Word & Worship | Evangelist George Hurt | 10/21/21

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[Music] so [Music] [Applause] do [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] do [Music] so [Music] do [Music] [Applause] [Music] understanding oh god so i can understand your words oh god when it's read or preached to us lord jesus so we can apply it to our lives almighty god give us that wisdom knowledge and understanding oh god to understand when you're speaking to us lord jesus lord if there's any among us that are not saved lord jesus lord i pray o god that you'll hear something tonight lord jesus and cry out it's now my turn hallelujah lord i remember oh god when you call me lord jesus and i went down in that watery grave i remember oh god when you fill me with the holy spirit and i speak in tongues almighty god lord i pray oh god for that presence every day to get that feeling oh god that new birth again lord jesus lord i crave for it oh god lord i wish every day i would have that feeling and have that moment once more oh god just to have another feeling of who you are oh god and that glorious day lord jesus thank you lord thank you lord jesus thank you the spice of everything that is going on in the world oh god thank you lord jesus you spare us another time o god thank you lord lord we give you all the praise and we give you all the glory and all the honor that is due unto you in jesus name amen amen praise the lord welcome to word and worship so glad to be in the house of the lord tonight hallelujah isn't he worthy to be praised hallelujah he's worthy hallelujah let's just lift up some praise to him right now hallelujah oh we worship you jesus we magnify you lord hallelujah hallelujah jesus worship with us [Music] there is no shadow that has ever overcome [Music] [Applause] there is nowhere [Music] you've always been with us [Music] [Applause] [Music] show me one thing [Music] [Applause] [Music] show me one thing that's too hot show me waters he can't walk she's the god of the break if anything is possible it's possible there is a kingdom that's advancing at the speed of the light and in his kingdom every dead thing is bound [Music] [Music] is possible [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] is is [Music] [Applause] is [Music] [Applause] is [Music] is [Applause] [Music] [Music] show me one thing he can do show me is [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] my [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hallelujah anything is possible do you believe that hallelujah jesus oh we worship you [Music] i want to scream [Music] follows me [Music] you are good to me [Music] anywhere [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Music] is [Music] you are are good [Music] [Music] you are [Music] my god [Music] is [Music] [Music] you are good [Music] hallelujah oh we worship you jesus thank you lord i'm so glad that he's good hallelujah at this time i'd like to receive our offering hallelujah lord we thank you for this offering that we are about to receive we ask that you would bless it and you would bless those that have to give and those that don't have to give lord we ask that you would bless those that are tuning in lord we pray that you would continue to move in this place lord jesus in your precious name we pray amen hallelujah oh he's worthy to be praised [Music] oh [Music] is [Music] you are [Music] myself [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] you are [Music] you are [Music] [Applause] [Music] you are [Applause] [Music] you're never gonna [Music] you are never gonna oh [Music] let me download [Music] you're good [Music] you are [Music] oh [Music] to me [Music] oh [Music] [Music] is is [Music] [Music] you are [Music] again [Music] god [Music] if that has been good to use [Music] good [Music] oh [Music] hallelujah god truly is good amen hallelujah god is so good oh as i think about all that god has done for me he truly is good tonight hallelujah i believe i said it a couple weeks ago but you know to describe god as good is a great way to describe them god is a good god amen praise god but whatever it is that we can come up with to try to describe our god it won't come close we can think of the most eloquent word we can think of the longest word in the dictionary to begin to try to describe our god but it won't come close to how awesome he is it won't come close to how powerful he is but i will tell you this oh it blesses the lord to look down and to see his children lifting up his name amen oh it blesses the lord our pastor tells us all the time you know sometimes we don't think we can bless the lord but we bless the lord when he sees us giving him everything that we have amen lifting him up giving him all the glory all the honor and all the praise god you are good tonight hallelujah we lift him up and we worship him god is so good hallelujah praise god it was pastor ford who was here a couple of weeks ago and he broke down the things that led to the very first outpouring of god's spirit in acts chapter 2. it all started with a prayer meeting amen and then they were united there was prayer then there was unity and then god poured out his spirit but for the last 20 days this church has been united in prayer and in fasting believing for what god is going to do here tonight amen praise god every night for the past 20 days someone has been here praying and we've been united in fasting and now we are gathered here in one place and let us now be on one accord amen believing that god is now going to pour out his spirit like never before here in hartford do you believe it tonight come on it may be a thursday night but god is still here the same god that poured out his spirit in acts chapter 2 is here tonight amen so as brother hurt comes to minister let's respond let's get with it tonight and worship our good good god brother hurt please come and bless us tonight amen let's give god a great hand praise all over this house [Music] amen we serve a good good god amen i want to give honor to the lord his presence as we fill in this house we've been traveling we've just wrapped up a revival in dallas texas and uh i would say probably within less than the past within less than the week we've traveled almost 2 000 miles so if i come across a little bit slow tonight understand that i need your prayer for strength amen amen i want to give honor to uh pastor patowski in his absence and uh it's an honor and privilege to not only be here but it's an honor to be here even when the pastor isn't here amen i thank god for your senior shepherd of this house but also give honor to brother thompson pastor thompson and his family for being here as well as the bishop amen and his wife amen as a matter of fact uh it was actually through him that i got connected to this church i remember preaching a revival um we're doing a conference of the church in south carolina and while we were there we ran into them and uh and i believe it was a divine connection amen [Music] can you turn my mind turn me turn me up just a tad bit but nevertheless i feel the presence of god in this house i want you to stretch your hands towards heaven stretch your faith towards heaven god in the name of jesus lord i pray tonight lord god that you would fill this place lord i pray lord god that you would order our steps lord in the name of jesus lord i pray for your strength i pray for your peace i pray for your healing i pray for your power lord god let it rest mightily upon your people this day i pray lord god that you would open up doors that no man can shut i pray god that you would bring down strongholds lord god that you would bring down things and people's lives lord that would have them bow i pray tonight that you would do something special in the hearts of your people in the lives of your people lord in the name of jesus god you declare that we can do exceeded and abundantly above all that we ask or think according to the power that worketh in us father tonight in the name of jesus i pray for deliverance i pray for breakthrough i pray lord god that you would set the captive free won't you talk to him in the name of jesus i pray for their families lord in the name of jesus lord god i pray for their families i pray lord god that you would move mightily lord in the lives of their families lord i pray god you know their prayer requests in the name of jesus lord god i pray lord that this evening lord that you would fill this house lord god with your power in the name of jesus lord god we take dominion over every spirit in the name of jesus that would like to hinder your plan father we pray lord god for there to be breakthrough in this house for the power and the authority that is in the name of jesus come on church in the name of jesus lord god we pray lord god that you will hallelujah be done in this place come on let's push a little bit in the name of jesus i know some of you are tired praise god but we got to push a little bit come on in the name of jesus [Music] hallelujah jesus we glorify you lord this evening lord in the name of jesus in the name of jesus lord god you're amazing god you're almighty god hallelujah jesus [Music] come on that's it keep talking to him [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] thank you jesus [Music] thank you jesus [Music] [Music] m [Music] my [Music] you can be seated i reminded somewhere in the scripture where it declares he that dwelleth in the secret place of the most high shall abide under the shadow of the almighty god as a matter of fact i think i'ma go to that scripture the book of psalms chapter 91 this is he that dwelleth in the secret place of the most high shall abide under the shadow of the almighty i will say of the lord he is my refuge and my fortress my god in him will i trust surely he shall deliver thee from the snare of the fowler and from the noisome pestilence he shall cover thee with his feathers and under his wings shall thou trust his truth shall be thy shield and buckler thou shall not be afraid for the terror by night nor the arrow that flyeth by day nor for the pestilence that walketh in darkness nor for the destruction that wasted that noonday a thousand shall fall at thy side and ten thousand if thy right hand but it shall not come nigh thee only with thine eyes shall thou behold and see the reward of the wicked because thou has made the lord which is my refuge even the most high thy habitation there shall no evil befall thee neither shall any plague come nigh thy dwelling for he shall give his angels charge over thee to keep thee in thou thy ways they shall bear thee up in their hands lest thou dash thy foot against the stone thou shall tread upon the lion and the adder and the young lion and the dragon shall thou tremble under feet because he has set his love upon me therefore will i deliver him i will set him on high because he hath known my name he shall call upon me and i will answer him i will be with him in trouble i will deliver him and honor him with long life will i satisfy him and show him my salvation i believe that god desires to show us something and while many of us are still in a place of all some of us are still in a place of shock many of us are the different seasons or different places uh right now while we're sitting in this room even though we're sitting together in the same place many of us are in different places in our life many different places in our walk with god and oftentimes when you're in position or you're in place it is easy to try to figure out or try to figure out god not only what are you doing but god what are you doing next and a lot of times many of us are trying to figure out why god is doing next because generally there's something that is going on in the book at the moment that is completely uncomfortable to the person a lot of times when we consider where god wants to take us or our consideration towards the will of god for our life many times we desire only to know what god wants to do next when we're no longer content with where god has us at at the moment it's amazing when we think about it how easy it is to reject the season of time caught now the bible makes a statement it declares it says in the book of um ecclesiastics it says to everything there is a season and a time for every purpose under the heaven i've come to tell you this afternoon this evening that god has a purpose god has a plan but can i tell you that plan can only come together if you give god time to work it i've come to tell you that it's not going to happen just because you get sick and tired of being sick and tired it's not going to just happen just because you say you've had enough but plans that god has come together when the time and purpose come together at the same time that means that what god is looking for is he's looking for some people that will be willing to wait the bible makes a statement it declares it says all the days of my appointed time he said i'm going to wait until my change comes the scripture also makes the statement it says that in your patience possesseth your soul so we understand in the world in a society where things are swiftly changing i'm reminded in the book of daniel where the bible talks about the antichrist how he would think to change times laws and seasons it's amazing that we're living in a world where there's such vast change that sometimes when change begins to happen in a way that maybe we do not expect it or when change begins to happen in a way that we do not understand it it is then we'll become frustrated usually people are not frustrated when change is happening in a way that they can understand it or happening in the way that they're in agreement with but one of the challenges that we deal with is when god is doing something but we don't understand why he's doing it or if god is doing something but we don't actually see god and we don't actually see god's hand doing it we see the enemy's hand when you sit back and you think about it the bible declares in the book of job the scripture is this my water thank god i drunk somebody's water one time it didn't taste the same tasted like something else but we desire for god to when he does something we want god to concur with us we want god to speak to us we want god to make us aware of what you're doing why you're doing it and if you're going to do something please do not have a discussion with the devil before you have a discussion with me the bible makes a statement that the lord speaks to satan and he considers job to be a righteous man he considers job to be an upright man we consider job to be a perfect man he considers job to be a friend however when it came down to the lord taking job to a next level or to a new level in him he does not bring job necessarily closer to him but he brings job closer to adversity and a lot of times many of us think that adversity in our life is an absence of god because we want to be able to feel the presence of god we want to be able to feel the power of god we want to be able to feel the hand of god but can i tell you that just because the adversary has been permitted to gain access to your life doesn't mean that that means that god has vacated your life doesn't leave because the enemy steps in what god does is he uses his word to cover you he uses his word to protect you he uses his promises to sustain you so what do you mean by the hurt that means that what god does is god will allow a certain amount of adversity to come in your life to bring about not just a disruption of things that are going on around you but sometimes god will allow there to be disruption inwardly god will allow there to be disruption that happened within your mind a disruption that happened within your heart so that the things that do not belong need to go and the things that should belong he begins to usher them in so joel receives a knock at the door and he hears that his children are dead and he hears that he has lost his is his livestock he hears that his business has gone down the stream he hears uh uh that that that his his business his workers have been killed he hears uh his his property has been destroyed and now he looks down in this body and he's got boils all over his skin don't you lift your hands up towards heaven i want you to say god help me not to misunderstand the transition put your hands down a lot of times when people think of transition and when god brings transition like this immediately the first thing we think is that we're going to die or we think that we begin to think the worst thing that can happen or we begin to assume that it's something that i've done wrong is it something negative that i've brought into my life is something that i did or something that i said but can i tell you that the way that god operates is that god doesn't always necessarily allow doesn't always just because conflict or change comes in your life doesn't necessarily mean that it's because you've done something wrong sometimes god will allow these things to happen in your life because of what you're doing right once you lift your hands towards heaven i want you to say god help me to embrace what you're doing so because of it we're living in a world we're living in a society kind of like job job did not understand why god was allowing him to go through what he was going through it would have made sense that with the kind of relationship that god had with job you would have assumed that god would have spoke to job before god spoke to the devil because you've got to understand the relationship relationship you can't really necessarily have relationship without good communication that has to be communication there has to be some kind of cooperation on everyone's part in order for the relationship to kind of jive together but can i tell you that when it comes down to relationship with god you're not the one that determines the health of the relationship god's the one that determines the health of a relationship so the rule so the rules that you and i may play with when it comes down to how we function in relationship that might be good for down here but that's not good between here and down down up there and down here it's not good between a relationship between you and god see the thing is when you have a relationship with god you've got to leave what you can you got to leave you've got to leave those standards that that you have in relationship with man what do you mean the very thing that you may hold someone else accountable to may not be the thing that you can hold god accountable to so what happens is job has an encounter and for the first little while it appears that here job is doing everything that he is supposed to do that is right he is not doing anything wrong listen one of the things that the enemy wants to do when god is bringing about transition when discomfort comes in your life he wants to he wants to create an atmosphere of shame he wants to create an atmosphere of guilt he wants to create an atmosphere of condemnation he wants to talk about this thing back here and want to say well maybe it's something you did back in 1985 or something you did back in 1997 and can i tell you that the conflict has nothing to do with what you've done wrong but god always just about always uses conflict to bring about transition and a lot of times we we we want the power of god without the conflict so the bible makes a statement that job job hears this report and as he hears this report he is trying to get a hold of god he's trying to find that place with god but now not only is he having conflict with man but now he's at a place where it appears is that god is not talking to him can i tell you that if you're going to grow in the grace of god you got to learn how to hold on to what god said yesterday when god's not saying anything to you today what do you mean by the hurt i'm telling you that god says if this season you've got to grow in this season you've got to mature what it took for you to live 10 years ago is going to take more from you today what it took for you to survive last year god's calling for more it's time to mature it's time to grow up it's time to grow the thing is is that growing pains isn't easy why because we love the growing until you include plane it's kind of like uh let's move forward job job hears this report and you would have assumed that god according to our standards would have communicated with us would have communicated with job and a lot of times when a person gets frustrated at something that god is doing or is not doing it is because they are holding god to human standards you're holding god to a human standard you're holding god to your own carnal way of thinking and you're trying to figure out why god is not meeting that human standard that you have set but god doesn't operate like that and when god does something that you don't understand that's when you've got to say god i don't understand what you're doing but i trust you see see many of you want the breakthrough many of you want the deliverance but god says before i deliver you you need the principle you need something that's going to sustain you you got to have some principles in your life so that when the next season comes you're not going to backslide you're not going to second guess whether or not god's with you or god's not with you no why because you've learned some things you're going to understand that if you're going to transition if you're going to transition you've got to gain a new principle there has to be some principles that you adopt there has to be something about god that god shares it to you and says you know what well he he promised never to leave me lord forever to forsake me but sometimes you got to go through seasons in your life to figure out that he'll never leave you to figure out that he'll never forsake you not that you didn't hear it through the preaching see sometimes we shout on preaching but then we're silent when it's time to live it when there's enough conflict and things that come in your life so what god does is god will allow there to be a big enough storm in your life to begin to sure your foundation the shaky areas of your life where you really don't you say you believe god but you really don't you say you believe this scripture but you really don't what god does is he will allow conflict to meet that place in your life where the scripture is not reigning so that you begin to forsake everything else where you say you know what i'm not going to lead to this i'm not going to lean to that but what does the word of god say and you get to the word of god and what happens is you say god i'm going to let you be true and every man alive i'm going to let you reign over this situation in my life you are my keeper you are my battle axe you are my strong tower you are my shield you are my buckler it's like a person going to the doctor and they say well i don't need to go to the altar to pray i go to the pharmacy until you go into a season where the pharmacy can't fix your problem and then what happens is after you have sought everybody after you have went to this pharmacy you know went to this doctor and you've gone to this position and you go to that one almost like the woman with the issue of blood she went to everybody and she came to jesus last can i tell you sometimes god will leave you in the season you're saying god why aren't you turning this thing around god said i would have turned it around a long time ago and you would have sought me first but you had other options i wasn't your plan a i wasn't your player b i want your pansy it was the mercies of god that kept you from even being consumed it's by his mercy what do you mean he said i'm still here off an act of mercy not because of your prayer requests because actually in the beginning you didn't want me so what are you saying brother can i tell you that we're going to a final destination everybody say a final destination your car is not the final destination your house is not the final destination your career is not the final destination the husband that you want to marry is not the final destination your dreams your goals your passions you might as well hang them up jesus did not die for none of it he didn't say i come to prepare a car for you he didn't say i came to prepare a boyfriend for you he didn't say i go to prepare a husband for you he said but i go to prepare a place for you and where i am you shall be also i think the reason why we're going through it's not that we're going through things it's how you go through things and the reason why sometimes it's a challenge it is because sometimes we're on one frequency and god's on another frequency it's like you're on one page and god's on another page it's like a married couple just getting married and it's like two cars like two tires on the car one tire going this direction another tire going that direction and you're frustrated because you're trying to figure out why you can't meet up in the middle can i tell you that god isn't concerned about the way you want to do things god's not concerned about well i thought you would do it this way or i thought you should do it this way i you did it this way for this person you should be doing it this way for me can i tell you god's looking for somebody that says god how do you want to do this thing how do you want to go through this this is a day that you made for me how do you want me to live it listen you've never made a day you've never created a as a matter of fact you've never created anything good if you've ever created anything it's only chaos you've created problems you've created fear you've created frustration you've created war you've created conflict but when somebody says god this is a day that you have made and because i don't want to mess it up we mess up anything we don't get clearance from god on if god is not orchestrated your steps you're going to stumble if god is not ordained in your direction you're going down the wrong path if god is not the originator of your thought you're living in a strange imagination what you need is somebody that says god i want your leading i want your direction i want your spirit i want your word i want your david said i hear the word in my heart why because see a lot of times if we're not careful we will treat life like life is nothing more than just going into tests and coming out a test going into this season and going into the next season and if you're not careful you'll die fast and the reason why is because you will assume that life is nothing more than just going into the next season just like this come here this is junebug all right this is 2010. this is 2015. this is 2018. this is 2020. this is 2021 and this is the other 2000s that are coming if the lord terry let's say the lord you're entering into a new season start screaming why because he can't wait to get out of this season because he got problems going on that lost a dog that lost the house that lost everything that lost the job he ain't got nothing left so he ready to see this thing go right oh yeah all right so he moves on to the next season 2018. all right he thought things were going to get better but he just transitioned to a whole new devil he's on transition to a whole new devil a whole new place of adversity but the thing is his excitement about being free from 2015 only lasts for a moment when adversity in 2018 meets up so what happens he can't wait until somebody comes and gives them a word your season is getting ready to change god says you get ready to come out so you're like yeah all right he comes on over he's going somewhere and now boom his old excitement is about man i finally made it i finally made it i'm in 2019 2019 he's getting ready to take it he's going he's going for keeps he gets blindsided his car gets broken into somebody steals his vehicle and somebody steals his new dog he can't keep a dog he's frustrated until somebody and all his prayers lord when am i coming out when am i coming out when am i coming out so somebody comes to give him a word you're coming out he's like yes all right so he goes 2020. he thought 2015 was bad he got power drive by 2000 the devils from 2015 came back and said we found you so now he can't wait to get out of 2020. so somebody comes and give him a word you're coming out so he jumps on over to the next year you thought 2020 was bad somebody stole his house somebody picked up the house and drove off with it that wasn't even a trailer they just they just took the jacks and just picked it up and put it on the and left the new dog somebody comes up and tell them your change is coming god's getting ready to deliver you you're coming out of this season but you got to wait you see that see the thing is is that we've learned how to waste time and not redeem it if the enemy could he would like it for you to let life be nothing more than just going indoors and coming out of doors going in seasons and coming out of seasons and if you're not careful it'll be all about how to get out of pain instead of how to get closer to god what do you mean brother i believe that a lot of times we would assume that you know could you imagine being in the place of job job is probably like this is one of the worst trials of my life have you ever imagined have you ever noticed that every person that says this is one of the most trials of my one of the hardest trials i've ever gone through in my life that it actually always gets harder and harder each time but you told me that in 2017 yeah but but this was something else this one's something else but can i tell you that god is not just trying to work you through something god's trying to work something in you god's trying to work something out of you see you got to understand your destination is not trying to get to a place where there's no conflict on earth your destination is trying to get to the place that jesus said i prepared for you but in order for him to take you to a place that's been prepared he's got to prepare you while you're waiting on that place that he's created for you that place that he is preparing for you that place is for a prepared people so how does god prepare us you have to understand that everyone is not going in that direction everyone is not going in that direction and you have to come to grips with that you have to determine i'm going to determine what reality i'm going to live in you could sit back and you could talk about how this isn't fear and you could focus on you know the scripture that comes in my mind we wrestle not against flesh and blood the weapons of our warfare not cardinal but they're mighty through god to the pulling down of stronghold if if somebody's flesh is your problem you're fighting the wrong one flesh is not the issue spirit is and it's going to take the spirit of god to help you navigate and to lead you in a season where there is a demonic attack on your life but can i tell you that jesus said lo i am with you always even until the end of the world that means that there must be a reality that we come to grips with that goes beyond just having well i'm just looking for a good place to have a good place to call good church home can i tell you this is not your home this is not your home new jerusalem is you do not build temples where you should be building tents you don't you don't you don't you don't break you don't you don't build something stationary in a place where you should be building something temporary because if you make if you start making temporary things your destiny you're going to be miserable and some of you are trying to figure out why is it that you're miserable and you've got the holy ghost why is it that you don't have the joy that you should have and you got the holy ghost well you got to determine what's is what are your what is your hardest statement what is your destiny what is your destination what is it that makes you get up out of the bed what makes you get up and pray every morning what makes you drive what is your passion what are you after because i'm telling you that if you're after things that are temporary you're going to be miserable and that's why when you get that temporary thing the excitement of it only lasts for a moment and now it's no longer sufficient so you need something else what do you mean that's ungodly but if you really want to gain the bible declares godliness with contentment it's great what do you mean by her i'm telling you that god truly wants to give you dominion god truly wants to give you authority god truly wants to give you power god truly wants to pour out his spirit of the last day the bible makes a statement they that understand among the people shall instruct many and those that know their god shall be strong and do exploit but can i tell you that god doesn't want us powerfully sound but spiritually unstable what do you mean by the hurt i'm telling you that as you grow in the grace of god there's a maturity that should take place in your spirit there should be some things and say you know what i'm not going to give up i'm not going to fight somebody i'm not going to hold this bitterness in my heart why because i know something about god the closer you get to him the more words should be reigning in you the more words should be living in you you can't fight the devil without word but you can't use the word that you won't submit yourself to what made jesus's warfare so effective in the garden was not just he used the scripture but he lived it he used the scriptures that he lived he used the scriptures that he submitted himself to so what are you saying brother hurt i'm saying tonight god says i want you to i want you to i want you to mature i need you to there are times pastor thompson where i have to literally slow myself down you know life can create so many distractions life can the pains and suffering that come with life this world the fears that are in this world is enough to cause anybody to lose their mind so sometimes i have to slow down and say george what are you meditating on what are you doing george what is god saying the bible declares in the last days men's hearts should fail them for fear of things that are to come why they're looking after the bible says man's hearts fell into them for fear of things to come or looking after those things in one text that are to come what do you mean they quit looking for christ and they start looking for bad things in the last days he said when you see these deeds come to pass what did he tell you to do look up for your redemption draw of nine but if all your heart is fixed on temporary things then you'll be looking after fear that's going to disrupt the temporary destinies that you have in your life well i might not be able to go to college or i might not be able to have the career i wanted or i might not be able to get this job or i might not be able to there were so many things that i desired there were so many passions and dreams that i was after can i tell you that if that's all you are you can only fit in one to two categories people that have stored up treasures in heavenly places can care less about what happens with the treasures of this world to lift your hands would you say god help me to shift put your hands down not only does god wants more laborers he wants to save the laborers that he gets he wants to keep them listen can i tell you that revival is not a down payment on your salvation you having revival is not a down payment on you getting to heaven you can't have enough revival to atone for your sin you can't have enough revival to replace a relationship with god you can do a work for god that he not know you so so so what are you saying about her that means that what god is saying i want you to slow down a little bit i want i want you to slow down and i need you to settle a few things in your heart that there are some people it's like this the bible says a man's enemy will be that of his own house that means that if you got problems with family members and all you're gonna do is let your whole world be swamped by god changing these family members that have actually been placed in your family as a tool from hell to distract you if you're gonna let them be a distraction you're gonna miss out on god what god's looking for he's looking for somebody and says you know what lord if they don't want me i still want you if they reject me god i still love you david said with my mother and my father forsake me that the lord will take me up what are you saying brother heard i'm telling you that david said he said i was a stranger i was an alien to my own brothers see that means that somewhere along the line you cannot be focused on being accepted see the thing is if you notice today a lot of the stuff that's going on in this world you know it's all about being accepted they even got you know they'll cancel you somebody was some i saw something the other day they was like somebody they cancel folks so you got to determine whether or not you want to be accepted or whether or not you're willing to be canceled you can cancel me but you can't cancel the rapture you can cancel me but you can't cancel my salvation you can cancel me but you can't cancel my appointment with jesus they tried to cancel jesus and he rose from the grave three days later you can cancel me today and i'll raise up tomorrow why because god has given you power god's given you a message god's giving you something that can literally shake the foundation of this city take the foundation of this region shake the foundation of this country you don't need man man's acceptance in order to be effective you need god's jesus steps into the jordan and the voice speaks from heaven and says this is my son in who i am well pleased can i tell you that when a man's way pleased with the lord he'll make his enemies at peace with him can i tell you you don't have to compromise to get peace from your enemy keep pleasing god keep obeying god keep walking with god keep surrendering what do you mean it's better for me to obey god than it is for me to obey me see everyone is not going where you're going and that has to be settled in your heart listen i believe in people i believe in revival some people call me a revivalist i believe in baptizing folks as many as we can put them we got to take them to the pacific ocean baptize them we got to stay up all night long praying people through to the holy ghost let's do it but the thing is i don't care how much i desire for someone to have something i can't make them get it and i can't make them walk with god but just because i can't make them walk with god doesn't mean i become lukewarm in my walk with god what do you mean you're going to serve them with everything that you've got you're going to pray with everything that you've got you're going to fast with everything that you've got you're going to worship with everything that you've got you're going to preach with everything that you've got then what happens is you come to a place where it's like okay god i understand you've called me out someone asked me a question several weeks ago they said what is the difference between the called and the chosen i said well i said god's called the whole world but the people that handle the call the right way are the ones he chooses the people that hear the everyone that's called but few are chosen not because god just handpicked them it is because those that were chosen were initially called like everyone else but they valued the call more than everyone else that's why you could take someone that may be a drug addict or you could take someone that may be a prostitute i drove around your area today looking for pizza got some and i drove around the block and i said these people these are the kind of people that god fills his house with see there was a master king that threw a party and wanted to invite all of his friends all the people that had something going for themself and they didn't value the call they valued the other things that they had going on see the thing is when we value our day-to-day life more than we value stopping what we're doing to answer the call that at that moment we separate ourselves from the chosen but when we're willing to do whatever it to answer that call then god's acceptance will be upon us and then boom there's the chosen well he tells them to go he they came back and they said master he said some of them said we working we got this going on we got that going on they were too busy they had a life he said go out into the highways and into the hedges and compel all men to come in why that my house may be full being chosen is more valuable than the ones that were called but had other things to attend to what they were attending to was not compared to being chosen and the thing is we live in a world where the powers that be wants to minimize the value of being chosen and because of that and we be in a culture of people where we like to follow after what other people do you know there there was a time where people didn't wear you know everybody was wearing three button suits why because somebody just started wearing it we don't know why they just started wearing it then they said you know i bought me some three button suits by the time it was over with and done they don't switch back the two buttons i didn't get the memo i showed the church one day and they was like you know you got all them buttons buttoned up on your suit call them buttons for ladies you know there was a time where little house on the prairie dresses we're in you know what i'm talking about say what they were in and then they went out about 80 years ago and they stayed out for about 80 years and then one day somebody just decides to resurrect the little house on the prairie dresses where two years before that you would not have been caught dead in that dress like oh you look homely in that dress you look like you get ready to go cook some biscuits on the early saturday morning in that dress but i think about that those dresses that just remind me of breakfast cracker barrel uniform now don't look at hopefully nobody got one of them on somebody probably wore one last sunday but then all of a sudden i come in the house what you doing with that on this is a style who said that was the style back in the days of slavery but the thing was people learn how to like stuff that they didn't like a year before oh baby listen you know good and well you would not have put them dresses on when we first got married would you they say what what's he saying they word out mother mother y'all might have worn back in y'all's day but you ate war one ever since because you're like girl i used to wear that stuff back you know it wouldn't cost us nothing a couple of dollars y'all spending a hundred dollars on the dress but the thing is the way that we function is that the moment society presents something and says this is what you're supposed to do and this is how it's supposed to be and this is how you're supposed to look then all of a sudden we fall right in alignment with that thing can i tell somebody that if we're not careful we'll do that when it comes down to whether or not we answer the call of god or not where does the world determine what is valuable and what is invaluable in order for something to be valuable you've got to compare it to something the most valuable one in this world is god and the most valuable thing in the earth is the shared blood of jesus christ and can i talk to somebody in this house this evening to let you know that you've got to make a decision or whether or not you're going to let this world determine what is valuable to you and what is that valuable to you the thing is this if it's valuable if what god has given you it's a value see the thing is one of these days those dresses are probably gone out of our closet there's gonna be another one in why because the value on it was temporary but the world that we're living in they want to cancel out the value or cancel out how you value the character of god the relationship with god the spirit of god the love of god what's happening is traffic is coming this direction they're they're not wanting this but then there's traffic leading this direction that says i want this but while you're going this direction you're pulling people out of the fire they're heading to judgment they're headed to the fire and they don't even know it but you're snatching people out but you're not allowing the mass crowd to determine your flow or to determine your value what do you say brotherhood i'm going to i'm gonna i'm gonna set my affectional things that are above paul said i forget those things which are behind i look to those things which are before me i press towards the mark of the prize of the high calling that's in jesus christ what's going to happen is that what is hypocritical what is false some of these things are going to begin to phase themselves out and then what's going to happen is you're going to see a people that have always been the bible says hearsays mays be that they that may approve of god may be established god will allow hearsay god will allow false doctrine god will allow false he'll allow all of that wise so that them that are approved of god may be made manifest the earth grows for the manifestation of the sons of god and what the enemy is using is not a little house on a prairie dress but fear is now trending i'm going to say something if we are able to change the way that we dress based off of the trend we've been programmed to embrace the spirit of fear if you embrace trend then you can embrace fear this is where and unless i'm not saying that you got to go back and go where the shelter adidas but what i am saying is this is somewhere along the line you've got to say all right god i see the trick of the enemy and we're not ignorant of his devices i'm getting ready to step back and set my affection see that there comes a point in time where the affection has to be set it's almost like when you're shooting a shooting deer or something you're shooting targets you have to set your scope on it you're not going to hit your target over here one day over here you got you got to set your sight on it there is strong delusion that is coming but there are those that know their god that are going to do exploits in the midst of delusion there's going to be great exploits and this is why god is allowing you to go through the things that you're going through because god is trying to build something in you that what you're trying to build outside of you why because what he's going to build in you he's going to use that as a tool to build through you things and people that shall be established and settled forever in heaven it's almost like god will allow disruption to come to temporary things so that he can set you on sight for eternal things while you are obeying god god is going to also give you the desires of your heart why because your will is not set on what you want but it's set on what god wants it's all about putting god back where he belongs and if we'll do that we're going to see the glory of god anybody want to see us glory i want you god job job he said i look to my left and my right in front of me behind me and i can't find him but job reached a place in his relationship with god that he didn't need to find god to trust god he said he knows the way that i take so have you ever been in a place where you're just trying to gain your bearings you're trying to find out where you're at where's god you know i don't want to you know because everything is so tight everything is so tight everything is so precious everything it's a vulnerable place so i i don't want to move here if god isn't here i don't want to move there if god doesn't but but i'm in a place right now where i can't find god but job said but he knows the way that i take and when he has tried me i shall come forth it's pure gold god's not going to leave you where you're at this is going to pass away and when you come out you're going to come out pure when your desire is no longer when am i coming out but it's where can i find him where can i find you god not looking for the door out but looking for the door to let him in but even if i can't find him i'm gonna trust him and when that happens some of the greatest miracles i've seen god do when i prayed for people wasn't when i felt it but when i didn't feel it it's time to walk out it's time to quit allowing our feelings to be our gps we're going to be committed to what is written more than we're committed to our feelings because the enemy can manipulate your feelings you don't believe me turn to your neighbor tell your neighbor to slap you don't turn your neighbor and slap your neighbor turn your neighbor and ask your neighbor to slap you you and if you do that your feelings are going to get involved she said yes they will like she's about that life but no you but when you're submitted to the spirit david said he that dwelleth in the secret place of the most high shall abide under the shadow of the almighty have you ever have you ever went through something and people expected you to respond a certain type of way and you responded completely different why because god had your heart and your character and your spirit hidden anybody in this room somebody would have done if you would have went through what you went through last year 15 years ago you know good and well it would have been a whole nother story but you found a place in him and that place that you found in him he shielded you he protected you you entrust him with who you are you entrust him with your mind you entrust him with your children you entrust them with your health you entrust them with everything i trust you god the church if you do that the church is the kingdom of god is not we if you're not careful we will assume that we function off defense i'm just getting attacked by the devil that's not what the bible says about itself you know the bible says the kingdom of god suffereth violence and the violence take it by force that means that we're the aggressor that means that somewhere along the line you have to see your position from the offense now i have never beat up a devil i can't reason why is because god makes his angels spirit and their greater what's the scripture say they're greater they're greater in strength they thrive in strength or something something either thriving in strength or they they're greater in strength so therefore you're not going to be able the strength of an angel or devil physically is better than the way that they're made in the way that we're made are different but can i tell you that even though you can't beat a devil up physically doesn't mean you don't have authority over the devil see that's why the enemy wants to get you in your flesh because he knows that you can't defeat him in the flesh but he knows you can defeat him in the spirit the whole reason why he keeps people in the flesh is because if he can keep you in the flesh you won't be sensitive enough to fight in the spirit because the carnal mind is an enemy of god flesh lusteth against the spirit and the spirit lessened against the flesh the moment you try to fight the enemy in the spirit and you've been living in the flesh you're going to be done you're going to be running into problems so what does the enemy do he does that but but when you say god i'm gonna i'm gonna i'm going to i can't fight him in the flesh but when i submit myself to you submitting what to your word to your spirit quit complaining quit murmuring finding the will of god workers of iniquity are basically people that do their own will people that are not workers of iniquity are people that do the will of the father and that's why jesus says he that does the will of my father is the same as my brother a mother a church we submit devils are resistant when you pray angels are present see we work together and what they have what angels are needing is your faithfulness to the word of god angels are needing your fear of god why is there so much fear the scripture makes a statement it says that the angel the lord in the camps around them that fear him reason why the devil wants to fill you with fear is because he wants to relieve you of angels because the angel of the lord encamps around them that fear him what happens to those that don't church we can't fear god and fear anything else at the same time we have to fear god and keep his commandments we do this this the whole duty of man and i believe church we'll be able to ask whatever we will and he'll do it this warfare that we're dealing with some of you have been fighting in your mind some of you've been fighting in your home somebody been your health have been under attack some of you you're finding it's all a distraction the enemy wants to use it as a distraction but god's building something in you and whatever you've lost god can replace i don't care how bad the economy gets if you will focus on being a distributor being the lender and not the borrower the head and not the tail god's going to keep the supply in your chamber what he's looking for is some people that won't run and hide if you hide it's in him hiding in him should have changed your feet oh god to talk to him whatever it is whatever that impossible thing is let it decide i want you i want you you're not far from your miracle but it's in him god wants to give you some depth i'm telling you this next phase of revival that's going to come to your church is going to be far greater than any revival that your church has ever dealt with in the history of this church because of death of what the people are going to have but it's going to be a culture that they're going to step into they're going to step into a culture of people that know their god they're going to step into a culture of people that have prioritized their life people that are not doing things i'm not doing this because i just want something from you i'm doing this because i want you my faithfulness to you is not because of what you're going to give me but my faithfulness is because you're true and you're faithful my submission is not so that i could show you this hand so that i can get what i want and the moment you turn around and give me what i want then i go my own direction but if you don't give me what i want i'll still give you everything that you want come on i'm telling you church god wants there's a depth there's people that this next phase is going to be a people that that are not in it for the fishes and the loaves they're not in it because they they they just want their bills paid or they just no there's next faith there's going to be a people that say i want god but there has to be a culture and there can't be a culture of compromise but there has to be a culture of people that says god whatever you desire whatever you want i want wanted for myself i desire you more than my necessary bread i desire you more than my next meal it's a dear panted after the water brooks so panteth my soul after you is there somebody in this room that's hungry for god i know that we've gone long tonight is there somebody in this room that's hungry for god somebody in this room that says god i'm gonna go the extra mile i know you've been praying and i know you've been fasting but are you fasting for a move from god are you fastened because you want more of god because if you get more of god you'll have a move but you can have a move and not have more of him come on there's a deeper place that god wants to take us to there's a higher place that god wants to take us to there's a higher place in him that he is calling us to and this is the season this is the time to everything there is a season in the time for every purpose under the heaven there's a purpose that he is there's a purpose that he has planned for this season and time in your life and we don't have the right to determine that purpose he does so that means that sometimes his purpose is going to be far greater than what we desire why because he says i know the thoughts that i think towards you thoughts of good not of evil to give you an expected and he said my ways are not your ways your thoughts are not my thoughts he said my ways and my thoughts are much higher than yours so you can rest assured that your expectation will not always be as great as god's expectation of yourself and of him and tonight what god wants to do is god wants to reveal some expectation to you right now to lift your heart towards heaven god whatever you want to do many are called fewer chosen what separates the chosen from those that are just called are those that handle the call the right way i don't know where you're at right now in your walk with god i don't know where you're at right now with your world i don't know where you're at right now and your dreams and your your your to-do list i don't know where you're at right now but what is god calling you to right now because this is what separates the chosen from the called all are called many are called few are chosen what decisions is he telling you to make the people that were chosen they had to be willing to forget some things they had to be willing to lay some other things on the table they'll have a willingness to lay some other things aside what do you mean the lord sent someone and it disrupted their day does god have the right to disrupt your day can god come in and say well i had plans or we had plans and god says i understand what plans you've got but i know the plans that i have for you when do we come to a place where we determine whether or not we're going to make god fulfill our plans or we're going to fulfill god's plans i'm talking about a commitment i'm talking about a commitment because listen just because you get baptized in jesus name and filled with the holy ghost that's not it you've got to answer the call you've got to answer the call do you send god to voicemail do you say well i've got some other pressing things going on when god calls you always answer when god calls you always show up when god calls you always surrender when god calls he has taken you to a greater level people that say greater levels take you different devils different levels different devils different devils bring different levels sometimes we think we get promoted to a different devil no you get promoted based upon how you handle the previous devil devils are used and adversaries are used adversity in your life as used is a tool of promotion before there is any type of breakthrough there's usually something that comes in your life some kind of breakdown some type of adversity that comes into your world but when you say god i'm gonna trust you who is this uncircumcised philistine come on i'm talking about a called group of people i'm talking about a chosen people why because because if you can answer the call if you can submit yourself to the call when you can submit yourself to the call when it's time to pray when it's time to fast but it's not just that when it's time to act when it's time to preach when it is time to testify when it is time to lay hands on the sick when it is time to minister to the people in your neighborhood see see the thing is we know how to answer the call the prayer but can you answer the call to discipleship can you answer the call to evangelism can you answer the call don't talk to me about what you're fearful of because listen that's not going to be the excuse the only excuse that god was taken when it came down the people that called but were the only excuses that he received from the people were those that said i'm coming listen whatever it takes i'm going to do it i don't care i'm not going to delay i'm going to do it i might be uncomfortable but i'm going to do it i might be an introvert but i'm going to do it i might battle with fear but i'm going to do it i might not have ever done it before but i'm going to do it i am never going to turn god away because i've got other things going on you're going to understand that god is not in submission to you since when do you tell god where your plan since when do you tell god what you want to do you he's god not your god he's god god's the one that tells us what he wants to do and we're his servants we're his sons what do you mean because god is never going to make you do anything he's never going to require something out of you that he has not equipped you for he's never going to do make you do anything that he's not going to empower you to do he will never require you to do anything for him that he's not in the middle of come on god some of you are gonna step outside of your comfort zones you're gonna you're gonna you're gonna see god do exploits in your life the bible says them that know their god shall be strong and do exploits the bible says you're my friend if you do whatever i tell you to do if you're gonna know god it's gonna be through your obedience the way to exploit is not just great impartation but the way to exploits is through great obedience the disciples didn't just lay hands on each other and impart they obeyed and they cast out devils what do you mean that means that if you want to be used in casting out devils you you go out there and you confront the devil when the devil comes to you you don't send them to somebody else you don't send the person in the wheelchair there's somebody else you confront that thing and if it doesn't happen after you've confronted then take that person to somebody else that knows how to confront it but i'm telling you there's an aggression and there's a quick work that god is going to do through you all there's a quick work that god's going to do through this church but we can't we can't hide behind the preacher you want to hide hide in the secret place in this pavilion in this tabernacle height there if you hide there you can be confident let's worship the lord come on i'm telling you there's a major stretch what he's looking for i thank you lord come on that's it in the name of jesus now the music is getting ready to come here in a second but do not let the music be a replacement don't don't let the music don't don't don't don't sell god on an expression on an empty expression and what i mean by that sometimes we can we can cry we can worship and we can do all those things but yet not be willing to do what he's telling us to do jesus was in the garden of gethsemane and there was a cup that he needed to drink and the bible declares that he began to pray with fervency until blood came out of the pores of his skin sometimes doing the will of god isn't always easy as a matter of fact it's not easy when your flesh is screaming loud don't do it sometimes make it making the commitment sometimes saying all right god i'm going to do this thing it requires a death there's an agony that takes place sometimes when that happens when was the last time you agonized over the will of god when was the last time you agonized against your own discomfort when was the last time not agonized because i wanted god to do something but agonize because you knew that god was telling you to do something and you're not going to walk away without doing what he told you to do why because you love that's who i'm talking to in this house tonight not talking to nobody praise the lord they just want to just kind of just wave your hand in the air or just kind of cry and worship god because that's how you go ahead and get the preacher on off the floor so we can go to the house can i tell you that jesus didn't bring us here so that you can come to the house jesus brought us here so that we can go to the house and he has prepared but you're going to understand that you're not going to enter into that house if you're not chosen you have to answer the call of god from the youngest to the oldest from the poor to the rich from the wealthy to the unwealthy you've gotta answer that's it i've seen it where people said preacher i'm getting ready to i've seen it where young people say i'm i i was supposed to be uh starting varsity this year but but but god dealt with me and there's some things that god's calling me to and what god's calling me to is is it it cannot accommodate my dreams it cannot accommodate are you willing to sacrifice your dreams for the will of god come on are you willing to sacrifice your dreams are you willing to sacrifice your passion are you willing to sacrifice your ambition i'm talking to the right people i'm in the right church come on that's what god's looking for he's looking for somebody that says god i'm tired of hiding i'm not going to hide behind the visage of just being able to have church come on after you've had church can god have you after you've had good church can god have you after you've had good church can god have a hold of you does god have the liberty to do with you whatsoever way he will like you have the liberty to come in and out of his presence and do whatever you will come on that's what he's looking for he's looking for some people it says god i'm going to that next level i'm going there and not just going to the next level i'm going to knock on doors i'm going to go to the person i'm going to go to random people that i don't even know i'm going to minister to them come on in the name of jesus i'm talking about a boldness come on you got to get bold church you got to determine that you're not going to follow the trend of lukewarmism you're not going to follow the trend of fear you're not going to follow the trend of a lack of commitment you're not going to follow the trend of letting the staff do the job that god's called the body the deceit when the body don't want to do the job we've got to pay a staff to carry what the body was supposed to do for itself can i talk to somebody in this house it's time for you to answer the call of god you don't answer the call of god just because you came down and you got baptized that's where it begins but that's not where it ends come come on i feel that i feel the lord in this house come on i feel the lord in this house i know that there are many of you in this house you've got needs but can i tell you the needs that you have they're in this house but they're going to come to flourishing when people are willing to leave outside of this house and go into somebody else's house and if you're willing to release to somebody else of everything that you need god will turn and turn around and will give you that same thing that you release in a greater multitude what do you mean we don't mind giving to a prophet you got to understand the bible declares that there was a woman that had the widow the widow woman that had the son she was getting ready to eat her food and die but the prophet showed up and the prophet said give me something to eat first the woman turned around and gave food to the prophet gave everything that she had to the prophet and the prophet then prophesied over what she had and by the time it was over with there was always enough meal in that bell on that barrel to feed her and her son they made it through the famine listen we've learned how to serve up for years but we've never learned how to serve down like we serve up come on some of us would give the prophet our last dollar but are you willing to give the homeless person your last dollar are you willing to go to the street corner aren't you willing to go to the neighborhood and say you know what i'm getting ready to make an investment in you i'm getting ready to pour out everything i've got and can i tell you that when you minister healing to somebody else then god turns around and brings healing to you either you can be the woman looking for somebody to come and give you a blessing or you can be a person that will stumble across a blessing by giving a blessing by being a blessing to somebody else and by the time it's over with it done god turns around and because you met somebody else's need he turns around and he meets your need it is more blessed to give than it is to receive miracles are going to fill this house i'm telling you miracles are going to fill this house i don't care what society is doing i don't care what i don't care what kind of shortage is going on in this world i don't care what type of economic collapse is going on i don't care what type of death rate is going up in this world can i tell you in this house god's going to set an open heaven over this house and miracles are going to flow through this house they're going to be a people that are going to be about their father's business you're going to do exploits you're going to know the god and you're going to do exploits you're going to instruct many people you're going to see great revival you're going to see the lame healed you're going to see sick bodies get up [Applause] no let me repeat let me say it over that you're going to see it you're going to do it you're going to do it you're going to go out on the corner and you're going to preach and people are going to get saved people are going to get healed you you're going to go out on the corner you're going to preach people are going to get saved and people are going to be healed you're going to go out there on the corner you're going to lay hands on people and they're going to get the holy ghost come on you need quit talking about what we're going to see and let's talk about what we're going to do come on what do you want to see god do healing i want you to say i'm going say i'm going in the name of jesus to heal the sick that's how you're going to do it church i promise you that if you went now this is how much i feel it if you went now you would even see it before your eyes you don't even have to know the people to be effective because soon as you said it it was like i it was like i seen you going out and it was like i saw not only the lord go with you but i saw angels go with you why because you're going to go in faith you're going to go see the thing is you get to a point where you get tired of being sick and tired or you say you know what i've outgrown this place there's got to be something more can i tell you that there are people that are going to respond to you in a way of gratitude that you probably would not even get in here not that this isn't a good place but the hand of god is on youtube and i'm telling you you don't have to wait for god to bring it in here to see it out there you can see it out there and if you see it out there gotta bring that thing on the inside of here i'm talking to somebody that will say you know what brother hurt i want to see a move of god we're going to have a move of god you're going to understand you want to take dominion and authority you want to take dominion and authority you don't take it by sitting in here you take it by going out there jesus said if i by the finger of god cast out one devil know that the kingdom of god has come under you can i tell you that the kingdom comes when you demonstrate the kingdom comes when you operate the kingdom comes when there is a manifestation of the power of god jesus said i pray he said thy kingdom come thy will be done he prayed for it but he had to do it he prayed for the kingdom to come but he had to come with the finger of god for forth to come so how can the kingdom come lord put me in a place where the kingdom can be demonstrated if i am on the let's say i'm on the east side of this is hartford east side of hartford let's say i'm on the east side and i cast out one devil in this little apartment complex if i cast out a devil in that apartment complex the kingdom of god has been stationed in that area not only has it come to that area but there is a dominion that comes that means that there are angels that are there there is a government that is there it's like an embassy being placed in the middle of corruption every time you have apostolic demonstration anywhere in a church building or anywhere in the home or anywhere in the city there is an apostolic covering there is an embassy that is placed right there in that area can i tell you that god wants to get the embassy out of the buildings and get the embassies in the streets get the embassies in the community get the embassies in the apartment complex you've got to get the embassy out of this building you can tell that the kingdom of god has come here you can fill it if a witch comes in you ever been so and the witch shows up people like man i feel witchcraft here and we become frustrated and we start praying and all that stuff because it can clog up stuff how about the kingdom of god show up to their areas and cast outs just start to start casting out devils or pray for the sick and they recover right there pray someone through to the holy ghost don't listen i don't believe in taking everybody to the church to get the move of god you know my mama used to say if you cut up were you cut at that that's where you gonna get it at if that's where the devil wants to cut up at cast them out right where he cuts up at come on somebody cast that devil out right where he manifests that no point of coming to my house do it right there where he manifests that and if you will cast him out right where he's manifesting that then that means that at that moment there's it's like an embassy that is placed right there and that makes it easier and it begins to mess up their airways you want to change sides of town quit calling the police and get out there and start having revival [Applause] you want the crack house to shut down go start praying some people through to the holy ghost start saying uh sir could you come here real quick we want to pray for you and when that man begins to start shaking and his arms start trembling a little bit you go ahead and cast a devil out of them and pray them through to the holy ghost god is with you come on somebody you got to get up and act like god's with you turn to somebody and say god's with us come on you got to square your shoulders back and say the lord is with us the lord is in us if god be before us he's more than anything against us greater is he that is in you i really have some revival i'm telling you your area is so wide open you say well brother hurt i don't i don't have a lot i don't have a lot of skill that don't matter you'll need skill you need commitment jesus took fishermen three of his partners peter james and john were fishing they were fishing buddies and those was his that was his crew those were the guys he took to the mount of olives at the mountain of transfiguration of transfiguration he doesn't need your resume all he's looking for is somebody that will go and if you'll go anybody willing to go anybody willing to do some outreach i i'm talking about aggressive i'm talking about like like this is our street am i in the catholic church am i in the catholic church huh what kind of church is this come on you got to get some boldness you got to get some tenacity [Applause] you don't know the neighborhood well the neighborhood don't know your god the neighborhood don't know your god see if you know your god you can be strong and you can do exploits but if you know more about your neighborhood then you know about god you can't do nothing but if you know something about god god needs somebody that knows more about him than what they know about what's going on on facebook instagram twitter what's going on in the white house what's going on in the neighborhood what's going on in god's house go ahead [Music] cause we're gonna be here all night lift your hands you can keep playing [Music] whatever it takes going to have fun we're going to tear the devil's kingdom up just worship god right now if you've got any sin in your life repent of it any equipment that you need god's going to do it all he's looking for are some people that will show up to work in jesus name whatever it takes god whatever you want me to do i'll do it hallelujah let's just worship him a little bit [Music] [Music] i worship you god come on that's in the name of jesus he says sanctify the people this day for tomorrow they will do exploits hallelujah i feel the holy ghost in this house [Music] hallelujah [Music] come on you're not in this just for the shallowness you're not in this for the thrill and that's what separates the boys from the men your commitment comes with depth you're in it for something much greater than what's on the surface you're in it for something much greater than the thrill you're in it for his will i want your will to be done come on that's into the name of jesus worship them all over this house go ahead worship him all over this house [Music] in jesus [Music] i give name away i give myself away so you [Music] i give myself away [Music] i give myself away so you can't use me i give myself away i give myself away so you can't use me here i am is me i give myself away i give myself away so you can use give myself away so you can't use me take my heart all my dreams i give myself away i give myself away so you can't use me i give myself away oh i give myself away so you can use me i give myself away i give myself away so you can't use me i give myself away oh to you lord i give myself away so you can use me my life is not my own to you i belong i give myself i give myself to you my life [Music] i give is to you my life is [Music] my life is i give myself away only to you lord i give myself away so you can use me i give myself away i give myself away
Channel: The Pentecostals Of Greater Hartford
Views: 87
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: bwC2NZpJ4fM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 152min 27sec (9147 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 21 2021
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