08 | Getting Started with World Creator 2 | Roads Pt. 1

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[Music] [Applause] hello everyone and welcome back to getting started with well crater 2 in today's episode we're going to build a terrain scratch create a dirt road texture that road and go over some of the blending options to making your dirt road look great so let's get started first up I'm going to flatten our terrain so I can have a blank canvas to work with so we'll come to custom base shape edit the shape hit flatten entire terrain hit yes and now we have an entire Flint terrain now before I continue I want to point out another variation to flatten your terrain that's a little bit different the first method is the method I just performed the other method is to edit the curve editor which is right here so let's go ahead and go back to default hit done editing and we're gonna check edit curve scroll down here the pro two the first myth that I performed is that it is basically the quickest method the con to it is that if you decide to increase your terrain size such as going from 2048 to 4096 then the only portion of the terrain that you previously flattened stays flattened thus in doing so you have to go through the Edit shape then flatten the terrain all over again and that can get kind of tedious after a while because it'll flatten exactly what you just did but if you use the curve editor than the entire terrain no matter what the size it is stays flat let's just go ahead and edit our curve scroll down make sure our brush size is decent and I'm just going to flatten roughly flatten this terrain a little bit alright and you can see at 2048 by 2048 our terrain size or sorry our terrain is pretty flat we do have a little bit of detail here but I didn't truly make it flat she could see there's some a little bit of bumps here but to illustrate my point let's go ahead and increase this to 4096 and the entire terrain is represented by this curve editor now let's go back to 2048 and turn off edit curve well let's just reset this alright turn off edit curve custom based shape it flatten the entire terrain yes now let's go up and change this to 4096 and you can see that it has decided to not just flatten this area but now you have to go back and start all over so it's just a little bit a tedious thing to remember so basically the curve enter is what adjusts the generators displacement curve or in other words the probability of how much the Z values are affecting the terrain based on the fractal noise basically manipulating the high and the low values of the shapes dictating the generator but for the sake of this video I'm just gonna go ahead and stick with our flattened entire terrain methods so that we're just working with this now before I start sculpting I previously did a quick hand sketch of an image of what I want my terrain to look like in plan view and I want to use that image as an overlay to my landscape as a guide before I start sculpting so to add an overlay we need to go over here to this icon for add an area we're going to add the area we are going to make sure that the border blending is completely one-to-one and we want to and fill up our entire terrain now we're going to hit overlay image and here is the image I'm going to select just going to increase the resolution and make them a path city one so let's go back to base and look what happened as you can see the overlay image disappears making this not very helpful this is because the overlay feature in areas here is only tied to the specific area that it is relating to it's not going to stay open whenever you deselect the area it's only going to show up when you're editing the actual area what I really want to do is make sure that this background image stays permanently on the terrain as I sculpt and add filters and move things around so what we have to do is we have to add this image as a texture instead so I'm going to go ahead and delete my area here go up the textures add a texture and I thought I had it in here already let's go ahead and import that texture and it's just the diffuse map select our image import and here it is at the bottom and it's a little bit white but let's zoom in and it's thinking it's an actual texture so what I want to do is I want to make sure our terrain our sorry our tile size here matches our terrain size so 2048 by 2048 and here we go so now that I have my texture showing up on the terrain let's be through the sculpting before we create our dirt road I'm gonna go through some sculpting ideas and explain everything to having some good sculpting techniques in world crater 2 but I'm gonna save that for a later video as I'm going to be covering more in depth strategies for different ways in pros and cons for how you can go about sculpting while keeping the shape and the details that you want on your terrain so first thing I'm doing here is setting up my two areas beforehand this is just one way of sculpting of which I'll cover in more detail as I said in a later video but basically I'm creating two different areas that are based on two different levels of detail I assign each area to a different step level so I can use one area to affect the larger bits of detail and another area to affect the smaller bits of detail I make sure these areas strengths are set to 50% so one doesn't overpower the other and so that the areas don't take 100% priority on the terrain shaping which I'm beginning with first to shape the bulk of the terrain you could simply do all of this with just one area and if you do it all the sculpting on one area it's best to do it at a high level so you can have all the details from your de generator and the filters added later and by one level of detail I mean the step level three or four is a good point or a good level two do most of your sculpting on as you see here I'm having two different levels here which is a reason behind that four different points of contact on the terrain but as I said we're gonna cover that in a little bit later video but here I'm just going to be showing one variation of the process so sit back and enjoy the time-lapse and I'll see y'all momentarily [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] and welcome back as you can see this version looks a little bit different from the person I ended up on the speed through I did around two to four more hours of work shaping terrain to better represent it in a way that I had in mind granted I could do a lot more but this is just to give us a general form to work with the more and more we work with roads later down the road no pun intended we're gonna be adding and changing the shape just a little bit to make it look more realistic but the goal to this terrain was to make it more of rolling hills basically with a semi cliff in the background so now that I have the shape of the terrain I'm after let's go ahead and add our path to begin the editing of our dirt road so first thing I'm wanting to do is go ahead and turn our texture back on so I could see the red dirt path or the red road line that I sketched out here we're gonna go back to surface filters and you can see I've already started with one but for the sake of this video I'm just going to add a new one and we'll call this road two I'm going to add the filter under the design path okay then we're gonna add the path edit the path but before I start placing my notes I'm going to adjust some settings here real quick let's set the width to about tan that's a ten meter wide row which is a little wide here but I want on the road to have a little oomph so we could visually see it and the next thing I'm going to do here is set this level step here to eight we could go nine but we want a little bit of detail added to to the road and typically whenever you add the texture to the road you're going to rely on the normal map poorly and the height map of the texture to displace the road itself so technically you could go to level step ten so it's a perfectly smooth smooth Road for your texture but since we're doing a dirt texture here or a gravel texture possibly with someone here we want the ends that the edges of the texture to have as much detail as possible so that the blending is is looks correct basically we'll go through this but I want to make sure the level step isn't eight because if we set it any lower than then seven or six we're going to have a completely different displacement on our terrain for roads sake we'll get into using the path tool for different things like mountain ranges in the next video and I want to make sure my height offset let's just set it to 0.2 0.0 that gets yes so I'm gonna start placing the note nodes left shift click and left shift click let's do it a couple more times I'm just kind of turn this smoothness down at least so I can see where the edges are alright that should be pretty good we can increase this height offset later but I'm just turning the smoothness down so I could see the actual edges of our road so let's continue forward with our left shifting clicking now what you want to make sure is that you don't have too many nodes here so that you can have a nice smooth curve but then again you don't want too few because in some situations having more nodes around the corners or in areas going down and dips like this or over a hill like this could be beneficial because it gives you more vertical control over the road so I'm just placing these trying to place these rather evenly so that the smoothing is nice and right here you see I'm going to just add a few extra since these are tight curves all right and then I'm gonna take the last node and pull it off the terrain and I'm gonna take the first node and pull it off the terrain I'm gonna want another one right here so we're going to left ctrl click on the sphere which adds a note here let's move it around increase its height a dime all right so now we have this let's just turn off our texture cuz we don't we don't need this background texture anymore and let's go back to our path all right so we have our path here and now what we're gonna do is we're going to edit this blending a little bit it's gonna scroll down over here so we could see this a little bit easier and now it's just a increase our smoothing us a tad let's yeah this is easier to see and let's turn our strength up to one the height offset is actually pretty nice you could if you're gonna do a paved road you want this height offset to realistically apply to the thickness of the pavement so to speak but since we're just doing the doing the dirt path here we want it just to be relatively smooth so this is a really nice coverage and I probably warrant the smoothness to be slightly less just ever so slightly so that we can get more of the width to our to our road here make sure this isn't too much all right I'm actually going to increase this just to 0.7 maybe maybe one let's try one all right one is good here and the reason why I want to crease it a little bit because maybe 0.9 yeah right here you can see I went there to be thinking about this as a dirt path or a gravel path you're gonna have a little bit of a mound here especially when you consider any ditches so for a ditches for example even if it's a hill like this coming down to a path a road typically naturally there is a some erosion right through here or if specially if it's a paved road they're gonna create a ditch here basically sloped down to a single point with a drain that goes underneath the road and dispenses out into a lower level because naturally you don't want any erosion to be flooding on top of the road or dirt path and ruining it so thinking about the height like this for example this is too smooth and basically it's it depends on the type of path you're wanting but here I want it to be something that's maintained so I want there to be a slight increase in height here so I'm going to raise the terrain here just a tad so that all the water that would come down here it could technically rush over this path but be funneled down to the drain point over here that's increased it's just a tad bit more and I know this is a slight bigger drop-off here so you could sculpt back up to the terrain and fill this area in so it's not such a drastic drop off and that's it's not too drastic let's just go around here and adjust some of our nodes and this one looks a little high yeah that'll do let's add one more note after this make sure some and smooth and I'm gonna lower this one another thing to think about is especially if you've got areas it's okay to have part of it running onto the terrain because you know people naturally are going to try and work with the terrain you don't want to have the road or path cut too much into the terrain you want to use your road to go along with the natural contours of the pathway of the terrain so let's just turn this off real quick and have a little lesson so the reason why I chose the directionality of this this road is one hey I just wanted to design a lot of curves but I specifically formed these hills to make it easier for a road to go in the valley of this turn of terrain I technically could have curved it around right here and gone this way but if you look across the entire surface here going all the way around and up to this side the path of travel is going to be more even and more level than going down in here and then coming back up so that we had people walking or our cars so to speak could stay on mostly a even playing ground all the way through the terrain it's just a few different things to consider but when it comes to making roads or paths or even towns anything with design you want to utilize the topography of the terrain to your advantage you don't want to cut you don't want to make a road from here straight through all these hills you see this a lot with interstates our highways actually that will for times sake just carve right through a terrain which in some cases is okay but in here and if you've got this valley they're gonna put the interstate straight through here they're not going to cut right through this location now if this hill right here had stayed this same elevation all the way to the cliff yeah they're gonna cut right through it so it's just utilizing the shapes of your terrain to form your but in this case I specifically wanted the road to have some curves so I designed the heels to look like I designed the road based on the terrain so I kind of went backwards here but this is something to consider if you're having or if you're making a terrain in world credit ooh and you really like the way it looks and then afterwards you want to add roads well then that's the decision you'll have to make is how you design those roads based on the landscape they choose you've created I'm just gonna look around our road here front one let's come back to filters and edit our paths this is good a little bit of ditch work this might be a little high so we want to should left left control this node even an out some and lowering a time in a lot of cases if you do have this situation like I mentioned earlier about having the road a little bit higher so you can have a ditch in this situation you would form or one you could get the terrain to form lower right here and purposely make a ditch or you can install what's that we call it a retaining wall and so all the water would hit that retaining wall or you could do this with rocks or stone so all the water would hit those rocks and stone are the retaining wall and then filter down below naturally and underneath the underneath the path this road or this nodes a tad bit too high so basically what I'm doing here is I'm just adjusting these nodes so it forms a little bit more to the terrain but it has a little bit of height to it and then if we think about what the structure of this road is since it's going to be dirt or gravel whenever you do paved roads you have an under laying so most paved roads will have compacted dirt below it and then above that they'll have crushed gravel and that gravel will be formed in a couple different layers depending on the type of you're using there is a high density pavement for things like trucks and interstates and 18-wheeler tractor trailers that needed a little bit heavier and compacted dirt and gravel and pavement of a thicker density so it doesn't crack and then you have a lighter density pavement for things like driveways and side roads so here basically in addition to us just creating a general dirt road we're basically creating the underlining structure of a paved road so as a spoiler alert in the part two of this video I'm going to show you how to add pavement on top of the dirt path you've made so as a hint I'm going to put a path on top of another path so this bottom path is going to be our dirt and gravel texture and the path above will be our pavement texture actually like that it's cutting in a little bit right here so let's lower this and maybe let's just add one more note to pop it up a tad okay this is a good start we could play with this a hundred different ways but this is actually better than the first road I tested out like 12 different times so now that we have the underlying structure and the shape of our road here let's just go ahead and add some textures so that we can get a good look at whatever path is gonna look like here so let's go ahead and just go to our texture tab add layer I were to call this layer the base coverage why not add texture and I've gone through and added a few extra textures here at 1k and I got these textures from my website called polygon comm it's a website basically that it has photoscan textures created textures from substance designer specifically targeted to use for programs like blender but you can use it in cinema 4d 3ds mask Maya this any any engine any 3d in software that you want but check it out they're pretty pretty good textures and this is where I got them from and so what we're gonna do is we're just gonna had one or two textures to get the underlying coverage of our terrain here so I'm just gonna start picking a couple to get a good look at her about our terrain here so let's pick this at ground dirt now these textures are originally 3k but I knocked them down to 1k but I'm gonna go ahead and increase their tile size by three actually let's go ahead and bump it up to five and add another texture this ground forest texture and make sure it's five as well and I basically want this forest texture to be in the concave part of this are the lower underlining parts of the terrain here so we're going to scroll down under cavity concave and you can see there it's under the underlining parts and we're just gonna mess with some settings real quick you alright we're not trying to do a full texture guide here but a little something let's turn this down to three and really for this rock texture here I'm thinking I really want it to be a little bigger yeah I'm this one too alright this is fine for now I'm not I don't really care so much about we'll edit these textures later but what I really want to do is texture the path itself so we'll add I have probably six more textures here to add but that's going to bog down this system I want to focus more on the road itself and not so much of the underlining whoops not so much of the other textures alright so first up we want our texture to be a ground clay here alright and it's covered the entire terrain but as usual we're gonna go and add an area and name this area fit to terrain size and we're going to make sure the blending is all the way to one let's go ahead and for the sake turn off this texture so we just have two textures to work with here all right so the road so now we want to under the blend map properties hit filter and we want to pick which filter I want to use and now I believe it's this one this should be the second one I'm going to remove this first Road so it doesn't confuse me let's go back to here hi so we have one path and that's going to adjust it based on just the path so you see that it did not apply any blend mapping to the road path that's because this level step needs to be one step higher than the level step of the path so we set it to eight this needs to be at nine so you can see now it's filled up the entire Road another eight it has not under ten it has not this needs a lot of work basically so I'm in contact with the developers on coming up with different solutions for filling in this terrain so sorry this path and path properties as you can see the blend here is not entirely smooth and we have notches through where the erosion occurs so it's like the erosion of the terrain below and the height of the terrain to look below is kind of bleeding through which isn't necessarily a bad thing you could technically justify that these little glitches here are you know part of your erosion texture like you can if you've got water coming down this crevice here and it across it crosses the road well the dirt on that part of the road would be wet so you could justify that this part is the same dirt texture but with a higher tint or a mud texture basically that's not what we want we want we want that control like this there's no erosion here that's just basically just a height glitch so what I'm working right now is based on our C beta 13.0 to be as you can see up here in the top left and I'm I think in discussions our C 14 or our C 15 will address all new features and fixes and bugs for the path tool to basically fill this in as you would imagine it instead of having a strip coming right down the middle we're just going to work with what we have right now in our C 13 beta so to get it to fill in most of the terrain right now you have to set the level step one step higher than the level of the terrain or of the path that you added it later even this use level step where you can go through and adjust all the different strengths I would love for this to be working right now because then it gives total control over how it's affecting the terrain but as of this release candidate only this method works it's unfortunate but it is being addressed and it will be able to feel in the entire path as you would imagine it to so to feel go ahead and make sure this is filled in well first let's just go to our texture road area and set it to the path itself so you can see now it is going exactly where the blend map is showing we want to fill in the rest so to do that we need to off check filter it still keeps our blend mapping but we need to edit it and we need to basically paint it in this could be a nuisance especially if you want it to fill in the entire terrain up front but just so you know you don't even have to have a path selected to draw a path you could texture a path so that is pretty nifty so one thing I want to cover here real quick is a couple of these brushes one brush which is really nice let's go ahead and set this resolution to 4k one brush that's really nice is this rectangle brush it was too big let's set the whip to something like thirty right so you can basically paint a nice square I need my brush strength I have one please try this again all right so this is a decent decent hard edge which is really nice because if you're wanting to create a concrete pad or create this could be useful for an asphalt texture since asphalt is pretty hard there's a little bit of blending here but you can adjust that in your settings and you could if you wanted to whoops sorry let's go back to area I am all over the place you could even rotate this um to create your path based on paint segments or if you want to well that is totally the size let's change the size to 20 and let's rotate it some believe 1:45 here's good twelve meters across this 12 is talking about the the longitude part or the long part of this horizontal brush in case you were wondering and so we can go through and paint this much more fine if we wanted to or what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna get a hard edge brush here actually I'm gonna get this brush right here so you got the full coverage circle you got a smooth brush this brush is the one with the most full alpha mask but at the very very edge there's a slight blend to it which is nice so I'm gonna set this to something like 14 in size here we go 15 in size and that's about the slightly about the width of our path here so I'm just for the sake of time I'm just gonna run through this really quickly [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] okay so this is pretty good for now so I've quickly gone through and just filled in all the gaps I've even in areas such as this just cut away where the hard verticals are because I'm on the path to be a little bit more of a sharp edge but it's it's rough right here but we're making a dirt path after all so the edges don't have to be super sharp but when in the next in part two of this video when I would do the pavement I'm gonna have to show you exactly how to do the hard edge and that's going to be a really fun episode so as you can see we've got our nice path here so let's go ahead and just add a few more textures to our dirt road let's go back to the base coverage and and enable this alright let's turn off eliminate tiling and then what I want to do is I want to edit the actual texture of the road a tab let's add another one so this one's a little bit of a darker hue but we're gonna adjust its settings a little bit we're going to do a slope so it focuses mostly on there you go so I you can see we've got the dirt underneath let's turn this to TN TN with a blending of 0.25 alright so we got two different dirts here we have this edge dirt and then we have the main dirt path from the middle but I want to go ahead and add a little bit of a noise to it so you can see a little bit of the underlining dirt right here and the dirt that we just added we could shade it a little bit darker hit it a tad bit darker like that we could add so many different layers to this alright and in additionally we could add a gravel texture let's real quick just turn this off so that we could actually move a little bit better so I want to add the gravel texture that I have here it's actually called pebbles Beach and this is a really nice texture if you have someone that are a community that wants to put some really nice - crushed gravel or sand on the path like a walking trail this is really nice on your feet we've got a couple here in town that are like this and so I went to additionally do a slope but I want the slope to be a little bit less than the dirt this represents it a little bit better so that the two dirts are on the side and the gravel is mostly in the middle let's try four or 3.3.5 a lot of messing around going on so that looks a little bit better but I also want to blend it in just a tad bit and this doesn't look too good right now but let's increase our weight to something like furry feel a little bit more [Music] [Music] all right so after a lot of different adjusting here I've got something that I kind of like we could do a whole lot more with it like we could decrease this factor and then make the path look a lot better than it does like this looks pretty pretty decent with a little bit of dirt on the edge nice gravel path a low-lying area of wets wet gravel that has turned into a little bit of dirt we can decrease the smoothness 23.5 so that we get a nice a little bit of harder edge here there's several ways we could go about this I'm just showing you a couple different methods that we could use in additionally to what we just did these are some things that I'm going to show you in the next video mostly but if we go back to the road now we could enable the has mesh option here okay and we're back sorry about that once I went to I was trying to earlier tell you what we could do under paths and after we've had the path that we want in the next video I'm going to show you how they has mesh option works for creating a texture that's based on the spline of this but in doing so the entire program and everything I did that you have seen recently completely crashed so I've lost everything but luckily I had a spare of one that I was working on so as you can see this is um a more refined version of something that I've been trying to test and play with I have not gone through and played with the the edging here as much as I had in the first one but I do like this path a little bit better this is a better blend of the sand and dirt and gravel textures then in the previous video so this is the underlying result that I was trying to get before the program crashed apologize for the sudden jump in different visuals here so yeah this is basically this is basically the look that I was wanting to go after but what I was gonna strap was trying to say earlier about the has mesh option we could enable this and it would apply a texture to it and it will cover the entire path along the spline especially this is especially great when adding pavéd textures but the problem with that is well I'll basically explain it in the next video but it doesn't have a curve on the edge like this it doesn't go with these settings that you've set up for the path that's one of the things that I'm in talk with the devs on is implementing a lot more options for this has mesh so don't you worry in another RC update the 14 or 15 that functionality will be much much better but whenever you use this function or if you think about a texture that's like a pavement texture that's gonna go along this dirt let me just show you real quick I just add a new area sorry a new layer I actually have a road here and a dirt road here that's got very straight lines or rugged rugged lines and right now there's no functionality into orienting which direction this these lines can go when you place it with a has mesh but by default if you make sure that the path is from left to right instead of bottom to top or top to bottom it'll go along the path of your path basically so that's pretty cool and I'll be sure to cover in the next video but right now this isn't the best method as there isn't enough control for paths in regards to roads at this time but I know for a fact there are several adjustments under discussion for enabling that ability to make roads specifically rather quick and easy we will go over these steps in a later video when they have been addressed but for now this is just one way to creating a path and we're going to be covering several different methods two paths in later videos so now that we covered the basics to adding a path and one way to texturing that past to resemble a dirt or gravel road in the next official video in the series I'm going to show you one of my favorite things to use the path tool in creating mountain ranges till man I'll see you next time [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Design with TP
Views: 33,749
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: World Creator, World Creator 2, Terrain Generation, Terrain Creation, Landscape Generation, Landscape Generator, Landscape Creation, Realistic terrain, realistic landscape, unity landscape, unity terrain, unity engine, unreal engine, unreal landscape, unreal terrain, ue4, unity5, creating a terrain, creating roads, using world creator, world creator tutorial
Id: 6bb2b2rEoSE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 57sec (2997 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 05 2018
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