World Creator 2 Unreal Engine 4 - UE4 World Composition Tutorial

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hello bakers and welcome to upside down as you can see we are now not anymore in the basement also we are going to create this beautiful landscape using world creator and after that import it inside unreal 4. i'll show you how to use word creator to create a massive open world map and after that trigger decide unreal 4 using the world composition now let's start so first time opening world creator you're going to see exactly the same thing this is the default one and we are going to use couple of features that are going to help us build the terrain that we want for our potential game level i've made a quick square map in photoshop just to illustrate a little bit what exactly i want to do here you can see that the regions that are the darkest ones are going to be the ones which have the highest elevation and of course the ones that are brighter they are going to be a bit lower and my idea was to have kind of like this region in the middle uh split in two which is going to be more of a city then we have the blue marking which is going to be a river and here also a river with maybe a little bit of a waterfall and then we have the one which is with the brown that is going to be actually a path where the characters can walk like this is like the main path but of course since the whole world is going to be kind of like open space they can move to the other zones as well so i'll show you how we can import this inside word creator and use it as a guidance and of course if we have some other concept or something like this in our workflow like from our art directors or from the team that we are working we can always use those just to have like guidance but first since this video is sponsored by word creator let me tell you a few words about them you guys mentioned in one of my previous videos about open world maps inside unreal the theme about word creator and after that i wanted really to go and try it because i never actually tried it before so i had a friend of mine that's actually used it before and i quickly talked a little bit with him how exactly he's working and is he's happy with software after a day or two of playing a little bit with the software and testing some of the functionalities i decided to reach out to the developers and just giving a little bit of feedback from me to the developers and saying that i really like their software and if they are interested in sponsoring our community and not only that they've been very helpful i also joined their discord community where you can get a lot of awesome feedback and they have an amazing support over there but also they were generous enough to provide us with three licenses which i'm going to be giving away and the only thing that you need to do in order to join the giveaway is to be subscribed to my channel and as well leave a comment down below on this video if you want to learn a little bit more about software please go down on their webpage you can find the link down in the description below and as well there they have an amazing tutorial series for beginners it's very easy to start and very easy to learn the software also at the moment i want to tell you that guys are working really hard upbringing to everyone world creator 3 which i'm sure that's going to have tons of amazing features and as well if you join their discord community you will be able also to follow up because soon forward creator 3 is going to come up on alpha test now let's jump back to the video and show you some of those amazing features and after that bring everything back inside unreal 4. so first thing that i'll be doing is to check the size of my terrain and as well also check the level of details these are things that we can see here in terrain size all these metrics are in meters so actually for me the default values work perfectly 248 by 248 meters and also here in precision you can see what exactly is our density of the details so this thing one meter means that each pixel is going to represent one meter if we click on it we can of course choose different resolutions which is going to affect the end result and the details of our terrain i'm going also to leave it into one meter as this is something which i think is going to be just fine for us for this demonstration now we can already go and start making some changes first we are going to make it flat i'm going to go into custom base shape then edit shape and from here you can see that we have these diamonds which actually if i click and move up and down we can already affect the terrain but what i'm gonna be doing is i will flatten the entire terrain we are clicking yes and also i'm going to scroll down because i want to have a little bit more control on the drain and have a little bit more detail that i can be adding here and there so i'll scroll down in the menu and here on the first level of strength steps i'm just going to lower them all the way down and let's flatten the terrain again and now you can see that by lowering those two steps we have a lot more level of control if you want to learn a little bit more exactly what i did here this is one of the tutorials that you can find on word creators webpage so please go and check it out if you're interested to learn a little bit more exactly what the steps and more in depth of the menus now that we have the terrain flattened and also we have enough control points i'm just going to go and load our image as a texture on top which is going to act as a guide for us to help us manipulate all the terrain and also to have just a little bit of better understanding what exactly we want to do so i'm going to go to texture then we are adding new layer and here in the texture menu i'm going to click add now we are going to create a new word creator asset which you can see it's kind of creating a template for a material setup so here we can put our diffuse normal and also displace maps but we in this case we need just the diffuse so it's going to be our guide so i'm going to double click on the diffuse this will open us our settings to import a texture inside and after that we are clicking on add you can see that it became a little bit darker gray but still the texture is not displayed it's not that this need be displayed it's more that the texture at the moment you can see it's very very small so i need to set it up to be exactly the same size as our terrain this can be done if i go back in the menu and after that here we have tile size since we know the exact size of the terrain i'm going to type this right here so 248 and now you can see that everything is being stretched all the way to the edges of our box now it's time again to go to surface and edit shape so here we have the opportunity to either select a single of those control points or we can also select multiple of them we can control the radius from the slider over here and also we have couple of different actions that we can perform with them so we can move them either up and down this one is going to do average in between all the dots that we have selected this one is going to flatten and the last one is noise which is very useful if you want to add a little bit of a noise and randomness into our terrain we're going to use the move up and down and the average tools i found those two to be very easy to build up the base for your terrain we are going to speed up the video in this section and after that once i start using other features i will go back to normal speed and explain a little bit more in [Music] depth [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] my [Music] once we get to a result that we are already happy with we can start going inside and just tweaking a little bit some details you can see that i didn't get enough resolution from some places so i'm going to go instead of those control points i'm going to go with the brush and just smooth out all the places that i really want to have like more tiny space and also like flat out areas so the way to use brushes on the terrain is to go to areas and i'm going to create new area and now you can see that it kinda just created it into the center of our terrain but i want to use this into the whole terrain so what i'm going to do i'm going to use for the width and length exactly the same measurements that we have for the terrain itself so again 248 by 248 and you can see that now it will affect the whole terrain and another thing that we want to do is at the moment we are using just a blend map and you can see this here on the bottom that we have just added land map but we actually want to edit also the height map so we need to click this one and you will see that we'll have additional tab over here named edit height map so now we will be able to also edit the height map not just the blend also i would like to hide this orangish overlay just so that it will be a little bit clearer for me to see what exactly i'm doing this can be done by show blend map so i'm just going to remove the tick here and you can see that now we see everything exactly the same but also you might notice that actually our terrain changed how it looks this is because at the moment the height map is actually having an effect but it doesn't have the effect that we want first thing that we are going to do i'm going to change the border blend range so i'm going to make it that there is no any gradient you can see that when it was 0.5 there was like this small region in the center that was being affected and the rest is like a gradient in between so in order to have everything the same strength and the same effect of our height map changes that we are going to do we need to move this slider all the way to one now everything becomes flat this is because our height map is set by default instead of having it on default on operation we actually want to add the effect on top of the effect of the vertices that we already did by clicking here we can choose from the top down addition and now you can see that we are left with exactly the same map as a little bit earlier now we can go to edit height map and scrolling down you can see already all the functions that we are going to have available for us we can again raise the terrain or lower it as when we can flatten smooth it out and also flatten average another very awesome feature is that we actually can use different brushes there's already some brushes which are built in but also you can import your own brushes which for me is an amazing thing because i already created a couple of brushes that i was using for unreal now let's start going a little bit into the terrain and editing some fine details here and there i'm going to again speed up the video and the actions that i'm going to be doing is pretty much changing the brushes also changing the size of the brush and as well the strength of the brush [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] now that we finished shaping up our terrain into the guidance that kinda i wanted i made few changes here and there just because it made a little bit more sense once i started already painting the terrain we are ready to get into the fun part and this is actually adding some layers on top of it and you can see how many different effects and there's tons of different functionalities and everything is very easy and i spent hours playing just with some of the settings because just the effects that you can get so fast and so easy it was for me mind blowing so now we are going to go back to surface and this time i'm going to filters and as you can see my terrain is kind of like a canyon so i wanted to make this kind of like a plateau feeling so everything is a little bit more the rust and here are the two effects we are just clicking on add and after that we actually have directly a photo you can go through all the different effects each of the different effects you have actually those sub filters and each of those is coming with its own settings underneath here and of course we can after that blend them and say how much exactly we want to blend them so now i'm going just for plateau and we have a rocky one and also we have a clean one i'm going to go to the rookie one now my idea behind it it's starting to make a little bit more sense i can lower down the strength here and you can see that it's like a lot more noise but once we are putting back the strength all the way up you can see that it's starting to form these nice areas where i exactly wanted to place a little bit parts of like our village city and also of our other gameplay elements around we are probably going to go back and a little bit define some of those at the very end but for now we will start just playing a little bit with the effects when we are finished with setting up our effect we just need to click add and then we can go back so now i can add another layer to build on top of this one so we are just going to go and add layer and this time from the effects i'm going to go to terraz and i'm going to also use terrazz just now you can already start seeing how we really starting to get this kind of terrace feeling from all of our levels and here and there you can see that we are going to fix and just adjust a little bit some of the places like here and so on so on but uh overall we already are starting to get a little bit better feeling and understanding of what exactly is so and what exactly we want our terrain to look like i'm also going to turn off the texture because we don't really need it anymore for guidance so we're going to texture and after that i'm just going to uncheck this at any time we can easily come back and turn it on if we want but you can see that it's very very easy to just come here uncheck it and now we can see a little bit better exactly the details and everything that's happening on our terrain so at this point i'm going to start adding a few more layers here and there just of different erosions and also i'm going to go and start fixing some details and some other pieces here and there [Music] now as we are done editing our terrain it's time to get everything inside a rim what i want to do is to use the same workflow and split everything into different zones word creator actually allows you to export the terrain either as like one full terrain or also you can split it into multiple pieces you can send it into different game engines and not only in game edges but into different softwares but today we are going to use it for unreal 4. so what i'm going to do is go to export here from the exports we are going to set the game engine into unreal and for unreal we actually need to flip y and after that we also need to hit the split here we can set up how big we want our tiles to be i'm going to make the 256 and once everything is being set we are just going to hit export and select the place where we exactly want to export everything and now let's open unreal and see how to import everything that we did so far i'm having just the default scene inside unreal and i'm going to delete the box over here as we don't need it next thing that we need to do is to save our level so here i'm going to file and save current and i'm going to name it level tutorial now we are going to world settings and from there we are enabling our world composition now we can go to window levels and click on the drop down that says levels and after that import tiled landscape here we need to click select height map tiles and once we are in the folder where we exported everything i'm just going to click ctrl a so that we select everything click open and here on the bottom we can see andrea tells us that there are 64 tiles all of them 256 by 256 or this makes our terrain roughly two kilometers by two kilometers we are clicking import and now that we have everything in the list i just need to load it so i'm going to select all of the sub levels that we have right click and load and now we have already our terrain that we just created already inside unreal you saw how quickly and easy we created everything and also how much control and as well how easy we can add layers on top of each other and as well for me there is one very nice benefit that every time we're adding new layer we can always go back and change some of the settings into the previous layers so this whole way of working makes it like very indestructible and we can always go back and tune down some of the layers or duplicate them and see different results and different changes subscribe like the video and leave a comment down below so that you can participate into the giveaway we are going to give three word creator softwares and of course big thanks to world creator for making this video and everything possible i'm also going to create three additional videos with different types of terrains just so that i can show you how we can create different environments thank you for joining me today go and check word creators webpage and see you next time
Channel: Upside Down
Views: 18,420
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: How To Make A Massive Open World Map In Unreal Engine 4, Massive Open World, world composition, world composition unreal engine 4, unreal engine 4, ue4, unreal engine 4 tutorial, open world games, open world, open world unreal engine 4, ue4 tutorial, how to, unreal engine, upside down, world creator, world creator 2, world creator tutorial, world creator to unreal engine, world creator 2 tutorial, World Creator 2 Unreal Engine 4, UE4 World Composition Tutorial
Id: Oq6PSxjN1CA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 58sec (1258 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 23 2020
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