3ds Max Basic Modeling Intersecting Geometry

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hey everybody and in this video we're going to explain a bit more about the basic geometry modeling techniques that we showed in the previous two videos so for this video I have a fairly simple plane here as you can see it's in a two level plane not in too complex which is ideal for showcasing stuff like this alright so the first thing I want to repeat something that I actually mentioned previously is that when you're modeling in 3ds max most of the time you're going to probably use turbo smooth so once you add turbo smooth as you saw previously it kind of smoothes out the entire model that you have selected or in this case as you can see it now looks kind of like a slope well the way that you can control this slope is by two ways the first one is by adding extra geometry and the second one is with the smoothing groups but just for this video we're going to simply focus on adding more geometry and basically when you want to hold a certain edge there are two ways you can do it the first one would be to simply select the edge that you want to hold for example let's say we want to hold this edge and we simply go ahead and chamfer this well as you can see with the normal chamfer or the default chamfer goes at 1 centimeter and just one a segment now here's the thing you might if you've seen some of our previous videos you're probably are noticing that this time around I'm using Max 2016 the reason for this is that well 2015 and 2016 when you chamfer stuff it has this extra option over here which says chamfer type by default our not by default but up until 2015 the only chamfer type that max offers is the first one or the standard chamfer this one on the other hand the quad chamfer is great when you want to chamfer sides that are interlocking with it's each other but we're going to see that later on so for now I just want to tell you that this option over here is what's new and the reason why I'm in 2016 so when you use chamfer it takes your single line and divides it into two lines if you choose to have two segments over here it is going to retain your middle line and add two extras so for example if I leave it up like this then when I go over to turbosmooth my line is going to look like this but make sure you just turn up done this off so when I go over here my line is going to be a fairly nice slope continue on downwards something like this if I want to have a sharper turn over here I can instead go and instead of having just one chamfer one side over here we control Z alright I can select the middle line and chamfer it with two segments make make them closer together so something that zero point two press ok and now when we turbosmooth we get this effect so much sharper descent now here's the thing this is the first and the first and easier way of doing this you have also the option to go the manual way which is more or less you're going to try to fence it in or put it in some kind of border per se and that is by simply using the graphite modeling tools the swift loop you've seen me done previously and it basically does exactly that it's going to let you position a loop wherever your mouse is so one here for example and one here and manually I've just done the thing that I got the chamfer to do it for me up there as you can see since it's not so close to it like here it's not so sharp alright so that's the first thing the you want to remember is that you have the ability to choose the chamfer option or you can use boxing in or fencing in a type so you can get more sharper edges both of them have their strong points and their weak points and we'll see what they are further on for now I want to go ahead and delete this and I'm going to go back and basically just undo all the stuff that I did because I want to reuse this set for one more thing let's say that you have one of the more common things that you can end up doing when you're modeling and that is if you have this edge over here and you have a hole in which you would have some kind of a sprocket or some kind of a bolt or whatever so you need to have a hole two ways of doing this the first way would be to go ahead and use the compound object and try and proboolean in one hole let's see how that would be done so I'm going to go over standard primitives I'm going to choose a cylinder I've set it previously that whenever you using cylinders or a circle and you want to use it for low-level geometry you want to have at least eight sides so eight sides should be the minimum because when it's subdivided it can hold its form quite well you can have more or you can have less but it's going to be a problem for you so you always want to try to have at least eight sides alright so the first thing that you want to do is you want to position where your hole is going to be at so now I want to have this middle line over here be in line with this edge over here the easiest way to do this would be for example I'm going to go with the move I'm going to turn on snap want to right click here and just make sure that I have vertex selected and also I'm going to go over to you go use your grids and make sure that I have my alignment object space turned off so this is going to allow me to when I have my snap turned on now as you can see as I'm moving around my mouse around the different axes they get yellow so for example if I click on the y-axis so I click now when I move around it still stays on yellow that tells me that whatever I try to move the only axis that this model is going to move is the y-axis so now I'm going to click here as you can see over on the vertices on the vertex and the edge click here and now just pull it over to this side that is going to put it in line with this vertex so that means that now it's smack in the middle and they are both aligned as soon as we have that middle line which is going to select our base over here and I can go ahead and the compound object proboolean click on move and subtraction like this and you can go start picking as soon as we click here we have our hole like this now before I do this I want to show you the other way and for that other way I'm just going to simply go ahead on our cylinder as it's already positioned I'm going to put on an edit poly on top of it select all of the top edges we have here and make a shape from that make sure it's linear we don't want to have it smooth so click on OK which leaves us I'm just hide selection actually not go I'm going to hide it I'm just going to move it upwards or anyways downwards and what we are left with it's the is this here spline so once we have a spline in position what we can do is again select our base and now instead of using proboolean z' I can go ahead and again in the compound object I can use shape merge this is going to allow me to pick a shape and as soon as I click here then is going to be projected down on my mesh and as you can see now I have this spline projected on my mesh and it has been cut in so now if I go ahead and put a edit poly on top of it I can simply delete these select my border hold down shift and just go down like this this is great as it's giving me the form now here's the thing before I do this ctrl Z if I click on 1 or click on my vertex you're going to notice that I have some extra vertices over here so I'm going to ctrl select all of them and ctrl backspace or right-click and remove that is going to remove all the unwanted vertices again I'm going to select all of the vertices here and click on settings for weld just make just make sure you have everything welded together so we don't have any problems later on again shift drag and we get something like this now if you want to have a flat surface for the bottom I'm simply going to go over with a uniform scale and pull it down on the Z as you can see since I'm just pulling it down on Z it made the bottom flat so just pull it downwards just a tiny bit more and now I can use the cap option or if I use the cap then I'm going to be stuck with a big end on which in all honesty it's a really easy thing to fix all you have to do is select two of the opposite vertices right click and connect then with the cut tool you can go over here and cut from one side to the other and as you can see oops alright one side to the other and if this happens simply just move your camera tiny bit again all right it's well Murphy's Law something oh it has to happen and if this continues to happen so this continues it happen then I can simply go ahead delete this middle part I'm going to delete this entire polygon again to select the entire base hold down shift and scale it in once and scale it in one more time so now since I have this second part I can simply click on collapse this is going to collapse it here if I want to keep this with quads I can simply select one then the skip one select one skip one ctrl backspace and here we go now we have nice quads in the middle part over here alright so oh yeah nice little cut current since we already have this portion center out we need to have one more main line which would be this one over here now we can do this by going ahead and cutting here with the cut tool and going down here as well but I want to show you another way or a quicker way I'm just going to delete this because I no longer need it and that is I'm going to select this I'm going to skip over to my front viewport like this and here with my edge selected I'm going to click on well as soon as I find it Oh actually I'm going to go with my vertex selection and here I'm going to click on slice blade so as soon as you click this what you're going to notice is this yellow line if you look at your perspective you're going to see that we have this line over here or this Lane and as you are moving it around you notice that wherever this plane is moving its leaving a white trail or a white cuttin of edges so what we want to do here is I'm going to rotate this for 90 degrees so make sure it's 90 like this and now I want to move it on the X scale on the X so I'm going to move go on on my snap and snap it to our middle as you can see now it continued that spline down to the edges I'm going to click on slice and turn off slice plane so that leaves us with a nice cut in for the middle as well alright so now I'm going to select all of my pop all of my vertices and make sure that everything is welded together again no problems so everything is working just fine so now before I do anything else I want to add just well I'm actually it's okay now if you take a look at all of the polygons that are around this cutting you're going to notice that all of them are actually egg Don's you have multiple or five sided polygons in order to get away from that problem all we have to do is select the edge one and this one and go and right click connect or you can simply set up a shortcut for this I've done it myself so all I have to do is just select both both of them and hit the spine connect and there you now they're all connected so all of them are actually quads now but the problem now is going to be that if I turn on this with a turbosmooth it's really not going to hold that form - well as you can see it really does need a bit more in order to hold that form and that can be done with the two ways that I previously show you we can either fence this end or I can use the chamfer option so let's try with chamfer this time I'm going to go ahead and chamfer this with make sure it's in quad and put it a smaller amount something like 0.3 and they should hold the form much better and here we're just going to put the edge tension to 0.5 this is basically telling the middle line where it should stand by default it stays at 1 which makes this a flat surface when you put it at 0.5 it puts it in the middle so it gets a bit rounded appearance so I'm going to click on OK like this and now if I turn on the turbosmooth you don't notice this this line is held pretty darn well so no problems here let's put 3 I'm going to turn on turn off the isolate and you're going to notice that this thing looks just great there is no problem or anything you know that sort all right so for now I'm going to leave this aside I'm going to hide this I'm going to turn on my second scene this scene is a tad bit more complex not too much but we have some different kind of geometry if I turn on the turbosmooth you'll notice that it actually is a very nice-looking scene it's a very smooth scene doesn't have any sharp edges or anything so I'm actually going to use this scene to show you how you can have a certain edge to go and be sharp and then as it's approaching the edges it starts to fade out what I mean by this is well let me show you an image for example let's take a look at one of the most used places where you going to see something like this and that's cars as you can see right here on the side of this door you have this very very smooth surface then all of a sudden you have this part happening you have this line coming just out of nowhere it starts getting sharper and sharper and as you can see here it's a very very well-defined especially on this side as it comes near this edge it kind of disappears so how do we get how to make something like this well actually it's quite a bit easy to do it so again I'm gonna select both of these edges so I'm going to so I can show it to you better and I'm gonna go ahead and chamfer them just make sure that you have enough it really doesn't matter which kind of Jennifer you're going to use here because it's a straight line I want to put two segments and I'm going to get this to be very very tight so you can see that and go it's sometimes 0.2 all right so now off just for reference let's go and do the same thing to the bottom one as well it will be easier to see all right so now if I put a turbosmooth you'll notice right away that it is very very well defined and a very sharp line which can be seen on the highlights from our reflection so now how do we get this to transition from this sharp line and to go to something that is going to be much less tense well the first thing you need to understand is that the sharpness comes from the tension between all of these edges so if you want to get this to look a bit more relaxed we need to relax the distance between all of these edges now max has this built-in option with the well anything that's newer than 2010 when you go over in your modeling ribbon as I have these guys selected so just the ones on the sides not the middle edges I'm going to click on this option where it says set flow now this is going to take these edges that I have selected and it's going to try to average them out depending on the distance is between the rest of the edges so let's see what happens here I'm going to click on set flow you're going to notice that all of those edges kind of got pulled aside now I don't want to have this happening here so drastically so I'm going to select both of these so just so I'm sure I'm fairly certain I don't screw up my edge flow I'm going to put on my constrains so in the edit geometry I'm going to turn on add edge constraint and simply move it inwards like this same thing here so this is going to move your vertices but is not going to screw up your edge edge flow so now take a look what happens when I turn on turbo smooth here is that thing that we saw on the car we have this smooth surface and all of a sudden that smoothness converges over here and becomes this very very tight line so we can do the same thing with the top line or this guy over here again just select these guys hit the set flow and just notice that how it's going to put it in the middle over here now so set flow it's putting it in the middle as you can see now it's different because the distance between this side over here and this side it put it here on the other hand this upper portion here it moved it way up now this brings another very good point and that is when you're modeling you want to try to keep all of your polygons more or less spaced out this at the same distance so in this case it would probably be a better option if I just go ahead and put in one extra edge over here so remove or less have the same size for our polygons so again let's go ahead and do the same thing here select this one this one set flow again and select these vertices lower them down just get them together and now once you turn on turbo smooth you can notice that same thing happening here as well now if you don't want to have this dip over here again you can just whoops nope you can simply just relax them more by moving these edges away from each other something like this and averaging them out and now we're going to have less tension on this side and we're going to have a nicer smoother flow all right here it is so let's go ahead and do the same thing we did on the previous well the previous model where we actually put a cylinder here as a whole but this time around we're going to see how we can use that same cylinder but instead of just drilling a hole we're going to try to retain its shape while it's put on this very very sharp edge so again let's go ahead and use either a cylinder or in this case I'm going to use a circle I'm going to just put it on my side circle all right here's another thing when you're drawing out a circle it usually always comes up just like this so it's a very smooth looking circle all you have to do is go and come down to the interpolation and decrease the steps to one and it's going to leave you with very nice and clean eight sided circle so come on move it upwards up here on the oops on the X okay I'm going to move it and position it like we saw with it previously on the edge so no you I see just the right one yes it is alright I'm gonna go ahead and come down and lead this turbosmooth come down and from the compound object go shaped merch make a shape and project it downwards but before I do this just so I make it easier on myself I'm actually going to go whoops all right and delete both of these edges so ctrl backspace and now shape merge make a shape and project it downwards here alright again right click convert to an editable poly delete this again make sure we don't have any extra vertices as you can see I have some over here select them all all the extras that you don't need ctrl backspace and I'm going to select all of these vertices over here go with the weld and as you can see from 77 they drop down to 72 so that means I'm not going to have any double vertices as I have here as you see so ctrl backspace just need to make sure that I'm really clean because it's going to be a pain trying to deal with something that's really not visible here so again crease alright no problem so far alright so we have to do the same thing that we did previously we just need to add one more division up here so again I'm going to jump in with our slice plane so slice blind rotate it for 90 degrees and move it into position on here with the snap so as you can notice it goes all the way so slice turn off slice playing alright let's go ahead and select all of these guys delete hold down shift pull it downwards again scale it upwards so it gets flat where I can just make planar but still this works just fine again I'm going to use a hold on shift and scale it in once and twice and collapse that's going to leave me with this form you know again select all of these guys ctrl backspace and there we have a quads at the bottom so here's the thing now again we need to go ahead and connect all of the these sides to the sides of our form over here again once twice just make sure you select the right one so you don't want to select the middle part but you just want to get the one on the edge alright so we have all of those selected so now if we turn on turbo smooth you're going to notice that we have just a bit of a mess going on here because this whole is not held well because it doesn't have the support edges we need to add so let's go ahead and add those so I'm going to go and I'm going to select all of the edges on the side jump for them and here I'm going to go and use the quad chamfer make put it at 0.5 and let's try 0.3 right for distance click on ok all right so if I start at herbalist mood now you know is that the edges are held pretty well together but the problem here now is that as this side or this sharp edge converges to the edge of our sharp cylinder it kind of loses that sharpness and then it's no longer sharp here so the problem is how do we make this continue on to the other side well if you remember before I inserted inserted this a hole here I actually went ahead and deleted both of these edges so now in fact we have an egg on here now if I go ahead and simply just well continue this like so and chamfer this again put it something like I know mm smaller Chum fer 0.2 as your point you should work let's well we need to clean up this a tad bit so well those two together delete those two and we're left with something like this and now if I turbosmooth you're going to notice this we have this line coming to the edge and then continue onwards and everything looks just fine but does it if you take a look at our inner part you're gonna notice this very very sharp line going on the side this is something that we want to well not have on our model we want to retain this form we will retain the smoothness of the form but also retain the sharpness of this edge so we need to fix this so in order to fix this I'm going to go ahead and control-z back before I actually did the chamfer like this alright so here's how I'm going to do this I'm going to select this edge over here and then I'm actually not going to go with the chamfer I'm going to go with a cut - so vertex cut cut from this edge over here whoops from there here from there to there now here's a thing you want to come over here go down to the middle one and converge it to the third one or the end one and then cut cut and cut so here we're actually left with two triangles I want to remove this middle part over here so I'm actually left with a diamond shape quad at the edge now diamonds are really great when you have geometry that's supposed to make a sharp turn and this is what I'm talking about as soon as I turn on the turbosmooth you don't notice that now the inner part here is very smooth while the edge as it comes to the this triangle here its retaining that shape now the reason for this happening is this triangle or this diamond shape that we placed here so we're going to do the same thing for this side again so with the cut tool I'm going to cut it from the middle or actually the end one to the middle to the outer out one and to the edge whoops are okay again this side over here over here and to the edge over here I'm going to move this just make sure I have whoops okay and make sure you leave this as a diamond by ctrl backspace on this edge and when we go to the turbosmooth we actually end up with a form like this so if you take a look at what we have so far we have this perfectly a done indention on our very very sharp edge and we kept the edge and also as that edge is coming to the middle it's kind of losing its strength and slowly starting to be a very very smooth surface so all in all that's a very nice technique to know and how to control your shapes so we can cut the video short here or actually I want to go ahead and do one more model and that is basically the model that we worked on in our second video which is basically this one so here it is this is the model that we exported out with the compound objects where we just placed two more spheres so how do we go about getting this to work out with a turbosmooth as it is right now if I put a turbosmooth on it kind of ends up being a big load of nothing so let's go ahead and use everything that I showed you here in this video and get this to be a nice turbo smoothing model so the first thing we can do is we're going to go ahead and try and add the middle parts with the slice curve so the slice plane so slice plane I'm going to go and rotate this for 90 degrees I'm going to move it in the middle like this make sure everything is selected slice now rotate it this way around for 90 degrees move it on the side with the snap turned on just move it in the middle again slice and what we want to do here is now we want to go ahead and do a few more slices on the edges of this box so down here would go one slice we would need to have one more here but actually if I do it like this it's going to give me this extra edge that I'm going to have to clean up later on so I'm going to go with the cut and actually put that manually in so I'm going to go like this again 90 degrees put it on this side and this here line is really not an important as this is the way max is trying to make heads or tails so on how to deal with this egg on in the middle of its polygon so here manually let's just put it this slice mmm the one more time like this I'm going to put it on the side like this and now here's an interesting part when you put it here you can see that we have this sliced going on the edges over here but we are also putting it in here so in the inner part of our intention so make sure you notice that I'm going to slice this and again just get a to this side one more time and we're getting near to the end all right I can turn off my slice plane and I've first of all I'm going to delete our middle part over here so ctrl backspace and now I'm going to go and connect both of these so again I'm using my shortcut for this I'm going to have to go with the cut tool because I have this middle part over here so again cut and those are connected this one really doesn't really need to be here so ctrl backspace again ctrl backspace and I actually think yep I'm missing one cut in the middle so again with the slice plane ninety degrees come on Matt degrees all right put it in the middle like this and slice it turn off slice plane there we go no longer have any issues so what we're left with is just having to clean up a bit of edges so here I'm actually missing one edge so let's go ahead and try to add it manually like this nope we're trying to fence it in like this so put one here edge but another one here so between these two guys if you put your cursor you'll be able to use one but it's a bit tricky so there we go so we have these two lines again this is going to work like this over here and with the cut I'm going to cut from this to here to here there you go now that thing is continuing and I'm going to have to do the same thing down here click OK like that works just fine cut and cut to the bottom so this should help me retain that edge so now click and connect click connect click connect this last one here whoops I think I might actually have one extra yep I do so for this I'm going to go and target well list this bottom one all right now we're going to see as soon as to turn on turbosmooth is going to give me a rough estimate of what I should expect Oh all in all you're getting some nice results especially except for this part but we still haven't done anything to this so first thing I'm going to go and delete and these four guys over here so we end up with quads in the middle so delete select the edge that we want to have it to be sharp go with a chamfer make sure it's a small amount chamfer like zero point zero point to work just well for us and if I turn on turbo slow now on the edge here yeah it's just words just great so we all we have to do here is do the same thing for this part over here so again select both of those ctrl backspace can connect those two and as you can see it slowly our entire model is coming to look like it's supposed to look proper so now I'm going to go select all of these edges chamfer them like this zero point two so we retain that sharpness we have on the other side and again here let's use the same trick that we use with a diamond for the edge so from here the outer one Center one inner one Center outer connect select this piece over here in the middle ctrl backspace and as you can see we have that diamond shape again go over the other side cut outer middle inner middle outer edge delete the one in between the middle of the inner in the middle you're left with diamond shape again now when we put turbosmooth on with a couple of iterations and isoline display we actually end up with geometrically correct model that has some complex shapes running across it and with this we're actually done so if you guys enjoyed watching this video then don't forget to subscribe hit that like button as it really helps a lot and that would be it for this video and when it comes to geometry I can probably go on and talk for hours and hours and always have something else to explain and we'll see maybe if I get some more free time I actually might make a few more videos like this but all in all I really do hope you guys actually had fun and you managed to learn something by watching this video so for now you guys take care and I'll see you all in the next video
Channel: Denis Keman
Views: 57,455
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 3ds max, 3d modeling, tutorial
Id: E0zK7xPPPoE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 36sec (2796 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 18 2016
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