Working Professionals' Guide to 99%ile in CAT | CAT 2024 Prep Strategies | 2IIM CAT Preparation

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[Music] C for plan for working professionals so working professional I'm assuming that you put this is separately put because there's time pressure um working professional in a context where there is time pressure you need to find 10 to 15 hours per week uh for cat prep apart from reading so if you have a uh if you you want your weekends free you're going to find 2 hours a week 2 hours per day morning or evening Monday to Friday I'm a morning person I like to my learning happens better in the morning so I pick up at 6:00 to 7:30 I can do in that 1 and half hours I can do what I can do in another set of 2 and half three hours I'm super productive I finish it off and I'm done uh so if you have a busy schedule and you have you simply can't car out anything on the week days Monday to Friday then you should say look I'm spending 56 hour on Saturday 56 hour on Sunday there's an old saying put money where your mouth is put time where your ambition is so if you're saying look I want a crack cat and I want to go toad Bangalore Kolkata or tii or vinker or nms n Mumbai then you've got to say hey I'm going to turn up and and and and and put effort towards it it's a fun thing it's a beautiful exam to prepare for it it uh sets up the way you think but the 10 to 15 hours per week is not negotiable and this does not include an hour of reading every day you either find it early mornings Monday to Friday late evenings Monday to Friday or two big chunks on the weekend these are the choices available I can say these are the choices available and I can say you absolutely need to do it where it works for you based on your temperament your style your working week all of that that you have to figure out sometimes some people tell me that look I'm working for 75 hours a week where do I find time to prepare you must look to seriously change your job the 70 hour per week job is is nonsense if you're spending 75 hours working every week you won't have bandwidth to do anything else human beings need 7 to 8 hours of sleep do the math that's 55 hours gone sleeping add these two up you have practically 35 hours left you need to still travel to work and do your uh morning routines and nothing left you'll get burnt out in in weeks uh if the 70 hour per week is a temporary thing it's a 3 month six month thing it's the most meaningful job you've had in your life you're throwing everything into it that's fine but if you're ambitious and you have an exam to prepare for and you working 75 hours per week you either need to have a super serious conversation with your bosses and say look I can't be doing this or you need to start serious search for another job best wish [Music] again
Channel: 2IIM CAT Preparation
Views: 2,421
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Keywords: Online CAT preparation, Online CAT course, online CAT coaching, free CAT material, online cat classes, 2iim, cat 2019, cat 2018, cat preparation, twoiim, common admission test, mba, 2 iim, iim, management exam, CAT, education, study, cat coaching, How to prepare for CAT, mba cat preparation
Id: SGN62Oj7RaU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 51sec (171 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 25 2024
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