World Cup Footballs Chose My Team

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there are 22 work of bubbles in total and I have bought every single one and today 11 of those are gonna decide my team I actually have two bags of footballs to my sides I'm gonna close my eyes and then just just pick one really I don't know please oh what is this they all fell this is 1986 World Cup football now we buy a player from the team that won the World Cup 1986 no 1986 worker Was Won by Argentina the best player from that World Cup was Maradona baby but he's not in the game anymore none of these blokes are in FIFA so we're gonna go with the team that lost the World Cup which is Germany they had loter Mateos in Midfield and also Rudy voler bowler is in FIFA he actually has a great card but actually this card is very good but I'm gonna buy Mateos for whatever reason this Matteo's card can play center-back and I am so sure I'm gonna need one like you don't even get it so for now we're gonna put our first set to like let's see the next football I wanna pick one from made from leather oh I can feel the leather this one oh what year is it this is from 1934 dude the second ever World Cup football what Italy won the 1934 World Cup and I don't know what the team looked like brother this was their team bro wait is Alfredo di Stefano I was nice I was lying not a single one of these players is in the game so we're gonna have to pick a different football this one feels interesting it is Wow real for sale now we go 2014's football Germany won 2014's World Cup oh every single player is going to be in the game so interestingly you know we have Manuel Neuer Philippe well a lot of these players are very bad in FIFA Vance tiger now has an icon card closer I think has an icon card I think God City serves to be at least on the adventure because he actually scored the goal that won that thing oh Phillip lamb I think I'm taking lamb yeah yeah so I'm gonna take lamb and I will take Godzilla oh hell nah look at that car bro Oh my days how down has my is a great right back or Neuer so we secure a goalie I'm gonna be boring and take Noir please give me that one there you go no taking a goalie could cost us a lot but also maybe not taking lamb will cost us a lot because I think lan can play like every position in the game I didn't tell you about my entire goal with these challenge is to have one player in each position on the right position like you know Mateos can be a center but you can see there I'm not gonna change him yet and I need four bucks or maybe I play a 3D Defender next ball I I nearly broke my hand there bro you know what I'm gonna put all the balls in the floor bro instead of picking my room is full of footballs now my room has walls everywhere so I'm gonna close on my ice and just take one from the left side this what is this 2006 I don't know who won that Japan no Spain won in 2010 didn't it but let's research it dude Italy I thought it was pain no that's unreal though Italy had so many Ballers on either inside we have Buffon ah I take it before from there bro some brother has an icon cart Fabio Canada has an iconic is due to get an icon cord I want to say you're my second setup bro this is so boring so far I promise you I'm gonna buy very expensive players there is a work of the Pele one there is a work of that are 9-1 I think there is another one where Ronaldinho won it too so there are insane players to buy and this New World Cup's gonna be won by Messi Fabio canavero oh yeah that car straight I'm taking your baby version bro there you go big boy Fabio car Navarro is gonna be my Center back I don't know will I regret not taking some brotha we will see I need two Defenders anyways and I I by this point I think I'm gonna use a three bag by the way in that final I think I'm gonna buy pillow for the team too that's actually the final where matarazzi got a head bought from sedan let's go I'm gonna get shabia Midfield so I don't care bro this team is genuinely looking unreal already I'm gonna pick there maybe it's the one that [Applause] this workout Was Won by France I remember I want more retro footballs fan fans had a lineup of like everybody's in the game they had ugojories should we take a Bape will be the next player he can actually play left Winger which is great we need a left Winger if I get Ronaldinho then I'm screwed because he plays left wing too I can't wait to play a game with his team by the way he's gonna be unreal Let's Go Daddy and Bob baby I could put him Striker for now I guess until we get our nine or we made the decision of whether we take our nine or not I should also put Papa on the bench because he scored a world of a goal that year so just like God saidino he just deserves a spot on the event Genie there we go absolutely these graceful card by the way but you know what's not disgraceful Samsung's Odyssey Arc there are 55 inch monitor has everything you want and more yesterday I even won a FIFA game in it and I could see the pitch so bright with its 4K resolution I'd never seen FIFA so bright ever before and when I got bored all I had to do was turn the screen 90 degrees and activate their multiview so I could play both FIFA and watch cut videos at the same time to motivate myself honestly the monitor looked unbelievable in my setup just like the next football I'm about to pick baby close my eyes I'm gonna try and pick one that's like oh okay this is definitely oh hopefully this one has a year so this is scoop de Monday Allen official so this is gonna be French it's 1938 World Cup football which is actually the third ever World Cup football funny enough this was won by Italy again let me tell the players they had locatelli I don't know if that's locatelli's dad on the list there is also Giovanni Ferrari after he retired he went on to create a car it became really popular and today it's called Ferrari I don't know I just made that up by the way I cannot get anybody from that team on the opposing team he was hungry so we're gonna take somebody from Hungary oh no I thought I'd say puskas but it says the guy called Ferrari show he has like a familiar called Ferrari too man yeah there you go yeah Marco Ferrari let's just say these guys some relative of that guy that won the World Cup so yeah he's gonna be on the ultra hyper Mega reserves next position now I this is a leather one again dude I just can't I just can't please be pleased please be Pele please be Pele oh no this is actually the one that England won I think 1966 England won it I know they had Bobby Moore and then that's it I think everybody else is not in the game so Bobby Moore is our third set like I knew I needed a flipping three-man Midfield bro these cards terrible bro I'm gonna lose my game when I play bro if I lose my game I'm gonna discard somebody of the team bro I need to sort this team out dude the team is so Dreadful close my eyes oh yeah I feel the power in this one oh that's baby 2022 Qatar yeah by the point you're watching this Messi already won the World Cup so I'm gonna be putting him as my right mate Big Boy Messi is my right mate because he's gonna with the whale cup and he also linked to my pair which is good and I also really needed it right man you know what just for the jokes I'm gonna predict who makes it to the final two so the final's gonna be Argentina and the second team on the final is going to be Brazil so the Brazilian player I'm gonna choose Neymar and big boy named arsito has this beautiful card I bought the wrong one I shouldn't have bought that one who cares baby name asito I really need a good team I'm telling you because I'm gonna absolutely destroy my opposition when I go and play a game with this team whatever I want really oh 1978. I actually don't know 1990 baby who won in 1990 huh no West Germany who the foul Lotto Mateo was in it too no Jurgen caller I think he has a card in FIFA it's very terrible Rudy wallet again nice Rudy baller can only play Striker which is a problem and color is a center-back it's either him or baller I want baller but then that means that I don't get R9 and I want R9 and I know I'm gonna get R9 because I am an R9 big fan right I need to change formation now okay cool this is the new formation my team is actually looking very very very nice we have four positions of an R9 Outlook R9 this one looks like a World Cup they pull out one I don't know I don't know no no this is a jabulani this 2010 South Africa is Spain's workup fun that's great so that game was played between Spain and Netherlands a lot so from the players we have Iker Casillas my goalkeeper I'm so stupid Savvy alone so shabby Captain I don't have a left man in my team Jesus we're basically going to be finishing the Midfield with Chavi you can actually play CDM that's quite hilarious I I don't remember ever see him in CDM look at this team bro it is beautiful I'm gonna get Torres from that team I remember Torres was a very clutch player for us back then so I'm gonna buy him he has this beautiful card it's actually not beautiful it's very bad but I don't care I need a super sub to win my games if not I will lose if I lose I discard a player I don't want that to happen do I please be our nine won this one 2002 match ball I actually this is one of my favorite footballs ever I remember Cristiano Ronaldo using it I actually don't remember anything and I think that work may have won by or not Brazil won with two goals from the one and only the best football player to ever exists that are the nine R9 makes FIFA so much fun the best striker of all time lad we have two positions left and this is very tough I now need to 100 get a cam and 100 get a player that can play left mid or else I'm screwed I just don't know work of that Pele one no these 1974. Germany weren't broke Germany wins every World Cup bro I swear bro so I Beckham Bauer who is not in the game Garrett Mueller who is actually in the game and then a lot of players that I don't know well it's as though I ain't got a choice so 1.2 million I get Mueller I'm so sad right now I am so sad right now I can't I can't I have to change formation now so there goes me wanting to have chemistry on all the players ah bro on the losing team there is cruel fam for the jokes I'm gonna pull flipping clothes on the bench I I own a version of course look I own this I'm gonna guess this is ballet please no 1970 please tell me it's gross bro no wait I think this is a water belly water goalkeeper Felix Center forward the one and only entrance there he goes Big Boy Pele single coin in my bank account by the way he is gonna be my cam now my goal is gonna be to absolutely destroy my opposition on the next game because if I lose I will discard one of the players in this team literally everybody's worth so much money it's gonna be the quickest W ever oh he's not even controlling his players okay thank you I guess we wanted to absolutely destroy in that game and if you love this video You're Gonna Love my next one so click here watch it
Channel: Futcrunch
Views: 6,804,015
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fifa 23
Id: 7n6EpX-RI1o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 31sec (691 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 20 2022
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