World’s *MOST* Oddly Satisfying Videos! (WOW)

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these are the most satisfying videos in the world and we've got to watch them and not say wow if you only have five lives to last as this video we can't see that W word even if that fruit is beautiful oh it's candy floss oh it's just disappeared in our hands all of that candy floss and it's just a few bits of sugar now oh this is so satisfying but I cannot say the W word in Reverse it's even better what oh how does these wrist twist around like that what the heck wait this foam starts off as just a spray and then expand how does it know how much to expand what if it just expanded built the whole house that's so cool I never actually knew that's how they did it two different bits of sticky tape oh oh my goodness how quick that's incredible way wait how much oh candy I mean it's the most weird colors mixed together I've ever seen in my life but oh my what I shouldn't say that but what how look at the colors going together hey all of this would be made with felt felt clever people are so talented look at that how have they done such a perfect line walking your perfect lines container polishing a coin okay go on show me what it's gonna look like they looked awful before they put they're putting Bubble Gum on it oh it's looking smart what is this what an orange how how would that was the most perfect orange slices I've seen in my life can we make this into the most liked bricks host okay well if you're satisfied with this video hit the like button it's as simple as that is that what they do down the middle how are people so why is it so satisfying to watch people put bricks together I don't get it it's so good oh watch out watch out oh that is how you break down the trees [Music] it's my free hand what a machine doesn't do it [Music] you must have one of the steadiest hands in the world you can literally perfectly draw a disabled person sign it was a competition for the most Steady Hand in the world he'd win I'll just leave whoa wow I gotta say well to that that was perfect holy satisfied wait they work together as a team to do this that makes so much sense look at them go and even they pick up the scraps at the end mate that is the most efficient cleaning I've seen in my life oh more candy must resist not only does this make me so hungry but look at look at a glass candy oh my goodness lift it up oh look at that it's like giant candy goof oh oh look at the how are people slow now you've got to watch that again look at the loops around there he doesn't even look like he moved his hands all these get me every time wait wait what is inside to make that noise and how sharp is that knife oh it's the perfect ice oh oh my is he gonna put color in it yes I don't like it's probably my favorite satisfying videos to watch smash three lights left oh well why is the color so nice why is the paper so white beautiful but not enough for me to save a double you water sand is water sand so satisfying oh this person's done it before look at them go bam oh that is some crispy cutting imagine being able to cut all the skin off your fruit and vegetables that easily what oh I almost said the W word but no oh there's a horse being shaved oh my goodness a final few bits look at that oh why did I I why have I never thought about how animals are shaved before sick it's a freaking laser beam broke all the balloons that that got me that was Unreal oh I would eat that I would eat oh where is this place how can I eat this food I'm down to two lives for the rest of this video and already missing to get more and more satisfying look at that look at ah the machine's powerfully working oh is this Yanka release the anchor see that giant brick there Get Ready Get Ready boom down it goes [Music] you're trying to make me lose now you're trying to make me lose that's unreal why is that oh it even broke as well beautiful oh how many how many colors oh imagine you settled this up it didn't work this must take so long to put together I'm so impressed I'm so impressed oh it's burning the ice making the ice black oh ready but it's kind of like someone breaking their back but also the best sound in the world what's this green wow look at that it's like green clouds in 3D except it's real life what is that noise that's the best noise my ears have ever heard is that how they fill in the green holes at golf courses perfect oh it's perfect look at that you wouldn't even know there's a hole there you kidding me that is unbelievable honey I'm so hungry right now this video is making me even more hungry oh my gosh look at that honey has to be one of the most visually and taste buddingly satisfying food the Earth naturally creates shout out bees because that beautiful what what eh I need this thing in my life oh is that an ice cream stop moving like ice cream maybe it's mashed potato which sounds weird but they often use that to mimic ice cream in adverts if you want to watch my videos you'll know that oh what no I need these things I need these oh that's so cool he's well good at catching them to be fair look at that your ceiling's never been so much fun those are incredible [Music] this guy's like playing music with the art is making what ow look at look over oh lee how many times he's done this hundreds of times to get his design oh oh oh that is satisfun that is such a clean bit of wood now oh that's such a smart cabinet I need one of those in my home what oh what's this oh oh oh it's gonna slowly sound blue oh come from Pink bubblegum to Blue turd oh oh I can't hit the corners have you ever played this game before you know if it's a corner I am saying the W word guys we're down to one life you know what I'll give everyone an extra life that's watching that hit the like button oh so hit the like button to get an extra wow live oh my what this is how you fill in holes people this is how you fill in holes oh look at it how do we know exactly how much material they need to do this because that is absolutely perfect I'll tell you what they could fill in some of the holes around here because there are so many of them I've never seen one of those things in a shredder before it's not just the visuals that make it satisfying it's the sound as well how does the sound of Destruction oh come on I cannot Escape I almost said it I almost said it okay she's she's a bit too good all right you're good I get it oh oh oh you know that tastes good they're just trying to make me eat more food I know they are turn on here I oh that is clean that's like the rubber etching I think oh look some people are a lot better over their hand than I am I just play games of mine these people make some incredible things that wouldn't be done any better oh God come on [Music] be like an hour or like five years that one has to be five years surely oh what unexpected oh oh this is what they do to like clear out holes look at this look at this look at this get ready get ready it's blocked it's not working out comes attire and a load of Boop and then boom it's clean oh this is the best way to get hot chocolate look at this one the hot water try not overflow that was close and then the chocolate all melts in oh my goodness it's beautiful oh wait you tell me someone has done all of these letters freehand at the end of this video I will write my name and show you how bad my handwriting is compared to this because that is literally incredible oh oh what if I just watch it's like someone's just plays Snow Down how what is that substance how are you getting hold of it oh cake or steak I'm going I'm going steak I'd rather be cake but I mean that is not chopping very easily have a look wait it's an apple hold on what can you create come on okay interesting what oh a bowl how's it suddenly turn into that dude how's the slab turned into this whoa what I do have two lives I could save a W word but oh shower from the future I would just look at the water the whole time I'm in the shower like damn this is cool I wouldn't even wash myself oh oh that is how you perfectly break down corn that is unreal oh that's also good perfectly cut in half rolling away looping I can't make shows what you got show us what you have got what is he even making is it a pancake was egg going in so you definitely eat it oh my goodness mate I would eat oh that looks unreal in goes the basket what the heck to coming out of that oh look at that the perfect mixture of red and blue I think everyone's favorite colors has been red or blue at some point mine's always been Blue by the way shout out Ali a blue but that is beautiful oh oh the Nokia phony indestructible Nokia phone is being destroyed oh no it's literally being vanished oh my goodness goodbye Nokia phone you served as well oh you've got to have a good grass cutting clip in there look at that it must be the best job in the world to make perfectly Square Hedges totally not jealous but you're so good at what you do mate promise you I'd show you my handwriting take a look maybe it isn't as bad as I thought I got braces in now which is why it sounds like a little bit of a list so quickly click on screen here to watch your video I don't have a list even more satisfying I'll see you over there
Channel: MoreAliA
Views: 681,208
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: ZXn1PGKakq8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 56sec (836 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 30 2023
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