of this stuff shows up in hearthstone which i play a lot but usually when i'm playing hearthstone i'm thinking about what the card does not who is that character and what is their motivation i must say majority of what i know about world of warcraft is also from hearthstone so it's like yeah like i'm playing jaina proudmoore i'm pretty sure she's actually one of the playable characters in hearthstone yes she's the she's the mage that yes so i just saw your abilities you can ping somebody from the mage it'd be awesome if she actually could ping somebody for one day my dude's name is bronze beard so that's all i know about him and that's enough the dude's name is bronzebeard are you kidding me i love it so we should let you all know that we did get a when when uh z-man sent this to me they sent a small promo character box and that's what zee's playing this is bronzebeard yeah that's so nice to deal with bronze beard look at me actually i think he's in i think he's in hearthstone too i think all this stuff me and me and tom are gonna be like this is in hearthstone the whole time look what i found i'm sylvanas windrunner she's a mythical hearthstone you're right she's like one of the original set characters but i don't know if she's still in it she might not be she might be wild at this point i don't know the pandemic cinematic universe yes and here's another one and no one's playing this one but just so you see another one this is green there you go yeah i don't really like this guy actually why he's a lovely gentleman no i meant his characters all right let's let's let's set up the game first we set up most of it we haven't put out the bad guys yet oh here we're blaming you for the bad guy cards you got it so we're going to shuffle some cards and we're going to reveal these cards initially seed the board with bad things okay we've already we've already given ourselves the good things with the zombies or the the hula hoop demons or whatever they are those are called scourge cards yeah that's what i said yeah okay one here we go and it gets what three ghouls ghouls that's what i meant to say the temple of storms so we're gonna put three ghouls in the temple of storms but also the lich king himself is in the green region oh oh all right now we're gonna draw another card and put three more ghouls in that area three ghouls an amber pine lodge right there i stayed there the other night now we're gonna draw three cards and put two ghouls in each so two have three yes uh drac fair and keep now don't get too caught up in this folks because there are there are a lot of differences from pandemic and now we're gonna draw three and put one ghoul in each okay put one ghoul at thunderball thunderfall that's what i said one in jakarta temple city of them kyla or something like that and then yeah all right and one in birthday and then a frost hold all right then one final card gets an abomination that's this oh no creeper oh come on gun drag it's at river's heart some of the miniatures on the green screen though because they look actually pretty nice okay let me see let's go through them in order this is a little tiny ghoul little girl little goo little ghoul it's a little on a sycamore tree guy hello and then this is the what are these guys called there's abominations they're disgusting he has more than two arms indeed right and then abomination easily be careful the most dangerous miniature i've played with in a while if you can see on his knees there's spikes coming out those things hurt if you grab it see it right there look you can see it right there i can't wait to see this painted hi this guy is a living caltrop okay there you go those are all the people uh we haven't shown our miniatures yet our miniatures i mean your miniature is um which one's this which one's that that is jaina proudmoore oh that's you okay and then we've got roy's that's an awesome bow roy sylvanas windrunner yes that's a really cool bow whoa and then mine the most impressive of all [Laughter] i'm tired and i have a prospecting axe bronze beard this is why with the wrong dwarf there we go nice there you go okay so on the back of your card it shows you where your character goes starts so i started in valiants keep right here in front of me that was convenient oh okay i'm at a tempo back your card tells you where to start right where all them evils is that which is like all the way over in the corner like in the mist over there almost all right vengeance landing okay there you go we start in different spots all right so one person goes first it's z because he has the uh gauntlet of starting yeah this gauntlet of starting is my gauntlet all right so on your turn you have four actions that you can do these are the actions you can do you can move from one spot to another following these things note the board does not wrap um also the ice crown citadel here that's in the middle of the board which is a pretty cool three-dimensional piece here is impassable right now that is where we will go fight the lich king at the end of the game um but to before we can fight him before we get to his quest which is here it's turned face down to show us that it's not available yet we need to go to three quests and there are various quests z will show you what one that's underneath the heroes over there z will show you one that we're not using so there's various quests you put a green one up there good all right it's got some green in it so the whole thing is green but anyway it's yellow it is oh the little arrows in between okay let me see i would look for one that is in green okay this one right so there's gonna be a random quest put face down on the boards one green one red one purple one for each of the regions and we'll talk a little bit more about quests in the future but we put these down underneath each quest look at this here move the underneath each quest there is a reward card oh no we don't have access hide it hide it oh yes promise so we'll get that reward card if we finish the quest so anyway one of your actions can be moved you can use all these actions as many times as you want another action you do is you can fight stuff that's in your spot okay when you fight you're going to roll these dice um the dice are going to show fists or shields on them or a combination of both so zetas rolled a fist and a fist when you fight for each fist that you roll you will kill a ghoul in your spot you need three to kill an abomination okay if they're out there and then they hit you back anything that's still alive after you've killed them but each shield that you have blocks one hit oh wow in the region where the lich king is they will do an extra damage so just keep that in oh so all those guys are stronger over there well well if you kill them all we're fine good luxy they only hit back for more they still die at the same rate that's your turn now we have some special abilities each character's game has two special abilities and roy and i both have abilities that have to do with fighting for example i always get one shield when i fight i have frost armor okay and roy oh this is awesome as an action go ahead i can when i fight on a connect i can fight on a connected space if as if you were in that space you do not suffer damage during this action limit once per turn so i can use my boat to shoot people right so you can like for example you can move here and just blow those guys away but i don't have a threat of like there still being some there and taking the damage back that's kind of cool all right and mine is look what i found so action move any other hero in my region directly to my space i can do that once per turn and also when i quest which we haven't talked about yet i'm going to be able to reroll one die right we should talk about questions talk about moving on those yet uh yeah so the quest spot here if you're on a quest space and they're marked on the board you can see one green and the purple one over here if you're on a quest space you can quest as an action when you quest you're going to roll the dice just like normal when you're fighting and fists are a success for each fist you roll you're going to move one on the quest track however you can also show from your hand a card you don't discard the card you just show it you can show from hand a card and move it on the matching space so you can kind of try to figure it out if i was here i i could say i'm going to move a green space and then move to fists and if any other heroes there they can also show a card one guard each one card each oh cool so if we're together on a quest and you take a quest action i can show a card again these cards aren't discarded and once we get to the end of the quest the quest goes away and whoever finishes it gets the reward card underneath which are they're very similar to the special cards from pandemic like there's one quiet night or all kinds of cool things we don't know what they are though because there's a pile of them and z put three out randomly i mean i know what they are because i looked got it bronzebeard now cheater beard once all three quests are finished then this quest reveals and we'll be able to go in here and fight the main bad guy but also when you do a quest though they hit you back for this much damage that's shown under every time if there's multiple people in the same spot you can decide who takes the damage you don't want all your damage to go away so i mean z well all three of us have six hit points if we ever die you heal back up to complete health you start where your starting location is but we move down two on the disaster track and i should mention that disaster track is the only way we can lose however pretty much everything affects that disaster track if we're ever forced to put a figure on the board and we don't have it we move one down into the disaster track if there's ever you know an outbreak in a spot we move down on the disaster track if there's an outbreak then the scourge track goes up no no no that outbreak the despair track the spare track over there the scourge track will move up when we draw a card from the scourge deck i mean from the hero pandemic yes i mean now um the fourth action you can do so there's move fight quest and then you can rest if you're in a region that's not a quest region you can roll two dice and the number of gauntlets you roll is how much you heal come here now i mentioned these cards we have these cards and you only have to show a card to do a quest but you can also play the cards and discard them for their action there's four kinds of cards there are travel cards which will let you move two or four spaces on the board there are fight cards which let you add one or two gauntlets to a fight there are defend cards which let you add one or two shields to a fight or to a quest when you're being attacked and that's a response right after you take the damage you can yes actually all of them are after oh cool so the fight ones are great because you can play them after you roll the dice and then the fourth one is a rest which is a free rest action when you spend it and it gives you plus one healing right sounds great um you can use some of these cards to help people if you're in the same space as them oh cool i think that's pretty much everything at the end of your turn you'll draw two cards from this hero deck if we draw a there's a what's it called scourge rises yeah that's right charles rises then bad things happen and stuff just gets worse in general and there's also three stronghold cards in there they're in the top three that we split the deck into six piles they're in the top three piles when you draw a stronghold whoever draws it immediately puts a stronghold anywhere on the board but it can't be in a quest region and as an action in the future you can teleport to one of these spots also when you heal one of them you'll heal an extra health gotcha that's pretty oh then at the end of your turn after you draw these two cards every abomination on the board moves one space towards the nearest hero and if they move into a spot where there is a hero they or if they're already in your spot they do one damage to you also notice there are only three abominations on the board so and every time that uh the scourge rises card comes out it's gonna bring out another one of these dudes so and every time there's supposed to be a quote-unquote outbreak you you add one to that instead of them spreading that doesn't happen you just click that once and you add a big dude rightly if you are a pandemic fan this is a very different thing from the original game right so if we had to add another guy here it doesn't split instead the spare track goes up then we put one of these guys in and if we don't have one of these guys the spare track will go up again because remember you need to we don't want to run out of stuff disgusting despair gusting all right so uh i did mention my other special ability as an action one of my four actions i can move to any space force any space four spaces away once per turn i could just teleport you can portal wow do you have some sort of particularly fast bird no i'm teleporting my other actions when i play a fight or defend card i can heal one so i'm about not taking damage basically because i'm shooting from long range and when i play the cards i'm gonna heal back up okay and i'm about uh saying my name loudly as though it's some sort of threat that sounds good weird is ready are we gonna get to go here well you can move what's your second one uh when i quest i can re-roll a dive oh that's a good one i'm a quest beast because one of the sides of the dye does have two gauntlets on it that's what you want to get starting i'm starting four actions oh my goodness all right so you're already in a spot with three dudes oh you know somebody's getting the smackdown oh they're gonna get the smackdown okay here i go i'm gonna attack them that's my first actor don't forget if you're in the area with the lich you take extra damage i think i would've got time to worry about that ain't nobody got time for that ain't nobody got time for that i mean you're not gonna take any damage this time because you're not doing any damage either no he takes four damage from that attack because there's three guys there plus one for the lich king that was the worst defense it would be right can i have a dick can we start again let's just start again shuffle it up we restart the whole game i'm gonna play that i got plus one so i'm gonna take out one of them and then i'm going to take a lot of damage right this one two [Music] plus the ledge king has three three damage but you have two shields you rolled oh so i'm only taking one yes okay that was my first action [Music] okay second action i'm doing it again am i doing it again no i'm not doing it again uh to quest or during so this quest up here which i'm right next to says during quest action here cancel one fist rolled then i would take two hits so i attacked for one my second action i'm gonna move in here by the way you cannot heal in a quest space so i'm going in there for my second action from my third action i will request quest okay so let's look at the quest thing though it says during quest actions here it cancels one world fist i just read that oh it's okay so is there any benefit to um i got a text from the key lime debbie oh well then everything's forgiven she on her way no she said that a a major news network's going to feature her store oh nice okay she had a new flavor and i was going to be like let's get it in your face that was really good okay and i'm going show so this is three moves i could re-roll now that's my special ability i'm not gonna worry about that so it's gonna move one two three and i show a green card for another one i would love to say that another one but you actually go three because even though you made fun of me for repeating you about the canceling one rolled fist you uh didn't ignore it i would like a apology for you calling out my mistake [Laughter] job's done all right so now you take three damage now take three because if the dude's there yes okay fine one two three could you like not die no i'm good man i'm not worried about it um okay one two three i'm gonna do a free action to move twice and i'm going to for my final action i'm going to heal all right and i roll these to heal same deal right yeah yeah uh look at that sweet sweet roll that is three christmas one two three i'm done all right so then you draw two cards draw two of these bloop bloop i'm good let's do it where's the break down there it is huh then we spawn ghouls so we're gonna drop two cards and add a ghoul to each cause in purple it's there in the quest there you go there and then throw a ghoul in kohlramas also in purple there we go i'm not worried about these ghouls man here's the thing i yeah i can do three four okay i'm trying to figure out what i'm gonna do here because i could go and start working on this quest but i'd be working on it all by myself bye so we take extra damage we're working on the green quest since he's there is that why you took as much damage because the lich king's there yes gotcha so you kind of so i'm gonna teleport one two three four do what i want oh no i mean actually actually i was here so i can go one two three four that that gets me a little closer i'm gonna try to so that's my first action second third action wow you're taking care of stuff for me that's cool well i'm hoping you're gonna come in there and help me because then i can show a card i am coming in there and helping you 100 i use a teleport for my first action for i know so i'm trying to see if there's a shorter way for you to get there no i couldn't think of it the problem was i could easily have gotten to this one but then you guys couldn't help me i figured we're gonna focus fire in a quest no i'm good here we go purple [Applause] all right that's two and you have a shield yeah okay good job one two and then i take two damage when this quest is done an abomination shows up ooh ooh all right give me some give me some good cards you're all done good something good stronghold tom you didn't say what you're supposed to say when you're translator job's done okay there you go all right where do we want to put this so i explained it we can put on any quest it doesn't any space doesn't have a quest or a stronghold and we can warp there oh that's cool for an action not too bad because then we can all get over there easier to finish that quest or do you want me to put it here i don't know here's better like really it's your stronghold i am not an alpha gamer i listen to alpha gamers wait put it there um okay that was two cards you drew now flip over two of these here we go ghouls in valgar goodness they just keep coming that one is right here tom and then another one in argent tournament up there at the top somewhere oh yeah someone pointed out that when you did that quest um earlier yeah when you rolled the dice you did roll a shield i think on one of your dice yes so you would have taken one less damage oh i would then do this all right roy show us how to do this all right i'm not talking about strategy leroy jenkins we're going up in here and we can make all the world of warcraft and we're going to build all four of them what's the point if we're not going to do it what are you doing for your second action i'm attacking this dude that where i'm at that little dude you're talking about worried about it attack the dude shoot these guys and quest can you cast quest more than once yes yes well don't just do that there you go and the yeah yeah shoot the guys man i will shoot the guys first shoot them shut up and i can't take damage because of that shoot it jay well actually i think he meant to do the quest first leroy jenkins i killed them all right yes i think they're all dead they're dead listen i was trying to make it so there wasn't an outbreak because we don't want this pandemic spreading no that's the wrong theme oh wrong theme okay i'm i'm going to quest then i'll hold this again i'm ready to help you here it goes two shields that stinks so you can re-roll on the oh you can't that's just one right all right so it's gonna go up one you can show a card though uh do you have red or blue are we allowed to talk about that yeah really it's cold which you have right i have a red okay well i'm doing blue all right so blue i show a red right here another one now how much damage do i take well one of us takes two damage no you take one only i guess because of the shield that's what you're telling me do i reveal it i don't know how that works well sure is this shield yeah yeah i'm taking the damage i have a bunch of healing one damage i have healing so that was your second action that was my second half no it was your third because you moved there yes so i can do it again you have one action left another one question you can't steal mike's tag line that's not mike's tagline you understand how the inside jokes work here tom because you're in your office while we're having fun inside jokes in the other room what did you get two fists okay um and i'm going to white or yellow or do you have red i got i don't have blue i don't have yellow so we're kind of okay so you say red oh yeah well let me do red okay red yellow yellow one one we're happy two more damage i'm at three this is scary that's it you're done i do have healing but i can't heal while i'm on that space right so and here's another battery let's cross shield work on a quest now it says when you fight oh hey we haven't drawn the thing yet that's good good good shuffling so if you have five of the same card i can put it in that is not a thing we do have a hand limit of seven cards i was trying to cure the lich king of his litchiness no warsong no that's not good no oh this guy gets our stronghold kill him immediately okay that's me what am i gonna do guys what are you going to do about him move any other hero in the region right here let me once per turn okay um [Music] i wish i could move myself to you i can only move somebody else to me i'm not coming so so since my middle name is lee should i say roy lee jenkins or roy lee candidate and just yell that that does sound like down there super virginia i it's it i've worked on the aesthetic to help fight away from that that's true you do not look it um do we want to just keep hitting this guy i could come over but it takes my entire turn to swing ones at him i don't know by the way folks uh a rule if there's some ability like z's where he can move one of us it does have to be agreed to by both parties oh man can't just be a but i actually have a free travel here so i'm going to do that i'm gonna play this card which i know is green but it looks a little grayed out but it's green the background nice and so free action i can move two spaces any hero it says on your space up to two spaces so if somebody else was with me i could use this on them but they have to be with me so one two that's all free first action we're all here together second action lee roy jenkins i got blue i've got cars you're right i'm sorry i i was incorrect on the role of someone um when you do a quest you take the damage i can't be someone else on the spot i took it yeah we said that well i don't know i did not say that you could play a card to prevent them though somebody else could play the card here i go can definitely be done at any time oh okay okay that's what i got are we questing i could re-roll one of these i have what do you think azul if you need it i would re-roll the the single fist because the worse you could get would be an a and shield i'm rolling out here it's too hard to keep it on there i got another fist and a shield all right all right all right cool cool so there we go that's what i got and then i don't have a blue but the only one i have is blue actually so oh well then we're kind of i don't know you only have blue i have blue and red yeah yeah but i have a green that's fine so i'm doing blue and i'm showing green you're showing green one two red red because we can break up the order which we do [Music] but i'm blocking both of them nice so i've only taken the move to here is free one two third action is this quest it up questioning let me begin that's two fists that's all i need boom boom bam to take the two damage however i don't think so right i think when you finish a quest you don't uh let me see when you complete a question is that holy water the lit has got him blessed by the the paladins of no you do take the damage i don't want to do how how healed are you oh you're you're fine you know what we have not been moving the abomination after each player's turn so moved after yours then it would have come this way then it would have come after roy's and then now it's gonna it's gonna move after yours in a second but this one is here now why because it says after this quest is complete it's on an abomination we should have read that no we read it we did okay i'm going to prevent the two hits i would take from that right here got it now take your reward be good be good this cat says one of the cards in your hand too which should i show you why not i want to show it to the humans seven seven okay so when that comes down you just wipe the board right and hearthstone doesn't that card doesn't that card just destroy everything so at any time you can discard a scourge card to the box and we kill all the ghouls in that space that's like a doubly good card okay i'm so dramatic okay so that was it for my turn now i'm going to draw two cards two hero cards here goes jobs done i'm good then i will spawn ghouls two ghouls one goes in are as joel nerub you're a you're a narub and the other one goes in which is i'm guessing here yep all right so now wait uh spawn ghouls and then activate the abomination he moves here he's going to hit one of us this guy hits me it's anybody yeah because well because it's not your turn he just moves in the nearest hero if there's multiple we can decide that it's z it should be me right plus my beard is made of pure bronze pink how do you know my name is bronze beer oh that's good to know all right i think for action one here i'm gonna fight because i have the extra shield when i fight you guys are in my spot so i think you'll have i thought that bronze was just describing a color instead of like an actual metal metal all right so i'm going to fight here yeah i i'm we got to kill this abomination good luck let's do it action one oh that's three fists awesome what's it like to be such a beast yeah hang on what are you gonna do can you do an extra to take that guy down i can i'm gonna play another fight card to do four i'm gonna kill him and him wow and your brother too you should have done extra damage and hit this one because we all know you're secretly a traitor there's no traitor in this game for a second action um i'm gonna use a flight only happens after you path the sixth pack then the traitor comes in you have to make that noise yes okay first my second my third and let's do another one oh this guy hits for three though so actually before equal to the number of fists yeah this is discarded actually just stand there because then you can help us hang on i fought i flew action three i'm not going to spend an action i'm actually going to do a free heal bam oh cool good good then you can stand on it ah it's a waste though now you're good oh cause you're you don't you you're not that hurt yeah i'm only down by two when can you do no i'm gonna go fight i'm gonna go questions that say it can be played does it say anytime all right why don't you just wait to play it yeah so three and i'm gonna yeah because i have to move off the space to heal that's all you can't you can't hang on a question but i'll question that card let you though oh can we put it oh yeah oh then then the never mind i am the quester of them all i have a red card one two three boom now i block one of the damage to hit me for three it's two more ah but quickly i heal i'm you still have to roll yeah it's plus one so you're healing two that was terrible that's good yeah nothing great job all right give me my i gotta have the scourge rising was that it were you uh that was my fourth action there it is jobs done scourge rising no scourge rises okay so there are uh five of these cars in the deck so when it comes out the first thing we do roy is move the scourge marker up one the scourge marker basically tells us how many cars we flip over from the bad one right now we're gonna draw the bottom card from the scourge deck what's it do we're going to add three of these dudes to that bring it up to three i think that's how it is you know what this is phrase bring out you know what this reminds me of rizzo in a different game you know grizzle mall grizzle grizzly not only does the grizzly ball but also that card the lich ow where does he move he moves to the purple area did he put it oh that's kind of cool the way it does that he is very pokey and now purple is terrible now you have to shuffle that oh we also spawn an abomination there too at grizzle mall yep yo man if only there was a ranged guy nearby yeah but i have to forget they're gonna move now to us oh yeah yeah at the end of your turn they're gonna both all of them are gonna move all the big guys here except you know giant king man king man they're jumping us okay couldn't we well it's too late now couldn't we what you're that's awesome card but yeah so i would cancel it no let's see what happens we'll use your card in an hour of desperation we're not in our desperation i'm still in the hour of perspiration yeah um deodorant please what are we doing is not a bad thing of itself it is bad you should not sweat i've heard it's actually bad for your internal you should cover yourself yourself in a situation where you need to sweat always be completely comfortable you should try to cover yourself with a sort of silver paste yeah or have a window a beard made out of bronzer paste not paint sorry will you flip the cards we're flipping over two of them i was just there that's it all right so now the abominations move ah so that one's easy it moves there this one one two three i got it one two wait one two three four one two three four we can pick which way it moves i think we should move it towards you because you guys are going to leave there yeah fine i mean let's see what coming for you i don't like that you use dye to cover your gray hair i can kill him so one two three four all right let's do it my turn yes let me roll okay i'm gonna um i should kill that guy so we have some of them off of the board right because we don't have the right we have one wait wait but while i'm there and i don't want him to attack you at the end of my turn that's correct no you do not fight him this is gone by the way why don't you fight him i'm gonna fight him lindsay i'm glad you agree okay but you should do it effectively i'll add two okay to kill him and when i play a fight card i heal one also you needed to uh play that shield because that guy was there but you're fine you're fine you got a shield oh you're good um this car goes away right yep but don't forget the extra damage is done because the lich king is there he's winking at you well i'm getting out of here i'm my next movement's here that's so awesome that like that's that easy to move sure but the harder so the harder the game is you take these out three there's a lot of adjusting difficulty right because you can put in more of these yes more scourge rises and fewer strongholds mythic you play with one stronghold and it's in the second deck not the first yeah this so we're playing a fairly easy mode here just so you know if we win it's a very low difficulty you can there's quite a few steps above that so we're playing the play with your kids mode no we're not doing that we're playing we're playing there's a lot of ways they can that they do adjust difficulty cool well i'm going to quest then do it bro for my last action i believe i have read in blue i have only read uh it's not gonna work so it's not gonna work well one of you two will do it that's it so we're feeling red so it's three one two and then one i'm on the sidelines going you can do it and then you're blocking one hit so two hits two hits oh i take damage yeah what you think this was fool and non-quest is it no i'm gonna save my shield for uh should i say i'm gonna save my shield because we got a bunch of blues coming up that was a mistake it was a mistake what else you got you gotta draw a card flew for two you moved and quested yes that was all cuatro there's some bad stuff gracias anymore oh i said no bad stuff okay anyway um uh we're good yeah no bad stuff starting free actions free actions couldn't be done at this point though right now that's during this during your actions i think i just had all the basic stuff is right there all right i'm getting a little nervous here and then the temple of storms got it and then a long jo move towards us uh i'm only three away so he goes there me get him should i kill him you should you you can kill him with a look that's what i heard they say bram bronzebeard is eight feet tall lightning comes out of his axe kills abominations with a look [Music] i'm running over here in the woods it was merely a poem while they chased me binds when he mines he finds bronze never gold i'm not so good at what i do basically uh okay i'm gonna i'm gonna do a thing guys don't forget i have the special dragon quality cleansing dragon over here oh the cleansing dragon that's true i'm keeping we'll keep one eye out for that people yeah if there's something particularly nasty honestly that would have been a good play i think there but i missed it um [Music] what have we got i guess we need to quest oh we didn't move down the oh we didn't need to move down to the spare track it hasn't happened yet i think that's correct what are we doing uh maybe i should go on clean up duty a little bit honestly it should be roy might be able to roy is like the one who can shoot from yeah you're the one questing and you're like the oh i'm the i'm the guy who's good at questing i can re-roll or die i was just trying to speed through the game you need to go do your job if you question this we can beast it all right but we're gonna you can quest if you want to don't you ever you said you only had one for that question should i just take care of this before i leave why not because because of this one how are your cards looking three oh i'm trying to see how you can you move that many spaces to be able to do that and quest i do what i want no i can't do both whoa can't we move him there oh wait other people can play the cards now as we have to be on your space man you're you're the guy who should be there pulling us to you you know i agree but then you know hot head uh listen i'm moving stuff on the next i'm over here trying to mine some bronze and you're like do you think lee jenkins asks for help and how he should take his turn no you just run in and do it and that is a fake video it never happened i mean it happened it happened it was it was set up who cares it's still funny okay i'm i'm letting you guys deal with the concepts you gotta calculate the percentage of success what's quest where's my lad's quest here i go three questions here i'll go once again three i'm rerolling that one two fists i can give a green or a red that's not helpful at all blue where are we at here um well if he has one then you have a green i do if he has a yellow or blue yeah you have a blue or a yellow i have a blue okay fine so i can do either one this is mine this is mine this is yours one two and then green from me and then i have to take samples i'm gonna prevent two of those and only take one like and i have one action left i will quest again you get all the good whoa you can try if you want to but nobody quests like me will you die though if you take the hits i got a shield if we need to okay i'm gonna re-roll this one okay two i'm not showing a card uh dude yeah done we don't need you go away i did it then i take three hits ah no you got oh you have no shields no shoes ah i guess i'll play this grudgingly he helps you stop two of them i guess if we don't want you to die you're gonna let me die did you die do i get that no i'm just kidding i'll pick up your loot i'm following my face okay this one's done so what do we do with the dawn quest here i had to stick it up the board where was it where's the autumn over here okay let me see what i got here guys halfway mark how terrible is this it's terrible guys maybe you should use it i am going to use it i'm going to deal two to you and one to you wait i've helped you this whole time yeah that's why you're only getting that's why you're only getting the one okay okay next time yeah you show a card next time okay we're done um that was my four actions are you playing it before we okay i don't think i need to do it right now right that's is there something like are we worried about these popping yes are they on the top of the deck is that purple how would i know i'm not superman at the and uh temple of storms is that temple of storms is out grizzle mall could come up okay gotcha okay and we could draw another scourge rising in which case but then i can just i can do that in the dragon bernie bernie is the dragon bird pull from the discard pile yes well then no you can't just to come up there's a step in between all right go ahead draw your good cards i'm sure it will be fine i'm sure it will be fine i'm just going to say that draw the background a completely unrelated game so i do trust his judgment the breach they're coming in the breach it's right behind them there are now three spots with three dudes purple i don't care about that i ain't going down there requested there we're done so should i remove one of those or wait i guess it can be at any time so we can chill i can i can sit on this for a little moment and then move the guy i am coming for you all you'll never get us all right tom do it make it happen teleportation time let's say you need to build another one of those towers right beside the other one over there so we don't have to walk so that was one action let you do all that one two three four i think i will swing up this way actually though you can move i think i'm gonna swing here i have nothing here and then i can only do the teleport once per turn oh do i have a move should i move if you want to get somewhere faster you should not do your telephone teleportation first let l one of us move you first unless you have no i have a move that's what i'm saying i'll just how to spend that noise then i'm going to fly up here to the temple okay so that was only one action so far because this is free yes one action now let's fight there you go this is your second action wearing you lost both limbs upon your torso come on fight oh that's two those i have a shield so the last guy you don't you're not gonna play your fight you're gonna save it for the quest i'm i'm gonna say it's really far i'm gonna stay there though tom yeah i know but i don't want to spend the car when i don't need to the so the guy who's left hits me for one but i have i have a free shield okay you're good so that's that was two so far so then three three and four attacking there do it i'll do roy's job for him yeah good job roy jumps done somebody did it same thing i killed two the one hits me back but frost armor i'm so cold i'm cold as ice i hate i hate the frost armor when you like you kill them they're like going to be at zero and then the armor pops up yeah and then they're not dead it's terrifying still beat you in the game yeah yeah yeah yeah or like when netflix thinks you're not watching anymore so they're like and then are you still watching well yes stop judging me i've been sitting here it's like i understand you grab like chicken wings but they're trying to chill while watching what we're talking about i don't remember it frost i'm done give me some good cards here you go that one's good we're just mentioning not so good no no they were both good and i give some bad stuff okay this one's good guard keep right there all right this ain't so bad i got you man i told you roy do something do something good do you want to move do something good you want me to move you four spaces oh that's interesting where am i going to go just towards the quest oh wait move this guy after my turn wait he would actually head towards me yeah should we move your four spaces towards the quest okay okay move forwards basically towards the quest chopstick hi that's a free action so this is one obviously now where do you want to go i'm going to shoot just straight up towards it yeah there you go he's trying to get him in there get me in there he shot the cat on wait nobody tosses a bronze beard i kind of really miss you now that you're gronzy so i'm going to go there too [Music] throw him again give me bronzebeard okay now what i so this is what i need to kill right uh yeah so it's like so you don't think about any reactions yeah wow so one two three to kill that let's do it yeah somebody's asking uh chat there about this character yeah the one i'm playing is a promo it's not a promo it's an expansion character right because no it's a promo character it is it comes in a little box but it's it's sold i'm assuming you can buy it from z-man games that's what i mean i need three to kill this guy so i'm gonna do this little expansion and i'll hit him for an extra one and when i play one of those you killed it yes um i kind of do i move or do i shoot should you move or should you shoot there there's always you attacked into this space do you take damage for anybody in yours no it actually says on his car you do not suffer damage during this action all right but he can only do it once per turn he can't oh all right he can't machine gun archer wait towards that right so i'm just going to move here for my last action right seems good right seems passable moved both of us up here and killed that was actually a good turn here you go here's your reward oh thank you i'll take this well you're not very good at rewards dad what did your card do that like all right so first thing we do is advance your scourge marker so now we'll be drawing three cards per turn then the bottom part of the deck and we bring this up to three oh are you kidding i didn't want to be oh my goodness yes where's dalaran okay now did you just kill that dude he got back up i got you it's time for us to call alex trazza's cleansing that's that's quite the word uh i'm doing it anytime return a discarded scourge card to the box remove all ghouls oh it's cools so kill the ghouls it's garbage [Music] get them out of these guys just showed up they're burning fire hot fire the problem is we're still shooting both out and putting that on top and then drawing three yeah good job rory uh you realize that the way the game works is for those in chat how many of those how many people blame the person when bad stuff happens on their turn i normally like when we played season zero we just always blame z shuffling of the uh the deck this was true you did and it had the one thing happened a lot well we played that remember yes it was like back to back it was never my fault though it always was because you're the one that shuffled it there was an envelope that never got opened that specified not was working against you guys the whole time oh man that's such a good game okay here i go how many of these am i flipping now three bring it boom oh god keep right there this one is valgar they're right there they're piling up and this one is the bridge it's right there oh okay all right that wasn't bad of course it wasn't bad uh then we activate abominations and that one moves one click up towards the breach he's coming job's done if i didn't kill him then there would be two abominations you did a good job guys keep track of it trying to keep track of it okay what do you got now uh it's me now can take concern how does this one work any time i said deal three damage divided among up to three spaces in a single region that needs to be in every board game that would be awesome and then if it burns out you just eject them out of the house no they just turn gets skipped return gets skipped one two oh boy how do i move here because i want to go over there and do some i need to heal actually is what i really need to do you know what would be a fun combo i don't have a teleport card but if you could pull me to your space then i could teleport you out that's an interesting combo i don't have one i would tell you to do it do you have a teleport card uh no i do not okay because that would be fun all right so the first thing i'm doing is actually a healing but it's a free action so and i'm going to do it a plus one nice that is going to be i'm back baby we still have them over here we haven't even got one despair no i watched you guys the other night and you were like at the bottom of the chat i'm here for sure yeah all right so i did some difficulty that was nothing so i'm also going to play this travel card it's also free i'm going to move twice with that bloop bloop oh yeah ish what does that mean they're playing on easier difficulty no way should i attack all these fools i'm just trying to say there's there's a difference of who they like yeah i'm here we're both two how many actions have i said none i haven't done any actions no actions also we roll good on dice i'm gonna play this any time the knights of the ebon blade deal three damage divided among uh up to three spaces in a single region bye felicia i was just wanting a hug so that was also free are you doing anything that requires payment nah baby i did the heel for free to travel for free and i killed that dude for free well why you like spending some money once in a while there two one two ow the pokey demon the pokey demon gotcha um i can't wait to see that i can swing at that twice or i could bring one of you and then we swing i i go at it i'm gonna bring one of you over and then attack is that a free action no it's an action right or i can just attack on my own twice the problem is again he hits me back for three for three and he's in ignoring one of the uh fists i'm not super useful because i have i have how many cards are you holding roy anything useful i have mostly reds and i'm blue i have one yeah yeah i don't think we're gonna be able to get to that i got you bro you know what forget it thanks for nothing but you would have saved that's an action of moving so there is that okay that was true you're no good on your own are you kidding me you're a mean one at least dwarf bronze beard i'm showing blue and that one oh i'm ignoring one of these is that the ability of that location location yeah okay and then i'm going to get hit for three this prevents one so i'm going to take two wait what did you do z i rolled one yeah you know you were supposed to try to succeed on the quest i'm gonna do it again in fact check this out much better we rolled it yeah yeah yeah all right so it's one now and i show blue so bloop bloop and then i'm getting hit for three that prevents one so i'm getting hit for two and i'm going to prevent these two whoa okay guys you are on fire now here i am i'm done uh stronghold baby where do we put it down there the purples so that if we need to get down there we can kill them so we could do it like literally way down green and then we're going to make more sense to do it here so we can just get all three i'll tell you what i'm going to do here okay that's fair there it's outside the game i was just giving a suggestion you don't have to do what you want okay cool i don't have to do what i want yeah stop alpha gaming uh you're a huge alpha gamer tom first of all rude you're huge and an alpha gamer tom [Laughter] you also wear hats spawn ghouls here we go blam frost hold okay that's the third one there bam warsong hold holds and then another one played this forever ago that's here wow we're getting right on the edge we're also we're down to five remember every time we put one of these out if we can't we'll do something about it i guess we should kill something i'm done shouldn't we i am done i was telling you if we lose that's on you now it's on you it's not z's turn anymore correct yeah but shouldn't i go in there and finish the quest you should maybe uh do what's best i hate doing the quest while the lich is in this location i'm just saying well yeah well what are we supposed to do wait for him to move wait we the next door to green again yeah he might not move he might not move i'm in movement you are going in there i am let's let's get it done all right do you have any blue right oh you have any cards at all i have two cards uh i have a red tom well if he has a red or i have a blue blue one of the characters in this game gets to show two cards in a quest it's a really cool character yeah it's pretty amazing even in when helping yeah even when helping yeah all right so that was action this is action two wow three two that was really good don't forget i'm gonna show blue blue one two and i'm gonna show red and then i take three and i know we were here you showed one i showed one one two yes oh wait we're here okay actually that's this is this is not good yeah i was about to say you went you didn't subtract but yeah that's good i did it you did it right now three always leaving he's just not even going to be a part of this well no i got it i got you stay oh thank you i must say we don't need too much though yes one ah oh that's only four and that's free that wasn't wasn't an action so i get to stay there then let's quest again [Music] finish it wow okay i want to show red do you have a yellow i do not know you move one you take your three damage do we have an action left yeah quest again and die you're gonna probably die no don't do that i don't even have any yellows anyway don't do that yeah i think we're good um well then what do i do for my last action think about how poorly you rolled i'm just gonna sit there everything that was good this round i did for you give me the cards what did you do nothing what else am i supposed to do you're doing nothing at all okay i'll fight the i'll fight the guy in my spot i should be able to kill you you might take damage well you shouldn't shoot oh no no no okay because there's no one there now well i thought you still take damage from the lid i'm not sure i think so oh fine there's a card there's i think i may temple of storms what is with you drawing the similarities uh keeps your temples keeps in temples keeps in touch that's where roy is and then this is a grizzle mall everybody knows grizzle mall it's great uh where's the mall busts okay so this one here there's three already so this drops and we add a big uh a nasty one today and i feel more like mike mike playing anymore he activates and he moves it looks like one two three four one two three same thing so oh three and four are not the same thing but okay i said one two three four one two three how many little guys do we have guys too right now wait wait wait yeah that character is closer yeah so they move towards them so i'm gonna put him here he's coming for you roy all right i'm gonna i should shoot that shoot that stack of three right shoot it jay shoot it shoot it okay first action is to shh is it worth to kill it off i don't think so so you're shooting two of these yeah they're dead and you don't understand how many of these do we have sitting outside yeah we got to put them back is it good to get rid of the last one just to have extra or no not worth an action i think there's also two in your spot should i do that before moving over and then questing i think i'm going to be able to question you need to hit one before i don't show up yeah you're like all beat up oh well i have a thing i can clean yourself also up can't help at all as much as this shows that's easy two i'm gonna move in there okay so that was one two three you're in here this is where you need the roll of a lifetime stand up bro i'm not too lazy i don't think you understand what roll yellow i don't have it i don't got nothing that moves one why did i heal i should have just well you take two damage now oh three damage that's why you healed you need to oh no you take two yeah cuz you would have been all bloodied on the ground well that's like my whole turn yeah give him garbage give him good stuff nobody said you were good at this ah you didn't draw a thing did you no all right but i still have a yellow in my hand so i said all right so now through these amber pine lodge we're doing lodges this time we're just going to the lodge thunderfall lodge it's right there okay and then lastly arjun tournament lodge argent tournament lodge everybody knows about it's at the top very tippy top there we go put that guy in there man get him in the argent hey man i was reaching around stuff it's hard hey there we go can you finish this quest of course is it me do you have hit points the big guy's got to move first job's done job's done ah does anybody have a yellow card now roy yes i still have my same yellow card let me get them dice all right you need two successes i need two but i can re-roll one so i got it okay that's a good roll so boom boom i ignore one that's completely it would be really cool if you got all of the cards from the quests you know it'd be really nice if you would i'm sorry that i'm not sure that question and the guy who runs up and hits the thing after we've already beat it it takes the experience so good at questing i said yes all right so much rewards more resistance did you take your three damage i'm gonna take two damage which i will take all right so now what happens is we take that question c gets the card which is probably awesome as always you guys want to see what it is do the jaws theme all right meanwhile so the citadel blows up here we flip this over what and the lich king goes here and now we can move in that area to do the final quest which is kind of a normal quest but it's quite long and it does three because it's two plus him he always adds one okay i think about our actions no where was i no i'm not out of action so i started there yeah that was your very first actor this is my first action okay it's not a quest space any longer if you'd like to heal or play that card to help everyone else have to heal like a jerk so we have to go into his space there can everybody take two points of healing yes yeah okay so i'm going to do some heal myself remember the lich king's plus one damage no no but that's important i mean because otherwise they do that because if they put three there then there'll be a long argument over whether the damage uh he's get it i'm gonna do uh heal myself full yeah no i'm kidding everybody heals two yes or you've got two hands does he count as any sector like what [Music] and will never use his ability so i'm going to go in here for one second for two as my second action and i guess i'll attack those guys do it kill them all kill them all actually is there a way can you get to this to stand on it i don't know we need to we need to this purple yeah it's bad down here i'm going to go fight i think i'm going to go fight on my turn or i can get to it because because look i got i got cards coming out my hands i know but we could just i can win the game yeah but i can get to it on four but i can't swing yeah it's going to be a long quest there yeah i'm just going to stay at two three whoa okay that was very impressive you kept the roll yeah it landed normal and uh and i'll move in here for four all right i'll draw two of these all good and then i flip over three of these and then the wrathgate in red now it's worse on hold good and lastly gundrag it's out here all right all right but we only have two guys so i gotta i gotta do some murderizing oh then this guy moves it's my favorite place towards why don't you kill him why is this guy here where'd he come from he was ready i can kill him right now i think he's in no he's there because there was three there for sure like magic or something with your magic spells use your magic things i'm going to go out here and fight the purples so they don't pop proud you can take one damage action one really yes you could yes i got to take care of this stuff i'm not ashamed i'm ashamed for you no no this is a good move which way i'm proud of you i'll go down two kill three it's fighting kill you have tons of attack you said you need to take them out my eyes will do it yeah i'll do it kill them might as well do it okay so that was three actions i'm disgusted i'm gonna free move where are you going up to the other three and fight again for action four [Applause] that one's one two let's do it three and that is called a ghoul killing machine nicely done such a scream stronghold roy where do you want the stronghold to be done oh wait we get a stronghold yeah yeah i guess right besides some stuff does that connect to this we could put it there actually where that wrathgate is oh that's cool that also connects yeah i know those two are kind of close but all right yeah we're never gonna go there again maybe that's true i'm never going to go there again never going to go there all right let's draw three scourge cards you got it scourge it up drac farron keep okay and then ulduar is where uh roy is up there and then lastly river's heart and then i take a damage ah i'm offended why i knew you could handle it do you want me to coddle you oh i knew you could do it on your own that's what you i trained you for even though you didn't train me at all get out of here you're a dark elf and i like dark elves uh you're creeping me out we need some distance i'm glad you i'm glad you left town does anybody want to brush my bronze beard gross we're good again okay i'm attacking the abomination first there are worse things first i'm attacking the abomination because all right forget that jerk i mean i'll just kill it how much is that one or two as one because there's another dude there he takes three like i killed him but then i take no damage right because yeah sure that's one action fine that's one nice one two three four i can stand on the question quest go do the quest so i should kill some of these guys right and then stand on the quest so that way you can go for the quest why would i what's the difference i mean well i we do want to be we're gonna clear out yeah i think so probably can you guys do the quest without me and i just go around fighting maybe wait can i stand here and then shoot to that yes they're connected yeah they're shooting back he's up there how much was that the right the which is looking at you're like hang on a second exactly it's like i'll be with you a little bit how many uh actions was that do you have one left this will be my last this is your last one okay yeah do it that would be dose do i don't take damage though so three oh i should have healed when i did my red card before from over there um i don't get to heal where this quest is though right that is correct unless the car says can heal where there's a quest some heel crank i could still kill this guy i have multiple red cards i'm just going to kill that last guy so we have an extra more guy's dead it says during your own actions you play this you heal that it says you can't take a rest action there it doesn't say you can't kill them i've been purposely not playing them okay i'll heal then all right why not are you playing this one to kill that final guy yes just and to heal one all right give roy his two cards this would be um i have a red in my hand this is bad stuff bad stuff he said is he correct he's wrong i'm a hack all right draw three i think these are gonna be three new ones i think shadow vault yeah i don't have green this is actually really good you did a great shuffling job the avalanche yeah you're you're amazing donkey's delight i love that location where's the veggies landing right here it does sound like that might be a place where dwarves hang out who knows it's a club um all right here i go people said if we've got to move the abomination what abomination yeah the abomination is dead it's dead unless we miss one we might have missed one what happened what what happened no i said we've had the moving abomination but he was dead and he was in your spot so i killed him yeah he moved to me and then i killed him we might have forgotten once we're going to let that go guys uh yeah but when where we can i keep killing them like immediately yeah that's the thing folks and when we play it's always possible to make a mistake yeah you're well i mean if it might happen if you were playing too and then no one you have no one watching you though to correct you these things happen small little things um i'm hopping in there i think dude definitely moved it after your turn because it jumped at me okay here comes the beard here comes that beard here comes the beard all right i want to okay so that was my first action first action second action coach beard here we go second action questing [Applause] i'm already rolling well yeah we're rolling that that's three which color do you need i can show red okay you have green or yellow i have yellow that's fine so one two three four five move it five times i show all of them two three four five there we go and then i get hurt back for three i'm blocking one here two three should i shoot i could how far down are you now save and shield me now i'm gonna shield you now so that way you can have it it doesn't matter just let's keep your hit points high what is it two okay yeah that was my first uh second action there you guys are gonna let me play right third action no no west we're gonna do what i said we're gonna win the game without you we're gonna win i'm sorry do you have a blue card i got a blue and a yellow one okay fine so i have a yellow move us four times and then he hits me for three do you have a shield again ah how far are you down at that oh he's singing for three he had one at that point i'm at full you're good don't worry about it but see we have a lot of players coming up i'm gonna play this which is free action i get the heel there plus one i'm gonna heal we've gotten some good rolls though i'm gonna attack again okay i attacked twice already and moved this is my final election i'm proud of you i'm proud of you too well it makes sense seeing that you're laughing yes to all of the legends jaina proudmoore you should be proud what are you serious and i have a green so holy smokes one two three four five and then you take three damage unless we i don't have any one two three that's true for me how much because i'm going to save for you four times in a row three if you're not dead [Music] i'm good yeah keep it okay done uh draw two of these oh no okay you realize we could get another one really soon yeah we could all right so move that up over there bottom gets pulled see i just want to say that was an amazing turn yes fill the onslaught harbor up there to three oh and then we shuffle all this is the abomination yeah right yeah that's how it works yeah but we're about to can you walk up to the citadel you mess with us yes i'm sure i don't like them uh we have a problem here there's only two guys left we're about to go down to the spare track again clean it up hey do your job where's your mopping box i have a full-time job get the mop and the bucket and clean it up i volunteer for the local orc repatriation repatriate the rp stuff repatriation i think is them yeah that was a fogging on the winter soldier the uh buzzword right the repatriation thing oh maybe thinking about did you see the latest what if from last week oh my goodness no i don't know what that means that means i have not seen it i like english i watched half of it and then i had other things i had to do it's really good it is the title of it's called what if killmonger rescue tony stark yeah really killmonger the bad guy in black panther yeah who's tony stark he's the uh he's he's the alter ego of superman he's the guy who makes all the weapons oh okay yeah sure um here i go three of these bam is right there so okay argent tournament is up there okay tavern onslaught harbor are you serious oh yeah wait that was a heart attack yeah man that was the one that we just drew there was nothing to do about that guys i've done all i can and i can't do no more y'all figure this out all right i gotta get us to go murder stuff you need to figure something out because i'm winning i was like if you lose on your turn i won on my turn okay all right i'm gonna be one of those action one moving there i'm gonna fight for action two i killed two and have two shields yeah let's do it waste of time go ahead action three i'm gonna kill him okay i'm trying are you red red red red it's good good okay i like it that was it that was everything i'm done i like to point out my turn was much faster than yours it's also way less effective shut up i'm okay but unfortunately you guys are not we split daddy when do they move after this okay so vengeance landing where is it here okay that's one thunder fall is here for two and then valguard is this one okay then they move z take both i got it no i can't they both they die i can't take one for the team i'll take one no why would you die if you guys would go down doing that thing over there it would be cool it'd be a good way to go i don't want to be honest i'm being dumped go my turn let's finish this while tom's awake finish him okay um uh give this man over and over again let's do it okay that's two two i can show a green but not a yellow oh i can show yellow good that's four one two three four and then i take three three and you take two because there's a shadow use the blue now because there's no blue left okay zero none let's go that was your first step second action well you both can show red right here right three and it hits you for three more yeah who cares he doesn't hit if if if you defeat him he doesn't hit you at the end it says okay um but i could heal roy swing away it's a free action i might as well heal you know i don't want to die if i don't have to i'll go four one two three four full life wait wait was that actually healing yeah oh this guy why not i thought you were attacking without a maze that would have been an amazing role we need one i need more than that i need a glorious i didn't want to die on the you roll two shields what you gonna complain about [Music] remove it five more oh my goodness guys tell me what you see is it what happened hey did you win is everything good cure the lich king is that the lich king we found all four cures we took it to the thing and we won the game yeah the cdc the cdc is very happy it has fallen where was the next card because it's it's got to be soon no i just drew one like on my last turn yeah there was another one two turns away that would have been terrible and then there was one a two turns after that that's awesome yeah we got a lot kind of lucky in the draw yeah no the dice were doing pretty well so if you want to play if you want to play so we're playing normal with um with a higher difficulty play easier version than what we played yeah five piles well no no no no we also didn't draw our first one for a while if you draw the first one pretty quick it changes the tenor of the game if we play heroic there'll be seven of those cards in there and only two strongholds and then if you play eight method eight only one stronghold and that stronghold is in the second pile not in the first place nasty you will not survive that you will not survive that they've played tested this thousands of times and one time somebody won and they realized mirror dimension didn't count all right so but also yeah it was a good game that's how the game works folks and that's our live stuff for today i'm just kidding we're actually coming back at two o'clock with crowd surfing crowd surfing it's time to take a look at kickstarter well we'll take a look at it then until then i'm tom vassell i'm z garcia and i'm roy kennedy and i'm the lich king leroy jenkins [Music] you
Channel: The Dice Tower
Views: 22,504
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: board game, board, game, dice, card game, cards, catan, monopoly, tower, dice tower, vasel, review, tom vasel, vassel, settlers, gaming, GeekUsername: TomVasel, board game review, boardgame, uno, ticket to ride, apples to apples, educational games, educational, top 10, juegosdemesa, Brettspiele, ボードゲーム, brädspel, jeuxdesociété, משחקילוח, 보드게임, deskováhra, graplanszowa, bordspel, 棋盘游戏, gioco da tavolo, desková hra, gra planszowa, настольная игра, trò chơi trên bàn cờ, jogo de tabuleiro, لعبة اللوحة
Id: 4vlUuePuMWs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 83min 11sec (4991 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 22 2021
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