Unreal Engine 4 Tutorial - World Composition

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[Music] hi everyone and welcome back to another ue4 tutorial video in this video we'll be tackling world composition what it is how we use it and why do we use it this was voted for by my patrons and my YouTube members so thank you for your votes if you want to take part in future votes and decide what we does get made next each month you can join our patreon at patreon.com force a shrine early or become a youtube member as well or instead of lava and you can cast your vote at start of each month so this video is all about world competition so what is world composition if you've ever played an open world game just like Skyrim GTA Red Dead Redemption anything like that the worlds are massive ok and have you ever stopped I thought about well how do you actually make these worlds because if you've experienced it you can only load up and map one per person so for example I've got one map open up here I can't have another person editing the same map so you're gonna rely on one person to design that whole entire world well no because that's a lot of work and it's bit unfair to do so and it'll probably take you forever to make the game so typically what we would do is we'd divide up the labor and give different people different levels different environments and if things like that to work for a work to give it towards to build that world up and that's where world competition could come in I also has other uses as well such as optimization uses which we'll go through a few today as well um there are two things you were taking into account now that world composition is not separate from level streaming level streaming is world composition it's just world composition is a way to utilize landscapes a lot better using level streaming so it's a way of it's a different tool to handle the same problem ok so they usually work together it's not one or the other and secondly you have to be aware of that the fact that there is limits to the world you can build you can't build an infinite world at least without some trickery so there are some extent that you will have to abide by but they're quite large extent so you shouldn't know but by no means big hitting them so how do we actually do what composition well first thing you want to do is heading to your wall settings which should be on the right hand side if it is not go to Windows and choose wall settings he'll come up then you're a search for world composition and you want to make sure enabled world composition is ticked on okay next I've got a level loaded up here and that's my first person example map I've just removed the whole entire environment and so it'll basically void and in my map this be counted as a what would quite persistent level so to see your level tab which I've got up here doctrinal top left you can turn that on by going to window and levels and you can see here it says persistent level now personal level means that this thing is sort of the header file which loads up all the maps are linked to it okay and it sort of manages it but by no means do you have everything or anything inside the persistent level you may have it empty completely right notice stuff may not actually be in it but where world competition comes in is that we can make sub levels and some levels of those levels and some levels of those levels to build our entire worlds up so how do actually go about doing this well in the levels window go to levels drop-down and choose create new now it'll ask you to create a new map and it's important that it must be in the same map as you're persistent level because it searches the same folder that it's in to find what maps it can be part of its world composition so here I'm gonna correspond map 1 and click Save now you'll see map 1 appear in the same folder as the content browser and it also appear in your levels window here it's a greyed out name if it's greyed out it means it's unloaded so basically it hasn't opened up you haven't opened up the map to edit it inside the editor so to load it up just like click and choose to load now you can see you can do stuff with it you can hide it you can lock it so and so forth so if it's blue so no persistent level with blue that means that's the current level that we're editing and you can see in the bottom left hand corner of our view ball it's just level first person example map system so we don't want to be doing this we won't be using the map one so right-click on it and choose mate make current now map one is blue and that means that we're now editing map 1 and you can see that in the bottom right hand corner of your viewport so in here I'm gonna create landscape let's just do it okay just a bog-standard one like so and I can sculpt it and do whatever I want with it okay so let's just sculpt something like so okay so there's my in landscape in my first map so what about making more okay well here's map 1 and you can see I can hide map 1 it's a sub level or percent level and if I want to see what world look like I can look use the mini map editor to see my world in top-down view and manipulate it in that way so that is this top-down button here it says summon wolf composition and it looks like a little map with little arrow on it click on here and here's your mini map for the air view and you can see my landscape here I've sculpted quickly here you can see where the player camera county is as you fly back you can see the the the little arrow turn around and move around so and this is basically what you're working with most a time now the red and green lines indicate the world origin and if I scroll all the way out you get yellow line and that indicates the world extents the world limits okay so you can't go beyond this line by default there is a way around that but we won't cover in this video we do another video on that one so let's scroll in and have a look and in this view you can move things about so and you as you can see here I can as I move about in here moves about inside this world as well ok so you can move things about as freely as you like inside the mini-map and it affects it inside the world so how do you make more of these things okay well if I go back into my so I made me mad huh and back in Miami map editor here I can right click on his landscape we were selected and go don't it says add adjacent landscape level and I can go to the left to the right to above or below so let's go to the right it'll ask me to make a new file of course the map to and there you go it adds it to the world here and you can see map to is now appeared in my levels a window and you can see it's also bitten view pool and you can go on and on and on and add me you like so I can click on here again add one I love it map 3 save and there you go I'm gonna select map 3 here right click adjacent map go to the right I'm at 4 and safer and you get the idea ok so and again you can move these about freely swap them around however you like wave want to do okay and they can see I've got a massive world starting to form up inside my world editor so well actually the first of all this scope something else and another level so you can see that working soda sculpt on this landscape here which is map for believe I want to right click make current go back to my modes and in scope the way okay if it play I can see the scope there and I don't think I played along place let's move the player out the way oh that's this flatness ok so you can see in the distance there world for has been loaded up in a distance so let's cover a couple more things so inside our world composition we can also child and parent level together so I can put all these maps here so map 2 and 3 if I drag them onto map I can now click on map one move it about and it'll move the more about and therefore to unpin them I just select again and then drag on top of my persistent level to unparent so that's one thing to do another thing we can do as well is work on how do we make it so we can do let's do something like this angle let's set up our world here going to here sculpt right and I'm sculpt dis briefly up like so that so you've sculpted the world we use a higher map generate your world and you've got like a glass cap that isn't flat on the edge okay and then going to my map here and believe I think it's this one yeah yeah that one and with this one here we can right click on here I had a Jason map 2 above and this coolest one I'm at 500 Jason map we call it adjacent map hit save and it'll put to the side and you can see the problem here is that it is got this sort of rough edge ok so how do you actually get them to sync up and match that divine well if you were to put adjacent map onto this one which is map 1 and make that a child of it I can then go into my sculpt for my tools and you can see it treats both landscapes as the same landscape so I can sculpt and you can see it merges the two together yeah undo that so you concede that working a bit more so if I go into flatten you can see it work like saying so you can join landscapes up together as well that have various height differences most are keyed due to a height map or tiled height map nothing when to learn about is layers so if going to mind me map view and say let's put map for here into a different layer so layers are P you can see uncut acquires so in moment all of these are uncut acquires and that means they're streaming distance by default is 50,000 units that means I have to be 50,000 units away from it to be able to see it so if I was to add another layer here and let's quickly leave it my layer and stream distance here will do at 10,000 so a lot shorter distance and click create I'm gonna add map for here to that layer so you just assign to layer my layer you can do it here we could do it in here as well right the same way so now map forward of my lair I can see that forgot to my lair I'm at four local so that another way to organize yourselves is by using layers but this where the optimization comes in because now my layer is assumed distance of ten thousand it should let me play oh I was rode up in the wrong map and put my cat our food a floor first character where are you you know so if I move my character to be looking towards map for so you can see it working so map for has this sort of rich in a distance hit play and you can see I can't see that rich anymore I have to move a lot closer to it in order to see it so I'll keep on going and that's actually let's tweak the speed of my character here so you can actually get there quicker and let's change my maximum walk speed to something like six thousand that's sixty thousand no one now play and let's go there quicker and as I get closer you see it pop interview there you go so you can handle a lot of optimization through using level detail and streaming distances to block off parts of the world and you would hide that pop in through atmospheric fog or hiding behind buildings or other things like that now let's uh pick up buildings as well now a lot of people I see using world composition solely use it just for landscape purposes but you can use it for so much more than that what about just using it just for levels so if I go back to my mini-map for you by the way if you want to move something back to a different layer so I've got to go back to my layer I can right click and a site back to uncharacterized and my last now empty and if I click Save you can see actually save the first-person map you can see it will get rid of he says if typing up again that's it yeah if you'd open up again you can see it gets with a layer because nothing's using it so yeah as I was saying it doesn't have to be landscapes only it can also be buildings and things like that so let's load up some maps let's load Aliza okay and let's say that's work on out like so imagine you doing like a camp or city or something like that so in this map over let's do it was doing that before here so in over here we're gonna have a city okay and in here we're gonna add that city so I'm going to go and create a new map so I go levels create new and we'll do village okay hit save and oh right click load and now I can start working in also I don't click on it now I can start adding stuff to my village map so let's add some buildings so to speak okay another one so there's a village okay your city way for my dude and that is now part of a separate map that's part of this village map now I can hide that village I can work on that village separately so I can unload all these or for me too and just work on my village if I want and bring it back wall back in and you can start seeing how different people can work on different things so that villagers world can also be part of that streaming thing so you saw earlier with map for so I go to new distance here and go village details and assume distance of say 20,000 and click create I'm gonna add then village to that layer so now that village is over there but you can't see it because it's been cold out and we get close enough to it it'll pop into view and load up the whole entire map for my village okay and so you can start seeing how you can in layer that on top even further and then you can use level streaming inside of the village the village itself can have level streaming and you can go on and on and on and eventually you have loads of different levels all loaded up inside your persistent level and you can start seeing how well psychic things like skyrim and GTA and Red Dead Redemption get so massive without being too unwieldly to work on now alot this stuff becoming part of the planning process so I've been working in a big team you want to sign different maps different people maybe different areas so like they've finished for example be given to person B I have a person a will be in charge with actual landscape of that area whatever it may be you got free choice there but it's more to note that you don't have to just have like a landscape you can use objects and AI n objects and actors of different types as well it doesn't have to be landscapes and that's kind of it for world composition there is something else you can do in it but we'll save that for another video because I want do something else with that and that's we've rebuy but we'll do it for another day for another thing and that's it for this video so world competition is a very useful tool for making very very large waltz and but more importantly it's useful for working together within the teams also managing a workflow a lot better it makes it a lot easier to focus on one map at a time or one level at a time while I'm working on a massive environment just for one person and that kind of brings us to the end of the video so thank you very much for watching I hope you've learned a bit more about world composition and what you can use it for and why you'd want to use it if you want to cast your vote onto next videos become a patron or YouTube member and you get a new vote start be a few single month so big thank you to all my patrons and YouTube members for their support now this would be possible about you guys so thank you again for your support if you like what I do and you yet subscribe the channel make sure to hit that subscribe button and make sure that you leave a comment below for more content you want to see what videos you like to have or hear any questions about world composition or level streaming in general they'd be great to see and answer your questions so thank you again and I'll see you all next time bye bye [Music]
Channel: Ryan Laley
Views: 19,839
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: hzrwu_HHZcI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 7sec (1147 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 09 2020
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