CAT 2024 Preparation From April | CAT 2024 Prep | 2IIM CAT Preparation

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[Music] hello folks uh we're going to give a preparation schedule starting from April all the way number uh the PDF of this underlying presentation is available again you'll be able to find this in the description please do click on that and download that and have that because it's super useful to do this U we've done something different like we done this originally a couple of months ago was a there's a beautiful framework sitting there we got tons of feedback we've taken that we've kind of tweaked it a little bit but we've kept all the parts that worked intact so it's a month-wise schedule day wise schedule is too aggressive for us to plan for you that you have to figure out away some people work on weekend some people have weekends free some people are morning people evening people all of that and so this is a fabulous fabulous framework use this framework tailor it for yourself create a schedule stick up in for a 6 week run and run with it right so how we done this we said look there are three phases to the preparation part one is funa building just understanding grammar structure understanding reading and passages and paragraphs understanding simple data interpretation Frameworks percentages and growth rates and market shares and sequencing puzzles all that getting the building bones building blocks in second part of speed building in the end we attempting to have a crack at a competitive exam and so it is important whether you are in a place where you can solve seven questions in Quant or nine dramatic difference between these two so you consolidate and you build speed now speed is an output variable you can't sit and say I'll do this faster you have to sit and say I'll practice tons of questions I will incidentally become quicker so don't set a reading speed don't set a solving speed don't set a cracking speed any of this as variables to track even if you're tracking it don't look to figure out ways of amping it up you can't keep a paragraph in your hand and say now I will read it n words per minute doesn't work you can then you're understanding will go out of the window you read so much that you become better at grasping better and quicker right the reading pbone facilitates this but speed is an output variable not an input variable keep that in mind right finally mock mock I don't need to Super explain mock we know take lots of practice exam to be ready for this this is a framework for this what have we done we have said look this is a Quant section what we focus on there is some uh sorry Quant lrda and verbal there's the funa part practice and revision speed building part and the mock part this F so it's like a big table we've kept the sizes kind of proportional to the time you need to spend right so if you look at this early part of the preparation the funa part will be bigger learning part and the Quant part will be bigger the syllabus for Quant is fast lot and so you'll be you'll unwittingly find yourself spending more time with Quant when you start preparing for over time you should add other layers to it and so start with arithmetic Matic is the home ground there's a wonderful analysis video also that we have done about how cat 2024 was different and how it was not different F so it was it was different and not different so it's a good video have a look at it and it it CHS kind of redefined path for how to prepare for cat 2024 qu not dramatically different the big takeaway is arithmetic is still super crucial before you go to adding other L and so and arithmetic topic like percentages profit and loss ratios mixtures allegations speed time races averages uh pipes and system work and time simple interest compound interest those of them we put a few of these to start with percentages profit and loss all that uh when you're thinking about logical reasoning data interpretation add the standard templates first either of di or of LR for Di is py chart bar graphs for LR is simple sequencing puz now remember cat questions are nothing like this they're not obvious and straightforward but you need to do this to reach that that point verbal know the question types what is this game but really the ball game is sitting here read one hour daily reading muscle takes months to build make sure you're putting the effort to build reading muscle if reading muscle is built then verbal ideas start making sense I don't know if you found this yourself in this position U suppose you go to the gym or someplace and then they they they give some super crucial input about how you should do your your reps like this or whatever and then if you're newbie none of it makes sense your your body is not tuned to anything your muscles are just not ready so the Nuance between doing three reps of 10 and two reps of 15 all nonsense I look I'm not able to lift this thing but if you hang in there which I personally have never done over 2 months 3 months then the the difference between that starts to make sense so for for inputs given by a by a jatin or me or any of our other teachers or any you go to the YouTube to say how to resolve between two choices how to pick the right passage how to get the central idea all of that your mind is ready only if you have built the reading muscle otherwise it's just a bunch of ideas dumped on one head and it can lead to model thinking if this brain muscle reading muscle is not built you're cooked so start that on day one and keep at it because it takes a while to while to bit this is the framework and so what do we do subsequent month we actually double down an arithmetic and said look spend 2 months on arithmetic put it in the bag because lots of Quant Comfort comes from here going to be dealing with ratios and ideas and linear equation forming and and simple percentages in ldi in everywhere number system geometry everywhere so get this comfortably in place by the time you're on to arithmetic 2 start revising revisiting revisit arithmetic 1 revision for Quant is super crucial because if you learn percentages on April 5th and then go on to other topics in April 8th 9 10th and come back to percentages on June 5th you'll take your book look at the paper and it'll feel like your starting percentage is all over again if you give a three Monon Gap it just goes out of head learning happens on a spiral you learn revisit add one more layer go to the next topic keep revisiting so if you do topic 1 2 3 4 You have to revise one two otherwi it just fly away if you revise percentages well your understanding of ratios will improve if you revise percentages once the second rision will go rapidly but you have to build a SE sequence you can't say I'll finish all of Quant for 3 months and then revise all of Quant that doesn't work your revision schedule should be in step with the learning schedule with a slight lag that consolidation is super crucial that is why it is going to facilitate speed building so for some of us 33.33% is 1x3 automatically right for some it is not for some 37.5% is 3x8 for few it is not so you should do so many questions that you look at the 7 and a half% and your brain automatically drops the link to 3 B8 and that comes when you revise in practice so be relentless with this when you're adding this you revisit this also but this to start with around about this time you should say look I'm going to take a mark just to see what this is take one marck to know hey what this what the landscape of this mock taking is is about right then for Quant I think from now on it becomes more self-explanatory I don't have to speak too much add algebra to it because algebra is a bigger topic and it helps being comfortable with variables and so linear and quadratic equation polinomial AP GP logarithm set theory put this under algebra set Theory come can come under arithmetic or algebra it doesn't matter logarithms again can come either way I would put progressions also in the intersection only but these are simple end of algebra except maybe polinomial but the point of polinomial relevant to us is still straightforward right so add this layer and revisit aggressive and go to a point where you're taking a mock every 10 days every 15 days you still need to get onto the mock treadmill but not this early but get there get there mock treadmill is one or two per week now it is one every 10 days one every 15 days just just it can't be that you have not taken a mock at all and you should be able to refer back to the last mock I took I scored this much you have to that that sentence has to come right so um by this time you're on to more topic wise things in logical reasoning and more patterns real questions not just reading and getting the pattern in verbal you should get on to a part part point where you say I'm going to do one passage per day or two passages per day if this is what you need beefing up on then should two passages per day if you're rather comfortable and you've been reading for a long time it could be just one passage per day I put two but one or two you take the call on that after this we add geometry wind up go to the tougher parts of algebra which inequalities functions and then start with the basics in Geometry revise arithmetic and geometry by now you're on a one Mark per week schedule starting starting July this stays intact but the focus shifts to here you've done the D Basics now you're saying look either cat level questions or actual previous year cat questions I'm on a treadmill for saying two sets per day starting July all the way to September you do two sets per day you're putting 200 CHS in your back and that this builds your muscle to process data and and do it same two RCS per day and if you're weak in one and strong in the other you can do two tlr sets and one RC or two RCS and one drr set you can you can shift it around like that but this is a ballark you're looking to looking to achieve geometry to is trigonometry mention coordinate geometry add that coordinate geometry trigonometry at the meteor Parts um Revis this whatever we have learned in the previous month if you notice increasingly the mock thing is becoming broader the revision thing is becoming order and Quant is shrinking right these two become bigger progressively you have done the Quant syllabus covering muscle main memory building the process part of it already from now you should be saying look all three sections have one/ third vitage why am I doubling down on Quant and so shift out of the Quant focused mentality part by July August don't don't don't double don't think of cat preparation as Quant preparation the more marck you take the more you'll realize that Quant is only one/ third of the paper it might come of use in D but Quant Quant is only one thir so you need to be really good at this also especially when you take this you'll realize that these play a big role and so from now it is going to be more on an even kill my September finish off number Theory and modern math the the sequence between algebra geometry and modern math you can pick based on your comfort level for some geometry comes before algebra for some algebra comes before geometry and modern math we have put algebra ahead because last year said lots of Xs and Y and alra comes with used in arithmetic also number three in modern math we put it more towards the end because this is permutation combination number three you get two questions maximum perhaps three not more than that not heavily tested so we we say look don't worry too much about that and uh this is kind of self-explanatory stick to the treadmill from now after this is mock driven the last two months October November the last 60 days take a mock analyze it fill gaps so you take a mock and you realize that your scored 94th percentile but really your Quant you could have got two more questions right in D you selected one wrong passage you put markers in your head saying how can I address this you realize in Quant your geometry fundas are all out fill the Gap in geometry in lrdi you struggled with set theory puzzle do two questions in men diagram fill that read for an hour extra if your reading muscle is weak then go take the next Mar by this time you should have kind of covered syllabus kind of done consolidation kind of done speed building all of that your revising will reinforce speed reinforce fundas but here on in it's only mock the last 50 60 days it's completely about mocks you can take a mock every third day brilliant so you should have a plan to do 15 to 20 mocks at least in the last 50 days which basically means you're on a mock routine to ask for taking a mock 4 hours for analyzing 5 6 hours for kind of filling the Gap twice per week at least is your schedule from by this time taking mock should be second nature you know what you're doing you're not processing these decisions you automatically know what you're doing that's a place you want to want to reach uh we will keep updating this we will keep reting we'll also keep talking to people saying how when we go to the mock season we'll say how to take the mock how to analyze marks all of that I think it's a rather brilliant framework the PDF is available check out the description uh detailed day wise schedule is also available again the link for that will be available in the the description um one thing with all my students all our students at 2 I kept telling us at least I got this as a theme there lots of guys who cracked this exam who did well they said look you need to own your preparation my plan my strength my weaknesses my schedule my Gap filling my mock my rhythms so you need to get a hang off what works for you what is your plan so grab on to that you should suppose you're a morning person you should be preparing from 5: to 7 you're a late night person 10: p.m. to one in the night your Quant heavy your Quant is comfortable then push out Quant amp up logical reasoning keep reading and that customization from if you have already taken it once what do the take away from that that customization you should do if you're starting a fresh and your fresher you're taking it for the first time take this as a theme so that you start off now in April and May and then tweak it by the time of June you should be like okay I like this but this is my variant of this customize it for yourself and then and then have a plan super guys best sh [Music] again sh
Channel: 2IIM CAT Preparation
Views: 3,954
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Keywords: Online CAT preparation, Online CAT course, online CAT coaching, free CAT material, online cat classes, 2iim, cat 2019, cat 2018, cat preparation, twoiim, common admission test, mba, 2 iim, iim, management exam, CAT, education, study, cat coaching, How to prepare for CAT, mba cat preparation
Id: yZkebRTWjP4
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Length: 14min 18sec (858 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 03 2024
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