World Cruises: 7 Things To Consider Before Doing One

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hi I'm Gary Bainbridge and this is another of my tips for travelers in this episode I'm gonna give you seven things that you absolutely should consider if you're thinking of booking a world cruise or even an extended and long cruise just a reminder please subscribe to tips of travelers and every single week you'll get another video packed full of tips and advice to help you make even more of your very precious travel time and money the first tip I have is to make sure that you're on the right Cruise Line and the right ship we're not be known world cruises before or long creases before the big difference between people who were having a great time and people who weren't with those who are on the right ship those who are on the wrong ship so for example I was on the Queen Mary - the one time and there was a bunch of people who were not having a great time because they much preferred carnival they wanted a much more informal they don't want to dress up they wanted more party atmosphere so very important make sure you're on the right cruise line and the right ship now if you go on a short cruise of course that's important too but if you're spending many thousands of dollars and going to be spending weeks or even months on a ship you need to make sure that's the right one I have to recommend that you always travel with that Cruise Line and you also travel on that very specific ship before you book an extended or world cruise on that ship so you know exactly what you like you know the type of cabin you're like you know that the entertainment everything is absolutely spot-on the next key consideration and this is an extremely important one is when you look at the itinerary look at the mix of port days and sea days you'll find when you look at many art in Ares they've actually leave out in the listing of veterinary the days at sea but you could find you have a whole lot of periods of time when you're at sea for five or six days as you move around now that's especially true if you're going on a world cruise so if you're basically going completely around the world for example all of the q-not ships do world cruises point-to-point big part of the time that you're spending on the world cruise is getting around the world so you will often find there are a lot of sea days what other cruise lines do is they don't offer a total world voyage but they offer what they call grand voyages or extended voyages and these will tend to be much more port intensive and they don't cover as much total distance but they call it more ports so very importantly when you're thinking of whether you want have been a world or an extended cruise take a look at the itinerary and look at the amount of sea days versus port days because you could find that you're spending two thirds of your time actually at sea and only 1/3 at a time or less in ports and of course again make sure you've chosen a ship that you're going to be comfortable spending a lot of sea days on if you're doing one of those very sea intensive itineraries the next thing to consider is make sure that you really understand the detail of the itinerary there are three things that you need to consider first of all understand how close you're going to be docking to the cities that you want to visit so for example on workers have done before we have been docked in many places some hours sometimes away from the headline ports so for example you might be at Port Klang for Kuala Lumpur Lam Japan for Bangkok or port Puma for Ho Chi Minh City all of those places are quite some distance from the actual place that you want to go to the second thing related to that is understand whether the smaller ships getting closest so for example in Ho Chi Minh City the smaller silver sea Seabourn ships were docked right in Saigon right very close within walking distance of the city where all the bigger ships were about an hour and a half away from the city so again as you look at the detail of that inner II figure out how close you're going to be to those really important places you want to see because obviously when to spend as much time as possible in the ports that you visiting the third thing to look at is how many of the portrait calling on are going to be tendering ports that's where you not actually docked at the dark but you have to use the small boats to come on land the reason that's very important because on large ships the tendering process can take quite a long time so you could find that you're spending many days waiting to go and attend it instead of being on the port so again very important take a look at where the ship is docking or how many tender points there are because that's going to determine how efficient your cruise is now the fourth key consideration is budgeting when you're looking at how much a world or extended Cruise is going to cost you make sure that you've taken to account a lot of the big on costs now many Cruise Lines if you're doing a full world for it to actually bundle some of the costs in however if you're doing part of oiled cruise or extended voyages they're not and they can mount up and be fairly significant amounts on top of your fare the things to really take a look at altitude is baring a mind you could be spending anything up to 15 dollars per person per day on gratuities or even more if you're in a suite that could be many thousands of dollars on top of your cruise excursions very important because if you're going and calling on many many ports of course you want to go out and explore them and so you could find excursion costs mounting up a lot I want to talk about excursions and how you can do them more cost-effectively in the next point of course things like a drinks specialty teas and coffees that could mount up fairly significantly Wi-Fi and roaming charges that could soon become very expensive if you're on a cruise for several weeks or even months then of course you have much more discretionary charges like spa gambling shopping souvenirs those kind of things but when you're looking at the budgeting make sure that you've looked at your fare which is probably quite a lot of money but you have a lot of potential on costs which could be very significant amounts of money so the next thing that you need to consider in great detail is what you're going to do in each of the ports and excursions as I mentioned the cost of excursions could be enormous because if you're spending between 50 and $100 per person and you're calling at 30 different ports or more during an extended or world voyage the costs could be enormous so what I recommend you do is the following first of all before you go on the cruise actually spend some time researching each of the ports understand what it is that you want to see understand your options now the cruise lines will only give you a nice brochure with all the tools that they have so that'll give you a good sense of the kind of things that are available to do then bear in mind you have what I consider probably four key alternatives so the first option is to use the cruise line now many people prefer to do that because you're going lots of unfamiliar places and it becomes just so much easier and of course what people like is if you booked a cruise known excursion if it's running late the ship will always wait for you the second alternative is there are many independent providers who will provide very similar tours often for lower cost in all the ports and how many of those providers you can just go online and you normally put in your cruise ship name you put your itinerary and it will throw up for you to the ports those options the third thing which I really love doing is the hop on hop off buses they often will meet you at the port and we'll take two all the key places you'll have some commentary and you have much more flexibility the fourth thing of course is to just go off and self explore and the great thing is on board the ship there will be lots of talks they'll be port guides and there also be reference books that you can use so you can do our planning when you're on board on on those C days normally what will happen in many of the ports you call the local tourist board will have some stall or stand and you can get lots of advice there as well but excursions are going to be a fairly significant cost be prepared and then when you are on board to use all the facilities and options that are available Cruise Line employees will tell you how they watch people on extended voyages or world voyages basically getting bigger and bigger and bigger because of course there's an enormous amount of food the world cruise is an extended voyages I've you know I've actually come back fitter and actually lighter than when I boarded the ship first of all bear in mind that on most ships they will have either a spar related menu or a healthy related menu so these are still great dishes often three or four courses but they're designed to have you know less fat less salt less sugar and are still delicious secondly if you can try and only use the stairs so on the extender voyages and world waters I've been on I think I have used the elevator maybe once or twice across those many weeks that keeps you fit it burns calories and it means that you can have those extra treats without feeling too bad about them the third thing of course is when you have excursions perhaps consider doing some excursions which involve more walking or more hiking or a little bit more on the active side most of the cruise lines will then run classes for all sorts of different levels many of them will be included some of them may be extra costs one of things I think you shouldn't siddur is make sure before you go that you really understand how to use your mobile phone or your tablet and particularly applications like FaceTime or things like a Skype you're going to be away from home for a fairly long time and one of things that's really great is to be able to then physically see your family or friends and really connect with them particular there's some important occasions or events going on or even if you just want to share things it's really just fantastic to be able to then just so just talking to them to actually been then seeing them but also of course by using things like Skype or FaceTime you can also say that was really expensive roaming costs if you do wife they now ship Wi-Fi is relatively expensive not all of them can cope or allow you to use things like FaceTime or Skype in the ports you'll often find them any of the port terminals or certainly and many of the cafes will have free Wi-Fi ask the crew they always know where they are because they go and do the same thing was of course by knowing your technology it means you can make little videos you can take great photographs to share with your friends and family or bore your friends or family of course when you get back from your world cruise going on a world or extent of origin is a really expensive commitment in terms of both time and in terms of money and so you want to make sure that you do it right so the things that I put together are things that I think you need to think about and consider before you go on one of those trips it's an amazing experience I've done a couple of them and I want to do more of them it if you want to know more about planning for world or extended voyages I have another video which is around things to think about and do once you've booked but before you go on the cruise so you can make sure when you step on board that you're totally prepared and everything's sorted I hope you found these tips helpful and to get many more tips and advice please watch many more of my tips of travelers videos because they're full of advice inspiration and tips to help you make much more of your precious travel time and money [Music] [Applause]
Channel: Tips For Travellers
Views: 252,721
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Keywords: world cruise38.6, world cruise story, world cruise review, world cruise vlog, world cruise video, world cruise documentary, world cruise ship, world cruise 2019, world cruise 2020, Tips For Travellers, world voyage, world voyage tips, world cruise tips, around the world cruise, cruise tips, cruise tips and tricks, long cruises, round the world cruise, round the world cruise tips, how to prepare for a world cruise, world cruise guide
Id: kRiLALWqtLo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 19sec (619 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 16 2018
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