The Hating Game Hangover Cures: Enemies to Lovers, Slow Burn, Workplace Romances & More

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there it's bree and these are some of my hating game hangover cures [Music] so i realized that it's been quite a while since the hating game had a whole lot of hype and by quite a while i mean actual years since the hidden game has gotten super super popular i read it many years ago too i don't even how long ago was i don't remember how long ago it was that i read that book but anyway i am absolutely obsessed with the hating game i haven't talked about it much recently but it's a book that i reread fairly frequently i thought that just on a whim i would give some suggestions for books that i read that gave me hating game vibes for different reasons so this is almost like a wreck video for people who like certain elements of the heating game whether you liked the hating game or not for example some of the things in the hating game are like slow burn hating game has super slow burn so i have some wrecks that have slow burns in it i have wrecks that have really great banter because the banter between lucy and josh was so on point in the hating game it was adorable and funny i have racks for enemies to lovers obviously it's called the hating game i have rex for like the grumpy hero or the grumpy hero and the sunshine heroine because that's also in the hating game i have a workplace romance in this one i have a romance in here that has caretaking in it because there's a really great caretaking scene in the hating game that i love and also like grumpy hero with a heart josh seems like such a douchebag but he has such a big heart also that is very very well hidden so i have wrecks that have that in it i have a wreck that has a couple that is up against each other for a job position there are a lot of little elements of the hating game that just coalesce together to be this awesome amazing contemporary romance that i am absolutely obsessed with and it will always be a comfort read for me so let's get into the books that i feel like are great hangover cures if you've read the hating game and love it or if you liked any of the elements of the hating game so i think first and foremost i need to start with the book that reminds me the most of the hating game and to hear the synopsis of this book you wouldn't think it'd be super similar to the hating game but i found so many parallels between this book and the hating game and i loved it and that is from luke off with love by mariana zapata honestly anything by mariana zapata will check that slowburn box her books are super super slow burn and they're super super long so she makes you wait for it until the very end and it is so so worth it i promise so this book in particular i felt like there were a lot of parallels first of all the banter between these two characters it's one of those relationships where it's hate to love but the banter is almost friendly it's like it's it's more teasing than it is like actual angry words shouted at each other it's one of those things where they kind of mean it and they're kind of angry about it but at the same time they're also super amused by their relationship as well this also has the grumpy hero with the heart it has caretaking in it it's also vaguely workplace romance this is a romance between figure skaters and they have to end up becoming partners and working together so there's forced togetherness in this one just like in the hating game there's forced togetherness and it's also workplace i mean that one is more of like an office type workplace and this is obviously sports there are so many things to love about this book i love the main character in this i believe she's filipino i don't know if she's half filipino like me or if she's full filipino i can't remember but i'm pretty sure she's filipino i loved her family so much like the way that she talks to her family and how they interact and everything i don't know what it is about mariana zapata but she creates relationships whether they're playtonic or they're familial or they are romantic the way she creates relationships between people is just so so good i loved it so much and this one honestly the hero in this is one of the best grumpy heroes with a heart so highly recommend this one especially if you love the hating game so this next one is another workplace romance i feel like this one came out around the same time as the heating game and i know the two got compared to each other quite a bit i didn't give this book five stars i gave it four stars because i did like the hating game more but i did really like this one it's dating you hating you by christina lauren they're a pretty popular romance author duo so this one i actually don't hear talked about quite as much anymore i heard it a lot on goodreads when it first came out and i haven't really heard anyone talk about this since but the similarities between this one and the hating game is the two main characters i think at first when they first meet they're not enemies but they end up getting pitted against each other for the same position kind of like they are in the hating game that ends up creating a lot of tension between the two of them they touched on some workplace issues that women have to deal with and i remember that making me uncomfortable but ultimately i think it was handled well if i remember correctly again it was like years ago that i read this i know that back when the hating game was popular and a lot of people were asking for recommendations this book came up a lot for recommendations if you really liked the hating game so i am part of sally thorne's facebook group i haven't been on facebook in a while but back when i was more active on it i know a lot of people would always comment in her group like give me some more recommendations for books that are like the hating game and a book that was always recommended was the wall of winnipeg in me i know i already mentioned that you should read all of mariana zapata's books if the thing you liked about the hitting game was a slow burn because all of her books are slow burn but this one in particular was always recommended when people were asking in sally thorne's facebook group and that is why i ended up picking up this book this is a monster of a book but oh my gosh it is so freaking worth it i think the main reason why this one was suggested was mostly just for the slow burn and i think that this is probably mariana zapata's most popular book this one is a sports romance it's kind of a workplace romance because the heroine works for the hero he is a football player i think he's a linebacker and he is one of the best linebackers in the league and she is his assistant he kind of takes her for granted he is a very stoic grumpy character he's a grumpy hero with a heart too but where josh can give as good as he gets aiden is very quiet about it he's very self-absorbed but not really in a malicious way he's just very focused on his career he's very single-minded about that while he recognizes how great vanessa is and he sees how good she is at her job he doesn't really recognize that they have a lot of chemistry because even though she's basically the only person on the planet that he can tolerate i love the hero that's like i hate everyone but you i may do a wreck video for heroes that are like that i hate everyone but you heroes and aiden is definitely one of them he does not like people he wants nothing to do with it he doesn't go out and party he doesn't sleep around he just is very focused on being the best that he can be at football because he loves it and he's super passionate about it and it's extremely inspiring you have the grumpy hero with the heart you have slow burn you have enemies to lovers it's a sports romance there's so many things to love about this one if you're looking for another workplace romance i recommend inappropriate by vikiland this one is a workplace romance like i said another parallel is that it's kind of enemies to lovers it's a little bit the romance is between a girl who has gotten fired from her job for a ridiculous reason and she ends up getting drunk one night and writing this hate email to her boss's boss about why it was so unfair that she got fired and he gets extremely amused by it and the hero is the boss's boss of course so there's a little bit of tension between them when they first meet but it's not actual like enemies to lovers however it is a workplace romance so if that is something you're looking for check out inappropriate by by keeland another workplace romance that has some epic longing and pining in it is brooklyn air by serena bowen i talk about this book all the time i'm sorry but i love it so freaking much and this one the hero is like this genius tech company owner like he started the company and he oversees it and now that he's become successful he also owns a hockey league it's between him and his previous assistant so she was his assistant years ago when he first started the business before it became successful and he was also engaged at that time as well and she was there when he found out that his fiance was cheating on him and she kind of supported him just in a friendly way there's never really any obvious affection between them like she has no idea that he has been attracted to her ever since his fiance left so there was no cheating involved between her and him there was no real flirting between them at first it's just he realized how much he cared about her after his fiance left but he also didn't want to make her uncomfortable about it because he was her boss so he ends up having her work for the hockey team instead so that they still work together but not as closely because he's kind of holding in his feelings for her so that longing is there like the hidden longing in particular is something that i loved in the hating game and it is definitely there in this book and i absolutely am obsessed with it if you've been watching me for the past few weeks you know that i've been obsessed with this book for a while so this next book has your grumpy hero it has enemies to lovers it has marriage of convenience which isn't in the hating game but still awesome and it has some really good caretaking in it and that is marriage for one by ella mays this book is another one that i've been completely obsessed with so in this one i think my favorite element about it that is parallel to the hating game like where joshua similar to aiden but not quite as much as aiden where joshua was much more vocal and bantery with lucy it's a little bit more grumpy than even joshua like joshua's grumpy too but he's like quiet and grumpy what's funny about this one is he is the one who ends up proposing that they get married it's to help her but it's his idea and it helps him too but even though that's the case he seems like he's only barely putting up with her throughout most of this book and i find that absolutely hilarious another parallel is that the heroine and this one is kind of quirky and adorable i really really liked her and she reminded me a lot of lucy too i feel like lucy is a very very unique character and there aren't going to be many like her but i felt like the heroine in this one was somewhat similar so if you liked lucy you will probably like this book also there is a really really good much more intense caretaking aspect in this book as well this next one has another fantastic grumpy hero and it's also a grumpy and sunshine situation and that is the gravity of us by britney c terry this is one of the first britney c cherry books that i ever read and it's what triggered me to read her entire backlist this one was really really good very emotional it's about a guy whose wife leaves him with his newborn child and then it's her sister that comes in and helps him out with it and she is very much like she's a little bit flighty she's quirky she's happy and he is just super super pessimistic he's just very dark he's a writer he doesn't believe in love he married her sister for convenience more than he did because of any affection like both of them felt like they didn't want to date and they just wanted someone to be physical with but they didn't really feel like they were in love it was a very odd relationship that he had with her but he's a very dark pessimistic grumpy character and then when combined with that sunshine heroin it's so swoony and it's so good i need to reread that one actually i've only read that one once surprised but anyway i felt like the parallels between this one it had the grumpy hero and the sunshine heroin and so if you loved that and hating game you will very likely love it in the gravity of us and last but not least if you're looking for great banter and enemies to lovers i highly recommend the on honeymooners by christina lauren this one i felt like was so cute it's one of my favorite christina lauren novels this one's about a best man and a maid of honor who are brother and sister to the bride and groom they also do not have a very good relationship i don't remember why they dislike each other but they have always kind of disliked each other something happens at the wedding everyone gets food poisoning except them and they are then forced not forced they end up going on the honeymoon for their brother and sister because no one else can do it they have the same last name so it's on their ids and stuff and they look enough alike them i guess that they can get away with it so they end up going on this honeymoon they end up having to pretend that they're married so there's a fake dating element in this one and there's forced togetherness they have to share room and everything but meanwhile they don't really like each other at all but this one the banter was what sold me on it oh my gosh i was dying laughing and i was writing down so many of the hilarious lines in this book and it reminded me so much of the hating game because there are so many put downs and things in the hated game and also from luke off with love that i thought were absolutely hilarious and the un honeymooners had that in this one also the unhoneymooners is fade to black so if you don't want something super steamy then i highly recommend that one all right guys that's it those are all the books that i recommend if you like the hating game and all the little elements of the hating game if you've read any of these or if you have any other suggestions for hangover cures for the hating game let me know down below and as always happy reading [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: In Love & Words
Views: 9,623
Rating: 4.9735098 out of 5
Keywords: the hating game, book recommendations
Id: PNE5okVRh44
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 35sec (815 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 10 2020
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