Working Remotely | Sarah Jakes Roberts

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hey family this is pastor Toure Pastor Sarah we want to welcome you to this video we've got a word from God for you it's going to bless you we wanted to pause for a second before you watch this video and we want you to pray as you're watching this video about partnering with us to allow us to continue to meet the needs of people not simply spiritually but also practically it's such an honor to be able to serve people during this time and we as an organization are partnering to make sure that we're taking care of children that we're feeding the elderly that the homeless are getting the care and attention they need and you can be a part of helping us change the world so we invite you to come there'll be instructions on the screen partner with us pray with us we are doubling down on the generosity that our campuses have historically done we love you enjoy this word look for the instructions bless you one of the things that I absolutely love about the goodness of God is that the goodness of God doesn't care about a pandemic come on somebody the goodness of God will run until whatever your situation is and it will find you and it will remind you that you are loved that you were seeing that you are provided for and protected and I am so grateful because I don't know about you when I start to feel fear or even maybe a little bit of anxiety then I'm reminded instantly of the goodness of God my daughter had on his shirt yesterday and her shirt said and I was in the middle of just like I couldn't figure out what was happening to me but her shirt said I ain't worried about nothing and it blessed my spirit so much because it was a reminder to me that even in the midst of the storm our God has a strategy come on did you hear Sunday's message you got to check it out I'm so excited I've been praying you know preaching during this time is so much different than preaching in other seasons because everything is shifting and changing in the world so quickly and so suddenly and so always constantly asking God to leave our hearts open that we may feed you the finest food from the kingdom that you may be nourished and edified and sent out and to do God's work and I believe that that's exactly what's going to happen I share this word I'm going to be speaking from John nine I'm gonna start at verse 35 I really love this text as I was reading it this time I saw something a little bit different that really blessed me and inspired me and hopefully will do the same for you I'm gonna start in verse 35 it says Jesus heard that they had cast him out and when he had found him just a little bit of context so Jesus this is when Jesus has healed a blind man and he took the clay and he told them in after putting clay on his eyes to go over to the pool and watch the clay out and then he would be able to see well after Jesus has performed this miracle the Pharisees those are the group of people who were anti Jesus at that time because they did not believe that he was the son of God well the Pharisees they get really upset and they're upset because they want to know how this man got healed they're trying to find some crime to punish on Jesus and and they have this almost like a courtroom setting with the man who's been healed where they're asking him who saved you who who performed this miracle and he says I don't know I was blind when it happened to me and he was gone after I was healed and so it picks up in verse 35 it says Jesus heard that they had cast him out and when he had found him he said to him do you believe in the Son of God he answered and said who is he Lord that I may believe in him and Jesus said to him you have both seen him and it is he who was talking with you then he said Lord I believe and he worshiped him and Jesus said for judgment I have come into this world that those who do not see may see and that those who see may be made blind father this is our moment to see what you see to take a moment and look at our lives to look at our world and to receive a word from you that opens our eyes it is my prayer that you will do just that that in this short time that we have together that you would remove any distractions any anxieties any worries just for a minute quiet the household quiet the car quiet our co-workers God that we can hear exactly what it is that you have for us Father I believe that you are the only one able to take one word and dissect it and craft it and mold it until it fits literally the thousands of people who will receive it that's the kind of God we serve so we turn this over to you and we say have your way great God that you are in Jesus name Amen and amen again I have been studying some of the effects of the pandemic and how it has shifted and shaped so much about the way that we function and I think that one of the things that we can be universally grateful for is the internet I don't know about you but the Internet is the unsung hero of this pandemic we have been able to get so much information on how we can one prevent this spread how we can connect with others who are in need in this time but for me most importantly the gospel of the kingdom is able to still spread throughout the world because of the internet the Internet has also changed things for a lot of corporations right so over time when it was just a tool that we use to maybe find potential candidates for job positions it has now become a tool that literally removes the need to have a a corporate place of gathering from day to day right because of the internet even during this pandemic when we're not supposed to be gathered we're able to use the internet so that we can continue to move forward to work remotely right the Internet has changed our ability to work remotely in corporations and who could have known when we first started this crazy thing called the worldwide web that eventually it would become the tool that allowed so many of us to continue building in spite of restrictions and regulations and as much as I would like to say that the Internet is responsible for this creative notion of working remotely as I was studying I realized that the internet didn't start this whole notion of working remotely you guys know this scripture it's not unfamiliar it's Jeremiah one and five I'm gonna read it word for word it says before I formed you in the womb I knew you before you were born I sanctified you I ordained you a prophet to the nation so before God formed the Prophet Jeremiah's who he's speaking to in this moment before God forms him in his mother's womb he knew him right before he was born he said I ordained you he said I sanctified you and I ordained you a prophet to the nation's before you were born I gave you a job where did this happen this happened in a realm that we cannot see there was something happening in a realm in an environment a home that we could not see that was going to affect this new dimension and so God gave him an assignment before he was born God says before I send you down to the earth I want you to know emphatically that I am NOT just sending you down here to experience the pleasures of life I'm sending you down here because I have ordained you as a prophet I'm sending you down here I'm sending you to the earth so that you can work remotely that's something important for us to realize and for us to recognize that we are not just here to experience the world around us we are here because we are on assignment you are working remotely you did not start in this world you started in a world that this world can't even understand you started in the kingdom you started in the mind of God and when you started in the mind of God he says if there's something I need you to do in the earth that only you can do I have a job for you you're not just in that marriage you're not just working that job you're not just raising that child you're not just going to that school you're working remotely you got to know this because when fear starts permeating this world you got to remember that I'm not of this world I'm working remotely where I'm from we don't even believe in fear I feel that prophetically for somebody where I'm from there is no power that fear has where I'm from there is no strength that anxiety has over my life so I am here working remotely and whenever I start to feel the culture of this world invade my culture then my assignment is to recognize where I come from I got to get reconnected with where I'm from because I'm starting to forget the culture of my working environment god help me sometimes when you're working from home right and a lot of us are working from home now sometimes you start off really strong right you're waking up you're getting up one time you're getting fully clothed and then eventually you start slipping right I'll just keep my pajamas on or oh the kids are messing with me I'll do that thing a little bit later and what happens is the culture of the home begins to invade your work ethic that's the same thing that happens to us when the culture of this world begins to invade our heavenly our divine our kingdom assigned work ethic and if you are not careful and intentional about pinpointing when that is happening then you won't know what's going on with you but I hear God's saying that even as you're listening to this message that he's drawing a line in the sand I need you to recognize that you've allowed the cultural culture of this work environment that's down here on the earth to make you forget how we do things where we're from where we're from we have Authority where we're from we don't run when everyone else is standing around where we're from we we answer to what's happening in the world where we're from we write books where we're from we produce where we're from we remember that we are the change that we want to see in the world where we're from we operate differently we think differently we sleep differently where we're from we have certain level of culture and that culture needs to invade this world like never before that culture needs to be released in this world and it will only happen for those who recognize I'm here working remotely I'm on assignment before I was formed in my mother's womb God knew me he ordained me as a prophet he ordained me as his mouthpiece that's why I'm serving that's why I'm coming up with ways to serve the community that's why I'm coming up with ways to make sure that the kingdom is spread that's why I cannot be silenced I hear that for you I don't know who you are but you are going to allow this thing to silence you and I hear God's saying that our ordained you a prophet that means you are a mouthpiece for God that means if you do not release what God is doing in this season if you don't release love if you don't release hope if you don't release faith then it may not be released or not what if the cure is laid up in your mouth what if the breakthrough is laid up in your mouth what if you are the one who can produce the change that you want to see in the world you're tired of hearing what the news is saying you're tired of hearing what everyone else is saying on social media well what are you saying with your mouth you are the Prophet that has been called to speak in this time you are alive in this season and industry narration for a reason and I hear God's saying that there's something that I put in your mouth that must come out of your mouth that there's some joy that needs to come out of your mouth that there's some peace that needs to come out of your mouth oh but I'm not a prayer warrior yes you are a prayer warrior you just haven't released your sound yet I hear guys saying you don't know who you are in the kingdom until you have been backed against the wall when you get back against the wall we will begin to see what God is play on the inside of you I hear God saying you're our prophet you are not broken you are not insecure you do not battle with anxiety I hear that saying before any of that we're a profit you are a profit before they walked away you are a prophet when the world Rockman when the room is empty you when you work from home [Music] you are a prophet report the teenage pregnancy before you became anything you are a prophet you are a prophet you are a prophet you are a mouthpiece for God and God is looking to release his voice in this earth he's looking to combat the negative to the negativity that is in this world and I hear guys saying that only my prophets only my prophets can release my voice only those who are connected to me only those who are pressing in to hear what I'm saying only those who are creating an environment where I can sit in the room those are my prophets and I'm looking for my prophets I'm praying right now I don't know who you are but I'm praying that God will begin to raise you up not so that the world can see you not so that the world can celebrate you was so that your prophetic gifting your ability to release God's sound may be unleashed like never before and maybe is and Timmy and maybe it took a divorce and maybe it says you have to go hell for you to finally decide I will not silence rocks we're gonna cry now right I can do what I am a prophet I am a prophet what are you prophesy again - Anita you are just beginning the world is not going through hell the world is getting ready for goddess calling us like then are you are you ready to carry this weight are you ready to stand up to this thing are you ready to square up by ordains you a prophet and now we're about to see who's a prophet who can prophesy in the middle of the storm who can speak who can have a prophetic utterance who recognizes that I am NOT powerful because of what I've done but because of what I've seen but because I am a prophet I was ordained before I came into this world and I believe that as you find a ways to bring unity into this humanity into this world and into this country that it's not just a good idea that it is a God idea and we have to recognize what is a good idea versus a God idea that when you're helping someone navigate through their anxiety and through their fear that it's not just you being a supportive friend is you being a prophet when you tell someone you're going to be okay I dare you to add heavens resources to the words that are coming out of your mouth when you say it you may be unsure but when you say lit with heavens resources it's just things in the atmosphere I am Telling You that we're gonna make it to the other side of this I'm telling you we're gonna be stronger as a result of what we've gone through I'm telling you that more people that want to know God that has ever known him before I'm not saying it as their shakes Roberts I'm the girl who was formed before she even came into this world the Prophet the Prophet says were coming out on the other side of this and so our job and our role now is to recognize that our best bet is to work the way Jesus worked Jesus was God working remotely Jesus was God wrapped in flesh God says in the New Testament my spirit needs to invade the earth and because my spirit needs to invade the earth I'm going to take this young virgin ghrelin I'm going to impregnate her with my spirit and when she gets pregnant with my spirit my Holy Spirit is going to invade the earth I don't know who you are but I feel like you've been wondering what's happening and I hear God's saying that's that's my spirit invading the earth when God's Spirit invades the earth you got to understand what happens when God's Spirit invades the earth that pushes back fear when God's Spirit invades the earth it pushes back to Monica pression when God's Spirit invades earth there are some things that cannot live any longer God says the spirit may not be able to change what happened to you but it can take what happened to you and get it out of your spirit when you get filled with the Holy Spirit then there some things that cannot stay in you any longer you may need to go to rehab but what you may need to do first is did filled with the spirit you may need to break up with the person but you can't do it on your own you don't need the Holy Spirit for this thing I hear God's saying that I'm coming for another round of my sphere I allow my spirit to invade earth who or at least my glory Oh mice to work remotely brought the King of Kings why the Lord of let his spirit my spirit my spirit my spirit my spirit my spirit they need my spirit in the hospital they need my spirit at the grocery store my spirit my sweat who will carry the Spirit of the Lord it's gotta invade Earth every time you see fear you wanna have an answer why should you have an answer because you carry the Spirit of God so Jesus Jesus recognizes that there's work to do in Earth and so he doesn't just spend the time on the earth releasing the spirit from himself he gathers some disciples because he recognizes I need to be a recruiter too because it's not enough to just carry God's Spirit we got to be able to recruit some people too and Jesus is the ultimate recruiter and when he realizes that there's going to be work for all of us to do he starts off on this mission and he starts recruiting the disciples follow me and I'm going to make you fishers of men follow me follow me I want you to be a recruiter I want you to be a recruiter because there are some other people who need to work remotely we need to remind them that they are in this world but they are not of this world and they will only do it if they see someone else functioning in their purpose and so he starts recruiting and at this point in my text Jesus has recruited his disciples but he's about to recruit an unsuspecting blind man a blind man who doesn't beg to be healed like blind bartimaeus but a man who someone else points out the disciples point out to Jesus and they say to Jesus what sin did this man's parents do that he ended up blind and John nine and three it says jesus answered them and said neither this man nor his parents sinned but that the works of God should be revealed in him then Jesus says I must work the works of him who sent me while it is day the night is coming when no one can work Jesus tells us in this text that this man is here so that work can be done in him the miracle that is about to be performed has nothing to do with what the man wanted and everything to do with the work that had to be produced from him because God is on assignment and because God is on assignment he uses this unsuspecting man he uses this man who had no idea that he was about to be caught out and placed on this spotlight Jesus is working remotely I want to read it to you the way I studied it you know how I do because Jesus is recruiting and Jesus is recruiting not with miracles the way I studied it I thought that when Jesus performed the miracle on the blind man that he did that so that he could recruit him into the kingdom and I was wrong because had that been the case as soon as the man was healed he would have automatically been following Jesus but he had something more important to do improve to this man it was important for him to prove to this man that I have performed this miracle so that you can see you are still set apart I'm gonna break it down for you this man was born blind blind was all he knew and when you're born with any type of dysfunction whether it's a handicap that can be seen or a brokenness on the inside you always feel different and this miracle that Jesus performs is the one thing that is keeping him from being like everyone else I'm going to give you this miracle and now you will become like everyone else that is what we believe when we pray for miracles sometimes we're praying for miracles because we think the miracle is going to make us like someone else the miracle is going to level the playing field the miracle is going to help us to be like all of these other people we have seen but check this Jesus gives this blind man the miracle and the man still doesn't fit in what is we're praying that God would give us a miracle and we're wondering why God gave us the miracle and we still feel different and we still feel awkward and it didn't do for us what we thought it was going to do I got the degree but I still don't feel fulfilled I got the marriage but I still don't have my purpose I have the money in the bank but I still don't feel like I'm making a change in the world what happens when God gives you a miracle and it still makes you feel empty I believe this as I was reading this text and I was studying that the miracle was never meant to make the men like everyone else the miracle was there to prove to him that I can bless you but you will still be set apart and that is a word for someone to recognize in this season that you're praying that God will make you like everyone else and God has given you some of the desires of your heart so you still feel left out you still feel cast out I hear God saying the miracle wasn't broken it's your perception of what the miracle was supposed to do the miracle was never supposed to make you more like them it was supposed to make you more like me it was supposed to make you more like the guy who gave you the miracle in the first place it was supposed to make you curious I hear I feel God on that the miracle is supposed to make you curious not fit in the miracle is not so that you can be like everyone else the miracle is not so you can be validated the miracle is not so everyone can see that you were right all along the miracle is so that you can draw closer to him I don't know about you but God has given me some miracles in my life that I felt so unworthy of God how could you give this thing to a girl like me how could you give this influence to a girl like me I didn't go to school for it I don't know how to do it eloquently but I hear God saying the miracle was never about you and everything to do with creating a hunger that you would become desperate for the man behind the miracles I felt like that's the whole message within itself when we become desperate for the man behind the miracles you will never have to wonder if another miracle is on the way because I am connected with the ultimate source I want to know more about the man behind the miracle I want to know more about the man who made a way out of knowing God how is it that you let that kid come through in the middle of this work God how is it that you allowed me to meet this person when I was out here randomly and I hear God saying you're calling it a miracle but you won't have breakthrough hmm you won't have breakthrough until you become curious about the man behind the miracle the blind man should have been having the days of his life I once was blind but now I see but now I'm on trial and I'm in adversity god this isn't what my miracle was supposed to look like yes sir that's exactly what your miracle was supposed to look like but you won't know how to handle the miracle unless you stay connected with the I hear guys saying you won't lose this time look like a miracle that you're gonna lose one but I hear God saying you will never have do this prophetically for somebody you will never have to worry knowing that to have you there is a man behind the mirror man's legacy think that is standing in your way by the miracle the man behind the miracle and he wants you to know who he is and he wants you to recognize that I'm out here recruiting people who can work remotely I'm not just recruiting people who can work miracles people who can work miracles I want to know who can stay connected to their boss in spite of the bonuses got if you don't give me a bonus God if I don't never get a raise but I can stay connected that connected oh my goal is to stay connected my goal is to keep my head above water I can't watch the news all day I can't just get up and eat all the snacks I gotta do something that awakens what God place down on the in spite of me cuz there's a God in heaven waiting on me and it's way know somebody will recognize that so I'm not on vacation make sure my hitter does the work that Living God that or notice that you had your last day [Music] we're not on vacation we still working and the kind of work we do cannot be banned and the kind of work we do cannot be stopped and the kind of work we do will invade earth and it will invade every illness you don't know who my boss is if you know who my boss was you won't even talk to me the way you've been talking to me you better learn to unleash your mouth on fear this fear doesn't know who your boss this anxiety doesn't know who your boss is you got a boss and you're working remotely and everything that happens in the earth is happening for those who are called the sons of God to come forth the enemy is not after your finances he is not after your relationships he's trying to make you quit your job that word sin and the Greek as her Mattia means to miss the mark missed the mark the mark of what the mark of my job assignment the job of what God has called me to do and who he's called me to become the enemy is after your job you were sent from heaven to work remotely and if you allow the chaos and the disappointment and disaster of this world to keep you from working to keep you from producing to keep you from staying connected to God and you lose you may be comfortable for a minute calling that person you may be comfortable for a minute in that bottle you may be comfortable for a minute drinking that thing but I'm telling you when it's all said and done it's all making you miss miss the mark this is not the season to miss the mark this is not the season to not be on your square this is not the season to be distracted now like a never-before we got to go harder than we've ever gone before we to do it if no one comes we got to do it if no one sees it because it's a part of my job assignment it's a part of why I'm here this world can't tell you when the world is going to end stop reading the articles stop looking at the conspiracies no man knows the day nor the hour but God sinks you down here because he says you need to be alive in this day and in this hour and my question to you is are you doing the work of your father and have you removed anything that keeps you from doing that work Jesus and my text is eye-to-eye with the man he healed and the man doesn't even recognize that he's talking to Jesus the Messiah because he's so wrapped up and confused and lost with what happened in the process of his miracle that God is standing right in front of him and he doesn't even realize it and Decatur's seeing God when he's right in front of you and this text it stands to reason that the kid is singing God is to acknowledge what he's already done because Jesus doesn't tell him I am the one who healed you he doesn't explain who he is all he says is that you have already seen any heat and are talking to the Son of God right now in this moment he triggers something in his mind that makes him acknowledge that Jesus has been there all along what if Jesus has been here all along but because we were focused on certain things and focused on headlines and focused on relationships and focused on our hustle that we missed the fact that he had already done a miracle in our life we just didn't know it was him so we're wondering where is God in the midst of this God where are you and I hear guys saying you don't even see that I've been here all along that even as you're watching this message right now that it is a sign that God has been here all along that God says I will never leave you nor forsake you I'm gonna find a way to make sure the word gets to you so Jesus has this encounter with the blind man and he says something so pivotal if you're taking notes this is the part that I really want you to write down to hold in your heart and never forget he has this back and forth with the blind men and he says to the blind men do you believe in the Son of God and he doesn't even know that he's had an encounter with God he just knows that he had an encounter with the man who was working remotely and Jesus answers to him and says you have both seen him and it is he who was talking with you now and then he says Lord I believe and he began to worship when the blind man begins to worship there is a divine exchange that happens when God removes the blindness out of his spirit god help me the man was blind physically but it wasn't until God removed his blindness spiritually that he was able to worship Him there are so many things that keep us from seeing spiritually disappointments heartbreaks life just not going the way that we wanted to we can become so blind spiritually that literally we could be in the presence of God and not even recognize it because we have become so desensitized to the presence but Jesus speaks this word and it brings that man into remembrance and he says Lord I believe but your belief has to have an action attached to it it says Lord I believe and he began to worship if you really believe in this season like never before there's got to be some action attached to it you can't just worship when it's convenient you got a worship every time it's brought back to your remembrance what you believe I believe that word believe when you break it down I was get down while studying earlier it means I have been persuaded Lord I've been persuaded that is to bend you all along I've been persuaded that when I was blind you opened my eyes god I've been persuaded that I even though I felt like I was in that house by myself that you kept making a way out of no way my my parents couldn't do it for me my siblings didn't fully understand me but Father I am persuaded that you saw me because now you're using everything that the enemy meant for evil and you're turning it for my good so lord I am persuaded I want to be recruited I want to work for you like never before and the only response when you have been recruited is to worship because you recognized that God would use a fool like me God you've been in my life all this time and I just needed to accept that you were there I needed to see that you were there but you waited for me you were patient Jesus didn't get upset with the blind man he didn't get frustrated with the blind man but he sat there and he waited until he finally had the Epiphany that it had been him all along and this is the moment where we see that Jesus didn't just recruit disciples but he recruited people who were willing to wait and see that it was him maybe you're watching this message and you've been thinking that some things were god I want you to know that God is willing to wait until you see him perhaps this is your moment where you finally get to have an encounter with God and you get to say father I thought the job was just because I knew the friend but I know there is someone more qualified than me but there was that you father I survived after the heartbreak father I had to bury my parents but I still found a way to have joy again and I thought maybe it was because I did XYZ but father I really think it was you it's been you all this time along your goodness was running after me that I was running into the arms of this person and that person and I thought this person could heal me and I thought that relationship would make me better and that check would fulfill me but now I realized that the only thing I needed was you so Lord I've been persuaded I do believe as my husband said that the kingdom has an opportunity like never before if you didn't hear strategy in the storm you got to watch that message I believe like never before that the kingdom has an opportunity to recruit but we cannot just recruit with with smooth words we have to be willing to recruit with evidence personal evidence that makes a person open up at their eyes and say you are not where you are because you've done everything the right way or because everything worked out perfectly there are people who had the same formula the same background the same family setting and they never got out of there and they ended up in jail and they ended up lost and broken you had this opportunity not because you did everything the right way but because there was someone who was working things that you couldn't see my prayer is that God would open your eyes not just to opportunities but that he would open your eyes spiritually that even in the midst of this chaos that you would wake up every morning and you would say wow God that was you that opened my eyes that you would look at the doctors and the nurses who are there in the hospitals and you would say that kind of strength to stand up in this adversity God that kind of strength can only come from you got more strength and more peace to them that you would begin to see that he can even move in the midst of the pandemic that he can move in the midst of a broken home that God doesn't need a perfect setting you want that God says I can in and out of brokenness I can move in and out of shattered pieces and if you don't believe me then just talk to someone I recruited and they'll show you that I didn't have to wait for their lives to be perfect that all I needed them to do was be willing to believe and this is when Jesus tells us he says in the last verse of my text he says for judgment I have come into this world that word judgment isn't judgment like we're used to seeing it means distinguish that Jesus came into the world for there to be distinguishment the distinguishment between those who do not see but may see and those who see but may be blind I love this because that means that God is looking for people who are blind so that he can show them how to see and those who think that they see everything you know everything that they're actually blind our perfect position as a believer is recognizing as much as I do see right now I know that there's still parts of my life still parts of my world still parts of my destiny that I am blind to so father I believe and I trust you not because of what I see but because of what I don't see and it is what I don't see that will ultimately allow me to become closer and closer to you you're listening to this message and you want God to open your eyes you thought the relationship would do it you thought the job would do it you thought the degree would do it but there are parts of you that still feel cast out right this blind man gets cast out from the Pharisees because he needed to see you're not like them either that's how you've been feeling you've been feeling like man I'm not like this group and I'm not like that group and I'm not like them over there I'm not like them down there God Who am I liking says I'm glad that you finally asked now I can open your eyes I want to pray with you my prayer is that we would not come out of however long this season is going to last and still be blind but that we would come out of this season with our eyes more open than ever before to what God has been saying and doing all along God all along you've been telling me I need to spend more time with the kids God all along you've been telling me that my priorities are wrong God all along you've been saying these things and I ignore these things and now I have no other fact but to look at exactly where I am and what's around me and make a decision God wants you to open your eyes spiritually before he does anything else that you can see so I want to pray with you I want you to do something crazy right as I'm praying I want you to close your eyes and as you're closing your eyes I feel the Spirit of God opening your spirit there's something powerful I just thought about that there's something powerful in prayer when we close our eyes because it forces us to be sensitive and now that we're sensitive we can sense things that maybe we couldn't have seen had we just been looking with our eyes I wonder what God wants to show you that you cannot see because you've been looking at it physically maybe God just wants you to close your eyes for a minute Spirit of God we're closing our physical eyes and giving you permission to open our spiritual eyes father we recognize that we are not here to just have a vacation and enjoy life and be fulfilled but we are here because you sent us on a mission Father awaken our hearts to what that mission is awaken our souls and awaken our spirit that we would not live in this world selfishly but that we would wake up hungry to do your work that we would wake up hungry like Jesus determined to do the work of our Father recognizing that there's gonna come a day when no work can be done we may not be here forever we may not be in this city forever we may not be in this job forever so father what is it that you want me to do in this season that I am he in here for God Jesus knew that there was something else waiting for him outside of the moment but he was so in tune with what needed to be done in the moment that he wasn't looking to escape he was looking to fulfill the word that needed to be manifested in that moment I hear guys saying same is true for you I have worked for you to do in this moment that only you can do so by the open our eyes to who we must become and what we must do in order to regain our position working remotely for You Father forgive us we repent for making life just about us we repent father we Exeter would help us to change our mind Father for for allowing things to let us miss the mark the addiction made us miss the mark the relationship made us miss the mark but you are so gracious that you will take everything that happened to us and wipe it clear and snow you're gonna make it work together so far for our good that we will look back and say God I don't know how you did it but you have made a believer out of me father help us to not just receive our position and to manifest it in our lives but to do it with such fierceness and such power that we end up recruiting more and more people for your kingdom we receive this word allow it to take root and produce fruit in our lives father that the generations may be blessed as a result of what just took place inside of us in Jesus name and then activate we love you so much [Music] you
Channel: ONE | A Potter's House Church
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Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: LA Churches, TPH, The Potters House, TPH LA, The Potters House LA, One LA, Toure Roberts, Sarah Jakes Roberts, tphla
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 29sec (2729 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 26 2020
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