How to Redo an Entire Bathroom | DIY Demolition

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hi I'm Jeff from home renovation DIY the YouTube channel that's designed to help you homeowners get all the information you need to help renovate your own houses and today we're covering a really cool subject matter it's about demolition in your bathroom a lot of people want to renovate their own bathrooms and we are gonna put a compilation together of all of our experiences on camera so that you have all the information you need to help do it yourself and without having a flat so let's talk bathroom demolition it's time to get empowered okay because if you're going to do a DIY bathroom renovation project the first thing you need to know is what does the demolition process look like what should you expect when you're finished and what is it that you need to protect yourself from doing while you're doing your demolition so in this video we're gonna cover how to remove acrylic tub surrounds Roman tubs built-in tub shower combo your flooring your plumbing to all kinds of different situations with different kinds of plumbing and different kind of structural situations as well so that you have all the information you need to not cause a bigger scope of work or a disaster in your home so knowledge is power here comes a great big whack of it sit back learn and if you are gonna get a renovation done in your house and maybe you're just gonna save some money by doing the rent the demolition yourself here's some other information for you doing it yourself means you know what to expect when you're finished and you're gonna be confident in the scope of work even if you're bringing in a contractor I've heard the story so many times before in the industry guys will come in they'll start doing the demolition work oh they get all excited listen lady or listen man the this is a much bigger job than we thought we have all these problems we're gonna have to deal with you're gonna have to give us more money before we move forward classic contractor situation okay protect yourself do your own demo present the home like it's ready to be rebuilt from a certain phase of the construction process and you eliminate their ability to take you for a ride alright it only takes a couple of days you could even buy one of these portable green bags and put it out on your own yard and they'll come by with the truck and take all the garbage away a couple hundred bucks you can do it yourself and you're going to be confident that it's going to be done right and you're not going to have any kind of flood damage all right so sit back relax enjoy ask us all your questions at the end of this video we'll see on the other side in this video I am gonna demonstrate to you my system for removing existing ceramic tile now warning if you're one of these people who love sledgehammers I'm sorry to disappoint don't ever use a sledgehammer to remove your tile floor I've seen it happen before and people actually break their floor joists so when you're doing a new flooring job and you have existing tile I'm gonna say probably 90% of the installation of tile projects in homes that have got a wooden subfloor look a lot like this and this goes for kitchens bathrooms laundry rooms always have a look down here max this home is got a ceramic tile alright and it's not in greatest shape here but you can see there's a plywood layer this is what we call direct bond so this is a cemented directly to this plywood and they've counter lasers for them that makes this supply what a half inch now in our area the building code has us using five eighths tongue-and-groove subfloor plus a 1/2 an inch plywood it still falls a little bit shy okay of the amount of wood that we need to get an inch and a quarter of substrate still 1/8 thin but what we got here the reason this is a cheat is because you can see underneath the plywood right here this is existing vinyl floor alright and underneath that vinyl floor before they put that on there's a quarter inch plywood so what happens is you have your house and it has a vinyl floor and you call a tile guy and your order in your installation and they come along and they screw down a half inch plywood over top of your existing floor and then they tile right over top of that surface and this is the most common installation in the market today it's a huge sheet I hate it I wish people would take all these extra layers out because as a result of that they've lost the ability to know if they can't screw down the floor to the floor joists and get rid of the squeaks they don't know if they've got dips and valleys they're not using floor leveler and none of the doors work so these closet doors are way over here are the by foals they actually don't open all the way so if you have a house like this I'm going to show you all the tips and tricks for getting this out of the way getting all the way back down to the original subfloor that way you can install your tile and your doors will work again now I'm a big fan of cleaning as I go just so that I don't have an accident then these plastic grills they're garbage we're not putting these back I never put a plastic grub back on because no one can ever step on it seems stupid never buy them in the first place but what we're gonna do is we're just taping off the door because when we're doing this tile smashing business I don't want little chunks of tile flying into the next room the other room the joining here is actually got hardwood on it and the last thing I need is to damage somebody's hardwood floor is some rogue piece of tile alright so these demo bags here awesome they're like plastic burlap sacks I mean they pack isn't that kind of it don't you oh yeah seems like an awful lot of work to stick it in a small box these bags are a little bit thicker than our 6 mil bags will be used for regular garbage they're a 7 mil but they have a it's the way they're constructed it's like a nylon mesh right it's like anti-terror anti anything so when you're breaking up your tile so what we do is we just smash the daylights out of the floor with a small hammer we scoop it all up put them in these bags it'd be nice if they're a little bit shorter because the bag is this strong I mean that's gonna be way too heavy when it's faux but I just like to go something comfortable 4050 pounds hollowed out of here I'll buy a few extra bags I don't even care I'm not throwing my back out for anybody and I don't want to get all cut up and I don't want to have this stuff having a bag burst on me a half way through the house so this is great for transporting garbage love these things this is a great time actually for us to explore their installation technique see if we can learn anything okay see this classic direct bond right so we have a lot of cement they use a nice thick trowel okay you can see the trial grooves right here great contact with the tile but direct bond on plywood and this is why you shouldn't do this most guys don't take the time to wet the plywood while they're installing their tile and so it doesn't actually bond to the plywood because it's too dry you guys look awesome alright and there you go I think I love it when people don't install tile right because it makes my job so much easier to remove this floor I'm gonna be able to find all my screw holes and everything without any difficulty and now we don't have to beat the living daylights out of it and create all this dust so we can put the mast away guys if you like I just wanted to talk about this real quick there's so much you can learn from a tile job when you're doing the demolition so I wanted to point something out it's gonna grab it down here have a look at this so we talked about before about how a lot of this tile job it didn't bond to the plywood all right now in this one area here it bonded to the plywood it's absolutely fascinating it's the only spot right here and in every other area the tile comes up and all this meant is full of cement right here okay but in this area the tile came up clean so come an interesting idea and this is the kind of thing you see when somebody's working along blah blah blah and they put down their cement and then they stop to have a break go answer a phone call five or ten minutes goes by they come back they leave their tile they keep on going what happens is the air dries out the top of the cement so when you press the tile under that cement the part that's in contact with the tile is now dry and so then you don't even get a bond but all of that moisture that was in that cement ended up bonding to that plywood where it never did anywhere else it's absolutely fascinating I wonder if this is just the only spot that he ever even used a sponge maybe he had a spill I don't know what's going on it's just bizarre by the way I'm very happy and then as soon as you get past this point this starts popping up real clean and easy there just are not enough screws in this plywood okay these joints line up this should be staggered and it gets a lot more strength of you stagger your joints especially in the hallway the screws here are like every almost eight inches which is not enough because remember there's another linoleum floor underneath this and another quarter inch so you're not just attaching this plywood your sandwich and bonding all of that together you should be every two inches and then every six to eight inches I would probably go six if you're gonna cheat and go over top an old floor you should go six it's not against the rules to do that but if you're gonna do it throw in enough screw that you don't get the floor moving around and popping there's a lot of areas in this floor where the gross chipping out is because of the movement from having the joints like this and not using enough screws so it's kind of funny it doesn't matter who you are where you live there are minimum standards for everything we do and this should be a lot more screws like I mentioned and it should be a flooring screw but if it's not working because this no kidding it looks like a drywall screw Max and it is my god all right so here's the deal that is totally unacceptable even if it's a flooring screw this screw should be longer first of all because it's got to pass through an inch and I almost finished a half material including the vinyl and so it's just the just the tip of that screw grabbing the subfloor unbelievable no wonder there's so much heaving I'm wondering if maybe the subfloor in this house is a lot more level than I originally thought it's just such a bad installation the tile that's causing all those waving that would be really good for us yeah this is ridiculous let's put this the idea of the fact that the screws are wrong aside for a second and let's show you how to find them in this situation if there's a lousy bond with the plywood he'll be a lousy bond with the screws and they'll all be available okay isn't that something so you can see he's doing about every six inches or so so we're anticipating there is and we're gonna do to save ourselves a lot of time and energy is if you have the ability to back out the screws then great if you don't then you've got to use that great big red bar and some pry bars you got to find a spot to get underneath the floor start ripping it up so [Music] they cheated and I'm benefiting once I get this one up I'll be able to use that bar and get underneath this plywood it'll just pop right off cuz it's not screwed into anything and it's fine thread screw that's not a flooring screw that's not even a coarse thread drywall screw I mean holy cow you're gonna cut corners please stay on the road anymore screw so let's just see if we can pop this off here and there's the original floor bump up a bum nasty okay I think that's gonna be a little bit faster they're trying to find all the screws and back in the moment so every job is a little bit different in this one our job is quite simple usually we have to use the bar like that and apply what this has been installed so if you're gonna do a demolition of your house I suggest you buy the bar cost about thirty thirty-five bucks but worth its weight in gold because if you do have a cement that's bonded well to this plywood you're gonna have a hard time finding the screws and like I said usually they're every two inches and every six inside that's a lot of screws you'll find us a lot easier sometimes to just rip up the plywood and then go and find the screws they're left behind and pull them out alright and that's pretty much the whole process once we got out of this layer off we're gonna sweep this up a little bit this layer comes up easy cuz the vinyl is installed on quarter inch ply and this stuff is going to be installed this stuff is gonna be installed the staples yeah and it just lifts off real easy this would be a piece of cake well there we go that's pretty much everything there is to know but we're removing a ceramic tile remember the system is simple smash or remove with one of those scrapers then you've got to clean it up a little bit and get rid of your plywood outside of that you know get some really good bags make sure you wear gloves and some safety gear if you want to have that on it's not a bad idea to protect your eyes especially if you're not familiar with this kind of work this isn't if you enjoyed this content if it's been helpful to you then hit the like button we'd appreciate that subscribe to the channel for all kinds of home renovation DIY tips and tricks and don't forget to follow us on Instagram and home road visions DIY this one we will see you again next time [Music] so before we tackle this project one thing we have to do rule number one if you're touching any plumbing or plumbing fixture turn off the water supply to the house you might think I've got a shut off valve I'm safe but I've been in situations where we just move something and a water supply line in the wall burst under pressure because it wasn't installed properly never take a chance with your water supply so in every home that I've been in except for one which is very unique the water shut-off valve is on the front wall of the house and it's right next to the sewer and all those pipes that are heading towards the street so when you go down in the basement a lot of times they're in a really awkward tricky spot not a big surprise so we just reach in grab the valve crank it clockwise so you turn it off after that we go and open a tap drain the water out of the lines and then we're always safe to do any plumbing without any risk of causing serious damage to the home so rule number one now that we have the water off we have to drain all the lines in the house to drop that water level in the pipes the water supply below the area where we're going to have surprises so on the way up here we open up the kitchen faucet caulking cool and now we're just going to open up these lines you see none of the water's coming out the air is rushing in the water is all emptying out of the line so now we're good to go [Music] so I'm going to demonstrate how to remove a drop-in tub this particular model does not have Jets so there's no access panel so you have no ability no shutoff valve speaking of shutoff valves did you turn off the water to the house in no rule number one Matt when touched in the bathroom turn off the water drain the lines this is the third story we have an accident now we got a lot more work to do here than we planned on alright very look at that signal sounds ok so you can see here come on in and have a good look at this max these tubs are installed in new homes what they do is they create a wooden bench the cutout and then they drop the tub in and then they tie off now on occasion they'll get tile and they'll prop the tub up and the foot the tile underneath but that doesn't happen too darn often usually the standard procedures to cut the tile around grout it and then silicone so this tub is basically the last it's like set in and you can remove it without even touching the tile which is a huge advantage because with the tub gone demolishing the rest of this stone and framework is really easy with the tub here you've got to smash every tile pull every screw you can't get a sawzall in properly so this is how you would take this out and then you can actually take this down to Habitat for Humanity when you're done so before we take off the tub what you understand is it's basically one doing demolition we're uninstalling that which was installed so your your Roman tub faucet system comes in two parts there's the rough-in and then there's the trim so once you remove the trim from the tub you disconnect the waste and overflow now you can just lift the tub right out there's nothing else holding this down but gravity so there's usually a little hole here well it's just double check yep the water is up good boy do that take off the handle let's just thread it on okay and then that one is honed into place that's just lovely this ring here has got an oval shape to it and it's just turned to lock everything in place so what we need to do basically is just take our hammer turn that ring it's kind of like that old torii to have those kids you know you have to match up the shapes in the puzzle and then it'll just lift right off now the part that you see here is actually mounted underneath the tub and it's not going anywhere so we repeat this process and then we can just lift the tub over now the spout itself has a little access panel here and we will find the right one Center and do the setscrew and a little bit of water never hurt anybody this one has this little ring here you just slide that out slide that up that's it for that one of course we're gonna take this one off as well you can see how this is independent now of the tub okay tub is free to lift up as soon as we remove the drain and the way overflow I left my drain remover tool at the other bathroom at work so what we're gonna do is I'm going to demonstrate a little trick that you can use if you don't want to buy that remover tool throw your hammer in there this is just threaded on once you get it started now the overflow is disconnected of course this is the push screen he's got a good grip grab that so this little guy here is just a pain it's plastic we just be done with that put it in the hole and we're gonna be turning counterclockwise [Music] and once you get it going any silicone that a plumber may or may not have used let me render it ineffective yeah you can just use that counter torque action unthreaded little bumps and bruises and scrapes are part of the game there we go now we're ready to rip this out of here so before we can remove the tub it's a pretty deep it's a two-man soaker tub so what we're gonna do is we're gonna just remove this door you usually like to leave the doors on because they're great for dust control but in this case an extra inch and a quarter is gonna be necessary just punch a hole to the bottom and that's it it's that easy yeah here we go I'm going to set that outside we don't want to throw this out yet you want to put it back on so quick tip whenever you take a door off take the hinge pin put it back this way you know where to find them when you go to put the door back on you'll always lose them if you put them on the floor in the pocket the tub however you think it is 70 pounds probably not quite that bad now it shouldn't be attached to anything I've cut the silicone and removed all the fixtures let's see if we can get lucky and just give it a Yank yep it's gonna be okay so now that tub is totally removed all we have to do is lift it it's not that heavy although it is a little easier to do if you're not in the tub at the time yeah yeah bugger so here's the trick I'm a bear claw I'm lifting straight up we grab a hold of that now it's on a plywood platform and so if we keep it level Matt yeah it'll just pop right out and then here we go class okay this is crazy but check this in I don't know why but every time I pull out a tub somebody has left a bunch of crap garbage in the tub this is insulation there's nothing here to insulate the walls all closed up installations on the other side of that wall board this is just somebody I mean they're not insulating this tub to keep the heat in or there'd be like a lot of insulation so either they were trying to insulate the tub and they're lazy or they just had to clean up a mess and they were lazy you can see what I'm saying now that the tub is gone you know all I've left is stick frame so the other plywood is difficult to remove when it's tiled but if you remove the framing first take out all these blocks and there's nothing left supporting all the weight we'll just going to peel this open like an orange [Music] [Applause] okay now listen listen that I have no ability of knowing if these handles are in the open or closed position okay so what I want you to do he's filming this one okay blooper reel yes I want you to open it up so small it just dribbles and then I got a you know I got a second or two to control this mess okay okay so I got you on speaker here Mac let's let's take this nice and gentle okay go ahead [Music] yeah I got water so hold on okay you go again okay no more all right we got the spot okay full blast please let me know when the lines are pressurized beautiful okay so there we have it good communication Iran chin a little patience and you won't cause a flood in somebody's home [Music] taking out its while it's not tricky but most part it's just two bolts holding it or anything down you just pick it up carry it out but how to take it out without get cover your water goop or making a mess of the flooring on the way through the house well that's the trick so I'm gonna show you my technique so first of all rule number one before you renovate a bathroom always turn off the water flush it and hold it until it doesn't drain anymore drain the lines in the house open up the taps upstairs Downstairs get all the water out of the supply line so the only thing that's left is the water that's in the bottom of the toilet and then you just take your plunger and you want to get rid of as much of this as you can because in the toilet itself has a p-trap just like underneath your sink and so there's a certain water level and when you can get that down when you're picking it up and moving it around it won't splash over the edge and come up the bottom so if you can force it out now what - now I'm gonna guarantee you you're not gonna be I'm going to percent successful in this endeavor it doesn't really matter here's the bullets most bullets have a cap on it and they snap into place and the trick is to just get underneath it and then pop it off now you'll see the setting bolt here it's just a brass bolt that's attached to the toilet flange sometimes you need pliers once you get a couple of twists and usually they'll just run out with your fingers just take off that butt and then the washer assembly and we don't forget to disconnect the water supply generally speaking these water lines are supposed to be hand tightened only so don't grab tools just reach back and the old rule lefty loosey righty tighty your counterclockwise here so now that you're all ready to go this is the point where you really want help you don't need someone who can do a lot of lifting you just need someone who can manage the plastic bag for you and someone that you don't mind getting a little upfront and personal and you'll see why Maddy come on in and give me hand with this first murmur get started this is not me he'll no one looks a lot like him this is my other son Matt how's it going Matt joined us for a little bit with the company now glad to have him back he had how long did you work with almost a year yeah then you took off and they realize good things aren't here yeah he buys me lunch I'm a sucker okay here we go so basically what you do is just position yourself like this what Matt's gonna do this he's gonna bag the whole toilet and this is a large construction bag it's three mil plastic very thick very strong my job is just to lift the toilets straight up in the air and hold it while he bags yeah [Music] okay yeah now I'm gonna walk it so we can show everybody very important here that you come right up the other side right as much as you can we'll just set this down so now what we have here is we've got control over the water so if any water inside that's where that spills over that little pea trap that we talked about it's gonna be trapped in them in the plastic bag while you're carrying it this also makes it easy for two people to carry out because I can hold the tank that can actually grab the plastic itself to carry that up but before we go can I have the coffee cup here we go my favorite I have one of these everyday I keep it in the truck for just this occasion every time you open up the Flan's toilet you do not want sewage smells stick your old coffee cup in there there you're good to go just hold this level stand up straight it's okay there we go [Music] this mirror that's installed here that we have to remove was installed overtop of the plugs so this is fun we're gonna do is we're just going to bend them place them back inside again my hope is that we can lift the mirror out of position with a causing this to shortly ah so there's three basic ways install mirrors one is a surface mount screw clip you've seen the little plastic things and they got a screw head the other one is you can use like a two sided tape and silicone and you can stick it and glue it this one here is it's a moving bracket it's on a southern track and so you can take the tops off the glass basically just falls forward this one they've used a combination of adhesives as well probably because they have this cut around here there as you loosen the glass and then you can lift it and pull it off the plugs remove the rear without destroying it this broken glass is a pen like to clean up there we go I think we're clear now just a word to the wise I always wear gloves I prefer to do this kind of work by myself and have the second guy around to open doors and closed doors for me if something bad happens here I'm gonna know the minute it happens I'm gonna step aside this is not safety glass this kind of stuff here can cause personal injury so nice and careful so we've got another mirror to remove here and this is the same clip system as we demonstrated last time last time was a really large mirror and you'll notice that it came up for that much resistance so we're hoping to get the same kind of effect this time so once again we just pop up the clips and it doesn't want to come no you can realize I use a lot of force there glass is a lot stronger than you think they've obviously done some silicone back in here let's try riding an aerial no it's real easy let's go take a look and see what it is that these monkeys actually ended up doing here okay lots of this black two-sided adhesive goop four mirrors and then a great big dollop of similar color as well don't ask me why folks if you're using the clips by all means let gravity do the work for you you don't need to get creative and use all this sticky crap I'm good just risking an accident for somebody later on all right so removing a sink is actually quite simple whether it's just demolition or you're just installing a new one now the process is the same of course have your water off close your valves the p-trap down here is gonna carry water but at this end of the p-trap there's a nut here that you can just use your pliers and loosen that off and then you can just come up so now the drain is separated water supply lines the same reason it's a compression fit so just get screwed on with a pair of pliers so usually you can hand tighten these and give it a quarter turn so that's not that difficult to get off I've already gone ahead and loosen them up but you just use your fingers and disconnect now the only thing left is these clips holding the undermount sink alright there's a little metal bracket attached to the sink this sits in it and then you type this up and it compresses take these clips off I mean just grab your sink and voila [Music] so we're gonna remove the shower unit now there's two aspects of this demolition one is we have to cut the wall and remove the wall and then we have to remove the shower unit from the drain system this was plumbed in so it's glued together there no way to remove this without cutting that first so here we go wear your safety glasses this is for all you people who sent me comments on many videos and thank you for them safety first lots of love here we go [Music] hammer around to separate the drain system from the showers [Music] all right so back to the more refined method instead of just beating the tar out of it what I got here is I got my jigsaw and I got an old broken blade perfect cuz I don't want to be going too deep down here I don't know what I'm cutting through and I don't want to damage anything else this might be underneath the shower so just turn on and finish running the guy you can see we're independent of the shower so this will stay where it is and we can actually lift the shower off the drain system and we're not going to break any plumbing lines and cause there's so some few problems so basically what this reciprocate ER here there's this massive guard here that you're supposed to push up against the wall while you're using it so then it doesn't vibrate around you're actually cutting a lot more efficiently than rather than cutting with it way out here anyway so we're gonna go ahead and cut this and show you guys what's going on [Music] so the idea is when you're cutting if you think you're bumping into something stop open up the wall first okay [Music] [Music] good luck here okay man so that's what your cutting this is the framing for this wall this is some back free be sure what the back frame use for to be less ridiculous this is the framing it supports the overhead right you can see when you look through the hole at the shower goes in front all right and then it's covered in drywall yeah all right so it's the same thing so there's a flange that's going up and around it's all covered up and drywall and painted it so the only way to get this shower and start out of here is the it of the framework that surrounds so we'll finish cutting through here I don't cut the vent this is what's bringing the air from outside to chase the water down the drain which is why the water do something safe and okay just the tip at home if your water is draining really reduce though you might have a block in your vent there's no air to follow the water down a clog is like a coke bottle upside down buh-buh-buh if you have air coming in behind it flies right tip one this is awesome yeah because it just seems to want to rip everything that's in his path [Music] don't want to do too much if you're not holding on on Twitter be surprised how easy is the stuff just fall out of the ceiling like that so now we've uncovered how this is installed this is actually pretty easy you can see the fiberglass here head ends and there's the old cocking wood and they're just covering a couple of screws right into the framework there's nothing up top it's actually just a piece of drywall with a metal trim barely even attached with a handful of screws mostly this tape at this point okay okay and I'm sure the other side it's pretty much the same there's a half-inch drywall here it's just covering over the screw heads so we just got to chisel out a little bit of drywall here and back off the screws and then that's it this will just come out as one unit now it's a little bit big and nasty you may find it easier just take the sawzall cut it into thirds so that it's easier to carry out instead of trying to maneuver through all the doorways but this is how they do it they come in one piece and they leave out in many so what we're gonna do here is we're gonna just demonstrate how to cut this it's pretty simple this is only a six dollar blade this is not an expensive piece of equipment you can use a sawzall you could use a handsaw you can use the jigsaw you can use a circular saw you could use a hammer and a chisel if you had to but it's easy to cut go ahead give that a rip so that's pretty much the extent of it we're going to pull the shower out cut it in a few pieces make it simple remove all the drywall from the walls we're gonna have to relocate the vent luckily for us we're gonna open up the floor because we're doing a brand new tile the center drain so have to relocate the drain move the venting into this wall over here won't be in the way and then I'll just be putting down our special Detra floor tiling and we'll give them back their bathroom [Music] so when you're doing a demolition it's not like on TV what you want to do is you want to uninstall in the reverse order of the installation so you start with the finished trim kit most of these shower fixtures have got a little cap on the hand which hides the screw ok so inside we have a little set screw this holds the handle on not only have these rings here [Music] now given this is not the traditional style that you see in most homes nowadays this dates back a little bit [Music] this one's a C's done pretty good but it's made of solid brass so we're using the screwdriver to create a dent keeps in shape there we go there's the ugly beast right there so this is all compression fittings my name is soldered on [Music] so you will find that whenever you have a fixture that's an attached over side of the tile or inside the actual table area it'll be a compression fitting some sort of a threaded system where there's on the hose or pipe the pipe like this is the only part that's exposed as the handle don't use the valve itself is inside the wall they're more likely to find something that's soldered in there in that situation what we do is take off the face plate or the trim kit they call it and then you can remove the rest of it later all right there we go so this house was built in 1983 it's 2016 right now so you can see the solid brass fixtures last a long long time which is why it's important when you're doing something and you're expecting the last a long time to invest money and good quality fixtures unfortunately a lot of things available on the market today for lower value are actually plastic with chrome coverings not breast [Music] so in this video I'm going to show you how to do a bathroom demolition to do it safe and have a lot of fun so the first step of any renovation of course is demolition and that's a fancy word for take out the old stuff so what we've got going on here today is let's just talk real quick about some safety equipment I got these awesome gloves of the color of my football team it works your also if you're a homeowner you're going to want to get maybe some eye protection working with this tile when you're working with it and you know you get a shard or you're gonna get cut edges you want to make sure you're being smart about it another good thing would be to get a mask a lot of the reasons we're ripping these bathrooms out is because we got molding behind the walls this is an n95 mask it's particulate this is especially good for dust and mold spores and that sort of thing so you buy three of these for ten bucks and that lasts for the entire length of the renovation make sure you make that investment and if you don't own a fancy pair of gloves I grabbed these from the store today these are five bucks this is a leather palm leather backing on it great investment if you're DIY or one size fits all so suggest those as well now before we get into this let's talk about the process demolition of course is just the removal of what was installed in the reverse order and if you follow that advice everything will go well but before we get started real number one turn off the water I know that you have control you can turn off the valve and all these wonderful things but you never really know what's behind a wall so to protect your home and your investment just turn off the water and open the taps at the top of the house and open the taps at the bottom of the house Terrain out all the lines and get rid of the pressure there we go we just hear the air rushing so we're cleaning out the lines now we know when we renovate we're not going to be able to cut a line and have a pipe burst on us so if we're ripping out the bathroom you need a few basic tools here one is the tub remover tool you can find this at your hardware store plumbing department about ten bucks screwdriver to turn it a couple of different bits usually the Phillips head and then a flathead is about all you're gonna run into your drill and you're gonna need your allen keys now most of these tubs here they have a set screw in the bottom you can't see it it's in an awkward spot but you need to know what's there so you don't drive yourself crazy trying to unthread this or rip it off the wall until that set screw is released you can't remove this so why don't we just start there this is a Delta system it's an imperial system of course so this is a 5/32 bit and you got to go underneath here so we go to this side this time yep alright so now you can see it on camera it makes sense right that sits right in there no you can stick this in a whole lot of different places and be very unsuccessful so be patient with it turn it a little bit so you feel it sit in the seat and then you can give it a turn there right of course we have the shower valve usually these handles have a decorative cup on it and you can just use the screwdriver to pop that off but it has a set screw as well now that's out of the way there's usually a couple of screws on the plate these older model systems always have surface screws the newer ones there's a wall plate that gets mounted and snaps in but that makes that simple so now your ball can be removed without interrupting your plumbing okay secondly we want to remove the overflow in the waste usually just one or two screws here the idea here is the plumbing behind the tub is gonna stay in place when you remove the tub so you have to disengage the trims here so that that can happen so here's my fancy tub remover tool and it has got two different functions on this depending on the size of the tub this the short end goes right in there nice and snug over the crossbars and then what I do this is a layup screwdriver across the top push down and turn counterclockwise now in the older tubs because it's steel they use just use plumber's putty to put these on this tub strainer basket is so recessed my tub remover tool is abuse zero useless not gonna help all right now I gotta have to show you another trick so that is amazing that's the first time ever my tub remover tool didn't work for me I'm not sure what's going on with this but you know not everything is created equal right so we got a couple of tips that might work for you you can use to really thick screwdrivers or you can use what I got here a couple of old allen keys great big ones here we go and I'm going to show you two tricks here one of them is you just put in the allen keys okay and then you create this cross again and you can force like that and you can read it that way now this only works if the cross bars on the bottom of the tub drain here are intact okay and you can see that works quite well and you can put as much force as you need to on that and unthread if you have a tub strainer here that crosses over erode it away or rust it away here's another thing you can do realize that this is a chrome plated material it's usually a soft metal like a brass you can take an old chisel put it on the edge of that and kind of go square on just create a dent and then you can lay it a little flatter and you can just tap it around that takes a lot of time makes a lot of noise but it is effective I I'm not sure how to remove a tub if you don't get this it because now you're connected to the house is plumbing if you have to remove this and you can't remove this strainer you're gonna use a cutting tool or a torch and cut the top and a half I don't know unbelievable so it's good to have a couple of tricks up your sleeve voila we're innovator one and bathroom nothing all right so all showerheads are created equal they usually have a little shower arm and there's a compression fitting on this as well so if you just give it a little bit of a turn and a pull you can get this out of the way all right now just got a couple of options here you can just grab right in here with your pliers and just turn it and you're probably gonna just take the showerhead off and then you can try and give me this a turn can be a little bit frustrating because the guy that put this in originally usually use a lot of force okay so get a good grip on it and then once you get that started you can just kind of finish it off by hand of course if you're stuck and the wrench isn't working for you you can combine this with a nerf trick that I know you get the wrench on there nice and tight throw a screwdriver in the pipe gives you extra leverage and you can pull both of those at the same time there's no way that that one I'm strong enough that that won't work so once we better fixtures removed the next thing is get rid of all the silicone joints that are around here because we're gonna be removing the walls next and that is a lot easier to do if they are not silicone to the tub just grab your knife the ceiling doesn't appear to be this silicone and painted so you want to cut that loose as well [Applause] all right so now it's time to remove the walls and if you've grabbed your sledgehammer or one of these beautiful stanley bars you've got the wrong tool in your hand like I said before this is more surgery so we have to be smart because what we want to do is want to reinstall the new tub surround in the same space without creating a mountain of work repairing walls so the technique that you want to use here is really simple grab an old flat chisel and a hammer and you want to remove this tile one at a time so we have control over the wall and hopefully we don't damage the wall board so badly you can see tile chips so make sure you wear your glasses [Applause] [Applause] working like this allows us to cut this wall board right beside the old painted line and then we can create a tile line from the same spot on the wall so we don't have to repair all the drywall and repaint [Music] now if you've never done this kind of work before you need to understand that when ceramic tile breaks like that it's not the clay that's dangerous it's the glaze this glaze is razor sharp make sure you're wearing your gloves now I can create a cut line I can cut right down the drywall then we're ready to remove the walls okay so here's the deal if you're a home renovator and you're working on your own house and you don't want to be dressed up like a clown with a diaper on your face you know you realize you're taking some risk okay so for me I'm not a big fan of wearing the mask let's get rid of that and I'll tell you why I find wearing the mask makes it really hard to breathe and to be honest with you I guess I'm a little old-school I kind of believe like whatever you do for a living is gonna kill you so you know you can try to take all the safety precautions you like to avoid injury that's one thing but I'm not gonna worry about a little bit of dust now and again if I'm we're gonna real dust the environment I set up negative air and I wear a mask on the occasion I'm gonna cut eight feet of drywall now of the reciprocate err it's gonna make a little dirt and if you're afraid of dirt then don't renovate just stay here I'm just gonna cut about one inch back from my finish line this is outside of the tub it's not necessary to have any kind of waterproof board here so that's why I'm cutting at this point [Applause] okay and the other way to do this is with a knife if you don't have one of those fancy tools you can always use a knife no looks like the last motivator that was here used a green board it's jointed right at the same spot as what we're doing and then they taped it and did a bunch of mud work so I got a half-inch I'm led to carve through first but if you're patient run this it down a few times you'll eventually work right through to the back of the drywall okay here we go who I'm going to show you my technique for removing the tub surround walls no you don't chisel off every tile I actually had someone comment in the section below about can I just remove all the tile with a chisel and then tile again on the same wall board and the answer is no for obvious reasons like this the surface protection that paper that's been treated for the anti mold and the water resistance it's going to get damaged okay it's not worth your effort to try to save anything here because I'll show you how you'll see in a second you saw how hard it was a chip away of this I can remove the rest of these walls in less than ten minutes okay so bear with me and watch the technique and it's real simple what we're looking at is just smashing holes right through everything in the same swing [Applause] okay so here that's that's a stud that's a stud I've cut the wallboard away because I'm wearing my safety glasses with gloves I can get in there a reach and grab it now just use your ear force and use your hammer just shake it it'll jiggle all of the drywall screws that are in this board loose from the backside all right generally comes out in one piece things like this tear off okay now you can just walk that right out to your garbage bin so a lot of homeowners I know have the same kind of problem what to do with the garbage they don't want to pile it up in their garage they can't put it on the curb for the city to pick up so here we go we're going to show you a little secret I got to do this quick before my bag blows away yeah all right if you've never seen this before this is dumpster in the back you can buy this at the local building stores the brilliant little invention comes with these two straps all you got to do is lay it out near your curb and when you're done you call the 1-800 number that's on the side of the bag pay with your visa over the phone these guys like come by grab an arm scoop it up take it away for you the whole thing full I can put an entire bathroom in there tub toilet walls floors the whole thing clean the vania in the top so what two hundred fifty dollars for removal really a deal if you want to get a roll off pin you risk damaging your driveway takes a lot more space and usually start at five or six hundred bucks so this is perfect project size so a quick trick here before you start pulling off all the walls to help reduce your scope of work when you're done remember the ceiling here there's gonna be a drywall joint the tape will go from here up and then across and if you're not careful to cut through the paper before you rip off this will you'll peel it off the ceiling then you're gonna have to repair the drywall and repaint the ceiling again so we try our best to avoid that from happening we've run our knife across here a few times almost like we're trying to cut it right through the drywall because lots of people use a lot of mud in the corners you want to make sure you got that paper gun all right now it's right back to the same technique only difference and just give it little tugs little vibrations how all these screws are pop loose all right and then once we've got it kind of separated well downward force so that we don't damage our ceiling there we go so here's the edge of our ceiling now that is perfect there's absolutely zero damage here that's exactly what we're looking for when we go back with our new wall board and tile our new tile is gonna be thicker than this old stuff this is what we like to call biscuit it's really thin the newer ones thicker so it'll actually have a thicker profile and that is going to put us in a position where we're going to finish clean on that ceiling no rework on the ceiling there's another whole day you're not going to waste I get a lot of people asking me questions about this sort of situation here this black and the insulation and they ask these questions in the comment section below and what you want to know is this is not mold all right this is air movement and when air is moving through a building cavity it's gonna pick up whatever dirt is around it's going to deposit it wherever there's resistance so this is just air movement probably because it just wasn't sealed up tight enough on the backside of this wall it's nothing to be concerned about it doesn't affect the insulation quality it just looks ugly so if it bothers you you can replace it but you don't need to okay so this is an empty cavity we got plumbing and wiring back here that's a really deep wall it's a mechanical wall probably gonna have heat runs as well so here you want to be careful watch your swing you don't want to go out too hard and punch right through here because you might hit something important in record remember keep your mouth closed when you're doing this sort of thing here we go same technique alright make sure the silicone is cut bit of a vibration one thing you're gonna want to do here check for nails on the adjacent wall okay make sure there's room for that wall board to open up and again since you're walking through your house fill up all the broken bits that are gonna make a mess along the way you might as well leave all the mess in the same room so then you don't have to clean the entire home later here we go no this piece of board is probably about 60 or 70 pounds so keep that in mind if you're working alone or 70 pounds there's too much to carry you can just smash across and then smash down first then you can reduce the size of the work great so for the top side of this wall I really like to smash it down into two pieces tearing out this whole wall and protecting the ceiling while carrying all that weight and not slicing your leg on this cut tile it can be a trick so what I would do let's just find a place where we know the cavity is safe we'll smash right off that grant line to the ceiling now I'm gonna put my hammer up against the frame on an angle here so that can pry it off again same thing right you want to let it down from the ceiling away from your cutlery well I mean it's obvious that there's a lot more to do in a demolition than just taking out a sledgehammer beating the hell out of it I don't know they love to show that on TV but let's stop and think here for a second what if we beat the tar out of the wall and we hit the stack great you punch a hole on this bad boy now you're bringing in the plumber and you're replacing the stack right into the Attic that's attic work as well what if you swing the hammer here and you puncture the joint in this copper line if you didn't notice that you did that you'd put your bathroom back together again turn the water back on and flood out the entire house so when you're tearing things apart if you don't know what's on the other side or inside that wall which you don't you have to do some patience and a little bit of skill I know it's great TV but using a sledgehammer inside a bathroom it's really not what that tool is made for now we don't want to wreck the ceiling so we've gotten so far we've saved the ceiling remember when you're doing a demolition and you're doing an isolated project like we're only doing the tub in the tub surround it's our job to now stop and think how do I keep the scope of work from getting out of control okay so one of the things I don't want to do is I don't want to have to start getting into finished carpentry because that's a brand-new set of tools that's a brand-new day of work oh my goodness so what we have is a outside corner bead holding this wall in place so I'm going to grab my hacksaw and I'm gonna cut my corner bead okay gonna set it and go on a 45 degree angle and you'll cut both sides there we go now when I rip apart my corner bead on my wall I'm gonna leave all the trim alone there's another whole set of tools and a whole setup I mean can you imagine having to set up all your tools and make two cuts what a painting buddy okay so now this bathroom here is basically a great big square and they put the tub in here and out of this wall to bring the controls into this style of construction means that you are going to be doing some mud work and you're gonna have to do some paint but it's only on the tiny little wall okay so when you're taking this apart don't even try to save the corner don't try to peel it open to put it back later you're gonna crack the paint line you're gonna make a mess just get it out of the way move on it's gonna be in the way of installing your wall as well and you can see here they've done it with nails okay so the best way to get rid of this is actually swing the claw hammer at it right on the corner once you popped it off the wall you can just all right now and you can be a surgical as you want to find each nail all right make sure it's not gonna do anything fancy done same thing just take your time it's easier when you're going down cuz it'll Bend and break it everywhere the nail is you just put your palm behind it they pull it out and then you can pull it down again and if it doesn't break away nice and clean for you just throw your claw into the wall board today good grip and then you can rip it out and that's where we cut perfect okay remember to always close the blade before you put it in your pocket yeah I learned that one the hard winner so the majority of our demo is complete so before we pull out the tub we're gonna just take a minute take all the nails and screws out of the wall clean up any extra debris that needs to be removed and then we're going to take everything off the floor sweep clean out the tub vacuum we're gonna start with a clean slate again before I start messing with the tub because the secret here is that the floor in this bathroom we want to keep okay so we're actually reinstalling with the same floor still attached so we want to take a little extra care here and make sure that as we go we're not causing any damage that's not necessary again keep your scope of work reduced and then this kind of project is very predictable so the next step in our demolition is we have to remove the tub but before we can move the tub we have to cut our plumbing out and here is why we're in an alcove situation and this tub won't pull straight out into the room because the frame is exactly the same size as the tub but on that side of the wall there's drywall so I have half an inch too small to be able to slide the tub out so what I have to do is I have to lift it roll it and then slide it in between the studs of the wall in order to take it out and the reason I want to do it that way is because then I'm not affecting and increasing the scope of work by causing new drywall work a new painting going on it takes a few extra minutes but if you take the time to cut the pot of the plumbing out of the way then you can pull all the nails you have all the room that you're need to be able to roll the tub out and we'll show you how to do it in just a minute but first remember we have our water supply off you just need one of these little copper cutting tubes and I'm gonna pick a spot that's convenient for me for putting the plumbing back together I don't want to have it anywhere near my wood bracing okay so now we've cut and capped all of our plumbing it's completely out of the way now so we'd remove our tub and you can see the entire process for how to do all this plumbing on our next copper to PEX video so the last step that we have before we pull our tub out is we just go around and make sure that we pull out all of these nails and screws again the gap here is exactly 60 inch the tub is exactly 60 inch so there's no room to maneuver here if we're constantly bumping into nails and screws so don't drive yourself crazy just take two minutes so just keep in mind when you're cleaning your wall before you pull the tub of when you pull the tub oh you're gonna want to be comfortable so you're gonna roll it and you're gonna lift it up to where you're standing comfortable so you're gonna hold the tub here you got another thirty two inches so you want to make sure you're you're pulling all the nails up to four four and a half feet just so that you're not getting anything snagged especially your hands all right so so far we've managed to remove all of the shower fixtures all of the walls all of the tile and we haven't damaged anything outside of our scope of work which is new tub and new tile surround so the last thing we got to do before we pull the tub make sure we cut out the silicone joint down here and I mean sacrifice your blade get that right in there you're gonna dull the tip and that's okay that's why they make them break offs okay now we've got this moving mat here so that we have somewhere to set this tub after we pull it out we're trying to remove then reinstall the tub in the same exact spot without damaging this tile if we pull this off we managed to keep this cost of this job down to three thousand dollars instead of upwards of six or seven that would be awesome okay so I'm going to attempt to do this on my own for all of the benefit of everyone out there who's doesn't have anybody around you can help I actually am pretty lucky here because I don't have a lot of studs in my walls on the end I've got this stud here and I've got this big cavity here that I can work with I've only got one on the other side now my plumbing is out of the way so I should be okay to find some room to wiggle this I've what I want to do is I want to just first of all start by rolling it forward and then picking it in so that I break the seal and get this stuff away from the tile and I think I've done that okay and already I'm getting caught on the drywall over here and the secret to how this works is you got to give it just a bit of a twist and then get this edge of the top in between the studs into the insulation cavity so you can slide it over a little bit you don't need a whole lot of extra room to wiggle one of these out just a little bit there we go now at this point because this is a steel tub I would recommend grabbing a neighbor get some extra help carrying this down the stairs I know there's a lot of people out there we could probably lift this up and walk up no problem remember the goal here is to reduce the scope of work I'm putting a hole in a wall on the way down the staircase is not gonna help you out with that throat just a note if you do your demolition the day before garbage day and you want to recycle your tub the easiest way to do it is leave it on your curb on for a garbage day morning there's always somebody driving around the neighborhood for the truck picking up metal things it's taken recycling situation we've got a lot of debris here but I just wanted to point out once again here's the stack her plumbing line comes out on a 45 comes across pick up this vent and then there's a p-trap to here and then we have this plumbing and this looks like it could be reused but here's the issue our new tub has got a different body mold to it so our center line is going to be in a different location all right we don't have a four-inch ledge on the front with a little edge on the back so we're actually going to be moving over here a little bit and the back side has got to go up to 20 inches not 16 so although this looks like this might be able to be saved and reuse the fact is it'll be a lot easier for us to just start from scratch and put everything exactly where we want it so we're gonna leave this in place for now because there is a p-trap full of water but tomorrow when we start to redo the plumbing well cut open the floor a little bit and cut this pipe off and we're gonna establish a brand new plumbing system here for the drain I know it's a bit of a fight you know you'd like to be able to save something if you can but in the long run you're gonna cut yourself a lot of problem and this kind of stuff should not be attached to your tub under pressure don't try to ever force it in there that's a sure way to make a leak okay so if you like this kind of content tips and tricks to renovate your home give us a thumbs up if you got questions about renovations in your house put them in the comments below we have some everyday talk to you soon hey in this video we're gonna show you how to remove your tub surround from hollow walls from big bare walls and from firewalls without damaging your steel tub stay tuned so change in the tub surround is generally about a two-day process which means you can do it on a weekend great weekend where your project and all we do is we just removed the walls and we're gonna actually change our faucet as well because we get a little bit better looking fixture they've had the old acrylic handle and so we're gonna update that and we're gonna put in a pot light because generally showers don't have any lighting in them and it's kind of odd and then so we're gonna fix that so three quick little things new tile new faucet pot light now you've got a bathroom that's gonna look beautiful so in a lot of bathrooms you'll see the minimum code requirement for a shower is generally a water resistant drywall and then this tile is just no install with an adhesive for some reason here they managed to put a little better material back here this is a cement board with a little styrofoam bubble so I'm get too heavy but when you have a different substrate behind the tile then your the wall beside it you know that there's a seam here and usually it's just the joint right off the edge of the tub and you bring the tile over here to cover the gap so what before we take this up we want to just cut down here but in case there's any silicone or caulking you want to cut through the the paint layer this is really necessary because if you don't want to increase the scope of work to involve the entire bathroom then you got to make sure that when you're ripping this apart you're not damaging the actual wall right next to it just make sure you cut all the silicone joists in the tub surround before you get started everything will come apart real easy next thing you wanna do is just take a large flat-head screwdriver or a chisel a read by our painting tool whatever you get and get to get in behind that tile there we go chisel it off and yep it's an adhesive lovely just remember when you're removing tile it's like installing it only backwards [Music] [Music] a little different tool here so the point of taking my time here is I'm gonna be having this decorative box I mean I'm keeping this here when you're moving you don't want to create a whole lot of scope of work you don't a massive renovation you just want to dress it up right we're putting some lipstick on the pig as it is so my entire line needs to finish about the same spot right here off this corner where it's gonna look stupid so what I have to do is make sure I don't damage the wall so I can bring my tile line right up to this caulking joint so that's why you got to be a little bit careful here so that you can control exactly what the scope of work is so you might lose a few minutes here but it'll save you a couple of days of fussing around mudding and painting and all that sort of thing remember the point here is the add value to your house without adding a lot of extra work now we found our joint here's our cement board and there's my joint that's where it makes the transition from cement board to drywall and the reason you want to find this when you're doing your removal is because they frame this bathroom to join up here if you just start taking a hammer to this ripping it out you don't find that joint now you've also got to add the step of going to the hardware store and picking up struck you know the dimensional lumber and putting more framing into your wall but if you just take the time to find out what it is that they were doing when they built it now we can back it up to here so when I'm smashing things out now to remove the wall I know I'm gonna go to this point only so I'm just gonna back this tile up until it's not on the drywall anymore and then we'll be able to rip this wall off in just two easy steps so in a previous video we had a technique where we just take the hammer and now that we can see the plumbing we know where the lines are we just smash through the wall here and that gives us the ability to just shake it up a little bit open it like a door right problem here this tub is not getting changed it and we don't want to open this like a door and put a bunch of scratch grooves into the surface of the tub so what you need to understand is we have this opportunity here because the tub comes with its integrated tile flange okay so basically it's molded to cross and then back up and the wall board comes down to that flange about an inch off the tub so we're gonna do is we're going to intentionally break through the tile at the bottom okay and then just remove these little bits this gives us the ability do this under control there we are now generally speaking the enamel on the tub is pretty durable stuff but I'm not gonna take any thing for granted and assume that the tile guy actually has a space between the tile and the tub so there we go well typical you know I mean we've got a steel clip holding in this steel tub but the steel clip isn't galvanized so they as soon as the water gets to it it starts to rot away so now that's all just rusting out so now that we have that part down we're back to the old process again we're smashing this out I got stud here remember we're just breaking this down into easy-to-handle sizes okay so we can take it out in panels this takes a lot more effort than drywall obviously so very important to know where all your plumbing is all right well that takes a little bit more effort but still rather take out large pieces like this to the garbage the little chunks if you can locate the nails holding this board in pull them out first just save yourself a lot of aggravation [Applause] all right I hate working with this material [Music] okay so if you live in a semi-detached home or a row house you're gonna run into this problem that is a lot of the times these bathrooms are built on an adjoining wall now we can see in the corner here we have a layer of drywall behind our cement board and what that is is that's a fire way to drywall it'll be 5/8 type X fire code and this is required so that there's an extra long time before a fire can burn from one unit to the next it's a safety measure is part of the building code for a long long long long time so if you have one of these situations you're probably gonna have to remove this wall without damaging the fire rated drywall if you damage that drywall then you should replace it and then tape the joints again that takes a lot of extra time and energy so we're gonna do a little removal here without messing up that drywall hopefully we want to pull off an entire row of tile unfortunately there's really no fast way around this so the reason that the client wants to have this removed is because she's getting mold coming across the bottom through that silicone joint and generally when you start seeing mold showing up in your silicone it means the water damage has gone to a point where you can't manage it anymore and you've got to change it over so here's the joke we have a cement board with a tile where's the mold coming from because it needs a food source water and wood alone won't make that mold travel all the way through but now we know that there's a drywall in behind it so now we know that the water is transferring past the cement board and into that dry wall because the drywall acts like a sponge which is why when you build a shower you put cement board up it's not enough on its own for waterproofing it just slows the process down it doesn't keep it from happening so I'm not even sure what the condition of that fire rated drywall is gonna be and when we get there hooray so the property of this cement board is very similar to drywall in its construction and design is there's a mesh on the front instead of paper and then there's this interior fill okay which is cement and styrofoam bubbles just so it doesn't get too heavy and then the other side again is another mesh so what we're trying to do is get them behind that last layer of mesh and get that separation going hopefully pull it loose okay really finding out how many fasteners they used to put that wall up this is all gonna come together if you're unlucky enough that your bathroom isn't on a shared wall then it'd be the same process as over here we just smash the holes through when pry it off the wood and then you're done but like I said if you have a shared wall make sure you protect it you might be saving someone's life someday the garbage three different substrates empty cavity firewall right barrier just doesn't get any more fun does it now this one actually has taped paper tape right on that joint right next to where the tile finishes so if I don't cut that paper first pull the paint worst part and we're right back to doing all that paint work too easy well there we have it we're all done a removal process for this shower renovation now remember this this kind of information today is really vital if you have live in a semi-detached or in a row house or if you're a condo dweller and you live in an apartment building you're always gonna see these fire separation balls in your bathroom so be prepared for it and don't get too excited with the hammer following up after this video I think the next video comodo is gonna be released about the plumbing if you're accountable person you're guaranteed to be copper plumbing we're gonna go through the incidents on how to do it just a copper retro with a brand new shower valve so keep your eyes out for that video if you like this kind of stuff don't forget to give it a thumbs up and if you have questions about this to removal process or any of the products or tools used today put them in the comments below I answer those things every single day of course it will help you get through your project too see you next time all right so now you've finished your demo and you're gonna have questions and I'm here to help you out so put your questions in the comments section below I'm going to answer those for you every single day and I'm here to help you guys are through your renovation process so don't forget for specific information on your particular project use the icon it's a little magnifying glass on the homepage you can type in some search words and it'll pop up all the videos related to your topic so you got more information to help you through your process and when you're done don't forget to send us your pictures we would love to be able to post your pictures on our Instagram page and highlight the work that you did and give other people the confidence to know that they can do it too alright so that's it for today see you next time [Music] you
Channel: Home RenoVision DIY
Views: 752,547
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: home renovision, renovation, bathroom renovation, reality renovision, jeff thorman, construction, diy renovations, renovations, diy, hrv, bathroom, bathroom demo, demolition, save money, tub removal, water shut off, tile removal, sink, faucet, How to Redo an Entire Bathroom | DIY Demolition, full bathroom renovation, bathroom remodel, remodel your bathroom diy, bathroom makeover, diy bathroom makeover, bathroom demolition, demolition videos, house demolition, full redo bathroom
Id: b640BDK2wyg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 91min 49sec (5509 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 18 2018
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.