Work With Me Live: How To Install Floor Tile!

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hey guys it's Jeff from home renovision thanks for joining us today today's episode of work with Jeff today we are doing the floor tile in my office project we're going to do some hanging out we're going to show you some tiling procedures we're going to answer some questions we're going to take some live phone calls it's going to be a heck of a day probably going to take a few hours to get this one done so sit back and relax and if you're watching this on the replay enjoy the show make sure you get an opportunity to join us next time we go live by becoming a subscriber to the channel and you'll get notified of these types of things okay and we'd love to have you join us it's a great opportunity for us to just hang out and chill out together and learn from each other uh also jump in the chat if you see things that I'm doing that you do differently you want to share your expertise or your experience that would be awesome love to see people sharing their experience on this channel that's what I'm here to do I'm not an expert in everything but I do want to just share what I know help everybody get from from this step to this step to this step so that you can all do your Renovations and get great equity in your projects okay want to help see people get ahead in life and working on your hands and knees and Blood Sweat and Tears is a great way to do it all right so we've got two cameras set up today I'm going to be back and forth uh in the project mixing and cutting out here on my hands and knees in there L tile and uh we're going to take a break every 15 or 20 minutes to answer some questions and take some live calls so if you've got a question be ready for that I've also got my whiteboard here if we need to do some drawings to help explain some things happy to do that want to see you guys successful in your project if you're going to take the time to hang out live with me you're going to get everything that I got to offer all right happy to do it so let's just jump into the other room we'll explain the project do the layout and we'll get on on with the show Cheers okay all right guys well this is my office and uh we'll try to move the camera around a little bit as we go but right now I wanted to leave space up at the front I got to lay the first couple tiles off camera there's just not enough room for the camera to zoom in and that's fine but L literally what we're going to do we're using some large format tile today okay and by large I mean not 12 by 24 cow that's some serious adhesive I mean 24x 24 porcelain yes I'm in My Double Wide Trailer here in Florida yes this is kind of an odd bird to do in a y double wide but I did add a 5/8 Plywood And I did put down my Dietra already so previously um draa on 5/8 plywood subfloor actually is rated for up to 24 inch on Center okay it's incredibly strong uh underneath and because this trailer is only 12 feet wide until it has a center beam and it has an extra support beam down here the 2x6 framing is a none effect H there's really no rule that says you can do this but because I'm not planning on moving the trailer I don't care we're just going to go ahead and do what we do now we have to be careful because we do have a grain all right we want to make sure that all the grain is heading in the same direction throughout the whole floor so what looks like was cut out of the same Rock if you change the direction for One Piece it just screams stupid all right so let's not be stupid and before we get jumping into this I'm going to take two minutes see who's in my chat all right got a mouse here let me do this Paul here Frank's here Joseph Martin rain is here again Joseph is here uh great to see all of you guys all right cheers welcome to the show I'm G to get on my knees today so got a new pair of knee pads that I'm absolutely loving they just zp right on there we go now I met this guy at a trade show in Vegas he's a new startup hopefully we'll be able to get in contact and make these things available for you guys no promises quite yet but I'll tell you one thing my team has been working really hard at looking at opportunities to help get things available to you guys that you otherwise wouldn't have and so hopefully in the near future we'll have some announcements about some exciting things we're doing now what I'm doing is just a simple layout my room is really odd this side it goes in and it's made for potential to have a laundry and I've got this little cubby hole here where you can sit at a chair now when I'm doing a tile job the first thing I do is I think layout and so I'm looking at um what's the most obvious tile in the room and that's right up against the cabinet so I want to make sure that those are always perfect and if I'm going to have Cuts I'm going to have cuts inside I'm going to have cuts on the other side this is behind the door here so I'm not really concerned about what happens there this is the most important important part right here and what I'm going to do take a chalk line okay and just catch the edge of my tile there we go I'm just going to run it down here and that's going to be my line all right there we go now I have a line laying my first couple of stones and I'm going to be able to do the whole project off of that line going left and right in both directions okay nice and simple all right now I've got my cement mixed up already we're going to have to do a few batches here today so we'll have plenty of time to learn some ins and notes about that let me just get it and get started all right now today ah I've I've got my son Matthew back in Ottawa and he's joining me for the live show and it's his job to make sure that he keeps switch in the camera feeds so I got two cameras two computers two uploads to the streamyard service that we're using for this and so if we lose the feed I'll just jump out to the other camera until we can sort that out shouldn't be a problem like I said we're using large format tile so here's my travel today guys half inch by half inch leaves a really nice big travel line and it allows you to collapse The Ridges and get great adhesion we're going to go through all those steps in just a minute first step with datra is to fill in all of these little squares with thin cement I know you can't see the first tile off camera I'm just going to make quick work of this one and then I'll be able to go through my process real quick all right remember we are going to be taking live calls today so if you got a question about a project might write them down now and be ready to go here we are and I'm just filling up all the squares from that blue chalk line to my left or your right depending all right once I've got those full and I'm comfortable that they're full really important every one of these little orange squares is fullest Min it's part of the structural Integrity of this this is an uncoupling membrane so the bottom of it on the fleece has the ability to expand and contract with the flooring the sub floring underneath and the top part expanding attracts with the tile independently so each of these little squares becomes a structural load point and if they're not filled you're cheating yourself because you're getting rid of your structural capacity and then the product will fail and even if you call shutter and say hey your product didn't work I'll come and check it out and show you how here's it you screwed up all right now this is a back butter whenever you're doing large format tile always add extra thin set the more inconsistent your floor the thicker you want to put it okay my floor is actually pretty inconsistent so I'm not going to scrape it on too hard I'm going to put it on pretty aggressively and try to go to as close to 100% coverage without making a mess go okay now here we go now with large format tile you have an option you can use your hands you can get messy or you can buy suction cups if you got a nice flat surface I just don't see the necessity for that to me suction cups are for a really big tile now we're going to going to throw on our more thin set now I almost forgot I was so busy chatting and we're going to do some directional traveling towards ourself creating a bed of cement this this tile to sit on there we go and this is the last chance you have to have any Integrity about your project so if you're not happy with something fix it okay that's the difference between the pros and people who have excellence in their in their their work pro means you get paid to do the job having Excellence means you do great work all right there is a huge difference now I'm going to set my brain pattern up so it's going across the room help make it look a little bit wider set it in place find my blue line and then slide it down collapse my ridges okay nice and simple we'll do the same project over here for the second tile we're just going to confirm that it fits and it does there we go ah so if anybody here doing any ping work in the near future I'd love to hear maybe take a minute here and tell me what kind of renovation programs you're all involved in love to know what kind of projects you're involved in here guys helps me decide what kind of content to do for our live shows which are every Tuesday in case you weren't aware all right if I miss a live show it's because tragedy has struck my family opport Unity has made it impossible for me to do it when I say opportunity I mean something's come up that's going to be an amazing opportunity for you guys let's just check out this here we go you're doing a whole house wow oh cheers Ashley and cheers alandro members are in the chat guys if you're not a member yet and you're doing a whole project consider joining ah know I've been busy the last few weeks but I'm caught up again in the Forum which is a special place where our members can go and ask questions and upload pictures this five bucks a month and you know the funny thing is a lot of people think I've got people helping me on that but right now it's just me ah so if you're a retired contractor and you think you might be beneficial to help the crowd and feel free to reach out I'd love to have a conversation about possibly getting more guys involved in this especially if you're an electrician plumber retired structural engineer that would be amazing okay now we're going to get more into depth on this in a minute but I am using a leveling clip system today um I'm using the one that sold at Home Depot because I want to make sure that when I'm doing a project you guys are able to get access to the products there's a ton of options out there okay but like anything it really it's all about being clean all right so we want to get our Clips on before we put down our product here we go okay there there we go start I made a bit of a mess okay remember what I said about integrity right you got to fix it fix it but don't go forward until you do there we go we're going to set that on our Clips go loving that all right is less more in this case no it's about the perfect amount in this case actually um this isn't drywall compound this is thin set and in the world of flooring science there's an exact amount of thin set that you're supposed to use based on the size of the tile so we can always go through through that to help you pick the right amount for your project but basically when you're dealing a large format tile and that's anything bigger than 10 by 12 or sorry 12 x 24 it's a 1 foot by two foot anything bigger than that you want to make sure that you've got a half inch bed so that you have this bump that gets squished under compression and that creates positive contact through the majority of the whole Stone okay now we're going to get past this row and into the next row because then I can actually show you what I'm up to versus talking about it that'll get on camera but first I've got to cut a piece of stone over here from this side right up against my wall all right let's get a measurement here H got three and a half perfect let's go three and 38 the way you determine that is have your trim handy okay this is my baseboard and it's a decent quality it's a Home Depot Special Value Pack you buy 10 you get a great price the thing to know is that the thickness of this wood it's only 5/8 traditional high quality lumber for baseboard is 3/4 okay so when they sell you a 5/8 you got to be real careful about your your movement of your wall and your gaps and your cracks and sometimes you've got to measure three points along a phone because your wall can be out of square so take time to make sure that every gap on that wall is going to be less than this so when you do install it you cover all the gaps and you're not going to have something screaming rookie time all right now I don't remember what I just said I think it's probably three and 38 yeah let me get the next piece of stone here all right see that that's the wrong angle that's the right angle this is my cut I'm gonna measure from this Edge we're going to go out to the saw and we're going to Mark and cut this there we go now it's a little dark out here right now because this is Florida in the afternoon but now this is a semigloss tile okay and 3 and 38 I'm going to use a dry erase marker yes this is my secret weapon dry erase markers because they wipe off here we go it doesn't look right but yeah it's right okay now I've got a simple little wet saw table set up and I'm going to do a couple of cuts on this and then later in the show I'm going to use my my 4 in grinder do a couple cuts on that I know I'm not a big fan of the safety tools but when it comes to something like this you don't have much of a choice um let me just uh get a nice long straight line here there's two ways to do this you can mark the whole line you can measure with your finger and then okay or the other thing you can do is you can just line up where it cuts on the blade and then this case I'm going to go backwards because bigger table and there's grooves in the table I don't know if you've got saw like this but it works great and I'm using a basic um rigid blade for porcelain tile found at Home Depot it's about 40 bucks and it would be nice if I plugg that in I don't know what it is about me and my tools and forever never plugging them in this is plugged in maybe that cord doesn't work H all right we'll go direct when's the last time you're on a jobsite and everything went perfect there we go now remember it's always spitting water out so try to stay to the side otherwise you're just going to fill your glasses with water and you won't be able to see best practice rock it off the blade turn it around the other side so that when you finish your cut it doesn't chip a small little bit at the end almost always breaks off here we go now stop raining on me I just show you this guys okay so here's my where the blade intersected it's a bit of a chip but this is additional material if I just ran all the way through it might have chipped this way and that exposes that corner to outside the baseboard area and that looks professional so that's what we don't want to do yeah now that I'm back inside the other room I'm going to again back butter now you might say Jeff why are you back buttering that piece is too small to be considered necessary to back butter truth is is once you start you've also established a depth of the assembly you've got to maintain now first problem I didn't prep the room entirely because it's a trailer I've got some plastic inside and outside corners just going to trim that back so I can get my tile [Applause] [Music] underneath oh come on just picked this up today there we go all right that's set of here I can put my tile in underneath that trim and I'm going to cut that to the right size later and I already made a mistake I got that on backwards here we go doesn't really matter at this point the same amount of thin set everywhere okay all right now one of the things you're going to want guys is make sure you got a pale and a sponge handy grab yourself a margin trial it looks like this okay these are great you can use this to clean extra thin set I would have gaps and cracks when you're using a tile leveling system you want to try to keep everything as clean as possible because extra thin set ends up causing you ishes breaking off those tabs okay we don't want that and then if you end up in a situation where you've got too much you can take a pencil or a screw or another tab set in the grout line you can take all the the extra cement off okay i' like to use a pencil if it's handy because it doesn't have any ability to scratch the stone but hey work with what you got fixing that problem is better than leaving it okay there we go now if you're wondering what happened to the finger this is just not working we're going to go full Rambo trying to keep it dry but it's just not going to happen tile jobs are incredibly wet environments yep I uh I was setting up the studio today and I cut the tip of my finger off nothing too dramatic though just the skin okay now it's exploded to the air it's stinging like a bugger oh my goodness let's get my Band-Aid on these situations having a little bit electrical tape around is just Miracle Worker okay P that over one more time around probably end up changing that a few times today but it'll it'll keep me out of trouble all right now we're at that point where it looks like w be able to talk about this on camera yes f fantastic we'll do a couple more tiles and then uh I think at that point it should be yeah time to take some phone calls so let's do this let's walk through the steps we'll do a couple more tiles here while the thin set is still in good shape and then we'll take some calls and we'll talk about the science and behind the materials say hey hello to more people okay we'll talk about my choices here today what your other options are there we go now first thing is first let's get these squares all filled up really wasn't planning on doing more than four tiles to start with but I just made this huge batch of thin set it's just part of my DNA as a contractor right I was going to just make some half pale to get started now I'm feeling guilty about putting it to waight I hate wasting good thin set all right here we go product we're using now that you can see it it's white it's a modified thin set and for anybody out there who's a Tyler uh you know you're not allowed to use modified thin set on Dietra now Dietra makes a modified thin set it's called allet and it's been modified to act like a modified thin set which means it dries and it cures as it dries it also acts like a non-modified thin set it can which you traditionally dri by and cures by staying wet so you got a modified that cures by getting dry and you got a non-modified that cures by staying wet two very different issues whenever we're working with plastic membranes water grouping large tile these are kind of environments that keep things from drying out so generally we use a non-modified now folks schutter are so smart it had so many years of people having problems keeping that straight and all the TV and the fact they some hold some holding Depot and they didn't give courses to homeowners and all kinds of people are buying their product and having failure issues because they were misusing the technology they decided they would engineer their own thinset to solve all those problems spent a lot of years in R&D and they did it so now we have a modified Binet which acts traditionally and non-traditionally at the same time so that no matter what project you're doing you can be guaranteed you're going to get a great Bond now it's not a $6 a bag product obviously it costs a little bit more the truth is compared to the guarantee that you get for homeowners the cost is a nonissue because when you have something that's guaranteed to work it gets the guess workk out of it you don't have to worry about making mistakes I've known tons of contractors who made the same mistake who took the courses who thought they knew better and just just mixed up the technology in their own mind and uh ran into all kinds of problems so if the pros can make mistakes consider this you can make mistakes too maybe the best course of action is to spend the extra $8 a bag like eight bucks more and you can have a guarantee all right I'm saying that's money in the bank so when you're doing your next tile project if you're going to use a thin set instead of an adhesive make sure you pick up all set because you can use it to set your mortar beds you can use it to set your tile project you can use it to install your your schutter membranes your schutter cie boards you can use it for W Tile you can use it for floor tile you can use it in wet spaces you can use it in dry areas I'm putting a lot of thin set on here because I'm talking too much and uh it'll guarantee that you never have a problem okay now in life especially in building science there aren't too many times you get a guarantee this is one of them take advantage of it because when you can eliminate variables it's a good thing most people don't take into account the geography and their climate and the age of their home when they're considering building materials they just go with what their favorite celebrity says on HGTV and that can be devastating so take advantage of the guarantee and you know use a product that works every time now I got the Grain in the right way got my half inch travel I back buttered I set it I'm not in line because now I'm going to push as I slide okay that's where I want it to be pressure pressure pressure things are uneven that's okay that's the clips are for now the back of this is so full of thin set you can just use these clips to help create an even surface all right now let's just do this one more time here's the process going to take your mergin TR and it clean okay because you don't want thin set there all you want there is a little bit of a hole all right so that we can slide these underneath make positive contact okay so we're grab our next tile and we're going to start taking PS in just a minute once I get a chance to stand up get on my feet in front of the other camera okay okay there we go now this is not a wet area so I only need like 80% coverage but coverage equals protection against breakage okay now por is generally pretty tough so it doesn't break that easy but it's a good habit to get into get great coverage and what we're going to do is we're going to start again installing this about a quarter inch to the right your left we're going to put pressure on it and slide it over and just so everybody at home can see I'm going to pop this one off so you can see what it looks like on the back side and then we'll do this all over again just so that you guys can understand what good coverage is supposed to look like oh yummy okay now this was smooth right and now I've got all these Peaks all over the place where the cement bonded to the tile now remember I told you this floor here is it got a lot of movement on this side I had a better bun because it has that whipped cream look same with the other side and this is more like a more like a thin mountain range probably because this is lower than that two sides okay so that's okay one of the reasons I bought porcelain is because I knew that this project was not going to be as structurally sound as a brand new home construction and if you've got an older home with a little bit of inconsist consistency with a floor joist package which happens whenever you've got dimensional lber all right remember modern homes have got engineered floor Joys they're designed to make floors out of large materials old homes are not designed for large materials here we go we'll lay this down again do the same thing all right here we go okay the sponge installing it twice always makes a mess clean as you go especially if you're in the business guys clean as you go homeowners want to see it and the truth is even as a homeowner especially if you got kids life happens things come up you get pulled away from your job site if you leave a pile of cement laying around you get pulled off the job site nine times out of 10 when you do that that's when you have to go and you get distract and you can't come back wipe the edge of your Stones make sure everything's nice and clean all right and then if you're not sure if you're going to get back in time put your Clips underneath something happens this can dry in place waiting for the next day it's not a concern okay we can work around those just fine same thing over here I'm going to go underneath the desk all right now I'm just going to get up here get myself beverage and relax a little bit stand up like a grown man jump on the other camera oh wash my hands and say hello ah there we are well hey guys it's a beautiful day out here in Florida 82 degrees the sun is shining it is the fall it is dry season and you can pretty much guarantee this time of year you can do your out outdoor projects and comfort all right let's get all this water away from the techn knowy now the crazy thing here is I am not sure but Matt if you can hear me I can't see the chat on this feed oddly enough because I think I was invited on the feed and not part of the feed anyway we'll fix that for the next time um Matt maybe you can throw up a couple of questions for me real quick that are in the chat we can answer and then we'll jump into the calls I got to take the phone off of airplane mode before we can take calls it's the only guarantee that I got since I can't see the chat from here Matt if you can throw up a couple of questions for me from the chat that'd be appreciated all right okay so alesandro says sorry late to the party Jeff are you doing heated floor here no I'm not heating the floor um very similar process though isandro if you're doing heated floor you get a different membrane this is the regular Dietra there's also a Dietra XL which is a thicker p tile basically it's designed just to make sure that your tile height can match up with your other finished floors so you don't have height adjustments the Detra heat also comes in the regular and the XL but it has a different configuration it's a more of an octagon shape it's designed for running that heating cable same thing you run the heat cable and then you fill all the spaces with your thin set and then you lay your tile just like I am here but great question all right now we got one more from King here banana when should you use the orange base all right well here's the deal in flooring you have a rule and it's called the inch and a quarter Rule now as long as you have an inch and a quarter of wood substrate whether it's plank or OSB or plywood or combination of both um generally you have to finish with the uh with a plywood though so it could be OSB or plank underneath finished with a plywood as long as you got an inch and a quarter total thickness and your span isn't more than 16 inch on Center every joice you can tile direct to the plywood or you could get rid of the plywood put thin set and cement board and get inch and a quarter that way and you can tile what this does is it gives you the strength of inch and a quarter in a much smaller profile so that you can have your regular OSB and let me just uh draw this out this will be easier okay maybe this will help you have your regular thickness of OSB and then this little thin piece of membrane thin set and tile this equals 3/4 of an inch which is the same height as hardwood flooring so if you have hardwood on OSB okay then you can go membrane and finset and tile and it comes to the same height as your hardwood floor and that's how you install two different kinds of products without a transition in height and that's why it's was designed that way so that rich people don't have to have little bumps in their floors it's also great if you've got folks in your life with wheelchairs and you want to create like a no barrier Zone throughout the house you can transition from a tile to hardwood really easily all right let's uh let's take a couple of calls here I'm going to take off the airplane mode there we go that ought to do it make sure my volume is up there we go we're open for business guys so hit me up with a phone call mat throw another question on there real quick while they're making their phone calls Rachel and Nick in what situations do you want to use larger tiles H great question guys I'm going to get right back to that in a second hello Jeff here who am I speaking with hi my name is Elsa hi Elsa what can I do to help you out got a question um yeah I was wondering um I didn't see where he explained in the the live days he's doing right now how he decided where to start the tile to build up from like how how he determined the layout that's a great question Elsa and it's actually me I'm the guy that's doing the the tile okay this is marvelous what I did El say started at the door because generally speaking the transition from the hallway into a room you want to have a full tile and what I'm doing in this scenario because this project every part of the tile work that I'm doing the door is in a different location and it's on a different slope because it's a it's a manufactured home it's a bit of atrocious so I'm actually using marble sill in between the door jams to um close those gaps and facilitate something that looks square so I'm just starting at the door with a full tile and I'm working my way out the other end and that's about as simple as I guess the general rule is this Elsa always the most predominant part of the flooring project should look the cleanest and the most intentional okay so if you're doing a transition from one room to the next like a living room to a kitchen full tiles right there and then whatever is happening around the room can be whatever it's behind Furniture it's under cabinets and then whatever is going to draw people's attention the longest line of sight so if you have a hallway and you have many doors or entrances coming off the hallway pick the most obvious line of sight like the longest wall and make sure that's always the full tile because when we're building houses we don't make things as straight as Square as everyone would like so pick something that's the most predominant most obvious and then you can work out for that okay I was wondering why you didn't start with a cut tile then a full tile and then that way you would have a a slightly bigger piece than that twoin piece against the wall well that two inch piece P against the wall actually is going to be behind the door when it opens up and so it isn't even going to come into play and then after that the room opens up even even larger right and so thank you yeah you're welcome thanks for the call all right all right cheers and guys just a quick note when you're calling make sure you've got your other devices off there is a a lag and we will get an echo effect okay let's see if we can get another phone call in here real quick it's good to let the blood flow in the legs my goodness wait till L Nick had the question why do you not want to use larger tiles in situations the older the house the smaller the tile that's the rule okay the um especially in the 70s before building code 60s and 70s there's a lot of experimentation even with the thickness of framing so you might only have 2 by eight floor joist in your house and you can't really support the weight and the deflection that happens and keep things from cracking so I've seen a lot of times in the early 70s late 60s where they' put in 3x6 floor tile and and it worked fine and as soon as you go and put a 10 x 12 in or a 12 by 24 you're done the tiles are just too big and they always crack and break up because they're trying to there's there's not enough grout space there for the floor to deflect with construction technology so you really want to match the construction technology with the tile the newer the ti the newer the home the newer the product you can put in because they're always making things stronger and more engineered so it's flatter so you can go bigger all right that's why the older you go back in town in time the thinner and smaller even all the flooring products are even hardwood was only one and a half inches when it first got [Music] started hello Cheers it's Jeff here what can I do to help you out hey yes sir first of all love your show love your program keep doing what you're doing man thanks buddy you are a blessing just want you to know that we're trying we're trying to help there's not there's nothing wrong with being useful is it I I I agree all right man what can I do to help you so I've got LBT that's in my office y uh the LBT is on a slab the concrete slab has like a thick kind of plastic that's underneath it I think that it's that was meant to be a vapor barrier sure probably like a two in one cushion plus plastic to protect it yeah um what I've got is underneath the chair in my office the plank is curling now from what I can see it's not the plank is not pushed too far against um the underside where it's too long of a piece and it's and it's just being kind of bowed as a result of being pushed up against the wall or anything like that underneath the uh underneath the surround um but what I was told by the manuf facturer of the LBT was that you need to use a chairat but yeah I really don't want to use a chairat underneath it yeah um but I'm noticing that it's Cur Li I mean it's the pieces have been replaced they've been switched around several times uh and cut to different lengths in order to uh kind of change the orientation of the tile uh pattern yep but it still curls let me let me how old let me ask a couple questions here how old is your vinyl that you bought um actually it's probably no more than a year old okay and is it a WPC or an SPC oh it's a very good question I do not know where did you buy it from it was it was actually installed by another company it's installed by and I almost don't even want to say the the actual company that did it um but it was a 50 Floor okay so part of the product they had all right well there's a lot of products on the market that are um composite cores and they're not Stone and and and and resin and so the core can be a little soft and when you dig down into the warranty you're going to find that U furniture with Caster wheels avoids warranty because the a lot of those floorings don't have enough compression per square inch to handle that kind of weight and so what it does is it it breaks down in the middle and forces things to lift up so it's having its own deflection issue in the plank okay and it's just it's a it's just a wear and tear issue that's why they want you to use that mat because it helps to distribute the load gotcha because a Caster wheel is not a full wheel generally speaking it's about an inch and a half wide but there's only one thin piece of plastic on each side that's actually contact with the ground so you have less than a half a square inch for each of those three or four wheels for all of your weight which creates over 100 PSI and a lot of those floors just can't take that kind of load especially if you're moving around constantly it it creates a of stress and so you're breaking down the product and uh the best way to do that is get the mat it'll distribute the load because load weights distributes at 45 degrees so every time that Caster hits something it's actually creating a space that's you know if it's only a quarter inch thick at least it's two to three times as much contact on the floor and so it distributes the load over a much larger area and should reduce your problem got you got you yeah well I actually bought some of the silicone casters just to kind of get away from the hard plastic casters as well so I was hoping that that would be a little a little less little little bit less but yeah no it's kind of like walking around on your tippy toes all the time it's it's it's a lot harder than on your flat foot gota yeah that's just that's one of the weaknesses of some of that flooring because it's just not strong enough to be able to handle all that work all right buddy well thanks for the call thank you all right buddy cheers there you go yeah guys that's just the way it is e um every product that's out there solves one problem and creates a brand new one so we're always learning we're always learning about what are the weakness what what are the things that have to be fixed and then uh over time we develop um better systems right so we try not to experiment Too Much Anymore nowadays but uh there's always room for that all right well Matt if we don't have a call let's take one more quick question from the chat and then we can get moving Kevin's got a question here Jeff your Amazon package is outside one second I gotta see this all right maybe it's on the stairs or maybe he's commenting from last night I did find it here this morning but uh cheers Kevin I appreciate you watching out for me we actually have a bunch of people in the neighborhood Who been walking by and talking to me and and commenting on the on the project and they're watching it on the channel so they're probably right here now today that's awesome all right well listen if we're done with the questions on the phone that's awesome I'm going to go back on airplane mode I'm going to jump back in there and get some more work done but DIY dude wants to know how do you determine the gr spacing are you limited by the thickness of the leveling Clips great question uh leveling Clips come come in a variety of different thicknesses so you actually buy the thickness that you want I'm using a 1/8 clip um I'm buying porcelain tile in a conditioned space and it's almost the same temperature year round so I don't get a lot of expansion and contraction now the bigger the stone the higher the quality of stone that you want to get okay because a ceramic that that's big when it gets cold versus hot it has a lot of movement so you need a lot more gr just think back in the 80s we had 12x12 tile and a quarter inch gr line was normal right because it was all ceramic and it had huge expansion contraction issues and then they went to porcelain and then they went to what's called rectified porcelain so we went from a quarter down to like a 316 and now we can do an eighth or even a 16th grout line because we're using a quality product that doesn't expand a contract on engineered flooring in newer homes or in an environment where we've got a detr membrane and we're minimizing deflection so without deflection and without the expansion contraction you have less and less need for grow and and that's how we get to that math so if you're not sure go with a little bit more grout if your house is older and you're not using a membrane use a little thicker grow line all right don't be afraid gr line helps to solve the compression and the deflection issues and it is your friend it's not as sexy to have a thicker line but it does work really well to save your bacon all right I'm going to jump back and work I got a couple of cuts to get done we'll come back and answer some more questions in a few minutes thanks guys all right I gotta get uh I got to get a marker and I've got to get my Square there we go now my thin set mixed up 40 minutes ago I got about another 20 minutes and half an hour on that before it starts to get too dry which is an important aspect of this that we need to talk about mixed Vin set actually has a halflife well I don't like that let's try this one yeah that'll have to work it has a halflife and so you've got to be careful that you're not trying to use dry thin set to install your tile bottom line there's a lot of things that can affect the Integrity of a tile job one of them is the temperature of the stone is it in the room that you're going to be installing is it climatized is it too cold is it too humid okay you can get condensation on Stone if you're taking it out of a cold climate and putting it in a warm climate and that water will create a little Zone where the the cement won't be able to bond to and so it'll look fine until the next day when you start grouting and then things just start popping around and you're run into all kinds of trouble so try to avoid that if you can here we go we're going to go back to three 3 and 3/16 here we just transfer that information go to three and a quarter here okay and that is 8 and A4 long and we're going to assume it's Square we're going to cut it and then we're going to drve pit it because I don't know right I just don't know now this is a great sheet grab yourself a piece of old trim this is a straight edge I've got lots of straight edges that are made of metal but whenever you can avoid using metal on your tile take advantage of that opportunity accidents happen you don't need to cause a chip just bumping it can chip the glaze from the front right and then you're out you're out you're out of look you're out of business that whole sty tile becomes garbage all right let's hit this on the wet saw and then we'll uh dry fit this tile and then we'll get back to work here [Music] left my my eyeballs inside here we go minut there we go now I know that that's not the fastest sweat saw in the world and it's more of a homeowner product than a professional product all right but there look at this we're just going to use the sponge get rid of that dry erase marker line got to get that oscillating tool over here again get rid of this outside [Music] corner these things are worth their weight and gold eh there we are let's do the dry fit yeah that's good worth just just fine okay so here we go again back to the system good to have a system one tile at a time right fill the holes and I am too troubles wi fill the holes to do it really well is best to come from two different directions all right I know you can't see what's going on behind me here but I've got about three 3 in after the tile before the wall so I'm going to fill all the holes in that area first okay and then the way that I complete the rest of that work is I'll actually leave a little extra cement on the floor and pretend like I'm back buttering the floor there there we go and then I will actually travel my tile so I get the same fix assembly and I just build it in reverse okay that way I don't have to have a whole lot of cement sitting on that part of the floor waiting for me to cut that stone I can come back to it when I'm ready and you'll see this process in action right now because I'm going to show you a little cheat all right now in the world of directional traveling uh there's lots of guys are like up in arms about the concept and the process and whatever whatever whatever they'll get all up in your face if you don't do it properly or you don't go left to right or all these kind of silly Concepts you should have a system but there is no rule when you're dealing with a Square Tile about which direction you have to do your traveling left to right or whatever whatever what you do have to do is you have to create a travel line contrary to the way that you're pushing your stone that's what you have to do so here for instance the large part of this body of this tone this section here it's all directional traveled on the floor but here there's nothing I just add a little bit of thin set which is equal equal to the back butter all right and I'm going to do a a hybrid of this now so I'm going to back butter the main section and then I'm going to take a good doll up here there we go okay so now I've got a hybrid okay I've got back butter and then I've got my actual travel line all right and the reason I'm doing that is because it is a little awkward to get in here I'm going to push right and then left a couple of times make sure I get all this weighted down all right okay here we go let's get some more yellow Clips going on here now there is a tool you can use to pinch these together I found that my fingers generally speaking create enough compression where I can get a nice level surface at the same time not enough pressure that I don't end up breaking the clip a lot of times when I'm squeezing that clip thing I just end up breaking it so that's no good to me all right now here we go just going to clean up and I'm going to do the uh area underneath the office chair Matt I think what I want to do here buddy now is uh I've got the ability to read the questions on my computer in front of me why don't we just go ahead let's bring up a couple of questions I can answer while I work all right that would be fantastic um yeah this is not going to be good for me but okay one of the benefits of large format tile is you can put a little bit of weight on it temporarily and I'm just going to increase my screen size here so I can read the questions from them far away because I'm getting a little blind all right what's the purpose of the membrane there we go well the purpose of the membrane is uh two things it acts as a crack isolation membrane okay so when you have a a subfloor and then another layer of subfloor or plywood okay subfloor and plywood are built differently and they have different properties and they expand and contract at different rates so generally speaking tile work um does just fine under normal conditions but we have to build things to withstand extreme temperature variation because storms happen power goes out especially in the north you're going to get extreme cold and so what we do is we've developed technology where if you put plywood over OSB make it thick enough to protect against deflection okay but in extreme weather situations they expand and contract differently and so the tile which is the third part of that sandwich also expands and contracts and delaminates right the finet can't can't hold on to the the the plywood and the tile when they're both expanding and tracting in different directions and it delaminates and it all pops up so the membrane was actually designed for commercial environments as well because on on slab on grade in extreme heat you get that same effect going on with air conditioning so when your weather kicks out and you lose your air conditioning things change so so fast things delaminate so what this is is it's two parts it's it's part structure the squares that you see and underneath there's a fleece and the fleece bonds to the the lower section so whether it's your OSB or your your concrete and that allows the two parts to move independent of each other maintain structural integrity and not delaminate okay and that's the strength and the the science behind this which is absolutely amazing and it is a game Cher for anybody in the tile business because now we can do massive tile jobs with confidence and what it also does because of these little squares it increases the structural capacity of the membrane so that we it can actually withstand more pounds per square inch and and with withstand deflection without the added buildup because this is pretty thin it's only quarter inch instead of 5/8 of wood you only have a quarter inch of membrane you can actually have tiop plus membrane on OSB the same thickness and height as finished hardwood flooring and that's in a nutshell so it's two things one it gets rid of the need for transitions two it gets rid of the problems of delamination and extreme climat and three a different variation of this allows you to put a heating Cable in it and bury the cable in the mat and just cover it like any other application which is pretty awesome all right here we go let me get a measurement for underneath here all right 24 exactly well I actually haven't even measured this t yet I'm wondering if it's 24 exactly probably 23 and 78 right most tile nowadays has made this a little smaller to account for a gr line okay this one's 23 and 58 it's close enough um I can't use my offcut or maybe I can give me one no I'll be going in the wrong direction and just because it's going to be underneath the table it doesn't mean that you're never going to see it so I don't want it going in the wrong direction so we're going to measure off a new piece of stone okay and that is my Direction This Is The Edge that I want to line up and we got the thickness is good now we're just going to get this Dimension here 14 and a quarter we'll go to 14 and E and the reason I'm doing that is because whenever you're doing Stone up against cabinets you're always going to add a piece of quar round we're going to paint this same green on a piece of trim that's actually 3/4 x 3/4 and then we'll cap over top of all the edges so you can give yourself a little bit more Mercy we're going to go to 14 and an e let me confirm that yes 14 and E we're going to run that through the saw I'll be right back here we are 14 and an eth and I left my door wide open that's just an invitation for people people to pop in isn't it 14 and E 14 and E let me go close that door and let's just see maybe I do have an Amazon package sitting here there we go there we go cheers to my neighbors who saw that of course that's for my wife it wouldn't be a normal day if there wasn't an Amazon package from my way we got almost everything from that place nowadays dog food our coffee oh love a store that doesn't run out of stock on important items okay here we go there we go that's my St Edge ready to go all right important when you're working like this have a garbage can handy throw things out as you go one more thing guys listen to this little lesson for the table so if you're B to buy a what is it 150 bucks $125 it's for rigid you get Home Depot you can hear when you're pushing it too hard listen to this I'll get the motor to work too hard for you you know the sound when you're pushing too hard here's normal and here's pushing too hard okay if you're pushing too hard it starts to bottom out and you're going to burn your motor up so be [Music] patient let the blade do the work and everything will turn out well now you'll see that the majority of this tile maybe not on that camera but on this camera you can see the majority of this tile is actually d it's only wet just along the edge and that's perfect the um the wheel in that particular camera in that particular tool goes down below the table into a well of water comes up and then sprays everything out over top and it's just designed to keep the blade wet so that it cut sufficiently all right oh I did it again I had a dollar for every time I've done that all right can't stand that I'm going to clean my tool I hate working dirty man oh it's my biggest pet peeve all right there we go let's get some thin set into here all right Matt we got any questions here while I'm throwing a tile on that nobody can see there we go let's see what we got here it is is it easy to remove draa with tile on it years later if you want to remodel again um here's the thing it is only plastic so if you were to take a look at the option drra versus plywood let me put it this way um if you're using two layers of plywood to get your inch and a quarter you're going to put a screw every 6 inches in the body every two Ines on the perimeter so 4x8 sheet of plywood that's 5/8 thick is going to have somewhere around 200 screws in it covered in thin set and tile so the Elum way to remove that is to smash the tile out clean off the thin set back off the screws you're only going to find half them and then you have to take pry bars to get underneath and peel it all apart and screwed together so it's a lot of work in this situation what you have to do is you have to smash the tile and then just cut the the membrane in a few places and then lift that out okay it's no different than lifting out plywood except there's no screws you're just sitting in a thin layer of thinset so I think removal of this is actually a little bit easier the other thing is is if you smash out the tile and your membrane is there you can leave the membrane intact and tile over top of it again the second time so you can actually save yourself a whole step all right this down here all righty okay okay because this is a small space and I'm getting low on thin set I'm going to just finish off the other half of that hole second tile and then once I've cut that next tile and installed it we'll take another break and get over to some live calls okay all right here we go first tile some back butter on this bad Bo sorry that's a bit of a nasty sound is it all right which is my cut Edge beautiful okay okay now here's a little tip uh for anybody who's tiny or if you're working in a hard to reach Place sometimes you lay a stone and you can't get your weight directly over top of it if you can't get your weight over top of it you can use a rubber mallet like this okay to help beat it into submission and it's both repetitive strikes it's a dead blow hammer basically it's just solid rubber so it doesn't doesn't cause any um surface break on the tile so you can just reach into the back and and you can vibrate the tile into position all right not beating the tire out of it just like this okay and then that'll give you the power to help make that positive contact all right here we go I need another piece of stone where's my measuring tape always have two on you or at least I do I always need two going to go 12 and a quarter on this one okay process clean my Edge add my Clips okay there we go and always write down your measurement because I always forget 12 and a quar 12 and a qu 12 and a qu h no the off cut was only n and a half oh well and quarter this way that's my Edge draw my Straight Edge on here right away before I forget okay yeah the cord boom all right okay here we go turn the power on for okay yeah okay here we go okay slide that in okay and myself clip I'm going to need in the bag you know these leveling Clips are reusable but only the yellow part just the wedge CU When done we actually break the top off which leaves the feet stuck underneath all right so make sure you have lots of those on hand here we go well that's not bad we got a fair amount of work down here not bad for the first hour how long have we've been at this oh maybe a little more than an hour right my goodness all right now I still have thin set notice it's been a while I'm a little over an hour in um I probably shouldn't go in any further with this product but instead of throwing it out this is one of the advantages you can take the leftovers and just fill all your squares okay now just do the perimeter because you don't want to be kneeling in wet cement all day it's hard on the knee pads one of the other things you guys could know is that you can do this Dietra in the same day you're can to apply the Dietra and then fill the squares and add the tile all at the same time so or you can apply the draa and then fill in all the squares then do the tiling the next day nothing wrong with that okay I'm just finding this is getting a little too thin so I'm going to stop and uh we're going to clean that out I'll prep another batch but let's just just go outside I'm going to stand up for a few minutes before I do make sure you buy one of these if you're going to install your drra this is a schutter Dietra Trel that nice and close if it doesn't say schutter Dietra on it it's the wrong size nobody in the world sells a travel with this groove on it okay so if you want to meet their specs make sure you use their tools okay now I got to throw this stuff out here we go I just clean this pail out right now before it goes to junk I cannot mix the next pale of thin set into Old thin set can't stress that enough all right you're not allowed now obviously when you're on a job site you're not going to throw the pil out because there's a 0 one% thin set in it but try to get your pail clean something like that okay so you can reuse it wow wash your tools as you go okay this starts to build up starts to dry out then your gaps get smaller then you get chunks breaking off your travels as you work okay all that does is cause you grief well that is a lot of sun my goodness all right oh well let's do this let's go back to the questions I throw them up there for me guys uh I'll do a couple of questions out of the chat and then we'll open up the phone line again okay Angel wants to know Jeff I'm a new homeowner and painting the interior of the house changing the flooring from carpet to lvp you're doing the kitchen and bathroom and floor which one should I do first okay um if you're doing the entire host in lvp then you got two options you can redo the kitchen and redo the bathroom and then put all your flooring in all at the same time if you use the right product got to stress uh SPC core doesn't expand and contract has a great compression strength so it couldn't go it can go underneath all your cabinets but if you're going to go with one flooring in a lot of cases it's easier to do the flooring last on the project and then add cord round just like I'm going to do here with the tile it's hard to work on top of a finished floor without damaging it okay so there's a product on the market called Ram Board it's a really thick cardboard if you want to do all the flooring first you can and then you can protect your Flooring by putting floor protection down it's perfectly legit it helps to get a really sexy finished look that way all your cabinets are on top of the flooring you don't have to add the extra trim it looks amazing okay but uh there's no rule with lvp you can go first or second or last it doesn't matter all right it really comes down to how professional do you want the look to be and are you capable of doing the entire floor at one time or are you tackling everything as one project at a time and intentionally going to be using transition strips that's the other question so yeah that's but that's how flexible the product is anyway there's no rule anybody who tells you they're a rule are they're listening to uh building science from 10 years ago when the product first came out and they hadn't tested it in the field yet but now we know better okay and it makes perfectly good sense we've been putting vinyl under cabinets for a hundred years just because you make it thicker and stronger doesn't mean all of a sudden we should be afraid to put it under a cabinet all right let's let's get to the next question here Matt oh my goodness tasso is's one of our members hey guys if you want to be a member just hit the join button makes your life a lot easier you got access to me all the time and then you never have to do something and learn the hard way and then ask me how to do it right after the fact save your money do it right the first time ask me a question first he says Jeff would you put the diet straight onto a cement floor definitely but definitely put it in thinset now cement is porous so generally speaking in that scenario you want to use the modified thin set you can get the cheap stuff for that okay doesn't have to be amazing um you can get like a $12 bag of Robert's thin set from a commercial dealer or you can get the all slutter all set and and never have to think twice but a regular modified thin set has an adhesive in it it's basically like a latex property and that glues things together and as soon as it's dry it's bonded okay so it works great on concrete and yes definitely amazing on concrete because it it does more than provide structure and get the right thickness so if you gluing hardwood on concrete and you go Dietra and tile you get the same height but what that also does is it's a crack isolation mem and it's 10 times better than anything you roll on okay so your concrete will crack one day and if it happens underneath your tile your tile won't crack and so you guarantee the Integrity of your installation long term that way all right if your tile cracks and you use datra you've got a structural issue contact the structural engineer do some under the slab inspections and find out what's going on because you got a major problem this stuff works all right one more and we'll go to the phone Laura Varga another member great great good to see you guys here I mean this is awesome I'm glad uh Jeff what if the concrete floor was painted you want to get rid of the paint okay you don't want to bond to paint because paint on concrete in a lot of cases if there's moisture transfer it'll delaminate the paint will delaminate from the concrete now you've lost your integrity of that product so get a uh get a cup grinder or okay or or a chemical whatever and get rid of it uh guys while you're we in the chat here let me know if you like this format where we can work in talk at the same time deal with questions as they come up we're really doing this like an experiment we're going to be doing this it should be about a 4our video today want to make sure that you got access to information let me know if you like this kind of stuff tell me in the comment section hit the like button right now subscribe if you haven't join the membership um you know uh share this video with your friends all these kind of communication are signals to us that you want to see more of this and then we will do the necessary steps to get better and better and better at this if you were part of the last work with me live I would like to know do you think this is a better job than the one we did last time I think we're doing a little better it' be nice maybe being a little bit more control of the sun I did not give that enough respect when I was thinking about this but that's okay live and learn we'll get better every day okay the phone is now available if you got a call let me know everybody's loving it super cool cheers great to hear appreciate the feedback Matt because you know I'm standing here I can't see the chat we're going to have to get signed in for streamyard as a member on this particular computer getting a call from Michigan all right hello it's Jeff here who am I speaking with hi Jeff hi who what's your name bud and we're gone well you know what uh my cell phone scenario in the United States is this sometimes it works sometimes it doesn't we're calling back hello again we lost you hello again again hopefully this time I stay connected that's amazing yeah well you know these things happen down here in the United States I'm from Canada and we are have a far superior LTE network just to be honest what could I do to help you out oh he's gonna do this all day all right third time's a charmer and that's it I sure hope so quick ask your question before we lose you all right if you're from Michigan you're not allowed to call me let's get someone else on the phone who can make a connection you know the secret guys is at the top corner here it tells you if you have any strength in your cell phone if you don't have a good signal go where you have a signal and then give me a call all right that is just frustrating but let's go with some more questions here if we can not everybody wants to get on the phone I understand you got to be brave or whatever but um more than happy to answer your questions guys what is the difference between mastic and thinset h what do you put on your cement board okay well here's the deal and just to make sure I am going to answer that question without being interrupted put the airplane M back on mastic and thin set are two different products one is designed um for structural Integrity so floors for sure and it's also designed for um tile in wet areas okay mastic is only to be used in dry areas other than okay it's basically glorified Elmer's Glue okay it's a different property than that but think of it this way if you're doing a backsplash tile on an interior inter inside of the house there's no reason you can't use glue that's mastic all right and it's basically all it has to do is is carry the weight of itself and it dries super quick and allows you to install the tile and then grow the same day within a couple of hours of each other and a good quality mastic will carry more weight than a cheap one but if you're doing a backsplash you're basically tiling on top of a counter and so you don't need a lot of strength except for where the stove is and you're can always screw a board in the wall use mastic it's simple it's clean it cleans up easy and it's not messy you don't need extra tools to mix your thin set so it is convenient it's just very limited in its application that's all so there's a thin set for everywhere else and there's different kinds for different situations but mastic is basically for backsplash tile only all right let's try taking phone calls again if You' got one hit me otherwise Matt let's throw up a question on the screen I'm getting a good stretch on the old back here this is awesome uh Puritan 74 is throwing us a little bit of love we're from England it looks like well cheers to for the pond thank you for all your excellent helpful videos my pleasure thank you for watching all right hey Massachusetts hey Jeff here who am I speaking with hiy uh Ryan from Southern New Hampshire Ryan sounds like you got a good cell signal glad to take your [Laughter] call I'm doing a tile install with and I've noticed in my toilet Nook some of the gaps have uh started to wander gotten a little bit larger I was wondering if we had any tips to recover I guess okay tips to recover if you're using a hexagon tile and it's getting out of control a little bit of yeah we knew the corner was bad but there the gr lines are just definitely getting out of control okay um here's the thing how level was the floor before you started we knew in this area we had a little bit of a problem okay and are using leveling tile Clips we are going to start doing that uh today actually watching this video so if you're having trouble with your spacing generally speaking you've got a dip and whenever you've got a dip if you were to measure from point A to point B it's a greater distance traveled right and so your tile isn't stretching to fill the Gap so what you have to do is you have to fill that up with thin set to maintain a level surface all right so what I like to do if you're using a hexagon tile it's like what probably eight or 10 inches wide or something yeah yeah so here's your issue because you've got floor joists that are 16 so you can actually have two tiles one going down and then one coming back up so you've traveled a greater distance and then you get all that conflict when you're doing your tile so what you do is take your level go around your floor and everywhere where you have a dip mark it draw the dip out on the floor okay and then what you can do is you can actually whip up a little bit of thin set and you can actually travel those little spaces in first to like a prefill the night before you tile okay okay it's really hard to do a good tile job on the fly with inconsistent flooring the only thing is if you use Clips grab yourself one of those uh little number one pencils you know those little brown ones that we had way back when in school before they let us use pens sure if you use one of those that pencil is perfect for cleaning out all the gr lines because it won't ship any of your glazes okay and because it goes from Zero to Hero you can actually pick whatever Gro line you want set that in there and do all the scraping and wiping to clean all your Gro because if you go with more thin set you than you need and then you use the leveling clipss to flatten everything level you're going to get a lot of squeeze out and then that'll help you to clean that as you go so there's two options you can level in advance or you can make a hell of a mess and do it at one shot um just be wary if you're going to use leveling clips and you're going to use a squeeze out system there'll be so much thin set around your leveling clip it's not going to break out clean and you're going to have little plastic things sticking up you're gonna have to cut out after the fact all right so it may seem like you're saving time and energy but working flat is always better than trying to make it flat yes okay realiz that before yeah theel what size level would you say you need in order to check flatness obviously you can well if you know most of the problem you'll have is deflection in your subfloor from joist to joist so something as simple as a 24 inch okay and if you have a floor that kind of Falls away into a corner um you can go diagonal across the room and check to see if that happens so if you have in your subfloor and a diagonal drop off stop what you're doing pour some floor leveler and and get your floor level before you start sing again or it'll drive you crazy awesome thank you so much all right my friend thanks Ryan appreciate the call cheers yeah it's mading e like there's so many little things ah the good old days my goodness when they had pencils all right feel free to take another call guys otherwise we'll just jump to questions John wants to know uh Jeff I missed a ridge clip by the way huh I guess that's possible yes I did but I'm going to get back to that side of the tile before it becomes an issue thanks for letting me know you know it's amazing something as simple as putting down a tile you get a a procedure you get a rhythm and then you're busy chatting to people or whatever else and then you just you you blow it right out of the water and you make mistakes and that happens all right uh Chris another member wants to know would a kitchen backsplash be the easiest first tile project or a bathroom behind the sink want to slowly work up the shower walls H yeah backsplash is a great way to start um wow I think the easiest tile job that you can do actually is a small floor like a bathroom floor do a tile that's like a really easy to work with a porcelain that is porcelain tile is 12x 24 wow having lots of problems with Minnesota today porcelain til this 12 x 24 is actually really easy to start with do like a half offset okay with leveling Clips easiest tile job is always a flat tile job whether it's a flat wall or a flat floor okay we're trying again hello Jeff here I just playing again from a different phone number hopefully this time I stay connected sounds fantastic you sound really good and clear here let's let's do this okay good all right so I have a finished basement I put vinyl plank flooring in it in the basement there's a fireplace it's set at a 45 degree angle to the rest of the room okay um it's a brick heart I believe is the term for it sure it sits directly on the concrete and the edges are like a curved radius okay when I put the flooring down I cut everything you know within a quarter inch or so of where it sits what I don't know is how to trim it out yeah yeah that's a real pain e yes it is you you want a Miracle Solution here um you know oddly enough the uh there was not too many options um wow let me see how much of a gap do you have roughly a quarter inch roughly a quarter inch okay and it varies I take it eh yep okay um there how good I was with the jigsaw yeah it what you want to try to do is have a nice clean line not necessarily up against the brick but definitely on the flooring because that'll be the most obvious right there is a product on the market it is a it is a uh rubber quarter round all right and okay you can actually paint it the same color it takes latex paint you can paint it the same color as your luxury vinyl plank and then you can install it over top of your plank the only problem is you're all covered in masonry there so you're going to have to use a product like a PL PL I don't know maybe 600 maybe I try to stay away from PL premium it's just hard to clean up if you make a mess um but you can use an adhesive and you can set that cord around around it after you've painted it set it over that Gap take some old paint cans and push them in front so that the adhesive bonds to your masonry not the flooring all right and then because the flooring is more likely to have an issue with bonding than the masonry that's all I'm trying to say so if you use a pl200 on on that product that's the one I was looking for then you can bond that to your fireplace just be careful of squeeze out and uh it'll look a lot better than I think any other option you got because if you try to use any kind of like thin set or mortar or something like that it's all going to just break up and crack on you yeah yeah so that's kind of like the lesser of two evils the only other option that you have is actually you can you can take take a um a grinder wheel and you can cut off a quar inch of your brick before you do your flooring all the way back like an inch inch and a half and then you can start your floor kind of scribing that curve and sliding it underneath there and sliding it out and making sure that's perfect and then build off the room from there but that's a lot of work yeah sounds like it yeah I get it but that's probably the best best best option I can think of at this point all right sorry I didn't have anything any sexier but it'll work no rubber quarter round actually sounds good flexible enough to bend around it yeah so you might not find it at Home Depot or anything you might have to check on Amazon I haven't checked to see if it's available or just Google for um uh uh carpentry supply stores in your area there's always at least one okay and these are like commercial stores and the on off the Beaten Track and they'll have a whole box that stuff and hopefully they'll just sell it to you by the foot okay well thank you very much all right bud thanks for the effort to get through all right cheers all right that's it for the phone calls we got to get back to work you know what uh at this point I'm starting to wonder if I'm gonna have time to get this project finished all right now we got to mix some Thin sets so we're all going to get a chance to learn some stuff here today that's good um we got our paale we got our water there we are now I like to start off with about three inches of water and we have two phases of thin set one is getting it started and then you have to let it set up and to get it started you want to put in like about a quarter of a bag okay this is a little bit bridged in here you take your drill we're going to have a mixing blade that looks like that okay I throw that in the sunshine for you you can see that you can buy that at the local store everything I'm using today is available at your local store by the way and then we mix slowly now this drill does not have variable speed it kind of goes from Zero to Hero in a hurry so be careful but you want to make sure that your product isn't flumping up in the corner down there okay so if you mix in a little bit of that first it makes it a little bit easier to control I am having all kinds of problem with that there we go all right straight into the garbage h we'll get another bag over here because that won't be enough there we go and this time I'm going to cut it differently I don't know what I was thinking yeah still Way Too Thin ah now you can read the directions on the back or you can just kind of go by feel yeah the drill is working way too hard I need another little bit of spit of water in here there that'll be it ah here we go now ah okay now the secret to making thin set is this when you read the instructions it'll all tell you the same thing um it'll say uh first it'll say you mix it and then you let it wait 10 minutes it's setting up everything going on there is a chemical reaction so you wait 10 minutes and then you have a product that you can install well the secret is how do you know because the chemical reaction takes place how do you know when you've mixed it right so that you get the right mix later because you can mix it when it looks really great and then it comes out dry and is useless it's too dry it won't Bond or you can mix it real thin thinking well it'll it'll set up and then you're hanging around for an hour waiting for it to set up and then you have like a 10 or 20 minute working time because you're really advanced in the chemical reaction so the rule is this you know when you're doing that half inch traveling the cement stands up okay when you're done mixing it shouldn't stand up it should you should be able to put your finger through it and then the sides kind of collapse on each other and then 10 minutes later you can do the finger drag and then it should be just standing straight up on Peak that's how you know you got it right when you do a drag and it slowly collapses and then 10 minutes later you do the drag it stands up okay that makes good cement remember after 10 minutes you can't add any more water to this you've destroyed the chemical reaction you're going to get a bad Bond and it's going to delaminate so don't do it if you ever see a contractor doing that tell him throw that out do it again right the next time because what you going to save eight bucks to destroy 100 square feet of a job that's just nuts right that's not the time to save money guys here we go okay I got my Clips I've got tile I got my travel I cleaned it there it is okay got a clean Trel I got that and before I can get started I got to cut that little tile in the corner because I don't want to have to come back tomorrow and do something that I forgot three and a half by 15 okay do this again in the corner sorry you can't see what I'm doing right now but you get the idea heading out another corner all right we need a three and a half by 15 let have this and this and this and and up against that wall that's not going to work that's a cut tile and that's going to work okay 3 and 1 half 15 when you're measuring always think of where are the two finished edges that are going to be making contact with the rest of the room so you always want to have your inside corner concept figured out there's my 15 I said three and a half I think really should be writing this stuff down confirm it ah y good there we go because we're working off of our little Thin Blue Line which has almost disappeared we're close enough we'll be fine wow that is is some really bright Sunshine okay three and a half by 15 all right here we go got to get my eyes on don't know where they are and there we go okay all okay those there so don't lose them this time now the other side I've already got the um squares in there and I've already added a little extra thin set so in this case I'm just trying to add my Trel line and I know I'm a little premature here hasn't really set up for 10 minutes yet but this is in a corner it's never going to see any structural load so I don't really worry about it too much when it's out of the traffic area all right now let's get back I think it was John that mentioned I missed the clips and he's right see that your working time on this thin set is actually pretty darn decent um I got to hand it to the schutter people here because could have been a lot worse like when you solve that many problems you generally create other problems every action has an opposite equal reaction well it's the same way of solving problems right here we go this is going to be good for filling in squares regardless we use the back side of the travel for that going in two different directions [Music] okay now see if I got enough product nope about an inch shy here okay I obviously have more tile in here than I actually need for this project when I was setting up I'm like well I'm going to be on camera what happens if I get a box of broken Stone then I got to walk all the way around the entire house to the other door because I can't walk over top of a wet floor to get there can I and it's in a different room so dilemma here we go now when you're doing this start shy of where you're going to comb you always end up with too much product and when you squeeze down it goes in two directions and you don't want to push the stuff towards the tile you want to set it with a Rel relatively clean Trel hardly any thin set there okay it's better to have just a little bit of product on your Trel and then set it where you want it squeeze it out to the amount that you want it you can come back and do the rest of the dimensional travel in a minute but setting up that edge where it's nice and clean and consistent that is Money in the Bank guys every minute you're not trying to clean something after it's dried that's money that you can use doing something doing something else with your time all right so same thing I'm going to finish off traveling towards me so I can push left to right or right to left as it is in this [Music] case all right now one you'll notice the entire project I got my ass pointed to the door okay this is how you work this is how you do production tiling check your Corners before you put your cement on it make sure you don't have a chip you don't want to be prepping something that you're not going to install all right you know when I was younger I got a job my first job doing real tile work was actually new home construction and I hated it because there was no Integrity in the system there were no rules no licenses anybody could take a contract everybody was subbed out from a major flooring supplier you didn't even have to prove that you know what you're doing just go do the job job and if you messed it up they didn't pay you no big deal right you took all the risk well that's fine as far as business practice is concerned that's fine but all those homeowners that had a disastrous tile job as a result of that business practice sure they would have been much happier if there was some kind of a qualification program I know down here in the states there's a a certificate you can actually get license to install tile and prove that you're competent which is interesting because like end of the day knowing how to do something and having Integrity to do it right two different things but at least you have the advantage of knowing how to do it now if you guys are out there and you're thinking hey I'd love to get in the trade this looks like a great job consider consider this um it's bad on the back it's bad on the knees you can do it for a season and if you get good at it you can even make a few bucks but do yourself a favor most of the companies that are out there that have Specialty Products like schlutter actually have uh courses that you can take I think sputter has three courses now for the product line that's only available for business owners people in the industry as they recognize the need for professionals understand how to use their product they don't recognize the importance for homeowners to know how to use the products whoever at this point they have yet to offer a course to homeowners which I think is probably pretty bad oversight so one of the things I'm doing this year when I get down to uh kbis the trade show for this business of ours is I'm going to talk to the schutter folks I'm going to see if they're interested in going in on doing a training program with me for you guys love to hit a few different areas up teach you guys how to use their product line because I really do love it and uh it'd be really good if you're going to be doing Shower systems that you took the course and you understood the science behind everything so you know more than just what YouTube videos look like you get some practical application you can get on the tools you can teach you how to use the tools effectively you're interested in something like that let me know in the comment section can't see them right now but I'll definitely read them later and uh you like like the idea of doing something like that then maybe I can open up whole doorway for us to do a whole series of training from companies that have got great products out there that I love because I think that could be a real valuable asset all right yeah here we go now we start to run into an area where we're running out of space now I got a 30 lb bag pound bucket of of cement that th set um we'll carry that weight no problem without sinking it's okay to leave it there you just don't want to step on your feet when across the tile now uh it's really warm outside so I'm going to just try to limit the exposure to the heat as much as possible so that this stuff doesn't change size on me all right this piece here all right oh I guess I should maybe say um we just finished the bathroom series from the trailer here um during the summer I went home for a few weeks and I took a bit of a vacation spent some time with the family but while I was up there I went and I built another shed for everybody who's wondering uh they changed the building code in Ontario so now you can have a 10 x 16 shed and so I took the opportunity to do a couple of new things some new products new technology that I really love and I buil it to code and we put a traditional Peak roof for the Ford 12 I guess we'll call it a Ford 12 it was close roof on it so you know it has a pitch on each side and we just took advantage of that situation um being down here in Florida I've learned that if you're going to build a uh a down here a lot of the homeowners associations want you to build it in the same style as the home itself so it has to look the same so I thought you know what here's a great opportunity to make a video show people how to do a different roof line different building science couple of different tips and tricks so I built the shed that series actually starts here on Saturday we wanted to get that out as soon as we could and then after that's done that series is done we have all the kitchen videos from here okay it's exciting and then after that we've got the bathroom series the second bathroom and for the fans of the channel you know we got issues in the back of that bathroom wall that we got to address so I'm looking forward to filming that real soon and if you got any other suggestions what you'd like to see filmed on a trailer mobile home manufactured home whatever you want to call it let me know in the comment section over the next couple of months because I am down here filming and I've got opportunity to attack a couple of uh fan favorite ideas you know what I mean all right yeah yeah love to work clean but at the same time the smaller the space gets the harder it is to stay clean here we go stick the leg out get a little cattle balance and slide got it all right one two three four all he now one thing these clips they're a wedge so when you put the wedge in the direction that you're sliding the wedge creates pressure on the tile and it drags the tile in that direction so one of the greatest ways that you can install this is always use the wedge towards the finished tile that you're attaching to and it'll help you to close the gap in in the in the grill line and keep things nice and square there we go it also makes a great tool to cleaning out the grout lines because it's long and thin and it's made of plastic so it won't scratch any of the uh the glaze okay all right now let's see there there there's my sponge was getting just a little bit too covered in goop for my own good here okay that looks like it's probably a three and a half inch space again I'm working off camera sorry for that all righty that one's garbage that one might be able to use it there no it's garbage all right three and a half let's take that off here I got one more good Edge three and a half anyway I was telling a story about working for a new home construction got distracted myself I did it for about three weeks and we were doing one home in 3 days and this is 2,000t home so it's got a kitchen front entrance back entrance laundry room mudroom uh main floor Powder Room onsweet bath usually with a Roman tub and a shower accent tiles floor and wall and then the other bathroom be a tile surround and then a floor that was a lot of tile to lay in two days and on day three you do the grout work and then they came to us and they said hey we want you guys to do two houses a week I said you can do it yourself that was insane safety Squints activate here we go I'm just back buttering this because I left the inset on the floor over here again my little cheat maintain the spacing perfect okay now the next tile I know it's going to be three and a half that's very consistent so I'm going to cut the three and a half I've also got to work around an electrical plug I don't know if you guys can see this yeah no okay give me two seconds I'm going to actually run around the house I'm going to reposition my camera so that you guys can see what it is that I'm up to over here uh that'll make a lot more interesting there's a few items here that we got to address one of them is the transition and I want to be make sure that you guys got a good shot of that let me just go fix that oh here we go okay now there we go if we lose the feed that's okay reconnect it in just a second there we go I think we're good beautiful all right okay my back is starting to get sore you know this this is the kind of work you can only do for so many years in your life and then you got to start having to manage people who are doing this kind of work there's a lot of respect for guys work until they're in their 60s in these trades all right now I need a piece of three and a half you can see here now this is Electro box it's actually built out of the wall so I got a three and a half inch piece of tile and I got to cut around that so the first thing I got to do is cut the three and a half and then get the right length on it and then scribe it to fit 22 we're going to go three and a half by 22 and then we'll scribe it okay here we go use that side three and a half from here 22 okay that didn't grab did it there we go all right um there we go okay okay I was going to show you here's a 4-inch angle grinder yeah you'll be able to see this just fine um here's another tool no guard no need uh this is a continuous Rim blade made just for porcelain don't buy the cheaper version thinking you're saving money that's for ceramic tile that's like buying a butter knife okay to cut through a side of beef it's not going to work all right so this works really good when you plug it in oh my God how many times on this channel have I gone to use a tool and I forgot to plug the darn thing in E man oh man you have an answer to that throw it up on this question there on the comment section I'd love to hear what you think I think it's in over a 100 you'll notice the first thing I'm do is I'm drawing a straight line okay just to get through the glaze and then I'll worry about burning through to the bottom of it to break it [Music] off last little bit here I'm just running it on an angle get rid of any bump there we go perfect every time now I'm going to need my little marker we're going to trace out this electrical piece here that's my gr line that's my floor here my floor here and I'm going to go to that deep I'll take that measurement I'll put my fingers on this on this line I'll set my pen I'll run down here I'll just draw a line here we go and then we'll use the grinder to finish that [Music] off now you'll notice here you can't you can't cut all the way through because it's a round blade on a square material so you got to go to the back side right finish extending the first two cuts and then you can connect the [Music] dots here we go dry fit right perfect the oscillating tool in here for that last piece of [Music] trim go alrighty well two hours in hey good stuff I'm kicking but all right we have about one hour before the the traditional live show even starts I think what I'm going to do is just kind of count these out what do I got left uh measuring tape here yeah 23 and a half that is incredible let's do this I've got this thing going on with this particular project where in all the doorways I'm putting in a marble sill and that is because it gives me the flexibility down the road to switch out the door installation door sizes it helps to erase a lot of the anomalies with how unsquare the wall the hallway is to the rest of the rooms if I tile all the way up to this door transition and I go to change this door in the future and it's a different size or style and has its own Jam not just an exterior trim I'm going to be in a lot of trouble so I think what I'm going to do is just come up to the jam rip out this board and put in a thin marble seal here because that can be replaced and that can be changed out with affecting the floor itself uh the other option I have is I can remove this little trim add a piece of plywood put a little more Detra and bring the right up to the edge but my tile is 232 and it finishes right here one inch sh shy of the door and do I want to put a one inch piece of tile or one inch or 2inch sill I'd rather cut the tile back so it leaves me with a 2 and a half inch marble sill than have a one 1inch sliver which I know is going to crack over time it's too much stress with the doors closing and opening so let's just do that that means I need one two three more pieces of stone that's what's in this box right here we'll lay that out this will be our last Stone these two are extra fantastic let's get them out of the way all right and there's only three pieces of tile in each of these boxes but they weigh like 65 lbs or something it's ridiculous all right okay now I know every one of these last few Stones it's going to have to be cut it's not the end of the world and it's going to be cut right here okay that's my measurement times three okay we're going to go 21 and 3/4 here y Perfect all right well we have a few minutes on that thin set what do you say uh I'll install that sliver first I do with it around here somewhere there it is let's do this first I don't have enough fet here to finish this room maybe I do actually that's that could be close I feel like I got another good 45 minutes of working time on this product here so since I got lots of working time what do you say go like this little heavy make sure we fill in the squares again okay I was just going to say I forgot to mention look at me I'm so focused on what I'm doing I forget to promote myself guys I'm going to do another one of these work with me lives it's going to be in two weeks it's going to be in the bedroom over here um we're actually going to install a drywall on the outside wall we're going to install it and tape it and then we're going to um prime it all in the same few short hours so we're going to show you a bunch of tips and tricks to get that done and we can hang out again and we can take questions should be a lot easier because it's one great big room we'll have control of the light you can probably answer a lot more questions in that scenario but I can definitely get an opportunity to show you how to use the tools okay there we go pressure pressure pressure pressure pressure all right margin trout I'll clean it lots of Clips this is not a job that you stay clean and if you do congratulations that's I'd be impressed my goodness just saying don't plan to go straight from the job site to dinner here we go ah let's get that one tile cut and installed and I'm going to take another break all righty where's my yeah there we go on sticking these markers in my pants can't find them 21 and 3/4 here we go well sure learned the hard lesson here there's just too much daylight out here for you to see a whole lot I apologize and I stole my power for the other saw amazing see remember how many times I asked I left the power off well that's already two today actually three that is the third time today wow 700 videos later probably 2,000 times I've done this hey you heard that one bottom mod on me a little that wasn't for me pushing too hard that was for me getting a bit of a curve and the blade started to be constricted that's what happens you know start to get tired and you start to try to rush to get finished I don't know if you're all like me my favorite time to work it's first thing in the morning you know you're full of energy no distractions I can get more work done between 7 and 12 then I can between 12 and S all right here we go 21 and 3 quarters bam perfect and the faceboard will take care of the rest all right well that's it time to take a little bit of a break all right time to start thinking about some new questions just joining us late today we are taking questions and we're answering Live phone calls so we're gonna go back to the phone in just a minute here guys all right Matt will put the phone number up on the screen just momentarily Matt is my son he's helping me out from Ottawa today he's running the feed uh giv some props I think he's been doing a great job couldn't have done this without his help that's for darn sure and here's a quick question for you if you're watching this after the fact on the replay and you like the style and you'd love to be able to sit in and and learn a trade while we're working um let me know what what time what day and what time zone you're in that you would find you had the most time to be able to put down to doing something like this because we're having that conversation back in the office do we do this in the evening do we do this on a Saturday uh just want to get a little bit of feedback guys okay so let us know like right now it looks to me like we're almost 300 people watching this live in the middle of the afternoon on a Tuesday that just blows my mind but that's cool right like I think the last time we did this that video is doing a couple thousand views a day people are seem to be enjoying watching it after the fact but to be part of the live show is going to have benefits and as the channel grows and as we get past three million and then we start looking towards five million subscribers and doing new and more wonderful things we want to be able to integrate the live show to be a lot more interactive and so uh i' just love to know when you might think us being live would serve you the best I guess that's the easiest question all right I'm going to get up stretch the old legs and let's see what this looks like out here oh we can find a place where I can maybe be in the sunlight almost hey how's that that's close enough I can work with that all right yeah Matt I can see questions on the screen if you want to start throwing them up there you got a question help yourself uh anything like uh we've been talking flooring now for a while if you got a flooring question great but if you got a question about anything going on in your life um I don't do relationship advice all that much except uh get married stay married it's easier to stay together than to split up there's my advice deal with that um I'm going to uh take off airplane mode Mac and you can throw up some questions for me that'd be awesome well I have a drink here and there's always a possibility at the same time I'm ask him out to do something he had to run off to go to the bathroom or something it's a long show I mean are there thoughts towards acoustic issues with tile in an office rather than carpet or is it not that applicable in this environment well this is a um this is kind of like a small home office really uh where I'm working right now it's not a it's not designed to have kids running around this is kind of a 55 plus community so whoever is living here in the office has got a door it's got walls it's got wood paneling so there's lots of um lots of soundproof acoustic issues already and if if you're concerned about having a little bit of tile and room full of wood don't be I mean you can always throw a mat on the floor if you if you're trying to get that perfect acoustic it's probably easier to get yourself um a couple of absorption foam sound panels put on the back wall you get 10 times of soundproofing than any floor all right cheers it's a good question but if you're in an office in your house and you're worried about that putting in a hard floor is nice right um but if you have a surface for the floor to bounce off of then you got to deal with one of them a drywall roof with a hard floor isn't that bad inside the room but if your walls are also flat and echoey then you're in trouble H Bare Bones hey cheers your remember that's awesome how to fix Gro being too low one of the biggest problems first of all what's too low right everybody has their own opinion on this if you put in the gr and it's exactly flush with the tile that's an impossible standard to live up to okay because we always mix gr with water and then the water has to leave the gro as it dries which causes shrinkage so the standard is always going to be the gro is going to be lower than the tile having said that you could make your Gro too wet and you get too much shrinkage right so then the solution to this problem is if you find that the way you mix your Gro leaves you with too much shrinkage switch off your Gro go from a regular Gro to the polymer modified Gro it doesn't require as much water and it doesn't shrink as much when it dries and that is the solution uh you've got to work a little bit faster but if you're experienced it's not a big deal and if you're going with a 1/8 gr line you're probably better to use a polymer modified gr than a um than a wall a traditional unsanded wall Gro because un saned Gro 1 18 it starts to get a little bit too tight it's just right on the edge of whether it's going to be compatible or not and you can run into tiles that are closer than that if you don't use a clip system so be careful as all things as it changes the products change we went from quarter inch grout line we went with sanded grout is fine and then we went to a smaller grout line the walls oh we got to go unsanded now because can't have sand in there and now got glass tile you don't want sand in there either um and then the the less things shrink and the bigger the tiles get the more the design is trying to make it look like monolithic piece of stone in those so you get a gr line of 11/16th you got to up your game if you go 160th and use polymer modifier all right let's take another question hm Greg wants to know is Jeff aware of of wedge gate purely for jokes no picking on the work at all wedge gate no I'm not aware of it I would love to be aware of it I hate being the only guy in the room who doesn't know what's going on Wedge gate next to the wall oh yeah I didn't use wedges up against the outside wall whoop do I know listen you know do what I say not what I do okay I've been doing this a lot of years I can TI floor blindfold it in my sleep without any Clips but for the purpose of showing you guys how to do it I'm using the damn wedges all right oh my God uh great work dad this must be Christina out of town she's in LA right now if I was tiling a room and found out I missed a yellow wedge after three rows how would I fix it without ruining any of the tiles I just laid one second um oh okay it like is it the first one way at the very top that's awesome yeah there is a way that you can walk on freshly laid tile okay and the way that you do that is you get a 2x6 and you lay it over the floor okay and you walk on it with your feet about three feet apart and you take just a couple of big steps and you try to displace your load of your weight over a large area so that you can not affect the way the tile sitting in the SP um I don't recommend it chances are you'll cause more problems than you're gonna fix wedge gate my goodness all right can you show us how this is done all right just for fun I'll show you how to do it this is uh this is crazy yeah okay you want to see the wedge all right wow I got the camera in the wrong spot for this there was once a time I'll tell you the story over here real quick there was once a time when I did have a problem and I had to get back and get to it um Matt we can switch to the outside camera again and what I did is I took my paint pull it's an extension pole goes 8T and I I stretched it out I put it up against the corner of a wall and I put it under my armpit and that was I was young thin and strong and I slowly lowered myself over that pool until I was at about a you know a 12 degree just planking in the room and then I reached over and fixed it and then I used both hands and I work my way back off the stick but generally we I've crawled over Furniture i' I've laid out like Spider-Man on bathroom fixtures done it all but at this point I got to think about personal inury before I worry about a floor listen if you have a problem you can always smash a tile the next day before everything is cured okay it's really simple to fix the next day if you make a mistake break out a single tile clean out the extra thin set reset it all with using the same program you can do that i' I'd rather see you do that if you're not happy with your work fix it and the next day is the best time because nothing's really cured yet it's easy to replace all right enough of the wedge gate my God I'm missing out in the comment section really put myself out there to be just you know yeah on on the shopping block all right we're going to take this question mark and I'm going to open up the phone again so if you got a question you want to have conversation you need sometimes if you got a question I got to know where you live what's your climate we can go back and forth on a couple of different topics really dig in there to solve it for you Mark wants to know sitting wall on new concrete patio in Pennsylvania is locked tight enough or do you suggest wood in the middle attached to the patio oh okay so you're wondering basically is an adhesive good enough versus a mechanical Fastener in a fourseason climate and the answer is no okay when in doubt throw in at least a tap conon or two here and there for best performance pre-drill holes in your concrete use some hydraulic cement get a bolt in into that hydraulic cement put on a plate drill out the plate washers nuts okay all that kind of stuff overkill on on structural work like that is never going to cause you an issue we had a wind storm last summer in Ottawa just to give you an idea and this happens every once in a while and it was a perfect storm the way that hot and cold fronts were hitting and there was such a huge downward thrust it actually took houses and shifted it off the foundation just wind it was just about 10 seconds of wind and it was that strong and it take out about 20,000 trees those are the moments that you want to make sure that your building science is going to hold up to okay the every day you wake up in the morning the wind's not blowing the rain's not Fallen the sky is not too hot who gives a rip right you can live in a pup tent but when you're dealing with building stuff guys you got to think 50-year life cycle extreme weather conditions what are the possibilities for my extreme weather and how how do I protect myself and my investment from where I live and what I'm going to deal with that's the way you approach this building science is not the science of um 90% of the time it's the 10% of the time and the 1% of the time that's what we build for to make sure that we don't have disastrous problems when other problems compile all right so you don't get water in your basement if your basement's waterproofed but you don't generally get water in your basement you know for years and years and years even without waterproof but it's that one bloody day right that's why we waterproof so that's the answer to the question don't ever choose an adhesive over a structural fashioner choose physics over chemistry every chance you get a chance to do that okay always take physics over chemistry in building science it'll treat you well next question and I'm GNA open up the phone did I open up the phone yet I got Matt running the banner I told you I'm taking calls I don't even know if I took it off sorry I'm still in airplane mode my bad and I shouldn't be hitting the microphone another thing I've learned all right I'm in business now I just missed a recent co ah I feel terrible there we go sorry guys hey Jeff's here taking your calls live who am I talking to je this is John hi John 904 in Florida Florida not too far from you oh that's cool what can I do to help you out bud so I'm working on a remodel project in a bathroom where there's just a small sliver of tiles next to the tub okay that whoever installed installed with an adhesive and not grout and it didn't lay out flat so when they when they were looking at it to grout over wasn't going to work well so I need to pull out those little out strip get rid of the adhesive what's I mean what's kind of my best process for that we're talking less than like a half inch okay is it is it adhesive from the tile to the tub or shower surround or is it from tile to tile no it's no the adhesive is holding the tile where grout would where where okay now we're talking the right language okay I got you so somebody glued in a tile all right and did they finish it off right did it look good like siliconed it to the tub or well they didn't finish that gr on that section of it because it wasn't it wasn't flush they didn't get it flush with the okay with the rest of the tile so you have a tile installed in thin set that's not flush and they never growed the work it's not fet it's some adhesive some adhesive clear silicone I think fair enough okay and then so you want to be able to to lift that tile Lo if it's possible correct get that tile out I'm G have to recut some tiles for that definitely but I don't without damaging the tub yep is there a silicone bead between the tile and the tub no there nothing was done to finish that section all right so here's here's the thing um in a lot of cases what happens is um that sounds like a repair job did that happen while you were living in the house no I'm I'm coming in as a handyman fixing somebody else's problem gotcha so here's what happened I'll I'll bet you a thousand dollars John somebody had a bathroom job done and what happened is the homeowner called the contractor up and complained that it was squeaking when they walked in the floor and probably what they did is they either put the tile right up to the tub or if you're in a two-story home it's it's the the second layer of the plywood was touching the tub okay are you on a tw- story or on SL on grade this is the wall tile that we're talking about this is wall tile oh okay not floor not floor oh my God okay yeah well if somebody did a repair and they used silicone to put the tile in depending on the substrate of the wall that's probably a decent install and probably would have held but if they didn't grout it oh that's just yeah some bad something bad happened just cut it all out um what you're going to do is you're going to find out if there's any waterproofing technology involved in that at all right right and you're probably G find out not like it's we're talking about such a small area what am I gonna cut it out with what was it inch and a half no it's less than half an inch less than half an inch oh my God yeah you know what um you could use a half inch chisel and you're going to blow a chisel on it okay but it's the only way you're going to have any control over your environment right because remember behind that tile is a a tub flange the integrated tile flange whether it's a tub or a shower floor it's going to have some deflection so take it take line up vertical take a spot give it a smack with your Hammer if it doesn't break you're probably sitting on over a stud move six in left or right and find somewhere where you can get in behind you'll find a spot in between studs where it'll have deflection and a good solid shot with that hammer will break that tile guaranteed and then once you're in behind one the rest of it's easy okay okay and then when before you put the new tile in because you're dealing with that integrated tile flange and you don't have any waterproofing get some uh get some Loctite um sealing Bond okay and tape it all off and and put it in with that that same half-inch chisel okay or whatever it is and put a bead of sealant Bond all around that Rim so that you've got a waterproofing membrane where that integrated tile flange is before you put the tile on and the new tile can go on with either a thin set over that compound or you can use a silicone over that compound the problem is with silicone is it takes like four or five days to dry and then you got to go back to grow so I'd rather go with like a quick set thin set so if you do a waterproofing membrane with the loctip first then you can go back with a quick set thin set and then you can go gr right away the same day okay all right all right all right brother good luck man scratch my head while there's a half inch Gap tile at the bottom of a shower but hey you know that's a great call I'm gonna address that on the on the live show for a second all right that was a long call but I I wanted to help him dial in listen if you got a small piece of tile on a shower I mean someone wasn't thinking through whenever you're doing a tile project on a vertical wall surface you got a ceiling you know the height lay out your tile lay lay out two or three feet on a on a table somewhere put your grou spacers in and then measure off and figure out what's my excess going to be am I going to have a half inch Gap or I'm going to be cutting the last tile in a lot of cases you can fix your problem by using a different size grout line and if you can't all right if you can't then go back and tell your client say listen you need to buy a bigger tile or a smaller tile that fits the space buing a tile that fits the Space is really the biggest solution to most of these problems anyway I'm not going to ramble on all day I did a vertical wall tile stacked backsplash tile video I went shopping for the tile to fit the space I didn't even have to cut anything at the bottom or anything at the top just around the plugs okay did the whole job like an hour and a half that's how you tile think about the space and buy tile that fits it it makes life so much simpler all right um phone Lin's open guys you got a question hit me up Matt throw some on the screen here I'm because I'm out of the chat that's one problem here I can see the chat in the computer in the other room but right now it's eight feet away and I'm too blind for that so Matt if you're still with me thanks dude Shannon's got a question what thin set are you using missed the beginning all right uh great question I'm using schutter this is called all set okay they make their own product now it's been on the market for a few years all right here can you see thatter all set right there this is what we call a modified thin set so it has acrylic in it which acts like an adhesive in situations where you're bonding to cement or plywood but they've compounded the technology so it also satisfies the requirement for non-modified situations like when you're on plastic membranes or waterproofing systems or really large tile where the the thin set will bond and and and mature and cure even when it's wet because most modified thin sets will not cure properly to Stone if it stays wet this one does so it operates in every single situation you ever going to tile in period just wanted to say that all right unless you're tiling a ceiling with a really heavy tile then you want to get something that has can you believe it or not there's actually tile out there that has a rating on it for how many pounds per square foot it'll hold against the ceiling all right that that's a thing and so if you're installing tile in the ceiling contact the professional tile store where they sell like 40 kinds of thin set Not a Home Depot where they have three or four and get a professional product for that situation all right or you're going to have poles and 2x4s all over the place trying to hold it all together while it dries and it'll drive your nuts the good stuff you can put on the tile and just throw it on the ceiling and it'll stick there all right okay uh let's get to the next question or a phone call if you want I'm here to talk Zack wants to know what do you recommend for finishing walls of a garage that has cinder blocks and built in the 80s all right Zack that's a great question but I don't know where you live now if you got cinder block and you're built in the 80s the interior really doesn't matter it's about are you going to heat the space okay if you're not going to heat the space then it doesn't really matter you can go with drywall you can go with pegboard you can go with plywood you can go with anything you want if you're not going to eat the space as long as you can keep it dry okay now if you live in a humid climate you don't want to put drywall in there unless you got air conditioning so where you live is just as important as the age of the house when you're asking questions guys um Zack if you're around you want to give me a call and have quick chat we can follow up with a few things because it's not quite that simple but uh generally speaking if you got a masonry wall you're in a garage you're usually far enough South that that deflecting the Heat and having a cooler inside is part of the reason why they built it like that up in the north we just use wood for everything and stuff it full of insulation so I would imagine you're in the South and in that scenario all you got to do um put on some tapcon like the pan head Phillips okay with some strapping and then you can go and install some drywall you may not even need to insulate it if unless you're going to run air conditioning if you're going to run air conditioning then you're creating such a different thermal environment you're going to want to protect yourself against air um uh against you know condensation in your drywall so insulating that wall might be important all right next let's get another question up here bud Brian another member are long thin fractures in self leveler a problem before laying tile on top okay self leveler does not translate cracks into tile generally it's because we put too much water in it or we pour it too thick okay so the best way to protect yourself from self-level or issues is to roll on a um crack isolation membrane before you tile just to make sure all right that way the tile and and the crack are independent of each other and you don't risk any issues all right that's a great question though loving it self- leveler questions all right well let me just double check make sure my phone's working like uh you know if you don't want to call me that's fine I get it no it works but uh I me easy guy to talk to I generally don't give people trouble at all all right um um C Greenman my goodness that's a whole lot of mouthful should a six mil Vapor Barrier be used over a concrete slab above grade under lvp with an attached pad thanks in advance okay great question if you have a concrete slab above grade we use the phrase on grade if you're above grade if you're in like a condominium okay then we have different rules now if you're a single family home and you've got an underpad on your lvp generally speaking you don't need to have a plastic barrier between your concrete now if your house is older than 1974 you will want to have a plastic Vapor Barrier building code made it prerequisite to put plastic underneath your concrete pore it becomes a moisture barrier block okay so before that they didn't have it so you have to have the plastic on top of the concrete for your block if you're in an apartment or a condo and you're on concrete above grade we have a new rule and it's coustic rule so you have to contact your condominium board find out in writing what the rule is because a lot of lvp that has an attached pad doesn't meet that sound transmission control rating and so you might have to put uh a twoin one or or a um a sound barrier okay uh like a mat that you roll out okay so it might have to be in cement it might just be a loose lay underneath your floor so make sure you check with your condo board they'll have rules everywhere the code is going to be a little bit different and make sure you live up to that code because if your neighbor starts complaining of the noises too much and you did a renovation you didn't meet the code you're going to have to lift your floor up to put in the proper sound proofing because rules is rules baby and when you're going and live in a place like that you got to follow all right cheers all righty uh can you 1/4 inch thick self-level cement microc creete over existing basement concrete and clear coating over top to use as a finished floor this micr creete stuff my God not a big fan listen first of all basement floors um 99% of basement floors are not structural concrete pores they do not even have any La in them let alone rebar they're not monolithic they're simply poured on the gravel okay to separate you from the dirt that's it that's why they crack the cracks don't mean anything we build in the in the way we build things the water never even gets to the level of the floor it's always moved away from the building much lower if you want to try to finish a basement floor you're going to get cracking in your finished floor using any of the products that we just described that's not the look you're going for if by chance you were part of the design process and you had them pour a monolithic slap which means there's rebar and reinforcements and that concrete is not going to crack and then you want to try to do some sort of you know uh skim coat of a of a modern concrete patch and you need to go ahead and do what you want you should be fine but don't expect a new surface to overpower Mother Nature's ability to force that concrete to crack if it doesn't have rein structural reinforcement all right you will be disappointed and you're waste a lot of time and money to be disappointed and I I don't want to see that happen all right ah how about another question and then I can get back to finishing off my floor before that thin set gets too dry Bare Bones you've got to remember again I'm looking to finish my basement with 12 x 24 tile flooring and lvp let's leave that question up on the screen mat I'll take the call and then we'll get back to it all right my friend I'm going to need you to mute the device on the other end of this line please y there we go hello it's Jeff what can I do to help you out je it's Raina how are you Raina thanks for the call Darling for everybody else Raina is like our member she's been around for a hundred years on our Channel got very little done but little by little right I'm team sloth I'm getting it done have a question about the flooring yeah um I had to a couple issues with my water heater um over the years and um so I got a a second one put in and it's in a little utility room off of the in the garage okay and my house is partially raised this might be slab under but anyway I'm I'm um I need to put in some foring and I well this is a good place to practice my V you know all the flooring techniques because it's just it's trash but have this um water heater that's on this pedestal yes and you know it's hooked up you put it through the ceiling through the roof and all that how do I get do I just have to cut around do I have to have somebody come in and hold that while I slide that under how do I go about you know I would I would I would do yourself a favor and I would say hey this is a mechanical space um I'm going to make it clean and tidy but you there's no requirement to be lifting things like that out of your way to put flooring underneath just go up to the pedestal all right and you can you can even buy um silicone in different colors and if you want to make sure you got a nice clean tidy finish when you're done just tape off around the floor and put a bead of silicone that's colored similar to the floor and then just clean it all up and and be done and don't worry about it oh yeah you don't want to have a dirt trap in that Gap right right that's my feeling was like I would do it that way but I'm not a contractor and I just like well maybe I'm gonna be creating a bigger problema the minute you go into a mechanical room you are you've got to get Ultra practical because it's going to be almost impossible to try to move everything either up out or out of the room while you're doing the job right and it's not necessary right right do yourself a favor and don't take so don't put so much pressure on yourself darling well you know you get you do such fabulous work and I just oh so appreciative of you I just tell everybody about you go check you what say there you go thanks for the call this has been a real treat all right we'll see you soon okay bye bye that is awesome Rano that's uh that's so fun H you know what um love my job right like I love my job listen Matt let's get back to that question that I had to bail on Bare Bones I'm looking to finish my basement 12 x 24 tile flooring and lvp so two sections 2013 New England Wisconsin Northeast Wisconsin want to heat both any suggestion on Transitions okay yeah here's what I would do if I was you I would get the Dietra heat system and go Electric and under the tile area I would use the regular detr heat okay and under the vinyl area I would use the detr heat XL and by the time you're done adding tile and a little bit of vinyl you're going to find they almost exactly the same height the transition is going to be nominal to the point where you can actually do the do the vinyl first and then the tile let me just pull this out for you real quick can I get this in here is this is this visible let's go to there okay I'm going to draw this nice and big so this is like a 10x version of what you're going to see here's your concrete this is the transition area Okay this will be the tile this is the vinyl so you would put down a regular Dietra heat mat plus a tile which would come to so high all right but what you do is you put down the XL heat mat with your vinyl and then you put this regular dietr mat down and if you find when you set your tile on that you're going to be a little higher okay let me just draw this even bigger okay so we got floor drra XL and vinyl and we got floor regular Dietra and let's say tile ends up way up here and there's a height difference you can buy a transition that goes like this up up and then partial return it would go right here onto the vinyl and so the the transition's integrated into the tile and sits on the vinyl so what I would do is I would do the vinyl first with the heating and then I would do the other kind with the tile and then when you get close you can pick your transition because they have um like three different heights for this to pick up on and it's called the half return the schutter has her own name for it but if you go to a tile supplier or you go through the schutter catalog you'll find what I'm saying okay the product is lit literally like the front end of a snowmobile and it's for transitioning to different height finish flooring okay and that'll be the solution to your problem guys whenever you're doing flooring projects um know the end from the beginning so if you're going to have transition issues and you're going to be using tile instead of using te- moldings and things that cover up gaps you can have Integrated Solutions from a schutter company they've been making them since 19 70 65 something like that all right and all these Integrated Solutions you you'll see them at Home Depot and they have a shelf right and you'll have two or three different colors a couple different thicknesses some metal some plastic all the boring stuff it's like really all the boring stuff but in the catalog they've got hundreds of options in multiple colors of metal okay so really it's worth taking time to go to a tile store that is a schutter dealer and looking through all the samples because there's Solutions out there to problems you haven't even found yet and they're amazing okay now here's what we're doing what time is it here I can't even see it's almost five o'clock it's almost time for a regular live stream I'm going to go and double check my thin set make sure it still has the consistency that I'm looking for we're going to measure and cut the last couple of tiles in and then we're going to come back out here and we're going to finish off this conversation with some more questions and live calls cheers thanks for joining us today this has been a lot of fun all righty now back to work okay let's see if we can maybe get that camera fixed a little bit more into what we're dealing with let's have a look here yeah you know what this is good I'm liking it it's still holding up and it's still soft and pliable now experience will tell you a lot more about this kind of a product than inexperience but that's okay um when in doubt throw it out if you're not sure if your thin set is still good toss it all right do yourself a favor now there is our green here's my tile instead of measuring we're going to do the oldfashioned way and we are going to visually line this up exactly where I want it knowing okay yeah there we go and there is my spot here we are okay all right this is a great trick guys really gentle here so we don't break break any tile on the glaze we're going to line up our Gap up at the top here making contact with the jams we're going to mark this all right and we're going to take this we're going to eyeball this bad boy there we go that's actually pretty good yeah okay we're going to this set up that Gap rest it off there here we go now this is a bit of a cheat but if you finish on the wall and then you fill the gap of the jam with a piece of marble Sil you get two things you get a really easy cut you avoid slivers in this situation especially but you also get a bit of a retro throwback look okay and your marble sill sits just a little tiny bit higher than the tile and that provides you a certain level of waterproofing and if you're going to do your bathrooms with a marble sill you're can also take the extra time to use the ctie tap on the schutter membrane at the joints and waterproof your floor all you do is you do that membrane on the on the joints and you take it two inches on the floor to two inches up the wall which will be covered by baseboard anyway and you can actually create a water proof environment now I'm going to have a bathroom video coming up soon talking about how to waterproof there's actually seven steps there's a few other locations you got to deal with but as far as flooring is concerned that's the majority of it and that's how you can do this okay so there's that and now I'm going to cut these two stones and we're going to tile our way out of here oh been a good day yes sir all righty here we go we have any water left in here yeah we're getting a little low that's what I thought okay no problem you know if you're wanted to know I can make a list of all the tools you need I'm doing a tile job like this right now it's pretty simple uh the wet saw is optional the grinder is optional there are some Cuts you just can't do with one or the other so it's nice to have both or you can have a wet saw and then you can have a whole saw for cutting tile that's really effective as well for a lot of these situations around pluming and stuff but a grinder is great for those little areas so you need all of that you're going to need measuring tapes you're going to need dry erase markers you're going to need mixing blades and drills and Pals get the right thin set get the all set make your life simple measuring tapes Clips wedges um you need to have a trial right trial half by half for large tile if you get smaller you can go quar by 38 get a margin trial so that you can clean up your edges you need a paale with a sponge always you need a chalk line to mark yourself off and generally speaking you know you need electrical tape for every time you cut the tip of your finger off while you're getting prepped up I know it happens but it's just the skin it grows back all right ah w we put too much water in now it's spraying like a madman all right let me line this up and get those safety Squints operating there we oh all righty one all right [Music] all yeah there we go that's number two finally the sun it's calm down enough just starting to go over the top of the buildings I can't believe it it's like what five o'clock five o'clock yeah here we go that's all right Matt thanks uh it's five o'clock and we're live and if you're just joining us now because we're usually live at five o'clock on a Tuesday uh here's the deal we've been live for since two o'clock and you've missed out on three hours of awesome content if I do say so myself I'm uh just finishing off a tile job in my office you're welcome to join us we've got two cameras two computers we're set up for taking calls and we're taking questions so uh Jump Right In I'm going to just take the next few minutes and run through the installation process for floor tile with large tile for you because if you're just joining this you may not want to have to go watch the last three hours or maybe you want to just save this into your your account and watch later it's been a great day so let's let's get at it shall we alrighty then so here we are I'm fixed I have a dilemma to do the left side or the right side first what is easier I'm right-handed so having this tile finished and then working over here is going to be real pain in the butt so I'm going to stick some wedges under this side and then we are going to do the others the other tile last here we go so this is 24x 24 tile which an actual Dimension is 23 half by 23 and half we're using the Lash tile leveling system this is available for sale at your local Home Depot okay you can grab it and they come with these uh these spacers that are different dimensions um I'm using the 1/8 you can get thicker if you want we're using schutter all set thin set because it doesn't matter what you're tiling you can use this one product and never think twice about whether or not it's the right stuff so I'm going to recommend this until the day I die just so that homeowners never are disappointed by using the wrong product process is simple we're going over slutter datra which is a membrane that's designed to replace the knee for a second layer of subflooring in wooden structures it is also designed to eliminate the possibility of cracks going through your concrete if you're in a slab foundation so no matter what your tiling situation is this is a membrane that'll save your bacon I think it's one of the greatest products on Earth because it solves so many problems and it adds an incredible amount of deflection strength if you're on wood which is huge because deflection is one of the biggest problems in tiling today if you don't have a lot of experience with piling I'm going to guarantee you trying to figure it out on yourself you're going to go through 4,000 square feet of products before you even have a sweet clue about what it is that you're screwing up and why people aren't paying the bill why you're getting dragged in court and why why and why this is a very complex science guys and in 1960 give or take they invented thin set because everybody was trying to become part of the new building code National Building Code that was going to come out in 1974 we said hey let's update our tiing techniques and they did they went to thin set instead of the traditional dry pack basically concept and what they did is they forced an entire generation of tilers to change the way that they worked to using a product that was unproven untested and failed miserably for years while they practiced and learned and practiced and learned God help us all for having to go through that hellish time but it is what it is today we've come full circle now we know what the heck we're doing we can actually tile a project and have some confidence that's going to last more than just three weeks a new home construction in the 80s and 90s hey what a crap shoot with your tile work so many things can go wrong with you than thin set which is why if you're going to have tile work done in your home you better get involved in the contract and stipulate the products that you want being used stipulate you want somebody trained on the products doing it whoops I almost put that in upside down because you can make so so many little mistakes that have such huge implications in this video we went through all the different kinds of mistakes you want to make sure you climatize your product condensation is a huge issue the bottom of your stone gets wet while you're installing you're not installing you're just setting it into sheer destruction guaranteed we have got all kinds of products all over the world people are installing wrong we got Solutions like leveling clips that make people feel like they're professionals because they know how to stick a clip in this does not make you a pro people understanding the product and the science behind what you're doing makes you a pro all right now and there's a whole lot of Clips out there and we could all argue all day long about what clip is the best point is any clip that gets you where your tile edges is less than one Edge from one to the next satisfies every major requirement in the tile industry for lippage which is a fancy word for a bump from one stone to the next all right lippage is a very small issue in the world of tiling integrity and durability and the ability to last long term that's what you should be focused on you got lipid that just need your Tile Guys LA but he can be very good at not having lippage use the wrong product use a wrong wrong underlit not climatize the product properly buy the product and drive it to your house in the middle of the winter and then install it set it in the garage where it's unheated all kinds of issues I've Seen It All I've uninstalled it all I've seen companies who organized a major renovation uh somebody didn't show up for work subcontractors big surprise that happens and then the project manager will get a call because they're never on site right he'll make a phone call and before you know it someone will be out there on a project that's supposed to be getting sanded on the drywall and Prime that day instead of sanding and priming he sends some guy out there because they've got plywood on site and they'll install all the subfloor for the entire job for the sanding in anyway so then what happens the Sanders come there's not their job to provide site protection to that job they're there to s s dryw well so they do their job they're paid the sand and then that project manager who thought he saved this bacon by making somebody do something that day because the customer's upset what's he end up doing he doesn't create a workorder to clean up all of the dust from the sanding before the tyers come in so then some tyer comes in who's getting paid crap money because he's a subcontractor he doesn't really care company's job to manage the site not his blah blah blah he'll turn around he'll install tile in a brand new addition with a $80,000 kitchen getting installed over top of it and he'll install it on the dust yeah and then three months later I get a call and it's like the warranty department wants to know why this tile is cracking so I go out and take a look it's because of a sheer incompetence on so many levels not my work but this the kind of crap that goes on out there so knowing how to do this yourself and doing it yourself not paying someone to do it is a secret to making sure that you get something that last a long time now the unfortunately the story that I'm talking about the homeowner was screwed because it was uh about four or five months from when this happened to when I was out there to find out what happened and by the time I arrived and pulled my first tile and found a mountain of drywall dust underneath Stone and then I figured out exactly what happened before I got there the tile that he had installed in his brand new edition kitchen dining living area addition whole area probably 89,000 square feet beautiful Cabinetry right on top of that tile because that's the sexy look right for guy that stone was discontinued and he didn't have another 800 F feet laying around so he didn't have the ability to just replace crack tile as it happened right no they had to arrange to completely remove his entire kitchen and do the project the second time after removing the floor and installing brand new tile now the amazing part is some companies out there will actually honor that contract I'm getting stuck on this little clip am getting jammed in here okay there we go and so the company did the right thing they honored the contract and they honored their warranty but that was an awful lot of honoring for having no bloody clue which is one of the reasons why I'm here today teaching people how to do things themselves because if you can do it yourself you can avoid the frustration you can build equity in your house you can learn new skills you can become independent of the system that's designed to keep people from getting ahead like ask anybody life's expensive right now why in the heck would want to pay after tax dollars to hire a company who have to pay tax on the money that they make the hire people who they have to pay tax to after they get paid for doing their job to go do something they're all under pressure to do from people that haven't got enough training to do the job right from companies who are understaffed to provide the proper support to make sure the project gets done right in the first place it's a real mindboggling scenario and anyway uh that's my mission in life now guys is to help people like you do projects like this get them done right the first time to that level of perfection that only you are going to care about so that you can be proud of where you live all right now I'm done in here we're gonna take some questions in the the Breezeway now that the sun has gone down and the lighting is not an issue so join us there we're going to do Q&A for a little while we're going to take some calls if you have questions I'm happy to help tell me where you live um how old your house is and help me to formulate the building signs of the problem surrounding you and don't worry about this this is just a flesh wound I'll be fine I just need a couple minutes to clean off my tools and uh we'll be right into the comment section cheers all right there we go now where is my little pale Little P is way over there okay got it needed my sponge all right all right so I am Jeff thorman from home renovision DIY and if you're unfamiliar with our Channel we specialize in helping homeowners and small businessmen in the trades learn their business so that they can be successful in their home renovations be successful on their projects go from one level of amazing understanding and ability to in the next become not just proficient but formidable in the trades and in business and if you're a homeowner learning how to renovate your own house because you can't find a contractor you're not alone back in 2008 about 5% of the population of North America were contractors who are already retire in the next few years they lost their life savings so they all had to work longer and then uh the pandemic happened and then the value of houses went up and the value of Labor went up and then people didn't want to work anymore and well they've all recovered their losses and now they're retired for sure they're gone they're gone okay all the most skilled people in North America left all right all the generals in the Army I mean 54 32 one star they're all gone okay it's up to the non-commissioned officers to run all the Contracting companies out there now that's a great analogy when you think about it so uh if you can't afford a really good contractor you're getting somebody who's wet behind the ears who's never seen action running your job site now that's you and you're watching my channel and you got things to learn that's okay we're here to help but if you're a homeowner you really need help and that's why we're here I'm filthy I just finished the tile and that's okay so if you got questions jump in Matt I'm all yours buddy my son is back in Ottawa he's managing the stream he's managing the cameras he's managing the questions for me and uh just making sure that my C my phone is available it's on and it is if you have a phone call you want to discuss your problem happy to take it and Matt just going to throw questions up and we're gonna have a little conversation for a little bit cheers I have no concept what the chat is I'm not live in the chat so unfortunately I can't enjoy this ah we're going to fix that for the next time all right we're going to do this again live working with Jeff for four or five hours two weeks from now if you're joining us right now that'll be fine it's going to be a drywall and taping day so we'll tackle a different trade anyway Matt if you're there if uh I'm sure you're there I just I can't tell anything I'm just flying by the seat of my pants over here there we go the man is right on time Riley here do you have any experiences with PVC panels with a marble look for bathroom walls I live in the Netherlands is wondering how they compare the tiles and it big cons first of all um Riley cheers to Netherlands when youever you're dealing with shower waterproofing technology there's two aspects of it water diversion and then waterproofing so before your panels go up as long as the walls behind your panels are waterproofed usually just a roll on membrane is plenty right down onto the integrated shower tile flange okay shower flange sorry um you're fine then whatever whatever uh aesthetic handle system you want to use as long it's designed for wet spaces which it will be you're going to be okay they're going to silicone the joints and that's fine but as long as what's behind it is also waterproof and diverts water to the drain those are the two elements okay never trust silicone by itself water will get in behind it at some point down the road somewhere somehow is the wall behind it waterproof that gives you your longevity cheers great question ah with tile size if I have a shower that's 3648 would 1224 tile be appropriate for that size shower standard 8ot ceiling okay so um 3648 generally is four feet wide three feet out that's to the edge of your your your shower pan a 24 inch tile is going to be one and a half tiles to the edge of the shower pan but you don't want to stop there you want to go a few inches past that so you're going to have a fair amount of waste okay because if you stop right where the shower pan is water is still going to get past it and then it's going to damage the wallboard and the and the and the baseboard trim that's there so if you give yourself a few inches for that Splash over or whatever you're great if you're going to use a glass door system then you can stop right in the edge of the tub one and a half tiles out and you're you're laughing then you're great because you also have this a 36 inch is from the framing so your back wall is adds a half an inch for your tile board you're down to 35 and a half in and then if you tile the back wall first that usually is almost another half inch and so really only have 35 in so you can come out plus a grow space an inch right yeah it's it's really close it looks a little stupid having your tile one inch past the T the tub or the or the shower pan okay one inch is stupid you want to get about three or four or it go right off the edge so if you cut every tile right where the shower pan ends then it can look really sleek and sexy see if you have a complete and closed glass door all right cheers uh Jason Pereira how you doing buddy here's a member of the channel now Jason he's been around forever he's almost as old as I am he's probably older I who knows yeah I just know that he's been asking me questions he's been a longgo project and guys that's part of what membership is for right we're here to help I know I'm not always the fastest guy to answer I'm not like answering bat signals over here but if you're in a project and you're crapped and you're strapped give me a give me a question hit our form up Jason wants to know if I got diagonal 1x4 plank subfloor 1960s 1940s before that we all went horizontal plank but yeah the diagonal was great can I install harbard flooring in a parallel direction to the joist yeah now here's the only thing Jason that 1x4 is it tongue and groove or is it overlay okay and by that is let's take a look at the cross-section this is a great question because I've seen both and I don't know how old your house is so I can't tell you here's your floor joice all right we'll throw on two just for fun now traditionally a bar would go straight across okay he's got a house where the boards are like on an angle okay and the and and the joist go like this and so he wants to know if he can put his hardwood parallel to this joist so it' be going straight cross in theory yeah because you can always just put the nail where the wood's going to be but here's the thing and that is a really crude drawing I hope followed it all there two kinds of um uh solidwood joist systems out there or or subfloor systems one is an overlay it's like shiplap on a floor okay and then the next piece will be like this oh sorry my bad okay and they shiplap and then they can go diagonally across the floor the other one is tongue and group where the board has got this going on and the next board is doing the tetris piece with it okay that's tongue and groove if it's a tongue and groove floor then you just simply throw in a two screws on every joist location on that board and that'll make your board flat if it's cup because of whatever situation over time then you're going to have to put plywood over top before you install your heart generally speaking if it's tongue and groove you're fine go ahead and nail away just be careful because that wood is getting old and it splits easy and it doesn't always hold the nail that well all right which is why adding a layer of wood it gives you that that stability of using like a staple to put your hardwood in even like a 38 plywood screwed down into that system is going to give you that bite so that your hardwood doesn't start squeaking in a few years old subf are strong but they split easy and because of the splitting that those Nails can come loose and then the deflection of people walking works that staple loose and it starts to move and squeak that's what you don't want so a little bit of ply would have go long way in that scenario to giving you that long lasting quality that all the work that you're putting into that project is going to you know deserve all right um we do have the phone working guys if you got a question you want to talk to me by all means otherwise you know well there we go it's unknown all right hello Jeff here who am I speaking with it's K Kiana how are you doing tonight is it tonight yet what can I do to help you out darling I got my grandmother's house it's like 1950 Atlanta Georgia yep and in the bathroom I think that bath has been there since then so it's like one of the real narrow tubs okay but it's like the real tub the real portion or whatever yeah so we're thinking what going to be easier for her is to make like a shower okay but she has a lot of that Co going on and um like the water that's coming out there it's not flowing so we thinking that maybe we should change it to the text what do you think because you know it's like well you know the Copper's better the Copper's better yeah yeah you know here's the thing if your water is not flowing with with copper plumbing going to PEX isn't going to solve your problem unless there's there's there's an obstruction in the water supply line like are you in city or are you on a well no they're not on the well she's on the city okay so she's on the city you should get five um five liters or actually you see this go to the Home Depot and grab yourself a paale any paale from the Home Depot fulls siiz pail if that doesn't fill up [Music] within okay 60 seconds you probably don't have enough water pressure in the house somewhere you got a blockage it shouldn't take more than a minute put that under a tub to fill a p of water now give or take be merciful right you don't go hey it's eight seconds short but because there's variance but you should be able to fill a pale of water in about one minute off the tub spout and if you can't do that then there's a problem with your water supply line somewhere all right okay so that's something probably we have to go bigger than that yeah see tubs are pretty much the only place where there's no restriction on the water supply so you can find out if if there's a is because you can have a water supply coming from the city underground and it it can be crushed or it can be leaking and you don't have enough pressure in the house all right so if you can't feel that pale in in about a minute then then call up somebody to come out from the City and say hey I think there's a problem with your water supply and let let them prove to you it's not them they they'll figure that out on their own dollar okay all right I got one more thing yeah in the bathroom one of them real tall like the ceiling I believe it's 10 beautiful beautiful 1937 she 50 50s how amazing how high would you go with the tow though you know we're doing we're gonna change it to shower so you want to T it just how would you go all right so here's the thing it's that's a design question more than a practical question okay do you have a fan in the room to exhaust the wet air she does and it's way up there okay so if you have a fan then you're not going to have too much wet moist air hanging around to cause you a problem all right so then really all you got to do is go to seven feet okay once you're at seven feet any higher than that it's just a design or an aesthetic or finishing where the tile finishes off question so you don't have to spend all that time and money tiling all the way to the ceiling okay you're allowed to stop today's paint for inside a bathroom is pretty much bulletproof for moisture you won't have any problems okay great all right you're welcome thank you so much hey my pleasure thanks for the call cheers all right there you go look at that saving the planet money and time one person at a time this is awesome all right listen if you got a question give me a call otherwise uh Matt jump let's jump back right in I'm sure he's got a whole list all right there we go we got a question from Aussie on the screen we'll leave that there I'm gonna take this call from connect to hey cheers it's Jeff here who am I speaking with hey Jeff it's Zach I uh just talked to you earlier you answered one of my questions told me to give you a call back nice talk to me dude what's going on hey so we have a garage we're in h New England actually Connecticut 1980s house concut 1980s okay I thought you were in the South because we said it was a block but that's cool no no cinder block um and then the garage is like definitely doesn't have a vapor barrier under the concrete uh you know it gets pretty moist in the summertime and yes always effervescent yes um just trying to put up you know put a little lipstick on the pig so to speak um no fair enough so I was asking about asking about you know finishing the walls off um was planning to just do some basic you know either steel studs or some like a pressure treated you know 2x4 and then some regular 2x4s on top been watching your videos for a long time so just some random ideas kicking around my head so the garage is this something you want to turn into like a work space or just something that like stays dry and clean uh just a little bit just a little bit dryer a little bit cleaner um like prevent the car doors from bumping into the you know the uh cinder blocks stuff like that yeah okay here try this one out you're gonna love it um you might get a real Advantage out of just doing something either one of two options one you could insulate a little bit you could go with like a half inch rigid foam okay on the inside of that block and what that's going to do is that's going to be a thermal break so you don't get that condensation moisture issue from inside outside right and then you can actually hang drywall right on that so you put your your half inch rigid foam put it on with some pl200 or you guys use Loctite Loctite 200 okay and it's designed for um foam board installation on panels and you can drywall with an adhesive right over top you can also use um uh tapcon screws to attach drywall to Mason brick over the over the installation so six screws for a 4x8 she to dry Wells plenty if you put a little bit of adhesive on the back of it and slap it onto that rigid foam now if you don't want to worry about the thermal brake you could just add strapping like pieces of 1 by3 to your masonary block and trap an airspace in there and you can drywall right over top of that I like the I like the the idea the rigid foam we have it's the way our house is situated we have like a family room above it oh you do okay so that that thermal break will make a difference in the winter time yeah like above it is drywalls and then the duck there's some duct work that runs through and it's kind of like drywalls y um but we also have like on the one wall it's like a lot of you know like our our electrical service entrance and yeah some like a power wall and some other stuff going on so there go I was gonna just do one wall at a time I didn't know how to handle the other wall with all those you know that would be like a s cheese like all the coals we' have to cut yeah yeah well you know what in a situation like that you know getting to 85 or 90% of a thermal break will will make a dramatic difference it really will because your slab of that garage um within two feet of your outside wall it's going to be 10 degrees so it is a heat Source people forget that the floor is a heat Source the ground is warm and so yeah it's partially on it's partially under like on one side partially against the ground you said yeah well even even the ground underneath and so Frost has to push down to then come across and the same the same distance that it goes down it goes across It's like because it's the distance from the cold air that's how Frost travels so yeah any garage has got a heat Source because the frost doesn't meet into the middle underneath the garage so you have a heat source and you create a thermal break you'd be surprised just a changing that garage temperature like five or 10 degrees in the winter time will make a significant difference in what's going on upstairs okay all right and then when it when when it meets the floor like the foam meets the floor you just let it sit right on the let the foam meet the floor that's not going to hurt nothing just leave the drywall about a half an inch off half an inch off okay that's funny yeah that I think I'll I'll try that because like our garage doors are insulated we have a a wall That's insulated between where the garage and the rest of the house is and so if your garage door insulated and your walls aren't yeah yeah you paid good money for nothing yeah right all right yeah you can't wear just you can't wear winter jacket on the back only right you gotta got gotta cover the whole body dude yeah I just have my toque on but no you know just the T yeah no shirt and a toque you know now you're talking like a Canadian that's awesome all right we're from upstate New York so I know yeah know you're getting uh you're getting December and and February Canada weather but you're not getting January oh yeah cheers Zach I appreciate the call Buddy good luck with your project man y all right thank yeah bye bye that is awesome okay Matt let's just pull that question back up real quick that's funny yeah upstate new okay yeah Connecticut I know but guys it's East Coast right like the jet stream travels so far north of you most of the time you don't really see the Arctic winter that we get in Ottawa H I recently had a contractor epoxy over a cement patio underneath this part of basement poor job leled prior Diamond sanded the old tile off unevenly it's a mess is it easy to epoxy again here's the thing about epoxy um it's like a self- leveler so if you're not happy the first time you can epoxy onto the epoxy and sooner or later it'll level out uh but like guys listen when you're when you're hiring contractors okay know your own process know the steps inspect the steps don't inspect the finished product you know when in your own trade or your own business your own profession you know when something's going wrong long before you finish a project right like if you're a heart surgeon and somebody cuts somebody open with an axe right away you know this guy's not a professional right when when Chevy Chase shows up and Spies Like Us and hello doctor hello doctor you know the guy's a fool so don't wait until he finishes the job to then say by the way I'm not happy with what you did haha you're screwed he'll just walk away and leave you with a mess all right minola Texas hello Jeff here oh can I get you to turn off the other device please yeah here we go how you doing just how you uh it was built in between 1918 and 1945 when it finished all right the walls are Hollow yes sir would you go because the flooring was done then the walls were built yep how would you instate your walls why do you want to inst walls because I'm in state of Texas and uh my elri bill was like even on average5 okay and so is this because it's uh it's you're you're hot enough in Texas that the air conditioning is is is killing you is that the idea yeah we can't we got window unit so they doing what they can but it just goes right back out the window and the holes and gotcha and the floor uh and there's other things we need to do I also need to uh think about redoing the bathroom and uh putting I don't know it's put Tow on a wall that moves all the time yeah unfortunately um if you don't if you don't have that thermal break in your wall it's going to be a lot of expansion and contraction and you're going to have a hard time with your tile work totally get that yeah so then what you do is you have to install something like a foam board that does not expand and contract okay so then you let the wall expand and contract behind your foam board while the foam board doesn't move and then your tile is safe but let's deal with your installation question first because your house was built back before air conditioning was invented right and so all people did back then was sweat some research back when it was built they felt like it was keep the house cooler during the summer with wind blowing up through the bottom through the holes yeah which it does sure and if you you can have a taller ceiling that helps but listen at the end of the day here you are wanting air condition there's two choices for your house what is on the outside of your house your facade is it brick or is it wood it's a aluminum siding okay yeah aluminum siding it's really old um do you have any idea if you have a foil insulation on the outside of your building I think there may I think there is a small layer but yeah so a little bit of deflection for radiation from the Sun but that's about it okay so if you want to insulate and your inside is a drywall you said yes okay you can actually call up an insulation company and what they do is they specialize in Blowing in um cellulose material into wall cavities okay it's like brown paper fiber all right and so what they do is they they they use a stud locator across the ceiling right right on the wall by the ceiling they identify the middle of all of those wall cavities they'll drill a hole and they'll stick a pipe in it and fill that void up with cellulose insulation and that'll give you like about an r13 R14 value in that stud cavity and then all you got to do is patch all the holes so we the ground okay so you have balloon construction right past the floor into the basement yeah all right so the one you can okay all right so you are you a two-story home then it's one St so what is the bottom of your is it a crawl space it's beam oh it's a beam okay so okay yeah ah yeah well you know there's there's always this thing keep another story too well that's the thing culos isn't gonna do anything for that they're gonna love the betting yeah here's what I'm going to suggest take a look at your Southern walls where the sun is shining the most and take the dry wall off if it's possible put a bat put bats of mineral wool in the bottom of your stud batter stud Bays okay yeah and that'll help to um keep the mice and rats from wanting to come in they hate eating through that it's it's like Stone it's actually spun rock okay yeah and they don't eat that and then on the top part of the wall you can put fiberglass bats what are a lot cheaper in most cases and then just do the new drywall but start with the Southern Wall okay and see how much effort versus return on that investment you get before you commit to the other walls that aren't seeing the same effect of the sun because the rest of the house is kind of sitting in the shap yes you know what I mean so if you can deal with that that southern facing wall that's that's the that's the Lion Share of the work start start with that yeah and then you can decide whether or not it's worth the time and energy sometimes old houses are just old houses and it's unfortunate that energy isn't cheaper but it is what it is right now and you might find that it's more time and energy worth than trying to save a few hundred bucks a month are you yeah I'm here I'm just like it's depending how handy you are if you love doing drywall then you're in great shape but if if doing drywall and paint by the time you tear it off and put in new insulation and drywall and paint you're going to you're going to have to if you cut your energy bill by 50% it's still going to take you 10 or 15 years to recover your cost to do the job yourself in other words the best thing to do is just put new windows in the best Windows you can and go that way you know sometimes uh um yeah changing your Windows would be a great idea um the siding actually is probably the most intriguing part of the project because aluminum siding if you take it off you can take it back to the recycler and get paid for it and then you got an opportunity to put some rigid foam on the outside of the house and actually insulate really effectively without affecting your drywall and then you go back with like a vinyl siding which is relatively cheap yeah it's a lot less disruptive than tearing apart the inside of the walls because then your whole house is filter right so I would I would probably approach this from outside and try to get like a a 2-inch rigid foam and then put on put on um put on a vinyl siding after the fact okay yeah I think outside might be a better return on your investment and it's a hell of a lot better LIF style while you're while you're working on it yeah and then that way you can start on the southern faing wall and deal with the rest of it as you get there yeah all right all right good luck to you my friend all the good news is by the time you're done learning all those skills you you you got you got weekend work for the rest of your life and crushed my spine in 2000 so oh nuts well you know what then in that case um siding is a lot easier to manage than drywall my friend yeah yeah so consider that all right all the best to you all right Bud cheers wow crushed to spine that's oh that's that's that's tough my God yeah when when you have physical limitation really consider what is the lightest Building Product that you got to carry rigid foam insiding uh eight-year-old can manage that installation with the right with the right guidance all right well listen uh let me hit you up with your questions we're GNA take a few more questions I think we're almost done at the end of the show guys we're doing another live show two weeks from now we're doing it inside the property we're doing drywall and taping and mudding we're doing it live we're going to train you guys how to do it we're going to answer all your questions join us it's going to be about the same thing around two o'clock more details to come we'll be advertising it on our homepage uh at least a week before we put it up okay if you're like this kind of content if you miss the rest of the show make sure you watch it later on okay we've got a bunch of questions in there I did some surveys and that kind of stuff really want to try to get some feedback from you guys so we know exactly what it is that you're looking for how can be the most help to you so you can be successful in your renovation that's really our goal here okay man this is the perfect time of day to be out here too I got control the light the neighbors are really agreeable no one's cutting their grass this is great anyway um Matt if you got a couple more questions the phone Line's open and we'll just we'll just wrap up with a couple of member questions if Matt you got some back there hi Jeff can't find a contractor either yeah big surprise if I want to do exactly what you're doing should I also pull up the tub to place the schlutter underneath no necessary if you have a tub you leave the tub in place okay and you bring the schutter up to the tub and you always stop all of your materials a quarter inch from the tub because the tub is going to deflect when it fills up with water and you're walking in and out of it or using it as a shower or if you're in a wood structure the structure deflects and there's always this rub squeaking noise that comes up all right so tubs should be avoided leave that little Gap finish your tile about eighth of an inch from the tub and then use a bead of silicone to finish remember proper tile installation always requires silicone to transition from any tile surface to another material or a different plane of tile surface so Flor to wall or Florida anything else should be silicone the only time we don't follow that rule is when we're putting um baseboard Trims and casings on all right and that's it tubs are fine if it's in place and it's working don't touch what ain't broken especially if you're going to put it back when you're done that's not necessary the tub is sitting and transferring weight to all the different floor joist it doesn't need any extra structural support that the Detro would offer alrighty well one more question from Jason pra Jeff followup technically if the hardwood is laid parallel to the joist some hardwood planks would only be attached to the diagonal plank some floor Plywood And The Joy yeah listen the goal with hardwood installation is not to get the staple into the joist it's into the plank attached to the joist all right you're basically laminating those two pieces of wood together the the diagonal pieces should be screwed to the floor joist right everything else Joy joist diagonal subfloor okay screw it hardwood staple it everywhere where there's staple it staple it every everywhere in between staple it just don't put staples where you know there's a gap and you're going to be fine all right that's the installation because what this does that tongue and groove of the hardwood transfers load to the joist transfers of the joist and then you're stapling the hardwood to this and you're making a sandwich that helps eliminate deflection in really old houses 1905 they didn't even have the subfloor all they did was 3/4 inch hardwood straight across from Joy To Joy 16 inch on Center this will blow your mind it'll set your mind at ease actually knowing this okay old houses Joyce Joyce 16 inches on Center okay they would just strap hardwood like this straight across and then when they wanted a wall they just put a wall somewhere they didn't even care they just build a wall a foot away from a joist they didn't even care and this wall could be structural it could be low bearing from the roof that's how much they trusted that Oak hardwood back in the old days so the the fact that you have an extra piece of wood there doesn't make it any worse it actually makes it stronger just make sure it's screwed flat so that when you integrate this all together it beefs up the strength and you don't have things moving around causing issues all right well that's it for me today I'm pretty much done I am baked like a chicken I am out of gas like a guy on the side of the road ah this has been a hell of a day really enjoyed it we have been live now doing work wow almost four hours all right this is great uh if you have information or questions about flooring and tile and all that jazz watch this video from the beginning we answered at least 100 questions today we talked about our program we talked about our procedures we talked about our products we talked about our tools you can do this stuff on your own you don't have to be relying on other people learn the skills be independent build value in your own asset okay you can make more money fixing up your house you can't at your job telling you right now it's money in the bank tax-free profit I know the economy sucks right now you can't even sell a house of your trying but all of this will change elections are coming these problems will be gone soon enough and not because maybe you got to have a change in policy but because every politician fixes the economy just before an election so they can say we fixed it come on now you know I'm telling the truth listen no matter what happens in life if things are bad they can get worse so take a look at all the time that you've got available what you do with that time is going to be up to you you can spend it fixing your place up and increasing your asset value so that you are better positioned to withstand the tribulations of the day or you can complain about the problem and waste all your time on Tik Tock and don't learn a damn thing it's your cup it's your life but if you're part of the DIY crew you're kind of my people my people are people who want to grab life and then make something out of what they've got left over whatever time you got whatever energy you got whatever money you got invest in yourself invest where you live because that is Money in the Bank down the road things are going to get better and then you'll be positioned to benefit from all of that hard work while everybody else is complaining about how expensive life was you are investing in yourself and investing in your future and you will come out on top cheers till next time
Channel: Home RenoVision DIY
Views: 236,326
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: AxySG5PpHso
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 225min 8sec (13508 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 07 2023
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