World’s Best First Class? Air France La Premiere 2021

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(electronic music) - It's a beautiful day in this France airport. Very busy. It's like almost back to the pre COVID days. All the flights are full. So today, as you see, I have the red envelope. I upgraded myself from business to LA premier, the first class of air France. With my new friend, Carolina at Nice airport today. And this is LA premier. They walk you to the aeroplane. Take care of you from your arrival, magic. - Magic, Bonjour. - Oh, hi, hi, Captain, How are you? - Hello Mister. - It's a pleasure. - Welcome aboard. - Nice to see you. A pleasure. Thank you, Carolina. And thank you. Bye-bye Every La Premier passenger get exclusive a walk escort to the aeroplane, and then the pilot will greet you before takeoff (plane engine rumbling) (electronic music) Just landed in Paris. One hour, flight very routine, nothing special, was a snack serve on this flight. I have to say the French snack are very good. The air France is really good. French snack selection. - Thank you bye-bye. See you next time. - Let's go down, take the car. I think it's not my first time with you. - Oh really? - Yeah. You saw me before? - Yeah. - Maybe there's many guys who look like me. - No, no, no it was you I am sure about that. - Really? - Yeah. - Many says CDG is a complex airport and maybe we're not French. We don't understand the French system. The best way is to fly La premier, because you don't have to worry anything. They take care of. You take you to the lounge, take you to the plane to board, and this is the way to do it. And I hope every airline first class should consider something like this on ground. Not just on the plane. - Sure, Charles de Gaulle is one of the most complicated airport - Even you think is complicated. Everybody flings all the, oh, I want you to know this. There's not many people fly first class. the traffic is down. The traffic is down. - The traffic is - Or there's more because of COVID? They prefer to fly in the more, more - Safer - More safer in the more privacy. - Exactly, that's it. I cannot wait to start. Tell us where you're originally from. - I'm from Tunisia. - Oh from Tunisia? I met lots of Tunisian people. Very good at camera. Very, very good at talking. Yeah. Very, very nice. Oh hello captain. I love your uniform, very traditional. - Thanks sir. - Oh, my private dining room this is really, really proper. Thank you so much. I actually have a mirror looking at myself here. - It's a mirror but it's also a TV. - Oh, it's a TV. - Yeah - Wow, Let's turn the TV on and watch TV on mute. - This is the Foie Gras and duck. - Oh, thank you. - I want them, - I didn't eat breakfast because I knew this is going to be a great meal in the lounge before I fly. I'll book pasta with truffles. I love that uniform So I was told by the staff, this was to 1933 air France uniform inspired from the hotel, the hospitality bartender and from the boats. I think these French dishes up 3000 calories but calories doesn't count when you travel and having fun. - I think, you know, you are here like at home, but this is the relaxation area and if you need the bathrooms and the toilet. Oh, is this the nature book for all the guests always come here to read it because that's all the feedback. I think in terms of the cosiness, the French flair, the elegance, nothing come close to that. This is very luxury, European. (electronic music) - Yeah. Have a nice day. - Thank you. Thank you. See you - Thank you. Thank you very much. - Oh, that time was very, very short, but you can tell I'm totally embarrassed. I feel very relaxed today. I'm wearing this French hats. Trying to be a little bit like French. Terrible. Right? I can't speak French, but this lounge, you can see so many awards. I'm not lying here. You know, you have to be here to feel it. It's so cosy. It's incredible. Thank you. This is the lady driving me. Not often as a lady driving me to the plane. This is so awesome. Appreciate it. Love it. Sometimes when we have time, I remember last time they even gave me a tour. It's the older, big cleans dancing around look triple seven. Wow. This is LA premier. You got driven to the plane. Last to board. Thank you. Nice to meet you. Thank you. Thank you very much, nice to meet you all. Bonjour. - Thank you for everything Mr. Chui - Thank you, Zoe. - It's a pleasure to have you with us today. - Loved it. - I hope you enjoy it, thank you very much hope to see you again. - Merci, Hope to see you again. (electronic music) - You have this hat and today we all know Boeing flight. So maybe I can take yours? - Yeah. My hat Airbus hat right? - Needs Boeing on it. - Hat says Airbus And we're on Boeing today? Oh, big mistake. - yeah - Thanks for telling me. Thank you. Thank you. No more hats from now on. - I can put it overhead. - Okay. - Merci. - This is the right side. - Yes - Thank you so much. Champagne? Blanc des millenaires. Millionaires? Millionaires champagne. - Yes Exactly. - Cheers. - Hi, my name is Mary. I'm the person I'm going to work in first class and business and I'm very glad to offer you the menu and the wine list. - How many passenger do we have today? - Today? There is one special guest in first class is you then 56 passengers in business. And then let me check to be sure because it's fully booked. - It's full in business class? - Yeah. - Wow. - Yeah business class is full then the premium economy, 28 passengers and 206 in economy. (plane engine rumbling) (electronic music) - So I ordered some appetiser and then I'm going to have a rest then dinner before landing and lucky me. Right. I have the whole cabin to myself. The reason is Air France, LA premier is not easy to fly it with cheap fare with upgrade or miles. Let me share with you the best secret to fly Air France LA premiere is to purchase a business class. Then an online check in. And if there are availabilities, you can purchase an upgrade. That will be the cheapest way to fly LA premier, which today I did exactly that. I pay 1000 Euro extra from business class to first class. (chilled music) - Yup. Yup. - This is your baguette, this is foie gras in ravioli. - Oh its in the ravioli? - Yeah exactly. - Difference player. - It's from Bordeuax, a Margaux and cantenac brown chateau - Chateau, Okay so, Bordeaux Very good. It's very good with the Foie Gras, Perfect match. - Would you like any cover for you? - Yes, That's interesting. Oh, private. Very nice. It's quite smart, right? It's not the door or pan nose. It's just a curtain. It's like your own little bubble here and very smart. They use magnets to close the two piece of curtain. It's so rich the Foie Gras ferments immerse in your mouth. Oh my gosh. I'm almost in tears. (chilled music) Even though this is a Day flight they provided pyjamas for me to change. This is the air France, LA premier design, French design. It makes me look a little bit slimmer better. - Voila - Wow. Beautiful. Thank you. All right guys, coming inside my bedroom suite. You know what I love about it? It's just the design. It's very comfortable. But on top of that, look at us wrapped blankets and white plush quilts. I mean just to design everything, blends in to create that first class experience (chilled music) Very good evening. So we flew from day now to night. It's a beautiful cabin to sit and now the whole mood has changed in the evening. I'm going to have my dinner before landing. (engine rumbling) - Here it is (chilled music) It's good to see there are no COVID cutbacks in air France, LA premier. The cabin is not flashy as gold or bling, bling, but the understated luxury and design, created that perfect French first class experience with good food and wine and the intimate ground service. In my opinion, this is still one of the most exclusive and greatest first class product out there. This is the highlight of my France trip the Air France LA premier. Thank you so much Bye-Bye
Channel: Sam Chui
Views: 3,947,781
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Air France La Premiere, Air France First Class, Luxury Travel
Id: oBeB7ldrAo8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 48sec (828 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 09 2021
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