World’s *BEST* Magic Tricks! (MUST SEE)

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we found the world's best magic tricks that will blow your mind but which one's the best let's find out starting off alexa activate vacation mode oh yes please have a great trip um mate zach your room's flooding where did he come from this is amazing imagine just going swimming in your bedroom whenever you want although all of your clothes will be absolutely soaked nice little coffee machine wait wait come on is he actually in there come on oh my god be careful he's making you coffee there's no way you can get past me oh dude perfect dude perfect versus zach king eh he took he dropped every single he scored everything superman [Laughter] oh my now this is one way to cook your eggs in the morning or fail to cook your eggs in the morning being a tourist makes me hungry he's on holiday again eh what what what are you eating you eating sand that's disgusting no shotgun oh my god which is why i built this helicopter to get me there oh okay lego helicopter yes please mate i am so jealous i wish i could do these magic tricks he's off three holidays whenever he wants flying lego helicopter oh no oh no geez that was close [Music] what we digging up today what i feel like he's about to break through yeah i knew it oh my dude you're breaking my phone be careful wait money you're plotting money trees get so frustrated with homework you want to be like oh wow oh you guys yes i hate you come here buddy oh so cute sir oh my gosh he's got the skills come on zach geez it wasn't even a hole it was an ipad oh he's he's good is there anything he's not good at okay he's not good at collecting cards oh he ate from the cookie jar [Music] what's he doing oh oh my gosh that is so good oh and the milk oh oh no donut i think zach is always hungry this guy's always doing magic tricks to get food or to try and travel somewhere i mean i'm so hungry right now i look here he is traveling again this time he doesn't have oh okay he's going to skip the line that is one way to make people hate you oh trick or treat candy but i do have a trick oh okay [Applause] go throw that candy everywhere oh which i'm supposed to do this i always want to jump on a water bed more to bed oh that's sick my gosh you meant you're stuck in a bed forever now imagine you could turn your alarm into money oh born at work oh it's five o'clock sweet let's go wait what is he oh my he's ready for the ball already everyone must be looking at him like zach what are you doing he's gone oh my gosh he's made a he's been a diving board up love that orange juice instantly voila so i guess you can call this blue iphone juice blue iphone what the kind of sounds like b that's disgusting sometimes life isn't always how it seems what do you mean what the what wait is he upset he seems like he's up [Music] the behind the scenes of these are so sick oh ninja time here help me spread the love by liking this video in three okay two one hit the like button guys that simple hit the like button okay okay you won't get rained on you will have good luck those guys had an umbrella ready to go look what it is the 10 million subscriber play button that's what we're trying to hit on this channel we're so close to 10 million what's gonna happen when he tries to steal it he's got it guys hit subscribe and we could get diamond play button too oh no oh no i think he's set up a trap the indiana jones cave is very unforgiving this is how i double my money double your money [Music] might be illegal yeah that that is illegal oh oh okay oh okay let me out almost the quickest way to get ready oh no oh no just kidding that's a video and this is the paper huh [Music] whoa because i'm the real zag king what how'd he do that oh imagine your rubik's cube was a mini dynamite stick i want a magic door oh no maybe i don't want a magic door zack you okay oh nice painting oh who's calling hey dude hey what's up zach hello can you help me out oh yeah oh sprite i'm literally drowning him oh imagine you could put things up that quickly chopping down trees oh rapping would be so of that sick i want it to be christmas already now was that an egg oh oh my oh it's a flaming ping pong ball be careful man install these clap onlines stay time huh pretty cool wow zach king in one of the most innovative suits dad can you take a spin what are you wearing oh oh oh beautiful okay so we just got a pikachu you gotta check this guy a real pikachu oh my god i'm so jealous i want a big one i want a pikachu i'm so jealous oh my oh my gosh just did the dishes nothing more annoying oh wait okay it's that king but you just smashed what oh i forgot about a banana for you so i'm currently traveling around asia and there's some really neat buildings like this one i want you to comment below if you can guess which city i'm in singapore actually gonna take a keepsake i'm not sure oh you mean you just stole the building oh we sleep what what where's your friend just gone now i go swimming you're always swimming zach we know you love swimming every time i use the mouse [Music] so i have a really special item inside of this hat that i want to show you oh oh no wait are you kidding me i'm on my pc and i still thought it was on low battery okay there we go we're going to imagine seeing a hand coming out your phone it's like there we go all right so as i was saying inside this however oh no no he didn't shot oh the cat pulled it are you kidding me you take some water and a goldfish okay oh it's awesome fans are like comments they can rip you to shreds oh yeah you've got to be careful in the comment section don't be mean okay keep your eyes shut oh little surprise surprise quickly secret was that a call three two pictures oh my gosh so what's that one ta-da wow is this your car yep ah i work a lot some will make me a lamborghini oh behind the scenes how does he do it we actually did it oh my watch out jeez be careful is that take the trash out [Music] in the easiest way don't do that you will smash your window a little bit skateboarding that's why you always wear a helmet dude you can't you mess your friend up there quickly bin um i don't think you want to go inside the bin mate don't do that no i made useless food left oh tomatoes some salsa some chips i mean your fridge is a mess but that's a nice little snack there wait give me something that don't leave me in the fridge oh my gosh how have i done this bryce is crazy okay this may be the best magic trick yet how have a frozen time what nah this is this is crazy this is the best magic trick that's amazing ooh awesome dessert pumpkin pie what oh you just have cream coming out your finger just like ah we gotta go this is a nice boss what there you are what are you doing waiting for you hold up great oh get on a suit yeah let's he was hiding inside the quilt making sure they take one piece of candy oh keeping an eye on keeping it oh wait wait wait wait wait he stole their candy get him see ya [Music] that's what you get for stealing kids candy i'm telling you zach's gonna be more careful oh introduce me you got a lot of oranges yes yes yes yes yes yes yes put it in there beautiful beautiful beautiful okay line it up [Music] oh it's juice forever oh oh no oh no oh no you're gonna be drinking orange juice for the rest of your life after that man i miss being a kid oh yeah same i want to go to the slide this is the best day ever he's he's actually a kid now good morning hello all right first things first i hope you always brush your teeth brush your teeth wash your face have a shower there we go cool oh i'm late um i'll see you guys later you've done nothing mate you've just deleted yourself first it's swimming whenever he wants and now it's having a bath whenever he wants zach really does live the best life ever check out the pizza printer oh my gosh i want a pizza printer oh man pizza whenever you want that's amazing there's even more magic tricks on screen right now click to keep on watching the magic tricks are even better
Channel: MoreAliA
Views: 3,361,785
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: h0NW9eooXMg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 1sec (781 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 11 2022
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