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hey guys welcome to my channel or welcome back my name is laura for those of you that do not know and today i'm really excited because i'm back with another romance recommendations video today we are going to be talking about workplace romances this is a trope that so many people have asked me to do videos for and i kind of wanted to bring in some different aspects of workplace romance because i feel like a lot of people think just strictly office romance or maybe some other type of job but i tried to include a diverse group of different types of like workplace quote-unquote um romances for you guys for this video i'm super excited to share the book rex with you guys today because some of these books are like my all-time favorites so i cannot wait to let you guys know about them but before we get started i want to let you guys know that this video is sponsored and it is sponsored by anna louisa jewelry which i'm so excited and thankful for thank you anna louisa for working with me on this video i'm happy to announce that after doing a previous collaboration with them i am now a brand ambassador for them which is super exciting because this is a jewelry brand that not only do i absolutely love and wear all the time but i really love and respect all of the values that they put into their brand this is a brand that cares about the environment they care about making quality beautiful premium pieces at a good price for everybody and all of the jewelry is just absolutely beautiful a lot of it's very minimalistic and simple but i kind of love that because then it kind of goes with everything and you can always switch it up and make it look different with different outfits today i'm wearing some of the pieces that they sent me and i'm absolutely obsessed with them the first is this layered necklace it's three smaller necklaces all piled together i love it so much it's really cute but again simple adds a lot and it's really really stunning they also sent me these earrings i love anna louise's earrings i wear them constantly i always sent some in a video i did previously with them and i wear them all the time some of them you can even see on my ears now but the little lightning ones that i have in my earlobe are new from them and i'm so obsessed with them also this ring which is this really cute braided design i love all of the jewelry that i got today is in gold but they do sell silver there's definitely something for everybody on this website i think you guys will love it and you guys can also shop for other people on there i know the holidays are fast approaching and so if you guys shop on there your first order can be 10 off and i'll have all the information on that linked down below as long as some other information about the brand and the links to the exact pieces that i'm wearing for anybody that's curious but yeah i love the brand i love working with them but i'm genuinely serious when i say that i'm obsessed with the quality of these pieces the designs that they have i wear them constantly even when i'm not filming videos for you guys and i think that you guys will really really like them too and you'll appreciate the prices and yeah i'd love for you guys to check them out and see if you'll find anything that you like let me know if you purchase anything i'd love to see you guys with some of the jewelry on so thank you again to anna louisa for working with me on this video but for now let's get into the book rex so when i think of workplace romances the first author that immediately comes to my brain is vi keelan i'm obsessed with vikilan i love all of her books but she does write a lot of work in kind of office romance books so the first three books on my list are from her but i love them all so so much and i didn't feel like i could get rid of any of them i feel like you guys need to know about all three so the first book on my list is boss man boss man is about this girl who goes on a first date and it's not going well at all she goes to the bathroom to talk to her friend on the phone and tell her how horribly it's going and she meets this guy in the hallway who basically calls her out for being rude and is like why would you do that to this man like that's so disrespectful and she's kind of like taken off guard and she's like okay anyways i don't care goes back to her date and then this man that she met in the hallway comes over acts like he knows her and while it's so ridiculous and crazy he starts like making up crazy stories about them and like their past like knowing each other and her date obviously has no idea um it's pretty entertaining even though she's like so confused by it little does she know when she arrives at her new job the next day this man is her boss he also had no clue and so it kind of starts off there they kind of had this weird first introduction but the story continues and what i love about vai keelan's books is that they always start off with like some type of like quirky fun meeting and then her books usually get like super deep and have a lot of plot twists a lot of interesting plot development and just something crazy always happens in each and every one of her books and i really really love that about them i appreciate that they're not given away in kind of the synopsis and you get to kind of discover the character and the plot yourself as you keep reading so i really love that about her books that's the first one that i highly highly recommend for workplace romance the next book on my list is called we shouldn't also by vai keelan this one is about a girl who is applying for a job and she has an interview and she goes to this interview and she goes to her car before the interview starts and realizes that she has a ticket there's another car that is the exact make and model of her car in front of her with no ticket so she's like you know what i've had a bad day i'm just gonna move the ticket onto this other car she moves the ticket ends up breaking the person's windshield wiper and she's like i just need to go to my interview she goes she meets this guy in the elevator who's like super sweet and charming but when she gets to the office for her interview she realizes that this is her rival in this interview and he's competing for the same job as her and he also knows that she broke his windshield wiper and saw everything and he does not like her very much for obvious reasons and the relationship kind of starts off there with them both applying and interviewing for the same job and it continues from that point forward and like i said with everything before vi keelan's books are always very unpredictable and fun and you can expect a lot of chaos in them ensuing this book is no exception i really love it i love the characters they love the story and i think you guys will too the next book and the last book by vikilan in this video is called beautiful mistake this one is about a girl who is out at a bar with her friend and her friend just had like a bad breakup or something and this boy cheated on her and this girl sees a man at the bar that she thinks is her friend's boyfriend so she goes up to him and like curses him out is so mean and rude to him turns out it was the wrong guy it's not the guy that was seeing her friend and so she's totally embarrassed and just like completely mortified the next day she shows up to a class that she is to be a teacher's assistant at and it turns out the professor the man that she'll be working under the whole semester is the man from the night before at the bar so she made a complete fool of herself and now she has to work with him and it goes from there this one in particular was so crazy i remember this book just going to places i did not expect whatsoever and it made for a really intriguing interesting story that really kept my attention the whole time and i think you guys will enjoy that the romance is also so sweet and beautiful and i loved it a lot going on in this book but it's definitely worth the ride and i highly recommend it next book on my list is called real by katie evans this is actually a series but just talking about the first book it does continue with like the same couple for a few of the books and then there's different couples that kind of get their own books throughout the series but this first book real is about a girl who becomes a traveling physical therapist for this guy remington who is a fighter and he needs someone to travel with him to help him out during his season he has a lot of anger issues a lot of troubling behavior this girl commits to the job because it's just a really good job she was an athlete previously but she had an injury that made her just go back to being a physical therapist and not doing her i think she was like a runner or something her athletic endeavors so she's kind of stuck in this job but she goes and works for remington and he immediately is kind of drawn to her while she's on this job and she doesn't want it to become unprofessional and it kind of goes from there he's very convincing and very attracted to her and the story kind of goes and i really love this one i love remington so so much i just love the story it's very much like bad boy if you like that kind of thing if you like the fighter aspect i think it's kind of a different book than what you would expect for most workplaces because technically she works for him but it's like kind of unconventional they travel around the country he goes to his fights but it's definitely a fun one and i really love the romance that is unveiled in this book i think you guys will too the next book on my list is called stay by l kennedy and serena bowen this is actually the second book in the wag series from them which is also a spin-off series but you can totally read this book on its own without reading anything previous and it'll make complete sense um it's about a girl who basically works as an anonymous assistant through this website for this man who is a famous hockey player and he's a single dad going through a lot in life and this girl is like a super big hockey fan just got divorced and she works for him and they don't know it's each other or she i guess doesn't know um him at all just know that it's him but she kind of has an inkling that it might be him and he ends up giving her tickets to go watch him play hockey and that's kind of where they meet and things start to happen but i love this story so much it was super like random i feel like it's kind of a unique plot with this whole application of her being the assistant who's anonymous it's kind of interesting i also love the single parent trope that we have here with him having kids and it's just a really sweet story i love it so much and i love the aspect of him being a famous hockey player i think that makes it super fun so i highly recommend this i do recommend both books in the wag series i love them both but this one in particular obviously has that kind of workplace environment or kind of employee environment so i thought for that reason it would be a good recommendation for this video next recommendation is called reasonable doubt by whitney g this is about a girl who is a law student and she has access to this lawyers only website where lawyers can kind of talk to each other and assist each other with different cases and stuff but she gets a log in from somebody she knows who's a lawyer and she ends up talking to this man on there who's also a lawyer and she convinces him that she's also a lawyer and acts like she's completely somebody else um but turns out she ends up getting an internship at his law office so it's kind of one of those things where they know each other online and they know each other in real life and they don't realize that it's each other and a lot of chaos ensues from this this man has a really tortured past and he has a problem with anybody who lies to him even in the slightest circumstance so the fact that this girl is kind of pretending and putting on a whole facade about who she is turns out to be a real issue and it kind of goes from there so this one's definitely interesting i really enjoyed it it's a book where you kind of have to read it in three parts i don't know if you look it up you'll see um but i really enjoyed it and i like how this is an actual office space um kind of book so i think you guys will like this one it was fun next book is a favorite of mine and that is mr masters by tl swann i've talked about this book a decent amount on my channel and it is about a girl who moves from australia to become a nanny in the uk she thinks that she's going to be working for a woman and her two kids but she gets there and it turns out to be a man and she didn't know obviously she decides to stay there because it's not like she's gonna fly home just because it's a man but she lives in his house and she watches his two kids one is a teenager one is younger than that and they kind of have this weird vibe with each other they don't really get along but as the story progresses they start to kind of see each other in a different light and it goes on and i just love this book i love that she's the nanny i think it's just kind of a fun um spin on the workplace environment and i just love the relationship between these two i love the witty banter i love how the story kind of goes over and i think you guys will like it too so highly highly recommend that one it's one of my all-time faves on this list next book is another one of my favorites and that is the wall of winnipeg and me by mariana zapita i think is how you say it i'm not sure um this is about a girl who is an assistant to a famous football player and she ends up leaving the position early on in the book and something happens and you'll kind of see how the story goes i don't want to spoil it but i really love this book also it's kind of considered the trope what do people call it that like grumpy sunshine trope where one of them is kind of always in a constant mood and the other one's super happy and upbeat that's definitely this book the main guy character is super like broody and kind of doesn't share his emotions too often but as the book continues you kind of see a softer side to him which i always really enjoy and think is super sweet so i think you guys will like this one it's definitely slow burn it's a long book but it's one of my favorites and i really think you guys will enjoy it next up is kind of a two in one recommendation because it's two books from one series this is the forbidden desire series by kendall ryan and i'm recommending books three and four this series overall is about a group of brothers who own a company together the third book is about one of the brothers and his assistant so very workplace and the fourth book is about one of the brothers and his tutor his italian tutor so they're both kind of encompassing some type of work environment i really love them i love the fourth one the most i think it's one of my favorites it's age gap it's really cute um but the third one is great as well i really enjoy kendall ryan's writing overall i think she does a great job at getting the story across in a way that doesn't drag too much and so both of these stories they're really fun and quick reads but i think that the relationships and the romance always last and i always remember the books so i think you guys will like both of these you could read the whole series books one through four but three and four are the ones with the workplace romance books one and two are about the same couple i love those two books as well and i really truly do recommend the whole series but three and four have the workplace aspect the last book on my list is one that probably does not come unexpected from you guys and that is breathe by abby glines which is one of my favorite books it is the first book in the seabreeze series i'm obsessed with this series it's just so cute and fun and just an easy read i love it um this first book follows a girl who when her mother falls pregnant and can't work at her job anymore she decides to take over for her mother they've always just lived them too he's always been one of those kids that almost raised herself and she realizes that she truly can't let nobody be working in their house and she needs to step up so she decides to take over her mother's position who works at this mansion on the beach where they live and it turns out that this mansion belongs to this really famous guy who was a singer very popular amongst the teenage crowd and he goes and stays there during the summers and his mother worked there as kind of like a housekeeper so she resumes the position she's not really affected by this guy even though he's probably like every girl her age is like biggest fantasy even though she very much keeps to herself he takes an immediate liking to her he's very into the fact that she like doesn't even know who he is or doesn't want to picture his number or anything she's just there to work he respects that he likes that about her and so the book kind of takes off from there it's really cute i love it so much and again this is a series it's about a whole group of friends each friend has a different book it's really cute it's really fun but the first one i highly recommend i really love it so guys those are all of the books for today's video i hope you guys enjoyed it if you guys have any workplace romances that you want to recommend to me please let me know in a comment down below i love workplace romances i'd love to read you guys recommendations also let me know if you read any of the books from this video if there's any that you're going to be adding to your tbr since watching it i'd love to hear all about it definitely let me know other than that make sure you guys give this video a thumbs up if you enjoyed it and subscribe to my channel if you've not already again i want to say thank you to anna louisa for sponsoring this video and if you guys still haven't go check out their website i know you guys will love it um but other than that i love you guys i hope you have an absolutely wonderful day and i'll see you very soon in my next video bye [Music]
Channel: LovelyLikeLaura
Views: 19,407
Rating: 4.9757819 out of 5
Keywords: workplace romances, romance, recs, recomendations, love, trope, romance recs, work, favorites, my recomendations
Id: AW2nEhT9PCs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 41sec (941 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 10 2020
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