After 62 Cruises, I'd Say No to a World Cruise - Here's Why

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in an average year 20 million people take a cruise and tens of thousands of them book a trip that is over 90 days long these world cruises range all the way up to almost a year in length and even though I've been cruising since I was a child I work on board and I cruise multiple times a year I don't want to take a world cruise for a few reasons price isn't one of the reasons either if you gave me a world Cruise budget I have another idea about what I'd do with it the cruise that's been attracting the world's attention lately is Royal Caribbean's 274 fornite ultimate World Cruise it starts in Miami heading around the Americas before crossing over the Pacific passing through the Middle East and Europe before ending again in the US that means passengers pack up and leave their homes and families in December and don't get home again until the following September given the prices of some of these cruises some people won't just be packing up their homes they'll be selling them completely or cashing in their pensions to fund the trip I say cashing in their pensions because even though the average age of a person and taking a Caribbean cruise is 43 the average World Cruiser is 20 years older coming in at 63 there are a lot of cruise lines that do world cruises every year they vary a lot in the ship's Decor the formality the passengers but one thing that they all seem to have in common is that they always use their oldest and smallest ships for these itineries I say small they still usually hold multiple thousands of people but I think for me I would miss the excitement of the newer bigger ships I've cruised on Plenty of small ships the smallest I've sailed on had just 19 passengers but there's something so fun for me personally about going on a big cruise ship and going go carting or skydiving or surfing I love watching the big Broadway shows going to the aqua theater going ice skating the world cruise ships just don't have those things I suppose nobody really needs to try the surfing simulator every day for 9 months but just think how good you would be by the end of the cruise world cruises are of course more about the itinery than the ship and the itineries of these cruises do look fan fantastic one reason why they use smaller ships is that they can get into more ports and a big benefit would be that you would be slowly sailing through time zones instead of having to adjust to the jet lag If you flew if you sail from the UK to America you usually end up having multiple 25h hour days in a row which is just so cool I'd love to cruise to each of these places but because world cruises go around the world quite literally that means that they have some big expanses of ocean to cross on some of these world cruises you'll have five or six se days in a row multiple times over and I do love a good SE day but usually one or two it's a great chance to relax to spend time doing things on the ship that are fun eating swimming but the more time you spend at Sea the higher chance you have of bad weather and seasickness believe it or not I still do get seasick on occasion even though I work from cruise ships and I cruise a lot I only get seasick if I'm stuck in a storm or if I'm cruising somewhere like the Arctic Circle but still it really isn't Pleasant and I wouldn't want to be at sea for a long time if the Seas were rough there really is no way to predict the weather that far in advance and although Cruise Lines will adjust the itinery as much as they can you would get some bad weather on a world Cruise just statistically speaking I did find a world cruise with a budget British cruise line that had 79 days at Sea out of a total of 120 days that means that over half the cruise is spent at Sea and that's over 2 months some people absolutely love that though and they wouldn't want it any other way a lot of people do retire to Cru ships because it can be half the price of a care home you have somebody else cleaning your room cooking your food as long as you can look after yourself there's definitely worst ways to live world cruises are definitely a more advanced type of cruise I would never suggest a world cruise for somebody's first cruise 7 days is about perfect maybe 14 if you're feeling fancy but even me I've been cruising since I was 11 years old and I don't feel like I'm at that level of cruising to take a world cruise with the itineries the same thing goes the other way too sometimes on world cruises you would have a new port every single day for 18 19 or 20 days in a row for me personally I would be exhausted some itineries do have overnight stays but even still I would definitely wear myself out trying to see and do everything every single day I can't imagine being on a ship and you've gone all the way to Sydney for example and that day you don't feel well and then that's it you have missed it you've missed Sydney if I was doing a regular cruise I would probably spend a few days there then take the cruise or do the same at the end I recently did that on a cruise to Tokyo and I'm so glad we added that time on land with all the SE days it might be tempting to try and work on board I do work when I cruise but thankfully I have a very understanding boss which is me if I was still in my traditional 9-to-5 job I would have been fired years ago sometimes the internet on cruise ships can be fantastic but other times it's really slow or it doesn't work at all it's getting much better sometimes I can sit and I can watch bake off no problems but other times I can't even send a simple text email it does usually cost money for internet on cruises too so even though the price of a world cruise at the beginning might not look that expensive things like internet and laundry can rack it up fast you definitely would need to do laundry on a cruise that long I don't think I own enough clothes for multiple months and even if I did they definitely wouldn't fit in a cruise ship cabin speaking of cabins I'm usually on team inside cabin I don't spend much time in there anyway and I prefer to save the money and spend it on cruising more often I do cruise in balcony cabins if there's something controvers icial that I want to test out for this channel but really I am happy with anything I would probably sleep in a Lifeboat if that was a discounted option that said I really wouldn't want to be in an inside cabin for more than a week or two there's no windows or daylight at all and on most cruise ships around a third of the cabins are like this I do bring a daylight alarm clock so I know when to wake up or I could just sleep forever there's no way to know if it's 3:00 a.m. or 3:00 p.m. it looks the same in an inside cabin there are of course lots of cabins with Windows or balconies some suites and multiple decks some have huge slides but my goodness you would have to be absolutely minted to stay in a cabin like that for long the word minted is your britishism of the week and it just means to be rich or to have a lot of money you would usually say it about somebody else you might you know nudge your friend and say did you see her shoes she must be minted to share a cabin like this with somebody else for months two is probably pretty hard for a week or two you can put up with somebody else waking you up when they make tea in the morning or leaving their clothes on the floor but after months I think you would go bananas you'd have to pick a good cabin mate of course but even still there isn't a huge amount of storage space in cruise ships these cabins are actually made fully formed in the factory including everything like the drawers and the lamps they then just slid into the side of the cruise ship it is fascinating cruise lines used to do a thing where you could book a ticket and you would be randomly assigned a cabin mate they don't do that anymore for obvious reasons but sharing a cabin with a stranger for 9 months would either be the best or the worst N9 months of your life on most big cruise ships you rarely see the same person twice if there's 8,000 people it's very easy to blend into the crowd if you don't want to make friends you don't want to talk to anybody you don't have to if you do want to of course you can strike up a conversation at a dance class or trivia or at a bar I'm still in touch with a lot of friends that I've made on cruise ships in the past but I've also met a lot of really odd people who I was happy to say goodbye to when the cruise was up well I actually never said goodbye to them I just left I just disappeared because normally you can do that you don't have to see them again not on a world Cruise though don't get me wrong most people who Cruise are absolutely lovely but if you're sharing a space with 2,000 other people some of them aren't going to be that nice and you have a lot more chance to find out about it I took a cruise recently where a man wanted to reserve two seats in the ice skating ring so he just took off his two socks and placed one on each chair he was of course known to me for the rest of the cruise as sockman but if I was on that cruise for a long time I might have run into sockman again nothing annoys me more than when I see passengers being rude to crew to an extent I can ignore it I can bite my lip for a bit but I think for 9 months I would get very annoyed and I might end up in some of the world Cruise drama which always seems to happen people love drama I heard a story recently about someone on a world cruise that put pineapple stickers upside down on random cabin doors that symbol usually means that you're up for some adult time with the other passengers so they did not like that symbol randomly appearing on their doors normally your cruise would be over way before there was time for any drama to happen and I like that I don't want drama when I'm traveling world cruises are mostly full of adults of course but I did once meet a family who were homeschooling their children from the cruise ship while doing a world cruise that definitely isn't the norm I'm very envious of those children but I can't help think about the rest of their life and the fact that it may be a disappointment because where do you go when you started World cruising as a child how are you going to keep that up I've still not mentioned the most important reason why I wouldn't be able to take a world cruise and his name is Hudson he's my cat and he's the INSP inspiration behind our mascot Captain Hudson Captain Hudson raised a whopping $81,000 for charity last year and I'm hoping this year we'll be able to do even more the wait list for the next version is in the description so please please check that out I can't imagine not seeing the real Hudson for 9 months and I think I would also really miss my bath and also proper toast I've never found good toast on any Cruise even if I've cruised on a really expensive yacht home toast is just the best toast there's no beating it I can't believe what I'm talking about on the internet today the price of world cruises varies a lot and there are plenty where the price isn't public unless you call them in a kind of if you have to ask you can't afford it way some are well over £500 per person per night which is over $600 and that may seem Bonkers but they sell out every single time some people do just have that much money it's hard to get your head around but it absolutely is true and I would love to go on one of those really expensive world cruises just to see who everybody else is and to find out how did they end up with this life that's so cool it is worth pointing out that you can usually book world cruises in segments some people just do half some do a quarter not everybody will do the full Journey the same crew will usually do the whole world Cruise because most crew contracts are 6 to 9 months long anyway for those on the budget end it is possible to book a very budget World cruise for under £100 per person per night which is $130 of course one like that does include less than the more expensive cruises but it is hard to argue with that price when it includes at least your cabin your food and your entertainment generally speaking the cheaper the world Cruise the more C days it has it's very expensive for a cruise L to dock a ship and when you're at Sea you're spending money in the casino you're spending money in the shops that's where the cruise lines want you if I was given a world Cruise budget and somebody said to me here you go Emma go around the world what I would do is I would plan my own trip I would include a lot of time on cruises of course but I would probably fly somewhere over those big expanses of ocean I would cruise for a couple of weeks I would maybe fly somewhere else stay on land for a weekend stay on land for the week I could even go on a train and then I could Cruise again for me the most exciting day of any cruise is embarcation day it's finding out about the different restaurants on board and where I'll be eating it's exploring my cabin it's meeting the new people on the ship I would personally prefer to have that experience over and over again in lots of small chunks rather than on one big cruise but when I do get to the average World cruise age of 63 maybe my mind will change and I better start saving for that about now one of the places I would be most interested in visiting on a world cruise is Asia I recently took a cruise from Singapore to Tokyo and it was phenomenal I know that is a strong word but it absolutely deserves it to find out what we saw along the way including incredible drones and magical toilets check out this video next this is why I love to cruise and I'm so glad I took this trip by sea
Channel: Emma Cruises
Views: 569,879
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cruise, cruise tips, emma cruises
Id: 7HNgndFrqRs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 50sec (710 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 29 2024
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