CAT 2024 Preparation From March | CAT 2024 Prep | 2IIM CAT Preparation

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[Music] hello folks how should you prepare for cat if you're starting now in March F to start with if you have uh if you're among the vast the broad majority of population who are preparing for cat then you should be starting right about now super important this point is important uh the exam has got tougher and tougher over the last 8 10 years in 2015 you just amped up logical reasoning and said look from now on we're not going to simple draw simple chart we going to go berserk 2023 they just amped up Quant for no reason and so I hope they dial down Quant again the paper has become progressively tougher in the last 8 10 years and so so you need a window to prepare there are some guys who are lucky and who can start and turn up in September 1st and crack this exam out of shape and so they're irritating people we'll have to live with them but for the M vast majority we may need some window of time according to me that window of time is 8 to 10 months minimum 6 months is possible but you'll have to sacrifice everything else and scramble and be on hustle mode throughout that fries your brain 10 months is a good pace and so if you have 9 10 months 8 9 10 months is a good window and so if you have not started preparing already and you're thinking maybe I will think about this I'll stop all that maybe nonsense start today start as quickly as possible because this exam has gotten tougher keep that in mind how should you prepare there's a beautiful detailed video that gives like a month on month shedule which is available on our system it starts on February but it's kind of applicable to March you can accelerate it check that out the link is available on the description I'm not going to do a thorough detailed topic-wise video I'm going to give the funa about hey how should you prepare and so start with Quant start with arithmetic start you need to build your brain muscle for with Quant in order to become better for logical reasoning and data interpretation and so the early preparation bias will be towards Quant keep that in mind Quant is vast and they're making it challenging as well start with Quant within Quant start with arithmetic the day you're starting prepar preparation from that day onwards you should tell yourself every day I'm going to read for 1 hour 45 minutes to 1 hour mandatory reading that's not part of preparation that's just fun I'll not count you can't say look at this week I prepared for 7 hours 7 hours I read doesn't count 7 hours of reading is outside of your preparation that 7 hours you should read should become a habit that even after you finish cat you're continuing to read for an hour every day that's mandatory that's not negoti that's part of this whole process right when you're starting in March year March April will be dominated by Quant and in Quant arithmetic and not the tougher Topics by the time you come to the end of April you should say look now I'm ready to add logical reasoning and Di to it and elements of reading comprehension to my mix that along with Quant will happen in May June July by the time you in July you should aggressively start revisiting and revising whatever you have learn learned before because it'll just fly out of your head you should start the revisiting of Quant process by May revisiting of logical reasoning and verbal by July and so you should whatever you do in month one by the time it's month three within a 8 week 9 week cycle you should be revisiting otherwise you learn percentages on March 15th and open it up on August 1 you'll have no memory of having ever read percentages so there's a learning cycle and a revision cycle the moment you have a learning cycle at a 6 week 8 week delay there should be revision cycle otherwise things will just fly out of your head so Quant buas for the first 2 months everything for the middle next 2 months by the time you are July August by that time you should be on a mock cycle you should say I from now I'm taking one mock per week or at least three mock per month that cycle you should be on already that will be one other track so your March April will be dominated by Quant May June July will be dominated by a lot of learning and practice from July August September will be speed building and mock from September 15 till the end will be mock mock mock mock mock throughout and so learning consolidation mock there will be an overlap across these three phases you will start to take you should take a mark in April you should take a couple of marks in may just to get to know what this thing is and you should keep in mind that you will be learning fundas up to up to November 24th 25 whenever this exam is till that day you'll be curious and happy happy and learning new ideas so all these faces come together but learning and dominated by Quant in the beginning all three subjects learning and lots of practice and speed building in the middle tons of marks and strategy fine-tuning in the end that's your preparation plan the detailed outline is available check that out couple of things from my conversations with people from our students one thing that I stood out one message that I stood out from whatever they have said whenever they I've asked them to meet our next year students subsequent year student they always say use one phrase own your preparation super important it should be your preparation your plan your schedule your strategy your strength and weaknesses your commitment your discipline you say look I'm good at this I'm not good at this I need more help for this I'm going to dump this this is going to be my plan this is my plan take one theme customize it for yourself and execute it with discipline don't don't accept what I'm saying as some Global Mantra it's not one one size fits all it's not that one theme is there one preparation plan works for everybody you have to take stock every now and then make variance for yourself and have the confidence to say this is my plan I'll stick to it I'll execute that and lovely exam to prepare for always always always prepare with the big smile it should work best [Music] wish shh
Channel: 2IIM CAT Preparation
Views: 12,955
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Keywords: Online CAT preparation, Online CAT course, online CAT coaching, free CAT material, online cat classes, 2iim, cat 2019, cat 2018, cat preparation, twoiim, common admission test, mba, 2 iim, iim, management exam, CAT, education, study, cat coaching, How to prepare for CAT, mba cat preparation
Id: Iojy7CUgap0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 6sec (366 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 02 2024
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