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[Music] [Music] hey guys i'm back in new york and i'm already missing all the great food i had in japan especially the ramen luckily there are a few each round locations here in new york and what's really interesting about this video we're gonna do today is that you know that magical ramen window where ramen needles just seem to materialize in front of you today we are gonna get an inside look we're actually going to see what happens behind the curtains and of course we're going to eat a ton of ramen as well it's going to be pretty fun [Music] by the way this is a new location here in midtown ramen for breakfast dream of mine let's go i'm the first one here today so this location only has the booth sitting you know the magic ramen booth that i'll eat you on this is the system that tells you which booth is empty can you feel the excitement hi so this is it your personal ramen space your cube of deliciousness and you have the order menu the instructions on how to order a lot of fun memories were made here what's really cool about this video is that i'm actually gonna be able to go where the camera is right now and take a look and see what happens behind this magical robin curtain let's go meet angie how are you i'm not an assistant manager i'm an assistant manager and you won't a few minutes later okay angie wait a minute wait a minute so this is this one no we're here like a fib so it's going to go around your apron this one is how it is we're just going to wrap it around wait how come yours is different so i'm in a manager so as you keep going up it changes you gotta work for the blue away first yeah [Music] and how do you do that so this month i usually just make it into a triangle as so and then you just put it on halfway okay so we usually cover your head i feel like a little red riding hood you have to cover your head because it's like healthy yeah yeah so we usually cover it just so the hair will come all out literally every strand has to go inside okay we don't want to fall into the rod we don't want it to fall into the ramen so i have the uniform not just for show you're putting me to work yes i am so you're going to learn how to serve today so we usually serve and run serving and learning is put together so in foh we have all of these different jobs that you can do and you're going to learn how to reach them when the customer comes and have seat we wait like at least one second one to two seconds make sure the customer is sitting then you want to go to the counter and you say hi welcome to youtube language is not my strong suit when you're done with the order form just press the call button okay so that's like the first portion okay so you can try okay welcome to each ramen my name is mike please fill out your motor floor with extra spicy and when you're done push the call button thank you awesome so you have to make sure that you're referring to the water because we don't get in brooklyn it's different brooklyn we serve the wrong way here we have water dispensers so the water dispensers aren't behind oh so i told them yeah so you're gonna say um when you're done with your farm just press the call button this is the cup for the water dispenser that's behind you gotcha gotcha gotcha we have lightning setup so every time it's busy or we need something to do um we usually have setups already done okay so we usually have peak times okay so the peak times are when it's like extremely busy so we have these already done for you guys so we just place that after we clean it we bust the table everything is fine and the ramen is really quick too yes we have a 15 second standard 15 seconds wait so 15 seconds between what so by the time they sit down and they order their they order their food so by the time they do this we have to get the order from take the order form and we have 15 seconds to take it to the back and it has to be out between 15 seconds so this has to be in the kitchen within 15 seconds and the food has to be out between that time frame wait the food has to be out in 15 seconds from when i pushed this button you took my sheet you have 15 seconds from the time i walk away from you my food rises in 15 seconds yes wow there's a ton that's we try to make it so fast these aren't just ramen they're ramen ninjas back here like i'm kind of picturing like some sort of ninja clan that opened up a ramen store all around the world and as soon as you water it's like poof smoke into the kitchen proof come back with your bowl around it and then the curtain is very easily yeah so we usually put down the curtain like this when they have their food yes so we'll take the order we'll get the order we'll take it to the kitchen and when the food comes out that's when we'll close the curtain give them some privacy do you say anything like that yes we usually say um every time we give something she said excuse me and then we say um thank you for waiting for your food and then we say sorry those are usually about okay you bow right here yes so you get out like for at least one second and i and i remember really you don't see a lot of the servers faces yes you don't see that all right guys i'm trained up i've stretched i've practiced a little japanese i think i'm ready to serve some ramen we got customers hiroshima welcome to ichiran ramen this is your order form right there uh please fill it out and push the button okay and then these are your cups water is in the back my name is mike i would have got fired like my first order angie would have canned me [Music] nothing at the gym i'm not the most flexible person anymore are you ready yes okay she's three dash [Music] us [Music] of is it's like i just tucked in a robin baby and i'm gonna gently step away so they can enjoy it i i know what i did wrong mainly because i can't pronounce a word to save my life but would i be fired no i think you'd say good i think you'd be a great server she's too kind she's just so nice um but i'm gonna go eat some stuff now okay well thank you so much for tuning in no problem thank you all right that was really fun got an inside look behind the curtain serve some customers although very poorly um but now this is my favorite part let's eat something so as usual let's do medium medium dashi richness medium garlic one clove scallions with of course chashu um extra spicy again 10 is the spice level i always get because it's the maximum level of spiciness without having to pay anything extra um noodle texture extra and we are definitely gonna cake dhamma it new and improved egg yes please oh i didn't see a lot of this stuff uh let's get some mushrooms um seaweed and oh this vinegar is interesting let's try that push my button it's so weird now because i know what happens over there hello thank you i feel so bad because i was i was like just there like doing battle with the other ramen pirates and you know i feel like i've abandoned them and just eating here got the egg got the seaweed got the mushrooms this is the vinai i never had this oh it smells a little more acidic i love vinegar mine i never put vinegar in ramen before it's a more sour taste um than traditional chinese black vinegar here it is as soon as i see this my mouth automatically just starts watering uncontrollably all right here we go laid the cha shoe out when you encounter something as delicious as this making it pretty is the least you can do for it this is like me buying my my ramen some accessories from the store and now moment of truth the new improved egg there's something satisfying about cracking your own egg it's like i'm working for my food oh yeah when i break open an egg i want to see a glorious sunset this is so much better than last time oh it's a gooey you want your eggs a gooey all right this is my favorite part yes yes yes it's garlicky it's porky this one of my all-time favorite food items on this planet when you first take a bite out of food and it brings a genuine smile to your face you know you got something special oh that is rich and creamy i am really curious about this vinegar though try a little tiny bit oh and that's why chinese noodles i love adding chinese vinegar because it cuts through all that thickness and it brings a whole new layer of flavor to your food and this this actually works really really well let's see if my pretty baby got any prettier and it did oh i like that the vinegar is a little fruity element to that vinegar as well noodles are so thin and they grab on to the broth you see how the noodles are grabbing onto this broth look at that every strand has spices in there this is like the magical moment you know there is a magical moment of eating ramen it's as soon as you dip it in you put it in your mouth right away before all that juice escapes the noodles like right there this is the ultimate ramen saturation point here we go there's really no more satisfying bite than that you don't even need to uh use the spoon anymore because they grab on to the broth so well that's why i love these noodles so much i like letting my eggs soak in the broth a little bit so kind of get that nice spice and soup in there oh thank you each one for fixing your egg oh that's nice the problem with this noodle is that it just goes away oh so quickly i always gotta take down my hands ah thank you i love getting an extra order of ramen because it's like hitting a food reset button i wish all food had a reset button you know you eat it hit the button eat it again that was deeply satisfying oh mouse on fire i love that spike stuff it's spicy without like without feeling like someone stabbing me on the tongue it's a good type of spice it's a good type of pink this is a caramel pudding this is something new that they have here because usually it's the matcha and this is perfect for quenching the fire that's inside my mouth right now wow really if your mouth is just like hurting you right now this will help a lot a good ramen day is a good day period and today was a fantastic day not only did i have some amazing ramen i got to see what actually happens because before like i usually was just like i connect like what's going on over here and i don't want to like you know be too intrusive and usually like just from the single you never get to see the server's faces you never never see what's really happening behind the scene and it's pretty interesting so hopefully you guys enjoyed it as well and of course again delicious ramen to be had here so if you love ramen you should definitely try each one you can't make it to japan you come to new york try in new york because that's about as good as you can get anyway guys thank you all so much for watching until we eat again see you later
Channel: Strictly Dumpling
Views: 925,740
Rating: 4.9364934 out of 5
Keywords: ichiran ramen, japanese ichiran, japan ichiran, ichiran, best japanese ramen, japanese ramen, japan ramen, ramen noodles, ramen, noodles, noodle, new york, new york food, nyc food, ny food, eating, tourist, pay, cash, soup, tourism, nyc eats, best eats, best food, best, spicy
Id: EdT_KVqewNQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 17sec (857 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 12 2020
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