9 Reasons More Cruisers Than Ever Are Denied Boarding

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As all the passengers you will hear about  discovered, being denied boarding for a cruise,   not only turned their dream  vacation into complete disarray,   but lost them a fortune as cruise lines do  not refund guests who they deny boarding to,   arguing it's up to us as passengers to pay  close attention to any rules and requirements,   whether it's the cruise lines or  the countries being called upon. Welcome aboard, I am Gary Bembridge, and  after seeing reports of more people being   caught out these days, I want to make it  easier for you to avoid the things that   could get you denied boarding. Many of  which I stumbled upon and am wrestling   with as I was getting ready to board a cruise  on Cunard’s Queen Anne as I was making this. One reason was fresh in my mind after a  group of 10 guests were refused boarding   on my previous cruise, an Oceania  Vista Caribbean cruise out of Miami. The ship was due to set sail at four  o'clock and they arrived half an hour   before that due to flight delays. However,  they were not allowed to check in and board. Cruise lines have a final check in and  boarding time, which is usually an hour   before the cruise departs, due to local Customs  and Immigration authorities’ requirements. So,   those unfortunate guests had to watch the gangway   being pulled back after they arrived,  and the ship set sail without them. This made me double check my Cunard  Queen Anne boarding pass which clearly   says I must be checked in and on board  by 4:30pm even though the ship is only   leaving at 6pm. Arriving later than that  and I am likely to be denied boarding. So, always know the final boarding time to  avoid the fate of that Oceania Vista group. But it seems the most common reason  cruisers are denied boarding,   is also the one I fret about the most too, which  is not having the right documents to travel. What I need varies based on where I  am cruising which makes it trickier,   but I have discovered there are  three critical things to focus on. The first is around passport and identification. While some cruises starting and ending in the  United States, like some Caribbean cruises and   Alaska cruises, allow USA nationals to use a birth  certificate and a government issued photo ID,   every single cruise line I checked with  recommend using a passport even for those. As if something goes wrong and you need  to leave the cruise and return home,   not having a passport makes  it extremely difficult. However, if you do decide to cruise with a  birth certificate, it must be the official   state-certified birth certificate, and the  original copy as photocopies are not allowed. Your   government issued photo ID (like your driver's  licence) must exactly match the name on it too. Also check if your itinerary does allow the  birth certificate option. Last year dozens of   guests were refused boarding on a 10-day Princess  Caribbean Cruise out of Port Everglades as it   included the Panama Canal and calls into Central  American, so guests had to have a passport. Even though some had called Princess and  been told that a birth certificate was okay,   Princess refused refunds and compensation  and the statement they issued said and I   quote “Passengers need to take responsibility  for their mistakes” and went on to say “it is   the passenger's sole responsibility to ensure  they have proper documentation. Even if a cruise   representative provided wrong information,  it's still the passenger's responsibility.” So, as I said at the start, we need to  be very sure we have the right documents.  But having a passport also comes with  some watch outs. First, every cruise   line I checked with says the passport must  be valid for six months after the end of the   cruise or you will be denied boarding. This is  mostly due to requirements by many countries. Some countries require a certain number of blank  pages. For example, when I headed off on a cruise   earlier this year to South Africa, I had to  have a minimum of two blank pages for the visas. Third, if you're cruising in the European  Union, so most likely the Mediterranean,   due to a quirky rule, your passport expiry date  must be within 10 years from the date of issue. So, for example, if you've had your passport  expiry date extended say to cover the   period of your cruise, you will be refused  boarding as happened to an English couple,   Andrew and Sandra Sutherland, when they went  to check in for Cunard Queen Victoria cruise   to Spain and Portugal recently. Again,  the line would not refund anything. Name Changes Another thing to bear in mind is your  reservation must be the same as on your   government issued identification  to avoid being denied boarding. And, if your name has changed for  any reason, you must bring official   documentation to show why your name is  different such as a marriage licence,   government issued name change document, or  anything proving your name legally has changed. That's also important that if you're travelling   with kids who are not your own  or have a different surname. If you're travelling with a child that's not your  own, perhaps you're taking a grandchild, niece,   or nephew, then you need to have a notarized  form signed by the child's guardian. If your child has a different last name to you,  you also need to bring any sort of official   document to explain why the name's different  and it must be the original or a notarized copy. The next important thing is  visas. I see so many cases   of cruisers being denied boarding for this one. This is a live topic for me because the cruise I'm  going on after the Queen Anne one is a cruise to   Alaska, which starts in the United States  from Seward but ends in Vancouver Canada. The risk was brought home to me after reading  about Sherry Ramhit and her husband who decided   to take their teenagers on a cruise to  Alaska on Norwegian Encore out of Seattle. As non-US residents like me, they needed  and got their USA ESTA visas to be able   to fly into the US, board the ship  and visit Alaska ports. However,   they hadn't thought to get  a Canadian ESTA or visa. They were denied boarding without any  refund in Seattle, as their cruise was   calling into a Canadian port and they  lacked the required Canadian visa. As a reminder, if you're sailing  out of Vancouver on Alaska cruise,   and not a USA national you're going to need  a US ESTA or visa if you are going to Alaska. If you are a USA citizen the  rules are slightly different,   again showing how we all need to make sure we know  the exact requirements. At time of making this,   the Canadian government does not  require US citizens to have a visa. No matter where you are cruising to,  check if you need a visa. And remember   things change. For example, the European  Union is introducing a system like the   USA and Canadian ESTA visa so everyone  who is not an EU national will need to   get this before cruising in Europe. Another reason that I see cruisers   refused embarkation is one that is only the  case on some cruise lines and destinations,   which is why people get caught out. This is for  not having travel insurance, and the right type. For example, for my Queen Anne cruise, Cunard  require anybody that has booked in the UK,   whether via a travel agent, online or directly  with Cunard, irrespective if they live in the   UK or not, to have travel insurance.  And then it must be of a certain kind. Cunard say the policy must include cruise  cover, cover the full length of the trip,   all destinations being visited, and  include medical and repatriation cover   for not less than UK £2 million. That's  about US $2.4 million. At the terminal,   I will have to show and prove I have this,  as I did for my last Cunard cruise too. Other lines sailing out of  the UK also require this. Always check if you are required to have travel  insurance to board. I have found that while many   lines recommend it, it is not a requirement or  reason for denying boarding in many parts of   the world. The only other cruises where I have  had to prove it to date have been expedition   cruises to remote places like Antarctica  and the Canadian Arctic I have been on. There are also several age and  condition related reasons that   I am seeing people denied boarding  at check in. Starting with this one. Cruise lines have strict rules  around pregnancy. So, for example,   I can see reviewing the rules for my Queen  Anne trip that Cunard will not carry guests   who've entered or will enter their 24th  week of pregnancy during the cruise. Anyone checking in who's showing a pregnancy  must produce a letter from their doctor or   midwife staying there in good health to travel,  if the pregnancy is progressing normally, and must   include an estimated date of delivery calculated  from the last menstrual period or ultrasound. This does catch people out. For example,  an Australian Gold Coast resident called   Kaylee Farrington was excitedly checking in for a  Carnival Luminosa cruise in Brisbane recently but   was denied boarding because during check-in the  people in the check-in realised that she was   pregnant. On finding she was 26 weeks pregnant,  so she was turned away again at her own cost. I also noted that Cunard, like all other  lines including Disney that I checked,   will refuse boarding to anyone travelling  with a child under the age of six months,   and under 12 months on World Cruises,  Exotic and Transatlantic crossings. While I have not seen many cases  of people being denied boarding for   innocently or mistakenly packing items  from the cruise line prohibited list,   things like irons, drones, alcohol to  even something that looks like a weapon,   I have where cruisers refuse permission  for a search of themselves or bags. In most cases prohibited items will  be confiscated when spotted through   hand and check-in bag screening. Unless  it is drugs or actual weapons that is. For example, earlier this year a Texas woman   called Melinda Van Veldhuizen was both  denied boarding and banned for life by   Carnival Cruise Lines for trying to take  CBD gummies on board to help her sleep. She was going through check-in security at  Port Miami when a security guard spotted a   bag of CBD gummies in her backpack.  She’d bought them legally online as   they are allowed in the State she lives in,  so assumed she could bring them on the cruise. Carrying recreational drugs will have you denied  boarding. Trying to take weapons likely will too. Sort of linked to that, although  I have never seen it firsthand,   if cruisers are disruptive, threatening  or causing issues at check in,   especially if drunk, the cruise  lines will deny boarding too. I have seen some lines update their guidelines  which makes me think this must be a growing   issue. For example, P&O Cruises, a sister line  of Cunard here in the UK, has recently published   this warning as part of an update of their alcohol  policy and pricing saying, “We reserve the right   to deny access to the ship to anyone who appears  to be heavily under the influence of alcohol”. One area that seems less clear on if you will  be denied boarding or not is around Covid. For example, for my Queen Anne cruise, in the  documentation Cunard says if I am experiencing   symptoms of Covid-19, or test positive  in the three days prior to embarkation,   I need to declare that at the  terminal to the check-in staff,   and the onboard medical team will  screen and assess if I’m fit to travel. Some cruise lines I reviewed say online  that they will refuse boarding if I   show signs of Covid or have Covid. For  example, Norwegian Cruise Lines online   at time of making this says any guest  with very high temperature or who've have   Covid or been in contact with someone with  Covid are unlikely to be allowed to board. So, make sure you know the  cruise line rule on that. If you'd like to know more quirky and unusual  rules and things that happen on cruises,   watch this video where I talk about some  unusual things that I do on cruises that   most people don't know about. See you over there.
Channel: Tips For Travellers
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Keywords: cruise tips, tips for travellers, Gary Bembridge tips for travellers, Gary Bembridge, Cruise Tips For Travellers
Id: cYAvq9v85EA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 3sec (783 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 01 2024
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